add : - same fixes

- check logfiles
	- option monitor
	- handling error/warning
This commit is contained in:
jmann 2012-06-08 11:16:55 +02:00 committed by Thomas Schoebel-Theuer
parent b0cdd13ce5
commit efdd3d1306
1 changed files with 189 additions and 112 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# (c) 2012 Joerg Mann / 1&1 Internet AG
# $Id: 89bfc1b46c3f5907b173cb59379663c9b9f06049 $
# $Id: da08f9916a78493db1b6651199bf3ea940a2e5af $
# last update at Tue Apr 10 17:20:32 CEST 2012 by
@ -18,21 +18,25 @@ use Getopt::Long;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Date::Language;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use File::Basename;
### defaults
my $version = "0.067v";
my $version = "0.067w";
my $alife_timeout = "99"; # sec
my $is_tty = 0;
my $mars_dir = '/mars';
my $himself = `uname -n` or die "cannot determine my network node name\n";
my $clearscreen = `clear`;
my $StatusCode = 'OK';
my $StatusLine = '';
my @StatusLines = ();
chomp $himself;
### ARGV
# Optionen in Hash-Ref parsen
my $params = {};
GetOptions( $params, 'help', 'h', 'version', 'v', 'monitor', 'm', 'resource=s', 'interval=i', 'long', 'history', 'debug' );
GetOptions( $params, 'help', 'h', 'version', 'v', 'monitor', 'resource=s', 'interval=i', 'long', 'history', 'debug' );
if($params->{help} || $params->{h}) {
print "Usage: mars-status [--help]\n";
@ -84,16 +88,45 @@ sub check_link {
sub print_screen {
my $text = shift;
my $color = shift;
print color "$color" if ( $is_tty );
print "$text";
print color 'reset' if ( $is_tty );
if (!$color) {$color = 'black';}
if ( $params->{'monitor'} ) {
chomp $text;
my $Monitor = $text;
$Monitor =~ s/.*---> TODO:.*/ERROR/;
$Monitor =~ s/.*---> HINT:.*/WARNING/;
$Monitor =~ s/.*---> WORK:.*/OK/;
$text =~ s/ = \(.*//g;
$text =~ s/[\n\t]//g;
chomp $Monitor;
if ( $Monitor eq '') {
} elsif (( $Monitor eq 'ERROR' ) && ( $color eq 'red' )) {
$StatusCode = 'ERROR';
$text =~ s/.*TODO: //;
push @StatusLines, $Monitor.$text;
} elsif (( $Monitor eq 'WARNING' ) || ( $Monitor eq 'ERROR' )) {
if ( $StatusCode ne 'ERROR') { $StatusCode = 'WARNING'; }
$text =~ s/.*(HINT|TODO): //;
push @StatusLines, $Monitor.$text;
} elsif ( $Monitor eq 'OK' ) {
if (( $StatusCode ne 'ERROR') && ( $StatusCode ne 'WARNING' )) { $StatusCode = 'OK'; }
$text =~ s/.*WORK: //;
push @StatusLines, $Monitor.$text;
} else {
print color "$color" if ( $is_tty );
print "$text";
print color 'reset' if ( $is_tty );
### read links
sub convert_link {
my $link = shift;
$link = check_link "$link";
if ( ( !$link ) || ( $link eq 0 ) ) {
if (( !$link ) || ( $link eq 0 )) {
print_screen "off", 'red';
} else {
print_screen "on", 'green';
@ -104,13 +137,13 @@ sub convert_link {
### sub display resource-partner
sub display_partner {
my %p = @_;
my %p = @_;
my $PRes = $p{ressource};
my $PName = $p{nodename};
my $PSize = $p{ressource_size};
my $ref_ResPartner = $p{res_partner};
my $ref_ResInReplay = $p{res_inreplay};
my $ref_ResInSync = $p{res_insync};
my $ref_ResPartner = $p{res_partner};
my $ref_ResInReplay = $p{res_inreplay};
my $ref_ResInSync = $p{res_insync};
my $ref_AULogfile = $p{res_AULogfile};
my $PStatus = check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/primary";
@ -145,13 +178,12 @@ sub display_partner {
if ( $params->{'long'} ) {
print "\tDevice : ".check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/data-$PName";
print ", used as $PDevice";
print_screen "\tDevice : ".check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/data-$PName";
print_screen ", used as $PDevice";
# check mountpint
if ( $himself eq $PName ) {
my $PUDevice = "/dev/mars/$PDevice";
#print " and ";
if ( stat( $PUDevice) ) {
open my $fh, '<', '/proc/mounts' or die $!;
$PUDevice = ( grep { /^$PUDevice / } <$fh> )[0];
@ -162,10 +194,10 @@ sub display_partner {
print_screen "\n\t\t---> TODO: enable to mount\n",'green';
} else {
print_screen "\n\t\t---> HINT: unable to mount, Device is Secondary or mars is starting ...\n",'blue';
print_screen "\n\t\t---> HINT: unable to mount, Device is Secondary or mars is starting\n",'blue';
} else {
print "\n";
print_screen "\n";
@ -180,12 +212,12 @@ sub display_partner {
if ( !$PLogFile[1] ) { $PLogFile[1] = 0; $PLogFile[2] = 0; }
if (( !$PLogSize ) || ( $PLogSize eq 0 )) { $PLogSize = 0.0001; }
if ( $params->{'long'} ) {
printf "\tLogfile : %s with %s bytes (%.3fGB) received\n", $PLogName, $PLogSize, ( $PLogSize/1024/1024/1024 );
print_screen (sprintf "\tLogfile : %s with %s bytes (%.3fGB) received\n", $PLogName, $PLogSize, ( $PLogSize/1024/1024/1024 ));
if ( $Ljoined eq "0" || $PLogSize eq "0.0001" ) {
print_screen "\t\t---> TODO: Logfile inactive or empty (Size: $PLogSize)\n", 'red';
print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Logfile inactive or empty = (Size: $PLogSize)\n", 'red';
if ( ( $ref_AULogfile ) && !($PLogName eq $ref_AULogfile) ) {
print_screen "\t\t---> TODO: Logfile Version not actual = ($PLogName ! $ref_AULogfile)\n", 'red';
print_screen "\t\t---> HINT: Logfile Version not actual = ($PLogName ! $ref_AULogfile)\n", 'red';
@ -193,15 +225,16 @@ sub display_partner {
### replay
my $RStatus = sprintf("%.2f", ( $PLogFile[1] / $PLogSize * 100));
if ( $Ljoined eq "0" || $PLogSize eq "1" ) { $RStatus = 0; }
$$ref_ResInReplay = $RStatus;
if ( $params->{'long'} ) {
printf "\tReplayed: %s bytes (%.3fGB) replayed, Todo %d (%.3fGB) = ",
print_screen sprintf ("\tReplayed: %s bytes (%.3fGB) replayed, Todo %d (%.3fGB) = ",
$PLogFile[1], ( $PLogFile[1]/1024/1024/1024 ),
$PLogFile[2], ( $PLogFile[2]/1024/1024/1024 );
$PLogFile[2], ( $PLogFile[2]/1024/1024/1024 ));
if (( $RStatus < 1 ) && ( $PLogSize != 0.0001 )) {
print_screen "$RStatus%\n\t\t---> TODO: Replay not started, Logfile inactive or empty (Size: $PLogSize)\n", 'red';
print_screen "$RStatus%\n";
print_screen "\t\t---> HINT: Replay not started, Logfile inactive or empty = (Size: $PLogSize)\n", 'red';
} elsif (( $RStatus < 100 ) && ( $PLogSize != 0.0001 )) {
print_screen "$RStatus%\n\t\t---> WORK: Replay in progress = ($RStatus% < 100.00%)\n", 'red';
print_screen "$RStatus%\n";
print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Replay in progress = ($RStatus% < 100.00%)\n", 'red';
} elsif ( $PLogFile[2] > 0 ) {
$RStatus = sprintf("%.2f", ($PLogFile[1]-$PLogFile[2])/$PLogFile[1] * 100);
print_screen "$RStatus%\n", 'red';
@ -212,40 +245,48 @@ sub display_partner {
print_screen "$RStatus%\n", 'green';
$$ref_ResInReplay = $RStatus;
### sync
my $PSyncsize = check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/syncstatus-$PName";
my $SStatus = sprintf("%.2f", ($PSyncsize / $PSize * 100));
$$ref_ResInSync = $SStatus;
if ( $params->{'long'} ) {
printf "\tSync : %s bytes (%.3fTB) synced = ", $PSyncsize, ( $PSyncsize/1024/1024/1024/1024);
print_screen (sprintf "\tSync : %s bytes (%.3fTB) synced = ", $PSyncsize, ( $PSyncsize/1024/1024/1024/1024));
if ( $SStatus < 100) {
print_screen "$SStatus%\n\t\t---> WORK: Sync in progress = ($SStatus% < 100.00%)\n", 'red';
print_screen "$SStatus%\n";
print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Sync in progress = ($SStatus% < 100.00%)\n", 'red';
} else {
print_screen "$SStatus%\n", 'green';
$$ref_ResInSync = $SStatus;
if ( $params->{'long'} ) {
### actual
my $ActStatus = check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/is-primary";
if ( $ActStatus eq 1 ) {
print "\tActual : Status Primary, used Device="; convert_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/device-$PDevice";
print "\n";
print_screen "\tActual : Status Primary, used Device=";
convert_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/device-$PDevice";
print_screen "\n";
} else {
print "\tActual : Status Secondary, Syncstatus="; convert_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/copy-syncstatus-$PName";
print ", Logfileupdate="; convert_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/logfile-update";
print "\n";
print_screen "\tActual : Status Secondary, Syncstatus=";
convert_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/copy-syncstatus-$PName";
print_screen ", Logfileupdate=";
convert_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/actual-$PName/logfile-update";
print_screen "\n";
### switch
print "\tSwitch : Attach="; convert_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/todo-$PName/attach";
print ", Connect="; convert_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/todo-$PName/connect";
print ", Sync="; convert_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/todo-$PName/sync";
print ", AllowReplay="; convert_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/todo-$PName/allow-replay";
print "\n";
print_screen "\tSwitch : Attach=";
convert_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/todo-$PName/attach";
print_screen ", Connect=";
convert_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/todo-$PName/connect";
print_screen ", Sync=";
convert_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/todo-$PName/sync";
print_screen ", AllowReplay=";
convert_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/todo-$PName/allow-replay";
print_screen "\n";
return $PLogName;
@ -258,38 +299,37 @@ sub check_logfile {
my $LPartner = shift;
my $oldEqual = 0;
my $LogCount = 0;
my $LogFailed = 0;
my $LogCountSum = 0;
my $LogCountNow = 1;
my $LogFailed = 0;
print_screen " -> History Replay/Status\n",'blue';
my @logfile = <$mars_dir/$LResource/log*>;
### mal fix zaehlen ...
foreach (@logfile) {
foreach my $logfile (@logfile) {
my $LVersion = $logfile;
$LVersion =~ s/^.*log-([0-9]+)-.*$/$1/;
my $LogStatus = check_link "$logfile";
my $allEqual = 1;
if ( $LogStatus eq 0 ) {
# # info to old logfiles (old loop) ...
# if (( $oldEqual eq 1 ) && ( $LogFailed eq 0 )) {
# print_screen "\t\t---> TODO: logfiles has all equal Sizes and Checksums, can be deleted?\n",'green';
# # TODO delete Links
# } elsif (( $oldEqual eq 1 ) && ( $LogFailed ne 0 )) {
# print_screen "\t\t---> TODO: logfiles has same other errors - Please check History of Logfiles\n",'blue';
# }
# found logfile
### found logfile
my $OldCheck;
my $OldSize;
my $LogSize = -s "$logfile";
print "\tLogfile Version: $LVersion - Size: $LogSize\n";
print_screen "\tLogfile Version: $LVersion - Size: $LogSize\n";
# check other ...
### check other ...
my @LVersion = <$mars_dir/$LResource/version-$LVersion*>;
foreach my $LVersion (@LVersion) {
my @LogDetail = split (',', check_link "$LVersion" );
my $LogServer = $LVersion;
$LogServer =~ s/.*[0-9]-//;
print "\t\tSource: $LogServer, Check: $LogDetail[0], ReplayPosition: $LogDetail[2], Todo: $LogDetail[3] blocks\n";
print_screen "\t\tSource: $LogServer, Check: $LogDetail[0], ReplayPosition: $LogDetail[2], Todo: $LogDetail[3] blocks\n";
# Initial Values
if ( !defined $OldCheck ) {
# new
@ -300,10 +340,9 @@ sub check_logfile {
# not same
$allEqual = 0;
if ( !($LogDetail[0] eq $OldCheck) && ($LogDetail[2] eq $OldSize) ) {
print_screen "\t\t---> TODO: check logfiles has not equal Checksums and same size !!!\n",'red';
print_screen "\t\t---> TODO: Logfiles has not equal Checksums and same size !!!\n",'red';
$LogFailed = 1;
} elsif ( $LogFailed eq 0 ) {
print_screen "\t\t---> TODO: check logfiles has not equal Checksums and different size ???\n",'red';
$LogFailed = 1;
} else {
@ -313,7 +352,7 @@ sub check_logfile {
# check bad values
if ( $LogDetail[3] < 0 ) {
print_screen "\t\t---> TODO: Found bad values ($LogDetail[3])it's ok ???\n", 'red';
print_screen "\t\t---> TODO: Found bad values = ($LogDetail[3])it's ok ???\n", 'red';
$LogFailed = 1;
} # end foreach
@ -323,26 +362,43 @@ sub check_logfile {
} else {
$oldEqual = 0;
# check Count Logfiles
### check Count Logfiles
if ( !($LogCount eq $LPartner) ) {
print_screen "\t\t---> TODO: Count of Logfiles different (have:$LPartner found:$LogCount)\n", 'red';
print_screen "\t\t---> TODO: Count of Logfiles different = (have:$LPartner found:$LogCount)\n", 'red';
$LogFailed = 1;
$oldEqual = 0;
if (( $oldEqual eq 1 ) && ( $LogFailed eq 0 )) {
print_screen "\t\t*---> TODO: logfiles has all equal Sizes and Checksums, can be deleted?\n",'green';
# TODO check aktuell logfile
# TODO delete links !
} elsif ( $LogFailed eq 1 ) {
print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Logfiles has not equal Checksums and different size\n", 'red';
} elsif (( $LogCountSum eq $LogCountNow ) && ( $LogFailed eq 0 )) {
print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: logfiles are actual and unused.\n",'green';
} elsif (( $oldEqual eq 1 ) && ( $LogFailed eq 0 ) && ( $OldSize eq 0 )) {
print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Logfiles are actual and unused.\n",'green';
} elsif (( $oldEqual eq 1 ) && ( $LogFailed eq 0 )) {
print_screen "\t\t---> WORK: Logfiles has all equal Sizes and Checksums, can be deleted?\n",'green';
} elsif (( $oldEqual eq 1 ) && ( $LogFailed ne 0 )) {
print_screen "\t\t*---> TODO: logfiles has same other errors - Please check History of Logfiles\n",'red';
print_screen "\t\t---> TODO: Logfiles has same other errors - Please check History of Logfiles\n",'red';
### check delete infos
$logfile =~ m|/log-(.*)$|;
my $DelLogfile = "log-$1";
my @DeleteFiles = <$mars_dir/todo-global/delete-*>;
foreach my $DeleteFiles (@DeleteFiles) {
$DeleteFiles = basename (readlink $DeleteFiles);
if ( $DeleteFiles eq $DelLogfile ) {
print_screen "\t\t---> HINT: LogFile ist marked for delete ($DeleteFiles).\n",'green';
} # end logstatus
} # end foreach
### avg_limit
sub check_avg_limit {
@ -376,10 +432,10 @@ sub check_disk_is_full {
if ( $diskfull_space < 1 ) {
$diskfull_space = sprintf ("%.2f", $diskfull_space / 1024 );
if ( $diskfull_system eq $himself ) {
print_screen "\n\t-> ERROR ! Local Partition $mars_dir full ($diskfull_space kb Limit) !!! mars is stopping !!!\n\n", "red";
print_screen "\n\t-> TODO ! Local Partition $mars_dir full ($diskfull_space kb Limit) !!! mars is stopping !!!\n\n", "red";
$diskfull_mars = "$diskfull_mars,$diskfull_system";
} else {
print_screen "\n\t-> WARNING ! Remotesystem $diskfull_system have mars-disk full ($diskfull_space kb Limit) !!!\n\n", "red";
print_screen "\n\t-> TODO ! Remotesystem $diskfull_system have mars-disk full ($diskfull_space kb Limit) !!!\n\n", "red";
$diskfull_mars = "$diskfull_mars,$diskfull_system";
@ -406,7 +462,7 @@ sub check_mars_warn {
$mars_warn = "$mars_warn\t$_";
close MARS_WARN;
if ( $mars_warn ne "" ) { print_screen "-> MARS WARNINGS:\n", 'red'; print "$mars_warn" }
if ( $mars_warn ne "" ) { print_screen "-> MARS WARNINGS:\n", 'red'; print_screen "$mars_warn" }
@ -425,7 +481,7 @@ sub check_mars_error {
$mars_error = "$mars_error\t$_";
if ( $mars_error ne "" ) { print_screen "-> MARS ERRORS:\n", 'red'; print "$mars_error" }
if ( $mars_error ne "" ) { print_screen "-> MARS ERRORS:\n", 'red'; print_screen "$mars_error" }
@ -456,7 +512,7 @@ sub info_version {
### status
print_screen "MARS Status - $himself, $version",'blue';
if ( $params->{'resource'} ) { print_screen ", Ressource: $params->{'resource'}",'blue'; }
print "\n";
print_screen "\n";
### marsadm
my $MAVersion = qx"marsadm version";
@ -472,7 +528,7 @@ sub info_version {
$KVersion = ( split / /, $KVersion )[2];
print_screen "MARS Kernel - $KVersion\n",'blue';
print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
print_screen "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
@ -481,8 +537,8 @@ sub check_ressource {
opendir my $dirhandle, $mars_dir or die "Cannot open $mars_dir: $!";
my @resources = grep { /^res/ && -d "$mars_dir/$_" } readdir $dirhandle;
if ( !@resources ) {
print_screen "---> no resources found\n", 'red';
print_screen "---> HINT: no resources found\n", 'red';
foreach my $res (@resources) {
@ -505,20 +561,18 @@ sub check_ressource {
my $res_tbsize = ( $res_size) / 1024 / 1024 /1024 / 1024;
my $res_master = check_link "$mars_dir/$res/primary";
if ( $res_master eq 0 ) { $res_master = "unknown" };
print color 'bold' if ( $is_tty );
printf "-> check resource %s, with %d bytes (%.3fTB), Primary Node is %s\n", $res_name, $res_size, $res_tbsize, $res_master;
print color 'reset' if ( $is_tty );
print_screen sprintf("-> check resource %s, with %d bytes (%.3fTB), Primary Node is %s\n", $res_name, $res_size, $res_tbsize, $res_master), 'bold';
### him self
print_screen " -> local node ($himself) ",'bold';
my $ActualUsedLogfile = display_partner(
ressource => $res,
nodename => $himself,
ressource => $res,
nodename => $himself,
ressource_size => $res_size,
res_partner => \$ResPartner,
res_inreplay => \$ResInReplay,
res_insync => \$ResInSync,
res_AULogfile => "",
res_partner => \$ResPartner,
res_inreplay => \$ResInReplay,
res_insync => \$ResInSync,
res_AULogfile => "",
if ($ResInReplay ne "100.00") {
$ResInReplaySum = $ResInReplaySum + $ResInReplay;
@ -527,7 +581,8 @@ sub check_ressource {
if ($ResInSync ne "100.00") {
$ResInSyncSum = $ResInSyncSum + $ResInSync;
$ResInSyncPar = $ResInSyncPar + 1;
} # end him self
# end him self
### joined ...
if ( $ResPartner eq 1) {
@ -540,40 +595,47 @@ sub check_ressource {
if ( $partner eq $himself ) { next; }
print_screen " -> remote node ($partner) ", 'bold';
ressource => $res,
nodename => $partner,
ressource => $res,
nodename => $partner,
ressource_size => $res_size,
res_partner => \$ResPartner,
res_inreplay => \$ResInReplay,
res_insync => \$ResInSync,
res_AULogfile => $ActualUsedLogfile,
res_partner => \$ResPartner,
res_inreplay => \$ResInReplay,
res_insync => \$ResInSync,
res_AULogfile => $ActualUsedLogfile,
if ($ResInReplay ne "100.00") {
$ResInReplaySum = $ResInReplaySum + $ResInReplay;
$ResInReplayPar = $ResInReplayPar + 1;
if ($ResInSync ne "100.00") {
$ResInSyncSum = $ResInSyncSum + $ResInSync;
$ResInSyncPar = $ResInSyncPar + 1;
if ($ResInReplay ne "100.00") {
$ResInReplaySum = $ResInReplaySum + $ResInReplay;
$ResInReplayPar = $ResInReplayPar + 1;
if ($ResInSync ne "100.00") {
$ResInSyncSum = $ResInSyncSum + $ResInSync;
$ResInSyncPar = $ResInSyncPar + 1;
} # end joined
### modus
if ( $ResPartner eq 0) {
if ( $ResPartner eq 0 ) {
if ( $params->{'long'} ) { print_screen " -> modus for $res_name is remote ($ResPartner nodes)\n",'bold'; }
} elsif ( $ResPartner eq 1 ) {
if ( $params->{'long'} ) { print_screen " -> modus for $res_name is standalone ($ResPartner node)\n",'bold'; }
} else {
print_screen " -> modus for $res_name is cluster ($ResPartner nodes), ",'bold';
$ResInReplaySum = sprintf("%.2f", $ResInReplaySum / $ResInReplayPar );
$ResInSyncSum = sprintf("%.2f", $ResInSyncSum / $ResInSyncPar );
print_screen "ClusterSummary: ", 'black';
print_screen " -> modus for $res_name is clustered ($ResPartner nodes), ",'bold';
if ( $ResInReplayPar eq 0 ) {
$ResInReplaySum = "100.00";
} else {
$ResInReplaySum = sprintf("%.2f", $ResInReplaySum / $ResInReplayPar );
if ( $ResInSyncPar eq 0 ) {
$ResInSyncSum = "100.00";
} else {
$ResInSyncSum = sprintf("%.2f", $ResInSyncSum / $ResInSyncPar );
print_screen "ClusterSummary: ";
if ( $ResInReplaySum eq "100.00" ) {
print_screen "in replay ($ResInReplaySum%),", 'green';
} elsif ( $ResInReplaySum eq "0.00" ) {
print_screen "inaktiv ($ResInReplaySum%),", 'red';
print_screen "replay inaktiv ($ResInReplaySum%),", 'red';
} else {
print_screen "not in replay ($ResInReplaySum%),", 'red';
@ -607,23 +669,24 @@ while(1) {
exit 0;
### monitor only
if ( $params->{monitor} || $params->{m}) {
print "Funktion nicht vorhanden\n";
exit 0;
### main run
print $clearscreen;
### set long by monitor as default
if ( $params->{'monitor'} ) {
$params->{'long'} = 1;
$params->{'history'} = 1;
### read mars infos
if ( $params->{'long'} ) {
# read mars info
# check load-limit
# system check
### check resources
@ -632,14 +695,28 @@ while(1) {
### debug output
if ( $params->{'long'} ) {
### mars-warn/error
if ( $params->{'debug'} ) {
### end
### end, exit for monitor
if ( $params->{'monitor'} ) {
my %hilf;
foreach (@StatusLines) {
$hilf{$_} = 1;
print "$StatusCode : ";
print join(" || ", keys %hilf);
if ( $StatusCode eq 'ERROR') {
exit 1;
} else {
exit 0;
### end, next loop
print color 'reset';
exit if (not $params->{'interval'});