#!/bin/bash function get_option_help { local verbose=$1 ./marsadm --verbose=$verbose --help |\ awk '/^/ { x=0; }; { if(x) print $0; }; /^/ { x=1; };' |\ sed 's/\(--[-a-z_]\+\)/\\fB\1\\fR/' } function get_cmd_help { local verbose=$1 ./marsadm --verbose=$verbose --help |\ awk '/^/ { x=0; }; { if(x) print $0; }; /^/ { x=1; };' |\ sed 's/\(^ *[-a-z_]\+$\)/\\fB\1\\fR/' } ( cat <} [ | all | {arg}] .br .B marsadm {} view[-] [ | all] .br .SH DESCRIPTION MARS is a kernel-level asynchronous replication system for block devices. It is tailored for long-distance replication and through network bottlenecks. By default, it works asynchronously (in contrast to DRBD). .br More infomation on concepts and differences to DRDB can be found at https://github.com/schoebel/mars/blob/master/docu/MARS_LinuxTag2014.pdf?raw=true .SH OPTIONS EOF get_option_help 0 cat </\\fR/g' |\ sed 's/-/\\-/g' |\ tee marsadm.8