[cleanup] CrystalAura damage calculations

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Xiaro 2021-01-09 18:08:16 -05:00
parent 10db8ba77b
commit bad2346f36
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GPG Key ID: 996D265D6E155377
2 changed files with 66 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package me.zeroeightsix.kami.module.modules.combat
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.event.SafeClientEvent
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.event.events.RenderOverlayEvent
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.manager.managers.CombatManager
import me.zeroeightsix.kami.module.Module
@ -91,10 +92,10 @@ object CombatSetting : Module(
private var overrideRange = range.value
private var paused = false
private val resumeTimer = TickTimer(TimeUnit.SECONDS)
private val jobMap = hashMapOf<() -> Unit, Job?>(
{ updateTarget() } to null,
{ updatePlacingList() } to null,
{ updateCrystalList() } to null
private val jobMap = hashMapOf<(SafeClientEvent) -> Unit, Job?>(
{ it: SafeClientEvent -> it.updateTarget() } to null,
{ it: SafeClientEvent -> it.updatePlacingList() } to null,
{ it: SafeClientEvent -> it.updateCrystalList() } to null
val pause
@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ object CombatSetting : Module(
safeListener<TickEvent.ClientTickEvent>(5000) {
for ((function, future) in jobMap) {
if (future.isActiveOrFalse) continue // Skip if the previous thread isn't done
jobMap[function] = defaultScope.launch { function.invoke() }
jobMap[function] = defaultScope.launch { function(this@safeListener) }
if (pauseBaritone.value && !paused && isActive()) {
@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ object CombatSetting : Module(
private fun updateTarget() {
private fun SafeClientEvent.updateTarget() {
with(CombatManager.getTopModule()) {
overrideRange = if (this is KillAura) this.range.value else range.value
@ -150,47 +151,48 @@ object CombatSetting : Module(
private fun updatePlacingList() {
if (CrystalAura.isDisabled && CrystalBasePlace.isDisabled && CrystalESP.isDisabled && mc.player.ticksExisted % 4 != 0) return
private fun SafeClientEvent.updatePlacingList() {
if (CrystalAura.isDisabled && CrystalBasePlace.isDisabled && CrystalESP.isDisabled && player.ticksExisted % 4 != 0) return
val eyePos = mc.player?.getPositionEyes(1f) ?: Vec3d.ZERO
val eyePos = player.getPositionEyes(1f) ?: Vec3d.ZERO
val cacheList = ArrayList<Pair<BlockPos, Triple<Float, Float, Double>>>()
val target = CombatManager.target
val prediction = target?.let { getPrediction(it) }
for (pos in CrystalUtils.getPlacePos(target, mc.player, 8f)) {
for (pos in CrystalUtils.getPlacePos(target, player, 8f)) {
val dist = eyePos.distanceTo(pos.toVec3dCenter(0.0, 0.5, 0.0))
val damage = target?.let { CrystalUtils.calcDamage(pos, it, prediction?.first, prediction?.second) } ?: 0.0f
val selfDamage = CrystalUtils.calcDamage(pos, mc.player)
val selfDamage = CrystalUtils.calcDamage(pos, player)
cacheList.add(Pair(pos, Triple(damage, selfDamage, dist)))
CombatManager.placeMap = linkedMapOf(*cacheList.sortedByDescending { triple -> triple.second.first }.toTypedArray())
CombatManager.placeMap = LinkedHashMap<BlockPos, Triple<Float, Float, Double>>(cacheList.size).apply {
putAll(cacheList.sortedByDescending { triple -> triple.second.first })
/* Crystal damage calculation */
private fun updateCrystalList() {
if (CrystalAura.isDisabled && CrystalESP.isDisabled && mc.player.ticksExisted % 4 - 2 != 0) return
private fun SafeClientEvent.updateCrystalList() {
if (CrystalAura.isDisabled && CrystalESP.isDisabled && (player.ticksExisted - 2 )% 4 != 0) return
val entityList = ArrayList(mc.world.loadedEntityList)
val cacheList = ArrayList<Pair<EntityEnderCrystal, Triple<Float, Float, Double>>>()
val cacheMap = LinkedHashMap<EntityEnderCrystal, Triple<Float, Float, Double>>()
val eyePos = mc.player.getPositionEyes(1f)
val eyePos = player.getPositionEyes(1f)
val target = CombatManager.target
val prediction = target?.let { getPrediction(it) }
for (entity in entityList) {
for (entity in world.loadedEntityList.toList()) {
if (entity.isDead) continue
if (entity !is EntityEnderCrystal) continue
val dist = entity.distanceTo(eyePos)
if (dist > 16.0f) continue
val damage = if (target != null && prediction != null) CrystalUtils.calcDamage(entity, target, prediction.first, prediction.second) else 0.0f
val selfDamage = CrystalUtils.calcDamage(entity, mc.player)
val selfDamage = CrystalUtils.calcDamage(entity, player)
cacheList.add(entity to Triple(damage, selfDamage, dist))
cacheMap.putAll(cacheList.sortedByDescending { pair -> pair.second.first })
CombatManager.crystalMap = cacheMap
CombatManager.crystalMap = LinkedHashMap<EntityEnderCrystal, Triple<Float, Float, Double>>(cacheList.size).apply {
putAll(cacheList.sortedByDescending { pair -> pair.second.first })
fun getPrediction(entity: Entity) = CombatManager.target?.let {
@ -204,7 +206,7 @@ object CombatSetting : Module(
/* End of crystal damage calculation */
/* Targeting */
private fun getTargetList(): LinkedList<EntityLivingBase> {
private fun SafeClientEvent.getTargetList(): LinkedList<EntityLivingBase> {
val targetList = LinkedList<EntityLivingBase>()
for (entity in getCacheList()) {
if (AntiBot.isBot(entity)) continue
@ -214,10 +216,10 @@ object CombatSetting : Module(
|| entity is AbstractHorse && entity.isTame)) continue
if (!teammates.value
&& mc.player.isOnSameTeam(entity)) continue
&& player.isOnSameTeam(entity)) continue
if (!shouldIgnoreWall()
&& mc.player.canEntityBeSeen(entity)
&& player.canEntityBeSeen(entity)
&& !EntityUtils.canEntityFeetBeSeen(entity)
&& EntityUtils.canEntityHitboxBeSeen(entity) == null) continue
@ -227,7 +229,7 @@ object CombatSetting : Module(
return targetList
private fun getCacheList(): LinkedList<EntityLivingBase> {
private fun SafeClientEvent.getCacheList(): LinkedList<EntityLivingBase> {
val player = arrayOf(players.value, friends.value, sleeping.value)
val mob = arrayOf(mobs.value, passive.value, neutral.value, hostile.value)
val cacheList = LinkedList(EntityUtils.getTargetList(player, mob, invisible.value, overrideRange))
@ -243,19 +245,19 @@ object CombatSetting : Module(
else true
private fun getTarget(listIn: LinkedList<EntityLivingBase>): EntityLivingBase? {
private fun SafeClientEvent.getTarget(listIn: LinkedList<EntityLivingBase>): EntityLivingBase? {
val copiedList = LinkedList(listIn)
return filterTargetList(copiedList) ?: CombatManager.target?.let { entity ->
if (!entity.isDead && listIn.contains(entity)) entity else null
private fun filterTargetList(listIn: LinkedList<EntityLivingBase>): EntityLivingBase? {
private fun SafeClientEvent.filterTargetList(listIn: LinkedList<EntityLivingBase>): EntityLivingBase? {
if (listIn.isEmpty()) return null
return filterByPriority(filterByFilter(listIn))
private fun filterByFilter(listIn: LinkedList<EntityLivingBase>): LinkedList<EntityLivingBase> {
private fun SafeClientEvent.filterByFilter(listIn: LinkedList<EntityLivingBase>): LinkedList<EntityLivingBase> {
when (filter.value) {
TargetFilter.FOV -> {
listIn.removeIf { RotationUtils.getRelativeRotation(it) > fov.value }
@ -265,8 +267,8 @@ object CombatSetting : Module(
if (!mc.gameSettings.keyBindAttack.isKeyDown && !mc.gameSettings.keyBindUseItem.isKeyDown) {
return LinkedList()
val eyePos = mc.player.getPositionEyes(KamiTessellator.pTicks())
val lookVec = mc.player.lookVec.scale(range.value.toDouble())
val eyePos = player.getPositionEyes(KamiTessellator.pTicks())
val lookVec = player.lookVec.scale(range.value.toDouble())
val sightEndPos = eyePos.add(lookVec)
listIn.removeIf { it.entityBoundingBox.calculateIntercept(eyePos, sightEndPos) == null }
@ -277,7 +279,7 @@ object CombatSetting : Module(
return listIn
private fun filterByPriority(listIn: LinkedList<EntityLivingBase>): EntityLivingBase? {
private fun SafeClientEvent.filterByPriority(listIn: LinkedList<EntityLivingBase>): EntityLivingBase? {
if (listIn.isEmpty()) return null
if (priority.value == TargetPriority.DAMAGE) filterByDamage(listIn)
@ -326,9 +328,9 @@ object CombatSetting : Module(
return listIn.sortedBy { RotationUtils.getRelativeRotation(it) }[0]
private fun filterByDistance(listIn: LinkedList<EntityLivingBase>): EntityLivingBase? {
private fun SafeClientEvent.filterByDistance(listIn: LinkedList<EntityLivingBase>): EntityLivingBase? {
if (listIn.isEmpty()) return null
return listIn.sortedBy { it.getDistance(mc.player) }[0]
return listIn.sortedBy { it.getDistance(player) }[0]
/* End of targeting */

View File

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ object CrystalAura : Module(
/* Force place */
private val bindForcePlace by setting("BindForcePlace", Bind(), { page == Page.FORCE_PLACE })
private val forcePlaceHealth by setting("ForcePlaceHealth", 6.0f, 0.0f..20.0f, 0.5f, { page == Page.FORCE_PLACE })
private val forcePlaceArmorDura by setting("ForcePlaceArmorDura", 10, 0..50, 1, { page == Page.FORCE_PLACE })
private val forcePlaceArmorDura by setting("ForcePlaceArmorDura", 5, 0..50, 1, { page == Page.FORCE_PLACE })
private val minDamageForcePlace by setting("MinDamageForcePlace", 1.5f, 0.0f..10.0f, 0.25f, { page == Page.FORCE_PLACE })
/* Place page one */
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ object CrystalAura : Module(
/* Explode page two */
private val minDamageE by setting("MinDamageExplode", 6.0f, 0.0f..10.0f, 0.25f, { page == Page.EXPLODE_TWO })
private val maxSelfDamageE by setting("MaxSelfDamageExplode", 3.0f, 0.0f..10.0f, 0.25f, { page == Page.EXPLODE_TWO })
private val swapDelay by setting("SwapDelay", 10, 1..50, 2, { page == Page.EXPLODE_TWO })
private val swapDelay by setting("SwapDelay", 10, 1..50, 1, { page == Page.EXPLODE_TWO })
private val hitDelay by setting("HitDelay", 1, 1..10, 1, { page == Page.EXPLODE_TWO })
private val hitAttempts by setting("HitAttempts", 4, 0..8, 1, { page == Page.EXPLODE_TWO })
private val explodeRange by setting("ExplodeRange", 4.0f, 0.0f..5.0f, 0.25f, { page == Page.EXPLODE_TWO })
@ -262,15 +262,15 @@ object CrystalAura : Module(
private fun SafeClientEvent.place() {
if (autoSwap && getHand() == null) {
InventoryUtils.getSlotsHotbar(426)?.get(0)?.let {
if (spoofHotbar) PlayerPacketManager.spoofHotbar(it)
else InventoryUtils.swapSlot(it)
getPlacingPos()?.let { pos ->
getHand()?.let { hand ->
if (autoSwap && getHand() == null) {
InventoryUtils.getSlotsHotbar(426)?.get(0)?.let {
if (spoofHotbar) PlayerPacketManager.spoofHotbar(it)
else InventoryUtils.swapSlot(it)
placeTimer = 0
inactiveTicks = 0
lastLookAt = Vec3d(pos).add(0.5, placeOffset.toDouble(), 0.5)
@ -330,9 +330,9 @@ object CrystalAura : Module(
private fun SafeClientEvent.explode() {
if (!preExplode()) return
getExplodingCrystal()?.let {
if (!preExplode()) return
if (hitAttempts != 0 && it == lastCrystal) {
if (hitCount >= hitAttempts) ignoredList.add(it)
@ -372,13 +372,11 @@ object CrystalAura : Module(
/* End of main functions */
/* Placing */
private fun SafeClientEvent.canPlace(): Boolean {
return doPlace
private fun SafeClientEvent.canPlace() =
&& placeTimer > placeDelay
&& InventoryUtils.countItemAll(426) > 0
&& getPlacingPos() != null
&& countValidCrystal() < maxCrystal
@Suppress("UnconditionalJumpStatementInLoop") // The linter is wrong here, it will continue until it's supposed to return
private fun SafeClientEvent.getPlacingPos(): BlockPos? {
@ -421,36 +419,36 @@ object CrystalAura : Module(
* @return True if passed placing damage check
private fun checkDamagePlace(damage: Float, selfDamage: Float) =
(shouldFacePlace(damage) || damage >= minDamageP) && (selfDamage <= maxSelfDamageP)
(shouldFacePlace(damage) || damage >= minDamageP) && (selfDamage <= maxSelfDamageP)
/* End of placing */
/* Exploding */
private fun SafeClientEvent.canExplode() =
&& hitTimer > hitDelay
&& getExplodingCrystal() != null
private fun canExplode() = doExplode && hitTimer > hitDelay
private fun SafeClientEvent.getExplodingCrystal() =
(crystalMap.entries.firstOrNull { (crystal, triple) ->
private fun SafeClientEvent.getExplodingCrystal(): EntityEnderCrystal? {
val filteredCrystal = crystalMap.entries.filter { (crystal, triple) ->
&& !crystal.isDead
&& triple.third <= explodeRange
&& checkDamageExplode(triple.first, triple.second)
&& checkYawSpeed(RotationUtils.getRotationToEntity(crystal).x)
return (filteredCrystal.firstOrNull { (crystal, triple) ->
triple.third <= explodeRange
&& (player.canEntityBeSeen(crystal) || EntityUtils.canEntityFeetBeSeen(crystal))
&& checkYawSpeed(RotationUtils.getRotationToEntity(crystal).x)
} ?: crystalMap.entries.firstOrNull { (crystal, triple) ->
&& !crystal.isDead
&& triple.third <= wallExplodeRange
&& checkDamageExplode(triple.first, triple.second)
&& EntityUtils.canEntityHitboxBeSeen(crystal) != null
&& checkYawSpeed(RotationUtils.getRotationToEntity(crystal).x)
} ?: filteredCrystal.firstOrNull { (_, triple) ->
triple.third <= wallExplodeRange
private fun checkDamageExplode(damage: Float, selfDamage: Float) = (shouldFacePlace(damage) || shouldForceExplode() || damage >= minDamageE) && selfDamage <= maxSelfDamageE
private fun checkDamageExplode(damage: Float, selfDamage: Float) =
(shouldFacePlace(damage) || shouldForceExplode() || damage >= minDamageE) && selfDamage <= maxSelfDamageE
private fun shouldForceExplode() = autoForceExplode && placeMap.isNotEmpty() && placeMap.values.first().second > minDamageE
private fun shouldForceExplode() = autoForceExplode
&& placeMap.values.any {
it.first > minDamage && it.second <= maxSelfDamage && it.third <= placeRange
/* End of exploding */
/* General */