
1272 lines
42 KiB

from . import HydrusConstants as HC
from . import ClientConstants as CC
from . import ClientGUIACDropdown
from . import ClientGUIFrames
from . import ClientGUIFunctions
from . import ClientGUICommon
from . import ClientGUIListBoxes
from . import ClientGUIShortcuts
from . import ClientGUITopLevelWindows
from . import HydrusExceptions
import os
import re
import traceback
from . import HydrusData
from . import HydrusGlobals as HG
from qtpy import QtCore as QC
from qtpy import QtWidgets as QW
from qtpy import QtGui as QG
from . import QtPorting as QP
class Dialog( QP.Dialog ):
def __init__( self, parent, title, style = QC.Qt.Dialog, position = 'topleft' ):
QP.Dialog.__init__( self, parent )
self.setWindowFlags( style )
self.setWindowTitle( title )
if parent is not None and position == 'topleft':
parent_tlw = self.parentWidget().window()
pos = parent_tlw.pos() + QC.QPoint( 50, 50 )
self.move( pos )
self.setWindowFlag( QC.Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint, on = False )
self._new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options
self.setWindowIcon( QG.QIcon( HG.client_controller.frame_icon_pixmap ) )
self._widget_event_filter = QP.WidgetEventFilter( self )
if parent is not None and position == 'center':
QP.CallAfter( QP.CenterOnWindow, parent, self )
def keyPressEvent( self, event ):
( modifier, key ) = ClientGUIShortcuts.ConvertKeyEventToSimpleTuple( event )
if key == QC.Qt.Key_Escape:
self.done( QW.QDialog.Rejected )
QP.Dialog.keyPressEvent( self, event )
def SetInitialSize( self, size: QC.QSize ):
display_size = ClientGUITopLevelWindows.GetDisplaySize( self )
width = min( display_size.width(), size.width() )
height = min( display_size.height(), size.height() )
self.resize( QC.QSize( width, height ) )
min_width = min( 240, width )
min_height = min( 240, height )
self.setMinimumSize( QC.QSize( min_width, min_height ) )
class DialogChooseNewServiceMethod( Dialog ):
def __init__( self, parent ):
Dialog.__init__( self, parent, 'how to set up the account?', position = 'center' )
register_message = 'I want to initialise a new account with the server. I have a registration key (a key starting with \'r\').'
self._register = QW.QPushButton( register_message, self )
self._register.clicked.connect( self.EventRegister )
setup_message = 'The account is already initialised; I just want to add it to this client. I have a normal access key.'
self._setup = QW.QPushButton( setup_message, self )
self._setup.clicked.connect( self.accept )
vbox = QP.VBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._register, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, QP.MakeQLabelWithAlignment('-or-', self, QC.Qt.AlignHCenter | QC.Qt.AlignVCenter ), CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._setup, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self.setLayout( vbox )
size_hint = self.sizeHint()
QP.SetInitialSize( self, size_hint )
self._should_register = False
HG.client_controller.CallAfterQtSafe( self._register, self._register.setFocus, QC.Qt.OtherFocusReason )
def EventRegister( self ):
self._should_register = True
self.done( QW.QDialog.Accepted )
def GetRegister( self ):
return self._should_register
class DialogGenerateNewAccounts( Dialog ):
def __init__( self, parent, service_key ):
Dialog.__init__( self, parent, 'configure new accounts' )
self._service_key = service_key
self._num = QP.MakeQSpinBox( self, min=1, max=10000, width = 80 )
self._account_types = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
self._lifetime = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
self._ok = QW.QPushButton( 'OK', self )
self._ok.clicked.connect( self.EventOK )
self._ok.setObjectName( 'HydrusAccept' )
self._cancel = QW.QPushButton( 'Cancel', self )
self._cancel.clicked.connect( self.reject )
self._cancel.setObjectName( 'HydrusCancel' )
self._num.setValue( 1 )
service = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key )
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'account_types' )
account_types = response[ 'account_types' ]
for account_type in account_types:
self._account_types.addItem( account_type.GetTitle(), account_type )
self._account_types.setCurrentIndex( 0 )
for ( s, value ) in HC.lifetimes:
self._lifetime.addItem( s, value )
self._lifetime.setCurrentIndex( 3 ) # one year
ctrl_box = QP.HBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( ctrl_box, ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText(self,'generate'), CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
QP.AddToLayout( ctrl_box, self._num, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
QP.AddToLayout( ctrl_box, self._account_types, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
QP.AddToLayout( ctrl_box, ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText(self,'accounts, to expire in'), CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
QP.AddToLayout( ctrl_box, self._lifetime, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
b_box = QP.HBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( b_box, self._ok, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
QP.AddToLayout( b_box, self._cancel, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
vbox = QP.VBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, b_box, CC.FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZER )
self.setLayout( vbox )
size_hint = self.sizeHint()
QP.SetInitialSize( self, size_hint )
HG.client_controller.CallAfterQtSafe( self._ok, self._ok.setFocus, QC.Qt.OtherFocusReason )
def EventOK( self ):
num = self._num.value()
account_type = self._account_types.GetValue()
account_type_key = account_type.GetAccountTypeKey()
lifetime = self._lifetime.GetValue()
if lifetime is None:
expires = None
expires = HydrusData.GetNow() + lifetime
service = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetService( self._service_key )
request_args = { 'num' : num, 'account_type_key' : account_type_key }
if expires is not None:
request_args[ 'expires' ] = expires
response = service.Request( HC.GET, 'registration_keys', request_args )
registration_keys = response[ 'registration_keys' ]
ClientGUIFrames.ShowKeys( 'registration', registration_keys )
self.done( QW.QDialog.Accepted )
class DialogInputLocalBooruShare( Dialog ):
def __init__( self, parent, share_key, name, text, timeout, hashes, new_share = False ):
Dialog.__init__( self, parent, 'configure local booru share' )
self._name = QW.QLineEdit( self )
self._text = QW.QPlainTextEdit( self )
self._text.setMinimumHeight( 100 )
message = 'expires in'
self._timeout_number = ClientGUICommon.NoneableSpinCtrl( self, message, none_phrase = 'no expiration', max = 1000000, multiplier = 1 )
self._timeout_multiplier = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
self._timeout_multiplier.addItem( 'minutes', 60 )
self._timeout_multiplier.addItem( 'hours', 60 * 60 )
self._timeout_multiplier.addItem( 'days', 60 * 60 * 24 )
self._copy_internal_share_link = QW.QPushButton( 'copy internal share link', self )
self._copy_internal_share_link.clicked.connect( self.EventCopyInternalShareURL )
self._copy_external_share_link = QW.QPushButton( 'copy external share link', self )
self._copy_external_share_link.clicked.connect( self.EventCopyExternalShareURL )
self._ok = QW.QPushButton( 'ok', self )
self._ok.clicked.connect( self.accept )
self._ok.setObjectName( 'HydrusAccept' )
self._cancel = QW.QPushButton( 'cancel', self )
self._cancel.clicked.connect( self.reject )
self._cancel.setObjectName( 'HydrusCancel' )
self._share_key = share_key
self._name.setText( name )
self._text.setPlainText( text )
if timeout is None:
self._timeout_number.SetValue( None )
self._timeout_multiplier.SetValue( 60 )
time_left = HydrusData.GetTimeDeltaUntilTime( timeout )
if time_left < 60 * 60 * 12: time_value = 60
elif time_left < 60 * 60 * 24 * 7: time_value = 60 * 60
else: time_value = 60 * 60 * 24
self._timeout_number.SetValue( time_left // time_value )
self._timeout_multiplier.SetValue( time_value )
self._hashes = hashes
self._service = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetService( CC.LOCAL_BOORU_SERVICE_KEY )
internal_port = self._service.GetPort()
if internal_port is None:
self._copy_internal_share_link.setEnabled( False )
self._copy_external_share_link.setEnabled( False )
rows = []
rows.append( ( 'share name: ', self._name ) )
rows.append( ( 'share text: ', self._text ) )
gridbox = ClientGUICommon.WrapInGrid( self, rows )
timeout_box = QP.HBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( timeout_box, self._timeout_number, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
QP.AddToLayout( timeout_box, self._timeout_multiplier, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
link_box = QP.HBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( link_box, self._copy_internal_share_link, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
QP.AddToLayout( link_box, self._copy_external_share_link, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
b_box = QP.HBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( b_box, self._ok, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
QP.AddToLayout( b_box, self._cancel, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
vbox = QP.VBoxLayout()
intro = 'Sharing ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( len( self._hashes ) ) + ' files.'
intro += os.linesep + 'Title and text are optional.'
if new_share: intro += os.linesep + 'The link will not work until you ok this dialog.'
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText(self,intro), CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, timeout_box, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, link_box, CC.FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZER )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, b_box, CC.FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZER )
self.setLayout( vbox )
size_hint = self.sizeHint()
size_hint.setWidth( max( size_hint.width(), 350 ) )
QP.SetInitialSize( self, size_hint )
HG.client_controller.CallAfterQtSafe( self._ok, self._ok.setFocus, QC.Qt.OtherFocusReason)
def EventCopyExternalShareURL( self ):
internal_port = self._service.GetPort()
if internal_port is None:
QW.QMessageBox.warning( self, 'Warning', 'The local booru is not currently running!' )
url = self._service.GetExternalShareURL( self._share_key )
except Exception as e:
HydrusData.ShowException( e )
QW.QMessageBox.critical( self, 'Error', 'Unfortunately, could not generate an external URL: {}'.format(e) )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'clipboard', 'text', url )
def EventCopyInternalShareURL( self ):
self._service = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetService( CC.LOCAL_BOORU_SERVICE_KEY )
internal_ip = ''
internal_port = self._service.GetPort()
url = 'http://' + internal_ip + ':' + str( internal_port ) + '/gallery?share_key=' + self._share_key.hex()
HG.client_controller.pub( 'clipboard', 'text', url )
def GetInfo( self ):
name = self._name.text()
text = self._text.toPlainText()
timeout = self._timeout_number.GetValue()
if timeout is not None: timeout = timeout * self._timeout_multiplier.GetValue() + HydrusData.GetNow()
return ( self._share_key, name, text, timeout, self._hashes )
class DialogInputNamespaceRegex( Dialog ):
def __init__( self, parent, namespace = '', regex = '' ):
Dialog.__init__( self, parent, 'configure quick namespace' )
self._namespace = QW.QLineEdit( self )
self._regex = QW.QLineEdit( self )
self._shortcuts = ClientGUICommon.RegexButton( self )
self._regex_intro_link = ClientGUICommon.BetterHyperLink( self, 'a good regex introduction', 'http://www.aivosto.com/vbtips/regex.html' )
self._regex_practise_link = ClientGUICommon.BetterHyperLink( self, 'regex practise', 'http://regexr.com/3cvmf' )
self._ok = QW.QPushButton( 'OK', self )
self._ok.clicked.connect( self.EventOK )
self._ok.setObjectName( 'HydrusAccept' )
self._cancel = QW.QPushButton( 'Cancel', self )
self._cancel.clicked.connect( self.reject )
self._cancel.setObjectName( 'HydrusCancel' )
self._namespace.setText( namespace )
self._regex.setText( regex )
control_box = QP.HBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( control_box, self._namespace, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
QP.AddToLayout( control_box, ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText(self,':'), CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
QP.AddToLayout( control_box, self._regex, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
b_box = QP.HBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( b_box, self._ok, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
QP.AddToLayout( b_box, self._cancel, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
vbox = QP.VBoxLayout()
intro = r'Put the namespace (e.g. page) on the left.' + os.linesep + r'Put the regex (e.g. [1-9]+\d*(?=.{4}$)) on the right.' + os.linesep + r'All files will be tagged with "namespace:regex".'
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText(self,intro), CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, control_box, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._shortcuts, CC.FLAGS_LONE_BUTTON )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._regex_intro_link, CC.FLAGS_LONE_BUTTON )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._regex_practise_link, CC.FLAGS_LONE_BUTTON )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, b_box, CC.FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZER )
self.setLayout( vbox )
size_hint = self.sizeHint()
QP.SetInitialSize( self, size_hint )
HG.client_controller.CallAfterQtSafe( self._ok, self._ok.setFocus, QC.Qt.OtherFocusReason)
def EventOK( self ):
( namespace, regex ) = self.GetInfo()
if namespace == '':
QW.QMessageBox.warning( self, 'Warning', 'Please enter something for the namespace.' )
re.compile( regex )
except Exception as e:
text = 'That regex would not compile!'
text += os.linesep * 2
text += str( e )
QW.QMessageBox.critical( self, 'Error', text )
self.done( QW.QDialog.Accepted )
def GetInfo( self ):
namespace = self._namespace.text()
regex = self._regex.text()
return ( namespace, regex )
class DialogInputTags( Dialog ):
def __init__( self, parent, service_key, tags, message = '' ):
Dialog.__init__( self, parent, 'input tags' )
self._service_key = service_key
self._tags = ClientGUIListBoxes.ListBoxTagsStringsAddRemove( self, service_key = service_key )
expand_parents = True
self._tag_autocomplete = ClientGUIACDropdown.AutoCompleteDropdownTagsWrite( self, self.EnterTags, expand_parents, CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY, service_key, null_entry_callable = self.OK, show_paste_button = True )
self._ok = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, 'OK', self.done, QW.QDialog.Accepted )
self._ok.setObjectName( 'HydrusAccept' )
self._cancel = QW.QPushButton( 'Cancel', self )
self._cancel.clicked.connect( self.reject )
self._cancel.setObjectName( 'HydrusCancel' )
self._tags.SetTags( tags )
b_box = QP.HBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( b_box, self._ok, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
QP.AddToLayout( b_box, self._cancel, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
vbox = QP.VBoxLayout()
if message != '':
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText(self,message), CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._tags, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._tag_autocomplete )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, b_box, CC.FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZER )
self.setLayout( vbox )
size_hint = self.sizeHint()
size_hint.setWidth( max( size_hint.width(), 300 ) )
QP.SetInitialSize( self, size_hint )
HG.client_controller.CallAfterQtSafe( self._tag_autocomplete, self._tag_autocomplete.setFocus, QC.Qt.OtherFocusReason)
def EnterTags( self, tags ):
tag_parents_manager = HG.client_controller.tag_parents_manager
parents = set()
for tag in tags:
some_parents = tag_parents_manager.GetParents( self._service_key, tag )
parents.update( some_parents )
if len( tags ) > 0:
self._tags.EnterTags( tags )
self._tags.AddTags( parents )
def GetTags( self ):
return self._tags.GetTags()
def OK( self ):
self.done( QW.QDialog.Accepted )
class DialogInputUPnPMapping( Dialog ):
def __init__( self, parent, external_port, protocol_type, internal_port, description, duration ):
Dialog.__init__( self, parent, 'configure upnp mapping' )
self._external_port = QP.MakeQSpinBox( self, min=0, max=65535 )
self._protocol_type = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
self._protocol_type.addItem( 'TCP', 'TCP' )
self._protocol_type.addItem( 'UDP', 'UDP' )
self._internal_port = QP.MakeQSpinBox( self, min=0, max=65535 )
self._description = QW.QLineEdit( self )
self._duration = QP.MakeQSpinBox( self, min=0, max=86400 )
self._ok = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, 'OK', self.done, QW.QDialog.Accepted )
self._ok.setObjectName( 'HydrusAccept' )
self._cancel = QW.QPushButton( 'Cancel', self )
self._cancel.clicked.connect( self.reject )
self._cancel.setObjectName( 'HydrusCancel' )
self._external_port.setValue( external_port )
if protocol_type == 'TCP': self._protocol_type.setCurrentIndex( 0 )
elif protocol_type == 'UDP': self._protocol_type.setCurrentIndex( 1 )
self._internal_port.setValue( internal_port )
self._description.setText( description )
self._duration.setValue( duration )
rows = []
rows.append( ( 'external port: ', self._external_port ) )
rows.append( ( 'protocol type: ', self._protocol_type ) )
rows.append( ( 'internal port: ', self._internal_port ) )
rows.append( ( 'description: ', self._description ) )
rows.append( ( 'duration (0 = indefinite): ', self._duration ) )
gridbox = ClientGUICommon.WrapInGrid( self, rows )
b_box = QP.HBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( b_box, self._ok, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
QP.AddToLayout( b_box, self._cancel, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
vbox = QP.VBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, gridbox, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_BOTH_WAYS )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, b_box, CC.FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZER )
self.setLayout( vbox )
size_hint = self.sizeHint()
QP.SetInitialSize( self, size_hint )
HG.client_controller.CallAfterQtSafe( self._ok, self._ok.setFocus, QC.Qt.OtherFocusReason)
def GetInfo( self ):
external_port = self._external_port.value()
protocol_type = self._protocol_type.GetValue()
internal_port = self._internal_port.value()
description = self._description.text()
duration = self._duration.value()
return ( external_port, protocol_type, internal_port, description, duration )
class DialogModifyAccounts( Dialog ):
def __init__( self, parent, service_key, subject_identifiers ):
Dialog.__init__( self, parent, 'modify account' )
self._service = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key )
self._subject_identifiers = list( subject_identifiers )
self._account_info_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'account info' )
self._subject_text = QW.QLabel( self._account_info_panel )
self._account_types_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'account types' )
self._account_types = QW.QComboBox( self._account_types_panel )
self._account_types_ok = QW.QPushButton( 'OK', self._account_types_panel )
self._account_types_ok.clicked.connect( self.EventChangeAccountType )
self._expiration_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'change expiration' )
self._add_to_expires = QW.QComboBox( self._expiration_panel )
self._add_to_expires_ok = QW.QPushButton( 'OK', self._expiration_panel )
self._add_to_expires.clicked.connect( self.EventAddToExpires )
self._set_expires = QW.QComboBox( self._expiration_panel )
self._set_expires_ok = QW.QPushButton( 'OK', self._expiration_panel )
self._set_expires_ok.clicked.connect( self.EventSetExpires )
self._ban_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'bans' )
self._ban = QW.QPushButton( 'ban user', self._ban_panel )
self._ban.clicked.connect( self.EventBan )
QP.SetBackgroundColour( self._ban, (255,0,0) )
QP.SetForegroundColour( self._ban, (255,255,0) )
self._superban = QW.QPushButton( 'ban user and delete every contribution they have ever made', self._ban_panel )
self._superban.clicked.connect( self.EventSuperban )
QP.SetBackgroundColour( self._superban, (255,0,0) )
QP.SetForegroundColour( self._superban, (255,255,0) )
self._exit = QW.QPushButton( 'Exit', self )
self._exit.clicked.connect( self.reject )
if len( self._subject_identifiers ) == 1:
( subject_identifier, ) = self._subject_identifiers
response = self._service.Request( HC.GET, 'account_info', { 'subject_identifier' : subject_identifier } )
subject_string = str( response[ 'account_info' ] )
subject_string = 'modifying ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( len( self._subject_identifiers ) ) + ' accounts'
self._subject_text.setText( subject_string )
response = self._service.Request( HC.GET, 'account_types' )
account_types = response[ 'account_types' ]
for account_type in account_types: self._account_types.addItem( account_type.ConvertToString(), account_type )
self._account_types.setCurrentIndex( 0 )
for ( label, value ) in HC.lifetimes:
if value is not None:
self._add_to_expires.addItem( label, value ) # don't want 'add no limit'
self._add_to_expires.setCurrentIndex( 1 ) # three months
for ( label, value ) in HC.lifetimes:
self._set_expires.addItem( label, value )
self._set_expires.setCurrentIndex( 1 ) # three months
self._account_info_panel.Add( self._subject_text, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
account_types_hbox = QP.HBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( account_types_hbox, self._account_types, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
QP.AddToLayout( account_types_hbox, self._account_types_ok, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
self._account_types_panel.Add( account_types_hbox, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
add_to_expires_box = QP.HBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( add_to_expires_box, QW.QLabel( 'add to expires: ', self._expiration_panel ), CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
QP.AddToLayout( add_to_expires_box, self._add_to_expires, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
QP.AddToLayout( add_to_expires_box, self._add_to_expires_ok, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
set_expires_box = QP.HBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( set_expires_box, QW.QLabel( 'set expires to: ', self._expiration_panel ), CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
QP.AddToLayout( set_expires_box, self._set_expires, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
QP.AddToLayout( set_expires_box, self._set_expires_ok, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
self._expiration_panel.Add( add_to_expires_box, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self._expiration_panel.Add( set_expires_box, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self._ban_panel.Add( self._ban, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self._ban_panel.Add( self._superban, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
vbox = QP.VBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._account_info_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._account_types_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._expiration_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._ban_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._exit, CC.FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZER )
self.setLayout( vbox )
size_hint = self.sizeHint()
QP.SetInitialSize( self, size_hint )
HG.client_controller.CallAfterQtSafe( self._exit, self._exit.setFocus, QC.Qt.OtherFocusReason)
def _DoModification( self ):
# change this to saveaccounts or whatever. the previous func changes the accounts, and then we push that change
# generate accounts, with the modification having occurred
self._service.Request( HC.POST, 'account', { 'accounts' : self._accounts } )
if len( self._subject_identifiers ) == 1:
( subject_identifier, ) = self._subject_identifiers
response = self._service.Request( HC.GET, 'account_info', { 'subject_identifier' : subject_identifier } )
account_info = response[ 'account_info' ]
self._subject_text.setText( str(account_info) )
if len( self._subject_identifiers ) > 1:
QW.QMessageBox.information( self, 'Information', 'Done!' )
def EventAddToExpires( self ):
raise NotImplementedError()
#self._DoModification( HC.ADD_TO_EXPIRES, timespan = self._add_to_expires.GetClientData( self._add_to_expires.GetSelection() ) )
def EventBan( self ):
with DialogTextEntry( self, 'Enter reason for the ban.' ) as dlg:
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
raise NotImplementedError()
#self._DoModification( HC.BAN, reason = dlg.GetValue() )
def EventChangeAccountType( self ):
raise NotImplementedError()
#self._DoModification( HC.CHANGE_ACCOUNT_TYPE, account_type_key = self._account_types.GetValue() )
def EventSetExpires( self ):
expires = QP.GetClientData( self._set_expires, self._set_expires.currentIndex() )
if expires is not None:
expires += HydrusData.GetNow()
raise NotImplementedError()
#self._DoModification( HC.SET_EXPIRES, expires = expires )
def EventSuperban( self ):
with DialogTextEntry( self, 'Enter reason for the superban.' ) as dlg:
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
raise NotImplementedError()
#self._DoModification( HC.SUPERBAN, reason = dlg.GetValue() )
class DialogSelectFromURLTree( Dialog ):
def __init__( self, parent, url_tree ):
Dialog.__init__( self, parent, 'select items' )
self._tree = QP.TreeWidgetWithInheritedCheckState( self )
self._ok = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, 'OK', self.done, QW.QDialog.Accepted )
self._ok.setObjectName( 'HydrusAccept' )
self._cancel = QW.QPushButton( 'Cancel', self )
self._cancel.clicked.connect( self.reject )
self._cancel.setObjectName( 'HydrusCancel' )
( text_gumpf, name, size, children ) = url_tree
root_name = self._RenderItemName( name, size )
root_item = QW.QTreeWidgetItem()
root_item.setText( 0, root_name )
root_item.setCheckState( 0, QC.Qt.Checked )
self._tree.addTopLevelItem( root_item )
self._AddDirectory( root_item, children )
root_item.setExpanded( True )
button_hbox = QP.HBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( button_hbox, self._ok, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
QP.AddToLayout( button_hbox, self._cancel, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
vbox = QP.VBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._tree, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, button_hbox, CC.FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZER )
self.setLayout( vbox )
size_hint = self.sizeHint()
size_hint.setWidth( max( size_hint.width(), 640 ) )
size_hint.setHeight( max( size_hint.height(), 640 ) )
QP.SetInitialSize( self, size_hint )
def _AddDirectory( self, root, children ):
for ( child_type, name, size, data ) in children:
item_name = self._RenderItemName( name, size )
if child_type == 'file':
item = QW.QTreeWidgetItem()
item.setText( 0, item_name )
item.setCheckState( 0, root.checkState( 0 ) )
item.setData( 0, QC.Qt.UserRole, data )
root.addChild( item )
subroot = QW.QTreeWidgetItem()
subroot.setText( 0, item_name )
subroot.setCheckState( 0, root.checkState( 0 ) )
root.addChild( subroot )
self._AddDirectory( subroot, data )
def _GetSelectedChildrenData( self, parent_item ):
result = []
for i in range( parent_item.childCount() ):
child_item = parent_item.child( i )
if child_item.checkState( 0 ) == QC.Qt.Checked:
data = child_item.data( 0, QC.Qt.UserRole )
if data is not None:
result.append( data )
result.extend( self._GetSelectedChildrenData( child_item ) )
return result
def _RenderItemName( self, name, size ):
return name + ' - ' + HydrusData.ToHumanBytes( size )
def GetURLs( self ):
root_item = self._tree.topLevelItem( 0 )
urls = self._GetSelectedChildrenData( root_item )
return urls
class DialogSelectImageboard( Dialog ):
def __init__( self, parent ):
Dialog.__init__( self, parent, 'select imageboard' )
self._tree = QW.QTreeWidget( self )
self._tree.itemActivated.connect( self.EventActivate )
all_imageboards = HG.client_controller.Read( 'imageboards' )
root_item = QW.QTreeWidgetItem()
root_item.setText( 0, 'all sites' )
self._tree.addTopLevelItem( root_item )
for ( site, imageboards ) in list(all_imageboards.items()):
site_item = QW.QTreeWidgetItem()
site_item.setText( 0, site )
root_item.addChild( site_item )
for imageboard in imageboards:
name = imageboard.GetName()
imageboard_item = QW.QTreeWidgetItem()
imageboard_item.setText( 0, name )
imageboard_item.setData( 0, QC.Qt.UserRole, imageboard )
site_item.addChild( imageboard_item )
root_item.setExpanded( True )
vbox = QP.VBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._tree, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
self.setLayout( vbox )
size_hint = self.sizeHint()
size_hint.setWidth( max( size_hint.width(), 320 ) )
size_hint.setHeight( max( size_hint.height(), 640 ) )
QP.SetInitialSize( self, size_hint )
def EventActivate( self, item, column ):
data_object = item.data( 0, QC.Qt.UserRole )
if data_object is None: item.setExpanded( not item.isExpanded() )
else: self.done( QW.QDialog.Accepted )
def GetImageboard( self ):
items = self._tree.selectedItems()
if len(items):
return items[0].data( 0, QC.Qt.UserRole ).GetData()
class DialogTextEntry( Dialog ):
def __init__( self, parent, message, default = '', placeholder = None, allow_blank = False, suggestions = None, max_chars = None, password_entry = False, min_char_width = 72 ):
if suggestions is None:
suggestions = []
Dialog.__init__( self, parent, 'enter text', position = 'center' )
self._chosen_suggestion = None
self._allow_blank = allow_blank
self._max_chars = max_chars
button_choices = []
for text in suggestions:
button_choices.append( ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, text, self.ButtonChoice, text ) )
self._text = QW.QLineEdit( self )
self._text.textChanged.connect( self.EventText )
self._text.installEventFilter( ClientGUICommon.TextCatchEnterEventFilter( self._text, self.EnterText ) )
width = ClientGUIFunctions.ConvertTextToPixelWidth( self._text, min_char_width )
self._text.setMinimumWidth( width )
if password_entry:
self._text.setEchoMode( QW.QLineEdit.Password )
if self._max_chars is not None:
self._text.setMaxLength( self._max_chars )
self._ok = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, 'ok', self.done, QW.QDialog.Accepted )
self._ok.setObjectName( 'HydrusAccept' )
self._cancel = QW.QPushButton( 'cancel', self )
self._cancel.clicked.connect( self.reject )
self._cancel.setObjectName( 'HydrusCancel' )
self._text.setText( default )
if placeholder is not None: self._text.setPlaceholderText( placeholder )
hbox = QP.HBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( hbox, self._ok, CC.FLAGS_SMALL_INDENT )
QP.AddToLayout( hbox, self._cancel, CC.FLAGS_SMALL_INDENT )
st_message = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, message )
st_message.setWordWrap( True )
vbox = QP.VBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, st_message, CC.FLAGS_BIG_INDENT )
for button in button_choices:
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._text, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, hbox, CC.FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZER )
self.setLayout( vbox )
size_hint = self.sizeHint()
size_hint.setWidth( max( size_hint.width(), 250 ) )
QP.SetInitialSize( self, size_hint )
def _CheckText( self ):
if not self._allow_blank:
if self._text.text() == '':
self._ok.setEnabled( False )
self._ok.setEnabled( True )
def ButtonChoice( self, text ):
self._chosen_suggestion = text
self.done( QW.QDialog.Accepted )
def EventText( self, text ):
QP.CallAfter( self._CheckText )
def EnterText( self ):
if self._ok.isEnabled():
self.done( QW.QDialog.Accepted )
def GetValue( self ):
if self._chosen_suggestion is None:
return self._text.text()
return self._chosen_suggestion
class DialogYesYesNo( Dialog ):
def __init__( self, parent, message, title = 'Are you sure?', yes_tuples = None, no_label = 'no' ):
if yes_tuples is None:
yes_tuples = [ ( 'yes', 'yes' ) ]
Dialog.__init__( self, parent, title, position = 'center' )
self._value = None
yes_buttons = []
for ( label, data ) in yes_tuples:
yes_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, label, self._DoYes, data )
yes_button.setObjectName( 'HydrusAccept' )
yes_buttons.append( yes_button )
self._no = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self, no_label, self.done, QW.QDialog.Rejected )
self._no.setObjectName( 'HydrusCancel' )
hbox = QP.HBoxLayout()
for yes_button in yes_buttons:
QP.AddToLayout( hbox, yes_button, CC.FLAGS_SMALL_INDENT )
QP.AddToLayout( hbox, self._no, CC.FLAGS_SMALL_INDENT )
vbox = QP.VBoxLayout()
text = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, message )
text.setWordWrap( True )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, text, CC.FLAGS_BIG_INDENT )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, hbox, CC.FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZER )
self.setLayout( vbox )
size_hint = self.sizeHint()
size_hint.setWidth( max( size_hint.width(), 250 ) )
QP.SetInitialSize( self, size_hint )
HG.client_controller.CallAfterQtSafe( yes_buttons[0], yes_buttons[0].setFocus, QC.Qt.OtherFocusReason )
def _DoYes( self, value ):
self._value = value
self.done( QW.QDialog.Accepted )
def GetValue( self ):
return self._value