.TH mars-status 8 "April 10, 2012" "" "Mars Admin" .SH NAME mars-status \- program to display status information from mars .SH SYNOPSIS .B "mars-status \-? \-h \-help" .br .B "mars-status \-v \-\-version " .br .B "mars-status [--resource ] [--interval ] [--long [--history] [--debug]]" .br .br (See the OPTIONS section for alternate option syntax with long option names.) .SH DESCRIPTION This manual page explains the .B mars-status program. This program is used to display information from the Mars clusters, whose resources and the logfiles with its versions. .SH OPTIONS .SS "Generic Program Information" .TP .B \-h ", " \-\^\-help Print a usage message briefly summarizing these command-line options and the bug-reporting address, then exit. .TP .BR \-V ", " \-\^\-version Print the version number of .B marsadm This version number should be included in all bug reports (see below). .SS "Display Options" .TP .BR without " " options .B mars-status display short summary of all informations of all resources on Cluster. .TP .BR resource " " RESNAME Limits the display to the specified resource. .TP .BR interval " " seconds Refreshes the display every second xxx. .TP .BR long Displays more detailed information. .TP .BR long " " history Shows information about the log files, version numbers and their status. .TP .BR debug Additional display error messages and warnings to internal. .TP .BR monitor Indicator to use for monitoring (not available). .SH NOTES Advanced information are also available here: http://http://wiki.intranet.1and1.com/bin/view/PO/ProjektTEC1603. .SH BUGS Problems and errors in the program are not known ;)