marsadm: better _get_ip

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Schoebel-Theuer 2020-10-23 08:26:59 +02:00
parent 8b507da75e
commit ab6990593d
1 changed files with 68 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -205,7 +205,6 @@ my $ignore_sync = 0;
my $cron_mode = 0;
my $timeout = 600;
my $phase_nr = 0;
my $ip = "";
my $ssh_port = 22;
my $ssh_opts = "-A -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=5";
my $ssh_probe = "uname -a";
@ -215,6 +214,8 @@ my $kernel_features_version = -1;
my $kernel_strategy_version = -1;
my $kernel_flags_version = ~0x0;
my %known_ips;
# general helpers
@ -645,6 +646,13 @@ sub alphanum_cmp {
return $aa cmp $bb;
sub reverse_cmp {
my ($aa, $bb) = ($b, $a);
$aa =~ s/([0-9]+)/sprintf("%012d",$1)/eg;
$bb =~ s/([0-9]+)/sprintf("%012d",$1)/eg;
return $aa cmp $bb;
sub get_total_resources {
my $peer = shift;
_scan_caches() unless %total_peers;
@ -3342,16 +3350,38 @@ sub _get_ip {
my ($peer) = @_;
$peer = $host unless $peer;
# Dynamic programming: this also applies to --ip-$peer=$peer_ip
return $known_ips{$peer} if $known_ips{$peer};
# Normally, everything should be in /mars/ips/ip-*
my $ip_path = "$mars/ips/ip-$peer";
if (my $from_link = get_link($ip_path, 2)) {
lprint_stderr "Using IP '$from_link' from '$ip_path'\n" if $verbose;
$known_ips{$peer} = $from_link;
return $from_link;
# Try any probe data
my $probe_path = "$mars/probe-$real_host/$mars/ips/ip-$peer";
if (my $probe_link = get_link($probe_path, 2)) {
lprint_stderr "Using PROBE IP '$probe_link' from '$probe_path'\n" if $verbose;
$known_ips{$peer} = $probe_link;
return $probe_link;
# Try the backups in reverse order
my $backup_glob = "$mars/backups-*/ips-backup/ip-$peer";
foreach my $backup (sort reverse_cmp glob($backup_glob)) {
my $check = get_link($backup, 2);
if ($check) {
lprint_stderr "Using BACKUP IP '$check' from '$backup'\n" if $verbose;
$known_ips{$peer} = $check;
return $check;
# Try /usr/bin/host
my $answer = `/usr/bin/host -t A $peer`;
if ($answer && $answer =~ m/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)/) {
my $addr = $1;
lprint "DNS query for '$peer' found IPv4 address '$addr'\n";
lprint_stderr "DNS query for '$peer' found IPv4 address '$addr'\n";
$known_ips{$peer} = $addr;
return $addr;
ldie "Cannot determine foreign IP for peer '$peer'\n" if $peer ne $real_host;
@ -3363,10 +3393,11 @@ sub _get_ip {
if ($line =~ m#\sinet\s(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)#) {
my $from_if = $1;
lprint_stderr "Using IP '$from_if' from interface '$interface'\n";
$known_ips{$peer} = $from_if;
return $from_if;
return undef;
ldie "Cannot determine my own IP address ($real_host)\n";
sub _fake_versionlink {
@ -3430,6 +3461,9 @@ sub lowlevel_ls_host_ips {
sub lowlevel_set_host_ip {
my ($cmd, $peer, $ip) = @_;
if (!$ip) {
$ip = _get_ip($peer);
my $path = "$mars/ips/ip-$peer";
my $old = get_link($path, 2) || "";
lprint "Set host '$peer' IP from '$old' to '$ip'\n";
@ -3574,6 +3608,7 @@ sub create_uuid {
sub _create_cluster {
my ($cmd) = @_;
ldie "The $mars directory does not exist.\n" unless -d $mars;
my $ip = _get_ip($host);
create_uuid(@_) if $cmd eq "create-cluster";
system("mkdir $mars/ips") unless -d "$mars/ips";
system("mkdir $mars/userspace") unless -d "$mars/userspace";
@ -3607,6 +3642,7 @@ sub join_cluster {
$peer_ip = _get_ip($peer) unless $peer_ip;
# try new join method
if (is_module_loaded()) {
my $ip = _get_ip($host);
lprint "MARS kernel module is loaded, trying the new $cmd method.\n";
my $old_uuid = get_link("$mars/uuid", 2);
if (!$old_uuid || $old_uuid eq "(any)") {
@ -3662,6 +3698,7 @@ sub join_cluster {
lprint "Falling back to the old ssh/rsync based $cmd method (peer='$peer' peer_ip='$peer_ip')\n";
ldie "OLD method: MARS module is loaded, please unload first before using ssh\n" if is_module_loaded();
my $ip = _get_ip($host);
rsync_cmd($peer, "--max-size=1 --update $peer:$mars/ $mars/");
# check uniqness of IPs
my %ips = ();
@ -3913,6 +3950,7 @@ sub create_res {
ldie "could not create resource '$res'\n" unless -d $resdir;
set_link($size, "$resdir/size");
} else { # join
my $ip = _get_ip($host);
# For safety, try to get the very newest infos.
# Reason: newer kernel modules will fetch non-member resource infos less frequently.
# Therefore we shift some responsibility for non-member -> member transitions to userspace.
@ -6770,6 +6808,7 @@ sub parse_macro {
sub make_env {
my ($cmd, $res, $text) = (shift, shift, shift);
$text =~ s{$match_comment}{}sg;
my $ip = _get_ip($host);
my %start_env =
"cmd" => $cmd,
@ -8423,8 +8462,12 @@ my %cmd_table =
=> [
"usage: lowlevel-set-host-ip <hostname> <new_ip>",
"Set IP for host.",
"usage: lowlevel-set-host-ip <hostname> [<new_ip>]",
"Set IP address <new_ip> for host.",
"When <new_ip> is not given, try to determine the old address",
"from the symlink tree, or from old backups.",
"Often, you want to set a new IP address in place of an old one.",
"Hint: you may also use the --ip-<hostname>=<new_ip> option.",
@ -8532,11 +8575,21 @@ marsadm [<global_options>] view[-<macroname>] [<resource_names> | all ]
Only for experts.
Used by several special commands like merge-cluster, split-cluster
etc for creating backups of important data.
Override the IP address stored in the symlink tree, as well as
the default IP determined from the list of network interfaces.
Override the IP address of <peer> from the symlink tree, or as determined
from old IP backups, or as determined from the list of network interfaces.
Usually you will need this only at 'create-cluster' or
'join-cluster' for resolving ambiguities.
'join-cluster' / 'merge-cluster' / 'split-cluster' for resolving
ambiguities, or for telling the IP address of yet unknown peers.
It is also useful at 'lowlevel-set-host-ip' for updating an
already existing IP address.
Hint: this option may be given multiple times for different <peer>
Equivalent to --peer-\$host=<ip>
where \$host is usually the same as \$(hostname), but you may
use --host=<hostname> as an _earlier_ argument for overriding
the default <hostname>.
Override the default ssh port (22) for ssh and rsync.
Useful for running {join,merge}-cluster on non-standard ssh ports.
@ -8696,9 +8749,12 @@ foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
$backup_dir = $1;
system("mkdir -p $backup_dir") and ldie "Cannot create backup directory '$backup_dir'\n";
} elsif ($arg =~ s/--ip\s*=\s*([0-9.:\[\]]+)/$1/) {
$ip = $arg;
lprint_stderr "Using IP '$ip' from command line.\n";
} elsif ($arg =~ m/--ip(-(.*?))?\s*=\s*([0-9.:\[\]]+)/) {
my $peer = $2;
my $ip = $3;
$peer = $host unless $peer;
lprint_stderr "Using IP '$ip' from command line for '$peer'.\n";
$known_ips{$peer} = $ip;
} elsif ($arg =~ s/--ssh[-_]port\s*=\s*([0-9]+)/$1/) {
$ssh_port = $arg;
@ -8971,10 +9027,6 @@ if ($cmd =~ m/^(view|pretty)/) {
if (!$ip) {
$ip = _get_ip() or ldie "cannot determine my IP address\n";
my $func = $cmd_table{$cmd};
ldie "unknown command '$cmd'\n" unless $func;