
6975 lines
283 KiB

import collections
import gc
import hashlib
import os
import random
import re
import ssl
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import time
import traceback
import cv2
import PIL
import sqlite3
import qtpy
from qtpy import QtCore as QC
from qtpy import QtWidgets as QW
from qtpy import QtGui as QG
from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC
from hydrus.core import HydrusData
from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions
from hydrus.core import HydrusImageHandling
from hydrus.core import HydrusPaths
from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG
from hydrus.core import HydrusNetwork
from hydrus.core import HydrusNetworking
from hydrus.core import HydrusSerialisable
from hydrus.core import HydrusText
from hydrus.core import HydrusVideoHandling
from hydrus.client import ClientApplicationCommand as CAC
from hydrus.client import ClientConstants as CC
from hydrus.client import ClientExporting
from hydrus.client import ClientParsing
from hydrus.client import ClientPaths
from hydrus.client import ClientRendering
from hydrus.client import ClientServices
from hydrus.client import ClientThreading
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIAsync
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUICommon
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUICore as CGC
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIDialogs
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIDialogsManage
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIDialogsQuick
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIDownloaders
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIDragDrop
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIExport
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIFrames
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIFunctions
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIImport
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUILogin
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIManagement
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIMediaControls
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIMenus
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIMPV
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUINetwork
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIPages
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIParsing
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIPopupMessages
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIServices
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIScrolledPanelsEdit
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIScrolledPanelsManagement
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIScrolledPanelsReview
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIShortcuts
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIShortcutControls
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUISplash
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIStyle
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUISubscriptions
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUISystemTray
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUITags
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUITopLevelWindows
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels
from hydrus.client.gui import QtPorting as QP
from hydrus.client.media import ClientMediaResult
from hydrus.client.metadata import ClientTags
from hydrus.client.networking import ClientNetworkingContexts
MENU_ORDER = [ 'file', 'undo', 'pages', 'database', 'network', 'services', 'tags', 'pending', 'help' ]
def GetTagServiceKeyForMaintenance( win: QW.QWidget ):
tag_services = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServices( HC.REAL_TAG_SERVICES )
choice_tuples = [ ( 'all services', None, 'Do it for everything. Can take a long time!' ) ]
for service in tag_services:
choice_tuples.append( ( service.GetName(), service.GetServiceKey(), service.GetName() ) )
return ClientGUIDialogsQuick.SelectFromListButtons( win, 'Which service?', choice_tuples )
def THREADUploadPending( service_key ):
service = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key )
service_name = service.GetName()
service_type = service.GetServiceType()
job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey( pausable = True, cancellable = True )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_title', 'uploading pending to ' + service_name )
nums_pending = HG.client_controller.Read( 'nums_pending' )
info = nums_pending[ service_key ]
initial_num_pending = sum( info.values() )
result = HG.client_controller.Read( 'pending', service_key )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'message', job_key )
while result is not None:
nums_pending = HG.client_controller.Read( 'nums_pending' )
info = nums_pending[ service_key ]
remaining_num_pending = sum( info.values() )
# sometimes more come in while we are pending, -754/1,234 ha ha
num_to_do = max( initial_num_pending, remaining_num_pending )
done_num_pending = num_to_do - remaining_num_pending
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'uploading to ' + service_name + ': ' + HydrusData.ConvertValueRangeToPrettyString( done_num_pending, num_to_do ) )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_gauge_1', ( done_num_pending, num_to_do ) )
while job_key.IsPaused() or job_key.IsCancelled():
time.sleep( 0.1 )
if job_key.IsCancelled():
job_key.DeleteVariable( 'popup_gauge_1' )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'cancelled' )
HydrusData.Print( job_key.ToString() )
job_key.Delete( 5 )
if service_type in HC.REPOSITORIES:
if isinstance( result, ClientMediaResult.MediaResult ):
media_result = result
client_files_manager = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager
hash = media_result.GetHash()
mime = media_result.GetMime()
path = client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, mime )
with open( path, 'rb' ) as f:
file_bytes = f.read()
service.Request( HC.POST, 'file', { 'file' : file_bytes } )
file_info_manager = media_result.GetFileInfoManager()
timestamp = HydrusData.GetNow()
content_update_row = ( file_info_manager, timestamp )
content_updates = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD, content_update_row ) ]
client_to_server_update = result
service.Request( HC.POST, 'update', { 'client_to_server_update' : client_to_server_update } )
content_updates = client_to_server_update.GetClientsideContentUpdates()
HG.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', { service_key : content_updates } )
elif service_type == HC.IPFS:
if isinstance( result, ClientMediaResult.MediaResult ):
media_result = result
hash = media_result.GetHash()
mime = media_result.GetMime()
service.PinFile( hash, mime )
except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'File {} could not be pinned!'.format( hash.hexh() ) )
( hash, multihash ) = result
service.UnpinFile( hash, multihash )
except HydrusExceptions.ServerBusyException:
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', service.GetName() + ' was busy. please try again in a few minutes' )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'notify_new_pending' )
time.sleep( 0.1 )
result = HG.client_controller.Read( 'pending', service_key )
job_key.DeleteVariable( 'popup_gauge_1' )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'upload done!' )
HydrusData.Print( job_key.ToString() )
job_key.Delete( 5 )
except Exception as e:
r = re.search( '[a-fA-F0-9]{64}', str( e ) )
if r is not None:
possible_hash = bytes.fromhex( r.group() )
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Found a possible hash in that error message--trying to show it in a new page.' )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'imported_files_to_page', [ possible_hash ], 'files that did not upload right' )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', service.GetName() + ' error' )
if service_type == HC.TAG_REPOSITORY:
types_to_clear = (
elif service_type in ( HC.FILE_REPOSITORY, HC.IPFS ):
types_to_clear = (
HG.client_controller.Write( 'delete_service_info', service_key, types_to_clear )
HG.currently_uploading_pending = False
HG.client_controller.pub( 'notify_new_pending' )
class FrameGUI( ClientGUITopLevelWindows.MainFrameThatResizes ):
def __init__( self, controller ):
self._controller = controller
title = self._controller.new_options.GetString( 'main_gui_title' )
if title is None or title == '':
title = 'hydrus client'
ClientGUITopLevelWindows.MainFrameThatResizes.__init__( self, None, title, 'main_gui' )
self._currently_minimised_to_system_tray = False
bandwidth_width = ClientGUIFunctions.ConvertTextToPixelWidth( self, 17 )
idle_width = ClientGUIFunctions.ConvertTextToPixelWidth( self, 6 )
hydrus_busy_width = ClientGUIFunctions.ConvertTextToPixelWidth( self, 11 )
system_busy_width = ClientGUIFunctions.ConvertTextToPixelWidth( self, 13 )
db_width = ClientGUIFunctions.ConvertTextToPixelWidth( self, 14 )
self._statusbar = QP.StatusBar( [ -1, bandwidth_width, idle_width, hydrus_busy_width, system_busy_width, db_width ] )
self._statusbar.setSizeGripEnabled( True )
self.setStatusBar( self._statusbar )
self._statusbar_thread_updater = ClientGUIAsync.FastThreadToGUIUpdater( self._statusbar, self.RefreshStatusBar )
self._canvas_frames = [] # Keep references to canvas frames so they won't get garbage collected (canvas frames don't have a parent)
self._persistent_mpv_widgets = []
self._closed_pages = []
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self._delayed_dialog_lock = threading.Lock()
self._last_total_page_weight = None
self._first_session_loaded = False
self._done_save_and_close = False
self._notebook = ClientGUIPages.PagesNotebook( self, self._controller, 'top page notebook' )
self._garbage_snapshot = collections.Counter()
self._last_clipboard_watched_text = ''
self._clipboard_watcher_destination_page_watcher = None
self._clipboard_watcher_destination_page_urls = None
drop_target = ClientGUIDragDrop.FileDropTarget( self, self.ImportFiles, self.ImportURLFromDragAndDrop, self._notebook.MediaDragAndDropDropped )
self.installEventFilter( ClientGUIDragDrop.FileDropTarget( self, self.ImportFiles, self.ImportURLFromDragAndDrop, self._notebook.MediaDragAndDropDropped ) )
self._notebook.AddSupplementaryTabBarDropTarget( drop_target ) # ugly hack to make the case of files/media dropped onto a tab work
self._message_manager = ClientGUIPopupMessages.PopupMessageManager( self )
self._widget_event_filter = QP.WidgetEventFilter( self )
self._widget_event_filter.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK( self.EventFrameNewPage )
self._widget_event_filter.EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN( self.EventFrameNewPage )
self._widget_event_filter.EVT_ICONIZE( self.EventIconize )
self._widget_event_filter.EVT_MOVE( self.EventMove )
self._last_move_pub = 0.0
self._controller.sub( self, 'AddModalMessage', 'modal_message' )
self._controller.sub( self, 'DeleteOldClosedPages', 'delete_old_closed_pages' )
self._controller.sub( self, 'DoFileStorageRebalance', 'do_file_storage_rebalance' )
self._controller.sub( self, 'NewPageImportHDD', 'new_hdd_import' )
self._controller.sub( self, 'NewPageQuery', 'new_page_query' )
self._controller.sub( self, 'NotifyClosedPage', 'notify_closed_page' )
self._controller.sub( self, 'NotifyDeletedPage', 'notify_deleted_page' )
self._controller.sub( self, 'NotifyNewExportFolders', 'notify_new_export_folders' )
self._controller.sub( self, 'NotifyNewImportFolders', 'notify_new_import_folders' )
self._controller.sub( self, 'NotifyNewOptions', 'notify_new_options' )
self._controller.sub( self, 'NotifyNewPages', 'notify_new_pages' )
self._controller.sub( self, 'NotifyNewPending', 'notify_new_pending' )
self._controller.sub( self, 'NotifyNewPermissions', 'notify_new_permissions' )
self._controller.sub( self, 'NotifyNewServices', 'notify_new_services_gui' )
self._controller.sub( self, 'NotifyNewSessions', 'notify_new_sessions' )
self._controller.sub( self, 'NotifyNewUndo', 'notify_new_undo' )
self._controller.sub( self, 'PresentImportedFilesToPage', 'imported_files_to_page' )
self._controller.sub( self, 'SetDBLockedStatus', 'db_locked_status' )
self._controller.sub( self, 'SetStatusBarDirty', 'set_status_bar_dirty' )
self._controller.sub( self, 'SetTitle', 'main_gui_title' )
vbox = QP.VBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._notebook, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_BOTH_WAYS )
self.setCentralWidget( QW.QWidget() )
self.centralWidget().setLayout( vbox )
ClientGUITopLevelWindows.SetInitialTLWSizeAndPosition( self, self._frame_key )
self._was_maximised = self.isMaximized()
self._bandwidth_repeating_job = self._controller.CallRepeatingQtSafe(self, 1.0, 1.0, self.REPEATINGBandwidth)
self._page_update_repeating_job = self._controller.CallRepeatingQtSafe(self, 0.25, 0.25, self.REPEATINGPageUpdate)
self._clipboard_watcher_repeating_job = None
self._ui_update_repeating_job = None
self._ui_update_windows = set()
self._animation_update_timer = QC.QTimer( self )
self._animation_update_timer.setTimerType( QC.Qt.PreciseTimer )
self._animation_update_timer.timeout.connect( self.TIMEREventAnimationUpdate )
self._animation_update_windows = set()
self._my_shortcut_handler = ClientGUIShortcuts.ShortcutsHandler( self, [ 'global', 'main_gui' ] )
self._system_tray_hidden_tlws = []
self._have_system_tray_icon = False
self._system_tray_icon = None
self._have_shown_once = False
if self._controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'start_client_in_system_tray' ):
self._currently_minimised_to_system_tray = True
self._system_tray_hidden_tlws.append( ( self.isMaximized(), self ) )
self._have_shown_once = True
self._UpdateSystemTrayIcon( currently_booting = True )
self._controller.CallLaterQtSafe( self, 0.5, self._InitialiseSession ) # do this in callafter as some pages want to talk to controller.gui, which doesn't exist yet!
def _AboutWindow( self ):
aboutinfo = QP.AboutDialogInfo()
aboutinfo.SetName( 'hydrus client' )
aboutinfo.SetVersion( str( HC.SOFTWARE_VERSION ) + ', using network version ' + str( HC.NETWORK_VERSION ) )
library_versions = []
# 2.7.12 (v2.7.12:d33e0cf91556, Jun 27 2016, 15:24:40) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)]
v = sys.version
if ' ' in v:
v = v.split( ' ' )[0]
library_versions.append( ( 'python', v ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'openssl', ssl.OPENSSL_VERSION ) )
from hydrus.core import HydrusEncryption
if HydrusEncryption.OPENSSL_OK:
library_versions.append( ( 'PyOpenSSL', 'available' ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'PyOpenSSL', 'not available' ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'OpenCV', cv2.__version__ ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'Pillow', PIL.__version__ ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'mpv: ', 'is not currently available on macOS' ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'mpv api version: ', ClientGUIMPV.GetClientAPIVersionString() ) )
HydrusData.ShowText( 'If this information helps, MPV failed to import because:' )
HydrusData.ShowText( ClientGUIMPV.mpv_failed_reason )
library_versions.append( ( 'mpv', 'not available' ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'FFMPEG', HydrusVideoHandling.GetFFMPEGVersion() ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'sqlite', sqlite3.sqlite_version ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'Qt', QC.__version__ ) )
if qtpy.PYSIDE2:
import PySide2
import shiboken2
library_versions.append( ( 'PySide2', PySide2.__version__ ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'shiboken2', shiboken2.__version__ ) )
elif qtpy.PYQT5:
from PyQt5.Qt import PYQT_VERSION_STR # pylint: disable=E0401
from sip import SIP_VERSION_STR # pylint: disable=E0401
library_versions.append( ( 'PyQt5', PYQT_VERSION_STR ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'sip', SIP_VERSION_STR ) )
from hydrus.client.networking import ClientNetworkingJobs
if ClientNetworkingJobs.CLOUDSCRAPER_OK:
library_versions.append( ( 'cloudscraper', ClientNetworkingJobs.cloudscraper.__version__ ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'cloudscraper present: ', 'False' ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'pyparsing present: ', str( ClientNetworkingJobs.PYPARSING_OK ) ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'html5lib present: ', str( ClientParsing.HTML5LIB_IS_OK ) ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'lxml present: ', str( ClientParsing.LXML_IS_OK ) ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'lz4 present: ', str( ClientRendering.LZ4_OK ) ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'install dir', HC.BASE_DIR ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'db dir', HG.client_controller.db_dir ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'temp dir', HydrusPaths.GetCurrentTempDir() ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'db journal mode', HG.db_journal_mode ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'db cache size per file', '{}MB'.format( HG.db_cache_size ) ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'db synchronous value', str( HG.db_synchronous ) ) )
library_versions.append( ( 'db using memory for temp?', str( HG.no_db_temp_files ) ) )
import locale
l_string = locale.getlocale()[0]
qtl_string = QC.QLocale().name()
library_versions.append( ( 'locale strings', str( ( l_string, qtl_string ) ) ) )
description = 'This client is the media management application of the hydrus software suite.'
description += os.linesep * 2 + os.linesep.join( ( lib + ': ' + version for ( lib, version ) in library_versions ) )
aboutinfo.SetDescription( description )
if os.path.exists( HC.LICENSE_PATH ):
with open( HC.LICENSE_PATH, 'r', encoding = 'utf-8' ) as f:
license = f.read()
license = 'no licence file found!'
aboutinfo.SetLicense( license )
aboutinfo.SetDevelopers( [ 'Anonymous' ] )
aboutinfo.SetWebSite( 'https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/' )
QP.AboutBox( self, aboutinfo )
def _AccountInfo( self, service_key ):
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogTextEntry( self, 'Enter the account\'s account key.' ) as dlg:
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
subject_account_key = bytes.fromhex( dlg.GetValue() )
service = self._controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key )
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'account_info', { 'subject_account_key' : subject_account_key } )
account_info = response[ 'account_info' ]
QW.QMessageBox.information( self, 'Information', str(account_info) )
def _AnalyzeDatabase( self ):
message = 'This will gather statistical information on the database\'s indices, helping the query planner perform efficiently. It typically happens automatically every few days, but you can force it here. If you have a large database, it will take a few minutes, during which your gui may hang. A popup message will show its status.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'A \'soft\' analyze will only reanalyze those indices that are due for a check in the normal db maintenance cycle. If nothing is due, it will return immediately.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'A \'full\' analyze will force a run over every index in the database. This can take substantially longer. If you do not have a specific reason to select this, it is probably pointless.'
( result, was_cancelled ) = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, title = 'Choose how thorough your analyze will be.', yes_label = 'soft', no_label = 'full', check_for_cancelled = True )
if was_cancelled:
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
stop_time = HydrusData.GetNow() + 120
self._controller.Write( 'analyze', maintenance_mode = HC.MAINTENANCE_FORCED, stop_time = stop_time )
elif result == QW.QDialog.Rejected:
self._controller.Write( 'analyze', maintenance_mode = HC.MAINTENANCE_FORCED, force_reanalyze = True )
def _AutoRepoSetup( self ):
host = 'ptr.hydrus.network'
port = 45871
access_key = bytes.fromhex( '4a285629721ca442541ef2c15ea17d1f7f7578b0c3f4f5f2a05f8f0ab297786f' )
ptr_credentials = HydrusNetwork.Credentials( host = host, port = port, access_key = access_key )
def do_it():
all_services = list( self._controller.services_manager.GetServices() )
all_names = [ s.GetName() for s in all_services ]
name = HydrusData.GetNonDupeName( 'public tag repository', all_names )
service_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
service_type = HC.TAG_REPOSITORY
public_tag_repo = ClientServices.GenerateService( service_key, service_type, name )
public_tag_repo.SetCredentials( ptr_credentials )
all_services.append( public_tag_repo )
self._controller.SetServices( all_services )
message = 'PTR setup done! Check services->review services to see it.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'The PTR has a lot of tags and will sync a little bit at a time when you are not using the client. Expect it to take a few weeks to sync fully.'
HydrusData.ShowText( message )
have_it_already = False
services = self._controller.services_manager.GetServices( ( HC.TAG_REPOSITORY, ) )
for service in services:
credentials = service.GetCredentials()
if credentials.GetSerialisableTuple() == ptr_credentials.GetSerialisableTuple():
have_it_already = True
text = 'This will automatically set up your client with the Public Tag Repository, just as if you had added it manually under services->manage services.'
text += os.linesep * 2
text += 'Be aware that the PTR has been growing since 2011 and now has hundreds of millions of mappings. As of 2020-03, it requires about 4GB of bandwidth and file storage, and your database itself will grow by 25GB! Processing also takes a lot of CPU and HDD work, and, due to the unavoidable mechanical latency of HDDs, will only work in reasonable time if your hydrus database is on an SSD.'
text += os.linesep * 2
text += 'If you are on a mechanical HDD or do not have the space on your SSD, cancel out now.'
if have_it_already:
text += os.linesep * 2
text += 'You seem to have the PTR already. If it is paused or desynchronised, this is best fixed under services->review services. Are you sure you want to add a duplicate?'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, text, yes_label = 'do it', no_label = 'not now' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
self._controller.CallToThread( do_it )
def _BackupDatabase( self ):
path = self._new_options.GetNoneableString( 'backup_path' )
if path is None:
QW.QMessageBox.warning( self, 'Warning', 'No backup path is set!' )
if not os.path.exists( path ):
QW.QMessageBox.information( self, 'Information', 'The backup path does not exist--creating it now.' )
HydrusPaths.MakeSureDirectoryExists( path )
client_db_path = os.path.join( path, 'client.db' )
if os.path.exists( client_db_path ):
action = 'Update the existing'
action = 'Create a new'
text = action + ' backup at "' + path + '"?'
text += os.linesep * 2
text += 'The database will be locked while the backup occurs, which may lock up your gui as well.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, text )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
session = self._notebook.GetCurrentGUISession( 'last session' )
self._controller.SaveGUISession( session )
session.SetName( 'exit session' )
self._controller.SaveGUISession( session )
self._controller.Write( 'backup', path )
def _BackupServer( self, service_key ):
def do_it( service ):
started = HydrusData.GetNow()
service.Request( HC.POST, 'backup' )
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Server backup started!' )
time.sleep( 10 )
result_bytes = service.Request( HC.GET, 'busy' )
while result_bytes == b'1':
if HG.view_shutdown:
time.sleep( 10 )
result_bytes = service.Request( HC.GET, 'busy' )
it_took = HydrusData.GetNow() - started
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Server backup done in ' + HydrusData.TimeDeltaToPrettyTimeDelta( it_took ) + '!' )
message = 'This will tell the server to lock and copy its database files. It will probably take a few minutes to complete, during which time it will not be able to serve any requests.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, yes_label = 'do it', no_label = 'forget it' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
service = self._controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key )
self._controller.CallToThread( do_it, service )
def _CheckDBIntegrity( self ):
message = 'This will check the database for missing and invalid entries. It may take several minutes to complete.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, title = 'Run integrity check?', yes_label = 'do it', no_label = 'forget it' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
self._controller.Write( 'db_integrity' )
def _CheckImportFolder( self, name = None ):
if self._controller.options[ 'pause_import_folders_sync' ]:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Import folders are currently paused under the \'file\' menu. Please unpause them and try this again.' )
if name is None:
import_folders = self._controller.Read( 'serialisable_named', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_IMPORT_FOLDER )
import_folder = self._controller.Read( 'serialisable_named', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_IMPORT_FOLDER, name )
import_folders = [ import_folder ]
for import_folder in import_folders:
self._controller.WriteSynchronous( 'serialisable', import_folder )
self._controller.pub( 'notify_new_import_folders' )
def _ClearFileViewingStats( self ):
text = 'Are you sure you want to delete _all_ file viewing records? This cannot be undone.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, text, yes_label = 'do it', no_label = 'forget it' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
content_update = HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILE_VIEWING_STATS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADVANCED, 'clear' )
service_keys_to_content_updates = { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY : [ content_update ] }
self._controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', service_keys_to_content_updates )
QW.QMessageBox.information( self, 'Information', 'Delete done! Please restart the client to see the changes in the UI.' )
def _ClearOrphanFiles( self ):
text = 'This will iterate through every file in your database\'s file storage, removing any it does not expect to be there. It may take some time.'
text += os.linesep * 2
text += 'Files and thumbnails will be inaccessible while this occurs, so it is best to leave the client alone until it is done.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, text, yes_label = 'do it', no_label = 'forget it' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
text = 'What would you like to do with the orphaned files? Note that all orphaned thumbnails will be deleted.'
client_files_manager = self._controller.client_files_manager
( result, was_cancelled ) = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, text, title = 'Choose what do to with the orphans.', yes_label = 'move them somewhere', no_label = 'delete them', check_for_cancelled = True )
if was_cancelled:
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
with QP.DirDialog( self, 'Select location.' ) as dlg_3:
if dlg_3.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
path = dlg_3.GetPath()
self._controller.CallToThread( client_files_manager.ClearOrphans, path )
elif result == QW.QDialog.Rejected:
self._controller.CallToThread( client_files_manager.ClearOrphans )
def _ClearOrphanFileRecords( self ):
text = 'This will instruct the database to review its file records and delete any orphans. You typically do not ever see these files and they are basically harmless, but they can offset some file counts confusingly. You probably only need to run this if you can\'t process the apparent last handful of duplicate filter pairs or hydrus dev otherwise told you to try it.'
text += os.linesep * 2
text += 'It will create a popup message while it works and inform you of the number of orphan records found.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, text, yes_label = 'do it', no_label = 'forget it' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
self._controller.Write( 'clear_orphan_file_records' )
def _ClearOrphanTables( self ):
text = 'This will instruct the database to review its service tables and delete any orphans. This will typically do nothing, but hydrus dev may tell you to run this, just to check. Be sure you have a semi-recent backup before you run this.'
text += os.linesep * 2
text += 'It will create popups if it finds anything to delete.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, text, yes_label = 'do it', no_label = 'forget it' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
self._controller.Write( 'clear_orphan_tables' )
def _CullFileViewingStats( self ):
text = 'If your file viewing statistics have some erroneous values due to many short views or accidental long views, this routine will cull your current numbers to compensate. For instance:'
text += os.linesep * 2
text += 'If you have a file with 100 views over 100 seconds and a minimum view time of 2 seconds, this will cull the views to 50.'
text += os.linesep * 2
text += 'If you have a file with 10 views over 100000 seconds and a maximum view time of 60 seconds, this will cull the total viewtime to 600 seconds.'
text += os.linesep * 2
text += 'It will work for both preview and media views based on their separate rules.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, text, yes_label = 'do it', no_label = 'forget it' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
self._controller.WriteSynchronous( 'cull_file_viewing_statistics' )
QW.QMessageBox.information( self, 'Information', 'Cull done! Please restart the client to see the changes in the UI.' )
def _CurrentlyMinimisedOrHidden( self ):
return self.isMinimized() or self._currently_minimised_to_system_tray
def _DebugFetchAURL( self ):
def qt_code( network_job ):
if not self or not QP.isValid( self ):
content = network_job.GetContentBytes()
text = 'Request complete. Length of response is ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( len( content ) ) + '.'
yes_tuples = []
yes_tuples.append( ( 'save to file', 'file' ) )
yes_tuples.append( ( 'copy to clipboard', 'clipboard' ) )
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesYesNo( self, text, yes_tuples = yes_tuples, no_label = 'forget it' ) as dlg:
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
value = dlg.GetValue()
if value == 'file':
with QP.FileDialog( self, 'select where to save content', default_filename = 'result.html', acceptMode = QW.QFileDialog.AcceptSave, fileMode = QW.QFileDialog.AnyFile ) as f_dlg:
if f_dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
path = f_dlg.GetPath()
with open( path, 'wb' ) as f:
f.write( content )
elif value == 'clipboard':
text = network_job.GetContentText()
self._controller.pub( 'clipboard', 'text', text )
def thread_wait( url ):
from hydrus.client.networking import ClientNetworkingJobs
network_job = ClientNetworkingJobs.NetworkJob( 'GET', url )
job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey()
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_title', 'debug network job' )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_network_job', network_job )
self._controller.pub( 'message', job_key )
self._controller.network_engine.AddJob( network_job )
job_key.Delete( seconds = 3 )
QP.CallAfter( qt_code, network_job )
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogTextEntry( self, 'Enter the URL.' ) as dlg:
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
url = dlg.GetValue()
self._controller.CallToThread( thread_wait, url )
def _DebugMakeDelayedModalPopup( self, cancellable ):
def do_it( controller, cancellable ):
time.sleep( 5 )
job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey( cancellable = cancellable )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_title', 'debug modal job' )
controller.pub( 'modal_message', job_key )
for i in range( 10 ):
if job_key.IsCancelled():
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'Will auto-dismiss in ' + HydrusData.TimeDeltaToPrettyTimeDelta( 10 - i ) + '.' )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_gauge_1', ( i, 10 ) )
time.sleep( 1 )
self._controller.CallToThread( do_it, self._controller, cancellable )
def _DebugLongTextPopup( self ):
words = [ 'test', 'a', 'longish', 'statictext', 'm8' ]
text = random.choice( words )
job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey()
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', text )
self._controller.pub( 'message', job_key )
t = 0
for i in range( 2, 64 ):
text += ' {}'.format( random.choice( words ) )
t += 0.2
self._controller.CallLater( t, job_key.SetVariable, 'popup_text_1', text )
words = [ 'test', 'a', 'longish', 'statictext', 'm8' ]
text = random.choice( words )
job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey()
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'test long title' )
self._controller.pub( 'message', job_key )
for i in range( 2, 64 ):
text += ' {}'.format( random.choice( words ) )
t += 0.2
self._controller.CallLater( t, job_key.SetVariable, 'popup_title', text )
def _DebugMakeParentlessTextCtrl( self ):
with QP.Dialog( None, title = 'parentless debug dialog' ) as dlg:
control = QW.QLineEdit( dlg )
control.setText( 'debug test input' )
vbox = QP.VBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, control, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
dlg.setLayout( vbox )
def _DebugMakeSomePopups( self ):
for i in range( 1, 7 ):
HydrusData.ShowText( 'This is a test popup message -- ' + str( i ) )
brother_classem_pinniped = '''++++What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you worthless heretic? I'll have you know I graduated top of my aspirant tournament in the Heralds of Ultramar, and I've led an endless crusade of secret raids against the forces of The Great Enemy, and I have over 30 million confirmed purgings. I am trained in armored warfare and I'm the top brother in all the thousand Divine Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes. You are nothing to me but just another heretic. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this universe, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Warp? Think again, traitor. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of inquisitors across the galaxy and your malign powers are being traced right now so you better prepare for the holy storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your soul. You're fucking dead, kid. I can warp anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bolter. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Departmento Munitorum and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the galaxy, you little shit. If only you could have known what holy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking impure tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you Emperor-damned heretic.++++\n\n++++Better crippled in body than corrupt in mind++++\n\n++++The Emperor Protects++++'''
HydrusData.ShowText( 'This is a very long message: \n\n' + brother_classem_pinniped )
job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey()
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_title', 'This popup has a very long title -- it is a subscription that is running with a long "artist sub 123456" kind of name' )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'test' )
self._controller.pub( 'message', job_key )
job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey()
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_title', '\u24c9\u24d7\u24d8\u24e2 \u24d8\u24e2 \u24d0 \u24e3\u24d4\u24e2\u24e3 \u24e4\u24dd\u24d8\u24d2\u24de\u24d3\u24d4 \u24dc\u24d4\u24e2\u24e2\u24d0\u24d6\u24d4' )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', '\u24b2\u24a0\u24b2 \u24a7\u249c\u249f' )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_2', 'p\u0250\u05df \u028d\u01dd\u028d' )
self._controller.pub( 'message', job_key )
job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey( pausable = True, cancellable = True )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_title', 'test job' )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'Currently processing test job 5/8' )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_gauge_1', ( 5, 8 ) )
self._controller.pub( 'message', job_key )
self._controller.CallLater( 2.0, job_key.SetVariable, 'popup_text_2', 'Pulsing subjob' )
self._controller.CallLater( 2.0, job_key.SetVariable, 'popup_gauge_2', ( 0, None ) )
e = HydrusExceptions.DataMissing( 'This is a test exception' )
HydrusData.ShowException( e )
for i in range( 1, 4 ):
self._controller.CallLater( 0.5 * i, HydrusData.ShowText, 'This is a delayed popup message -- ' + str( i ) )
def _DebugShowGarbageDifferences( self ):
count = collections.Counter()
for o in gc.get_objects():
count[ type( o ) ] += 1
count.subtract( self._garbage_snapshot )
text = 'Garbage differences start here:'
to_print = list( count.items() )
to_print.sort( key = lambda pair: -pair[1] )
for ( t, count ) in to_print:
if count == 0:
text += os.linesep + '{}: {}'.format( t, HydrusData.ToHumanInt( count ) )
HydrusData.ShowText( text )
def _DebugTakeGarbageSnapshot( self ):
count = collections.Counter()
for o in gc.get_objects():
count[ type( o ) ] += 1
self._garbage_snapshot = count
def _DebugPrintGarbage( self ):
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Printing garbage to log' )
HydrusData.Print( 'uncollectable gc.garbage:' )
count = collections.Counter()
for o in gc.garbage:
count[ type( o ) ] += 1
to_print = list( count.items() )
to_print.sort( key = lambda pair: -pair[1] )
for ( k, v ) in to_print:
HydrusData.Print( ( k, v ) )
del gc.garbage[:]
old_debug = gc.get_debug()
HydrusData.Print( 'running a collect with stats on:' )
gc.set_debug( gc.DEBUG_LEAK | gc.DEBUG_STATS )
del gc.garbage[:]
gc.set_debug( old_debug )
count = collections.Counter()
objects_to_inspect = set()
for o in gc.get_objects():
# add objects to inspect here
count[ type( o ) ] += 1
current_frame = sys._getframe( 0 )
for o in objects_to_inspect:
HydrusData.Print( o )
parents = gc.get_referrers( o )
for parent in parents:
if parent == current_frame or parent == objects_to_inspect:
HydrusData.Print( 'parent {}'.format( parent ) )
grandparents = gc.get_referrers( parent )
for gp in grandparents:
if gp == current_frame or gp == parents:
HydrusData.Print( 'grandparent {}'.format( gp ) )
HydrusData.Print( 'currently tracked types:' )
to_print = list( count.items() )
to_print.sort( key = lambda pair: -pair[1] )
for ( k, v ) in to_print:
if v > 15:
HydrusData.Print( ( k, v ) )
HydrusData.DebugPrint( 'garbage printing finished' )
def _DebugShowScheduledJobs( self ):
def _DeleteGUISession( self, name ):
message = 'Delete session "' + name + '"?'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, title = 'Delete session?' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
self._controller.Write( 'delete_serialisable_named', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_GUI_SESSION, name )
self._controller.pub( 'notify_new_sessions' )
def _DeletePending( self, service_key ):
service_name = self._controller.services_manager.GetName( service_key )
message = 'Are you sure you want to delete the pending data for {}?'.format( service_name )
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
self._controller.Write( 'delete_pending', service_key )
def _DeleteServiceInfo( self ):
message = 'This clears the cached counts for things like the number of files or tags on a service. Due to unusual situations and little counting bugs, these numbers can sometimes become unsynced. Clearing them forces an accurate recount from source.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'Some GUI elements (review services, mainly) may be slow the next time they launch.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
self._controller.Write( 'delete_service_info' )
def _DestroyPages( self, pages ):
for page in pages:
if page and QP.isValid( page ):
def _DestroyTimers( self ):
if self._animation_update_timer is not None:
self._animation_update_timer = None
def _EnableLoadTruncatedImages( self ):
result = HydrusImageHandling.EnableLoadTruncatedImages()
if not result:
QW.QMessageBox.critical( self, 'Error', 'Could not turn on--perhaps your version of PIL does not support it?' )
def _ExportDownloader( self ):
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogNullipotent( self, 'export downloaders' ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUIParsing.DownloaderExportPanel( dlg, self._controller.network_engine )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
def _FetchIP( self, service_key ):
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogTextEntry( self, 'Enter the file\'s hash.' ) as dlg:
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
hash = bytes.fromhex( dlg.GetValue() )
service = self._controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key )
with QP.BusyCursor(): response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'ip', { 'hash' : hash } )
ip = response[ 'ip' ]
timestamp = response[ 'timestamp' ]
gmt_time = HydrusData.ConvertTimestampToPrettyTime( timestamp, in_utc = True )
local_time = HydrusData.ConvertTimestampToPrettyTime( timestamp )
text = 'File Hash: ' + hash.hex()
text += os.linesep
text += 'Uploader\'s IP: ' + ip
text += 'Upload Time (GMT): ' + gmt_time
text += 'Upload Time (Your time): ' + local_time
HydrusData.Print( text )
QW.QMessageBox.information( self, 'Information', text+os.linesep*2+'This has been written to the log.' )
def _FindMenuBarIndex( self, name ):
for index in range( len( self._menubar.actions() ) ):
if self._menubar.actions()[ index ].property( 'hydrus_menubar_name' ) == name:
return index
return -1
def _FlipClipboardWatcher( self, option_name ):
self._controller.new_options.FlipBoolean( option_name )
self._controller.WriteSynchronous( 'serialisable', self._controller.new_options )
self._last_clipboard_watched_text = ''
if self._clipboard_watcher_repeating_job is None:
self._clipboard_watcher_repeating_job = self._controller.CallRepeatingQtSafe(self, 1.0, 1.0, self.REPEATINGClipboardWatcher)
def _FlipShowHideWholeUI( self ):
if not self._currently_minimised_to_system_tray:
visible_tlws = [ tlw for tlw in QW.QApplication.topLevelWidgets() if tlw.isVisible() or tlw.isMinimized() ]
visible_dialogs = [ tlw for tlw in visible_tlws if isinstance( tlw, QW.QDialog ) ]
if len( visible_dialogs ) > 0:
dialog = visible_dialogs[ -1 ]
page = self.GetCurrentPage()
if page is not None:
HG.client_controller.pub( 'pause_all_media' )
for tlw in visible_tlws:
self._system_tray_hidden_tlws.append( ( tlw.isMaximized(), tlw ) )
for ( was_maximised, tlw ) in self._system_tray_hidden_tlws:
if QP.isValid( tlw ):
self._have_shown_once = True
page = self.GetCurrentPage()
if page is not None:
self._system_tray_hidden_tlws = []
self._currently_minimised_to_system_tray = not self._currently_minimised_to_system_tray
def _GenerateNewAccounts( self, service_key ):
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogGenerateNewAccounts( self, service_key ) as dlg: dlg.exec()
def _HowBonedAmI( self ):
def _ImportDownloaders( self ):
frame = ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.FrameThatTakesScrollablePanel( self, 'import downloaders' )
panel = ClientGUIScrolledPanelsReview.ReviewDownloaderImport( frame, self._controller.network_engine )
frame.SetPanel( panel )
def _ImportFiles( self, paths = None ):
if paths is None:
paths = []
frame = ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.FrameThatTakesScrollablePanel( self, 'review files to import' )
panel = ClientGUIScrolledPanelsReview.ReviewLocalFileImports( frame, paths )
frame.SetPanel( panel )
def _ImportUpdateFiles( self ):
def do_it( external_update_dir ):
num_errors = 0
filenames = os.listdir( external_update_dir )
update_paths = [ os.path.join( external_update_dir, filename ) for filename in filenames ]
update_paths = list(filter( os.path.isfile, update_paths ))
num_to_do = len( update_paths )
if num_to_do == 0:
QP.CallAfter( QW.QMessageBox.warning, self, 'Warning', 'No files in that directory!' )
job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey( cancellable = True )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_title', 'importing updates' )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'message', job_key )
for ( i, update_path ) in enumerate( update_paths ):
( i_paused, should_quit ) = job_key.WaitIfNeeded()
if should_quit:
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'Cancelled!' )
with open( update_path, 'rb' ) as f:
update_network_bytes = f.read()
update_network_string_hash = hashlib.sha256( update_network_bytes ).digest()
update = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromNetworkBytes( update_network_bytes )
num_errors += 1
HydrusData.Print( update_path + ' did not load correctly!' )
if isinstance( update, HydrusNetwork.DefinitionsUpdate ):
elif isinstance( update, HydrusNetwork.ContentUpdate ):
num_errors += 1
HydrusData.Print( update_path + ' was not an update!' )
self._controller.WriteSynchronous( 'import_update', update_network_bytes, update_network_string_hash, mime )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', HydrusData.ConvertValueRangeToPrettyString( i + 1, num_to_do ) )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_gauge_1', ( i, num_to_do ) )
if num_errors == 0:
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'Done!' )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'Done with ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_errors ) + ' errors (written to the log).' )
job_key.DeleteVariable( 'popup_gauge_1' )
message = 'This lets you manually import a directory of update files for your repositories. Any update files that match what your repositories are looking for will be automatically linked so they do not have to be downloaded.'
QW.QMessageBox.information( self, 'Information', message )
with QP.DirDialog( self, 'Select location.' ) as dlg:
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
path = dlg.GetPath()
self._controller.CallToThread( do_it, path )
def _ImportURL(
filterable_tags = None,
additional_service_keys_to_tags = None,
destination_page_name = None,
destination_page_key = None,
show_destination_page = True,
allow_watchers = True,
allow_other_recognised_urls = True,
allow_unrecognised_urls = True
if filterable_tags is None:
filterable_tags = set()
if additional_service_keys_to_tags is None:
additional_service_keys_to_tags = ClientTags.ServiceKeysToTags()
url = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.NormaliseURL( url )
( url_type, match_name, can_parse ) = self._controller.network_engine.domain_manager.GetURLParseCapability( url )
if url_type in ( HC.URL_TYPE_GALLERY, HC.URL_TYPE_POST, HC.URL_TYPE_WATCHABLE ) and not can_parse:
message = 'This URL was recognised as a "{}" but this URL class does not yet have a parsing script linked to it!'.format( match_name )
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'Since this URL cannot be parsed, a downloader cannot be created for it! Please check your url class links under the \'networking\' menu.'
raise HydrusExceptions.URLClassException( message )
url_caught = False
if ( url_type == HC.URL_TYPE_UNKNOWN and allow_unrecognised_urls ) or ( url_type in ( HC.URL_TYPE_FILE, HC.URL_TYPE_POST, HC.URL_TYPE_GALLERY ) and allow_other_recognised_urls ):
url_caught = True
page = self._notebook.GetOrMakeURLImportPage( desired_page_name = destination_page_name, desired_page_key = destination_page_key, select_page = show_destination_page )
if page is not None:
if show_destination_page:
self._notebook.ShowPage( page )
management_panel = page.GetManagementPanel()
management_panel.PendURL( url, filterable_tags = filterable_tags, additional_service_keys_to_tags = additional_service_keys_to_tags )
return ( url, '"{}" URL added successfully.'.format( match_name ) )
elif url_type == HC.URL_TYPE_WATCHABLE and allow_watchers:
url_caught = True
page = self._notebook.GetOrMakeMultipleWatcherPage( desired_page_name = destination_page_name, desired_page_key = destination_page_key, select_page = show_destination_page )
if page is not None:
if show_destination_page:
self._notebook.ShowPage( page )
management_panel = page.GetManagementPanel()
management_panel.PendURL( url, filterable_tags = filterable_tags, additional_service_keys_to_tags = additional_service_keys_to_tags )
return ( url, '"{}" URL added successfully.'.format( match_name ) )
if url_caught:
raise HydrusExceptions.DataMissing( '"{}" URL was accepted but not added successfully--could not find/generate a new downloader page for it.'.format( match_name ) )
def _InitialiseMenubarGetBonesUpdater( self ):
def loading_callable():
def work_callable():
job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey()
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'Loading Statistics\u2026' )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'message', job_key )
boned_stats = HG.client_controller.Read( 'boned_stats' )
return ( job_key, boned_stats )
def publish_callable( result ):
( job_key, boned_stats ) = result
frame = ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.FrameThatTakesScrollablePanel( self, 'review your fate' )
panel = ClientGUIScrolledPanelsReview.ReviewHowBonedAmI( frame, boned_stats )
frame.SetPanel( panel )
return ClientGUIAsync.AsyncQtUpdater( self, loading_callable, work_callable, publish_callable )
def _InitialiseMenubarGetFileMenuUpdater( self ):
def loading_callable():
self.DisableMenu( 'file' )
def work_callable():
import_folder_names = HG.client_controller.Read( 'serialisable_names', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_IMPORT_FOLDER )
export_folder_names = HG.client_controller.Read( 'serialisable_names', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_EXPORT_FOLDER )
return ( import_folder_names, export_folder_names )
def publish_callable( result ):
( import_folder_names, export_folder_names ) = result
( menu, label ) = self.GenerateMenuInfoFile( import_folder_names, export_folder_names )
self.ReplaceMenu( 'file', menu, label )
return ClientGUIAsync.AsyncQtUpdater( self, loading_callable, work_callable, publish_callable )
def _InitialiseMenubarGetPagesMenuUpdater( self ):
def loading_callable():
self.DisableMenu( 'pages' )
def work_callable():
gui_session_names = HG.client_controller.Read( 'serialisable_names', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_GUI_SESSION )
if len( gui_session_names ) > 0:
gui_session_names_to_backup_timestamps = HG.client_controller.Read( 'serialisable_names_to_backup_timestamps', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_GUI_SESSION )
gui_session_names_to_backup_timestamps = {}
return ( gui_session_names, gui_session_names_to_backup_timestamps )
def publish_callable( result ):
( gui_session_names, gui_session_names_to_backup_timestamps ) = result
( menu, label ) = self.GenerateMenuInfoPages( gui_session_names, gui_session_names_to_backup_timestamps )
self.ReplaceMenu( 'pages', menu, label )
return ClientGUIAsync.AsyncQtUpdater( self, loading_callable, work_callable, publish_callable )
def _InitialiseMenubarGetPendingMenuUpdater( self ):
def loading_callable():
self.DisableMenu( 'pending' )
def work_callable():
nums_pending = HG.client_controller.Read( 'nums_pending' )
return nums_pending
def publish_callable( result ):
nums_pending = result
( menu_or_none, label ) = self.GenerateMenuInfoPending( nums_pending )
self.ReplaceMenu( 'pending', menu_or_none, label )
return ClientGUIAsync.AsyncQtUpdater( self, loading_callable, work_callable, publish_callable )
def _InitialiseMenubar( self ):
self._menubar = QW.QMenuBar( self )
self._menubar.setNativeMenuBar( False )
self._menu_updater = ClientGUIAsync.FastThreadToGUIUpdater( self._menubar, self.RefreshMenu )
self._dirty_menus = set()
self._menu_updater_file = self._InitialiseMenubarGetFileMenuUpdater()
self._menu_updater_pages = self._InitialiseMenubarGetPagesMenuUpdater()
self._menu_updater_pending = self._InitialiseMenubarGetPendingMenuUpdater()
self._boned_updater = self._InitialiseMenubarGetBonesUpdater()
self.setMenuBar( self._menubar )
for name in MENU_ORDER:
if name == 'file':
elif name == 'pages':
elif name == 'pending':
( menu_or_none, label ) = self.GenerateMenuInfo( name )
self.ReplaceMenu( name, menu_or_none, label )
def _InitialiseSession( self ):
default_gui_session = HC.options[ 'default_gui_session' ]
existing_session_names = self._controller.Read( 'serialisable_names', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_GUI_SESSION )
cannot_load_from_db = default_gui_session not in existing_session_names
load_a_blank_page = HC.options[ 'default_gui_session' ] == 'just a blank page' or cannot_load_from_db
if not load_a_blank_page:
if self._controller.LastShutdownWasBad():
# this can be upgraded to a nicer checkboxlist dialog to select pages or w/e
message = 'It looks like the last instance of the client did not shut down cleanly.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'Would you like to try loading your default session "' + default_gui_session + '", or just a blank page?'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'This will auto-choose to open your default session in 15 seconds.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, title = 'Previous shutdown was bad', yes_label = 'try to load "' + default_gui_session + '"', no_label = 'just load a blank page', auto_yes_time = 15 )
if result == QW.QDialog.Rejected:
load_a_blank_page = True
def do_it( default_gui_session, load_a_blank_page ):
if load_a_blank_page:
self._notebook.NewPageQuery( CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY, on_deepest_notebook = True )
self._notebook.LoadGUISession( default_gui_session )
last_session_save_period_minutes = self._controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'last_session_save_period_minutes' )
#self._controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, 1.0, self.adjustSize ) # some i3 thing--doesn't layout main gui on init for some reason
self._controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, last_session_save_period_minutes * 60, self.AutoSaveLastSession)
self._clipboard_watcher_repeating_job = self._controller.CallRepeatingQtSafe(self, 1.0, 1.0, self.REPEATINGClipboardWatcher)
self._controller.CallLaterQtSafe( self, 0.25, do_it, default_gui_session, load_a_blank_page )
def _LockServer( self, service_key, lock ):
def do_it( service, lock ):
if lock:
command = 'lock_on'
done_message = 'Server locked!'
command = 'lock_off'
done_message = 'Server unlocked!'
service.Request( HC.POST, command )
HydrusData.ShowText( done_message )
if lock:
message = 'This will tell the server to lock and disconnect its database, in case you wish to make a db backup using an external program. It will not be able to serve any requests as long as it is locked. It may get funky if it is locked for hours and hours--if you need it paused for that long, I recommend just shutting it down instead.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, yes_label = 'do it', no_label = 'forget it' )
if result != QW.QDialog.Accepted:
service = self._controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key )
self._controller.CallToThread( do_it, service, lock )
def _ManageAccountTypes( self, service_key ):
title = 'manage account types'
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogManage( self, title ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUIServices.ManageAccountTypesPanel( dlg, service_key )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
def _ManageDefaultTagImportOptions( self ):
title = 'manage default tag import options'
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogEdit( self, title ) as dlg:
domain_manager = self._controller.network_engine.domain_manager
( file_post_default_tag_import_options, watchable_default_tag_import_options, url_class_keys_to_tag_import_options ) = domain_manager.GetDefaultTagImportOptions()
url_classes = domain_manager.GetURLClasses()
parsers = domain_manager.GetParsers()
url_class_keys_to_parser_keys = domain_manager.GetURLClassKeysToParserKeys()
panel = ClientGUIScrolledPanelsEdit.EditDefaultTagImportOptionsPanel( dlg, url_classes, parsers, url_class_keys_to_parser_keys, file_post_default_tag_import_options, watchable_default_tag_import_options, url_class_keys_to_tag_import_options )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
( file_post_default_tag_import_options, watchable_default_tag_import_options, url_class_keys_to_tag_import_options ) = panel.GetValue()
domain_manager.SetDefaultTagImportOptions( file_post_default_tag_import_options, watchable_default_tag_import_options, url_class_keys_to_tag_import_options )
def _ManageDownloaderDisplay( self ):
title = 'manage downloader display'
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogEdit( self, title ) as dlg:
domain_manager = self._controller.network_engine.domain_manager
gugs = domain_manager.GetGUGs()
gug_keys_to_display = domain_manager.GetGUGKeysToDisplay()
url_classes = domain_manager.GetURLClasses()
url_class_keys_to_display = domain_manager.GetURLClassKeysToDisplay()
show_unmatched_urls_in_media_viewer = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'show_unmatched_urls_in_media_viewer' )
panel = ClientGUIDownloaders.EditDownloaderDisplayPanel( dlg, self._controller.network_engine, gugs, gug_keys_to_display, url_classes, url_class_keys_to_display, show_unmatched_urls_in_media_viewer )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
( gug_keys_to_display, url_class_keys_to_display, show_unmatched_urls_in_media_viewer ) = panel.GetValue()
domain_manager.SetGUGKeysToDisplay( gug_keys_to_display )
domain_manager.SetURLClassKeysToDisplay( url_class_keys_to_display )
HG.client_controller.new_options.SetBoolean( 'show_unmatched_urls_in_media_viewer', show_unmatched_urls_in_media_viewer )
def _ManageExportFolders( self ):
def qt_do_it():
export_folders = self._controller.Read( 'serialisable_named', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_EXPORT_FOLDER )
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogEdit( self, 'edit export folders' ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUIExport.EditExportFoldersPanel( dlg, export_folders )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
export_folders = panel.GetValue()
existing_db_names = set( self._controller.Read( 'serialisable_names', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_EXPORT_FOLDER ) )
good_names = set()
for export_folder in export_folders:
self._controller.Write( 'serialisable', export_folder )
good_names.add( export_folder.GetName() )
names_to_delete = existing_db_names - good_names
for name in names_to_delete:
self._controller.Write( 'delete_serialisable_named', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_EXPORT_FOLDER, name )
self._controller.pub( 'notify_new_export_folders' )
def THREAD_do_it( controller ):
with self._delayed_dialog_lock:
original_pause_status = controller.options[ 'pause_export_folders_sync' ]
controller.options[ 'pause_export_folders_sync' ] = True
if HG.export_folders_running:
job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey()
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'Waiting for import folders to finish.' )
controller.pub( 'message', job_key )
while HG.export_folders_running:
time.sleep( 0.1 )
if HG.view_shutdown:
controller.CallBlockingToQt( self, qt_do_it )
except HydrusExceptions.QtDeadWindowException:
controller.options[ 'pause_export_folders_sync' ] = original_pause_status
controller.pub( 'notify_new_export_folders' )
self._controller.CallToThread( THREAD_do_it, self._controller )
def _ManageGUGs( self ):
title = 'manage gallery url generators'
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogEdit( self, title ) as dlg:
domain_manager = self._controller.network_engine.domain_manager
gugs = domain_manager.GetGUGs()
panel = ClientGUIDownloaders.EditGUGsPanel( dlg, gugs )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
gugs = panel.GetValue()
domain_manager.SetGUGs( gugs )
def _ManageImportFolders( self ):
def qt_do_it():
import_folders = self._controller.Read( 'serialisable_named', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_IMPORT_FOLDER )
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogEdit( self, 'edit import folders' ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUIImport.EditImportFoldersPanel( dlg, import_folders )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
import_folders = panel.GetValue()
existing_db_names = set( self._controller.Read( 'serialisable_names', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_IMPORT_FOLDER ) )
good_names = set()
for import_folder in import_folders:
good_names.add( import_folder.GetName() )
self._controller.Write( 'serialisable', import_folder )
names_to_delete = existing_db_names.difference( good_names )
for name in names_to_delete:
self._controller.Write( 'delete_serialisable_named', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_IMPORT_FOLDER, name )
self._controller.pub( 'notify_new_import_folders' )
def THREAD_do_it( controller ):
with self._delayed_dialog_lock:
original_pause_status = controller.options[ 'pause_import_folders_sync' ]
controller.options[ 'pause_import_folders_sync' ] = True
if HG.import_folders_running:
job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey()
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'Waiting for import folders to finish.' )
controller.pub( 'message', job_key )
while HG.import_folders_running:
time.sleep( 0.1 )
if HG.view_shutdown:
controller.CallBlockingToQt(self, qt_do_it)
except HydrusExceptions.QtDeadWindowException:
controller.options[ 'pause_import_folders_sync' ] = original_pause_status
controller.pub( 'notify_new_import_folders' )
self._controller.CallToThread( THREAD_do_it, self._controller )
def _ManageLogins( self ):
title = 'manage logins'
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogEdit( self, title ) as dlg:
login_manager = self._controller.network_engine.login_manager
login_scripts = login_manager.GetLoginScripts()
domains_to_login_info = login_manager.GetDomainsToLoginInfo()
panel = ClientGUILogin.EditLoginsPanel( dlg, self._controller.network_engine, login_scripts, domains_to_login_info )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
domains_to_login_info = panel.GetValue()
login_manager.SetDomainsToLoginInfo( domains_to_login_info )
domains_to_login = panel.GetDomainsToLoginAfterOK()
if len( domains_to_login ) > 0:
self._controller.network_engine.ForceLogins( domains_to_login )
def _ManageLoginScripts( self ):
title = 'manage login scripts'
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogEdit( self, title ) as dlg:
login_manager = self._controller.network_engine.login_manager
login_scripts = login_manager.GetLoginScripts()
panel = ClientGUILogin.EditLoginScriptsPanel( dlg, login_scripts )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
login_scripts = panel.GetValue()
login_manager.SetLoginScripts( login_scripts )
def _ManageNetworkHeaders( self ):
title = 'manage http headers'
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogEdit( self, title ) as dlg:
domain_manager = self._controller.network_engine.domain_manager
network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts = domain_manager.GetNetworkContextsToCustomHeaderDicts()
panel = ClientGUINetwork.EditNetworkContextCustomHeadersPanel( dlg, network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts = panel.GetValue()
domain_manager.SetNetworkContextsToCustomHeaderDicts( network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts )
def _ManageOptions( self ):
title = 'manage options'
frame_key = 'manage_options_dialog'
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogManage( self, title, frame_key ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUIScrolledPanelsManagement.ManageOptionsPanel( dlg )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
qt_style_name = self._controller.new_options.GetNoneableString( 'qt_style_name' )
qt_stylesheet_name = self._controller.new_options.GetNoneableString( 'qt_stylesheet_name' )
if qt_style_name is None:
ClientGUIStyle.SetStyleFromName( ClientGUIStyle.ORIGINAL_STYLE_NAME )
ClientGUIStyle.SetStyleFromName( qt_style_name )
except Exception as e:
HydrusData.ShowException( e )
if qt_stylesheet_name is None:
ClientGUIStyle.SetStylesheetFromPath( qt_stylesheet_name )
except Exception as e:
HydrusData.ShowException( e )
self._controller.pub( 'wake_daemons' )
self._controller.pub( 'refresh_page_name' )
self._controller.pub( 'notify_new_colourset' )
self._controller.pub( 'notify_new_favourite_tags' )
def _ManageParsers( self ):
title = 'manage parsers'
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogEdit( self, title ) as dlg:
domain_manager = self._controller.network_engine.domain_manager
parsers = domain_manager.GetParsers()
panel = ClientGUIParsing.EditParsersPanel( dlg, parsers )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
parsers = panel.GetValue()
domain_manager.SetParsers( parsers )
def _ManageParsingScripts( self ):
title = 'manage parsing scripts'
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogManage( self, title ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUIParsing.ManageParsingScriptsPanel( dlg )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
def _ManageServer( self, service_key ):
title = 'manage server services'
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogManage( self, title ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUIServices.ManageServerServicesPanel( dlg, service_key )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
def _ManageServices( self ):
original_pause_status = HC.options[ 'pause_repo_sync' ]
HC.options[ 'pause_repo_sync' ] = True
title = 'manage services'
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogManage( self, title ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUIServices.ManageClientServicesPanel( dlg )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
HC.options[ 'pause_repo_sync' ] = original_pause_status
def _ManageSubscriptions( self ):
def qt_do_it( subscriptions, missing_query_log_container_names, surplus_query_log_container_names, original_pause_status ):
if len( missing_query_log_container_names ) > 0:
text = '{} subscription queries had missing database data! This is a serious error!'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( len( missing_query_log_container_names ) ) )
text += os.linesep * 2
text += 'If you continue, the client will now create and save empty file/gallery logs for those queries, essentially resetting them, but if you know you need to exit and fix your database in a different way, cancel out now.'
text += os.linesep * 2
text += 'If you do not know why this happened, you may have had a hard drive fault. Please consult "install_dir/db/help my db is broke.txt", and you may want to contact hydrus dev.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, text, title = 'Missing Query Logs!', yes_label = 'continue', no_label = 'back out' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
from hydrus.client.importing import ClientImportSubscriptionQuery
for missing_query_log_container_name in missing_query_log_container_names:
query_log_container = ClientImportSubscriptionQuery.SubscriptionQueryLogContainer( missing_query_log_container_name )
HG.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'serialisable', query_log_container )
for subscription in subscriptions:
for query_header in subscription.GetQueryHeaders():
if query_header.GetQueryLogContainerName() in missing_query_log_container_names:
query_header.Reset( query_log_container )
HG.client_controller.subscriptions_manager.SetSubscriptions( subscriptions ) # save the reset
raise HydrusExceptions.CancelledException()
if len( surplus_query_log_container_names ) > 0:
text = 'When loading subscription data, the client discovered surplus orphaned subscription data for {} queries! This data is harmless and no longer used. The situation is however unusual, and probably due to an unusual deletion routine or a bug.'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( len( surplus_query_log_container_names ) ) )
text += os.linesep * 2
text += 'If you continue, this surplus data will backed up to your database directory and then safely deleted from the database itself, but if you recently did manual database editing and know you need to exit and fix your database in a different way, cancel out now.'
text += os.linesep * 2
text += 'If you do not know why this happened, hydrus dev would be interested in being told about it and the surrounding circumstances.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, text, title = 'Orphan Query Logs!', yes_label = 'continue', no_label = 'back out' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
sub_dir = os.path.join( self._controller.GetDBDir(), 'orphaned_query_log_containers' )
HydrusPaths.MakeSureDirectoryExists( sub_dir )
for surplus_query_log_container_name in surplus_query_log_container_names:
surplus_query_log_container = HG.client_controller.Read( 'serialisable_named', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION_QUERY_LOG_CONTAINER, surplus_query_log_container_name )
backup_path = os.path.join( sub_dir, 'qlc_{}.json'.format( surplus_query_log_container_name ) )
with open( backup_path, 'w', encoding = 'utf-8' ) as f:
f.write( surplus_query_log_container.DumpToString() )
HG.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'delete_serialisable_named', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION_QUERY_LOG_CONTAINER, surplus_query_log_container_name )
raise HydrusExceptions.CancelledException()
title = 'manage subscriptions'
frame_key = 'manage_subscriptions_dialog'
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogEdit( self, title, frame_key ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUISubscriptions.EditSubscriptionsPanel( dlg, subscriptions, original_pause_status )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
( subscriptions, edited_query_log_containers, deletee_query_log_container_names ) = panel.GetValue()
return ( subscriptions, edited_query_log_containers, deletee_query_log_container_names )
raise HydrusExceptions.CancelledException()
def THREAD_do_it( controller ):
job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey()
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'Waiting for current subscription work to finish.' )
controller.pub( 'message', job_key )
with self._delayed_dialog_lock:
original_pause_status = controller.options[ 'pause_subs_sync' ]
controller.options[ 'pause_subs_sync' ] = True
if HG.client_controller.subscriptions_manager.SubscriptionsRunning():
while HG.client_controller.subscriptions_manager.SubscriptionsRunning():
time.sleep( 0.1 )
if HG.view_shutdown:
subscriptions = HG.client_controller.subscriptions_manager.GetSubscriptions()
expected_query_log_container_names = set()
for subscription in subscriptions:
expected_query_log_container_names.update( subscription.GetAllQueryLogContainerNames() )
actual_query_log_container_names = set( HG.client_controller.Read( 'serialisable_names', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION_QUERY_LOG_CONTAINER ) )
missing_query_log_container_names = expected_query_log_container_names.difference( actual_query_log_container_names )
surplus_query_log_container_names = actual_query_log_container_names.difference( expected_query_log_container_names )
done_job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey()
( subscriptions, edited_query_log_containers, deletee_query_log_container_names ) = controller.CallBlockingToQt( self, qt_do_it, subscriptions, missing_query_log_container_names, surplus_query_log_container_names, original_pause_status )
done_job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'Saving subscription changes.' )
controller.pub( 'message', done_job_key )
overwrite_types_and_objs = ( [ HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION ], subscriptions ),
set_objs = edited_query_log_containers,
deletee_types_to_names = { HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION_QUERY_LOG_CONTAINER : deletee_query_log_container_names }
HG.client_controller.subscriptions_manager.SetSubscriptions( subscriptions )
except HydrusExceptions.QtDeadWindowException:
except HydrusExceptions.CancelledException:
controller.options[ 'pause_subs_sync' ] = original_pause_status
self._controller.CallToThread( THREAD_do_it, self._controller )
def _ManageTagDisplay( self ):
title = 'manage tag display and search'
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogEdit( self, title ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUITags.EditTagDisplayManagerPanel( dlg, self._controller.tag_display_manager )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
tag_display_manager = panel.GetValue()
self._controller.tag_display_manager = tag_display_manager
self._controller.pub( 'notify_new_tag_display_rules' )
def _ManageTagDisplayApplication( self ):
title = 'manage where tag siblings and parents apply'
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogEdit( self, title ) as dlg:
( master_service_keys_to_sibling_applicable_service_keys, master_service_keys_to_parent_applicable_service_keys ) = self._controller.Read( 'tag_display_application' )
panel = ClientGUITags.EditTagDisplayApplication( dlg, master_service_keys_to_sibling_applicable_service_keys, master_service_keys_to_parent_applicable_service_keys )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
( edited_master_service_keys_to_sibling_applicable_service_keys, edited_master_service_keys_to_parent_applicable_service_keys ) = panel.GetValue()
self._controller.Write( 'tag_display_application', edited_master_service_keys_to_sibling_applicable_service_keys, edited_master_service_keys_to_parent_applicable_service_keys )
def _ManageTagParents( self ):
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogManage( self, 'manage tag parents' ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUITags.ManageTagParents( dlg )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
def _ManageTagSiblings( self ):
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogManage( self, 'manage tag siblings' ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUITags.ManageTagSiblings( dlg )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
def _ManageURLClasses( self ):
title = 'manage url classes'
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogEdit( self, title ) as dlg:
domain_manager = self._controller.network_engine.domain_manager
url_classes = domain_manager.GetURLClasses()
panel = ClientGUIDownloaders.EditURLClassesPanel( dlg, url_classes )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
url_classes = panel.GetValue()
domain_manager.SetURLClasses( url_classes )
def _ManageURLClassLinks( self ):
title = 'manage url class links'
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogEdit( self, title ) as dlg:
domain_manager = self._controller.network_engine.domain_manager
url_classes = domain_manager.GetURLClasses()
parsers = domain_manager.GetParsers()
url_class_keys_to_parser_keys = domain_manager.GetURLClassKeysToParserKeys()
panel = ClientGUIDownloaders.EditURLClassLinksPanel( dlg, self._controller.network_engine, url_classes, parsers, url_class_keys_to_parser_keys )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
url_class_keys_to_parser_keys = panel.GetValue()
domain_manager.SetURLClassKeysToParserKeys( url_class_keys_to_parser_keys )
def _ManageUPnP( self ):
with ClientGUIDialogsManage.DialogManageUPnP( self ) as dlg: dlg.exec()
def _MigrateDatabase( self ):
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogNullipotent( self, 'migrate database' ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUIScrolledPanelsReview.MigrateDatabasePanel( dlg, self._controller )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
self.DirtyMenu( 'database' )
def _MigrateTags( self ):
default_tag_repository_key = HC.options[ 'default_tag_repository' ]
frame = ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.FrameThatTakesScrollablePanel( self, 'migrate tags' )
panel = ClientGUIScrolledPanelsReview.MigrateTagsPanel( frame, default_tag_repository_key )
frame.SetPanel( panel )
def _ModifyAccount( self, service_key ):
QW.QMessageBox.critical( self, 'Error', 'this does not work yet!' )
service = self._controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key )
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogTextEntry( self, 'Enter the account key for the account to be modified.' ) as dlg:
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
account_key = bytes.fromhex( dlg.GetValue() )
QW.QMessageBox.critical( self, 'Error', 'Could not parse that account key' )
subject_account = 'blah' # fetch account from service
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogModifyAccounts( self, service_key, [ subject_account ] ) as dlg2:
def _OpenDBFolder( self ):
HydrusPaths.LaunchDirectory( self._controller.GetDBDir() )
def _OpenExportFolder( self ):
export_path = ClientExporting.GetExportPath()
HydrusPaths.LaunchDirectory( export_path )
def _OpenInstallFolder( self ):
HydrusPaths.LaunchDirectory( HC.BASE_DIR )
def _PausePlaySync( self, sync_type ):
if sync_type == 'repo':
HC.options[ 'pause_repo_sync' ] = not HC.options[ 'pause_repo_sync' ]
self._controller.pub( 'notify_restart_repo_sync' )
elif sync_type == 'export_folders':
HC.options[ 'pause_export_folders_sync' ] = not HC.options[ 'pause_export_folders_sync' ]
self._controller.pub( 'notify_restart_export_folders_daemon' )
elif sync_type == 'import_folders':
HC.options[ 'pause_import_folders_sync' ] = not HC.options[ 'pause_import_folders_sync' ]
self._controller.pub( 'notify_restart_import_folders_daemon' )
self._controller.Write( 'save_options', HC.options )
def _Refresh( self ):
page = self._notebook.GetCurrentMediaPage()
if page is not None:
def _RefreshStatusBar( self ):
if not QP.isValid( self ) or not self._notebook or not self._statusbar or self._CurrentlyMinimisedOrHidden():
page = self._notebook.GetCurrentMediaPage()
if page is None:
media_status = ''
media_status = page.GetPrettyStatus()
if self._controller.CurrentlyIdle():
idle_status = 'idle'
idle_tooltip = 'client is idle, it can do maintenance work'
idle_status = ''
idle_tooltip = None
hydrus_busy_status = self._controller.GetThreadPoolBusyStatus()
hydrus_busy_tooltip = 'just a simple measure of how much hydrus wants to do atm'
if self._controller.SystemBusy():
busy_status = 'CPU busy'
busy_tooltip = 'this computer has been doing work recently, so some hydrus maintenance will not start'
busy_status = ''
busy_tooltip = None
( db_status, job_name ) = HG.client_controller.GetDBStatus()
if job_name is not None and job_name != '':
db_tooltip = 'current db job: {}'.format( job_name )
db_tooltip = None
self._statusbar.setToolTip( job_name )
self._statusbar.SetStatusText( media_status, 0 )
self._statusbar.SetStatusText( idle_status, 2, tooltip = idle_tooltip )
self._statusbar.SetStatusText( hydrus_busy_status, 3, tooltip = hydrus_busy_tooltip )
self._statusbar.SetStatusText( busy_status, 4, tooltip = busy_tooltip )
self._statusbar.SetStatusText( db_status, 5, tooltip = db_tooltip )
def _RegenerateTagCache( self ):
message = 'This will delete and then recreate the fast search cache for one or all tag services.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'If you have a lot of tags and files, it can take a little while, during which the gui may hang.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'If you do not have a specific reason to run this, it is pointless. It fixes missing autocomplete or tag search results.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, yes_label = 'do it--now choose which service', no_label = 'forget it' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
tag_service_key = GetTagServiceKeyForMaintenance( self )
except HydrusExceptions.CancelledException:
self._controller.Write( 'regenerate_tag_cache', tag_service_key = tag_service_key )
def _RegenerateLocalTagCache( self ):
message = 'This will delete and then recreate the local tag cache, which keeps a small record of tags for files on your hard drive. It isn\'t super important, but it speeds most operations up, and this routine fixes it when broken.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'If you have a lot of tags and files, it can take a long time, during which the gui may hang.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'If you do not have a specific reason to run this, it is pointless.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, yes_label = 'do it', no_label = 'forget it' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
self._controller.Write( 'regenerate_local_tag_cache' )
def _RegenerateTagDisplayMappingsCache( self ):
message = 'This will delete and then recreate the tag \'display\' mappings cache, which is used for user-presented tag searching, loading, and autocomplete counts. This is useful if miscounting (particularly related to siblings/parents) has somehow occurred.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'If you have a lot of tags and files, it can take a long time, during which the gui may hang. All siblings and parents will have to be resynced.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'If you do not have a specific reason to run this, it is pointless.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, yes_label = 'do it--now choose which service', no_label = 'forget it' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
tag_service_key = GetTagServiceKeyForMaintenance( self )
except HydrusExceptions.CancelledException:
self._controller.Write( 'regenerate_tag_display_mappings_cache', tag_service_key = tag_service_key )
def _RegenerateTagDisplayPendingMappingsCache( self ):
message = 'This will delete and then recreate the pending tags on the tag \'display\' mappings cache, which is used for user-presented tag searching, loading, and autocomplete counts. This is useful if you have \'ghost\' pending tags or counts hanging around.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'If you have a millions of pending tags, it can take a long time, during which the gui may hang.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'If you do not have a specific reason to run this, it is pointless.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, yes_label = 'do it--now choose which service', no_label = 'forget it' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
tag_service_key = GetTagServiceKeyForMaintenance( self )
except HydrusExceptions.CancelledException:
self._controller.Write( 'regenerate_tag_display_pending_mappings_cache', tag_service_key = tag_service_key )
def _RegenerateTagMappingsCache( self ):
message = 'WARNING: Do not run this for no reason! On a large database, this could take hours to finish!'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'This will delete and then recreate the entire tag \'storage\' mappings cache, which is used for tag calculation based on actual values and autocomplete counts in editing contexts like _manage tags_. This is useful if miscounting has somehow occurred.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'If you have a lot of tags and files, it can take a long time, during which the gui may hang. It necessarily involves a regeneration of the tag display mappings cache, which relies on the storage cache, and the tag text search cache. All siblings and parents will have to be resynced.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'If you do not have a specific reason to run this, it is pointless.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, yes_label = 'do it--now choose which service', no_label = 'forget it' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
tag_service_key = GetTagServiceKeyForMaintenance( self )
except HydrusExceptions.CancelledException:
self._controller.Write( 'regenerate_tag_mappings_cache', tag_service_key = tag_service_key )
def _RegenerateSimilarFilesTree( self ):
message = 'This will delete and then recreate the similar files search tree. This is useful if it has somehow become unbalanced and similar files searches are running slow.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'If you have a lot of files, it can take a little while, during which the gui may hang.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'If you do not have a specific reason to run this, it is pointless.'
( result, was_cancelled ) = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, yes_label = 'do it', no_label = 'forget it', check_for_cancelled = True )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
self._controller.Write( 'regenerate_similar_files' )
def _RepairInvalidTags( self ):
message = 'This will scan all your tags and repair any that are invalid. This might mean taking out unrenderable characters or cleaning up improper whitespace. If there is a tag collision once cleaned, it may add a (1)-style number on the end.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'If you have a lot of tags, it can take a long time, during which the gui may hang. If it finds bad tags, you should restart the program once it is complete.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'If you have not had tag rendering problems, there is no reason to run this.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, yes_label = 'do it', no_label = 'forget it' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey( cancellable = True )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_title', 'repairing invalid tags' )
self._controller.pub( 'message', job_key )
self._controller.Write( 'repair_invalid_tags', job_key = job_key )
def _RegenerateTagParentsLookupCache( self ):
message = 'This will delete and then recreate the tag parents lookup cache, which is used for all basic tag parents operations. This is useful if it has become damaged or otherwise desynchronised.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'It should only take a second or two.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'If you do not have a specific reason to run this, it is pointless.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, yes_label = 'do it', no_label = 'forget it' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
self._controller.Write( 'regenerate_tag_parents_cache' )
def _RegenerateTagSiblingsLookupCache( self ):
message = 'This will delete and then recreate the tag siblings lookup cache, which is used for all basic tag sibling operations. This is useful if it has become damaged or otherwise desynchronised.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'It should only take a second or two. It necessarily involves a regeneration of the tag parents lookup cache.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'If you do not have a specific reason to run this, it is pointless.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, yes_label = 'do it', no_label = 'forget it' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
self._controller.Write( 'regenerate_tag_siblings_cache' )
def _RepopulateMappingsTables( self ):
message = 'WARNING: Do not run this for no reason!'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'If you have significant local tags (e.g. \'my tags\') storage, recently had a \'malformed\' client.mappings.db file, and have since gone through clone/repair and now have a truncated file, this routine will attempt to recover missing tags from the smaller tag cache stored in client.caches.db.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'It can only recover tags for files currently stored by your client. It will take some time, during which the gui may hang. Once it is done, you probably want to regenerate your tag mappings cache, so that you are completely synced again.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, yes_label = 'I have a reason to run this, let\'s do it--now choose which service', no_label = 'forget it' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey( cancellable = True )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_title', 'repopulating mapping tables' )
self._controller.pub( 'modal_message', job_key )
tag_service_key = GetTagServiceKeyForMaintenance( self )
except HydrusExceptions.CancelledException:
self._controller.Write( 'repopulate_mappings_from_cache', tag_service_key = tag_service_key, job_key = job_key )
def _RepopulateTagCacheMissingSubtags( self ):
message = 'This will repopulate the fast search cache\'s subtag search, filling in missing entries, for one or all tag services.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'If you have a lot of tags and files, it can take a little while, during which the gui may hang.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'If you do not have a specific reason to run this, it is pointless. It fixes missing autocomplete or tag search results.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, yes_label = 'do it--now choose which service', no_label = 'forget it' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
tag_service_key = GetTagServiceKeyForMaintenance( self )
except HydrusExceptions.CancelledException:
self._controller.Write( 'repopulate_tag_cache_missing_subtags', tag_service_key = tag_service_key )
def _RestoreSplitterPositions( self ):
self._controller.pub( 'set_splitter_positions', HC.options[ 'hpos' ], HC.options[ 'vpos' ] )
def _ReviewBandwidth( self ):
frame = ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.FrameThatTakesScrollablePanel( self, 'review bandwidth' )
panel = ClientGUINetwork.ReviewAllBandwidthPanel( frame, self._controller )
frame.SetPanel( panel )
def _ReviewFileMaintenance( self ):
frame = ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.FrameThatTakesScrollablePanel( self, 'file maintenance' )
panel = ClientGUIScrolledPanelsReview.ReviewFileMaintenance( frame, self._controller )
frame.SetPanel( panel )
def _ReviewNetworkJobs( self ):
frame = ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.FrameThatTakesScrollablePanel( self, 'review network jobs' )
panel = ClientGUINetwork.ReviewNetworkJobs( frame, self._controller )
frame.SetPanel( panel )
def _ReviewNetworkSessions( self ):
frame = ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.FrameThatTakesScrollablePanel( self, 'review session cookies' )
panel = ClientGUINetwork.ReviewNetworkSessionsPanel( frame, self._controller.network_engine.session_manager )
frame.SetPanel( panel )
def _ReviewServices( self ):
frame = ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.FrameThatTakesScrollablePanel( self, self._controller.PrepStringForDisplay( 'Review Services' ), 'review_services' )
panel = ClientGUIServices.ReviewServicesPanel( frame, self._controller )
frame.SetPanel( panel )
def _ReviewTagDisplayMaintenance( self ):
frame = ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.FrameThatTakesScrollablePanel( self, 'tag display maintenance' )
panel = ClientGUITags.ReviewTagDisplayMaintenancePanel( frame )
frame.SetPanel( panel )
def _ReviewThreads( self ):
frame = ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.FrameThatTakesScrollablePanel( self, 'review threads' )
panel = ClientGUIScrolledPanelsReview.ReviewThreads( frame, self._controller )
frame.SetPanel( panel )
def _RunExportFolder( self, name = None ):
if self._controller.options[ 'pause_export_folders_sync' ]:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Export folders are currently paused under the \'file\' menu. Please unpause them and try this again.' )
if name is None:
export_folders = self._controller.Read( 'serialisable_named', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_EXPORT_FOLDER )
export_folder = self._controller.Read( 'serialisable_named', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_EXPORT_FOLDER, name )
export_folders = [ export_folder ]
for export_folder in export_folders:
self._controller.WriteSynchronous( 'serialisable', export_folder )
self._controller.pub( 'notify_new_export_folders' )
def _RunClientAPITest( self ):
# this is not to be a comprehensive test of client api functions, but a holistic sanity check to make sure everything is wired up right at UI level, with a live functioning client
from hydrus.client import ClientAPI
def do_it():
# job key
client_api_service = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetService( CC.CLIENT_API_SERVICE_KEY )
port = client_api_service.GetPort()
was_running_before = port is not None
if not was_running_before:
port = 6666
client_api_service._port = port
time.sleep( 5 )
api_permissions = ClientAPI.APIPermissions( name = 'hydrus test access', basic_permissions = list( ClientAPI.ALLOWED_PERMISSIONS ), search_tag_filter = ClientTags.TagFilter() )
access_key = api_permissions.GetAccessKey()
HG.client_controller.client_api_manager.AddAccess( api_permissions )
job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey()
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_title', 'client api test' )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'message', job_key )
import requests
import json
s = requests.Session()
s.verify = False
s.headers[ 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' ] = access_key.hex()
s.headers[ 'Content-Type' ] = 'application/json'
if client_api_service.UseHTTPS():
schema = 'https'
schema = 'http'
api_base = '{}://{}'.format( schema, port )
r = s.get( '{}/api_version'.format( api_base ) )
j = r.json()
if j[ 'version' ] != HC.CLIENT_API_VERSION:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'version incorrect!: {}, {}'.format( j[ 'version' ], HC.CLIENT_API_VERSION ) )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'add url test' )
local_tag_services = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServices( ( HC.LOCAL_TAG, ) )
local_tag_service = random.choice( local_tag_services )
local_tag_service_name = local_tag_service.GetName()
samus_url = 'https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3195917'
samus_hash_hex = '78f92ba4a786225ee2a1236efa6b7dc81dd729faf4af99f96f3e20bad6d8b538'
samus_test_tag = 'client api test tag'
samus_test_tag_filterable = 'client api test tag filterable'
destination_page_name = 'client api test'
request_args = {}
request_args[ 'url' ] = samus_url
request_args[ 'destination_page_name' ] = destination_page_name
request_args[ 'service_names_to_additional_tags' ] = {
local_tag_service_name : [ samus_test_tag ]
request_args[ 'filterable_tags' ] = [
data = json.dumps( request_args )
r = s.post( '{}/add_urls/add_url'.format( api_base ), data = data )
time.sleep( 0.25 )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'get session test' )
def get_client_api_page():
r = s.get( '{}/manage_pages/get_pages'.format( api_base ) )
pages_to_process = [ r.json()[ 'pages' ] ]
pages = []
while len( pages_to_process ) > 0:
page_to_process = pages_to_process.pop()
if page_to_process[ 'page_type' ] == ClientGUIManagement.MANAGEMENT_TYPE_PAGE_OF_PAGES:
pages_to_process.extend( page_to_process[ 'pages' ] )
pages.append( page_to_process )
for page in pages:
if page[ 'name' ] == destination_page_name:
return page
client_api_page = get_client_api_page()
if client_api_page is None:
raise Exception( 'Could not find download page!' )
destination_page_key_hex = client_api_page[ 'page_key' ]
def get_hash_ids():
r = s.get( '{}/manage_pages/get_page_info?page_key={}'.format( api_base, destination_page_key_hex ) )
hash_ids = r.json()[ 'page_info' ][ 'media' ][ 'hash_ids' ]
return hash_ids
hash_ids = get_hash_ids()
if len( hash_ids ) == 0:
time.sleep( 3 )
hash_ids = get_hash_ids()
if len( hash_ids ) == 0:
raise Exception( 'The download page had no hashes!' )
def get_hash_ids_to_hashes_and_tag_info():
r = s.get( '{}/get_files/file_metadata?file_ids={}'.format( api_base, json.dumps( hash_ids ) ) )
hash_ids_to_hashes_and_tag_info = {}
for item in r.json()[ 'metadata' ]:
hash_ids_to_hashes_and_tag_info[ item[ 'file_id' ] ] = ( item[ 'hash' ], item[ 'service_names_to_statuses_to_tags' ] )
return hash_ids_to_hashes_and_tag_info
hash_ids_to_hashes_and_tag_info = get_hash_ids_to_hashes_and_tag_info()
samus_hash_id = None
for ( hash_id, ( hash_hex, tag_info ) ) in hash_ids_to_hashes_and_tag_info.items():
if hash_hex == samus_hash_hex:
samus_hash_id = hash_id
if samus_hash_id is None:
raise Exception( 'Could not find the samus hash!' )
samus_tag_info = hash_ids_to_hashes_and_tag_info[ samus_hash_id ][1]
if samus_test_tag not in samus_tag_info[ local_tag_service_name ][ str( HC.CONTENT_STATUS_CURRENT ) ]:
raise Exception( 'Did not have the tag!' )
def qt_session_gubbins():
self.ProposeSaveGUISession( 'last session' )
page = self._notebook.GetPageFromPageKey( bytes.fromhex( destination_page_key_hex ) )
self._notebook.ShowPage( page )
self.ProposeSaveGUISession( 'last session' )
HG.client_controller.CallBlockingToQt( HG.client_controller.gui, qt_session_gubbins )
HG.client_controller.client_api_manager.DeleteAccess( ( access_key, ) )
if not was_running_before:
client_api_service._port = None
HG.client_controller.CallToThread( do_it )
def _RunUITest( self ):
def qt_open_pages():
page_of_pages = self._notebook.NewPagesNotebook( on_deepest_notebook = False, select_page = True )
t = 0.25
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, self._notebook.NewPageQuery, CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY, page_name ='test', on_deepest_notebook = True)
t += 0.25
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, self.ProcessApplicationCommand, CAC.ApplicationCommand(CAC.APPLICATION_COMMAND_TYPE_SIMPLE, CAC.SIMPLE_NEW_PAGE_OF_PAGES))
t += 0.25
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, page_of_pages.NewPageQuery, CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY, page_name ='test', on_deepest_notebook = False)
t += 0.25
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, self.ProcessApplicationCommand, CAC.ApplicationCommand(CAC.APPLICATION_COMMAND_TYPE_SIMPLE, CAC.SIMPLE_NEW_DUPLICATE_FILTER_PAGE))
t += 0.25
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, self.ProcessApplicationCommand, CAC.ApplicationCommand(CAC.APPLICATION_COMMAND_TYPE_SIMPLE, CAC.SIMPLE_NEW_GALLERY_DOWNLOADER_PAGE))
t += 0.25
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, self.ProcessApplicationCommand, CAC.ApplicationCommand(CAC.APPLICATION_COMMAND_TYPE_SIMPLE, CAC.SIMPLE_NEW_SIMPLE_DOWNLOADER_PAGE))
t += 0.25
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, self.ProcessApplicationCommand, CAC.ApplicationCommand(CAC.APPLICATION_COMMAND_TYPE_SIMPLE, CAC.SIMPLE_NEW_URL_DOWNLOADER_PAGE))
t += 0.25
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, self.ProcessApplicationCommand, CAC.ApplicationCommand(CAC.APPLICATION_COMMAND_TYPE_SIMPLE, CAC.SIMPLE_NEW_WATCHER_DOWNLOADER_PAGE))
t += 0.25
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, self.ProposeSaveGUISession, 'last session' )
return page_of_pages
def qt_close_unclose_one_page():
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, 0.5, self._UnclosePage)
def qt_close_pages( page_of_pages ):
indices = list( range( page_of_pages.count() ) )
t = 0.0
for i in indices:
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, page_of_pages._ClosePage, i)
t += 0.25
t += 0.25
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, self._notebook.CloseCurrentPage)
t += 0.25
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, self.DeleteAllClosedPages)
def qt_test_ac():
page = self._notebook.NewPageQuery( CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY, page_name = 'test', select_page = True )
t = 0.5
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, page.SetSearchFocus)
ac_widget = page.GetManagementPanel()._tag_autocomplete._text_ctrl
t += 0.5
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, self.ProcessApplicationCommand, CAC.ApplicationCommand(CAC.APPLICATION_COMMAND_TYPE_SIMPLE, CAC.SIMPLE_SET_MEDIA_FOCUS))
t += 0.5
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, self.ProcessApplicationCommand, CAC.ApplicationCommand(CAC.APPLICATION_COMMAND_TYPE_SIMPLE, CAC.SIMPLE_SET_SEARCH_FOCUS))
t += 0.5
uias = QP.UIActionSimulator()
for c in 'the colour of her hair':
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, uias.Char, ac_widget, ord( c ), text = c )
t += 0.01
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, uias.Char, ac_widget, QC.Qt.Key_Return)
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, uias.Char, ac_widget, QC.Qt.Key_Return)
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, uias.Char, ac_widget, QC.Qt.Key_Down)
t += 0.05
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, uias.Char, ac_widget, QC.Qt.Key_Return)
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, uias.Char, ac_widget, QC.Qt.Key_Down)
t += 0.05
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, uias.Char, ac_widget, QC.Qt.Key_Return)
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, uias.Char, ac_widget, QC.Qt.Key_Return)
for i in range( 16 ):
for j in range( i + 1 ):
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, uias.Char, ac_widget, QC.Qt.Key_Down)
t += 0.1
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, uias.Char, ac_widget, QC.Qt.Key_Return)
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, uias.Char, None, QC.Qt.Key_Return)
t += 1.0
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, uias.Char, ac_widget, QC.Qt.Key_Down)
t += 0.05
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, uias.Char, ac_widget, QC.Qt.Key_Return)
t += 1.0
HG.client_controller.CallLaterQtSafe(self, t, self._notebook.CloseCurrentPage)
def do_it():
# pages
page_of_pages = HG.client_controller.CallBlockingToQt(self, qt_open_pages)
time.sleep( 4 )
HG.client_controller.CallBlockingToQt(self, qt_close_unclose_one_page)
time.sleep( 1.5 )
HG.client_controller.CallBlockingToQt(self, qt_close_pages, page_of_pages)
time.sleep( 5 )
del page_of_pages
# a/c
HG.client_controller.CallBlockingToQt(self, qt_test_ac)
HG.client_controller.CallToThread( do_it )
def _RunServerTest( self ):
def do_it():
host = ''
if HydrusNetworking.LocalPortInUse( port ):
HydrusData.ShowText( 'The server appears to be already running. Either that, or something else is using port ' + str( HC.DEFAULT_SERVER_ADMIN_PORT ) + '.' )
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Starting server\u2026' )
db_param = '-d=' + self._controller.GetDBDir()
server_frozen_path = os.path.join( HC.BASE_DIR, 'server.exe' )
server_frozen_path = os.path.join( HC.BASE_DIR, 'server' )
if os.path.exists( server_frozen_path ):
cmd = [ server_frozen_path, db_param ]
python_executable = sys.executable
if python_executable.endswith( 'client.exe' ) or python_executable.endswith( 'client' ):
raise Exception( 'Could not automatically set up the server--could not find server executable or python executable.' )
if 'pythonw' in python_executable:
python_executable = python_executable.replace( 'pythonw', 'python' )
server_script_path = os.path.join( HC.BASE_DIR, 'server.py' )
cmd = [ python_executable, server_script_path, db_param ]
sbp_kwargs = HydrusData.GetSubprocessKWArgs( hide_terminal = False )
subprocess.Popen( cmd, **sbp_kwargs )
time_waited = 0
while not HydrusNetworking.LocalPortInUse( port ):
time.sleep( 3 )
time_waited += 3
if time_waited > 30:
raise Exception( 'The server\'s port did not appear!' )
HydrusData.ShowText( 'I tried to start the server, but something failed!' + os.linesep + traceback.format_exc() )
time.sleep( 5 )
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Creating admin service\u2026' )
admin_service_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
service_type = HC.SERVER_ADMIN
name = 'local server admin'
admin_service = ClientServices.GenerateService( admin_service_key, service_type, name )
all_services = list( self._controller.services_manager.GetServices() )
all_services.append( admin_service )
self._controller.SetServices( all_services )
time.sleep( 1 )
admin_service = self._controller.services_manager.GetService( admin_service_key ) # let's refresh it
credentials = HydrusNetwork.Credentials( host, port )
admin_service.SetCredentials( credentials )
time.sleep( 1 )
response = admin_service.Request( HC.GET, 'access_key', { 'registration_key' : b'init' } )
access_key = response[ 'access_key' ]
credentials = HydrusNetwork.Credentials( host, port, access_key )
admin_service.SetCredentials( credentials )
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Admin service initialised.' )
QP.CallAfter( ClientGUIFrames.ShowKeys, 'access', (access_key,) )
time.sleep( 5 )
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Creating tag and file services\u2026' )
response = admin_service.Request( HC.GET, 'services' )
serverside_services = response[ 'services' ]
service_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
tag_service = HydrusNetwork.GenerateService( service_key, HC.TAG_REPOSITORY, 'tag service', HC.DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT )
serverside_services.append( tag_service )
service_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
file_service = HydrusNetwork.GenerateService( service_key, HC.FILE_REPOSITORY, 'file service', HC.DEFAULT_SERVICE_PORT + 1 )
serverside_services.append( file_service )
response = admin_service.Request( HC.POST, 'services', { 'services' : serverside_services } )
service_keys_to_access_keys = response[ 'service_keys_to_access_keys' ]
deletee_service_keys = []
with HG.dirty_object_lock:
self._controller.WriteSynchronous( 'update_server_services', admin_service_key, serverside_services, service_keys_to_access_keys, deletee_service_keys )
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Done! Check services->review services to see your new server and its services.' )
text = 'This will attempt to start the server in the same install directory as this client, initialise it, and store the resultant admin accounts in the client.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, text )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
self._controller.CallToThread( do_it )
def _SaveSplitterPositions( self ):
page = self._notebook.GetCurrentMediaPage()
if page is not None:
( HC.options[ 'hpos' ], HC.options[ 'vpos' ] ) = page.GetSashPositions()
def _SetPassword( self ):
message = '''You can set a password to be asked for whenever the client starts.
Though not foolproof by any means, it will stop noobs from easily seeing your files if you leave your machine unattended.
Do not ever forget your password! If you do, you'll have to manually insert a yaml-dumped python dictionary into a sqlite database or run from edited source to regain easy access. This is not trivial.
The password is cleartext here but obscured in the entry dialog. Enter a blank password to remove.'''
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogTextEntry( self, message, allow_blank = True, min_char_width = 24 ) as dlg:
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
password = dlg.GetValue()
if password == '':
password = None
self._controller.Write( 'set_password', password )
def _SetMediaFocus( self ):
page = self._notebook.GetCurrentMediaPage()
if page is not None:
def _SetSearchFocus( self ):
page = self._notebook.GetCurrentMediaPage()
if page is not None:
def _SetupBackupPath( self ):
backup_intro = 'Everything in your client is stored in the database, which consists of a handful of .db files and a single subdirectory that contains all your media files. It is a very good idea to maintain a regular backup schedule--to save from hard drive failure, serious software fault, accidental deletion, or any other unexpected problem. It sucks to lose all your work, so make sure it can\'t happen!'
backup_intro += os.linesep * 2
backup_intro += 'If you prefer to create a manual backup with an external program like FreeFileSync, then please cancel out of the dialog after this and set up whatever you like, but if you would rather a simple solution, simply select a directory and the client will remember it as the designated backup location. Creating or updating your backup can be triggered at any time from the database menu.'
backup_intro += os.linesep * 2
backup_intro += 'An ideal backup location is initially empty and on a different hard drive.'
backup_intro += os.linesep * 2
backup_intro += 'If you have a large database (100,000+ files) or a slow hard drive, creating the initial backup may take a long time--perhaps an hour or more--but updating an existing backup should only take a couple of minutes (since the client only has to copy new or modified files). Try to update your backup every week!'
backup_intro += os.linesep * 2
backup_intro += 'If you would like some more info on making or restoring backups, please consult the help\'s \'installing and updating\' page.'
QW.QMessageBox.information( self, 'Information', backup_intro )
with QP.DirDialog( self, 'Select backup location.' ) as dlg:
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
path = dlg.GetPath()
if path == '':
path = None
if path == self._controller.GetDBDir():
QW.QMessageBox.critical( self, 'Error', 'That directory is your current database directory! You cannot backup to the same location you are backing up from!' )
if os.path.exists( path ):
filenames = os.listdir( path )
num_files = len( filenames )
if num_files == 0:
extra_info = 'It looks currently empty, which is great--there is no danger of anything being overwritten.'
elif 'client.db' in filenames:
extra_info = 'It looks like a client database already exists in the location--be certain that it is ok to overwrite it.'
extra_info = 'It seems to have some files already in it--be careful and make sure you chose the correct location.'
extra_info = 'The path does not exist yet--it will be created when you make your first backup.'
text = 'You chose "' + path + '". Here is what I understand about it:'
text += os.linesep * 2
text += extra_info
text += os.linesep * 2
text += 'Are you sure this is the correct directory?'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, text )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
self._new_options.SetNoneableString( 'backup_path', path )
text = 'Would you like to create your backup now?'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, text )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
def _ShowHideSplitters( self ):
page = self._notebook.GetCurrentMediaPage()
if page is not None:
def _StartIPFSDownload( self ):
ipfs_services = self._controller.services_manager.GetServices( ( HC.IPFS, ), randomised = True )
if len( ipfs_services ) > 0:
if len( ipfs_services ) == 1:
( service, ) = ipfs_services
choice_tuples = [ ( service.GetName(), service ) for service in ipfs_services ]
service = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.SelectFromList( self, 'Select which IPFS Daemon', choice_tuples )
except HydrusExceptions.CancelledException:
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogTextEntry( self, 'Enter multihash to download.' ) as dlg:
result = dlg.exec()
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
multihash = dlg.GetValue()
service.ImportFile( multihash )
def _SwitchBoolean( self, name ):
if name == 'callto_report_mode':
HG.callto_report_mode = not HG.callto_report_mode
elif name == 'daemon_report_mode':
HG.daemon_report_mode = not HG.daemon_report_mode
elif name == 'callto_profile_mode':
HG.callto_profile_mode = not HG.callto_profile_mode
elif name == 'db_report_mode':
HG.db_report_mode = not HG.db_report_mode
elif name == 'db_profile_mode':
HG.db_profile_mode = not HG.db_profile_mode
elif name == 'db_ui_hang_relief_mode':
HG.db_ui_hang_relief_mode = not HG.db_ui_hang_relief_mode
elif name == 'file_import_report_mode':
HG.file_import_report_mode = not HG.file_import_report_mode
elif name == 'file_report_mode':
HG.file_report_mode = not HG.file_report_mode
elif name == 'gui_report_mode':
HG.gui_report_mode = not HG.gui_report_mode
elif name == 'hover_window_report_mode':
HG.hover_window_report_mode = not HG.hover_window_report_mode
elif name == 'media_load_report_mode':
HG.media_load_report_mode = not HG.media_load_report_mode
elif name == 'menu_profile_mode':
HG.menu_profile_mode = not HG.menu_profile_mode
elif name == 'network_report_mode':
HG.network_report_mode = not HG.network_report_mode
elif name == 'phash_generation_report_mode':
HG.phash_generation_report_mode = not HG.phash_generation_report_mode
elif name == 'pubsub_report_mode':
HG.pubsub_report_mode = not HG.pubsub_report_mode
elif name == 'pubsub_profile_mode':
HG.pubsub_profile_mode = not HG.pubsub_profile_mode
elif name == 'server_profile_mode':
HG.server_profile_mode = not HG.server_profile_mode
elif name == 'shortcut_report_mode':
HG.shortcut_report_mode = not HG.shortcut_report_mode
elif name == 'subprocess_report_mode':
HG.subprocess_report_mode = not HG.subprocess_report_mode
elif name == 'subscription_report_mode':
HG.subscription_report_mode = not HG.subscription_report_mode
elif name == 'thumbnail_debug_mode':
HG.thumbnail_debug_mode = not HG.thumbnail_debug_mode
elif name == 'ui_timer_profile_mode':
HG.ui_timer_profile_mode = not HG.ui_timer_profile_mode
if HG.ui_timer_profile_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'ui timer profile mode activated' )
HydrusData.ShowText( 'ui timer profile mode deactivated' )
elif name == 'force_idle_mode':
HG.force_idle_mode = not HG.force_idle_mode
self._controller.pub( 'wake_idle_workers' )
elif name == 'no_page_limit_mode':
HG.no_page_limit_mode = not HG.no_page_limit_mode
def _TestServerBusy( self, service_key ):
def do_it( service ):
result_bytes = service.Request( HC.GET, 'busy' )
if result_bytes == b'1':
HydrusData.ShowText( 'server is busy' )
elif result_bytes == b'0':
HydrusData.ShowText( 'server is not busy' )
HydrusData.ShowText( 'server responded in a way I do not understand' )
service = self._controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key )
self._controller.CallToThread( do_it, service )
def _UnclosePage( self, closed_page_index = None ):
if closed_page_index is None:
if len( self._closed_pages ) == 0:
closed_page_index = len( self._closed_pages ) - 1
( time_closed, page ) = self._closed_pages.pop( closed_page_index )
self._controller.UnclosePageKeys( page.GetPageKeys() )
self._controller.pub( 'notify_page_unclosed', page )
self._controller.pub( 'notify_new_undo' )
self._controller.pub( 'notify_new_pages' )
def _UploadPending( self, service_key ):
service = self._controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key )
if isinstance( service, ClientServices.ServiceRestricted ):
service.CheckFunctional( including_bandwidth = False )
if isinstance( service, ClientServices.ServiceRepository ):
if not service.IsMostlyCaughtUp():
raise Exception( 'Repository processing is not caught up--please process more before you upload new content.' )
except Exception as e:
QW.QMessageBox.critical( self, 'Error', 'Unfortunately, there is a problem with starting the upload: ' + str( e ) )
HG.currently_uploading_pending = True
self._controller.CallToThread( THREADUploadPending, service_key )
def _UpdateSystemTrayIcon( self, currently_booting = False ):
if not ClientGUISystemTray.SystemTrayAvailable() or ( not HC.PLATFORM_WINDOWS and not HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'advanced_mode' ) ):
new_options = self._controller.new_options
always_show_system_tray_icon = new_options.GetBoolean( 'always_show_system_tray_icon' )
need_system_tray = always_show_system_tray_icon
if self._currently_minimised_to_system_tray:
need_system_tray = True
if need_system_tray:
if not self._have_system_tray_icon:
self._system_tray_icon = ClientGUISystemTray.ClientSystemTrayIcon( self )
self._system_tray_icon.highlight.connect( self.RestoreOrActivateWindow )
self._system_tray_icon.flip_show_ui.connect( self._FlipShowHideWholeUI )
self._system_tray_icon.exit_client.connect( self.TryToExit )
self._system_tray_icon.flip_pause_network_jobs.connect( self.FlipNetworkTrafficPaused )
self._system_tray_icon.flip_pause_subscription_jobs.connect( self.FlipSubscriptionsPaused )
self._have_system_tray_icon = True
self._system_tray_icon.SetShouldAlwaysShow( always_show_system_tray_icon )
self._system_tray_icon.SetUIIsCurrentlyShown( not self._currently_minimised_to_system_tray )
self._system_tray_icon.SetNetworkTrafficPaused( new_options.GetBoolean( 'pause_all_new_network_traffic' ) )
self._system_tray_icon.SetSubscriptionsPaused( HC.options[ 'pause_subs_sync' ] )
if self._have_system_tray_icon:
self._system_tray_icon = None
self._have_system_tray_icon = False
def _VacuumDatabase( self ):
text = 'This will rebuild the database, rewriting all indices and tables to be contiguous and optimising most operations. It also truncates the database files, recovering unused space back to your hard drive. It typically happens automatically every few months, but you can force it here.'
text += os.linesep * 2
text += 'If you have no reason to run this, it is usually pointless. If you have a very large database on an HDD instead of an SSD, it may take upwards of an hour, during which your gui may hang. A popup message will show its status.'
text += os.linesep * 2
text += 'A \'soft\' vacuum will only reanalyze those databases that are due for a check in the normal db maintenance cycle. If nothing is due, it will return immediately.'
text += os.linesep * 2
text += 'A \'full\' vacuum will immediately force a vacuum for the entire database. This can take substantially longer.'
( result, was_cancelled ) = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, text, title = 'Choose how thorough your vacuum will be.', yes_label = 'soft', no_label = 'full', check_for_cancelled = True )
if was_cancelled:
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
self._controller.Write( 'vacuum', maintenance_mode = HC.MAINTENANCE_FORCED )
elif result == QW.QDialog.Rejected:
self._controller.Write( 'vacuum', maintenance_mode = HC.MAINTENANCE_FORCED, force_vacuum = True )
def _VacuumServer( self, service_key ):
def do_it( service ):
started = HydrusData.GetNow()
service.Request( HC.POST, 'vacuum' )
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Server vacuum started!' )
time.sleep( 10 )
result_bytes = service.Request( HC.GET, 'busy' )
while result_bytes == b'1':
if HG.view_shutdown:
time.sleep( 10 )
result_bytes = service.Request( HC.GET, 'busy' )
it_took = HydrusData.GetNow() - started
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Server vacuum done in ' + HydrusData.TimeDeltaToPrettyTimeDelta( it_took ) + '!' )
message = 'This will tell the server to lock and vacuum its database files. It may take some time to complete, during which time it will not be able to serve any requests.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, yes_label = 'do it', no_label = 'forget it' )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
service = self._controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key )
self._controller.CallToThread( do_it, service )
def AddModalMessage( self, job_key ):
if job_key.IsCancelled() or job_key.IsDeleted():
if job_key.IsDone():
self._controller.pub( 'message', job_key )
dialog_is_open = ClientGUIFunctions.DialogIsOpen()
if self._CurrentlyMinimisedOrHidden() or dialog_is_open or not ClientGUIFunctions.TLWOrChildIsActive( self ):
self._controller.CallLaterQtSafe( self, 0.5, self.AddModalMessage, job_key )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'pause_all_media' )
title = job_key.GetIfHasVariable( 'popup_title' )
if title is None:
title = 'important job'
hide_close_button = not job_key.IsCancellable()
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogNullipotent( self, title, hide_buttons = hide_close_button, do_not_activate = True ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUIPopupMessages.PopupMessageDialogPanel( dlg, job_key )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
def AskToDeleteAllClosedPages( self ):
message = 'Clear the {} closed pages?'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( len( self._closed_pages ) ) )
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
def AutoSaveLastSession( self ):
only_save_last_session_during_idle = self._controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'only_save_last_session_during_idle' )
if only_save_last_session_during_idle and not self._controller.CurrentlyIdle():
self._controller.CallLaterQtSafe( self, 60, self.AutoSaveLastSession )
if HC.options[ 'default_gui_session' ] == 'last session':
session = self._notebook.GetCurrentGUISession( 'last session' )
callable = self.AutoSaveLastSession
last_session_save_period_minutes = self._controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'last_session_save_period_minutes' )
next_call_delay = last_session_save_period_minutes * 60
def do_it( controller, session, win, next_call_delay, callable ):
controller.SaveGUISession( session )
controller.CallLaterQtSafe( win, next_call_delay, callable )
self._controller.CallToThread( do_it, self._controller, session, self, next_call_delay, callable )
def closeEvent( self, event ):
if self._controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'close_client_to_system_tray' ):
event.ignore() # we always ignore, as we'll close through the window through other means
def DeleteAllClosedPages( self ):
deletee_pages = [ page for ( time_closed, page ) in self._closed_pages ]
self._closed_pages = []
if len( deletee_pages ) > 0:
self._DestroyPages( deletee_pages )
self._controller.pub( 'notify_new_undo' )
def DeleteOldClosedPages( self ):
new_closed_pages = []
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
timeout = 60 * 60
deletee_pages = []
old_closed_pages = self._closed_pages
self._closed_pages = []
for ( time_closed, page ) in old_closed_pages:
if time_closed + timeout < now:
deletee_pages.append( page )
self._closed_pages.append( ( time_closed, page ) )
if len( old_closed_pages ) != len( self._closed_pages ):
self._controller.pub( 'notify_new_undo' )
self._DestroyPages( deletee_pages )
def DirtyMenu( self, name ):
if name not in self._dirty_menus:
self.DisableMenu( name )
self._dirty_menus.add( name )
def DisableMenu( self, name ):
menu_index = self._FindMenuBarIndex( name )
if menu_index != -1:
self._menubar.actions()[ menu_index ].setEnabled( False )
def DoFileStorageRebalance( self, job_key: ClientThreading.JobKey ):
self._controller.CallToThread( self._controller.client_files_manager.Rebalance, job_key )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_title', 'rebalancing files' )
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogNullipotent( None, 'migrating files' ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUIPopupMessages.PopupMessageDialogPanel( dlg, job_key, hide_main_gui = True )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
def EventFrameNewPage( self, event ):
screen_position = QG.QCursor.pos()
self._notebook.EventNewPageFromScreenPosition( screen_position )
def mouseReleaseEvent( self, event ):
if event.button() != QC.Qt.RightButton:
ClientGUITopLevelWindows.MainFrameThatResizes.mouseReleaseEvent( self, event )
screen_position = QG.QCursor.pos()
self._notebook.ShowMenuFromScreenPosition( screen_position )
def EventIconize( self, event: QG.QWindowStateChangeEvent ):
if self.isMinimized():
self._was_maximised = event.oldState() & QC.Qt.WindowMaximized
if not self._currently_minimised_to_system_tray and self._controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'minimise_client_to_system_tray' ):
QP.CallAfter( self.RefreshMenu )
QP.CallAfter( self.RefreshStatusBar )
def EventMove( self, event ):
if HydrusData.TimeHasPassedFloat( self._last_move_pub + 0.1 ):
self._controller.pub( 'top_level_window_move_event' )
self._last_move_pub = HydrusData.GetNowPrecise()
return True # was: event.ignore()
def TIMEREventAnimationUpdate( self ):
if self._currently_minimised_to_system_tray:
windows = list( self._animation_update_windows )
for window in windows:
if not QP.isValid( window ):
self._animation_update_windows.discard( window )
tlw = window.window()
if not tlw or not QP.isValid( tlw ):
self._animation_update_windows.discard( window )
if self._currently_minimised_to_system_tray:
if HG.ui_timer_profile_mode:
summary = 'Profiling animation timer: ' + repr( window )
HydrusData.Profile( summary, 'window.TIMERAnimationUpdate()', globals(), locals(), min_duration_ms = 3, show_summary = True )
except Exception:
self._animation_update_windows.discard( window )
# obsolote comment below, leaving it just in case
# unusual error catch here, just to experiment. user was getting wxAssertionError on m_window failed, no GetSize() without window
# I figured at the time that this is some window manager being unhappy with doing animation on a hidden window,
# but it could also be a half-dead window trying to draw to a dead bmp or something, and then getting stuck somehow
# traceback was on the for loop list iteration line,
# which I think was just the C++/wxAssertionError having trouble making the right trace wew
self._animation_update_windows = set()
windows = []
if len( self._animation_update_windows ) == 0:
def FlipDarkmode( self ):
current_colourset = self._new_options.GetString( 'current_colourset' )
if current_colourset == 'darkmode':
new_colourset = 'default'
elif current_colourset == 'default':
new_colourset = 'darkmode'
self._new_options.SetString( 'current_colourset', new_colourset )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'notify_new_colourset' )
def FlipNetworkTrafficPaused( self ):
self.DirtyMenu( 'network' )
def FlipSubscriptionsPaused( self ):
HC.options[ 'pause_subs_sync' ] = not HC.options[ 'pause_subs_sync' ]
self._controller.Write( 'save_options', HC.options )
self.DirtyMenu( 'network' )
def GenerateMenuInfo( self, name ):
def undo():
have_closed_pages = len( self._closed_pages ) > 0
undo_manager = self._controller.GetManager( 'undo' )
( undo_string, redo_string ) = undo_manager.GetUndoRedoStrings()
have_undo_stuff = undo_string is not None or redo_string is not None
if have_closed_pages or have_undo_stuff:
menu = QW.QMenu( self )
if undo_string is not None:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, undo_string, 'Undo last operation.', self._controller.pub, 'undo' )
if redo_string is not None:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, redo_string, 'Redo last operation.', self._controller.pub, 'redo' )
if have_closed_pages:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
undo_pages = QW.QMenu( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( undo_pages, 'clear all', 'Remove all closed pages from memory.', self.AskToDeleteAllClosedPages )
args = []
for ( i, ( time_closed, page ) ) in enumerate( self._closed_pages ):
name = page.GetName()
args.append( ( i, name + ' - ' + page.GetPrettyStatus() ) )
args.reverse() # so that recently closed are at the top
for ( index, name ) in args:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( undo_pages, name, 'Restore this page.', self._UnclosePage, index )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, undo_pages, 'closed pages' )
menu = None
return ( menu, '&undo' )
def database():
menu = QW.QMenu( self )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'set a password', 'Set a simple password for the database so only you can open it in the client.', self._SetPassword )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
if HG.client_controller.client_files_manager.AllLocationsAreDefault():
backup_path = self._new_options.GetNoneableString( 'backup_path' )
if backup_path is None:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'set up a database backup location', 'Choose a path to back the database up to.', self._SetupBackupPath )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'update database backup', 'Back the database up to an external location.', self._BackupDatabase )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'change database backup location', 'Choose a path to back the database up to.', self._SetupBackupPath )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'restore from a database backup', 'Restore the database from an external location.', self._controller.RestoreDatabase )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'migrate database', 'Review and manage the locations your database is stored.', self._MigrateDatabase )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
submenu = QW.QMenu( menu )
file_maintenance_menu = QW.QMenu( submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( file_maintenance_menu, 'manage scheduled jobs', 'Review outstanding jobs, and schedule new ones.', self._ReviewFileMaintenance )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( file_maintenance_menu )
check_manager = ClientGUICommon.CheckboxManagerOptions( 'file_maintenance_during_idle' )
current_value = check_manager.GetCurrentValue()
func = check_manager.Invert
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( file_maintenance_menu, 'work file jobs during idle time', 'Control whether file maintenance can work during idle time.', current_value, func )
check_manager = ClientGUICommon.CheckboxManagerOptions( 'file_maintenance_during_active' )
current_value = check_manager.GetCurrentValue()
func = check_manager.Invert
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( file_maintenance_menu, 'work file jobs during normal time', 'Control whether file maintenance can work during normal time.', current_value, func )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( submenu, file_maintenance_menu, 'files' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'vacuum', 'Defrag the database by completely rebuilding it.', self._VacuumDatabase )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'analyze', 'Optimise slow queries by running statistical analyses on the database.', self._AnalyzeDatabase )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'clear orphan files', 'Clear out surplus files that have found their way into the file structure.', self._ClearOrphanFiles )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'clear orphan file records', 'Clear out surplus file records that have not been deleted correctly.', self._ClearOrphanFileRecords )
if self._controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'advanced_mode' ):
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'clear orphan tables', 'Clear out surplus db tables that have not been deleted correctly.', self._ClearOrphanTables )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, submenu, 'maintainance' )
submenu = QW.QMenu( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'database integrity', 'Have the database examine all its records for internal consistency.', self._CheckDBIntegrity )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'repopulate truncated mappings tables', 'Use the mappings cache to try to repair a previously damaged mappings file.', self._RepopulateMappingsTables )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'fix invalid tags', 'Scan the database for invalid tags.', self._RepairInvalidTags )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, submenu, 'check and repair' )
submenu = QW.QMenu( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'tag storage mappings cache', 'Delete and recreate the tag mappings cache, fixing any miscounts.', self._RegenerateTagMappingsCache )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'tag display mappings cache (deferred siblings & parents calculation)', 'Delete and recreate the tag display mappings cache, fixing any miscounts.', self._RegenerateTagDisplayMappingsCache )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'tag display mappings cache (just pending tags, instant calculation)', 'Delete and recreate the tag display pending mappings cache, fixing any miscounts.', self._RegenerateTagDisplayPendingMappingsCache )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'tag siblings lookup cache', 'Delete and recreate the tag siblings cache.', self._RegenerateTagSiblingsLookupCache )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'tag parents lookup cache', 'Delete and recreate the tag siblings cache.', self._RegenerateTagParentsLookupCache )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'tag text search cache', 'Delete and regenerate the cache hydrus uses for fast tag search.', self._RegenerateTagCache )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'tag text search cache (subtags repopulation)', 'Repopulate the subtags for the cache hydrus uses for fast tag search.', self._RepopulateTagCacheMissingSubtags )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'local tag cache', 'Repopulate the cache hydrus uses for fast tag search for local files.', self._RegenerateLocalTagCache )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'clear service info cache', 'Delete all cached service info like total number of mappings or files, in case it has become desynchronised. Some parts of the gui may be laggy immediately after this as these numbers are recalculated.', self._DeleteServiceInfo )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'similar files search tree', 'Delete and recreate the similar files search tree.', self._RegenerateSimilarFilesTree )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, submenu, 'regenerate' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
submenu = QW.QMenu( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'clear all file viewing statistics', 'Delete all file viewing records from the database.', self._ClearFileViewingStats )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'cull file viewing statistics based on current min/max values', 'Cull your file viewing statistics based on minimum and maximum permitted time deltas.', self._CullFileViewingStats )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, submenu, 'file viewing statistics' )
return ( menu, '&database' )
def network():
menu = QW.QMenu( self )
submenu = QW.QMenu( menu )
pause_all_new_network_traffic = self._controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'pause_all_new_network_traffic' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( submenu, 'all new network traffic', 'Stop any new network jobs from sending data.', pause_all_new_network_traffic, self.FlipNetworkTrafficPaused )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( submenu, 'subscriptions', 'Pause the client\'s synchronisation with website subscriptions.', HC.options[ 'pause_subs_sync' ], self.FlipSubscriptionsPaused )
if self._controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'advanced_mode' ):
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'nudge subscriptions awake', 'Tell the subs daemon to wake up, just in case any subs are due.', self._controller.subscriptions_manager.Wake )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( submenu, 'paged file import queues', 'Pause all file import queues.', self._controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'pause_all_file_queues' ), self._controller.new_options.FlipBoolean, 'pause_all_file_queues' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( submenu, 'gallery searches', 'Pause all gallery imports\' searching.', self._controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'pause_all_gallery_searches' ), self._controller.new_options.FlipBoolean, 'pause_all_gallery_searches' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( submenu, 'watcher checkers', 'Pause all watchers\' checking.', self._controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'pause_all_watcher_checkers' ), self._controller.new_options.FlipBoolean, 'pause_all_watcher_checkers' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, submenu, 'pause' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'manage subscriptions', 'Change the queries you want the client to regularly import from.', self._ManageSubscriptions )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
submenu = QW.QMenu( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'review bandwidth usage', 'See where you are consuming data.', self._ReviewBandwidth )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'review current network jobs', 'Review the jobs currently running in the network engine.', self._ReviewNetworkJobs )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'review session cookies', 'Review and edit which cookies you have for which network contexts.', self._ReviewNetworkSessions )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'manage http headers', 'Configure how the client talks to the network.', self._ManageNetworkHeaders )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'manage upnp', 'If your router supports it, see and edit your current UPnP NAT traversal mappings.', self._ManageUPnP )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, submenu, 'data' )
submenu = QW.QMenu( menu )
if not ClientParsing.HTML5LIB_IS_OK:
message = 'The client was unable to import html5lib on boot. This is an important parsing library that performs better than the usual backup, lxml. Without it, some downloaders will not work well and you will miss tags and files.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'You are likely running from source, so I recommend you close the client, run \'pip install html5lib\' (or whatever is appropriate for your environment) and try again. You can double-check what imported ok under help->about.'
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, '*** html5lib not found! ***', 'Your client does not have an important library.', QW.QMessageBox.warning, self, 'Warning', message )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'import downloaders', 'Import new download capability through encoded pngs from other users.', self._ImportDownloaders )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'export downloaders', 'Export downloader components to easy-import pngs.', self._ExportDownloader )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'manage default tag import options', 'Change the default tag import options for each of your linked url matches.', self._ManageDefaultTagImportOptions )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'manage downloader and url display', 'Configure how downloader objects present across the client.', self._ManageDownloaderDisplay )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( submenu )
clipboard_menu = QW.QMenu( submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( clipboard_menu, 'watcher urls', 'Automatically import watcher URLs that enter the clipboard just as if you drag-and-dropped them onto the ui.', self._controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'watch_clipboard_for_watcher_urls' ), self._FlipClipboardWatcher, 'watch_clipboard_for_watcher_urls' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( clipboard_menu, 'other recognised urls', 'Automatically import recognised URLs that enter the clipboard just as if you drag-and-dropped them onto the ui.', self._controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'watch_clipboard_for_other_recognised_urls' ), self._FlipClipboardWatcher, 'watch_clipboard_for_other_recognised_urls' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( submenu, clipboard_menu, 'watch clipboard for urls' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, submenu, 'downloaders' )
submenu = QW.QMenu( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'manage url class links', 'Configure how URLs present across the client.', self._ManageURLClassLinks )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'manage gallery url generators', 'Manage the client\'s GUGs, which convert search terms into URLs.', self._ManageGUGs )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'manage url classes', 'Configure which URLs the client can recognise.', self._ManageURLClasses )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'manage parsers', 'Manage the client\'s parsers, which convert URL content into hydrus metadata.', self._ManageParsers )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'SEMI-LEGACY: manage file lookup scripts', 'Manage how the client parses different types of web content.', self._ManageParsingScripts )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, submenu, 'downloader components' )
submenu = QW.QMenu( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'manage logins', 'Edit which domains you wish to log in to.', self._ManageLogins )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'manage login scripts', 'Manage the client\'s login scripts, which define how to log in to different sites.', self._ManageLoginScripts )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'DEBUG: do tumblr GDPR click-through', 'Do a manual click-through for the tumblr GDPR page.', self._controller.CallLater, 0.0, self._controller.network_engine.login_manager.LoginTumblrGDPR )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, submenu, 'logins' )
return ( menu, '&network' )
def services():
menu = QW.QMenu( self )
tag_services = self._controller.services_manager.GetServices( ( HC.TAG_REPOSITORY, ) )
file_services = self._controller.services_manager.GetServices( ( HC.FILE_REPOSITORY, ) )
submenu = QW.QMenu( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( submenu, 'repositories synchronisation', 'Pause the client\'s synchronisation with hydrus repositories.', HC.options['pause_repo_sync'], self._PausePlaySync, 'repo' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, submenu, 'pause' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'review services', 'Look at the services your client connects to.', self._ReviewServices )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'manage services', 'Edit the services your client connects to.', self._ManageServices )
repositories = self._controller.services_manager.GetServices( HC.REPOSITORIES )
admin_repositories = [ service for service in repositories if True in ( service.HasPermission( content_type, action ) for ( content_type, action ) in repository_admin_permissions ) ]
servers_admin = self._controller.services_manager.GetServices( ( HC.SERVER_ADMIN, ) )
server_admins = [ service for service in servers_admin if service.HasPermission( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_SERVICES, HC.PERMISSION_ACTION_MODERATE ) ]
if len( admin_repositories ) > 0 or len( server_admins ) > 0:
admin_menu = QW.QMenu( menu )
for service in admin_repositories:
submenu = QW.QMenu( admin_menu )
service_key = service.GetServiceKey()
can_create_accounts = service.HasPermission( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_ACCOUNTS, HC.PERMISSION_ACTION_CREATE )
can_overrule_accounts = service.HasPermission( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_ACCOUNTS, HC.PERMISSION_ACTION_MODERATE )
can_overrule_account_types = service.HasPermission( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_ACCOUNT_TYPES, HC.PERMISSION_ACTION_MODERATE )
if can_create_accounts:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'create new accounts', 'Create new account keys for this service.', self._GenerateNewAccounts, service_key )
if can_overrule_accounts:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'modify an account', 'Modify a specific account\'s type and expiration.', self._ModifyAccount, service_key )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'get an account\'s info', 'Fetch information about an account from the service.', self._AccountInfo, service_key )
if can_overrule_accounts and service.GetServiceType() == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'get an uploader\'s ip address', 'Fetch the ip address that uploaded a specific file, if the service knows it.', self._FetchIP, service_key )
if can_overrule_account_types:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'manage account types', 'Add, edit and delete account types for this service.', self._ManageAccountTypes, service_key )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( admin_menu, submenu, service.GetName() )
for service in server_admins:
submenu = QW.QMenu( admin_menu )
service_key = service.GetServiceKey()
can_create_accounts = service.HasPermission( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_ACCOUNTS, HC.PERMISSION_ACTION_CREATE )
can_overrule_accounts = service.HasPermission( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_ACCOUNTS, HC.PERMISSION_ACTION_MODERATE )
can_overrule_account_types = service.HasPermission( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_ACCOUNT_TYPES, HC.PERMISSION_ACTION_MODERATE )
if can_create_accounts:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'create new accounts', 'Create new account keys for this service.', self._GenerateNewAccounts, service_key )
if can_overrule_accounts:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'modify an account', 'Modify a specific account\'s type and expiration.', self._ModifyAccount, service_key )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'get an account\'s info', 'Fetch information about an account from the service.', self._AccountInfo, service_key )
if can_overrule_account_types:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'manage account types', 'Add, edit and delete account types for this service.', self._ManageAccountTypes, service_key )
can_overrule_services = service.HasPermission( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_SERVICES, HC.PERMISSION_ACTION_MODERATE )
if can_overrule_services:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'manage services', 'Add, edit, and delete this server\'s services.', self._ManageServer, service_key )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'backup server', 'Command the server to temporarily pause and back up its database.', self._BackupServer, service_key )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'vacuum server', 'Command the server to temporarily pause and vacuum its database.', self._VacuumServer, service_key )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'server/db lock: on', 'Command the server to lock itself and disconnect its db.', self._LockServer, service_key, True )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'server/db lock: test', 'See if the server is currently busy.', self._TestServerBusy, service_key )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'server/db lock: off', 'Command the server to unlock itself and resume its db.', self._LockServer, service_key, False )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( admin_menu, submenu, service.GetName() )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, admin_menu, 'administrate services' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'import repository update files', 'Add repository update files to the database.', self._ImportUpdateFiles )
return ( menu, '&services' )
def tags():
menu = QW.QMenu( self )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'migrate tags', 'Migrate tags from one place to another.', self._MigrateTags )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'manage tag display and search', 'Set which tags you want to see from which services.', self._ManageTagDisplay )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'manage tag siblings', 'Set certain tags to be automatically replaced with other tags.', self._ManageTagSiblings )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'manage tag parents', 'Set certain tags to be automatically added with other tags.', self._ManageTagParents )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'manage where tag siblings and parents apply', 'Set which services\' siblings and parents apply where.', self._ManageTagDisplayApplication )
tag_display_maintenance_menu = QW.QMenu( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( tag_display_maintenance_menu, 'review tag sibling/parent maintenance', 'See how siblings and parents are currently applied.', self._ReviewTagDisplayMaintenance )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( tag_display_maintenance_menu )
check_manager = ClientGUICommon.CheckboxManagerOptions( 'tag_display_maintenance_during_idle' )
current_value = check_manager.GetCurrentValue()
func = check_manager.Invert
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( tag_display_maintenance_menu, 'sync tag display during idle time', 'Control whether tag display maintenance can work during idle time.', current_value, func )
check_manager = ClientGUICommon.CheckboxManagerOptions( 'tag_display_maintenance_during_active' )
current_value = check_manager.GetCurrentValue()
func = check_manager.Invert
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( tag_display_maintenance_menu, 'sync tag display during normal time', 'Control whether tag display maintenance can work during normal time.', current_value, func )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, tag_display_maintenance_menu, 'sibling/parent sync' )
return ( menu, '&tags' )
def help():
menu = QW.QMenu( self )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'help and getting started guide', 'Open hydrus\'s local help in your web browser.', ClientPaths.LaunchPathInWebBrowser, os.path.join( HC.HELP_DIR, 'index.html' ) )
links = QW.QMenu( menu )
site = ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuBitmapItem( links, 'site', 'Open hydrus\'s website, which is mostly a mirror of the local help.', CC.global_pixmaps().file_repository, ClientPaths.LaunchURLInWebBrowser, 'https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/' )
site = ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuBitmapItem( links, 'github repository', 'Open the hydrus github repository.', CC.global_pixmaps().github, ClientPaths.LaunchURLInWebBrowser, 'https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus' )
site = ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuBitmapItem( links, 'issue tracker', 'Open the github issue tracker, which is run by users.', CC.global_pixmaps().github, ClientPaths.LaunchURLInWebBrowser, 'https://github.com/hydrusnetwork/hydrus/issues' )
site = ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuBitmapItem( links, '8chan.moe /t/ (Hydrus Network General)', 'Open the 8chan.moe /t/ board, where a Hydrus Network General should exist with release posts and other status updates.', CC.global_pixmaps().eight_chan, ClientPaths.LaunchURLInWebBrowser, 'https://8chan.moe/t/catalog.html' )
site = ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( links, 'Endchan board bunker', 'Open hydrus dev\'s Endchan board, the bunker for the case when 8chan.moe is unavailable. Try .org if .net is unavailable.', ClientPaths.LaunchURLInWebBrowser, 'https://endchan.net/hydrus/index.html' )
site = ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuBitmapItem( links, 'twitter', 'Open hydrus dev\'s twitter, where he makes general progress updates and emergency notifications.', CC.global_pixmaps().twitter, ClientPaths.LaunchURLInWebBrowser, 'https://twitter.com/hydrusnetwork' )
site = ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuBitmapItem( links, 'tumblr', 'Open hydrus dev\'s tumblr, where he makes release posts and other status updates.', CC.global_pixmaps().tumblr, ClientPaths.LaunchURLInWebBrowser, 'https://hydrus.tumblr.com/' )
site = ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuBitmapItem( links, 'discord', 'Open a discord channel where many hydrus users congregate. Hydrus dev visits regularly.', CC.global_pixmaps().discord, ClientPaths.LaunchURLInWebBrowser, 'https://discord.gg/wPHPCUZ' )
site = ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuBitmapItem( links, 'patreon', 'Open hydrus dev\'s patreon, which lets you support development.', CC.global_pixmaps().patreon, ClientPaths.LaunchURLInWebBrowser, 'https://www.patreon.com/hydrus_dev' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, links, 'links' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'changelog', 'Open hydrus\'s local changelog in your web browser.', ClientPaths.LaunchPathInWebBrowser, os.path.join( HC.HELP_DIR, 'changelog.html' ) )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'add the public tag repository', 'This will add the public tag repository to your client.', self._AutoRepoSetup )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'how boned am I?', 'Check for a summary of your ride so far.', self._HowBonedAmI )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
currently_darkmode = self._new_options.GetString( 'current_colourset' ) == 'darkmode'
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( menu, 'darkmode', 'Set the \'darkmode\' colourset on and off.', currently_darkmode, self.FlipDarkmode )
check_manager = ClientGUICommon.CheckboxManagerOptions( 'advanced_mode' )
current_value = check_manager.GetCurrentValue()
func = check_manager.Invert
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( menu, 'advanced mode', 'Turn on advanced menu options and buttons.', current_value, func )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
debug = QW.QMenu( menu )
debug_modes = QW.QMenu( debug )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( debug_modes, 'force idle mode', 'Make the client consider itself idle and fire all maintenance routines right now. This may hang the gui for a while.', HG.force_idle_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'force_idle_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( debug_modes, 'no page limit mode', 'Let the user create as many pages as they want with no warnings or prohibitions.', HG.no_page_limit_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'no_page_limit_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( debug_modes, 'thumbnail debug mode', 'Show some thumbnail debug info.', HG.thumbnail_debug_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'thumbnail_debug_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( debug_modes, 'simulate a wake from sleep', 'Tell the controller to pretend that it just woke up from sleep.', self._controller.SimulateWakeFromSleepEvent )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( debug, debug_modes, 'debug modes' )
profile_modes = QW.QMenu( debug )
profile_mode_message = 'If something is running slow, you can turn on one of these modes to have hydrus gather information on how long each part takes to run. You probably want \'db profile mode\'.'
profile_mode_message += os.linesep * 2
profile_mode_message += 'Turn the mode on, do the slow thing for a bit, and then turn it off. In your database directory will be a new profile log, which is really helpful for hydrus dev to figure out what in your case is running slow.'
profile_mode_message += os.linesep * 2
profile_mode_message += 'More information is available in the help, under \'reducing program lag\'.'
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( profile_modes, 'what is this?', 'Show profile info.', QW.QMessageBox.information, self, 'Profile modes', profile_mode_message )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( profile_modes, 'callto profile mode', 'Run detailed \'profiles\' on most threaded jobs and dump this information to the log (this is very useful for hydrus dev to have, if something is running slow for you in UI!).', HG.callto_profile_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'callto_profile_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( profile_modes, 'client api profile mode', 'Run detailed \'profiles\' on every client api query and dump this information to the log (this is very useful for hydrus dev to have, if something is running slow for you!).', HG.server_profile_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'server_profile_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( profile_modes, 'db profile mode', 'Run detailed \'profiles\' on every database query and dump this information to the log (this is very useful for hydrus dev to have, if something is running slow for you in the DB!).', HG.db_profile_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'db_profile_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( profile_modes, 'menu profile mode', 'Run detailed \'profiles\' on menu actions.', HG.menu_profile_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'menu_profile_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( profile_modes, 'pubsub profile mode', 'Run detailed \'profiles\' on every internal publisher/subscriber message and dump this information to the log. This can hammer your log with dozens of large dumps every second. Don\'t run it unless you know you need to.', HG.pubsub_profile_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'pubsub_profile_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( profile_modes, 'ui timer profile mode', 'Run detailed \'profiles\' on every ui timer update. This will likely spam you!', HG.ui_timer_profile_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'ui_timer_profile_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( debug, profile_modes, 'profile modes' )
report_modes = QW.QMenu( debug )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( report_modes, 'callto report mode', 'Report whenever the thread pool is given a task.', HG.callto_report_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'callto_report_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( report_modes, 'daemon report mode', 'Have the daemons report whenever they fire their jobs.', HG.daemon_report_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'daemon_report_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( report_modes, 'db report mode', 'Have the db report query information, where supported.', HG.db_report_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'db_report_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( report_modes, 'file import report mode', 'Have the db and file manager report file import progress.', HG.file_import_report_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'file_import_report_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( report_modes, 'file report mode', 'Have the file manager report file request information, where supported.', HG.file_report_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'file_report_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( report_modes, 'gui report mode', 'Have the gui report inside information, where supported.', HG.gui_report_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'gui_report_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( report_modes, 'hover window report mode', 'Have the hover windows report their show/hide logic.', HG.hover_window_report_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'hover_window_report_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( report_modes, 'media load report mode', 'Have the client report media load information, where supported.', HG.media_load_report_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'media_load_report_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( report_modes, 'network report mode', 'Have the network engine report new jobs.', HG.network_report_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'network_report_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( report_modes, 'pubsub report mode', 'Report info about every pubsub processed.', HG.pubsub_report_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'pubsub_report_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( report_modes, 'similar files metadata generation report mode', 'Have the phash generation routine report its progress.', HG.phash_generation_report_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'phash_generation_report_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( report_modes, 'shortcut report mode', 'Have the new shortcut system report what shortcuts it catches and whether it matches an action.', HG.shortcut_report_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'shortcut_report_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( report_modes, 'subprocess report mode', 'Report whenever an external process is called.', HG.subprocess_report_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'subprocess_report_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( report_modes, 'subscription report mode', 'Have the subscription system report what it is doing.', HG.subscription_report_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'subscription_report_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( debug, report_modes, 'report modes' )
gui_actions = QW.QMenu( debug )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( gui_actions, 'make some popups', 'Throw some varied popups at the message manager, just to check it is working.', self._DebugMakeSomePopups )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( gui_actions, 'make a long text popup', 'Make a popup with text that will grow in size.', self._DebugLongTextPopup )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( gui_actions, 'make a popup in five seconds', 'Throw a delayed popup at the message manager, giving you time to minimise or otherwise alter the client before it arrives.', self._controller.CallLater, 5, HydrusData.ShowText, 'This is a delayed popup message.' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( gui_actions, 'make a modal popup in five seconds', 'Throw up a delayed modal popup to test with. It will stay alive for five seconds.', self._DebugMakeDelayedModalPopup, True )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( gui_actions, 'make a non-cancellable modal popup in five seconds', 'Throw up a delayed modal popup to test with. It will stay alive for five seconds.', self._DebugMakeDelayedModalPopup, False )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( gui_actions, 'make a new page in five seconds', 'Throw a delayed page at the main notebook, giving you time to minimise or otherwise alter the client before it arrives.', self._controller.CallLater, 5, self._controller.pub, 'new_page_query', CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( gui_actions, 'refresh pages menu in five seconds', 'Delayed refresh the pages menu, giving you time to minimise or otherwise alter the client before it arrives.', self._controller.CallLater, 5, self._menu_updater_pages.update )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( gui_actions, 'publish some sub files in five seconds', 'Publish some files like a subscription would.', self._controller.CallLater, 5, lambda: HG.client_controller.pub( 'imported_files_to_page', [ HydrusData.GenerateKey() for i in range( 5 ) ], 'example sub files' ) )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( gui_actions, 'make a parentless text ctrl dialog', 'Make a parentless text control in a dialog to test some character event catching.', self._DebugMakeParentlessTextCtrl )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( gui_actions, 'force a main gui layout now', 'Tell the gui to relayout--useful to test some gui bootup layout issues.', self.adjustSize )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( gui_actions, 'save \'last session\' gui session', 'Make an immediate save of the \'last session\' gui session. Mostly for testing crashes, where last session is not saved correctly.', self.ProposeSaveGUISession, 'last session' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( debug, gui_actions, 'gui actions' )
data_actions = QW.QMenu( debug )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( data_actions, 'db ui-hang relief mode', 'Have UI-synchronised database jobs process pending Qt events while they wait.', HG.db_ui_hang_relief_mode, self._SwitchBoolean, 'db_ui_hang_relief_mode' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( data_actions, 'review threads', 'Show current threads and what they are doing.', self._ReviewThreads )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( data_actions, 'show scheduled jobs', 'Print some information about the currently scheduled jobs log.', self._DebugShowScheduledJobs )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( data_actions, 'subscription manager snapshot', 'Have the subscription system show what it is doing.', self._controller.subscriptions_manager.ShowSnapshot )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( data_actions, 'flush log', 'Command the log to write any buffered contents to hard drive.', HydrusData.DebugPrint, 'Flushing log' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( data_actions, 'enable truncated image loading', 'Enable the truncated image loading to test out broken jpegs.', self._EnableLoadTruncatedImages )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( debug, data_actions, 'data actions' )
memory_actions = QW.QMenu( debug )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( memory_actions, 'run fast memory maintenance', 'Tell all the fast caches to maintain themselves.', self._controller.MaintainMemoryFast )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( memory_actions, 'run slow memory maintenance', 'Tell all the slow caches to maintain themselves.', self._controller.MaintainMemorySlow )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( memory_actions, 'clear image rendering cache', 'Tell the image rendering system to forget all current images. This will often free up a bunch of memory immediately.', self._controller.ClearCaches )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( memory_actions, 'clear thumbnail cache', 'Tell the thumbnail cache to forget everything and redraw all current thumbs.', self._controller.pub, 'reset_thumbnail_cache' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( memory_actions, 'print garbage', 'Print some information about the python garbage to the log.', self._DebugPrintGarbage )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( memory_actions, 'take garbage snapshot', 'Capture current garbage object counts.', self._DebugTakeGarbageSnapshot )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( memory_actions, 'show garbage snapshot changes', 'Show object count differences from the last snapshot.', self._DebugShowGarbageDifferences )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( debug, memory_actions, 'memory actions' )
network_actions = QW.QMenu( debug )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( network_actions, 'fetch a url', 'Fetch a URL using the network engine as per normal.', self._DebugFetchAURL )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( debug, network_actions, 'network actions' )
tests = QW.QMenu( debug )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( tests, 'run the ui test', 'Run hydrus_dev\'s weekly UI Test. Guaranteed to work and not mess up your session, ha ha.', self._RunUITest )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( tests, 'run the client api test', 'Run hydrus_dev\'s weekly Client API Test. Guaranteed to work and not mess up your session, ha ha.', self._RunClientAPITest )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( tests, 'run the server test', 'This will try to boot the server in your install folder and initialise it. This is mostly here for testing purposes.', self._RunServerTest )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( debug, tests, 'tests, do not touch' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, debug, 'debug' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'about Qt', 'See information about the Qt framework.', QW.QMessageBox.aboutQt, self )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'about', 'See this client\'s version and other information.', self._AboutWindow )
return ( menu, '&help' )
if name == 'undo': result = undo()
elif name == 'database': result = database()
elif name == 'network': result = network()
elif name == 'services': result = services()
elif name == 'tags': result = tags()
elif name == 'help': result = help()
# hackery dackery doo
( menu_or_none, label ) = result
return ( menu_or_none, label )
def GenerateMenuInfoFile( self, import_folder_names, export_folder_names ):
menu = QW.QMenu( self )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'import files', 'Add new files to the database.', self._ImportFiles )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
i_and_e_submenu = QW.QMenu( menu )
submenu = QW.QMenu( i_and_e_submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( submenu, 'import folders', 'Pause the client\'s import folders.', HC.options['pause_import_folders_sync'], self._PausePlaySync, 'import_folders' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( submenu, 'export folders', 'Pause the client\'s export folders.', HC.options['pause_export_folders_sync'], self._PausePlaySync, 'export_folders' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( i_and_e_submenu, submenu, 'pause' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( i_and_e_submenu )
if len( import_folder_names ) > 0:
submenu = QW.QMenu( i_and_e_submenu )
if len( import_folder_names ) > 1:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'check all', 'Check all import folders.', self._CheckImportFolder )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( submenu )
for name in import_folder_names:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, name, 'Check this import folder now.', self._CheckImportFolder, name )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( i_and_e_submenu, submenu, 'check import folder now' )
if len( export_folder_names ) > 0:
submenu = QW.QMenu( i_and_e_submenu )
if len( export_folder_names ) > 1:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'run all', 'Run all export folders.', self._RunExportFolder )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( submenu )
for name in export_folder_names:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, name, 'Run this export folder now.', self._RunExportFolder, name )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( i_and_e_submenu, submenu, 'run export folder now' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( i_and_e_submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( i_and_e_submenu, 'manage import folders', 'Manage folders from which the client can automatically import.', self._ManageImportFolders )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( i_and_e_submenu, 'manage export folders', 'Manage folders to which the client can automatically export.', self._ManageExportFolders )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, i_and_e_submenu, 'import and export folders' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
open = QW.QMenu( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( open, 'installation directory', 'Open the installation directory for this client.', self._OpenInstallFolder )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( open, 'database directory', 'Open the database directory for this instance of the client.', self._OpenDBFolder )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( open, 'quick export directory', 'Open the export directory so you can easily access the files you have exported.', self._OpenExportFolder )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, open, 'open' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'options', 'Change how the client operates.', self._ManageOptions )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'shortcuts', 'Edit the shortcuts your client responds to.', ClientGUIShortcutControls.ManageShortcuts, self )
if ClientGUISystemTray.SystemTrayAvailable() and not ( not HC.PLATFORM_WINDOWS and not HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'advanced_mode' ) ):
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
label = 'minimise to system tray'
label += ' (may be buggy/crashy!)'
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, label, 'Hide the client to an icon on your system tray.', self._FlipShowHideWholeUI )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
we_borked_linux_pyinstaller = HC.PLATFORM_LINUX and not HC.RUNNING_FROM_SOURCE
if not we_borked_linux_pyinstaller:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'restart', 'Shut the client down and then start it up again.', self.TryToExit, restart = True )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'exit and force shutdown maintenance', 'Shut the client down and force any outstanding shutdown maintenance to run.', self.TryToExit, force_shutdown_maintenance = True )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'exit', 'Shut the client down.', self.TryToExit )
return ( menu, '&file' )
def GenerateMenuInfoPages( self, gui_session_names, gui_session_names_to_backup_timestamps ):
menu = QW.QMenu( self )
( total_active_page_count, total_closed_page_count, total_active_weight, total_closed_weight ) = self.GetTotalPageCounts()
self._last_total_page_weight = total_active_weight + total_closed_weight
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuLabel( menu, '{} pages open'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( total_active_page_count ) ), 'You have this many pages open.' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuLabel( menu, 'total session weight: {}'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( self._last_total_page_weight ) ), 'Your session is this heavy.' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'refresh', 'If the current page has a search, refresh it.', self._Refresh )
splitter_menu = QW.QMenu( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( splitter_menu, 'show/hide', 'Show or hide the panels on the left.', self._ShowHideSplitters )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( splitter_menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuCheckItem( splitter_menu, 'save current page\'s sash positions on client exit', 'Set whether sash position should be saved over on client exit.', self._new_options.GetBoolean( 'saving_sash_positions_on_exit' ), self._new_options.FlipBoolean, 'saving_sash_positions_on_exit' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( splitter_menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( splitter_menu, 'save current page\'s sash positions now', 'Save the current page\'s sash positions.', self._SaveSplitterPositions )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( splitter_menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( splitter_menu, 'restore all pages\' sash positions to saved value', 'Restore the current sash positions for all pages to the values that are saved.', self._RestoreSplitterPositions )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, splitter_menu, 'management and preview panels' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
sessions = QW.QMenu( menu )
gui_session_names = sorted( gui_session_names )
if len( gui_session_names ) > 0:
load = QW.QMenu( sessions )
for name in gui_session_names:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( load, name, 'Close all other pages and load this session.', self._notebook.LoadGUISession, name )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( sessions, load, 'clear and load' )
append = QW.QMenu( sessions )
for name in gui_session_names:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( append, name, 'Append this session to whatever pages are already open.', self._notebook.AppendGUISession, name )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( sessions, append, 'append' )
if len( gui_session_names_to_backup_timestamps ) > 0:
append_backup = QW.QMenu( sessions )
rows = sorted( gui_session_names_to_backup_timestamps.items() )
for ( name, timestamps ) in rows:
submenu = QW.QMenu( append_backup )
for timestamp in timestamps:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, HydrusData.ConvertTimestampToPrettyTime( timestamp ), 'Append this backup session to whatever pages are already open.', self._notebook.AppendGUISessionBackup, name, timestamp )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( append_backup, submenu, name )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( sessions, append_backup, 'append session backup' )
save = QW.QMenu( sessions )
for name in gui_session_names:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( save, name, 'Save the existing open pages as a session.', self.ProposeSaveGUISession, name )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( save, 'as new session', 'Save the existing open pages as a session.', self.ProposeSaveGUISession )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( sessions, save, 'save' )
if len( set( gui_session_names ).difference( ClientGUIPages.RESERVED_SESSION_NAMES ) ) > 0:
delete = QW.QMenu( sessions )
for name in gui_session_names:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( delete, name, 'Delete this session.', self._DeleteGUISession, name )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( sessions, delete, 'delete' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, sessions, 'sessions' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( menu, 'pick a new page', 'Choose a new page to open.', self.ProcessApplicationCommand, CAC.ApplicationCommand( CAC.APPLICATION_COMMAND_TYPE_SIMPLE, CAC.SIMPLE_NEW_PAGE ) )
search_menu = QW.QMenu( menu )
services = self._controller.services_manager.GetServices()
petition_permissions = [ ( content_type, HC.PERMISSION_ACTION_MODERATE ) for content_type in HC.REPOSITORY_CONTENT_TYPES ]
repositories = [ service for service in services if service.GetServiceType() in HC.REPOSITORIES ]
file_repositories = [ service for service in repositories if service.GetServiceType() == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY ]
petition_resolvable_repositories = [ repository for repository in repositories if True in ( repository.HasPermission( content_type, action ) for ( content_type, action ) in petition_permissions ) ]
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( search_menu, 'my files', 'Open a new search tab for your files.', self._notebook.NewPageQuery, CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY, on_deepest_notebook=True )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( search_menu, 'trash', 'Open a new search tab for your recently deleted files.', self._notebook.NewPageQuery, CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY, on_deepest_notebook=True )
for service in file_repositories:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( search_menu, service.GetName(), 'Open a new search tab for ' + service.GetName() + '.', self._notebook.NewPageQuery, service.GetServiceKey(), on_deepest_notebook=True )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, search_menu, 'new search page' )
if len( petition_resolvable_repositories ) > 0:
petition_menu = QW.QMenu( menu )
for service in petition_resolvable_repositories:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( petition_menu, service.GetName(), 'Open a new petition page for ' + service.GetName() + '.', self._notebook.NewPagePetitions, service.GetServiceKey(), on_deepest_notebook=True )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, petition_menu, 'new petition page' )
download_menu = QW.QMenu( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( download_menu, 'url download', 'Open a new tab to download some separate urls.', self.ProcessApplicationCommand, CAC.ApplicationCommand( CAC.APPLICATION_COMMAND_TYPE_SIMPLE, CAC.SIMPLE_NEW_URL_DOWNLOADER_PAGE ) )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( download_menu, 'watcher', 'Open a new tab to watch threads or other updating locations.', self.ProcessApplicationCommand, CAC.ApplicationCommand( CAC.APPLICATION_COMMAND_TYPE_SIMPLE, CAC.SIMPLE_NEW_WATCHER_DOWNLOADER_PAGE ) )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( download_menu, 'gallery', 'Open a new tab to download from gallery sites.', self.ProcessApplicationCommand, CAC.ApplicationCommand( CAC.APPLICATION_COMMAND_TYPE_SIMPLE, CAC.SIMPLE_NEW_GALLERY_DOWNLOADER_PAGE ) )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( download_menu, 'simple downloader', 'Open a new tab to download files from generic galleries or threads.', self.ProcessApplicationCommand, CAC.ApplicationCommand( CAC.APPLICATION_COMMAND_TYPE_SIMPLE, CAC.SIMPLE_NEW_SIMPLE_DOWNLOADER_PAGE ) )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, download_menu, 'new download page' )
has_ipfs = len( [ service for service in services if service.GetServiceType() == HC.IPFS ] )
if has_ipfs:
download_popup_menu = QW.QMenu( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( download_popup_menu, 'an ipfs multihash', 'Enter an IPFS multihash and attempt to import whatever is returned.', self._StartIPFSDownload )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, download_popup_menu, 'new download popup' )
special_menu = QW.QMenu( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( special_menu, 'page of pages', 'Open a new tab that can hold more tabs.', self.ProcessApplicationCommand, CAC.ApplicationCommand( CAC.APPLICATION_COMMAND_TYPE_SIMPLE, CAC.SIMPLE_NEW_PAGE_OF_PAGES ) )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( special_menu, 'duplicates processing', 'Open a new tab to discover and filter duplicate files.', self.ProcessApplicationCommand, CAC.ApplicationCommand( CAC.APPLICATION_COMMAND_TYPE_SIMPLE, CAC.SIMPLE_NEW_DUPLICATE_FILTER_PAGE ) )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, special_menu, 'new special page' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
special_command_menu = QW.QMenu( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( special_command_menu, 'clear all multiwatcher highlights', 'Command all multiwatcher pages to clear their highlighted watchers.', HG.client_controller.pub, 'clear_multiwatcher_highlights' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, special_command_menu, 'special commands' )
return ( menu, '&pages' )
def GenerateMenuInfoPending( self, nums_pending ):
total_num_pending = 0
menu = None
can_do_a_menu = not HG.currently_uploading_pending
for ( service_key, info ) in nums_pending.items():
service = self._controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key )
service_type = service.GetServiceType()
name = service.GetName()
if service_type == HC.TAG_REPOSITORY:
pending_phrase = 'tag data to upload'
petitioned_phrase = 'tag data to petition'
elif service_type == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY:
pending_phrase = 'files to upload'
petitioned_phrase = 'files to petition'
elif service_type == HC.IPFS:
pending_phrase = 'files to pin'
petitioned_phrase = 'files to unpin'
if service_type == HC.TAG_REPOSITORY:
elif service_type in ( HC.FILE_REPOSITORY, HC.IPFS ):
if can_do_a_menu and num_pending + num_petitioned > 0:
if menu is None:
menu = QW.QMenu( self )
submenu = QW.QMenu( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'commit', 'Upload ' + name + '\'s pending content.', self._UploadPending, service_key )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( submenu, 'forget', 'Clear ' + name + '\'s pending content.', self._DeletePending, service_key )
submessages = []
if num_pending > 0:
submessages.append( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_pending ) + ' ' + pending_phrase )
if num_petitioned > 0:
submessages.append( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_petitioned ) + ' ' + petitioned_phrase )
message = name + ': ' + ', '.join( submessages )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, submenu, message )
total_num_pending += num_pending + num_petitioned
return ( menu, '&pending ({})'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( total_num_pending ) ) )
def GetCurrentPage( self ):
return self._notebook.GetCurrentMediaPage()
def GetCurrentSessionPageAPIInfoDict( self ):
return self._notebook.GetSessionAPIInfoDict( is_selected = True )
def GetMPVWidget( self, parent ):
if len( self._persistent_mpv_widgets ) == 0:
mpv_widget = ClientGUIMPV.mpvWidget( parent )
self._persistent_mpv_widgets.append( mpv_widget )
mpv_widget = self._persistent_mpv_widgets.pop()
if mpv_widget.parentWidget() is self:
mpv_widget.setParent( parent )
return mpv_widget
def GetPageAPIInfoDict( self, page_key, simple ):
page = self._notebook.GetPageFromPageKey( page_key )
if page is None:
return None
return page.GetAPIInfoDict( simple )
def GetTotalPageCounts( self ):
total_active_page_count = self._notebook.GetNumPages()
total_closed_page_count = len( self._closed_pages )
total_active_weight = self._notebook.GetTotalWeight()
total_closed_weight = sum( ( page.GetTotalWeight() for ( time_closed, page ) in self._closed_pages ) )
return ( total_active_page_count, total_closed_page_count, total_active_weight, total_closed_weight )
def HideToSystemTray( self ):
shown = not self._currently_minimised_to_system_tray
windows_or_advanced_mode = HC.PLATFORM_WINDOWS or HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'advanced_mode' )
good_to_go = ClientGUISystemTray.SystemTrayAvailable() and windows_or_advanced_mode
if shown and good_to_go:
def IShouldRegularlyUpdate( self, window ):
current_page = self.GetCurrentPage()
if current_page is not None:
in_current_page = ClientGUIFunctions.IsQtAncestor( window, current_page )
if in_current_page:
return True
in_other_window = window.window() != self
return in_other_window
def ImportFiles( self, paths ):
# can more easily do this when file_seeds are doing their own tags
# get current media page
# if it is an import page, ask user if they want to add it to the page or make a new one
# if using existing, then load the panel without file import options
# think about how to merge 'delete_after_success' or not--maybe this can be handled by file_seeds as well
self._ImportFiles( paths )
def ImportURLFromAPI( self, url, filterable_tags, additional_service_keys_to_tags, destination_page_name, destination_page_key, show_destination_page ):
( normalised_url, result_text ) = self._ImportURL( url, filterable_tags = filterable_tags, additional_service_keys_to_tags = additional_service_keys_to_tags, destination_page_name = destination_page_name, destination_page_key = destination_page_key, show_destination_page = show_destination_page )
return ( normalised_url, result_text )
except ( HydrusExceptions.URLClassException, HydrusExceptions.NetworkException ):
except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing as e:
raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( str( e ) )
except Exception as e:
HydrusData.PrintException( e )
raise HydrusExceptions.ServerException( str( e ) )
def ImportURLFromDragAndDrop( self, url ):
self._ImportURL( url )
except Exception as e:
HydrusData.ShowException( e )
def ImportURL( self, url, destination_page_name ):
self._ImportURL( url, destination_page_name = destination_page_name, show_destination_page = False )
except Exception as e:
HydrusData.ShowException( e )
def IsCurrentPage( self, page_key ):
result = self._notebook.GetCurrentMediaPage()
if result is None:
return False
return page_key == result.GetPageKey()
def MaintainCanvasFrameReferences( self ):
self._canvas_frames = [ frame for frame in self._canvas_frames if QP.isValid( frame ) ]
def NewPageImportHDD( self, paths, file_import_options, paths_to_additional_service_keys_to_tags, delete_after_success ):
management_controller = ClientGUIManagement.CreateManagementControllerImportHDD( paths, file_import_options, paths_to_additional_service_keys_to_tags, delete_after_success )
self._notebook.NewPage( management_controller, on_deepest_notebook = True )
def NewPageQuery( self, service_key, initial_hashes = None, initial_predicates = None, page_name = None, do_sort = False, select_page = True, activate_window = False ):
if initial_hashes is None:
initial_hashes = []
if initial_predicates is None:
initial_predicates = []
self._notebook.NewPageQuery( service_key, initial_hashes = initial_hashes, initial_predicates = initial_predicates, page_name = page_name, on_deepest_notebook = True, do_sort = do_sort, select_page = select_page )
if activate_window and not self.isActiveWindow():
def NotifyClosedPage( self, page ):
if self._clipboard_watcher_destination_page_urls == page:
self._clipboard_watcher_destination_page_urls = None
if self._clipboard_watcher_destination_page_watcher == page:
self._clipboard_watcher_destination_page_watcher = None
close_time = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._closed_pages.append( ( close_time, page ) )
self._controller.ClosePageKeys( page.GetPageKeys() )
def NotifyDeletedPage( self, page ):
self._DestroyPages( ( page, ) )
def NotifyNewExportFolders( self ):
def NotifyNewImportFolders( self ):
def NotifyNewOptions( self ):
self.DirtyMenu( 'database' )
self.DirtyMenu( 'services' )
self.DirtyMenu( 'help' )
def NotifyNewPages( self ):
def NotifyNewPending( self ):
def NotifyNewPermissions( self ):
self.DirtyMenu( 'services' )
self.DirtyMenu( 'network' )
def NotifyNewServices( self ):
self.DirtyMenu( 'services' )
self.DirtyMenu( 'network' )
def NotifyNewSessions( self ):
def NotifyNewUndo( self ):
self.DirtyMenu( 'undo' )
def PresentImportedFilesToPage( self, hashes, page_name ):
self._notebook.PresentImportedFilesToPage( hashes, page_name )
def ProcessApplicationCommand( self, command: CAC.ApplicationCommand ):
command_processed = True
data = command.GetData()
if command.IsSimpleCommand():
action = data
self.TryToExit( force_shutdown_maintenance = True )
self.TryToExit( restart = True )
self._notebook.MoveSelection( -1 )
self._notebook.MoveSelection( 1 )
self._notebook.MoveSelectionEnd( -1 )
self._notebook.MoveSelectionEnd( 1 )
elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_REFRESH:
page = self._notebook.GetCurrentMediaPage()
if page is not None:
parent = page.GetParentNotebook()
elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_NEW_PAGE:
self._notebook.NewPagesNotebook( on_deepest_notebook = True )
self._notebook.NewPageDuplicateFilter( on_deepest_notebook = True )
self._notebook.NewPageImportGallery( on_deepest_notebook = True )
self._notebook.NewPageImportSimpleDownloader( on_deepest_notebook = True )
self._notebook.NewPageImportURLs( on_deepest_notebook = True )
self._notebook.NewPageImportMultipleWatcher( on_deepest_notebook = True )
elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_CLOSE_PAGE:
ClientGUIMediaControls.SetMute( ClientGUIMediaControls.AUDIO_GLOBAL, True )
ClientGUIMediaControls.SetMute( ClientGUIMediaControls.AUDIO_GLOBAL, False )
ClientGUIMediaControls.FlipMute( ClientGUIMediaControls.AUDIO_GLOBAL )
elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_REDO:
self._controller.pub( 'redo' )
elif action == CAC.SIMPLE_UNDO:
self._controller.pub( 'undo' )
self._SwitchBoolean( 'force_idle_mode' )
self.DirtyMenu( 'help' )
command_processed = False
command_processed = False
return command_processed
def ProposeSaveGUISession( self, name = None, suggested_name = '', notebook = None ):
if notebook is None:
notebook = self._notebook
if name is None:
while True:
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogTextEntry( self, 'Enter a name for the new session.', default = suggested_name ) as dlg:
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
name = dlg.GetValue()
QW.QMessageBox.critical( self, 'Error', 'Sorry, you cannot have that name! Try another.' )
existing_session_names = self._controller.Read( 'serialisable_names', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_GUI_SESSION )
if name in existing_session_names:
message = 'Session "{}" already exists! Do you want to overwrite it?'.format( name )
( result, closed_by_user ) = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, title = 'Overwrite existing session?', yes_label = 'yes, overwrite', no_label = 'no, choose another name', check_for_cancelled = True )
if closed_by_user:
elif result == QW.QDialog.Rejected:
elif name not in ClientGUIPages.RESERVED_SESSION_NAMES: # i.e. a human asked to do this
message = 'Overwrite this session?'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, title = 'Overwrite existing session?', yes_label = 'yes, overwrite', no_label = 'no' )
if result != QW.QDialog.Accepted:
session = notebook.GetCurrentGUISession( name )
self._controller.CallToThread( self._controller.SaveGUISession, session )
def RefreshMenu( self ):
if not QP.isValid( self ) or not self or self._CurrentlyMinimisedOrHidden():
db_going_to_hang_if_we_hit_it = HG.client_controller.DBCurrentlyDoingJob()
menu_open = CGC.core().MenuIsOpen()
if db_going_to_hang_if_we_hit_it or menu_open:
self._controller.CallLaterQtSafe( self, 0.5, self.RefreshMenu )
if len( self._dirty_menus ) > 0:
name = self._dirty_menus.pop()
if name not in ( 'file', 'pages', 'pending' ):
( menu_or_none, label ) = self.GenerateMenuInfo( name )
self.ReplaceMenu( name, menu_or_none, label )
if len( self._dirty_menus ) > 0:
self._controller.CallLaterQtSafe( self, 0.5, self.RefreshMenu )
def RefreshStatusBar( self ):
def RegisterAnimationUpdateWindow( self, window ):
self._animation_update_windows.add( window )
if self._animation_update_timer is not None and not self._animation_update_timer.isActive():
self._animation_update_timer.setInterval( 5 )
def RegisterCanvasFrameReference( self, frame ):
self._canvas_frames = [ fr for fr in self._canvas_frames if QP.isValid( fr ) ]
self._canvas_frames.append( frame )
def RegisterUIUpdateWindow( self, window ):
self._ui_update_windows.add( window )
if self._ui_update_repeating_job is None:
self._ui_update_repeating_job = self._controller.CallRepeatingQtSafe(self, 0.0, 0.1, self.REPEATINGUIUpdate)
def ReleaseMPVWidget( self, mpv_widget ):
mpv_widget.setParent( self )
self._persistent_mpv_widgets.append( mpv_widget )
def REPEATINGBandwidth( self ):
if not QP.isValid( self ) or self._CurrentlyMinimisedOrHidden():
global_tracker = self._controller.network_engine.bandwidth_manager.GetMySessionTracker()
boot_time = self._controller.GetBootTime()
time_since_boot = max( 1, HydrusData.GetNow() - boot_time )
usage_since_boot = global_tracker.GetUsage( HC.BANDWIDTH_TYPE_DATA, time_since_boot )
bandwidth_status = HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( usage_since_boot )
current_usage = global_tracker.GetUsage( HC.BANDWIDTH_TYPE_DATA, 1, for_user = True )
if current_usage > 0:
bandwidth_status += ' (' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( current_usage ) + '/s)'
if HC.options[ 'pause_subs_sync' ]:
bandwidth_status += ', subs paused'
if self._controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'pause_all_new_network_traffic' ):
bandwidth_status += ', network paused'
tooltip = 'total bandwidth used this session, and current use'
self._statusbar.SetStatusText( bandwidth_status, 1, tooltip = tooltip )
def REPEATINGClipboardWatcher( self ):
allow_watchers = self._controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'watch_clipboard_for_watcher_urls' )
allow_other_recognised_urls = self._controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'watch_clipboard_for_other_recognised_urls' )
if not ( allow_watchers or allow_other_recognised_urls ):
self._clipboard_watcher_repeating_job = None
text = HG.client_controller.GetClipboardText()
except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing:
text = ''
except Exception as e:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Could not access the clipboard: {}'.format( e ) )
self._clipboard_watcher_repeating_job = None
if text != self._last_clipboard_watched_text:
self._last_clipboard_watched_text = text
for possible_url in HydrusText.DeserialiseNewlinedTexts( text ):
if not possible_url.startswith( 'http' ):
self._ImportURL( possible_url, show_destination_page = False, allow_watchers = allow_watchers, allow_other_recognised_urls = allow_other_recognised_urls, allow_unrecognised_urls = False )
except HydrusExceptions.URLClassException:
except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Could not find a new page to place the clipboard URL. Perhaps the client is at its page limit.' )
def REPEATINGPageUpdate( self ):
if not QP.isValid( self ) or self._CurrentlyMinimisedOrHidden():
page = self.GetCurrentPage()
if page is not None:
if HG.ui_timer_profile_mode:
summary = 'Profiling page timer: ' + repr( page )
HydrusData.Profile( summary, 'page.REPEATINGPageUpdate()', globals(), locals(), min_duration_ms = 3, show_summary = True )
def REPEATINGUIUpdate( self ):
if self._currently_minimised_to_system_tray:
for window in list( self._ui_update_windows ):
if not QP.isValid( window ):
self._ui_update_windows.discard( window )
tlw = window.window()
if not tlw or not QP.isValid( tlw ):
self._ui_update_windows.discard( window )
if tlw == self and self._CurrentlyMinimisedOrHidden():
if HG.ui_timer_profile_mode:
summary = 'Profiling ui update timer: ' + repr( window )
HydrusData.Profile( summary, 'window.TIMERUIUpdate()', globals(), locals(), min_duration_ms = 3, show_summary = True )
except Exception as e:
self._ui_update_windows.discard( window )
HydrusData.ShowException( e )
if len( self._ui_update_windows ) == 0:
self._ui_update_repeating_job = None
def ReplaceMenu( self, name, menu_or_none, label ):
if menu_or_none is not None:
menu_or_none.menuAction().setProperty( 'hydrus_menubar_name', name )
menu_or_none.setTitle( label )
old_menu_index = self._FindMenuBarIndex( name )
if old_menu_index == -1:
if menu_or_none is not None:
menu = menu_or_none
insert_index = 0
# for every menu that may display, if it is displayed now, bump up insertion index up one
for possible_name in MENU_ORDER:
if possible_name == name:
possible_menu_index = self._FindMenuBarIndex( possible_name )
if possible_menu_index != -1:
insert_index += 1
if len( self._menubar.actions() ) > insert_index:
action_before = self._menubar.actions()[ insert_index ]
action_before = None
menu.setParent( self )
self._menubar.insertMenu( action_before, menu )
if name == 'pending' and HG.currently_uploading_pending:
self._menubar.actions()[ old_menu_index ].setText( label )
if menu_or_none is not None:
ClientGUIMenus.DestroyMenu( menu_or_none )
old_action = self._menubar.actions()[ old_menu_index ]
old_menu = old_action.menu()
if menu_or_none is not None:
menu = menu_or_none
menu.setParent( self )
self._menubar.insertMenu( old_action, menu )
self._menubar.removeAction( old_action )
self._menubar.removeAction( old_action )
ClientGUIMenus.DestroyMenu( old_menu )
def RestoreOrActivateWindow( self ):
if self.isMinimized():
if self._was_maximised:
def SaveAndClose( self ):
if self._done_save_and_close:
HG.client_controller.pub( 'pause_all_media' )
if QP.isValid( self._message_manager ):
if self._have_shown_once:
if self._new_options.GetBoolean( 'saving_sash_positions_on_exit' ):
ClientGUITopLevelWindows.SaveTLWSizeAndPosition( self, self._frame_key )
for tlw in QW.QApplication.topLevelWidgets():
if not isinstance( tlw, ClientGUISplash.FrameSplash ):
if self._have_system_tray_icon:
session = self._notebook.GetCurrentGUISession( 'last session' )
self._controller.SaveGUISession( session )
session.SetName( 'exit session' )
self._controller.SaveGUISession( session )
self._controller.WriteSynchronous( 'save_options', HC.options )
self._controller.WriteSynchronous( 'serialisable', self._new_options )
self._done_save_and_close = True
except Exception as e:
HydrusData.PrintException( e )
def SetMediaFocus( self ):
def SetStatusBarDirty( self ):
def ShowPage( self, page_key ):
page = self._notebook.GetPageFromPageKey( page_key )
if page is None:
raise HydrusExceptions.DataMissing( 'Could not find that page!' )
self._notebook.ShowPage( page )
def TryToExit( self, restart = False, force_shutdown_maintenance = False ):
if not self._controller.DoingFastExit():
able_to_close_statement = self._notebook.GetTestAbleToCloseStatement()
if HC.options[ 'confirm_client_exit' ] or able_to_close_statement is not None:
if restart:
text = 'Are you sure you want to restart the client? (Will auto-yes in 15 seconds)'
text = 'Are you sure you want to exit the client? (Will auto-yes in 15 seconds)'
if able_to_close_statement is not None:
text += os.linesep * 2
text += able_to_close_statement
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, text, auto_yes_time = 15 )
if result == QW.QDialog.Rejected:
if restart:
HG.restart = True
if force_shutdown_maintenance or HG.do_idle_shutdown_work:
HG.do_idle_shutdown_work = True
idle_shutdown_action = self._controller.options[ 'idle_shutdown' ]
last_shutdown_work_time = self._controller.Read( 'last_shutdown_work_time' )
shutdown_work_period = self._controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'shutdown_work_period' )
shutdown_work_due = HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( last_shutdown_work_time + shutdown_work_period )
if shutdown_work_due:
if idle_shutdown_action == CC.IDLE_ON_SHUTDOWN:
HG.do_idle_shutdown_work = True
elif idle_shutdown_action == CC.IDLE_ON_SHUTDOWN_ASK_FIRST:
idle_shutdown_max_minutes = self._controller.options[ 'idle_shutdown_max_minutes' ]
time_to_stop = HydrusData.GetNow() + ( idle_shutdown_max_minutes * 60 )
work_to_do = self._controller.GetIdleShutdownWorkDue( time_to_stop )
if len( work_to_do ) > 0:
text = 'Is now a good time for the client to do up to ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( idle_shutdown_max_minutes ) + ' minutes\' maintenance work? (Will auto-no in 15 seconds)'
text += os.linesep * 2
if HG.client_controller.IsFirstStart():
text += 'Since this is your first session, this maintenance should should just be some quick initialisation work. It should only take a few seconds.'
text += os.linesep * 2
text += 'The outstanding jobs appear to be:'
text += os.linesep * 2
text += os.linesep.join( work_to_do )
( result, was_cancelled ) = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, text, title = 'Maintenance is due', auto_no_time = 15, check_for_cancelled = True )
if was_cancelled:
elif result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
HG.do_idle_shutdown_work = True
# if they said no, don't keep asking
self._controller.Write( 'last_shutdown_work_time', HydrusData.GetNow() )
except Exception as e:
self._controller.SafeShowCriticalMessage( 'shutdown error', 'There was a problem trying to review pending shutdown maintenance work. No shutdown maintenance work will be done, and info has been written to the log. Please let hydev know.' )
HydrusData.PrintException( e )
HG.do_idle_shutdown_work = False
QP.CallAfter( self._controller.Exit )
def UnregisterAnimationUpdateWindow( self, window ):
self._animation_update_windows.discard( window )
def UnregisterUIUpdateWindow( self, window ):
self._ui_update_windows.discard( window )