
637 lines
22 KiB

from . import ClientConstants as CC
from . import ClientGUICommon
from . import ClientGUIDialogs
from . import ClientGUIDialogsQuick
from . import ClientGUIFunctions
from . import ClientGUIListCtrl
from . import ClientGUIMenus
from . import ClientGUISerialisable
from . import ClientGUIScrolledPanels
from . import ClientGUITopLevelWindows
from . import ClientImportGallerySeeds
from . import ClientPaths
from . import ClientSerialisable
from . import HydrusConstants as HC
from . import HydrusData
from . import HydrusExceptions
from . import HydrusGlobals as HG
from . import HydrusText
import os
import wx
class EditGallerySeedLogPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, controller, read_only, can_generate_more_pages, gallery_seed_log ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._controller = controller
self._read_only = read_only
self._can_generate_more_pages = can_generate_more_pages
self._gallery_seed_log = gallery_seed_log
self._text = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, 'initialising' )
# add index control row here, hide it if needed and hook into showing/hiding and postsizechangedevent on gallery_seed add/remove
columns = [ ( '#', 3 ), ( 'url', -1 ), ( 'status', 12 ), ( 'added', 23 ), ( 'last modified', 23 ), ( 'note', 20 ) ]
self._list_ctrl = ClientGUIListCtrl.BetterListCtrl( self, 'gallery_seed_log', 30, 30, columns, self._ConvertGallerySeedToListCtrlTuples )
self._list_ctrl.AddDatas( self._gallery_seed_log.GetGallerySeeds() )
self._list_ctrl.Sort( 0 )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.Add( self._list_ctrl, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
self._list_ctrl.AddMenuCallable( self._GetListCtrlMenu )
self._controller.sub( self, 'NotifyGallerySeedsUpdated', 'gallery_seed_log_gallery_seeds_updated' )
wx.CallAfter( self._UpdateText )
def _ConvertGallerySeedToListCtrlTuples( self, gallery_seed ):
gallery_seed_index = self._gallery_seed_log.GetGallerySeedIndex( gallery_seed )
gallery_seed_index = '--'
url = gallery_seed.url
status = gallery_seed.status
added = gallery_seed.created
modified = gallery_seed.modified
note = gallery_seed.note
pretty_gallery_seed_index = HydrusData.ToHumanInt( gallery_seed_index )
pretty_url = url
pretty_status = CC.status_string_lookup[ status ]
pretty_added = HydrusData.TimestampToPrettyTimeDelta( added )
pretty_modified = HydrusData.TimestampToPrettyTimeDelta( modified )
pretty_note = note.split( os.linesep )[0]
display_tuple = ( pretty_gallery_seed_index, pretty_url, pretty_status, pretty_added, pretty_modified, pretty_note )
sort_tuple = ( gallery_seed_index, url, status, added, modified, note )
return ( display_tuple, sort_tuple )
def _CopySelectedGalleryURLs( self ):
gallery_seeds = self._list_ctrl.GetData( only_selected = True )
if len( gallery_seeds ) > 0:
separator = os.linesep * 2
text = separator.join( ( gallery_seed.url for gallery_seed in gallery_seeds ) )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'clipboard', 'text', text )
def _CopySelectedNotes( self ):
notes = []
for gallery_seed in self._list_ctrl.GetData( only_selected = True ):
note = gallery_seed.note
if note != '':
notes.append( note )
if len( notes ) > 0:
separator = os.linesep * 2
text = separator.join( notes )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'clipboard', 'text', text )
def _GetListCtrlMenu( self ):
selected_gallery_seeds = self._list_ctrl.GetData( only_selected = True )
if len( selected_gallery_seeds ) == 0:
raise HydrusExceptions.DataMissing()
menu = wx.Menu()
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, menu, 'copy urls', 'Copy all the selected urls to clipboard.', self._CopySelectedGalleryURLs )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, menu, 'copy notes', 'Copy all the selected notes to clipboard.', self._CopySelectedNotes )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, menu, 'open urls', 'Open all the selected urls in your web browser.', self._OpenSelectedGalleryURLs )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
if not self._read_only:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, menu, 'try again (just this one page)', 'Schedule this url to occur again.', HydrusData.Call( self._TrySelectedAgain, False ) )
if self._can_generate_more_pages:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, menu, 'try again (and allow search to continue)', 'Schedule this url to occur again and continue.', HydrusData.Call( self._TrySelectedAgain, True ) )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, menu, 'skip', 'Skip all the selected urls.', HydrusData.Call( self._SetSelected, CC.STATUS_SKIPPED ) )
return menu
def _OpenSelectedGalleryURLs( self ):
gallery_seeds = self._list_ctrl.GetData( only_selected = True )
if len( gallery_seeds ) > 0:
if len( gallery_seeds ) > 10:
message = 'You have many objects selected--are you sure you want to open them all?'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message )
if result != wx.ID_YES:
for gallery_seed in gallery_seeds:
ClientPaths.LaunchURLInWebBrowser( gallery_seed.url )
def _SetSelected( self, status_to_set ):
gallery_seeds = self._list_ctrl.GetData( only_selected = True )
for gallery_seed in gallery_seeds:
gallery_seed.SetStatus( status_to_set )
self._gallery_seed_log.NotifyGallerySeedsUpdated( gallery_seeds )
def _TrySelectedAgain( self, can_generate_more_pages ):
new_gallery_seeds = []
gallery_seeds = self._list_ctrl.GetData( only_selected = True )
for gallery_seed in gallery_seeds:
new_gallery_seeds.append( gallery_seed.GenerateRestartedDuplicate( can_generate_more_pages ) )
self._gallery_seed_log.AddGallerySeeds( new_gallery_seeds )
self._gallery_seed_log.NotifyGallerySeedsUpdated( new_gallery_seeds )
def _UpdateListCtrl( self, gallery_seeds ):
gallery_seeds_to_add = []
gallery_seeds_to_update = []
gallery_seeds_to_delete = []
for gallery_seed in gallery_seeds:
if self._gallery_seed_log.HasGallerySeed( gallery_seed ):
if self._list_ctrl.HasData( gallery_seed ):
gallery_seeds_to_update.append( gallery_seed )
gallery_seeds_to_add.append( gallery_seed )
if self._list_ctrl.HasData( gallery_seed ):
gallery_seeds_to_delete.append( gallery_seed )
self._list_ctrl.DeleteDatas( gallery_seeds_to_delete )
if len( gallery_seeds_to_add ) > 0:
self._list_ctrl.AddDatas( gallery_seeds_to_add )
# if gallery_seeds are inserted, then all subsequent indices need to be shuffled up, hence just update all here
self._list_ctrl.UpdateDatas( gallery_seeds_to_update )
def _UpdateText( self ):
( status, ( total_processed, total ) ) = self._gallery_seed_log.GetStatus()
self._text.SetLabelText( status )
def GetValue( self ):
return self._gallery_seed_log
def NotifyGallerySeedsUpdated( self, gallery_seed_log_key, gallery_seeds ):
if gallery_seed_log_key == self._gallery_seed_log.GetGallerySeedLogKey():
self._UpdateListCtrl( gallery_seeds )
class GallerySeedLogButton( ClientGUICommon.BetterBitmapButton ):
def __init__( self, parent, controller, read_only, can_generate_more_pages, gallery_seed_log_get_callable, gallery_seed_log_set_callable = None ):
ClientGUICommon.BetterBitmapButton.__init__( self, parent, CC.GlobalBMPs.listctrl, self._ShowGallerySeedLogFrame )
self._controller = controller
self._read_only = read_only
self._can_generate_more_pages = can_generate_more_pages
self._gallery_seed_log_get_callable = gallery_seed_log_get_callable
self._gallery_seed_log_set_callable = gallery_seed_log_set_callable
self.SetToolTip( 'open detailed gallery log--right-click for quick actions, if applicable' )
self.Bind( wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.EventShowMenu )
def _ClearGallerySeeds( self, statuses_to_remove ):
message = 'Are you sure you want to delete all the ' + '/'.join( ( CC.status_string_lookup[ status ] for status in statuses_to_remove ) ) + ' gallery log entries? This is useful for cleaning up and de-laggifying a very large list, but be careful you aren\'t removing something you would want to revisit.'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message )
if result == wx.ID_YES:
gallery_seed_log = self._gallery_seed_log_get_callable()
gallery_seed_log.RemoveGallerySeedsByStatus( statuses_to_remove )
def _GetExportableURLsString( self ):
gallery_seed_log = self._gallery_seed_log_get_callable()
gallery_seeds = gallery_seed_log.GetGallerySeeds()
urls = [ gallery_seed.url for gallery_seed in gallery_seeds ]
return os.linesep.join( urls )
def _GetURLsFromURLsString( self, urls_string ):
urls = HydrusText.DeserialiseNewlinedTexts( urls_string )
return urls
def _ImportFromClipboard( self ):
raw_text = HG.client_controller.GetClipboardText()
except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing as e:
wx.MessageBox( str( e ) )
urls = self._GetURLsFromURLsString( raw_text )
self._ImportURLs( urls )
wx.MessageBox( 'Could not import!' )
def _ImportFromPng( self ):
with wx.FileDialog( self, 'select the png with the urls', wildcard = 'PNG (*.png)|*.png' ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
path = dlg.GetPath()
payload = ClientSerialisable.LoadFromPng( path )
urls = self._GetURLsFromURLsString( payload )
self._ImportURLs( urls )
wx.MessageBox( 'Could not import!' )
def _ImportURLs( self, urls ):
gallery_seed_log = self._gallery_seed_log_get_callable()
filtered_urls = [ url for url in urls if not gallery_seed_log.HasGalleryURL( url ) ]
urls_to_add = urls
if len( filtered_urls ) < len( urls ):
num_urls = len( urls )
num_removed = num_urls - len( filtered_urls )
message = 'Of the ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_urls ) + ' URLs you mean to add, ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_removed ) + ' are already in the gallery log. Would you like to only add new URLs or add everything (which will force a re-check of the duplicates)?'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, yes_label = 'only add new urls', no_label = 'add all urls, even duplicates' )
if result == wx.ID_YES:
urls_to_add = filtered_urls
elif result == wx.ID_CANCEL:
can_generate_more_pages = False
if self._can_generate_more_pages:
message = 'Would you like these urls to only check for new files, or would you like them to also generate subsequent gallery pages, like a regular search would?'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message, yes_label = 'just check what I am adding', no_label = 'start a potential new search for every url added' )
if result == wx.ID_CANCEL:
can_generate_more_pages = result == wx.ID_NO
gallery_seeds = [ ClientImportGallerySeeds.GallerySeed( url, can_generate_more_pages = can_generate_more_pages ) for url in urls_to_add ]
gallery_seed_log.AddGallerySeeds( gallery_seeds )
def _ExportToPng( self ):
payload = self._GetExportableURLsString()
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogNullipotent( self, 'export to png' ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUISerialisable.PngExportPanel( dlg, payload )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
def _ExportToClipboard( self ):
payload = self._GetExportableURLsString()
HG.client_controller.pub( 'clipboard', 'text', payload )
def _RetryErrors( self ):
message = 'Are you sure you want to retry all the files that encountered errors?'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, message )
if result == wx.ID_YES:
gallery_seed_log = self._gallery_seed_log_get_callable()
def _ShowGallerySeedLogFrame( self ):
gallery_seed_log = self._gallery_seed_log_get_callable()
tlp = ClientGUIFunctions.GetTLP( self )
if isinstance( tlp, wx.Dialog ):
if self._gallery_seed_log_set_callable is None: # throw up a dialog that edits the gallery_seed log in place
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogNullipotent( self, 'gallery import log' ) as dlg:
panel = EditGallerySeedLogPanel( dlg, self._controller, self._read_only, self._can_generate_more_pages, gallery_seed_log )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
else: # throw up a dialog that edits the gallery_seed log but can be cancelled
dupe_gallery_seed_log = gallery_seed_log.Duplicate()
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogEdit( self, 'gallery import log' ) as dlg:
panel = EditGallerySeedLogPanel( dlg, self._controller, self._read_only, self._can_generate_more_pages, dupe_gallery_seed_log )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
self._gallery_seed_log_set_callable( dupe_gallery_seed_log )
else: # throw up a frame that edits the gallery_seed log in place
title = 'gallery import log'
frame_key = 'gallery_import_log'
frame = ClientGUITopLevelWindows.FrameThatTakesScrollablePanel( self, title, frame_key )
panel = EditGallerySeedLogPanel( frame, self._controller, self._read_only, self._can_generate_more_pages, gallery_seed_log )
frame.SetPanel( panel )
def EventShowMenu( self, event ):
menu = wx.Menu()
gallery_seed_log = self._gallery_seed_log_get_callable()
if len( gallery_seed_log ) > 0:
if not self._read_only and gallery_seed_log.CanRestartFailedSearch():
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, menu, 'restart and resume failed search', 'Requeue the last failed attempt and resume search from there.', gallery_seed_log.RestartFailedSearch )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
submenu = wx.Menu()
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, submenu, 'to clipboard', 'Copy all the urls in this list to the clipboard.', self._ExportToClipboard )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, submenu, 'to png', 'Export all the urls in this list to a png file.', self._ExportToPng )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, submenu, 'export all urls' )
if not self._read_only:
submenu = wx.Menu()
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, submenu, 'from clipboard', 'Import new urls to this list from the clipboard.', self._ImportFromClipboard )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, submenu, 'from png', 'Import new urls to this list from a png file.', self._ImportFromPng )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, submenu, 'import new urls' )
HG.client_controller.PopupMenu( self, menu )
class GallerySeedLogStatusControl( wx.Panel ):
def __init__( self, parent, controller, read_only, can_generate_more_pages, page_key = None ):
wx.Panel.__init__( self, parent, style = wx.BORDER_DOUBLE )
self._controller = controller
self._read_only = read_only
self._can_generate_more_pages = can_generate_more_pages
self._page_key = page_key
self._gallery_seed_log = None
self._log_summary_st = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, style = wx.ST_ELLIPSIZE_END )
self._gallery_seed_log_button = GallerySeedLogButton( self, self._controller, self._read_only, self._can_generate_more_pages, self._GetGallerySeedLog )
hbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL )
hbox.Add( self._log_summary_st, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER_EXPAND_DEPTH_ONLY )
hbox.Add( self._gallery_seed_log_button, CC.FLAGS_VCENTER )
self.SetSizer( hbox )
HG.client_controller.gui.RegisterUIUpdateWindow( self )
def _GetGallerySeedLog( self ):
return self._gallery_seed_log
def _Update( self ):
if self._gallery_seed_log is None:
self._log_summary_st.SetLabelText( '' )
if self._gallery_seed_log_button.IsEnabled():
( import_summary, ( num_done, num_to_do ) ) = self._gallery_seed_log.GetStatus()
self._log_summary_st.SetLabelText( import_summary )
if not self._gallery_seed_log_button.IsEnabled():
def SetGallerySeedLog( self, gallery_seed_log ):
if not self:
self._gallery_seed_log = gallery_seed_log
def TIMERUIUpdate( self ):
if self._controller.gui.IShouldRegularlyUpdate( self ):