
236 lines
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import threading
from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions
from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG
from hydrus.client.gui import QtPorting as QP
# this does one thing neatly
class AsyncQtJob( object ):
def __init__( self, win, work_callable, publish_callable ):
# ultimate improvement here is to move to QObject/QThread and do the notifications through signals and slots (which will disconnect on object deletion)
self._win = win
self._work_callable = work_callable
self._publish_callable = publish_callable
def _doWork( self ):
def qt_deliver_result( result ):
if not QP.isValid( self._win ):
self._publish_callable( result )
result = self._work_callable()
HG.client_controller.CallBlockingToQt( self._win, qt_deliver_result, result )
except ( HydrusExceptions.QtDeadWindowException, HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException ):
def start( self ):
HG.client_controller.CallToThread( self._doWork )
# this can refresh dirty stuff n times and won't spam work
class AsyncQtUpdater( object ):
def __init__( self, win, loading_callable, work_callable, publish_callable ):
# ultimate improvement here is to move to QObject/QThread and do the notifications through signals and slots (which will disconnect on object deletion)
self._win = win
self._loading_callable = loading_callable
self._work_callable = work_callable
self._publish_callable = publish_callable
self._calllater_waiting = False
self._work_needs_to_restart = False
self._is_working = False
self._lock = threading.Lock()
def _doWork( self ):
def qt_deliver_result( result ):
if self._win is None or not QP.isValid( self._win ):
self._win = None
self._publish_callable( result )
with self._lock:
self._calllater_waiting = False
self._work_needs_to_restart = False
self._is_working = True
result = self._work_callable()
HG.client_controller.CallBlockingToQt( self._win, qt_deliver_result, result )
except ( HydrusExceptions.QtDeadWindowException, HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException ):
self._win = None
with self._lock:
self._is_working = False
if self._work_needs_to_restart and not self._calllater_waiting:
QP.CallAfter( self.update )
def _startWork( self ):
HG.client_controller.CallToThread( self._doWork )
def update( self ):
if self._win is None or not QP.isValid( self._win ):
self._win = None
with self._lock:
if self._is_working:
self._work_needs_to_restart = True
elif not self._calllater_waiting:
self._calllater_waiting = True
class FastThreadToGUIUpdater( object ):
def __init__( self, win, func ):
self._win = win
self._func = func
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self._args = None
self._kwargs = None
self._callafter_waiting = False
self._work_needs_to_restart = False
self._is_working = False
def QtDoIt( self ):
if self._win is None or not QP.isValid( self._win ):
self._win = None
with self._lock:
self._callafter_waiting = False
self._work_needs_to_restart = False
self._is_working = True
args = self._args
kwargs = self._kwargs
self._func( *args, **kwargs )
except HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException:
with self._lock:
self._is_working = False
if self._work_needs_to_restart and not self._callafter_waiting:
self._callafter_waiting = True
QP.CallAfter( self.QtDoIt )
# the point here is that we can spam this a hundred times a second, updating the args and kwargs, and Qt will catch up to it when it can
# if Qt feels like running fast, it'll update at 60fps
# if not, we won't get bungled up with 10,000+ pubsub events in the event queue
def Update( self, *args, **kwargs ):
if self._win is None:
with self._lock:
self._args = args
self._kwargs = kwargs
if self._is_working:
self._work_needs_to_restart = True
elif not self._callafter_waiting:
QP.CallAfter( self.QtDoIt )