
1436 lines
44 KiB

import collections
import HydrusConstants as HC
import HydrusExceptions
import HydrusNetwork
import HydrusNetworking
import HydrusPaths
import HydrusSerialisable
import errno
import httplib
import os
import requests
from requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning
import socket
import socks
import ssl
import threading
import time
import urllib
import urlparse
import yaml
import HydrusData
import itertools
import HydrusGlobals as HG
requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings( InsecureRequestWarning )
def AddHydrusCredentialsToHeaders( credentials, request_headers ):
if credentials.HasAccessKey():
access_key = credentials.GetAccessKey()
request_headers[ 'Hydrus-Key' ] = access_key.encode( 'hex' )
raise Exception( 'No access key!' )
def AddHydrusSessionKeyToHeaders( service_key, request_headers ):
session_manager = HG.client_controller.GetClientSessionManager()
session_key = session_manager.GetSessionKey( service_key )
request_headers[ 'Cookie' ] = 'session_key=' + session_key.encode( 'hex' )
def AddCookiesToHeaders( cookies, request_headers ):
request_headers[ 'Cookie' ] = '; '.join( [ k + '=' + v for ( k, v ) in cookies.items() ] )
def CheckHydrusVersion( service_key, service_type, response_headers ):
service_string = HC.service_string_lookup[ service_type ]
if 'server' not in response_headers or service_string not in response_headers[ 'server' ]:
raise HydrusExceptions.WrongServiceTypeException( 'Target was not a ' + service_string + '!' )
server_header = response_headers[ 'server' ]
( service_string_gumpf, network_version ) = server_header.split( '/' )
network_version = int( network_version )
if network_version != HC.NETWORK_VERSION:
if network_version > HC.NETWORK_VERSION:
message = 'Your client is out of date; please download the latest release.'
message = 'The server is out of date; please ask its admin to update to the latest release.'
raise HydrusExceptions.NetworkVersionException( 'Network version mismatch! The server\'s network version was ' + str( network_version ) + ', whereas your client\'s is ' + str( HC.NETWORK_VERSION ) + '! ' + message )
def ConvertURLIntoDomains( url ):
domains = []
parser_result = urlparse.urlparse( url )
domain = parser_result.netloc
while domain.count( '.' ) > 0:
domains.append( domain )
domain = '.'.join( domain.split( '.' )[1:] ) # i.e. strip off the leftmost subdomain maps.google.com -> google.com
return domains
def RequestsGet( url, params = None, stream = False, headers = None ):
if headers is None:
headers = {}
headers[ 'User-Agent' ] = 'hydrus/' + str( HC.NETWORK_VERSION )
response = requests.get( url, params = params, stream = stream, headers = headers )
RequestsCheckResponse( response )
return response
def RequestsGetRedirectURL( url, session = None ):
if session is None:
session = requests.Session()
response = session.get( url, allow_redirects = False )
if 'location' in response.headers:
location_header = response.headers[ 'location' ]
new_url = urlparse.urljoin( url, location_header )
return new_url
return url
def RequestsPost( url, data = None, files = None, headers = None ):
if headers is None:
headers = {}
headers[ 'User-Agent' ] = 'hydrus/' + str( HC.NETWORK_VERSION )
response = requests.post( url, data = data, files = files )
RequestsCheckResponse( response )
return response
def RequestsCheckResponse( response ):
if not response.ok:
error_text = response.content
if len( error_text ) > 1024:
large_chunk = error_text[:4096]
smaller_chunk = large_chunk[:256]
HydrusData.DebugPrint( large_chunk )
error_text = 'The server\'s error text was too long to display. The first part follows, while a larger chunk has been written to the log.'
error_text += os.linesep
error_text += smaller_chunk
if response.status_code == 304:
eclass = HydrusExceptions.NotModifiedException
elif response.status_code == 401:
eclass = HydrusExceptions.PermissionException
elif response.status_code == 403:
eclass = HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException
elif response.status_code == 404:
eclass = HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException
elif response.status_code == 419:
eclass = HydrusExceptions.SessionException
elif response.status_code == 426:
eclass = HydrusExceptions.NetworkVersionException
elif response.status_code >= 500:
eclass = HydrusExceptions.ServerException
eclass = HydrusExceptions.NetworkException
raise eclass( error_text )
def ParseURL( url ):
if url.startswith( '//' ):
url = url[2:]
starts_http = url.startswith( 'http://' )
starts_https = url.startswith( 'https://' )
if not starts_http and not starts_https:
url = 'http://' + url
parse_result = urlparse.urlparse( url )
scheme = parse_result.scheme
hostname = parse_result.hostname
port = parse_result.port
if hostname is None: location = None
else: location = ( scheme, hostname, port )
path = parse_result.path
# this happens when parsing 'index.html' rather than 'hostname/index.html' or '/index.html'
if not path.startswith( '/' ):
path = '/' + path
query = parse_result.query
raise Exception( 'Could not parse the URL: ' + HydrusData.ToUnicode( url ) )
return ( location, path, query )
def SerialiseSession( session ):
# move this to the new sessionmanager
cookies = session.cookies.copy()
items = requests.utils.dict_from_cookiejar( cookies )
# apply these to something serialisable
# do the reverse, add_dict_to_cookiejar, to set them back again in a new session
def SetProxy( proxytype, host, port, username = None, password = None ):
if proxytype == 'http': proxytype = socks.PROXY_TYPE_HTTP
elif proxytype == 'socks4': proxytype = socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS4
elif proxytype == 'socks5': proxytype = socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5
socks.setdefaultproxy( proxy_type = proxytype, addr = host, port = port, username = username, password = password )
socks.wrapmodule( httplib )
def StreamResponseToFile( job_key, response, f ):
if 'content-length' in response.headers:
gauge_range = int( response.headers[ 'content-length' ] )
gauge_range = None
gauge_value = 0
for chunk in response.iter_content( chunk_size = 65536 ):
( i_paused, should_quit ) = job_key.WaitIfNeeded()
if should_quit:
raise HydrusExceptions.CancelledException()
f.write( chunk )
gauge_value += len( chunk )
if gauge_range is None:
text = 'downloading - ' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToBytes( gauge_value )
text = 'downloading - ' + HydrusData.ConvertValueRangeToBytes( gauge_value, gauge_range )
job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_download', ( text, gauge_value, gauge_range ) )
job_key.DeleteVariable( 'popup_download' )
class HTTPConnectionManager( object ):
def __init__( self ):
self._connections = {}
self._lock = threading.Lock()
threading.Thread( target = self.DAEMONMaintainConnections, name = 'Maintain Connections' ).start()
def _DoRequest( self, method, location, path, query, request_headers, body, follow_redirects = True, report_hooks = None, temp_path = None, hydrus_network = False, num_redirects_permitted = 4 ):
if report_hooks is None: report_hooks = []
connection = self._GetConnection( location, hydrus_network )
if query == '':
path_and_query = path
path_and_query = path + '?' + query
with connection.lock:
( parsed_response, redirect_info, size_of_response, response_headers, cookies ) = connection.Request( method, path_and_query, request_headers, body, report_hooks = report_hooks, temp_path = temp_path )
if redirect_info is None or not follow_redirects:
return ( parsed_response, size_of_response, response_headers, cookies )
if num_redirects_permitted == 0:
message = 'Too many redirects!'
message += os.linesep
message += 'Location was: ' + HydrusData.ToUnicode( location ) + ' and path and query was ' + path_and_query + '.'
message += os.linesep
message += 'Redirect info was: ' + HydrusData.ToUnicode( redirect_info )
raise HydrusExceptions.RedirectionException( message )
( new_method, new_url ) = redirect_info
( new_location, new_path, new_query ) = ParseURL( new_url )
if new_location is None:
new_location = location
if new_method == method and new_location == location and new_path == path and new_query == query:
message = 'Encountered a circular redirect!'
message += os.linesep
message += 'Location was: ' + HydrusData.ToUnicode( location ) + ' and path and query was ' + path_and_query + '.'
message += os.linesep
message += 'Redirect info was: ' + HydrusData.ToUnicode( redirect_info )
raise HydrusExceptions.RedirectionException( message )
return self._DoRequest( new_method, new_location, new_path, new_query, request_headers, body, follow_redirects = follow_redirects, report_hooks = report_hooks, temp_path = temp_path, num_redirects_permitted = num_redirects_permitted - 1 )
time.sleep( 2 )
def _GetConnection( self, location, hydrus_network ):
with self._lock:
if ( location, hydrus_network ) not in self._connections:
connection = HTTPConnection( location, hydrus_network )
self._connections[ ( location, hydrus_network ) ] = connection
return self._connections[ ( location, hydrus_network ) ]
def Request( self, method, url, request_headers = None, body = '', return_cookies = False, report_hooks = None, temp_path = None, hydrus_network = False ):
if request_headers is None: request_headers = {}
( location, path, query ) = ParseURL( url )
follow_redirects = not return_cookies
( response, size_of_response, response_headers, cookies ) = self._DoRequest( method, location, path, query, request_headers, body, follow_redirects = follow_redirects, report_hooks = report_hooks, temp_path = temp_path, hydrus_network = hydrus_network )
if hydrus_network:
return ( response, size_of_response, response_headers, cookies )
elif return_cookies:
return ( response, cookies )
return response
def DAEMONMaintainConnections( self ):
while True:
if HG.model_shutdown:
last_checked = 0
if HydrusData.GetNow() - last_checked > 30:
with self._lock:
connections_copy = dict( self._connections )
for ( ( location, hydrus_network ), connection ) in connections_copy.items():
with connection.lock:
if connection.IsStale():
del self._connections[ ( location, hydrus_network ) ]
last_checked = HydrusData.GetNow()
time.sleep( 5 )
class HTTPConnection( object ):
def __init__( self, location, hydrus_network ):
( self._scheme, self._host, self._port ) = location
self._hydrus_network = hydrus_network
self._timeout = 30
self.lock = threading.Lock()
self._last_request_time = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._connection = None
def _DealWithResponse( self, method, response, parsed_response, size_of_response ):
response_headers = { k : v for ( k, v ) in response.getheaders() if k != 'set-cookie' }
cookies = self._ParseCookies( response.getheader( 'set-cookie' ) )
self._last_request_time = HydrusData.GetNow()
if response.status == 200:
return ( parsed_response, None, size_of_response, response_headers, cookies )
elif response.status in ( 301, 302, 303, 307 ):
location = response.getheader( 'Location' )
if location is None:
raise Exception( 'Received an invalid redirection response.' )
url = location
if ', ' in url:
url = url.split( ', ' )[0]
elif ' ' in url:
# some booru is giving daft redirect responses
HydrusData.Print( url )
url = urllib.quote( HydrusData.ToByteString( url ), safe = '/?=&' )
HydrusData.Print( url )
if not url.startswith( self._scheme ):
# assume it is like 'index.php' or '/index.php', rather than 'http://blah.com/index.php'
if url.startswith( '//' ):
url = self._scheme + ':' + url
if not url.startswith( '/' ):
url = '/' + url
url = self._scheme + '://' + self._host + url
if response.status in ( 301, 307 ):
# 301: moved permanently, repeat request
# 307: moved temporarily, repeat request
redirect_info = ( method, url )
elif response.status in ( 302, 303 ):
# 302: moved temporarily, repeat request (except everyone treats it like 303 for no good fucking reason)
# 303: thanks, now go here with GET
redirect_info = ( HC.GET, url )
return ( parsed_response, redirect_info, size_of_response, response_headers, cookies )
elif response.status == 304: raise HydrusExceptions.NotModifiedException()
if response.status == 401: raise HydrusExceptions.PermissionException( parsed_response )
elif response.status == 403: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( parsed_response )
elif response.status == 404: raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( parsed_response )
elif response.status == 419: raise HydrusExceptions.SessionException( parsed_response )
elif response.status == 426: raise HydrusExceptions.NetworkVersionException( parsed_response )
elif response.status == 509: raise HydrusExceptions.BandwidthException( parsed_response )
elif response.status in ( 500, 501, 502, 503 ):
server_header = response.getheader( 'Server' )
if server_header is not None and 'hydrus' in server_header:
hydrus_service = True
hydrus_service = False
if response.status == 503 and hydrus_service:
raise HydrusExceptions.ServerBusyException( 'Server is busy, please try again later.' )
raise HydrusExceptions.ServerException( parsed_response )
raise HydrusExceptions.NetworkException( parsed_response )
def _SendRequestGetResponse( self, method, path_and_query, request_headers, body, report_hooks = None, temp_path = None, attempt_number = 1 ):
if report_hooks is None:
report_hooks = []
if 'User-Agent' not in request_headers:
request_headers[ 'User-Agent' ] = 'hydrus/' + str( HC.NETWORK_VERSION )
if 'Accept' not in request_headers:
request_headers[ 'Accept' ] = '*/*'
path_and_query = HydrusData.ToByteString( path_and_query )
request_headers = { str( k ) : str( v ) for ( k, v ) in request_headers.items() }
( response, attempt_number ) = self._GetInitialResponse( method, path_and_query, request_headers, body, attempt_number = attempt_number )
( parsed_response, size_of_response ) = self._ReadResponse( method, response, report_hooks, temp_path )
return ( response, parsed_response, size_of_response )
except HydrusExceptions.ShouldReattemptNetworkException:
if method == HC.GET:
return self._SendRequestGetResponse( method, path_and_query, request_headers, body, report_hooks = report_hooks, temp_path = temp_path, attempt_number = attempt_number + 1 )
def _GetInitialResponse( self, method, path_and_query, request_headers, body, attempt_number = 1 ):
if method == HC.GET: method_string = 'GET'
elif method == HC.POST: method_string = 'POST'
self._connection.request( method_string, path_and_query, headers = request_headers, body = body )
return ( self._connection.getresponse(), attempt_number )
except ( httplib.CannotSendRequest, httplib.BadStatusLine ):
# for some reason, we can't send a request on the current connection, so let's make a new one and try again!
time.sleep( 1 )
if attempt_number <= 3:
return self._GetInitialResponse( method, path_and_query, request_headers, body, attempt_number = attempt_number + 1 )
except socket.error as e:
access_errors = [ errno.EACCES, errno.WSAEACCES ]
connection_reset_errors = [ errno.ECONNRESET, errno.WSAECONNRESET ]
access_errors = [ errno.EACCES ]
connection_reset_errors = [ errno.ECONNRESET ]
if e.errno in access_errors:
text = 'The hydrus client did not have permission to make a connection to ' + HydrusData.ToUnicode( self._host )
if self._port is not None:
text += ' on port ' + HydrusData.ToUnicode( self._port )
text += '. This is usually due to a firewall stopping it.'
raise HydrusExceptions.FirewallException( text )
elif e.errno in connection_reset_errors:
time.sleep( 5 )
if attempt_number <= 3:
return self._GetInitialResponse( method, path_and_query, request_headers, body, attempt_number = attempt_number + 1 )
text = 'The hydrus client\'s connection to ' + HydrusData.ToUnicode( self._host ) + ' kept on being reset by the remote host, so the attempt was abandoned.'
raise HydrusExceptions.NetworkException( text )
except ssl.SSLEOFError:
time.sleep( 5 )
if attempt_number <= 3:
return self._GetInitialResponse( method_string, path_and_query, request_headers, body, attempt_number = attempt_number + 1 )
text = 'The hydrus client\'s ssl connection to ' + HydrusData.ToUnicode( self._host ) + ' kept terminating abruptly, so the attempt was abandoned.'
raise HydrusExceptions.NetworkException( text )
def _ReadResponse( self, method, response, report_hooks, temp_path = None ):
# in general, don't want to resend POSTs
if method == HC.GET:
recoverable_exc = HydrusExceptions.ShouldReattemptNetworkException
recoverable_exc = HydrusExceptions.NetworkException
if response.status == 200 and temp_path is not None:
size_of_response = self._WriteResponseToPath( response, temp_path, report_hooks )
parsed_response = 'response written to temporary file'
( parsed_response, size_of_response ) = self._ParseResponse( response, report_hooks )
except socket.timeout as e:
raise recoverable_exc( 'Connection timed out during response read.' )
except socket.error as e:
connection_reset_errors = [ errno.ECONNRESET, errno.WSAECONNRESET ]
connection_reset_errors = [ errno.ECONNRESET ]
if e.errno in connection_reset_errors:
raise recoverable_exc( 'Connection reset by remote host.' )
except ssl.SSLEOFError:
raise recoverable_exc( 'Secure connection terminated abruptly.' )
return ( parsed_response, size_of_response )
def _ParseCookies( self, raw_cookies_string ):
cookies = {}
if raw_cookies_string is not None:
raw_cookie_strings = raw_cookies_string.split( ', ' )
for raw_cookie_string in raw_cookie_strings:
# HSID=AYQEVnDKrdst; Domain=.foo.com; Path=/; Expires=Wed, 13 Jan 2021 22:23:01 GMT; HttpOnly
if ';' in raw_cookie_string: ( raw_cookie_string, gumpf ) = raw_cookie_string.split( ';', 1 )
( cookie_name, cookie_value ) = raw_cookie_string.split( '=' )
cookies[ cookie_name ] = cookie_value
except Exception as e: pass
return cookies
def _ParseResponse( self, response, report_hooks ):
server_header = response.getheader( 'Server' )
if server_header is not None and 'hydrus' in server_header:
hydrus_service = True
hydrus_service = False
content_length = response.getheader( 'Content-Length' )
if content_length is not None:
content_length = int( content_length )
for hook in report_hooks:
hook( content_length, 0 )
data = ''
for block in HydrusPaths.ReadFileLikeAsBlocks( response ):
if HG.model_shutdown:
raise HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException( 'Application is shutting down!' )
data += block
if content_length is not None:
for hook in report_hooks:
hook( content_length, len( data ) )
if len( data ) > content_length:
raise Exception( 'Response was longer than suggested!' )
size_of_response = len( data )
content_type = response.getheader( 'Content-Type' )
if content_type is None: parsed_response = data
if '; ' in content_type: ( mime_string, additional_info ) = content_type.split( '; ', 1 )
else: ( mime_string, additional_info ) = ( content_type, '' )
if 'charset=' in additional_info:
# this does utf-8, ISO-8859-4, whatever
( gumpf, charset ) = additional_info.split( '=' )
try: parsed_response = data.decode( charset )
except: parsed_response = data
elif content_type == 'application/json':
if hydrus_service:
parsed_response = HydrusNetwork.ParseBodyString( data )
parsed_response = data
elif content_type == 'text/html':
try: parsed_response = data.decode( 'utf-8' )
except: parsed_response = data
else: parsed_response = data
return ( parsed_response, size_of_response )
def _RefreshConnection( self ):
if self._scheme == 'http':
self._connection = httplib.HTTPConnection( self._host, self._port, timeout = self._timeout )
elif self._scheme == 'https':
new_options = HG.client_controller.GetNewOptions()
if self._hydrus_network or not new_options.GetBoolean( 'verify_regular_https' ):
# this negotiates decent encryption but won't check hostname or the certificate
context = ssl.SSLContext( ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23 )
context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
self._connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection( self._host, self._port, timeout = self._timeout, context = context )
context = ssl._create_default_https_context( cafile = requests.certs.where() )
self._connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection( self._host, self._port, timeout = self._timeout, context = context )
except Exception as e:
text = 'Could not connect to ' + HydrusData.ToUnicode( self._host ) + ':'
text += os.linesep * 2
text += HydrusData.ToUnicode( e )
raise HydrusExceptions.NetworkException( text )
def _WriteResponseToPath( self, response, temp_path, report_hooks ):
content_length = response.getheader( 'Content-Length' )
if content_length is not None: content_length = int( content_length )
size_of_response = 0
with open( temp_path, 'wb' ) as f:
for block in HydrusPaths.ReadFileLikeAsBlocks( response ):
if HG.model_shutdown:
raise HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException( 'Application is shutting down!' )
size_of_response += len( block )
if content_length is not None and size_of_response > content_length:
raise Exception( 'Response was longer than suggested!' )
f.write( block )
for hook in report_hooks:
if content_length is not None:
hook( content_length, size_of_response )
return size_of_response
def Close( self ):
if self._connection is not None:
def IsStale( self ):
time_since_last_request = HydrusData.GetNow() - self._last_request_time
return time_since_last_request > self._timeout
def Request( self, method, path_and_query, request_headers, body, report_hooks = None, temp_path = None ):
( response, parsed_response, size_of_response ) = self._SendRequestGetResponse( method, path_and_query, request_headers, body, report_hooks = report_hooks, temp_path = temp_path )
return self._DealWithResponse( method, response, parsed_response, size_of_response )
class BandwidthManager( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase ):
def __init__( self ):
HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase.__init__( self )
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self._global_bandwidth_tracker = HydrusNetworking.BandwidthTracker()
self._global_bandwidth_rules = HydrusNetworking.BandwidthRules()
self._domains_to_bandwidth_trackers = collections.defaultdict( HydrusNetworking.BandwidthTracker )
self._domains_to_bandwidth_rules = {}
def _GetApplicableTrackersAndRules( self, url = None ):
result = []
if url is not None:
domains = ConvertURLIntoDomains( url )
for domain in domains:
if domain in self._domains_to_bandwidth_rules:
bandwidth_tracker = self._domains_to_bandwidth_trackers[ domain ]
bandwidth_rules = self._domains_to_bandwidth_rules[ domain ]
result.append( ( bandwidth_tracker, bandwidth_rules ) )
result.append( ( self._global_bandwidth_tracker, self._global_bandwidth_rules ) )
return result
def GetEstimateInfo( self, domain = None ):
with self._lock:
# something that returns ( 'about a minute until you can request again', 60 )
def GetDomainsAndTrackers( self ):
with self._lock:
result = list( self._domains_to_bandwidth_trackers.items() )
result.insert( 0, ( 'global', self._global_bandwidth_tracker ) )
return result
def OK( self, url = None ):
with self._lock:
for ( bandwidth_tracker, bandwidth_rules ) in self._GetApplicableTrackersAndRules( url ):
if not bandwidth_rules.OK( bandwidth_tracker ):
return False
return True
def RequestMade( self, url, num_bytes ):
with self._lock:
for ( bandwidth_tracker, bandwidth_rules ) in self._GetApplicableTrackersAndRules( url ):
bandwidth_tracker.RequestMade( num_bytes )
def SetRules( self, domain, bandwidth_rules ):
with self._lock:
if domain is None:
self._global_bandwidth_rules = bandwidth_rules
self._domains_to_bandwidth_rules[ domain ] = bandwidth_rules
class NetworkEngine( object ):
def __init__( self, controller ):
self._controller = controller
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self._new_work_to_do = threading.Event()
self._new_network_jobs = []
self._throttled_jobs = []
self._local_shutdown = False
# start main loop
def AddJob( self, job ):
with self._lock:
self._new_network_jobs.append( job )
def MainLoop( self ):
while not ( self._local_shutdown or self._controller.ModelIsShutdown() ):
with self._lock:
self._throttled_jobs.extend( self._new_network_jobs )
self._new_network_jobs = []
ready_to_start = []
throttled_jobs = self._throttled_jobs
self._throttled_jobs = []
for job in throttled_jobs:
if job.ReadyToWork():
ready_to_start.append( job )
elif not job.IsCancelled():
self._throttled_jobs.append( job )
for job in ready_to_start:
self._controller.CallToThread( job.Start )
# have this hold on to jobs until they are done, so the user can look at all the current ones in a review panel somewhere
# this also lets us max out the num active connections at an optional value
self._new_work_to_do.wait( 1 )
def Shutdown( self ):
self._local_shutdown = True
class NetworkJob( object ):
def __init__( self, method, url, body = None, referral_url = None, temp_path = None ):
self._method = method
self._url = url
self._body = body
self._referral_url = referral_url
self._temp_path = temp_path
self._response = None
self._speed_tracker = HydrusNetworking.TransferSpeedTracker()
self._time_ready_to_work = 0
self._has_error = False
# a way to hold error traceback and a way to fetch it
self._is_done = False
self._is_cancelled = False
self._bandwidth_override = False
self._text = 'initialising'
self._value_range = ( None, None )
self._lock = threading.Lock()
def _IsCancelled( self ):
if self._is_cancelled:
return True
if HG.client_controller.ModelIsShutdown():
return True
return False
def _GetSession( self ):
pass # fetch the regular session from the sessionmanager
def _ReadResponse( self, f = None ):
# get the content-length, if any, to use for range
bytes_read = 0
for chunk in self._response.iter_content( chunk_size = 8192 ):
if self._IsCancelled():
if f is not None:
f.write( chunk )
chunk_length = len( chunk )
bytes_read += chunk_length
self._speed_tracker.DataTransferred( chunk_length )
# update the status
num_bytes_used = bytes_read
if self._body is not None:
num_bytes_used += len( self._body )
self._ReportBandwidth( num_bytes_used )
self._is_done = True
def _ReportBandwidth( self, num_bytes ):
bandwidth_manager = HG.client_controller.GetBandwidthManager()
bandwidth_manager.RequestMade( self._url, num_bytes )
def BandwidthOverride( self ):
self._bandwidth_override = True
def Cancel( self ):
self._is_cancelled = True
def GetContent( self ):
return self._response.content
def GetJSON( self ):
return self._response.json
def GetStatus( self ):
with self._lock:
return ( self._text, self._speed_tracker, self._value_range )
def HasError( self ):
return self._has_error
def IsCancelled( self ):
return self._IsCancelled()
def IsDone( self ):
return self._is_done
def ReadyToWork( self ):
if not HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._time_ready_to_work ):
return False
if not self._bandwidth_override:
# make sure bandwidth domain is ok
# report to status if not with how long to expect to wait
# set ready to work ahead an appropriate time
# try
# make sure login domain is ok
# this can do the actual login here. a little delay is fine for this job, and it is good it is here where the engine works serially
# except
# abandon and set status and set ready to work ahead a bit
return True
def SetStatus( self, text, value, range ):
with self._lock:
self._text = text
self._value_range = ( value, range )
def Start( self ):
# set status throughout this
session = self._GetSession()
headers = {}
if self._referral_url is not None:
headers = { 'referer' : self._referral_url }
self._response = session.request( self._method, self._url, headers = headers, stream = True )
# check the response here using requestscheckresponse above
# if no error:
# deal with reading errors here gracefully, whatever form they occur in
if self._temp_path is None:
with open( self._temp_path, 'rb' ) as f:
self._ReadResponse( f )
class HydrusNetworkJob( NetworkJob ):
def __init__( self, service_key, method, url, body = None, referral_url = None, temp_path = None ):
NetworkJob.__init__( self, method, url, body, referral_url, temp_path )
self._service_key = service_key
def _ReportBandwidth( self, num_bytes ):
pass # fetch my service, report requestmade
def _GetSession( self ):
pass # fetch the hydrus (ssl verify=False) session, which should have the keys as cookies, right?
# this will ultimately be a job for the login engine step, earlier