
228 lines
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import numpy
from hydrus.core import HydrusData
from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions
from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG
from hydrus.core import HydrusTime
from hydrus.core.files.images import HydrusImageHandling
from hydrus.core.files.images import HydrusImageNormalisation
class GIFRenderer( object ):
def __init__( self, path, num_frames, target_resolution ):
if HG.media_load_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Loading GIF: ' + path )
self._path = path
self._num_frames = num_frames
self._target_resolution = target_resolution
self._cannot_seek_to_or_beyond_this_index = None
self._frames_we_could_not_render = set()
self._current_render_index = 0
self._last_valid_numpy_frame = None
def _GetRecoveryFrame( self ) -> numpy.array:
if self._last_valid_numpy_frame is None:
numpy_image = numpy.zeros( ( self._target_resolution[1], self._target_resolution[0], 4 ), dtype = 'uint8' )
numpy_image[:,:,3] = 255 # numpy is great!
numpy_image = self._last_valid_numpy_frame
return numpy_image
def _Initialise( self ):
if HG.media_load_report_mode:
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Loading GIF with PIL' )
# dequantize = False since we'll be doing that later for each frame in turn
# if we do it now, it collapses down to a one frame object
self._pil_image = HydrusImageHandling.GeneratePILImage( self._path, dequantize = False )
self._pil_global_palette = self._pil_image.palette
# years-old weirdo fix, taking it out 2023-11
# believe it or not, doing this actually fixed a couple of gifs!
self._pil_image.seek( 1 )
self._pil_image.seek( 0 )
except Exception as e:
raise HydrusExceptions.DamagedOrUnusualFileException( 'Could not initialise GIF!' ) from e
def _MoveRendererOnOneFrame( self ):
self._current_render_index = ( self._current_render_index + 1 ) % self._num_frames
we_are_in_the_dangerzone = self._cannot_seek_to_or_beyond_this_index is not None and self._current_render_index >= self._cannot_seek_to_or_beyond_this_index
if self._current_render_index == 0 or we_are_in_the_dangerzone:
self._RewindGIF( reinitialise = True )
self._pil_image.seek( self._current_render_index )
size = self._pil_image.size
# this out of the blue: <PIL.GifImagePlugin.GifImageFile image mode=RGBA size=85171x53524 at 0x1BF0386C460>
# 8GB memory 20 second fail render
if size[0] > 16384 or size[1] > 16384:
raise HydrusExceptions.DamagedOrUnusualFileException( 'Crazy GIF frame went bananas!' )
# this can raise OSError in some 'trancated file' circumstances
# trying to render beyond with PIL is rife with trouble, so we won't try
if self._cannot_seek_to_or_beyond_this_index is None:
self._cannot_seek_to_or_beyond_this_index = self._current_render_index
self._cannot_seek_to_or_beyond_this_index = min( self._cannot_seek_to_or_beyond_this_index, self._current_render_index )
self._RewindGIF( reinitialise = True )
def _RenderCurrentFrameAndResizeIt( self ) -> numpy.array:
if self._cannot_seek_to_or_beyond_this_index is not None and self._current_render_index >= self._cannot_seek_to_or_beyond_this_index:
numpy_image = self._GetRecoveryFrame()
elif self._current_render_index in self._frames_we_could_not_render:
numpy_image = self._GetRecoveryFrame()
time_started = HydrusTime.GetNowFloat()
current_frame = HydrusImageNormalisation.DequantizePILImage( self._pil_image )
# don't have to worry about pasting alpha-having transparent frames over the previous frame--PIL seems to handle this these days!
self._pil_canvas = current_frame
numpy_image = HydrusImageHandling.GenerateNumPyImageFromPILImage( self._pil_canvas, strip_useless_alpha = False )
# PIL can produce an IOError, which is an OSError(!!!), on a truncated file, lfg
# so let's just bail out in that case mate
self._frames_we_could_not_render.add( self._current_render_index )
time_to_error = HydrusTime.GetNowFloat() - time_started
if time_to_error > 2.0:
# this is a crazy file that, with its broken frame, needs to re-render the whole thing or something
# don't push any further
self._cannot_seek_to_or_beyond_this_index = min( self._frames_we_could_not_render )
numpy_image = self._GetRecoveryFrame()
resized_numpy_image = HydrusImageHandling.ResizeNumPyImage( numpy_image, self._target_resolution )
self._frames_we_could_not_render.add( self._current_render_index )
self._cannot_seek_to_or_beyond_this_index = min( self._frames_we_could_not_render )
numpy_image = self._GetRecoveryFrame()
resized_numpy_image = HydrusImageHandling.ResizeNumPyImage( numpy_image, self._target_resolution )
self._last_valid_numpy_frame = numpy_image
return resized_numpy_image
def _RewindGIF( self, reinitialise = False ):
self._pil_image.seek( 0 )
self._current_render_index = 0
if reinitialise:
def read_frame( self ):
numpy_image = self._RenderCurrentFrameAndResizeIt()
return numpy_image
def set_position( self, index ):
if self._cannot_seek_to_or_beyond_this_index is not None and index >= self._cannot_seek_to_or_beyond_this_index:
if index == self._current_render_index:
elif index < self._current_render_index:
while self._current_render_index < index:
def Stop( self ):