
355 lines
14 KiB

import sqlite3
import typing
from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC
from hydrus.core import HydrusData
from hydrus.client import ClientTime
from hydrus.client import ClientThreading
from hydrus.client.db import ClientDBModule
from hydrus.client.db import ClientDBMaster
from hydrus.client.db import ClientDBFilesStorage
from hydrus.client.db import ClientDBFilesViewingStats
from hydrus.client.media import ClientMediaManagers
def GetSimpleTimestampTableNames( timestamp_type: int ):
if timestamp_type == HC.TIMESTAMP_TYPE_ARCHIVED:
table_name = 'archive_timestamps'
column_name = 'archived_timestamp_ms'
elif timestamp_type == HC.TIMESTAMP_TYPE_MODIFIED_FILE:
table_name = 'file_modified_timestamps'
column_name = 'file_modified_timestamp_ms'
raise Exception( 'Not a simple timestamp type!' )
return ( table_name, column_name )
class ClientDBFilesTimestamps( ClientDBModule.ClientDBModule ):
def __init__( self, cursor: sqlite3.Cursor, modules_urls: ClientDBMaster.ClientDBMasterURLs, modules_files_viewing_stats: ClientDBFilesViewingStats.ClientDBFilesViewingStats, modules_files_storage: ClientDBFilesStorage.ClientDBFilesStorage ):
ClientDBModule.ClientDBModule.__init__( self, 'client files timestamps', cursor )
self.modules_urls = modules_urls
self.modules_files_viewing_stats = modules_files_viewing_stats
self.modules_files_storage = modules_files_storage
def _GetInitialIndexGenerationDict( self ) -> dict:
index_generation_dict = {}
index_generation_dict[ 'main.archive_timestamps' ] = [
( [ 'archived_timestamp_ms' ], False, 559 )
index_generation_dict[ 'main.file_domain_modified_timestamps' ] = [
( [ 'file_modified_timestamp_ms' ], False, 559 )
index_generation_dict[ 'main.file_modified_timestamps' ] = [
( [ 'file_modified_timestamp_ms' ], False, 559 )
return index_generation_dict
def _GetInitialTableGenerationDict( self ) -> dict:
return {
'main.archive_timestamps' : ( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {} ( hash_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, archived_timestamp_ms INTEGER );', 474 ),
'main.file_domain_modified_timestamps' : ( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {} ( hash_id INTEGER, domain_id INTEGER, file_modified_timestamp_ms INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY ( hash_id, domain_id ) );', 476 ),
'main.file_modified_timestamps' : ( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {} ( hash_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, file_modified_timestamp_ms INTEGER );', 400 )
def _ClearSimpleTimes( self, timestamp_type: int, hash_ids: typing.Collection[ int ] ):
( table_name, column_name ) = GetSimpleTimestampTableNames( timestamp_type )
self._ExecuteMany( f'DELETE FROM {table_name} WHERE hash_id = ?;', ( ( hash_id, ) for hash_id in hash_ids ) )
def ClearArchivedTimes( self, hash_ids: typing.Collection[ int ] ):
self._ClearSimpleTimes( HC.TIMESTAMP_TYPE_ARCHIVED, hash_ids )
def ClearTime( self, hash_ids: typing.Collection[ int ], timestamp_data: ClientTime.TimestampData ):
if timestamp_data.timestamp_type == HC.TIMESTAMP_TYPE_MODIFIED_DOMAIN:
if timestamp_data.location is None:
domain_id = self.modules_urls.GetURLDomainId( timestamp_data.location )
self._ExecuteMany( 'DELETE FROM file_domain_modified_timestamps WHERE hash_id = ? AND domain_id = ?;', ( ( hash_id, domain_id ) for hash_id in hash_ids ) )
elif timestamp_data.timestamp_type in ClientTime.SIMPLE_TIMESTAMP_TYPES:
self._ClearSimpleTimes( timestamp_data.timestamp_type, hash_ids )
# can't clear a file timestamp or file viewing timestamp from here, can't do it from UI either, so we good for now
def GetHashIdsInRange( self, timestamp_type: int, timestamp_ranges_ms, job_status: typing.Optional[ ClientThreading.JobStatus ] = None ):
cancelled_hook = None
if job_status is not None:
cancelled_hook = job_status.IsCancelled
modified_timestamp_predicates = []
if '>' in timestamp_ranges_ms:
modified_timestamp_predicates.append( 'MIN( file_modified_timestamp_ms ) >= {}'.format( timestamp_ranges_ms[ '>' ] ) )
if '<' in timestamp_ranges_ms:
modified_timestamp_predicates.append( 'MIN( file_modified_timestamp_ms ) <= {}'.format( timestamp_ranges_ms[ '<' ] ) )
if len( modified_timestamp_predicates ) > 0:
pred_string = ' AND '.join( modified_timestamp_predicates )
q1 = 'SELECT hash_id, file_modified_timestamp_ms FROM file_modified_timestamps'
q2 = 'SELECT hash_id, file_modified_timestamp_ms FROM file_domain_modified_timestamps'
query = 'SELECT hash_id FROM ( {} UNION {} ) GROUP BY hash_id HAVING {};'.format( q1, q2, pred_string )
modified_timestamp_hash_ids = self._STS( self._ExecuteCancellable( query, (), cancelled_hook ) )
return modified_timestamp_hash_ids
elif timestamp_type in ClientTime.REAL_SIMPLE_TIMESTAMP_TYPES:
( table_name, column_name ) = GetSimpleTimestampTableNames( timestamp_type )
predicates = []
if '>' in timestamp_ranges_ms:
value = timestamp_ranges_ms[ '>' ]
predicates.append( f'{column_name} >= {value}' )
if '<' in timestamp_ranges_ms:
value = timestamp_ranges_ms[ '<' ]
predicates.append( f'{column_name} <= {value}' )
if len( predicates ) > 0:
pred_string = ' AND '.join( predicates )
query = f'SELECT hash_id FROM {table_name} WHERE {pred_string};'
hash_ids = self._STS( self._ExecuteCancellable( query, (), cancelled_hook ) )
return hash_ids
return set()
def GetHashIdsToHalfInitialisedTimesManagers( self, hash_ids: typing.Collection[ int ], hash_ids_table_name: str ) -> typing.Dict[ int, ClientMediaManagers.TimesManager ]:
# note that this doesn't fetch everything, just the stuff this module handles directly and can fetch efficiently
hash_ids_to_archive_timestamps_ms = self.GetSimpleTimestampsMS( HC.TIMESTAMP_TYPE_ARCHIVED, hash_ids_table_name )
hash_ids_to_file_modified_timestamps_ms = self.GetSimpleTimestampsMS( HC.TIMESTAMP_TYPE_MODIFIED_FILE, hash_ids_table_name )
hash_ids_to_domain_modified_timestamps_ms = HydrusData.BuildKeyToListDict( ( ( hash_id, ( domain, timestamp_ms ) ) for ( hash_id, domain, timestamp_ms ) in self._Execute( 'SELECT hash_id, domain, file_modified_timestamp_ms FROM {} CROSS JOIN file_domain_modified_timestamps USING ( hash_id ) CROSS JOIN url_domains USING ( domain_id );'.format( hash_ids_table_name ) ) ) )
hash_ids_to_timestamp_managers = {}
for hash_id in hash_ids:
times_manager = ClientMediaManagers.TimesManager()
if hash_id in hash_ids_to_file_modified_timestamps_ms:
times_manager.SetFileModifiedTimestampMS( hash_ids_to_file_modified_timestamps_ms[ hash_id ] )
if hash_id in hash_ids_to_domain_modified_timestamps_ms:
for ( domain, modified_timestamp_ms ) in hash_ids_to_domain_modified_timestamps_ms[ hash_id ]:
times_manager.SetDomainModifiedTimestampMS( domain, modified_timestamp_ms )
if hash_id in hash_ids_to_archive_timestamps_ms:
times_manager.SetArchivedTimestampMS( hash_ids_to_archive_timestamps_ms[ hash_id ] )
hash_ids_to_timestamp_managers[ hash_id ] = times_manager
return hash_ids_to_timestamp_managers
def GetSimpleTimestampsMS( self, timestamp_type: int, hash_ids_table_name: str ) -> typing.Dict[ int, int ]:
( table_name, column_name ) = GetSimpleTimestampTableNames( timestamp_type )
query = f'SELECT hash_id, {column_name} FROM {hash_ids_table_name} CROSS JOIN {table_name} USING ( hash_id );'
return dict( self._Execute( query ) )
def GetTablesAndColumnsThatUseDefinitions( self, content_type: int ) -> typing.List[ typing.Tuple[ str, str ] ]:
if content_type == HC.CONTENT_TYPE_HASH:
return [
( 'archive_timestamps', 'hash_id' ),
( 'file_domain_modified_timestamps', 'hash_id' ),
( 'file_modified_timestamps', 'hash_id' )
return []
def GetTimestampMS( self, hash_id: int, timestamp_data: ClientTime.TimestampData ) -> typing.Optional[ int ]:
result = None
if timestamp_data.timestamp_type == HC.TIMESTAMP_TYPE_MODIFIED_DOMAIN:
if timestamp_data.location is None:
return None
domain_id = self.modules_urls.GetURLDomainId( timestamp_data.location )
result = self._Execute( 'SELECT file_modified_timestamp_ms FROM file_domain_modified_timestamps WHERE hash_id = ? AND domain_id = ?;', ( hash_id, domain_id ) ).fetchone()
elif timestamp_data.timestamp_type == HC.TIMESTAMP_TYPE_LAST_VIEWED:
return self.modules_files_viewing_stats.GetTimestampMS( hash_id, timestamp_data )
elif timestamp_data.timestamp_type in ClientTime.FILE_SERVICE_TIMESTAMP_TYPES:
return self.modules_files_storage.GetTimestampMS( hash_id, timestamp_data )
elif timestamp_data.timestamp_type in ClientTime.REAL_SIMPLE_TIMESTAMP_TYPES:
( table_name, column_name ) = GetSimpleTimestampTableNames( timestamp_data.timestamp_type )
result = self._Execute( f'SELECT {column_name} FROM {table_name} WHERE hash_id = ?;', ( hash_id, ) ).fetchone()
if result is None:
return None
( timestamp, ) = result
return timestamp
def SetSimpleTimestampsMS( self, timestamp_type: int, rows ):
( table_name, column_name ) = GetSimpleTimestampTableNames( timestamp_type )
self._ExecuteMany( f'REPLACE INTO {table_name} ( hash_id, {column_name} ) VALUES ( ?, ? );', rows )
def SetTime( self, hash_ids: typing.Collection[ int ], timestamp_data: ClientTime.TimestampData ):
if timestamp_data.timestamp_ms is None:
# TODO: wangle all these calls from hash_id to hash_ids
if timestamp_data.timestamp_type == HC.TIMESTAMP_TYPE_MODIFIED_DOMAIN:
if timestamp_data.location is None:
domain_id = self.modules_urls.GetURLDomainId( timestamp_data.location )
self._ExecuteMany( 'REPLACE INTO file_domain_modified_timestamps ( hash_id, domain_id, file_modified_timestamp_ms ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );', ( ( hash_id, domain_id, timestamp_data.timestamp_ms ) for hash_id in hash_ids ) )
elif timestamp_data.timestamp_type == HC.TIMESTAMP_TYPE_LAST_VIEWED:
self.modules_files_viewing_stats.SetTime( hash_ids, timestamp_data )
elif timestamp_data.timestamp_type in ClientTime.FILE_SERVICE_TIMESTAMP_TYPES:
self.modules_files_storage.SetTime( hash_ids, timestamp_data )
elif timestamp_data.timestamp_type in ClientTime.REAL_SIMPLE_TIMESTAMP_TYPES:
self.SetSimpleTimestampsMS( timestamp_data.timestamp_type, [ ( hash_id, timestamp_data.timestamp_ms ) for hash_id in hash_ids ] )
def UpdateTime( self, hash_ids: typing.Collection[ int ], timestamp_data: ClientTime.TimestampData ):
if timestamp_data.timestamp_ms is None:
updatable_hash_ids = []
for hash_id in hash_ids:
should_update = True
existing_timestamp_ms = self.GetTimestampMS( hash_id, timestamp_data )
if existing_timestamp_ms is not None:
should_update = ClientTime.ShouldUpdateModifiedTime( existing_timestamp_ms, timestamp_data.timestamp_ms )
if should_update:
updatable_hash_ids.append( hash_id )
if len( updatable_hash_ids ) > 0:
self.SetTime( updatable_hash_ids, timestamp_data )