
475 lines
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from . import ClientConstants as CC
from . import ClientGUICommon
from . import ClientGUIMedia
from . import ClientGUIMediaControls
from . import ClientGUIShortcuts
from . import HydrusConstants as HC
from . import HydrusData
from . import HydrusGlobals as HG
from . import HydrusImageHandling
from . import HydrusPaths
from qtpy import QtCore as QC
from qtpy import QtWidgets as QW
from . import QtPorting as QP
import locale
import traceback
mpv_failed_reason = 'MPV seems ok!'
import mpv
except Exception as e:
mpv_failed_reason = traceback.format_exc()
def GetClientAPIVersionString():
( major, minor ) = mpv._mpv_client_api_version()
return '{}.{}'.format( major, minor )
return 'unknown'
# issue about mouse-to-osc interactions:
def mouseMoveEvent( self, event ):
# same deal here as with mousereleaseevent--osc is non-interactable with commands, so let's not use it for now
#self._player.command( 'mouse', event.x(), event.y() )
def mouseReleaseEvent( self, event ):
# left index = 0
# right index = 2
# the issue with using this guy is it sends a mouse press or mouse down event, and the OSC only responds to mouse up
#self._player.command( 'mouse', event.x(), event.y(), index, 'single' )
#Not sure how well this works with hardware acceleration. This just renders to a QWidget. In my tests it seems fine, even with vdpau video out, but I'm not 100% sure it actually uses hardware acceleration.
#Here is an example on how to render into a QOpenGLWidget instead: https://gist.github.com/cosven/b313de2acce1b7e15afda263779c0afc
class mpvWidget( QW.QWidget ):
def __init__( self, parent ):
QW.QWidget.__init__( self, parent )
self._canvas_type = ClientGUICommon.CANVAS_PREVIEW
self._stop_for_slideshow = False
# This is necessary since PyQT stomps over the locale settings needed by libmpv.
# This needs to happen after importing PyQT before creating the first mpv.MPV instance.
locale.setlocale( locale.LC_NUMERIC, 'C' )
self.setAttribute( QC.Qt.WA_DontCreateNativeAncestors )
self.setAttribute( QC.Qt.WA_NativeWindow )
# loglevels: fatal, error, debug
self._player = mpv.MPV( wid = str( int( self.winId() ) ), log_handler = print, loglevel = 'fatal' )
# hydev notes on OSC:
# OSC is by default off, default input bindings are by default off
# difficult to get this to intercept mouse/key events naturally, so you have to pipe them to the window with 'command', but this is not excellent
# general recommendation when using libmpv is to just implement your own stuff anyway, so let's do that for prototype
#self._player[ 'input-default-bindings' ] = True
#self._player.osc = True #Set to enable the mpv UI. Requires that mpv captures mouse/key events, otherwise it won't work.
self._player.loop = True
# this makes black screen for audio (rather than transparent)
self._player.force_window = True
# this is telling ffmpeg to do audio normalization. play with it more and put it in default mpv.conf
# it doesn't seem to apply at all for some files--maybe a vp9 issue or something?
#self._player.af = 'lavfi=[dynaudnorm=p=0.9]'
self.setMouseTracking( True )#Needed to get mouse move events
#self.setFocusPolicy(QC.Qt.StrongFocus)#Needed to get key events
self._player.input_cursor = False#Disable mpv mouse move/click event capture
self._player.input_vo_keyboard = False#Disable mpv key event capture, might also need to set input_x11_keyboard
self._media = None
self._times_to_play_gif = 0
self._current_seek_to_start_count = 0
player = self._player
def qt_seek_event():
if not QP.isValid( self ):
if self._media is not None and self._player.time_pos <= 1.0:
self._current_seek_to_start_count += 1
if self._stop_for_slideshow:
if self._times_to_play_gif != 0 and self._current_seek_to_start_count >= self._times_to_play_gif:
@player.event_callback( mpv.MpvEventID.SEEK )
def seek_event( event ):
QP.CallAfter( qt_seek_event )
self.destroyed.connect( self._player.terminate )
HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'UpdateAudioMute', 'new_audio_mute' )
HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'UpdateAudioVolume', 'new_audio_volume' )
HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'UpdateConf', 'notify_new_options' )
self._my_shortcut_handler = ClientGUIShortcuts.ShortcutsHandler( self, [], catch_mouse = True )
def _GetAudioOptionNames( self ):
if self._canvas_type == ClientGUICommon.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER:
if HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'media_viewer_uses_its_own_audio_volume' ):
return ClientGUIMediaControls.volume_types_to_option_names[ ClientGUIMediaControls.AUDIO_MEDIA_VIEWER ]
elif self._canvas_type == ClientGUICommon.CANVAS_PREVIEW:
if HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'preview_uses_its_own_audio_volume' ):
return ClientGUIMediaControls.volume_types_to_option_names[ ClientGUIMediaControls.AUDIO_PREVIEW ]
return ClientGUIMediaControls.volume_types_to_option_names[ ClientGUIMediaControls.AUDIO_GLOBAL ]
def _GetCorrectCurrentMute( self ):
( global_mute_option_name, global_volume_option_name ) = ClientGUIMediaControls.volume_types_to_option_names[ ClientGUIMediaControls.AUDIO_GLOBAL ]
mute_option_name = global_mute_option_name
if self._canvas_type == ClientGUICommon.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER:
( mute_option_name, volume_option_name ) = ClientGUIMediaControls.volume_types_to_option_names[ ClientGUIMediaControls.AUDIO_MEDIA_VIEWER ]
elif self._canvas_type == ClientGUICommon.CANVAS_PREVIEW:
( mute_option_name, volume_option_name ) = ClientGUIMediaControls.volume_types_to_option_names[ ClientGUIMediaControls.AUDIO_PREVIEW ]
return HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( mute_option_name ) or HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( global_mute_option_name )
def _GetCorrectCurrentVolume( self ):
( mute_option_name, volume_option_name ) = ClientGUIMediaControls.volume_types_to_option_names[ ClientGUIMediaControls.AUDIO_GLOBAL ]
if self._canvas_type == ClientGUICommon.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER:
if HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'media_viewer_uses_its_own_audio_volume' ):
( mute_option_name, volume_option_name ) = ClientGUIMediaControls.volume_types_to_option_names[ ClientGUIMediaControls.AUDIO_MEDIA_VIEWER ]
elif self._canvas_type == ClientGUICommon.CANVAS_PREVIEW:
if HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'preview_uses_its_own_audio_volume' ):
( mute_option_name, volume_option_name ) = ClientGUIMediaControls.volume_types_to_option_names[ ClientGUIMediaControls.AUDIO_PREVIEW ]
return HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( volume_option_name )
def GetAnimationBarStatus( self ):
buffer_indices = None
if self._media is None:
current_frame_index = 0
current_timestamp_ms = 0
paused = True
current_timestamp_s = self._player.time_pos
if current_timestamp_s is None:
current_frame_index = 0
current_timestamp_ms = None
current_timestamp_ms = current_timestamp_s * 1000
num_frames = self._media.GetNumFrames()
if num_frames is None or num_frames == 1:
current_frame_index = 0
current_frame_index = int( round( ( current_timestamp_ms / self._media.GetDuration() ) * num_frames ) )
paused = self._player.pause
return ( current_frame_index, current_timestamp_ms, paused, buffer_indices )
def GotoPreviousOrNextFrame( self, direction ):
command = 'frame-step'
if direction == 1:
command = 'frame-step'
elif direction == -1:
command = 'frame-back-step'
self._player.command( command )
def Seek( self, time_index_ms ):
time_index_s = time_index_ms / 1000
self._player.seek( time_index_s, reference = 'absolute' )
def HasPlayedOnceThrough( self ):
return self._current_seek_to_start_count > 0
def IsPlaying( self ):
return not self._player.pause
def Pause( self ):
self._player.pause = True
def PausePlay( self ):
self._player.pause = not self._player.pause
def Play( self ):
self._player.pause = False
def ProcessApplicationCommand( self, command ):
command_processed = True
command_type = command.GetCommandType()
data = command.GetData()
action = data
if action == 'pause_media':
elif action == 'pause_play_media':
elif action == 'open_file_in_external_program':
if self._media is not None:
ClientGUIMedia.OpenExternally( self._media )
elif action == 'close_media_viewer' and self._canvas_type == ClientGUICommon.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER:
elif action == 'launch_media_viewer' and self._canvas_type == ClientGUICommon.CANVAS_PREVIEW:
command_processed = False
command_processed = False
return command_processed
def SetCanvasType( self, canvas_type ):
self._canvas_type = canvas_type
if self._canvas_type == ClientGUICommon.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER:
shortcut_set = 'media_viewer_media_window'
shortcut_set = 'preview_media_window'
self._my_shortcut_handler.SetShortcuts( [ shortcut_set ] )
def StopForSlideshow( self, value ):
self._stop_for_slideshow = value
def SetMedia( self, media, start_paused = False ):
if media == self._media:
self._media = media
self._times_to_play_gif = 0
if self._media is not None and self._media.GetMime() == HC.IMAGE_GIF and not HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'always_loop_gifs' ):
hash = self._media.GetHash()
path = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, HC.IMAGE_GIF )
self._times_to_play_gif = HydrusImageHandling.GetTimesToPlayGIF( path )
self._current_seek_to_start_count = 0
if self._media is None:
self._player.pause = True
if len( self._player.playlist ) > 0:
self._player.command( 'playlist-remove', 'current' )
pass # sometimes happens after an error--screw it
hash = self._media.GetHash()
mime = self._media.GetMime()
client_files_manager = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager
path = client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, mime )
self._player.visibility = 'always'
self._stop_for_slideshow = False
self._player.pause = True
self._player.loadfile( path )
except Exception as e:
HydrusData.ShowException( e )
self._player.volume = self._GetCorrectCurrentVolume()
self._player.mute = self._GetCorrectCurrentMute()
self._player.pause = start_paused
def SetNoneMedia( self ):
self.SetMedia( None )
def UpdateAudioMute( self ):
self._player.mute = self._GetCorrectCurrentMute()
def UpdateAudioVolume( self ):
self._player.volume = self._GetCorrectCurrentVolume()
def UpdateConf( self ):
mpv_config_path = HydrusPaths.ConvertPortablePathToAbsPath( HG.client_controller.new_options.GetString( 'mpv_conf_path_portable' ) )
#To load an existing config file (by default it doesn't load the user/global config like standalone mpv does):
if hasattr( mpv, '_mpv_load_config_file' ):
mpv._mpv_load_config_file( self._player.handle, mpv_config_path.encode( 'utf-8' ) )
HydrusData.Print( 'Failed to load mpv.conf--has the API changed?' )