# Getting help about Emacs Emacs is a very big software and you'll surely will need help about it. There are some ways to get help on Emacs. ## Self documenting text editor Emacs claims to be a *self-documenting* text editor. And it's true: Emacs has a lot of built-in documentation. For example. If you don't know what the C-r keybindings do, you can do this: C-h k C-r_ Emacs will split and will show what the keybindings you gave does. Emacs has a built-in tutorial. You can access to it by pressing C-h t. ## Getting help from another users You can talk to other Emacs users and ask them for help on some sites: * [Emacs stack exchange](https://emacs.stackexchange.com/) * [The help-gnu-emacs mailing list](https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-gnu-emacs/) * #emacs on freenode ## Tips about emacs There's a [twitter account](https://twitter.com/iLemming) which post tips about Spacemacs and Emacs. The account's owner also posts useful packages you can install in Emacs.