fix same errors and new funktions

This commit is contained in:
jmann 2012-02-22 15:52:02 +01:00 committed by Thomas Schoebel-Theuer
parent b255f30e68
commit d008e20fcd
1 changed files with 155 additions and 64 deletions

View File

@ -1,29 +1,30 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: 29bc1ce51d2d1ddf6ecf288cc25e512c793854b1 $
# $Author$ $Date$
# last update at Fr 27. Jan 12:59:55 CET 2012 by
# $Id: 4067a85f5e122dafb35d324d259e52459794d691 $
# last update at Mo 20. Feb 08:46:09 CET 2012 by
# version marsadm
# check replay-blocks
# check division zero
# check deutsch/englich
# add todo-global delete-logfiles
# check "Id:" to git checkin
# anzeige bandbreite / i/o-load wenn dieser genutzt wird
# bugix fuer nachtaegliches join (log-v-4 ...)
# wich ... (374)
# fix optionlist
use warnings;
use strict;
use English;
use File::Which;
#use File::Which;
use Getopt::Long;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Date::Language;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
### defaults
my $version = "0.067k";
my $version = "0.067q";
my $alife_timeout = "99"; # sec
my $is_tty = 0;
my $mars_dir = '/mars';
@ -33,10 +34,9 @@ chomp $himself;
### ARGV
# Optionen in Hash-Ref parsen
my $params = {};
GetOptions( $params, 'resource=s', 'long','interval=i', 'help' );
GetOptions( $params, 'help', 'resource=s', 'interval=i', 'help', 'long', 'history' );
my $OptionList = "long";
if(not $params->{long}) {
@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ if(not $params->{long}) {
my $OptionRes = $params->{resource};
if($params->{help}) {
print "Usage: $0 [--resource <RESNAME>] [--long] [--interval <seconds>] [--help]\n";
print "Usage: $0 [--help]\n";
print "Usage: $0 [--resource <RESNAME>] [--interval <seconds>] [--long [--history]]\n";
@ -58,12 +59,6 @@ $SIG{INT} = sub {
# my $OptionList = shift;
# my $OptionRes = shift;
# if ( !$OptionList ) {
# $OptionList = "small";
# }
### figure out TTY
my $tty = readlink '/dev/stdout';
while ( my $temp = readlink $tty ) {
@ -171,7 +166,7 @@ sub display_partner {
print_warn "\n\t---> TODO: enable to mount\n",'green';
} else {
print_warn "\n\t---> TODO: unable to mount, Device is Secondary or mars is starting ...\n",'red';
print_warn "\n\t---> HINT: unable to mount, Device is Secondary or mars is starting ...\n",'blue';
} else {
print "\n";
@ -181,10 +176,11 @@ sub display_partner {
### logfile
my @PLogFile = split (',', check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/replay-$PName" );
my @PLogLink = split ("-", $PLogFile[0]);
my $PLogName = "$PLogLink[0]-$PLogLink[1]";
my @PLogFile = split (',', check_link "$mars_dir/$PRes/replay-$PName" );
my @PLogLink = split ("-", $PLogFile[0]);
my $PLogName = "$PLogLink[0]-$PLogLink[1]";
my $PLogSize = -s "$mars_dir/$PRes/$PLogFile[0]";
if ( ! $PLogFile[1] ) { $PLogFile[1] = 0; $PLogFile[2] = 0; }
if (( !$PLogSize ) || ( $PLogSize eq 0 )) { $PLogSize = 0.0001; }
if ( $OptionList eq "long" ) {
printf "\tLogfile : %s with %s bytes (%.3fGB) received\n", $PLogName, $PLogSize, ( $PLogSize/1024/1024/1024 );
@ -206,10 +202,10 @@ sub display_partner {
$PLogFile[1], ( $PLogFile[1]/1024/1024/1024 ),
$PLogFile[2], ( $PLogFile[2]/1024/1024/1024 );
$RStatus = sprintf("%.2f", $RStatus);
if ( $RStatus < 1) {
print_warn "$RStatus%\n\t---> TODO: Replay not started, Logfile inactive or empty ?\n", 'red';
} elsif ( $RStatus < 100) {
print_warn "$RStatus%\n\t---> TODO: Replay in progress = ($RStatus% < 100.00%)\n", 'red';
if (( $RStatus < 1 ) && ( $PLogSize != 0.0001 )){
print_warn "$RStatus%\n\t---> TODO: Replay not started, Logfile inactive or empty (Size: $PLogSize)\n", 'red';
} elsif (( $RStatus < 100 ) && ( $PLogSize != 0.0001 )) {
print_warn "$RStatus%\n\t---> WORK: Replay in progress = ($RStatus% < 100.00%)\n", 'red';
} else {
print_warn "$RStatus%\n", 'green';
@ -224,7 +220,7 @@ sub display_partner {
printf "\tSync : %s bytes (%.3fTB) synced = ", $PSyncsize, ( $PSyncsize/1024/1024/1024/1024);
$SStatus = sprintf("%.2f", $SStatus);
if ( $SStatus < 100) {
print_warn "$SStatus%\n\t---> TODO: Sync in progress = ($SStatus% < 100.00%)\n", 'red';
print_warn "$SStatus%\n\t---> WORK: Sync in progress = ($SStatus% < 100.00%)\n", 'red';
} else {
print_warn "$SStatus%\n", 'green';
@ -273,6 +269,13 @@ sub check_logfile {
# info to old logfiles (old loop) ...
if ( $oldEqual eq 1 ) {
print_warn "\t\t---> TODO: logfiles has all equal Sizes and Checksums, can be deleted?\n",'green';
#lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 52 Feb 20 14:50 delete-000000491 -> /mars/resource-TestBS1/log-000000099-istore-test-bs1
#lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 56 Feb 20 14:50 delete-000000492 -> /mars/resource-TestBS1/version-000000098-istore-test-bs1
#lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 56 Feb 20 14:50 delete-000000493 -> /mars/resource-TestBS1/version-000000098-istore-test-bs7
# if ( check_link $mars_dir/todo-global/) {
# } else {
# }
# found logfile
@ -328,7 +331,98 @@ sub check_logfile {
### avg_limit
sub check_avg_limit {
if ( open (MARS_LOADAVG, "< /proc/sys/mars/loadavg_limit") ) {
my $mars_avg_limit;
while (<MARS_LOADAVG>) {
$mars_avg_limit = $_;
print_warn "-> Node AVG-Speed-Limit is ", 'bold';
if (( !$mars_avg_limit ) || ( $mars_avg_limit < "1" )) {
print_warn "unset, used full speed\n", 'green';
} else {
print_warn "is $mars_avg_limit", 'red';
### diskfull
sub check_disk_is_full {
my @diskfull = glob("$mars_dir/rest-space-*");
my $diskfull_mars;
print_warn "-> Diskspace on Cluster:", 'bold';
if ( @diskfull ) {
foreach ( @diskfull) {
my $diskfull_space = check_link "$_";
my $diskfull_system = $_;
$diskfull_system =~ s!/mars/rest-space-!!;
if ( $diskfull_space < 1 ) {
$diskfull_space = sprintf ("%.2f", $diskfull_space / 1024 );
if ( $diskfull_system eq $himself ) {
print_warn "\n\t-> ERROR ! Local Partition $mars_dir full ($diskfull_space kb Limit) !!! mars is stopping !!!\n\n", "red";
$diskfull_mars = "$diskfull_mars,$diskfull_system";
} else {
print_warn "\n\t-> WARNING ! Remotesystem $diskfull_system have mars-disk full ($diskfull_space kb Limit) !!!\n\n", "red";
$diskfull_mars = "$diskfull_mars,$diskfull_system";
if ( !$diskfull_mars ) {
print_warn " ok\n", 'green';
### check /proc/sys/mars/warnings
sub check_mars_warn {
if ( open (MARS_WARN, "< /proc/sys/mars/warnings") ) {
my $mars_warn;
while ( <MARS_WARN> ) {
my $mars_w_time = $_;
$mars_w_time =~ s/ MARS_WARN.*//;
$mars_w_time =~ s/\\n//g;
$mars_w_time = strftime "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime $mars_w_time;
my $mars_w_text = $_;
$mars_w_text =~ s/.*MARS_WARN //;
$mars_w_text =~ s/ //g;
$mars_warn = "\t$mars_w_time:$mars_w_text";
close MARS_WARN;
if ( $mars_warn ne "" ) { print_warn "-> MARS WARNINGS:\n", 'red'; print "$mars_warn" }
### check /proc/sys/mars/errors
sub check_mars_error {
if ( open (MARS_ERROR, "< /proc/sys/mars/errors") ) {
my $mars_error = "";
while ( <MARS_ERROR> ) {
$_ =~ s/cannot open logfile.*/xxx/;
my $mars_e_time = $_;
if ( "$mars_e_time" eq "xxx\n" ) { next; }
$mars_e_time =~ s/ MARS_ERROR.*//;
$mars_e_time =~ s/\\n//g;
$mars_e_time = strftime "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", localtime $mars_e_time;
my $mars_e_text = $_;
$mars_e_text =~ s/.*MARS_ERROR //;
$mars_e_text =~ s/ //g;
$mars_error = "\t$mars_e_time:$mars_e_text";
if ( $mars_error ne "" ) { print_warn "-> MARS ERRORS:\n", 'red'; print "$mars_error" }
### main loop ...
while(1) {
print $clearscreen;
my $dateFormat = Date::Language->new('English');
@ -363,18 +457,14 @@ while(1) {
if ( $OptionRes ) { print_warn ", Ressource $OptionRes",'blue'; }
print "\n";
# marsadm
# my $MAVersion = which('marsadm');
# if(defined $MAVersion && -e $MAVersion) {
# open my $Mfh, '<', "$MAVersion" or die $!;
# $MAVersion = ( grep { /^# \$Id: 29bc1ce51d2d1ddf6ecf288cc25e512c793854b1 $Mfh> )[0];
# $MAVersion = ( split / /, $MAVersion )[2];
# close $Mfh;
#} else {
# $MAVersion = "ukn";
my $MAVersion = system("marsadm --version");
print_warn "MARS Admin - $MAVersion\n",'blue';
### my $MAVersion = which('marsadm');
my $MAVersion = qx"marsadm --version";
print_warn "MARS Admin - $MAVersion",'blue';
# module
print_warn "MARS Module - $mars_info{version}\n",'blue';
@ -389,25 +479,9 @@ while(1) {
print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
### check system error's
### diskfull
my @diskfull = glob("$mars_dir/rest-space-*");
if ( @diskfull ) {
foreach ( @diskfull) {
my $diskfullspace = check_link "$_";
my $diskfullsystem = $_;
$diskfullsystem =~ s!/mars/rest-space-!!;
if ( $diskfullspace < 1 ) {
$diskfullspace = sprintf ("%.2f", $diskfullspace / 1024 );
if ( $diskfullsystem eq $himself ) {
print_warn "\n-> ERROR ! Local Partition $mars_dir full ($diskfullspace kb Limit) !!! mars is stopping !!!\n\n", "red";
} else {
print_warn "\n-> WARNING ! Remotesystem $diskfullsystem have mars-disk full ($diskfullspace kb Limit) !!!\n\n", "red";
### check load-limit
### check resources
opendir my $dirhandle, $mars_dir or die "Cannot open $mars_dir: $!";
@ -442,7 +516,7 @@ while(1) {
### hin self
print_warn " -> local node ($himself) ",'blue';
print_warn " -> local node ($himself) ",'bold';
my $ActualUsedLogfile = display_partner(
ressource => $res,
nodename => $himself,
@ -464,7 +538,7 @@ while(1) {
foreach my $partner (@servers) {
$partner =~ s/^data-//;
if ( $partner eq $himself ) { next; }
print_warn " -> remote node ($partner) ", 'blue';
print_warn " -> remote node ($partner) ", 'bold';
ressource => $res,
nodename => $partner,
@ -482,11 +556,11 @@ while(1) {
### modus
if ( $ResPartner eq 0) {
if ( $OptionList eq "long" ) { print_warn " -> modus for $res_name is remote ($ResPartner nodes)\n",'blue'; }
if ( $OptionList eq "long" ) { print_warn " -> modus for $res_name is remote ($ResPartner nodes)\n",'bold'; }
} elsif ( $ResPartner eq 1 ) {
if ( $OptionList eq "long" ) { print_warn " -> modus for $res_name is standalone ($ResPartner node)\n",'blue'; }
if ( $OptionList eq "long" ) { print_warn " -> modus for $res_name is standalone ($ResPartner node)\n",'bold'; }
} else {
print_warn " -> modus for $res_name is cluster ($ResPartner nodes), ",'blue';
print_warn " -> modus for $res_name is cluster ($ResPartner nodes), ",'bold';
$ResInReplayE = sprintf("%.2f", $ResInReplayE / $ResPartner );
$ResInSyncE = sprintf("%.2f", $ResInSyncE / $ResPartner );
if ( $ResInReplayE eq "100.00" ) {
@ -504,9 +578,26 @@ while(1) {
### history
if ( $OptionList eq "long" ) { check_logfile( $res, $ResPartner ); }
### debug output
if ( $OptionList eq "long" ) {
### history
if ( $params->{'history'} ) {
check_logfile( $res, $ResPartner );
} # end debug
} # end foreach
### debug output
if ( $OptionList eq "long" ) {
### mars-warn/error
print color 'reset';
exit if (not $params->{'interval'});