
891 lines
42 KiB

import collections
import itertools
import sqlite3
import typing
from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC
from hydrus.core import HydrusData
from hydrus.core import HydrusDBBase
from hydrus.client.db import ClientDBDefinitionsCache
from hydrus.client.db import ClientDBMaintenance
from hydrus.client.db import ClientDBModule
from hydrus.client.db import ClientDBServices
from hydrus.client.db import ClientDBTagSiblings
from hydrus.client.metadata import ClientTags
from hydrus.client.metadata import ClientTagsHandling
def GenerateTagParentsLookupCacheTableName( display_type: int, service_id: int ):
( cache_ideal_tag_parents_lookup_table_name, cache_actual_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ) = GenerateTagParentsLookupCacheTableNames( service_id )
if display_type == ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_DISPLAY_IDEAL:
return cache_ideal_tag_parents_lookup_table_name
elif display_type == ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_DISPLAY_ACTUAL:
return cache_actual_tag_parents_lookup_table_name
def GenerateTagParentsLookupCacheTableNames( service_id ):
cache_ideal_tag_parents_lookup_table_name = 'external_caches.ideal_tag_parents_lookup_cache_{}'.format( service_id )
cache_actual_tag_parents_lookup_table_name = 'external_caches.actual_tag_parents_lookup_cache_{}'.format( service_id )
return ( cache_ideal_tag_parents_lookup_table_name, cache_actual_tag_parents_lookup_table_name )
class ClientDBTagParents( ClientDBModule.ClientDBModule ):
def __init__(
cursor: sqlite3.Cursor,
modules_db_maintenance: ClientDBMaintenance.ClientDBMaintenance,
modules_services: ClientDBServices.ClientDBMasterServices,
modules_tags_local_cache: ClientDBDefinitionsCache.ClientDBCacheLocalTags,
modules_tag_siblings: ClientDBTagSiblings.ClientDBTagSiblings
self.modules_db_maintenance = modules_db_maintenance
self.modules_services = modules_services
self.modules_tags_local_cache = modules_tags_local_cache
self.modules_tag_siblings = modules_tag_siblings
self._service_ids_to_display_application_status = {}
self._service_ids_to_applicable_service_ids = None
self._service_ids_to_interested_service_ids = None
ClientDBModule.ClientDBModule.__init__( self, 'client tag parents', cursor )
def _GetInitialIndexGenerationDict( self ) -> dict:
index_generation_dict = {}
index_generation_dict[ 'tag_parents' ] = [
( [ 'service_id', 'parent_tag_id' ], False, 420 )
index_generation_dict[ 'tag_parent_petitions' ] = [
( [ 'service_id', 'parent_tag_id' ], False, 420 )
return index_generation_dict
def _GetInitialTableGenerationDict( self ) -> dict:
return {
'main.tag_parents' : ( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {} ( service_id INTEGER, child_tag_id INTEGER, parent_tag_id INTEGER, status INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY ( service_id, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id, status ) );', 414 ),
'main.tag_parent_petitions' : ( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {} ( service_id INTEGER, child_tag_id INTEGER, parent_tag_id INTEGER, status INTEGER, reason_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY ( service_id, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id, status ) );', 414 ),
'main.tag_parent_application' : ( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {} ( master_service_id INTEGER, service_index INTEGER, application_service_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY ( master_service_id, service_index ) );', 414 )
def _GetServiceIndexGenerationDict( self, service_id ) -> dict:
( cache_ideal_tag_parents_lookup_table_name, cache_actual_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ) = GenerateTagParentsLookupCacheTableNames( service_id )
index_generation_dict = {}
index_generation_dict[ cache_actual_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ] = [
( [ 'ancestor_tag_id' ], False, 414 )
index_generation_dict[ cache_ideal_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ] = [
( [ 'ancestor_tag_id' ], False, 414 )
return index_generation_dict
def _GetServiceTableGenerationDict( self, service_id ) -> dict:
( cache_ideal_tag_parents_lookup_table_name, cache_actual_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ) = GenerateTagParentsLookupCacheTableNames( service_id )
return {
cache_actual_tag_parents_lookup_table_name : ( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {} ( child_tag_id INTEGER, ancestor_tag_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY ( child_tag_id, ancestor_tag_id ) );', 414 ),
cache_ideal_tag_parents_lookup_table_name : ( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {} ( child_tag_id INTEGER, ancestor_tag_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY ( child_tag_id, ancestor_tag_id ) );', 414 )
def _GetServiceIdsWeGenerateDynamicTablesFor( self ):
return self.modules_services.GetServiceIds( HC.REAL_TAG_SERVICES )
def _RepairRepopulateTables( self, repopulate_table_names, cursor_transaction_wrapper: HydrusDBBase.DBCursorTransactionWrapper ):
for service_id in self._GetServiceIdsWeGenerateDynamicTablesFor():
table_generation_dict = self._GetServiceTableGenerationDict( service_id )
this_service_table_names = set( table_generation_dict.keys() )
this_service_needs_repopulation = len( this_service_table_names.intersection( repopulate_table_names ) ) > 0
if this_service_needs_repopulation:
self._service_ids_to_applicable_service_ids = None
self._service_ids_to_interested_service_ids = None
self.Regen( ( service_id, ) )
def AddTagParents( self, service_id, pairs ):
self._ExecuteMany( 'DELETE FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND child_tag_id = ? AND parent_tag_id = ?;', ( ( service_id, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) for ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) in pairs ) )
self._ExecuteMany( 'DELETE FROM tag_parent_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND child_tag_id = ? AND parent_tag_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( ( service_id, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id, HC.CONTENT_STATUS_PENDING ) for ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) in pairs ) )
self._ExecuteMany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tag_parents ( service_id, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id, status ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( ( service_id, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id, HC.CONTENT_STATUS_CURRENT ) for ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) in pairs ) )
def ClearActual( self, service_id ):
cache_actual_tag_parents_lookup_table_name = GenerateTagParentsLookupCacheTableName( ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_DISPLAY_ACTUAL, service_id )
self._Execute( 'DELETE FROM {};'.format( cache_actual_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ) )
if service_id in self._service_ids_to_display_application_status:
del self._service_ids_to_display_application_status[ service_id ]
def DeleteTagParents( self, service_id, pairs ):
self._ExecuteMany( 'DELETE FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND child_tag_id = ? AND parent_tag_id = ?;', ( ( service_id, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) for ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) in pairs ) )
self._ExecuteMany( 'DELETE FROM tag_parent_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND child_tag_id = ? AND parent_tag_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( ( service_id, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id, HC.CONTENT_STATUS_PETITIONED ) for ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) in pairs ) )
self._ExecuteMany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tag_parents ( service_id, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id, status ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( ( service_id, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id, HC.CONTENT_STATUS_DELETED ) for ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) in pairs ) )
def Drop( self, tag_service_id ):
self._Execute( 'DELETE FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ?;', ( tag_service_id, ) )
self._Execute( 'DELETE FROM tag_parent_petitions WHERE service_id = ?;', ( tag_service_id, ) )
( cache_ideal_tag_parents_lookup_table_name, cache_actual_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ) = GenerateTagParentsLookupCacheTableNames( tag_service_id )
self.modules_db_maintenance.DeferredDropTable( cache_actual_tag_parents_lookup_table_name )
self.modules_db_maintenance.DeferredDropTable( cache_ideal_tag_parents_lookup_table_name )
self._Execute( 'DELETE FROM tag_parent_application WHERE master_service_id = ? OR application_service_id = ?;', ( tag_service_id, tag_service_id ) )
self._service_ids_to_applicable_service_ids = None
self._service_ids_to_interested_service_ids = None
def FilterChained( self, display_type, tag_service_id, ideal_tag_ids ):
if len( ideal_tag_ids ) == 0:
return set()
elif len( ideal_tag_ids ) == 1:
( ideal_tag_id, ) = ideal_tag_ids
if self.IsChained( display_type, tag_service_id, ideal_tag_id ):
return { ideal_tag_id }
return set()
# get the tag_ids that are part of a parent chain
cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name = GenerateTagParentsLookupCacheTableName( display_type, tag_service_id )
with self._MakeTemporaryIntegerTable( ideal_tag_ids, 'tag_id' ) as temp_table_name:
# keep these separate--older sqlite can't do cross join to an OR ON
# temp tags to lookup
chain_tag_ids = self._STS( self._Execute( 'SELECT tag_id FROM {} CROSS JOIN {} ON ( child_tag_id = tag_id );'.format( temp_table_name, cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ) ) )
chain_tag_ids.update( self._STI( self._Execute( 'SELECT tag_id FROM {} CROSS JOIN {} ON ( ancestor_tag_id = tag_id );'.format( temp_table_name, cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ) ) ) )
return chain_tag_ids
def Generate( self, tag_service_id ):
table_generation_dict = self._GetServiceTableGenerationDict( tag_service_id )
for ( table_name, ( create_query_without_name, version_added ) ) in table_generation_dict.items():
self._CreateTable( create_query_without_name, table_name )
index_generation_dict = self._GetServiceIndexGenerationDict( tag_service_id )
for ( table_name, columns, unique, version_added ) in self._FlattenIndexGenerationDict( index_generation_dict ):
self._CreateIndex( table_name, columns, unique = unique )
self._Execute( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tag_parent_application ( master_service_id, service_index, application_service_id ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );', ( tag_service_id, 0, tag_service_id ) )
self._service_ids_to_applicable_service_ids = None
self._service_ids_to_interested_service_ids = None
self.Regen( ( tag_service_id, ) )
def GenerateApplicationDicts( self ):
unsorted_dict = HydrusData.BuildKeyToListDict( ( master_service_id, ( index, application_service_id ) ) for ( master_service_id, index, application_service_id ) in self._Execute( 'SELECT master_service_id, service_index, application_service_id FROM tag_parent_application;' ) )
self._service_ids_to_applicable_service_ids = collections.defaultdict( list )
self._service_ids_to_applicable_service_ids.update( { master_service_id : [ application_service_id for ( index, application_service_id ) in sorted( index_and_applicable_service_ids ) ] for ( master_service_id, index_and_applicable_service_ids ) in unsorted_dict.items() } )
self._service_ids_to_interested_service_ids = collections.defaultdict( set )
for ( master_service_id, application_service_ids ) in self._service_ids_to_applicable_service_ids.items():
for application_service_id in application_service_ids:
self._service_ids_to_interested_service_ids[ application_service_id ].add( master_service_id )
def GetAllTagIds( self, display_type, tag_service_id ):
cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name = GenerateTagParentsLookupCacheTableName( display_type, tag_service_id )
tag_ids = set()
tag_ids.update( self._STI( self._Execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT child_tag_id FROM {};'.format( cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ) ) ) )
tag_ids.update( self._STI( self._Execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT ancestor_tag_id FROM {};'.format( cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ) ) ) )
return tag_ids
def GetAncestors( self, display_type: int, tag_service_id: int, ideal_tag_id: int ):
cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name = GenerateTagParentsLookupCacheTableName( display_type, tag_service_id )
ancestor_ids = self._STS( self._Execute( 'SELECT ancestor_tag_id FROM {} WHERE child_tag_id = ?;'.format( cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ), ( ideal_tag_id, ) ) )
return ancestor_ids
def GetApplicableServiceIds( self, tag_service_id ):
if self._service_ids_to_applicable_service_ids is None:
return self._service_ids_to_applicable_service_ids[ tag_service_id ]
def GetApplication( self ):
if self._service_ids_to_applicable_service_ids is None:
service_ids_to_service_keys = {}
service_keys_to_parent_applicable_service_keys = {}
for ( master_service_id, applicable_service_ids ) in self._service_ids_to_applicable_service_ids.items():
all_service_ids = [ master_service_id ] + list( applicable_service_ids )
for service_id in all_service_ids:
if service_id not in service_ids_to_service_keys:
service_ids_to_service_keys[ service_id ] = self.modules_services.GetService( service_id ).GetServiceKey()
service_keys_to_parent_applicable_service_keys[ service_ids_to_service_keys[ master_service_id ] ] = [ service_ids_to_service_keys[ service_id ] for service_id in applicable_service_ids ]
return service_keys_to_parent_applicable_service_keys
def GetApplicationStatus( self, service_id ):
if service_id not in self._service_ids_to_display_application_status:
( cache_ideal_tag_parents_lookup_table_name, cache_actual_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ) = GenerateTagParentsLookupCacheTableNames( service_id )
actual_parent_rows = set( self._Execute( 'SELECT child_tag_id, ancestor_tag_id FROM {};'.format( cache_actual_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ) ) )
ideal_parent_rows = set( self._Execute( 'SELECT child_tag_id, ancestor_tag_id FROM {};'.format( cache_ideal_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ) ) )
parent_rows_to_remove = actual_parent_rows.difference( ideal_parent_rows )
parent_rows_to_add = ideal_parent_rows.difference( actual_parent_rows )
num_actual_rows = len( actual_parent_rows )
num_ideal_rows = len( ideal_parent_rows )
self._service_ids_to_display_application_status[ service_id ] = ( parent_rows_to_add, parent_rows_to_remove, num_actual_rows, num_ideal_rows )
( parent_rows_to_add, parent_rows_to_remove, num_actual_rows, num_ideal_rows ) = self._service_ids_to_display_application_status[ service_id ]
return ( parent_rows_to_add, parent_rows_to_remove, num_actual_rows, num_ideal_rows )
def GetChainsMembers( self, display_type: int, tag_service_id: int, ideal_tag_ids: typing.Collection[ int ] ):
if len( ideal_tag_ids ) == 0:
return set()
cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name = GenerateTagParentsLookupCacheTableName( display_type, tag_service_id )
chain_tag_ids = set( ideal_tag_ids )
we_have_looked_up = set()
next_search_tag_ids = set( ideal_tag_ids )
while len( next_search_tag_ids ) > 0:
if len( next_search_tag_ids ) == 1:
( ideal_tag_id, ) = next_search_tag_ids
round_of_tag_ids = self._STS( self._Execute( 'SELECT child_tag_id FROM {} WHERE ancestor_tag_id = ? UNION ALL SELECT ancestor_tag_id FROM {} WHERE child_tag_id = ?;'.format( cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name, cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ), ( ideal_tag_id, ideal_tag_id ) ) )
with self._MakeTemporaryIntegerTable( next_search_tag_ids, 'tag_id' ) as temp_next_search_tag_ids_table_name:
round_of_tag_ids = self._STS( self._Execute( 'SELECT child_tag_id FROM {} CROSS JOIN {} ON ( ancestor_tag_id = tag_id ) UNION ALL SELECT ancestor_tag_id FROM {} CROSS JOIN {} ON ( child_tag_id = tag_id );'.format( temp_next_search_tag_ids_table_name, cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name, temp_next_search_tag_ids_table_name, cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ) ) )
chain_tag_ids.update( round_of_tag_ids )
we_have_looked_up.update( next_search_tag_ids )
next_search_tag_ids = round_of_tag_ids.difference( we_have_looked_up )
return chain_tag_ids
def GetChainsMembersTables( self, display_type: int, tag_service_id: int, ideal_tag_ids_table_name: str, results_table_name: str ):
raise NotImplementedError()
# if it isn't crazy, I should write this whole lad to be one or two recursive queries
cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name = GenerateTagParentsLookupCacheTableName( display_type, tag_service_id )
first_ideal_tag_ids = self._STS( self._Execute( 'SELECT ideal_tag_id FROM {};'.format( ideal_tag_ids_table_name ) ) )
chain_tag_ids = set( first_ideal_tag_ids )
we_have_looked_up = set()
next_search_tag_ids = set( first_ideal_tag_ids )
while len( next_search_tag_ids ) > 0:
if len( next_search_tag_ids ) == 1:
( ideal_tag_id, ) = next_search_tag_ids
round_of_tag_ids = self._STS( self._Execute( 'SELECT child_tag_id FROM {} WHERE ancestor_tag_id = ? UNION ALL SELECT ancestor_tag_id FROM {} WHERE child_tag_id = ?;'.format( cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name, cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ), ( ideal_tag_id, ideal_tag_id ) ) )
with self._MakeTemporaryIntegerTable( next_search_tag_ids, 'tag_id' ) as temp_next_search_tag_ids_table_name:
round_of_tag_ids = self._STS( self._Execute( 'SELECT child_tag_id FROM {} CROSS JOIN {} ON ( ancestor_tag_id = tag_id ) UNION ALL SELECT ancestor_tag_id FROM {} CROSS JOIN {} ON ( child_tag_id = tag_id );'.format( temp_next_search_tag_ids_table_name, cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name, temp_next_search_tag_ids_table_name, cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ) ) )
new_tag_ids = round_of_tag_ids.difference( chain_tag_ids )
if len( new_tag_ids ) > 0:
self._ExecuteMany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO {} ( tag_id ) VALUES ( ? );', ( ( tag_id, ) for tag_id in round_of_tag_ids.difference( new_tag_ids ) ) )
chain_tag_ids.update( new_tag_ids )
we_have_looked_up.update( next_search_tag_ids )
next_search_tag_ids = round_of_tag_ids.difference( we_have_looked_up )
def GetDescendants( self, display_type: int, tag_service_id: int, ideal_tag_id: int ):
cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name = GenerateTagParentsLookupCacheTableName( display_type, tag_service_id )
descendant_ids = self._STS( self._Execute( 'SELECT child_tag_id FROM {} WHERE ancestor_tag_id = ?;'.format( cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ), ( ideal_tag_id, ) ) )
return descendant_ids
def GetInterestedServiceIds( self, tag_service_id ):
if self._service_ids_to_interested_service_ids is None:
return self._service_ids_to_interested_service_ids[ tag_service_id ]
def GetPendingParentsCount( self, service_id: int ):
( info, ) = self._Execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM tag_parent_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, HC.CONTENT_STATUS_PENDING ) ).fetchone()
return info
def GetPetitionedParentsCount( self, service_id: int ):
( info, ) = self._Execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM tag_parent_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, HC.CONTENT_STATUS_PETITIONED ) ).fetchone()
return info
def GetTablesAndColumnsThatUseDefinitions( self, content_type: int ) -> typing.List[ typing.Tuple[ str, str ] ]:
if content_type == HC.CONTENT_TYPE_TAG:
return [
( 'tag_parents', 'child_tag_id' ),
( 'tag_parents', 'parent_tag_id' ),
( 'tag_parent_petitions', 'child_tag_id' ),
( 'tag_parent_petitions', 'parent_tag_id' )
return []
def GetTagParents( self, service_key ):
service_id = self.modules_services.GetServiceId( service_key )
statuses_to_pair_ids = self.GetTagParentsIds( service_id )
all_tag_ids = set()
for pair_ids in statuses_to_pair_ids.values():
for ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) in pair_ids:
all_tag_ids.add( child_tag_id )
all_tag_ids.add( parent_tag_id )
tag_ids_to_tags = self.modules_tags_local_cache.GetTagIdsToTags( tag_ids = all_tag_ids )
statuses_to_pairs = collections.defaultdict( set )
statuses_to_pairs.update( { status : { ( tag_ids_to_tags[ child_tag_id ], tag_ids_to_tags[ parent_tag_id ] ) for ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) in pair_ids } for ( status, pair_ids ) in statuses_to_pair_ids.items() } )
return statuses_to_pairs
def GetTagParentsIds( self, service_id ):
statuses_and_pair_ids = self._Execute( 'SELECT status, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? UNION SELECT status, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id FROM tag_parent_petitions WHERE service_id = ?;', ( service_id, service_id ) ).fetchall()
unsorted_statuses_to_pair_ids = HydrusData.BuildKeyToListDict( ( status, ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) ) for ( status, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) in statuses_and_pair_ids )
statuses_to_pair_ids = collections.defaultdict( list )
statuses_to_pair_ids.update( { status : sorted( pair_ids ) for ( status, pair_ids ) in unsorted_statuses_to_pair_ids.items() } )
return statuses_to_pair_ids
def GetTagParentsIdsChains( self, service_id, tag_ids ):
# I experimented with one or two recursive queries, and for siblings, but it mostly ended up hellmode index efficiency. I think ( service_id, integer ) did it in
# note that this has to do sibling lookup as well to fetch pairs that are only connected to our chain by sibling relationships, and we are assuming here that the sibling lookup cache is valid
searched_tag_ids = set()
next_tag_ids = set( tag_ids )
result_rows = set()
while len( next_tag_ids ) > 0:
tag_ids_seen_this_round = set()
ideal_tag_ids = self.modules_tag_siblings.GetIdealTagIds( ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_DISPLAY_IDEAL, service_id, next_tag_ids )
tag_ids_seen_this_round.update( self.modules_tag_siblings.GetChainsMembersFromIdeals( ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_DISPLAY_IDEAL, service_id, ideal_tag_ids ) )
with self._MakeTemporaryIntegerTable( next_tag_ids, 'tag_id' ) as temp_next_tag_ids_table_name:
searched_tag_ids.update( next_tag_ids )
# keep these separate--older sqlite can't do cross join to an OR ON
# temp tag_ids to parents
queries = [
'SELECT status, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id FROM {} CROSS JOIN tag_parents ON ( child_tag_id = tag_id ) WHERE service_id = ?'.format( temp_next_tag_ids_table_name ),
'SELECT status, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id FROM {} CROSS JOIN tag_parents ON ( parent_tag_id = tag_id ) WHERE service_id = ?'.format( temp_next_tag_ids_table_name ),
'SELECT status, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id FROM {} CROSS JOIN tag_parent_petitions ON ( child_tag_id = tag_id ) WHERE service_id = ?'.format( temp_next_tag_ids_table_name ),
'SELECT status, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id FROM {} CROSS JOIN tag_parent_petitions ON ( parent_tag_id = tag_id ) WHERE service_id = ?'.format( temp_next_tag_ids_table_name )
query = ' UNION '.join( queries )
for row in self._Execute( query, ( service_id, service_id, service_id, service_id ) ):
result_rows.add( row )
( status, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) = row
tag_ids_seen_this_round.update( ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) )
next_tag_ids = tag_ids_seen_this_round.difference( searched_tag_ids )
unsorted_statuses_to_pair_ids = HydrusData.BuildKeyToListDict( ( status, ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) ) for ( status, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) in result_rows )
statuses_to_pair_ids = collections.defaultdict( list )
statuses_to_pair_ids.update( { status : sorted( pair_ids ) for ( status, pair_ids ) in unsorted_statuses_to_pair_ids.items() } )
return statuses_to_pair_ids
def GetTagsToAncestors( self, display_type: int, tag_service_id: int, ideal_tag_ids: typing.Collection[ int ] ):
if len( ideal_tag_ids ) == 0:
return {}
elif len( ideal_tag_ids ) == 1:
( ideal_tag_id, ) = ideal_tag_ids
ancestors = self.GetAncestors( display_type, tag_service_id, ideal_tag_id )
return { ideal_tag_id : ancestors }
cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name = GenerateTagParentsLookupCacheTableName( display_type, tag_service_id )
with self._MakeTemporaryIntegerTable( ideal_tag_ids, 'child_tag_id' ) as temp_table_name:
tag_ids_to_ancestors = HydrusData.BuildKeyToSetDict( self._Execute( 'SELECT child_tag_id, ancestor_tag_id FROM {} CROSS JOIN {} USING ( child_tag_id );'.format( temp_table_name, cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ) ) )
for tag_id in ideal_tag_ids:
if tag_id not in tag_ids_to_ancestors:
tag_ids_to_ancestors[ tag_id ] = set()
return tag_ids_to_ancestors
def GetTagsToDescendants( self, display_type: int, tag_service_id: int, ideal_tag_ids: typing.Collection[ int ] ):
if len( ideal_tag_ids ) == 0:
return {}
elif len( ideal_tag_ids ) == 1:
( ideal_tag_id, ) = ideal_tag_ids
descendants = self.GetDescendants( display_type, tag_service_id, ideal_tag_id )
return { ideal_tag_id : descendants }
cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name = GenerateTagParentsLookupCacheTableName( display_type, tag_service_id )
with self._MakeTemporaryIntegerTable( ideal_tag_ids, 'ancestor_tag_id' ) as temp_table_name:
tag_ids_to_descendants = HydrusData.BuildKeyToSetDict( self._Execute( 'SELECT ancestor_tag_id, child_tag_id FROM {} CROSS JOIN {} USING ( ancestor_tag_id );'.format( temp_table_name, cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ) ) )
for ideal_tag_id in ideal_tag_ids:
if ideal_tag_id not in tag_ids_to_descendants:
tag_ids_to_descendants[ ideal_tag_id ] = set()
return tag_ids_to_descendants
def IdealiseStatusesToPairIds( self, tag_service_id, unideal_statuses_to_pair_ids ):
all_tag_ids = set( itertools.chain.from_iterable( ( itertools.chain.from_iterable( pair_ids ) for pair_ids in unideal_statuses_to_pair_ids.values() ) ) )
tag_ids_to_ideal_tag_ids = self.modules_tag_siblings.GetTagIdsToIdealTagIds( ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_DISPLAY_IDEAL, tag_service_id, all_tag_ids )
ideal_statuses_to_pair_ids = collections.defaultdict( list )
for ( status, pair_ids ) in unideal_statuses_to_pair_ids.items():
ideal_pair_ids = sorted( ( ( tag_ids_to_ideal_tag_ids[ child_tag_id ], tag_ids_to_ideal_tag_ids[ parent_tag_id ] ) for ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) in pair_ids ) )
ideal_statuses_to_pair_ids[ status ] = ideal_pair_ids
return ideal_statuses_to_pair_ids
def IsChained( self, display_type, tag_service_id, ideal_tag_id ):
cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name = GenerateTagParentsLookupCacheTableName( display_type, tag_service_id )
return self._Execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM {} WHERE child_tag_id = ? OR ancestor_tag_id = ?;'.format( cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ), ( ideal_tag_id, ideal_tag_id ) ).fetchone() is not None
def NotifyParentAddRowSynced( self, tag_service_id, row ):
if tag_service_id in self._service_ids_to_display_application_status:
( parent_rows_to_add, parent_rows_to_remove, num_actual_rows, num_ideal_rows ) = self._service_ids_to_display_application_status[ tag_service_id ]
parent_rows_to_add.discard( row )
num_actual_rows += 1
self._service_ids_to_display_application_status[ tag_service_id ] = ( parent_rows_to_add, parent_rows_to_remove, num_actual_rows, num_ideal_rows )
def NotifyParentDeleteRowSynced( self, tag_service_id, row ):
if tag_service_id in self._service_ids_to_display_application_status:
( parent_rows_to_add, parent_rows_to_remove, num_actual_rows, num_ideal_rows ) = self._service_ids_to_display_application_status[ tag_service_id ]
parent_rows_to_remove.discard( row )
num_actual_rows -= 1
self._service_ids_to_display_application_status[ tag_service_id ] = ( parent_rows_to_add, parent_rows_to_remove, num_actual_rows, num_ideal_rows )
def PendTagParents( self, service_id, triples ):
self._ExecuteMany( 'DELETE FROM tag_parent_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND child_tag_id = ? AND parent_tag_id = ?;', ( ( service_id, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) for ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id, reason_id ) in triples ) )
self._ExecuteMany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tag_parent_petitions ( service_id, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id, reason_id, status ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( ( service_id, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id, reason_id, HC.CONTENT_STATUS_PENDING ) for ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id, reason_id ) in triples ) )
def PetitionTagParents( self, service_id, triples ):
self._ExecuteMany( 'DELETE FROM tag_parent_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND child_tag_id = ? AND parent_tag_id = ?;', ( ( service_id, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) for ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id, reason_id ) in triples ) )
self._ExecuteMany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tag_parent_petitions ( service_id, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id, reason_id, status ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( ( service_id, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id, reason_id, HC.CONTENT_STATUS_PETITIONED ) for ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id, reason_id ) in triples ) )
def RescindPendingTagParents( self, service_id, pairs ):
self._ExecuteMany( 'DELETE FROM tag_parent_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND child_tag_id = ? AND parent_tag_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( ( service_id, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id, HC.CONTENT_STATUS_PENDING ) for ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) in pairs ) )
def RescindPetitionedTagParents( self, service_id, pairs ):
self._ExecuteMany( 'DELETE FROM tag_parent_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND child_tag_id = ? AND parent_tag_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( ( service_id, child_tag_id, parent_tag_id, HC.CONTENT_STATUS_PETITIONED ) for ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) in pairs ) )
def Regen( self, tag_service_ids ):
for tag_service_id in tag_service_ids:
cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name = GenerateTagParentsLookupCacheTableName( ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_DISPLAY_IDEAL, tag_service_id )
self._Execute( 'DELETE FROM {};'.format( cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ) )
applicable_service_ids = self.GetApplicableServiceIds( tag_service_id )
tps = ClientTagsHandling.TagParentsStructure()
for applicable_service_id in applicable_service_ids:
unideal_statuses_to_pair_ids = self.GetTagParentsIds( service_id = applicable_service_id )
# we have to collapse the parent ids according to siblings
ideal_statuses_to_pair_ids = self.IdealiseStatusesToPairIds( tag_service_id, unideal_statuses_to_pair_ids )
petitioned_fast_lookup = set( ideal_statuses_to_pair_ids[ HC.CONTENT_STATUS_PETITIONED ] )
for ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) in ideal_statuses_to_pair_ids[ HC.CONTENT_STATUS_CURRENT ]:
if ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) in petitioned_fast_lookup:
tps.AddPair( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id )
for ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) in ideal_statuses_to_pair_ids[ HC.CONTENT_STATUS_PENDING ]:
tps.AddPair( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id )
self._ExecuteMany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO {} ( child_tag_id, ancestor_tag_id ) VALUES ( ?, ? );'.format( cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ), tps.IterateDescendantAncestorPairs() )
if tag_service_id in self._service_ids_to_display_application_status:
del self._service_ids_to_display_application_status[ tag_service_id ]
def RegenChains( self, tag_service_ids, tag_ids ):
if len( tag_ids ) == 0:
for tag_service_id in tag_service_ids:
cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name = GenerateTagParentsLookupCacheTableName( ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_DISPLAY_IDEAL, tag_service_id )
# it is possible that the parents cache currently contains non-ideal tag_ids
# so, to be safe, we'll also get all sibling chain members
tag_ids_to_clear_and_regen = set( tag_ids )
ideal_tag_ids = self.modules_tag_siblings.GetIdealTagIds( ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_DISPLAY_IDEAL, tag_service_id, tag_ids )
tag_ids_to_clear_and_regen.update( self.modules_tag_siblings.GetChainsMembersFromIdeals( ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_DISPLAY_IDEAL, tag_service_id, ideal_tag_ids ) )
# and now all possible current parent chains based on this
tag_ids_to_clear_and_regen.update( self.GetChainsMembers( ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_DISPLAY_IDEAL, tag_service_id, tag_ids_to_clear_and_regen ) )
# this should now contain all possible tag_ids that could be in tag parents right now related to what we were given
self._ExecuteMany( 'DELETE FROM {} WHERE child_tag_id = ? OR ancestor_tag_id = ?;'.format( cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ), ( ( tag_id, tag_id ) for tag_id in tag_ids_to_clear_and_regen ) )
# we wipe them
applicable_tag_service_ids = self.GetApplicableServiceIds( tag_service_id )
tps = ClientTagsHandling.TagParentsStructure()
for applicable_tag_service_id in applicable_tag_service_ids:
service_key = self.modules_services.GetService( applicable_tag_service_id ).GetServiceKey()
unideal_statuses_to_pair_ids = self.GetTagParentsIdsChains( applicable_tag_service_id, tag_ids_to_clear_and_regen )
ideal_statuses_to_pair_ids = self.IdealiseStatusesToPairIds( tag_service_id, unideal_statuses_to_pair_ids )
petitioned_fast_lookup = set( ideal_statuses_to_pair_ids[ HC.CONTENT_STATUS_PETITIONED ] )
for ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) in ideal_statuses_to_pair_ids[ HC.CONTENT_STATUS_CURRENT ]:
if ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) in petitioned_fast_lookup:
tps.AddPair( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id )
for ( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id ) in ideal_statuses_to_pair_ids[ HC.CONTENT_STATUS_PENDING ]:
tps.AddPair( child_tag_id, parent_tag_id )
self._ExecuteMany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO {} ( child_tag_id, ancestor_tag_id ) VALUES ( ?, ? );'.format( cache_tag_parents_lookup_table_name ), tps.IterateDescendantAncestorPairs() )
if tag_service_id in self._service_ids_to_display_application_status:
del self._service_ids_to_display_application_status[ tag_service_id ]
def SetApplication( self, service_keys_to_applicable_service_keys ):
if self._service_ids_to_applicable_service_ids is None:
new_service_ids_to_applicable_service_ids = collections.defaultdict( list )
for ( master_service_key, applicable_service_keys ) in service_keys_to_applicable_service_keys.items():
master_service_id = self.modules_services.GetServiceId( master_service_key )
applicable_service_ids = [ self.modules_services.GetServiceId( service_key ) for service_key in applicable_service_keys ]
new_service_ids_to_applicable_service_ids[ master_service_id ] = applicable_service_ids
old_and_new_master_service_ids = set( self._service_ids_to_applicable_service_ids.keys() )
old_and_new_master_service_ids.update( new_service_ids_to_applicable_service_ids.keys() )
inserts = []
service_ids_to_sync = set()
for master_service_id in old_and_new_master_service_ids:
if master_service_id in new_service_ids_to_applicable_service_ids:
applicable_service_ids = new_service_ids_to_applicable_service_ids[ master_service_id ]
inserts.extend( ( ( master_service_id, i, applicable_service_id ) for ( i, applicable_service_id ) in enumerate( applicable_service_ids ) ) )
if applicable_service_ids != self._service_ids_to_applicable_service_ids[ master_service_id ]:
service_ids_to_sync.add( master_service_id )
service_ids_to_sync.add( master_service_id )
self._Execute( 'DELETE FROM tag_parent_application;' )
self._ExecuteMany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tag_parent_application ( master_service_id, service_index, application_service_id ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );', inserts )
self._service_ids_to_applicable_service_ids = None
self._service_ids_to_interested_service_ids = None
return service_ids_to_sync