
1568 lines
58 KiB

import os
import random
import time
import typing
from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC
from hydrus.core import HydrusData
from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions
from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG
from hydrus.core import HydrusSerialisable
from hydrus.core import HydrusThreading
from hydrus.client import ClientConstants as CC
from hydrus.client import ClientData
from hydrus.client import ClientDownloading
from hydrus.client import ClientThreading
from hydrus.client.importing import ClientImporting
from hydrus.client.importing import ClientImportFileSeeds
from hydrus.client.importing import ClientImportGallerySeeds
from hydrus.client.importing import ClientImportSubscriptions
from hydrus.client.importing import ClientImportSubscriptionQuery
from hydrus.client.importing.options import ClientImportOptions
from hydrus.client.importing.options import FileImportOptions
from hydrus.client.importing.options import TagImportOptions
from hydrus.client.networking import ClientNetworkingContexts
from hydrus.client.networking import ClientNetworkingJobs
# this object is no longer used, it exists only to update to the new objects below
class SubscriptionQueryLegacy( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase ):
SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'Legacy Subscription Query'
def __init__( self, query = 'query text' ):
HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase.__init__( self )
self._query = query
self._display_name = None
self._check_now = False
self._last_check_time = 0
self._next_check_time = 0
self._paused = False
self._status = ClientImporting.CHECKER_STATUS_OK
self._gallery_seed_log = ClientImportGallerySeeds.GallerySeedLog()
self._file_seed_cache = ClientImportFileSeeds.FileSeedCache()
self._tag_import_options = TagImportOptions.TagImportOptions()
def _GetExampleNetworkContexts( self, subscription_name ):
file_seed = self._file_seed_cache.GetNextFileSeed( CC.STATUS_UNKNOWN )
subscription_key = self.GetNetworkJobSubscriptionKey( subscription_name )
if file_seed is None:
return [ ClientNetworkingContexts.NetworkContext( CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_SUBSCRIPTION, subscription_key ), ClientNetworkingContexts.GLOBAL_NETWORK_CONTEXT ]
url = file_seed.file_seed_data
try: # if the url is borked for some reason
example_nj = ClientNetworkingJobs.NetworkJobSubscription( subscription_key, 'GET', url )
example_network_contexts = example_nj.GetNetworkContexts()
return [ ClientNetworkingContexts.NetworkContext( CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_SUBSCRIPTION, subscription_key ), ClientNetworkingContexts.GLOBAL_NETWORK_CONTEXT ]
return example_network_contexts
def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ):
serialisable_gallery_seed_log = self._gallery_seed_log.GetSerialisableTuple()
serialisable_file_seed_cache = self._file_seed_cache.GetSerialisableTuple()
serialisable_tag_import_options = self._tag_import_options.GetSerialisableTuple()
return ( self._query, self._display_name, self._check_now, self._last_check_time, self._next_check_time, self._paused, self._status, serialisable_gallery_seed_log, serialisable_file_seed_cache, serialisable_tag_import_options )
def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ):
( self._query, self._display_name, self._check_now, self._last_check_time, self._next_check_time, self._paused, self._status, serialisable_gallery_seed_log, serialisable_file_seed_cache, serialisable_tag_import_options ) = serialisable_info
self._gallery_seed_log = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_gallery_seed_log )
self._file_seed_cache = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_file_seed_cache )
self._tag_import_options = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_tag_import_options )
def _UpdateSerialisableInfo( self, version, old_serialisable_info ):
if version == 1:
( query, check_now, last_check_time, next_check_time, paused, status, serialisable_file_seed_cache ) = old_serialisable_info
gallery_seed_log = ClientImportGallerySeeds.GallerySeedLog()
serialisable_gallery_seed_log = gallery_seed_log.GetSerialisableTuple()
new_serialisable_info = ( query, check_now, last_check_time, next_check_time, paused, status, serialisable_gallery_seed_log, serialisable_file_seed_cache )
return ( 2, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 2:
( query, check_now, last_check_time, next_check_time, paused, status, serialisable_gallery_seed_log, serialisable_file_seed_cache ) = old_serialisable_info
display_name = None
tag_import_options = TagImportOptions.TagImportOptions()
serialisable_tag_import_options = tag_import_options.GetSerialisableTuple()
new_serialisable_info = ( query, display_name, check_now, last_check_time, next_check_time, paused, status, serialisable_gallery_seed_log, serialisable_file_seed_cache, serialisable_tag_import_options )
return ( 3, new_serialisable_info )
def BandwidthOK( self, subscription_name ):
example_network_contexts = self._GetExampleNetworkContexts( subscription_name )
threshold = 90
bandwidth_ok = HG.client_controller.network_engine.bandwidth_manager.CanDoWork( example_network_contexts, threshold = threshold )
if HG.subscription_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Query "' + self.GetHumanName() + '" bandwidth/domain test. Bandwidth ok: {}'.format( bandwidth_ok ) )
return bandwidth_ok
def CanCheckNow( self ):
return not self._check_now
def CanRetryFailed( self ):
return self._file_seed_cache.GetFileSeedCount( CC.STATUS_ERROR ) > 0
def CanRetryIgnored( self ):
return self._file_seed_cache.GetFileSeedCount( CC.STATUS_VETOED ) > 0
def CheckNow( self ):
self._check_now = True
self._paused = False
self._next_check_time = 0
self._status = ClientImporting.CHECKER_STATUS_OK
def DomainOK( self ):
file_seed = self._file_seed_cache.GetNextFileSeed( CC.STATUS_UNKNOWN )
if file_seed is None:
return True
url = file_seed.file_seed_data
domain_ok = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.DomainOK( url )
if HG.subscription_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Query "' + self.GetHumanName() + '" domain test. Domain ok: {}'.format( domain_ok ) )
return domain_ok
def GetBandwidthWaitingEstimate( self, subscription_name ):
example_network_contexts = self._GetExampleNetworkContexts( subscription_name )
( estimate, bandwidth_network_context ) = HG.client_controller.network_engine.bandwidth_manager.GetWaitingEstimateAndContext( example_network_contexts )
return estimate
def GetDisplayName( self ):
return self._display_name
def GetFileSeedCache( self ):
return self._file_seed_cache
def GetGallerySeedLog( self ):
return self._gallery_seed_log
def GetHumanName( self ):
if self._display_name is None:
return self._query
return self._display_name
def GetLastCheckTime( self ):
return self._last_check_time
def GetLatestAddedTime( self ):
return self._file_seed_cache.GetStatus().GetLatestAddedTime()
def GetNextCheckStatusString( self ):
if self._check_now:
return 'checking on dialog ok'
elif self._status == ClientImporting.CHECKER_STATUS_DEAD:
return 'dead, so not checking'
if HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._next_check_time ):
s = 'imminent'
s = ClientData.TimestampToPrettyTimeDelta( self._next_check_time )
if self._paused:
s = 'paused, but would be ' + s
return s
def GetNextWorkTime( self, subscription_name ):
if self.IsPaused():
return None
work_times = set()
if self.HasFileWorkToDo():
file_bandwidth_estimate = self.GetBandwidthWaitingEstimate( subscription_name )
# this is tricky, but if there is a borked url in here causing trouble, we should let it run and error out immediately tbh
file_bandwidth_estimate = 0
if file_bandwidth_estimate == 0:
work_times.add( 0 )
file_work_time = HydrusData.GetNow() + file_bandwidth_estimate
work_times.add( file_work_time )
if not self.IsDead():
work_times.add( self._next_check_time )
if len( work_times ) == 0:
return None
return min( work_times )
def GetNetworkJobSubscriptionKey( self, subscription_name ):
return subscription_name + ': ' + self.GetHumanName()
def GetQueryText( self ):
return self._query
def GetTagImportOptions( self ):
return self._tag_import_options
def HasFileWorkToDo( self ):
file_seed = self._file_seed_cache.GetNextFileSeed( CC.STATUS_UNKNOWN )
if HG.subscription_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Query "' + self._query + '" HasFileWorkToDo test. Next import is ' + repr( file_seed ) + '.' )
return file_seed is not None
def IsDead( self ):
return self._status == ClientImporting.CHECKER_STATUS_DEAD
def IsInitialSync( self ):
return self._last_check_time == 0
def IsPaused( self ):
return self._paused
def IsSyncDue( self ):
if HG.subscription_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Query "' + self._query + '" IsSyncDue test. Paused/dead status is {}/{}, check time due is {}, and check_now is {}.'.format( self._paused, self.IsDead(), HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._next_check_time ), self._check_now ) )
if self._paused or self.IsDead():
return False
return HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._next_check_time ) or self._check_now
def PausePlay( self ):
self._paused = not self._paused
def RegisterSyncComplete( self, checker_options: ClientImportOptions.CheckerOptions ):
self._last_check_time = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._check_now = False
death_period = checker_options.GetDeathFileVelocityPeriod()
compact_before_this_time = self._last_check_time - death_period
if self._gallery_seed_log.CanCompact( compact_before_this_time ):
self._gallery_seed_log.Compact( compact_before_this_time )
if self._file_seed_cache.CanCompact( compact_before_this_time ):
self._file_seed_cache.Compact( compact_before_this_time )
def Reset( self ):
self._last_check_time = 0
self._next_check_time = 0
self._status = ClientImporting.CHECKER_STATUS_OK
self._paused = False
self._file_seed_cache = ClientImportFileSeeds.FileSeedCache()
def RetryFailed( self ):
def RetryIgnored( self ):
def SetCheckNow( self, check_now ):
self._check_now = check_now
def SetDisplayName( self, display_name ):
self._display_name = display_name
def SetPaused( self, paused ):
self._paused = paused
def SetQueryAndSeeds( self, query, file_seed_cache, gallery_seed_log ):
self._query = query
self._file_seed_cache = file_seed_cache
self._gallery_seed_log = gallery_seed_log
def SetTagImportOptions( self, tag_import_options ):
self._tag_import_options = tag_import_options
def UpdateNextCheckTime( self, checker_options: ClientImportOptions.CheckerOptions ):
if self._check_now:
self._next_check_time = 0
self._status = ClientImporting.CHECKER_STATUS_OK
if checker_options.IsDead( self._file_seed_cache, self._last_check_time ):
self._status = ClientImporting.CHECKER_STATUS_DEAD
if not self.HasFileWorkToDo():
self._paused = True
last_next_check_time = self._next_check_time
self._next_check_time = checker_options.GetNextCheckTime( self._file_seed_cache, self._last_check_time, last_next_check_time )
def ToTuple( self ):
return ( self._query, self._check_now, self._last_check_time, self._next_check_time, self._paused, self._status )
class SubscriptionLegacy( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBaseNamed ):
SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'Legacy Subscription'
def __init__( self, name, gug_key_and_name = None ):
HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBaseNamed.__init__( self, name )
if gug_key_and_name is None:
gug_key_and_name = ( HydrusData.GenerateKey(), 'unknown source' )
self._gug_key_and_name = gug_key_and_name
self._queries = []
new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options
self._checker_options = new_options.GetDefaultSubscriptionCheckerOptions()
if HC.options[ 'gallery_file_limit' ] is None:
self._initial_file_limit = 100
self._initial_file_limit = min( 100, HC.options[ 'gallery_file_limit' ] )
self._periodic_file_limit = 100
self._paused = False
self._file_import_options = new_options.GetDefaultFileImportOptions( 'quiet' )
self._tag_import_options = TagImportOptions.TagImportOptions( is_default = True )
self._no_work_until = 0
self._no_work_until_reason = ''
self._show_a_popup_while_working = True
self._publish_files_to_popup_button = True
self._publish_files_to_page = False
self._publish_label_override = None
self._merge_query_publish_events = True
def _CanDoWorkNow( self ):
p1 = not ( self._paused or HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'pause_subs_sync' ) or HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'pause_all_new_network_traffic' ) )
p2 = not ( HG.started_shutdown or HydrusThreading.IsThreadShuttingDown() )
p3 = self._NoDelays()
if HG.subscription_report_mode:
message = 'Subscription "{}" CanDoWork check.'.format( self._name )
message += os.linesep
message += 'Paused/Global/Network Pause: {}/{}/{}'.format( self._paused, HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'pause_subs_sync' ), HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'pause_all_new_network_traffic' ) )
message += os.linesep
message += 'Started/Thread shutdown: {}/{}'.format( HG.started_shutdown, HydrusThreading.IsThreadShuttingDown() )
message += os.linesep
message += 'No delays: {}'.format( self._NoDelays() )
HydrusData.ShowText( message )
return p1 and p2 and p3
def _DelayWork( self, time_delta, reason ):
if len( reason ) > 0:
reason = reason.splitlines()[0]
self._no_work_until = HydrusData.GetNow() + time_delta
self._no_work_until_reason = reason
def _GetPublishingLabel( self, query ):
if self._publish_label_override is None:
label = self._name
label = self._publish_label_override
if not self._merge_query_publish_events:
label += ': ' + query.GetHumanName()
return label
def _GetQueriesForProcessing( self ) -> typing.List[ SubscriptionQueryLegacy ]:
queries = list( self._queries )
if HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'process_subs_in_random_order' ):
random.shuffle( queries )
def key( q ):
return q.GetHumanName()
queries.sort( key = key )
return queries
def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ):
( gug_key, gug_name ) = self._gug_key_and_name
serialisable_gug_key_and_name = ( gug_key.hex(), gug_name )
serialisable_queries = [ query.GetSerialisableTuple() for query in self._queries ]
serialisable_checker_options = self._checker_options.GetSerialisableTuple()
serialisable_file_import_options = self._file_import_options.GetSerialisableTuple()
serialisable_tag_import_options = self._tag_import_options.GetSerialisableTuple()
return ( serialisable_gug_key_and_name, serialisable_queries, serialisable_checker_options, self._initial_file_limit, self._periodic_file_limit, self._paused, serialisable_file_import_options, serialisable_tag_import_options, self._no_work_until, self._no_work_until_reason, self._show_a_popup_while_working, self._publish_files_to_popup_button, self._publish_files_to_page, self._publish_label_override, self._merge_query_publish_events )
def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ):
( serialisable_gug_key_and_name, serialisable_queries, serialisable_checker_options, self._initial_file_limit, self._periodic_file_limit, self._paused, serialisable_file_import_options, serialisable_tag_import_options, self._no_work_until, self._no_work_until_reason, self._show_a_popup_while_working, self._publish_files_to_popup_button, self._publish_files_to_page, self._publish_label_override, self._merge_query_publish_events ) = serialisable_info
( serialisable_gug_key, gug_name ) = serialisable_gug_key_and_name
self._gug_key_and_name = ( bytes.fromhex( serialisable_gug_key ), gug_name )
self._queries = [ HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_query ) for serialisable_query in serialisable_queries ]
self._checker_options = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_checker_options )
self._file_import_options = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_file_import_options )
self._tag_import_options = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_tag_import_options )
def _GenerateNetworkJobFactory( self, query ):
subscription_key = query.GetNetworkJobSubscriptionKey( self._name )
def network_job_factory( *args, **kwargs ):
network_job = ClientNetworkingJobs.NetworkJobSubscription( subscription_key, *args, **kwargs )
network_job.OverrideBandwidth( 30 )
return network_job
return network_job_factory
def _NoDelays( self ):
return HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._no_work_until )
def _QueryFileLoginOK( self, query ):
file_seed_cache = query.GetFileSeedCache()
file_seed = file_seed_cache.GetNextFileSeed( CC.STATUS_UNKNOWN )
if file_seed is None:
result = True
nj = file_seed.GetExampleNetworkJob( self._GenerateNetworkJobFactory( query ) )
nj.engine = HG.client_controller.network_engine
if nj.NeedsLogin():
result = True
except Exception as e:
result = False
if not self._paused:
login_fail_reason = str( e )
message = 'Query "' + query.GetHumanName() + '" for subscription "' + self._name + '" seemed to have an invalid login for one of its file imports. The reason was:'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += login_fail_reason
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'The subscription has paused. Please see if you can fix the problem and then unpause. Hydrus dev would like feedback on this process.'
HydrusData.ShowText( message )
self._DelayWork( 300, login_fail_reason )
self._paused = True
result = True
if HG.subscription_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Query "' + query.GetHumanName() + '" pre-work file login test. Login ok: ' + str( result ) + '.' )
return result
def _QuerySyncLoginOK( self, query ):
gallery_seed_log = query.GetGallerySeedLog()
gallery_seed = gallery_seed_log.GetNextGallerySeed( CC.STATUS_UNKNOWN )
if gallery_seed is None:
result = True
nj = gallery_seed.GetExampleNetworkJob( self._GenerateNetworkJobFactory( query ) )
nj.engine = HG.client_controller.network_engine
if nj.NeedsLogin():
result = True
except Exception as e:
result = False
if not self._paused:
login_fail_reason = str( e )
message = 'Query "' + query.GetHumanName() + '" for subscription "' + self._name + '" seemed to have an invalid login. The reason was:'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += login_fail_reason
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'The subscription has paused. Please see if you can fix the problem and then unpause. Hydrus dev would like feedback on this process.'
HydrusData.ShowText( message )
self._DelayWork( 300, login_fail_reason )
self._paused = True
result = True
if HG.subscription_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Query "' + query.GetHumanName() + '" pre-work sync login test. Login ok: ' + str( result ) + '.' )
return result
def _UpdateSerialisableInfo( self, version, old_serialisable_info ):
if version == 1:
( serialisable_gallery_identifier, serialisable_gallery_stream_identifiers, query, period, get_tags_if_url_recognised_and_file_redundant, initial_file_limit, periodic_file_limit, paused, serialisable_file_import_options, serialisable_tag_import_options, last_checked, last_error, serialisable_file_seed_cache ) = old_serialisable_info
check_now = False
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_gallery_identifier, serialisable_gallery_stream_identifiers, query, period, get_tags_if_url_recognised_and_file_redundant, initial_file_limit, periodic_file_limit, paused, serialisable_file_import_options, serialisable_tag_import_options, last_checked, check_now, last_error, serialisable_file_seed_cache )
return ( 2, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 2:
( serialisable_gallery_identifier, serialisable_gallery_stream_identifiers, query, period, get_tags_if_url_recognised_and_file_redundant, initial_file_limit, periodic_file_limit, paused, serialisable_file_import_options, serialisable_tag_import_options, last_checked, check_now, last_error, serialisable_file_seed_cache ) = old_serialisable_info
no_work_until = 0
no_work_until_reason = ''
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_gallery_identifier, serialisable_gallery_stream_identifiers, query, period, get_tags_if_url_recognised_and_file_redundant, initial_file_limit, periodic_file_limit, paused, serialisable_file_import_options, serialisable_tag_import_options, last_checked, check_now, last_error, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason, serialisable_file_seed_cache )
return ( 3, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 3:
( serialisable_gallery_identifier, serialisable_gallery_stream_identifiers, query, period, get_tags_if_url_recognised_and_file_redundant, initial_file_limit, periodic_file_limit, paused, serialisable_file_import_options, serialisable_tag_import_options, last_checked, check_now, last_error, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason, serialisable_file_seed_cache ) = old_serialisable_info
checker_options = ClientImportOptions.CheckerOptions( 5, period // 5, period * 10, ( 1, period * 10 ) )
file_seed_cache = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_file_seed_cache )
query = SubscriptionQueryLegacy( query )
query._file_seed_cache = file_seed_cache
query._last_check_time = last_checked
query.UpdateNextCheckTime( checker_options )
queries = [ query ]
serialisable_queries = [ query.GetSerialisableTuple() for query in queries ]
serialisable_checker_options = checker_options.GetSerialisableTuple()
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_gallery_identifier, serialisable_gallery_stream_identifiers, serialisable_queries, serialisable_checker_options, get_tags_if_url_recognised_and_file_redundant, initial_file_limit, periodic_file_limit, paused, serialisable_file_import_options, serialisable_tag_import_options, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason )
return ( 4, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 4:
( serialisable_gallery_identifier, serialisable_gallery_stream_identifiers, serialisable_queries, serialisable_checker_options, get_tags_if_url_recognised_and_file_redundant, initial_file_limit, periodic_file_limit, paused, serialisable_file_import_options, serialisable_tag_import_options, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason ) = old_serialisable_info
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_gallery_identifier, serialisable_gallery_stream_identifiers, serialisable_queries, serialisable_checker_options, initial_file_limit, periodic_file_limit, paused, serialisable_file_import_options, serialisable_tag_import_options, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason )
return ( 5, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 5:
( serialisable_gallery_identifier, serialisable_gallery_stream_identifiers, serialisable_queries, serialisable_checker_options, initial_file_limit, periodic_file_limit, paused, serialisable_file_import_options, serialisable_tag_import_options, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason ) = old_serialisable_info
publish_files_to_popup_button = True
publish_files_to_page = False
merge_query_publish_events = True
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_gallery_identifier, serialisable_gallery_stream_identifiers, serialisable_queries, serialisable_checker_options, initial_file_limit, periodic_file_limit, paused, serialisable_file_import_options, serialisable_tag_import_options, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason, publish_files_to_popup_button, publish_files_to_page, merge_query_publish_events )
return ( 6, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 6:
( serialisable_gallery_identifier, serialisable_gallery_stream_identifiers, serialisable_queries, serialisable_checker_options, initial_file_limit, periodic_file_limit, paused, serialisable_file_import_options, serialisable_tag_import_options, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason, publish_files_to_popup_button, publish_files_to_page, merge_query_publish_events ) = old_serialisable_info
if initial_file_limit is None or initial_file_limit > 1000:
initial_file_limit = 1000
if periodic_file_limit is None or periodic_file_limit > 1000:
periodic_file_limit = 1000
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_gallery_identifier, serialisable_gallery_stream_identifiers, serialisable_queries, serialisable_checker_options, initial_file_limit, periodic_file_limit, paused, serialisable_file_import_options, serialisable_tag_import_options, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason, publish_files_to_popup_button, publish_files_to_page, merge_query_publish_events )
return ( 7, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 7:
( serialisable_gallery_identifier, serialisable_gallery_stream_identifiers, serialisable_queries, serialisable_checker_options, initial_file_limit, periodic_file_limit, paused, serialisable_file_import_options, serialisable_tag_import_options, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason, publish_files_to_popup_button, publish_files_to_page, merge_query_publish_events ) = old_serialisable_info
gallery_identifier = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_gallery_identifier )
( gug_key, gug_name ) = ClientDownloading.ConvertGalleryIdentifierToGUGKeyAndName( gallery_identifier )
serialisable_gug_key_and_name = ( gug_key.hex(), gug_name )
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_gug_key_and_name, serialisable_queries, serialisable_checker_options, initial_file_limit, periodic_file_limit, paused, serialisable_file_import_options, serialisable_tag_import_options, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason, publish_files_to_popup_button, publish_files_to_page, merge_query_publish_events )
return ( 8, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 8:
( serialisable_gug_key_and_name, serialisable_queries, serialisable_checker_options, initial_file_limit, periodic_file_limit, paused, serialisable_file_import_options, serialisable_tag_import_options, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason, publish_files_to_popup_button, publish_files_to_page, merge_query_publish_events ) = old_serialisable_info
show_a_popup_while_working = True
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_gug_key_and_name, serialisable_queries, serialisable_checker_options, initial_file_limit, periodic_file_limit, paused, serialisable_file_import_options, serialisable_tag_import_options, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason, show_a_popup_while_working, publish_files_to_popup_button, publish_files_to_page, merge_query_publish_events )
return ( 9, new_serialisable_info )
if version == 9:
( serialisable_gug_key_and_name, serialisable_queries, serialisable_checker_options, initial_file_limit, periodic_file_limit, paused, serialisable_file_import_options, serialisable_tag_import_options, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason, show_a_popup_while_working, publish_files_to_popup_button, publish_files_to_page, merge_query_publish_events ) = old_serialisable_info
publish_label_override = None
new_serialisable_info = ( serialisable_gug_key_and_name, serialisable_queries, serialisable_checker_options, initial_file_limit, periodic_file_limit, paused, serialisable_file_import_options, serialisable_tag_import_options, no_work_until, no_work_until_reason, show_a_popup_while_working, publish_files_to_popup_button, publish_files_to_page, publish_label_override, merge_query_publish_events )
return ( 10, new_serialisable_info )
def _WorkOnFiles( self, job_key ):
error_count = 0
queries = self._GetQueriesForProcessing()
queries = [ query for query in queries if query.HasFileWorkToDo() ]
num_queries = len( queries )
for ( i, query ) in enumerate( queries ):
this_query_has_done_work = False
query_name = query.GetHumanName()
file_seed_cache = query.GetFileSeedCache()
text_1 = 'downloading files'
query_summary_name = self._name
if query_name != self._name:
text_1 += ' for "' + query_name + '"'
query_summary_name += ': ' + query_name
if num_queries > 1:
text_1 += ' (' + HydrusData.ConvertValueRangeToPrettyString( i + 1, num_queries ) + ')'
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', text_1 )
presentation_hashes = []
presentation_hashes_fast = set()
starting_num_urls = file_seed_cache.GetFileSeedCount()
starting_num_unknown = file_seed_cache.GetFileSeedCount( CC.STATUS_UNKNOWN )
starting_num_done = starting_num_urls - starting_num_unknown
while True:
file_seed = file_seed_cache.GetNextFileSeed( CC.STATUS_UNKNOWN )
if file_seed is None:
if HG.subscription_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Query "' + query_name + '" can do no more file work due to running out of unknown urls.' )
if job_key.IsCancelled():
self._DelayWork( 300, 'recently cancelled' )
p1 = not self._CanDoWorkNow()
p3 = not query.DomainOK()
p4 = not query.BandwidthOK( self._name )
p5 = not self._QueryFileLoginOK( query )
if p1 or p4 or p5:
if p3 and this_query_has_done_work:
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_2', 'domain had errors, will try again later' )
self._DelayWork( 3600, 'domain errors, will try again later' )
time.sleep( 5 )
if p4 and this_query_has_done_work:
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_2', 'no more bandwidth to download files, will do some more later' )
time.sleep( 5 )
num_urls = file_seed_cache.GetFileSeedCount()
num_unknown = file_seed_cache.GetFileSeedCount( CC.STATUS_UNKNOWN )
num_done = num_urls - num_unknown
# 4001/4003 is not as useful as 1/3
human_num_urls = num_urls - starting_num_done
human_num_done = num_done - starting_num_done
x_out_of_y = 'file ' + HydrusData.ConvertValueRangeToPrettyString( human_num_done + 1, human_num_urls ) + ': '
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_gauge_2', ( human_num_done, human_num_urls ) )
def status_hook( text ):
if len( text ) > 0:
text = text.splitlines()[0]
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_2', x_out_of_y + text )
file_seed.WorkOnURL( file_seed_cache, status_hook, self._GenerateNetworkJobFactory( query ), ClientImporting.GenerateMultiplePopupNetworkJobPresentationContextFactory( job_key ), self._file_import_options, self._tag_import_options )
query_tag_import_options = query.GetTagImportOptions()
if query_tag_import_options.HasAdditionalTags() and file_seed.status in CC.SUCCESSFUL_IMPORT_STATES:
if file_seed.HasHash():
hash = file_seed.GetHash()
media_result = HG.client_controller.Read( 'media_result', hash )
downloaded_tags = []
service_keys_to_content_updates = query_tag_import_options.GetServiceKeysToContentUpdates( file_seed.status, media_result, downloaded_tags ) # additional tags
if len( service_keys_to_content_updates ) > 0:
HG.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', service_keys_to_content_updates )
if file_seed.ShouldPresent( self._file_import_options.GetPresentationImportOptions() ):
hash = file_seed.GetHash()
if hash not in presentation_hashes_fast:
presentation_hashes.append( hash )
presentation_hashes_fast.add( hash )
except HydrusExceptions.CancelledException as e:
self._DelayWork( 300, str( e ) )
except HydrusExceptions.VetoException as e:
note = str( e )
file_seed.SetStatus( status, note = note )
except HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException:
note = '404'
file_seed.SetStatus( status, note = note )
except Exception as e:
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_2', x_out_of_y + 'file failed' )
file_seed.SetStatus( status, exception = e )
if isinstance( e, HydrusExceptions.DataMissing ):
# DataMissing is a quick thing to avoid subscription abandons when lots of deleted files in e621 (or any other booru)
# this should be richer in any case in the new system
error_count += 1
time.sleep( 5 )
error_count_threshold = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetNoneableInteger( 'subscription_file_error_cancel_threshold' )
if error_count_threshold is not None and error_count >= error_count_threshold:
raise Exception( 'The subscription ' + self._name + ' encountered several errors when downloading files, so it abandoned its sync.' )
this_query_has_done_work = True
if len( presentation_hashes ) > 0:
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_files', ( list( presentation_hashes ), query_summary_name ) )
if len( presentation_hashes ) > 0:
publishing_label = self._GetPublishingLabel( query )
ClientImporting.PublishPresentationHashes( publishing_label, presentation_hashes, self._publish_files_to_popup_button, self._publish_files_to_page )
job_key.DeleteVariable( 'popup_files' )
job_key.DeleteVariable( 'popup_text_1' )
job_key.DeleteVariable( 'popup_text_2' )
job_key.DeleteVariable( 'popup_gauge_2' )
def _WorkOnFilesCanDoWork( self ):
for query in self._queries:
if query.HasFileWorkToDo():
bandwidth_ok = query.BandwidthOK( self._name )
domain_ok = query.DomainOK()
if HG.subscription_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Subscription "{}" checking if any file work due: True, bandwidth ok: {}, domain ok: {}'.format( self._name, bandwidth_ok, domain_ok ) )
if bandwidth_ok and domain_ok:
return True
if not domain_ok:
self._DelayWork( 3600, 'domain errors, will try again later' )
if HG.subscription_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Subscription "{}" checking if any file work due: False'.format( self._name ) )
return False
def _SyncQueryCanDoWork( self ):
result = True in ( query.IsSyncDue() for query in self._queries )
if HG.subscription_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Subscription "{}" checking if any sync work due: {}'.format( self._name, result ) )
return result
def AllPaused( self ):
if self._paused:
return True
for query in self._queries:
if not query.IsPaused():
return False
return True
def CanCheckNow( self ):
return True in ( query.CanCheckNow() for query in self._queries )
def CanReset( self ):
return True in ( not query.IsInitialSync() for query in self._queries )
def CanRetryFailed( self ):
return True in ( query.CanRetryFailed() for query in self._queries )
def CanRetryIgnored( self ):
return True in ( query.CanRetryIgnored() for query in self._queries )
def CanScrubDelay( self ):
return not HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._no_work_until )
def CheckNow( self ):
for query in self._queries:
def GetBandwidthWaitingEstimateMinMax( self ):
if len( self._queries ) == 0:
return ( 0, 0 )
estimates = []
for query in self._queries:
estimate = query.GetBandwidthWaitingEstimate( self._name )
estimates.append( estimate )
min_estimate = min( estimates )
max_estimate = max( estimates )
return ( min_estimate, max_estimate )
def GetBestEarliestNextWorkTime( self ):
next_work_times = set()
for query in self._queries:
next_work_time = query.GetNextWorkTime( self._name )
if next_work_time is not None:
next_work_times.add( next_work_time )
if len( next_work_times ) == 0:
return None
# if there are three queries due fifty seconds after our first one runs, we should wait that little bit longer
earliest_next_work_time = min( next_work_times )
latest_nearby_next_work_time = max( ( work_time for work_time in next_work_times if work_time < earliest_next_work_time + LAUNCH_WINDOW ) )
# but if we are expecting to launch it right now (e.g. check_now call), we won't wait
if HydrusData.TimeUntil( earliest_next_work_time ) < 60:
best_next_work_time = earliest_next_work_time
best_next_work_time = latest_nearby_next_work_time
if not HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._no_work_until ):
best_next_work_time = max( ( best_next_work_time, self._no_work_until ) )
return best_next_work_time
def GetCheckerOptions( self ):
return self._checker_options
def GetGUGKeyAndName( self ):
return self._gug_key_and_name
def GetQueries( self ) -> typing.List[ SubscriptionQueryLegacy ]:
return self._queries
def GetMergeable( self, potential_mergees ):
mergeable = []
unmergeable = []
for subscription in potential_mergees:
if subscription._gug_key_and_name[1] == self._gug_key_and_name[1]:
mergeable.append( subscription )
unmergeable.append( subscription )
return ( mergeable, unmergeable )
def GetPresentationOptions( self ):
return ( self._show_a_popup_while_working, self._publish_files_to_popup_button, self._publish_files_to_page, self._publish_label_override, self._merge_query_publish_events )
def GetTagImportOptions( self ):
return self._tag_import_options
def HasQuerySearchTextFragment( self, search_text_fragment ):
for query in self._queries:
query_text = query.GetQueryText()
if search_text_fragment in query_text:
return True
return False
def Merge( self, mergees ):
for subscription in mergees:
if subscription._gug_key_and_name[1] == self._gug_key_and_name[1]:
my_new_queries = [ query.Duplicate() for query in subscription._queries ]
self._queries.extend( my_new_queries )
raise Exception( self._name + ' was told to merge an unmergeable subscription, ' + subscription.GetName() + '!' )
def PauseResume( self ):
self._paused = not self._paused
def Reset( self ):
for query in self._queries:
def RetryFailed( self ):
for query in self._queries:
def RetryIgnored( self ):
for query in self._queries:
def Separate( self, base_name, only_these_queries = None ):
if only_these_queries is None:
only_these_queries = set( self._queries )
only_these_queries = set( only_these_queries )
my_queries = self._queries
self._queries = []
base_sub = self.Duplicate()
self._queries = my_queries
subscriptions = []
for query in my_queries:
if query not in only_these_queries:
subscription = base_sub.Duplicate()
subscription._queries = [ query ]
subscription.SetName( base_name + ': ' + query.GetHumanName() )
subscriptions.append( subscription )
self._queries = [ query for query in my_queries if query not in only_these_queries ]
return subscriptions
def SetCheckerOptions( self, checker_options ):
self._checker_options = checker_options
for query in self._queries:
query.UpdateNextCheckTime( self._checker_options )
def SetPresentationOptions( self, show_a_popup_while_working, publish_files_to_popup_button, publish_files_to_page, publish_label_override, merge_query_publish_events ):
self._show_a_popup_while_working = show_a_popup_while_working
self._publish_files_to_popup_button = publish_files_to_popup_button
self._publish_files_to_page = publish_files_to_page
self._publish_label_override = publish_label_override
self._merge_query_publish_events = merge_query_publish_events
def SetQueries( self, queries: typing.Iterable[ SubscriptionQueryLegacy ] ):
self._queries = list( queries )
def SetTagImportOptions( self, tag_import_options ):
self._tag_import_options = tag_import_options.Duplicate()
def SetTuple( self, gug_key_and_name, checker_options: ClientImportOptions.CheckerOptions, initial_file_limit, periodic_file_limit, paused, file_import_options: FileImportOptions.FileImportOptions, tag_import_options: TagImportOptions.TagImportOptions, no_work_until ):
self._gug_key_and_name = gug_key_and_name
self._checker_options = checker_options
self._initial_file_limit = initial_file_limit
self._periodic_file_limit = periodic_file_limit
self._paused = paused
self._file_import_options = file_import_options
self._tag_import_options = tag_import_options
self._no_work_until = no_work_until
def ScrubDelay( self ):
self._no_work_until = 0
self._no_work_until_reason = ''
def ToTuple( self ):
return ( self._name, self._gug_key_and_name, self._queries, self._checker_options, self._initial_file_limit, self._periodic_file_limit, self._paused, self._file_import_options, self._tag_import_options, self._no_work_until, self._no_work_until_reason )
def ConvertLegacySubscriptionToNew( legacy_subscription: SubscriptionLegacy ):
) = legacy_subscription.ToTuple()
subscription = ClientImportSubscriptions.Subscription( name )
) = legacy_subscription.GetPresentationOptions()
query_headers = []
query_log_containers = []
for query in queries:
query_header = ClientImportSubscriptionQuery.SubscriptionQueryHeader()
( query_text, check_now, last_check_time, next_check_time, query_paused, status ) = query.ToTuple()
query_header.SetQueryText( query_text )
query_header.SetDisplayName( query.GetDisplayName() )
query_header.SetCheckNow( check_now )
query_header.SetLastCheckTime( last_check_time )
query_header.SetNextCheckTime( next_check_time )
query_header.SetPaused( query_paused )
query_header.SetCheckerStatus( status )
query_header.SetTagImportOptions( query.GetTagImportOptions() )
query_log_container = ClientImportSubscriptionQuery.SubscriptionQueryLogContainer( query_header.GetQueryLogContainerName() )
query_log_container.SetGallerySeedLog( query.GetGallerySeedLog() )
query_log_container.SetFileSeedCache( query.GetFileSeedCache() )
query_header.SyncToQueryLogContainer( checker_options, query_log_container )
query_headers.append( query_header )
query_log_containers.append( query_log_container )
subscription.SetQueryHeaders( query_headers )
return ( subscription, query_log_containers )