
817 lines
21 KiB

import collections
import gc
from . import HydrusConstants as HC
from . import HydrusData
from . import HydrusDB
from . import HydrusExceptions
from . import HydrusGlobals as HG
from . import HydrusNATPunch
from . import HydrusPaths
from . import HydrusPubSub
from . import HydrusThreading
import os
import random
import sys
import threading
import time
import traceback
class HydrusController( object ):
def __init__( self, db_dir ):
HG.controller = self
self._name = 'hydrus'
self.db_dir = db_dir
self.db = None
self._pubsub = HydrusPubSub.HydrusPubSub( self )
self._daemons = []
self._daemon_jobs = {}
self._caches = {}
self._managers = {}
self._fast_job_scheduler = None
self._slow_job_scheduler = None
self._thread_slots = {}
self._thread_slots[ 'misc' ] = ( 0, 10 )
self._thread_slot_lock = threading.Lock()
self._call_to_threads = []
self._long_running_call_to_threads = []
self._thread_pool_busy_status_text = ''
self._thread_pool_busy_status_text_new_check_time = 0
self._call_to_thread_lock = threading.Lock()
self._timestamps = collections.defaultdict( lambda: 0 )
self._timestamps[ 'boot' ] = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._timestamps[ 'last_sleep_check' ] = HydrusData.GetNow()
self._sleep_lock = threading.Lock()
self._just_woke_from_sleep = False
self._system_busy = False
self.CallToThreadLongRunning( self.DAEMONPubSub )
def _GetCallToThread( self ):
with self._call_to_thread_lock:
for call_to_thread in self._call_to_threads:
if not call_to_thread.CurrentlyWorking():
return call_to_thread
# all the threads in the pool are currently busy
calling_from_the_thread_pool = threading.current_thread() in self._call_to_threads
if calling_from_the_thread_pool or len( self._call_to_threads ) < 200:
call_to_thread = HydrusThreading.THREADCallToThread( self, 'CallToThread' )
self._call_to_threads.append( call_to_thread )
call_to_thread = random.choice( self._call_to_threads )
return call_to_thread
def _GetCallToThreadLongRunning( self ):
with self._call_to_thread_lock:
for call_to_thread in self._long_running_call_to_threads:
if not call_to_thread.CurrentlyWorking():
return call_to_thread
call_to_thread = HydrusThreading.THREADCallToThread( self, 'CallToThreadLongRunning' )
self._long_running_call_to_threads.append( call_to_thread )
return call_to_thread
def _GetAppropriateJobScheduler( self, time_delta ):
if time_delta <= 1.0:
return self._fast_job_scheduler
return self._slow_job_scheduler
def _GetUPnPServices( self ):
return []
def _InitDB( self ):
raise NotImplementedError()
def _InitTempDir( self ):
self.temp_dir = HydrusPaths.GetTempDir()
def _MaintainCallToThreads( self ):
# we don't really want to hang on to threads that are done as event.wait() has a bit of idle cpu
# so, any that are in the pools that aren't doing anything can be killed and sent to garbage
with self._call_to_thread_lock:
def filter_call_to_threads( t ):
if t.CurrentlyWorking():
return True
return False
self._call_to_threads = list(filter( filter_call_to_threads, self._call_to_threads ))
self._long_running_call_to_threads = list(filter( filter_call_to_threads, self._long_running_call_to_threads ))
def _Read( self, action, *args, **kwargs ):
result = self.db.Read( action, *args, **kwargs )
return result
def _ReportShutdownDaemonsStatus( self ):
def _ShutdownDaemons( self ):
for job in self._daemon_jobs.values():
self._daemon_jobs = {}
for daemon in self._daemons:
while True in ( daemon.is_alive() for daemon in self._daemons ):
time.sleep( 0.1 )
self._daemons = []
def _Write( self, action, synchronous, *args, **kwargs ):
result = self.db.Write( action, synchronous, *args, **kwargs )
return result
def pub( self, topic, *args, **kwargs ):
if HG.model_shutdown:
self._pubsub.pubimmediate( topic, *args, **kwargs )
self._pubsub.pub( topic, *args, **kwargs )
def pubimmediate( self, topic, *args, **kwargs ):
self._pubsub.pubimmediate( topic, *args, **kwargs )
def sub( self, object, method_name, topic ):
self._pubsub.sub( object, method_name, topic )
def AcquireThreadSlot( self, thread_type ):
with self._thread_slot_lock:
if thread_type not in self._thread_slots:
return True # assume no max if no max set
( current_threads, max_threads ) = self._thread_slots[ thread_type ]
if current_threads < max_threads:
self._thread_slots[ thread_type ] = ( current_threads + 1, max_threads )
return True
return False
def CallLater( self, initial_delay, func, *args, **kwargs ):
job_scheduler = self._GetAppropriateJobScheduler( initial_delay )
call = HydrusData.Call( func, *args, **kwargs )
job = HydrusThreading.SchedulableJob( self, job_scheduler, initial_delay, call )
job_scheduler.AddJob( job )
return job
def CallRepeating( self, initial_delay, period, func, *args, **kwargs ):
job_scheduler = self._GetAppropriateJobScheduler( period )
call = HydrusData.Call( func, *args, **kwargs )
job = HydrusThreading.RepeatingJob( self, job_scheduler, initial_delay, period, call )
job_scheduler.AddJob( job )
return job
def CallToThread( self, callable, *args, **kwargs ):
if HG.callto_report_mode:
what_to_report = [ callable ]
if len( args ) > 0:
what_to_report.append( args )
if len( kwargs ) > 0:
what_to_report.append( kwargs )
HydrusData.ShowText( tuple( what_to_report ) )
call_to_thread = self._GetCallToThread()
call_to_thread.put( callable, *args, **kwargs )
def CallToThreadLongRunning( self, callable, *args, **kwargs ):
if HG.callto_report_mode:
what_to_report = [ callable ]
if len( args ) > 0:
what_to_report.append( args )
if len( kwargs ) > 0:
what_to_report.append( kwargs )
HydrusData.ShowText( tuple( what_to_report ) )
call_to_thread = self._GetCallToThreadLongRunning()
call_to_thread.put( callable, *args, **kwargs )
def ClearCaches( self ):
for cache in list(self._caches.values()): cache.Clear()
def CurrentlyIdle( self ):
return True
def CurrentlyPubSubbing( self ):
return self._pubsub.WorkToDo() or self._pubsub.DoingWork()
def DBCurrentlyDoingJob( self ):
if self.db is None:
return False
return self.db.CurrentlyDoingJob()
def DebugShowScheduledJobs( self ):
summary = self._fast_job_scheduler.GetPrettyJobSummary()
HydrusData.ShowText( 'fast scheduler:' )
HydrusData.ShowText( summary )
summary = self._slow_job_scheduler.GetPrettyJobSummary()
HydrusData.ShowText( 'slow scheduler:' )
HydrusData.ShowText( summary )
def GetBootTime( self ):
return self._timestamps[ 'boot' ]
def GetDBDir( self ):
return self.db_dir
def GetDBStatus( self ):
return self.db.GetStatus()
def GetCache( self, name ):
return self._caches[ name ]
def GetManager( self, name ):
return self._managers[ name ]
def GetThreadPoolBusyStatus( self ):
if HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._thread_pool_busy_status_text_new_check_time ):
with self._call_to_thread_lock:
num_threads = sum( ( 1 for t in self._call_to_threads if t.CurrentlyWorking() ) )
if num_threads < 4:
self._thread_pool_busy_status_text = ''
elif num_threads < 10:
self._thread_pool_busy_status_text = 'working'
elif num_threads < 20:
self._thread_pool_busy_status_text = 'busy'
self._thread_pool_busy_status_text = 'very busy!'
self._thread_pool_busy_status_text_new_check_time = HydrusData.GetNow() + 10
return self._thread_pool_busy_status_text
def GetThreadsSnapshot( self ):
threads = []
threads.extend( self._daemons )
threads.extend( self._call_to_threads )
threads.extend( self._long_running_call_to_threads )
threads.append( self._slow_job_scheduler )
threads.append( self._fast_job_scheduler )
return threads
def GoodTimeToStartBackgroundWork( self ):
return self.CurrentlyIdle() and not ( self.JustWokeFromSleep() or self.SystemBusy() )
def GoodTimeToStartForegroundWork( self ):
return not self.JustWokeFromSleep()
def JustWokeFromSleep( self ):
return self._just_woke_from_sleep
def InitModel( self ):
HydrusData.Print( 'Failed to initialise temp folder.' )
self._fast_job_scheduler = HydrusThreading.JobScheduler( self )
self._slow_job_scheduler = HydrusThreading.JobScheduler( self )
self.db = self._InitDB()
def InitView( self ):
job = self.CallRepeating( 60.0, 300.0, self.MaintainDB, maintenance_mode = HC.MAINTENANCE_IDLE )
job.WakeOnPubSub( 'wake_idle_workers' )
job.ShouldDelayOnWakeup( True )
self._daemon_jobs[ 'maintain_db' ] = job
job = self.CallRepeating( 10.0, 120.0, self.SleepCheck )
self._daemon_jobs[ 'sleep_check' ] = job
job = self.CallRepeating( 10.0, 60.0, self.MaintainMemoryFast )
self._daemon_jobs[ 'maintain_memory_fast' ] = job
job = self.CallRepeating( 10.0, 300.0, self.MaintainMemorySlow )
self._daemon_jobs[ 'maintain_memory_slow' ] = job
upnp_services = self._GetUPnPServices()
self.services_upnp_manager = HydrusNATPunch.ServicesUPnPManager( upnp_services )
job = self.CallRepeating( 10.0, 43200.0, self.services_upnp_manager.RefreshUPnP )
self._daemon_jobs[ 'services_upnp' ] = job
def IsFirstStart( self ):
if self.db is None:
return False
return self.db.IsFirstStart()
def MaintainDB( self, maintenance_mode = HC.MAINTENANCE_IDLE, stop_time = None ):
def MaintainMemoryFast( self ):
self.pub( 'memory_maintenance_pulse' )
def MaintainMemorySlow( self ):
del gc.garbage[:]
def PrintProfile( self, summary, profile_text ):
boot_pretty_timestamp = time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S', time.localtime( self._timestamps[ 'boot' ] ) )
profile_log_filename = self._name + ' profile - ' + boot_pretty_timestamp + '.log'
profile_log_path = os.path.join( self.db_dir, profile_log_filename )
with open( profile_log_path, 'a', encoding = 'utf-8' ) as f:
prefix = time.strftime( '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S: ' )
f.write( prefix + summary )
f.write( os.linesep * 2 )
f.write( profile_text )
def ProcessPubSub( self ):
def Read( self, action, *args, **kwargs ):
return self._Read( action, *args, **kwargs )
def ReleaseThreadSlot( self, thread_type ):
with self._thread_slot_lock:
if thread_type not in self._thread_slots:
( current_threads, max_threads ) = self._thread_slots[ thread_type ]
self._thread_slots[ thread_type ] = ( current_threads - 1, max_threads )
def ReportDataUsed( self, num_bytes ):
def ReportRequestUsed( self ):
def ResetIdleTimer( self ):
self._timestamps[ 'last_user_action' ] = HydrusData.GetNow()
def ShouldStopThisWork( self, maintenance_mode, stop_time = None ):
if maintenance_mode == HC.MAINTENANCE_IDLE:
if not self.CurrentlyIdle():
return True
elif maintenance_mode == HC.MAINTENANCE_SHUTDOWN:
if not HG.do_idle_shutdown_work:
return True
if stop_time is not None:
if HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( stop_time ):
return True
return False
def ShutdownModel( self ):
if self.db is not None:
while not self.db.LoopIsFinished():
time.sleep( 0.1 )
if self._fast_job_scheduler is not None:
self._fast_job_scheduler = None
if self._slow_job_scheduler is not None:
self._slow_job_scheduler = None
if hasattr( self, 'temp_dir' ):
HydrusPaths.DeletePath( self.temp_dir )
HG.model_shutdown = True
def ShutdownView( self ):
HG.view_shutdown = True
def ShutdownFromServer( self ):
raise Exception( 'This hydrus application cannot be shut down from the server!' )
def SleepCheck( self ):
with self._sleep_lock:
if HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._timestamps[ 'now_awake' ] ):
last_sleep_check = self._timestamps[ 'last_sleep_check' ]
if HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( last_sleep_check + 600 ): # it has been way too long since this method last fired, so we've prob been asleep
self._just_woke_from_sleep = True
self.ResetIdleTimer() # this will stop the background jobs from kicking in as soon as the grace period is over
self._timestamps[ 'now_awake' ] = HydrusData.GetNow() + 15 # enough time for ethernet to get back online and all that
self._just_woke_from_sleep = False
self._timestamps[ 'last_sleep_check' ] = HydrusData.GetNow()
def SimulateWakeFromSleepEvent( self ):
with self._sleep_lock:
self._timestamps[ 'last_sleep_check' ] = HydrusData.GetNow() - 3600
def SystemBusy( self ):
return self._system_busy
def WaitUntilDBEmpty( self ):
while True:
if HG.model_shutdown:
raise HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException( 'Application shutting down!' )
elif self.db.JobsQueueEmpty() and not self.db.CurrentlyDoingJob():
time.sleep( 0.00001 )
def WaitUntilModelFree( self ):
def WaitUntilPubSubsEmpty( self ):
while True:
if HG.model_shutdown:
raise HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException( 'Application shutting down!' )
elif not self.CurrentlyPubSubbing():
time.sleep( 0.00001 )
def WakeDaemon( self, name ):
if name in self._daemon_jobs:
self._daemon_jobs[ name ].Wake()
def Write( self, action, *args, **kwargs ):
return self._Write( action, False, *args, **kwargs )
def WriteSynchronous( self, action, *args, **kwargs ):
return self._Write( action, True, *args, **kwargs )
def DAEMONPubSub( self ):
while not HG.model_shutdown:
if self._pubsub.WorkToDo():
except Exception as e:
HydrusData.ShowException( e, do_wait = True )