
4262 lines
162 KiB
Executable File

import HydrusConstants as HC
import ClientConstants as CC
import ClientCaches
import ClientData
import ClientDragDrop
import ClientFiles
import ClientGUICanvas
import ClientGUICommon
import ClientGUIDialogs
import ClientGUIDialogsManage
import ClientGUIMenus
import ClientGUIScrolledPanels
import ClientGUIScrolledPanelsEdit
import ClientGUIScrolledPanelsManagement
import ClientGUIScrolledPanelsReview
import ClientGUIShortcuts
import ClientGUITopLevelWindows
import ClientMedia
import ClientSearch
import ClientTags
import collections
import HydrusExceptions
import HydrusNetwork
import HydrusPaths
import HydrusSerialisable
import HydrusTags
import HydrusThreading
import itertools
import json
import os
import random
import threading
import time
import traceback
import wx
import yaml
import HydrusData
import HydrusGlobals as HG
import webbrowser
def AddServiceKeyLabelsToMenu( menu, service_keys, phrase ):
services_manager = HG.client_controller.services_manager
if len( service_keys ) == 1:
( service_key, ) = service_keys
name = services_manager.GetName( service_key )
label = phrase + ' ' + name
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuLabel( menu, label )
submenu = wx.Menu()
for service_key in service_keys:
name = services_manager.GetName( service_key )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuLabel( submenu, name )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, submenu, phrase + u'\u2026' )
def AddServiceKeysToMenu( event_handler, menu, service_keys, phrase, description, callable ):
services_manager = HG.client_controller.services_manager
if len( service_keys ) == 1:
( service_key, ) = service_keys
name = services_manager.GetName( service_key )
label = phrase + ' ' + name
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( event_handler, menu, label, description, callable, service_key )
submenu = wx.Menu()
for service_key in service_keys:
name = services_manager.GetName( service_key )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( event_handler, submenu, name, description, callable, service_key )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, submenu, phrase + u'\u2026' )
class MediaPanel( ClientMedia.ListeningMediaList, wx.ScrolledWindow ):
def __init__( self, parent, page_key, file_service_key, media_results ):
wx.ScrolledWindow.__init__( self, parent, size = ( 0, 0 ), style = wx.BORDER_SUNKEN )
ClientMedia.ListeningMediaList.__init__( self, file_service_key, media_results )
self.SetScrollRate( 0, 50 )
self._page_key = page_key
self._focussed_media = None
self._next_best_media_after_focussed_media_removed = None
self._shift_focussed_media = None
self._selected_media = set()
HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'AddMediaResults', 'add_media_results' )
HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'SetFocussedMedia', 'set_focus' )
HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'Collect', 'collect_media' )
HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'Sort', 'sort_media' )
HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'FileDumped', 'file_dumped' )
HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'RemoveMedia', 'remove_media' )
HG.client_controller.sub( self, '_UpdateBackgroundColour', 'notify_new_colourset' )
self._due_a_forced_selection_pub = False
self._my_shortcut_handler = ClientGUIShortcuts.ShortcutsHandler( self, [ 'media' ] )
def _Archive( self ):
hashes = self._GetSelectedHashes( discriminant = CC.DISCRIMINANT_INBOX )
if len( hashes ) > 0:
if HC.options[ 'confirm_archive' ]:
if len( hashes ) > 1:
message = 'Archive ' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( len( hashes ) ) + ' files?'
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, message ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_YES:
HG.client_controller.Write( 'content_updates', { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY : [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ARCHIVE, hashes ) ] } )
def _ArchiveDeleteFilter( self ):
media_results = self.GenerateMediaResults( discriminant = CC.DISCRIMINANT_LOCAL_BUT_NOT_IN_TRASH, selected_media = set( self._selected_media ), for_media_viewer = True )
if len( media_results ) > 0:
canvas_frame = ClientGUICanvas.CanvasFrame( self.GetTopLevelParent() )
canvas_window = ClientGUICanvas.CanvasMediaListFilterArchiveDelete( canvas_frame, self._page_key, media_results )
canvas_frame.SetCanvas( canvas_window )
def _CopyBMPToClipboard( self ):
if self._focussed_media is not None:
media = self._focussed_media.GetDisplayMedia()
if media.GetMime() in HC.IMAGES and media.GetDuration() is None:
HG.client_controller.pub( 'clipboard', 'bmp', media )
wx.MessageBox( 'Sorry, cannot take bmps of anything but static images right now!' )
def _CopyFilesToClipboard( self ):
client_files_manager = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager
media = self._GetSelectedFlatMedia( discriminant = CC.DISCRIMINANT_LOCAL )
paths = []
for m in media:
hash = m.GetHash()
mime = m.GetMime()
path = client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, mime )
paths.append( path )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'clipboard', 'paths', paths )
def _CopyHashToClipboard( self, hash_type ):
display_media = self._focussed_media.GetDisplayMedia()
sha256_hash = display_media.GetHash()
if hash_type == 'sha256':
hex_hash = sha256_hash.encode( 'hex' )
if display_media.GetLocationsManager().IsLocal():
( other_hash, ) = HG.client_controller.Read( 'file_hashes', ( sha256_hash, ), 'sha256', hash_type )
hex_hash = other_hash.encode( 'hex' )
wx.MessageBox( 'Unfortunately, you do not have that file in your database, so its non-sha256 hashes are unknown.' )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'clipboard', 'text', hex_hash )
def _CopyHashesToClipboard( self, hash_type ):
if hash_type == 'sha256':
hex_hashes = os.linesep.join( [ hash.encode( 'hex' ) for hash in self._GetSelectedHashes( ordered = True ) ] )
sha256_hashes = self._GetSelectedHashes( discriminant = CC.DISCRIMINANT_LOCAL, ordered = True )
if len( sha256_hashes ) > 0:
other_hashes = HG.client_controller.Read( 'file_hashes', sha256_hashes, 'sha256', hash_type )
hex_hashes = os.linesep.join( [ other_hash.encode( 'hex' ) for other_hash in other_hashes ] )
wx.MessageBox( 'Unfortunately, none of those files are in your database, so their non-sha256 hashes are unknown.' )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'clipboard', 'text', hex_hashes )
def _CopyPathToClipboard( self ):
display_media = self._focussed_media.GetDisplayMedia()
client_files_manager = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager
path = client_files_manager.GetFilePath( display_media.GetHash(), display_media.GetMime() )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'clipboard', 'text', path )
def _CopyPathsToClipboard( self ):
media_results = self.GenerateMediaResults( discriminant = CC.DISCRIMINANT_LOCAL, selected_media = set( self._selected_media ) )
client_files_manager = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager
paths = []
for media_result in media_results:
paths.append( client_files_manager.GetFilePath( media_result.GetHash(), media_result.GetMime() ) )
text = os.linesep.join( paths )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'clipboard', 'text', text )
def _CopyServiceFilenameToClipboard( self, service_key ):
display_media = self._focussed_media.GetDisplayMedia()
hash = display_media.GetHash()
( filename, ) = HG.client_controller.Read( 'service_filenames', service_key, { hash } )
service = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key )
if service.GetServiceType() == HC.IPFS:
multihash_prefix = service.GetMultihashPrefix()
filename = multihash_prefix + filename
HG.client_controller.pub( 'clipboard', 'text', filename )
def _CopyServiceFilenamesToClipboard( self, service_key ):
prefix = ''
service = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key )
if service.GetServiceType() == HC.IPFS:
prefix = service.GetMultihashPrefix()
hashes = self._GetSelectedHashes( has_location = service_key )
if len( hashes ) > 0:
filenames = [ prefix + filename for filename in HG.client_controller.Read( 'service_filenames', service_key, hashes ) ]
if len( filenames ) > 0:
copy_string = os.linesep.join( filenames )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'clipboard', 'text', copy_string )
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Could not find any service filenames for that selection!' )
HydrusData.ShowText( 'Could not find any files with the requested service!' )
def _Delete( self, file_service_key = None ):
if file_service_key is None:
has_local = True in ( CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY in media.GetLocationsManager().GetCurrent() for media in self._selected_media )
has_trash = True in ( CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY in media.GetLocationsManager().GetCurrent() for media in self._selected_media )
if has_local:
file_service_key = CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY
elif has_trash:
file_service_key = CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY
hashes = self._GetSelectedHashes( has_location = file_service_key )
num_to_delete = len( hashes )
if num_to_delete > 0:
do_it = False
if file_service_key == CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY:
if not HC.options[ 'confirm_trash' ]:
do_it = True
if num_to_delete == 1: text = 'Send this file to the trash?'
else: text = 'Send these ' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( num_to_delete ) + ' files to the trash?'
elif file_service_key == CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY:
if num_to_delete == 1: text = 'Permanently delete this file?'
else: text = 'Permanently delete these ' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( num_to_delete ) + ' files?'
if num_to_delete == 1: text = 'Admin-delete this file?'
else: text = 'Admin-delete these ' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( num_to_delete ) + ' files?'
if not do_it:
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, text ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
do_it = True
if do_it:
def process_in_thread( service_key, content_updates ):
for content_update in content_updates:
HG.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', { service_key : [ content_update ] } )
if file_service_key in local_file_services:
# we want currently animating files (i.e. currently open files) to be unloaded before the delete call goes through
if file_service_key == CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY:
self._SetFocussedMedia( None )
# split them into bits so we don't hang the gui with a huge delete transaction
chunks_of_hashes = HydrusData.SplitListIntoChunks( hashes, 64 )
content_updates = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE, chunk_of_hashes ) for chunk_of_hashes in chunks_of_hashes ]
content_updates = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION, ( hashes, 'admin' ) ) ]
HG.client_controller.CallToThread( process_in_thread, file_service_key, content_updates )
def _DeselectSelect( self, media_to_deselect, media_to_select ):
if len( media_to_deselect ) > 0:
for m in media_to_deselect: m.Deselect()
self._RedrawMedia( media_to_deselect )
self._selected_media.difference_update( media_to_deselect )
if len( media_to_select ) > 0:
for m in media_to_select: m.Select()
self._RedrawMedia( media_to_select )
self._selected_media.update( media_to_select )
def _DownloadSelected( self ):
hashes = self._GetSelectedHashes( discriminant = CC.DISCRIMINANT_NOT_LOCAL )
self._DownloadHashes( hashes )
def _DownloadHashes( self, hashes ):
HG.client_controller.Write( 'content_updates', { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY : [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PEND, hashes ) ] } )
def _EditDuplicateActionOptions( self, duplicate_type ):
new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options
duplicate_action_options = new_options.GetDuplicateActionOptions( duplicate_type )
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogEdit( self, 'edit duplicate merge options' ) as dlg_2:
panel = ClientGUIScrolledPanelsEdit.EditDuplicateActionOptionsPanel( dlg_2, duplicate_type, duplicate_action_options )
dlg_2.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg_2.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
duplicate_action_options = panel.GetValue()
new_options.SetDuplicateActionOptions( duplicate_type, duplicate_action_options )
def _ExportFiles( self ):
if len( self._selected_media ) > 0:
flat_media = []
for media in self._sorted_media:
if media in self._selected_media:
if media.IsCollection():
flat_media.extend( media.GetFlatMedia() )
flat_media.append( media )
frame = ClientGUITopLevelWindows.FrameThatTakesScrollablePanel( self, 'export files' )
panel = ClientGUIScrolledPanelsReview.ReviewExportFilesPanel( frame, flat_media )
frame.SetPanel( panel )
def _ExportTags( self ):
if len( self._selected_media ) > 0:
services = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServices( ( HC.LOCAL_TAG, HC.TAG_REPOSITORY, HC.COMBINED_TAG ) )
service_keys = [ service.GetServiceKey() for service in services ]
service_key = ClientGUIDialogs.SelectServiceKey( service_keys = service_keys )
hashes = self._GetSelectedHashes()
if service_key is not None:
ClientTags.ExportToHTA( self, service_key, hashes )
def _FullScreen( self, first_media = None ):
if self._focussed_media is not None:
display_media = self._focussed_media.GetDisplayMedia()
new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options
media_show_action = new_options.GetMediaShowAction( display_media.GetMime() )
hash = display_media.GetHash()
mime = display_media.GetMime()
client_files_manager = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager
path = client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, mime )
new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options
launch_path = new_options.GetMimeLaunch( mime )
HydrusPaths.LaunchFile( path, launch_path )
elif media_show_action == CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW:
media_results = self.GenerateMediaResults( discriminant = CC.DISCRIMINANT_LOCAL, for_media_viewer = True )
if len( media_results ) > 0:
if first_media is None and self._focussed_media is not None: first_media = self._focussed_media
if first_media is not None and first_media.GetLocationsManager().IsLocal(): first_hash = first_media.GetDisplayMedia().GetHash()
else: first_hash = None
canvas_frame = ClientGUICanvas.CanvasFrame( self.GetTopLevelParent() )
canvas_window = ClientGUICanvas.CanvasMediaListBrowser( canvas_frame, self._page_key, media_results, first_hash )
canvas_frame.SetCanvas( canvas_window )
def _GetNumSelected( self ):
return sum( [ media.GetNumFiles() for media in self._selected_media ] )
def _GetPrettyStatus( self ):
num_files = len( self._hashes )
num_selected = self._GetNumSelected()
( num_files_descriptor, selected_files_descriptor ) = self._GetSortedSelectedMimeDescriptors()
if num_files == 1:
num_files_string = '1 ' + num_files_descriptor
num_files_string = HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( num_files ) + ' ' + num_files_descriptor + 's'
s = num_files_string # 23 files
if num_selected == 0:
if num_files > 0:
pretty_total_size = self._GetPrettyTotalSize()
s += ' - totalling ' + pretty_total_size
s += ' - '
if num_selected == 1 or selected_files_descriptor == num_files_descriptor:
selected_files_string = HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( num_selected )
selected_files_string = HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( num_selected ) + ' ' + selected_files_descriptor + 's'
if num_selected == 1: # 23 files - 1 video selected, file_info
( selected_media, ) = self._selected_media
s += selected_files_string + ' selected, ' + ', '.join( selected_media.GetPrettyInfoLines() )
else: # 23 files - 5 selected, selection_info
num_inbox = sum( ( media.GetNumInbox() for media in self._selected_media ) )
if num_inbox == num_selected:
inbox_phrase = 'all in inbox, '
elif num_inbox == 0:
inbox_phrase = 'all archived, '
inbox_phrase = HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( num_inbox ) + ' in inbox and ' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( num_selected - num_inbox ) + ' archived, '
pretty_total_size = self._GetPrettyTotalSize( only_selected = True )
s += selected_files_string + ' selected, ' + inbox_phrase + 'totalling ' + pretty_total_size
return s
def _GetPrettyTotalSize( self, only_selected = False ):
if only_selected:
media_source = self._selected_media
media_source = self._sorted_media
total_size = sum( [ media.GetSize() for media in media_source ] )
unknown_size = False in ( media.IsSizeDefinite() for media in media_source )
if total_size == 0:
if unknown_size:
return 'unknown size'
return HydrusData.ConvertIntToBytes( 0 )
if unknown_size:
return HydrusData.ConvertIntToBytes( total_size ) + ' + some unknown size'
return HydrusData.ConvertIntToBytes( total_size )
def _GetSelectedHashes( self, has_location = None, discriminant = None, not_uploaded_to = None, ordered = False ):
if ordered:
result = []
for media in self._sorted_media:
if media in self._selected_media:
result.extend( media.GetHashes( has_location, discriminant, not_uploaded_to, ordered ) )
result = set()
for media in self._selected_media:
result.update( media.GetHashes( has_location, discriminant, not_uploaded_to, ordered ) )
return result
def _GetSelectedFlatMedia( self, has_location = None, discriminant = None, not_uploaded_to = None ):
# this now always delivers sorted results
sorted_selected_media = []
for media in self._sorted_media:
if media in self._selected_media:
sorted_selected_media.append( media )
flat_media = ClientMedia.FlattenMedia( sorted_selected_media )
flat_media = [ media for media in flat_media if media.MatchesDiscriminant( has_location = has_location, discriminant = discriminant, not_uploaded_to = not_uploaded_to ) ]
return flat_media
def _GetSimilarTo( self, max_hamming ):
if self._focussed_media is not None:
hash = self._focussed_media.GetDisplayMedia().GetHash()
initial_predicates = [ ClientSearch.Predicate( HC.PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_SIMILAR_TO, ( hash, max_hamming ) ) ]
HG.client_controller.pub( 'new_page_query', CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY, initial_predicates = initial_predicates )
def _GetSortedSelectedMimeDescriptors( self ):
def GetDescriptor( classes ):
if len( classes ) == 0:
return 'file'
if len( classes ) == 1:
( mime, ) = classes
return HC.mime_string_lookup[ mime ]
if len( classes.difference( HC.IMAGES ) ) == 0:
return 'image'
elif len( classes.difference( HC.VIDEO ) ) == 0:
return 'video'
elif len( classes.difference( HC.AUDIO ) ) == 0:
return 'audio file'
return 'file'
if len( self._sorted_media ) > 1000:
sorted_mime_descriptor = 'file'
sorted_mimes = { media.GetMime() for media in self._sorted_media }
sorted_mime_descriptor = GetDescriptor( sorted_mimes )
if len( self._selected_media ) > 1000:
selected_mime_descriptor = 'file'
selected_mimes = { media.GetMime() for media in self._selected_media }
selected_mime_descriptor = GetDescriptor( selected_mimes )
return ( sorted_mime_descriptor, selected_mime_descriptor )
def _HitMedia( self, media, ctrl, shift ):
if media is None:
if not ctrl and not shift:
self._Select( 'none' )
self._SetFocussedMedia( None )
self._shift_focussed_media = None
if ctrl:
if media.IsSelected():
self._DeselectSelect( ( media, ), () )
if self._focussed_media == media:
self._SetFocussedMedia( None )
self._shift_focussed_media = None
self._DeselectSelect( (), ( media, ) )
if self._focussed_media is None: self._SetFocussedMedia( media )
self._shift_focussed_media = media
elif shift and self._shift_focussed_media is not None:
start_index = self._sorted_media.index( self._shift_focussed_media )
end_index = self._sorted_media.index( media )
if start_index < end_index: media_to_select = set( self._sorted_media[ start_index : end_index + 1 ] )
else: media_to_select = set( self._sorted_media[ end_index : start_index + 1 ] )
self._DeselectSelect( (), media_to_select )
self._SetFocussedMedia( media )
self._shift_focussed_media = media
if not media.IsSelected():
self._DeselectSelect( self._selected_media, ( media, ) )
self._SetFocussedMedia( media )
self._shift_focussed_media = media
def _Inbox( self ):
hashes = self._GetSelectedHashes( discriminant = CC.DISCRIMINANT_ARCHIVE )
if len( hashes ) > 0:
if HC.options[ 'confirm_archive' ]:
if len( hashes ) > 1:
message = 'Send ' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( len( hashes ) ) + ' files to inbox?'
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, message ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_YES: return
HG.client_controller.Write( 'content_updates', { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY: [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_INBOX, hashes ) ] } )
def _ManageNotes( self ):
def wx_do_it( media, notes ):
if not self:
title = 'manage notes'
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogEdit( self, title ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditSingleCtrlPanel( dlg, [ 'manage_file_notes' ] )
control = wx.TextCtrl( panel, style = wx.TE_MULTILINE )
size = ClientData.ConvertTextToPixels( control, ( 80, 14 ) )
control.SetInitialSize( size )
control.SetValue( notes )
panel.SetControl( control )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
wx.CallAfter( control.SetFocus )
wx.CallAfter( control.SetInsertionPointEnd )
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
notes = control.GetValue()
hash = media.GetHash()
content_updates = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_NOTES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_SET, ( notes, hash ) ) ]
service_keys_to_content_updates = { CC.LOCAL_NOTES_SERVICE_KEY : content_updates }
HG.client_controller.Write( 'content_updates', service_keys_to_content_updates )
def thread_wait( media ):
# if it ultimately makes sense, I can load/cache notes in the media result
notes = HG.client_controller.Read( 'file_notes', media.GetHash() )
wx.CallAfter( wx_do_it, media, notes )
if self._focussed_media is None:
HG.client_controller.CallToThread( thread_wait, self._focussed_media.GetDisplayMedia() )
def _ManageRatings( self ):
if len( self._selected_media ) > 0:
if len( HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServices( HC.RATINGS_SERVICES ) ) > 0:
flat_media = self._GetSelectedFlatMedia()
with ClientGUIDialogsManage.DialogManageRatings( self, flat_media ) as dlg:
def _ManageTags( self ):
if len( self._selected_media ) > 0:
num_files = self._GetNumSelected()
title = 'manage tags for ' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( num_files ) + ' files'
frame_key = 'manage_tags_dialog'
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogManage( self, title, frame_key ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUIScrolledPanelsManagement.ManageTagsPanel( dlg, self._file_service_key, self._selected_media )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
def _ManageURLs( self ):
if self._focussed_media is None:
title = 'manage known urls'
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogManage( self, title ) as dlg:
panel = ClientGUIScrolledPanelsManagement.ManageURLsPanel( dlg, self._focussed_media.GetDisplayMedia() )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
def _ModifyUploaders( self, file_service_key ):
wx.MessageBox( 'this does not work yet!' )
hashes = self._GetSelectedHashes()
if hashes is not None and len( hashes ) > 0:
contents = [ HydrusNetwork.Content( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, [ hash ] ) for hash in hashes ]
subject_accounts = 'blah' # fetch subjects from server with the contents
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogModifyAccounts( self, file_service_key, subject_accounts ) as dlg: dlg.ShowModal()
def _OpenExternally( self ):
if self._focussed_media is not None:
open_externally_media = self._focussed_media.GetDisplayMedia()
if open_externally_media.GetLocationsManager().IsLocal():
hash = open_externally_media.GetHash()
mime = open_externally_media.GetMime()
client_files_manager = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager
path = client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, mime )
new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options
launch_path = new_options.GetMimeLaunch( mime )
HydrusPaths.LaunchFile( path, launch_path )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'media_focus_went_to_external_program', self._page_key )
def _OpenFileLocation( self ):
if self._focussed_media is not None:
if self._focussed_media.GetLocationsManager().IsLocal():
hash = self._focussed_media.GetHash()
mime = self._focussed_media.GetMime()
client_files_manager = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager
path = client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, mime )
self._SetFocussedMedia( None )
HydrusPaths.OpenFileLocation( path )
def _PetitionFiles( self, remote_service_key ):
hashes = self._GetSelectedHashes()
if hashes is not None and len( hashes ) > 0:
remote_service = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetService( remote_service_key )
service_type = remote_service.GetServiceType()
if service_type == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY:
if len( hashes ) == 1:
message = 'Enter a reason for this file to be removed from ' + remote_service.GetName() + '.'
message = 'Enter a reason for these ' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( len( hashes ) ) + ' files to be removed from ' + remote_service.GetName() + '.'
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogTextEntry( self, message ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
content_update = HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION, ( hashes, dlg.GetValue() ) )
service_keys_to_content_updates = { remote_service_key : ( content_update, ) }
HG.client_controller.Write( 'content_updates', service_keys_to_content_updates )
elif service_type == HC.IPFS:
content_update = HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION, ( hashes, 'ipfs' ) )
service_keys_to_content_updates = { remote_service_key : ( content_update, ) }
HG.client_controller.Write( 'content_updates', service_keys_to_content_updates )
def _PublishSelectionChange( self, force_reload = False ):
if HG.client_controller.gui.IsCurrentPage( self._page_key ):
if len( self._selected_media ) == 0:
tags_media = self._sorted_media
tags_media = self._selected_media
force_reload = force_reload or self._due_a_forced_selection_pub
HG.client_controller.pub( 'new_tags_selection', self._page_key, tags_media, force_reload = force_reload )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'new_page_status', self._page_key, self._GetPrettyStatus() )
if force_reload:
self._due_a_forced_selection_pub = False
if force_reload:
self._due_a_forced_selection_pub = True
def _PublishSelectionIncrement( self, medias ):
if HG.client_controller.gui.IsCurrentPage( self._page_key ):
HG.client_controller.pub( 'increment_tags_selection', self._page_key, medias )
HG.client_controller.pub( 'new_page_status', self._page_key, self._GetPrettyStatus() )
self._due_a_forced_selection_pub = True
def _RecalculateVirtualSize( self ): pass
def _RedrawMedia( self, media ): pass
def _Remove( self ):
singletons = [ media for media in self._selected_media if not media.IsCollection() ]
collections = [ media for media in self._selected_media if media.IsCollection() ]
self._RemoveMediaDirectly( singletons, collections )
def _ReparseFile( self ):
flat_media = self._GetSelectedFlatMedia()
hashes = { media.GetHash() for media in flat_media }
if len( hashes ) > 0:
text = 'This will reparse the ' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( len( hashes ) ) + ' selected files\' metadata and regenerate their thumbnails.'
text += os.linesep * 2
text += 'If the files were imported before some recent improvement in the parsing code (such as EXIF rotation or bad video resolution or duration or frame count calculation), this will update them.'
text += os.linesep * 2
text += 'It may take some time to reparse the files.'
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, text ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
HG.client_controller.Write( 'reparse_files', hashes )
def _RescindDownloadSelected( self ):
hashes = self._GetSelectedHashes( discriminant = CC.DISCRIMINANT_NOT_LOCAL )
HG.client_controller.Write( 'content_updates', { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY : [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_RESCIND_PEND, hashes ) ] } )
def _RescindPetitionFiles( self, file_service_key ):
hashes = self._GetSelectedHashes()
if hashes is not None and len( hashes ) > 0:
HG.client_controller.Write( 'content_updates', { file_service_key : [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_RESCIND_PETITION, hashes ) ] } )
def _RescindUploadFiles( self, file_service_key ):
hashes = self._GetSelectedHashes()
if hashes is not None and len( hashes ) > 0:
HG.client_controller.Write( 'content_updates', { file_service_key : [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_RESCIND_PEND, hashes ) ] } )
def _Select( self, select_type, extra_info = None ):
if select_type == 'all':
self._DeselectSelect( [], self._sorted_media )
if select_type == 'invert':
( media_to_deselect, media_to_select ) = ( self._selected_media, { m for m in self._sorted_media if m not in self._selected_media } )
elif select_type == 'none':
( media_to_deselect, media_to_select ) = ( self._selected_media, [] )
elif select_type in ( 'inbox', 'archive' ):
inbox_media = [ m for m in self._sorted_media if m.HasInbox() ]
archive_media = [ m for m in self._sorted_media if not m.HasInbox() ]
if select_type == 'inbox':
media_to_deselect = [ m for m in archive_media if m in self._selected_media ]
media_to_select = [ m for m in inbox_media if m not in self._selected_media ]
elif select_type == 'archive':
media_to_deselect = [ m for m in inbox_media if m in self._selected_media ]
media_to_select = [ m for m in archive_media if m not in self._selected_media ]
elif select_type == 'file_service':
file_service_key = extra_info
media_to_deselect = [ m for m in self._selected_media if file_service_key not in m.GetLocationsManager().GetCurrent() ]
media_to_select = [ m for m in self._sorted_media if m not in self._selected_media and file_service_key in m.GetLocationsManager().GetCurrent() ]
elif select_type in ( 'local', 'remote' ):
local_media = [ m for m in self._sorted_media if m.GetLocationsManager().IsLocal() ]
remote_media = [ m for m in self._sorted_media if m.GetLocationsManager().IsRemote() ]
if select_type == 'local':
media_to_deselect = [ m for m in remote_media if m in self._selected_media ]
media_to_select = [ m for m in local_media if m not in self._selected_media ]
elif select_type == 'remote':
media_to_deselect = [ m for m in local_media if m in self._selected_media ]
media_to_select = [ m for m in remote_media if m not in self._selected_media ]
if self._focussed_media in media_to_deselect:
self._SetFocussedMedia( None )
self._DeselectSelect( media_to_deselect, media_to_select )
self._shift_focussed_media = None
def _SetDuplicates( self, duplicate_type, media_pairs = None, duplicate_action_options = None ):
if duplicate_type is None or duplicate_type == HC.DUPLICATE_UNKNOWN:
if duplicate_type is None:
yes_no_text = 'completely delete all pair duplicate relationships'
elif duplicate_type == HC.DUPLICATE_UNKNOWN:
yes_no_text = 'set all pair duplicate relationships to unknown/potential'
duplicate_action_options = None
elif duplicate_action_options is None:
yes_no_text = 'set all pair relationships to ' + HC.duplicate_type_string_lookup[ duplicate_type ] + ' (with default duplicate action/merge options)'
new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options
duplicate_action_options = new_options.GetDuplicateActionOptions( duplicate_type )
yes_no_text = 'set all pair relationships to ' + HC.duplicate_type_string_lookup[ duplicate_type ] + ' (with custom duplicate action/merge options)'
if media_pairs is None:
flat_media = self._GetSelectedFlatMedia()
media_pairs = list( itertools.combinations( flat_media, 2 ) )
if len( media_pairs ) > 100:
message = 'The duplicate system does not yet work well for large groups of duplicates. This is about to ask if you want to apply a dupe status for more than 100 pairs.'
message += os.linesep * 2
message += 'Unless you are testing the system or have another good reason to try this, I recommend you step back for now.'
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, message, yes_label = 'I know what I am doing', no_label = 'step back for now' ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_YES:
return False
message = 'Are you sure you want to ' + yes_no_text + ' for the ' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( len( media_pairs ) ) + ' pairs?'
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, message ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
pair_info = []
for ( first_media, second_media ) in media_pairs:
first_hash = first_media.GetHash()
second_hash = second_media.GetHash()
if duplicate_action_options is None:
list_of_service_keys_to_content_updates = []
list_of_service_keys_to_content_updates = duplicate_action_options.ProcessPairIntoContentUpdates( first_media, second_media )
pair_info.append( ( duplicate_type, first_hash, second_hash, list_of_service_keys_to_content_updates ) )
if len( pair_info ) > 0:
HG.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'duplicate_pair_status', pair_info )
return True
return False
def _SetDuplicatesCustom( self ):
choice_tuples = [ ( HC.duplicate_type_string_lookup[ duplicate_type ], duplicate_type ) for duplicate_type in duplicate_types ]
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogSelectFromList( self, 'select duplicate type', choice_tuples ) as dlg_1:
if dlg_1.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
duplicate_type = dlg_1.GetChoice()
new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options
duplicate_action_options = new_options.GetDuplicateActionOptions( duplicate_type )
with ClientGUITopLevelWindows.DialogEdit( self, 'edit duplicate merge options' ) as dlg_2:
panel = ClientGUIScrolledPanelsEdit.EditDuplicateActionOptionsPanel( dlg_2, duplicate_type, duplicate_action_options )
dlg_2.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg_2.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
duplicate_action_options = panel.GetValue()
self._SetDuplicates( duplicate_type, duplicate_action_options = duplicate_action_options )
def _SetDuplicatesFocusedBetter( self, duplicate_action_options = None ):
focused_hash = self._focussed_media.GetDisplayMedia().GetHash()
flat_media = self._GetSelectedFlatMedia()
( better_media, ) = [ media for media in flat_media if media.GetHash() == focused_hash ]
worse_flat_media = [ media for media in flat_media if media.GetHash() != focused_hash ]
media_pairs = [ ( better_media, worse_media ) for worse_media in worse_flat_media ]
self._SetDuplicates( HC.DUPLICATE_BETTER, media_pairs = media_pairs )
def _SetFocussedMedia( self, media ):
if media is None and self._focussed_media is not None:
next_best_media = self._focussed_media
i = self._sorted_media.index( next_best_media )
while next_best_media in self._selected_media:
if i == 0:
next_best_media = None
i -= 1
next_best_media = self._sorted_media[ i ]
self._next_best_media_after_focussed_media_removed = next_best_media
self._next_best_media_after_focussed_media_removed = None
self._focussed_media = media
if self._focussed_media is None:
publish_media = None
publish_media = self._focussed_media.GetDisplayMedia()
HG.client_controller.pub( 'preview_changed', self._page_key, publish_media )
def _ShareOnLocalBooru( self ):
if len( self._selected_media ) > 0:
share_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
name = ''
text = ''
timeout = HydrusData.GetNow() + 60 * 60 * 24
hashes = self._GetSelectedHashes()
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogInputLocalBooruShare( self, share_key, name, text, timeout, hashes, new_share = True ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
( share_key, name, text, timeout, hashes ) = dlg.GetInfo()
info = {}
info[ 'name' ] = name
info[ 'text' ] = text
info[ 'timeout' ] = timeout
info[ 'hashes' ] = hashes
HG.client_controller.Write( 'local_booru_share', share_key, info )
def _ShowDuplicatesInNewPage( self, hash, duplicate_type ):
hashes = HG.client_controller.Read( 'duplicate_hashes', self._file_service_key, hash, duplicate_type )
if hashes is not None and len( hashes ) > 0:
HG.client_controller.pub( 'new_page_query', self._file_service_key, initial_hashes = hashes, do_sort = True )
def _ShowSelectionInNewPage( self ):
hashes = self._GetSelectedHashes( ordered = True )
if hashes is not None and len( hashes ) > 0:
HG.client_controller.pub( 'new_page_query', self._file_service_key, initial_hashes = hashes )
def _Undelete( self ):
hashes = self._GetSelectedHashes( has_location = CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY )
num_to_undelete = len( hashes )
if num_to_undelete > 0:
do_it = False
if not HC.options[ 'confirm_trash' ]:
do_it = True
if num_to_undelete == 1: text = 'Are you sure you want to undelete this file?'
else: text = 'Are you sure you want to undelete these ' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( num_to_undelete ) + ' files?'
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogYesNo( self, text ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
do_it = True
if do_it:
HG.client_controller.Write( 'content_updates', { CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY : [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_UNDELETE, hashes ) ] } )
def _UpdateBackgroundColour( self ):
new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options
self.SetBackgroundColour( new_options.GetColour( CC.COLOUR_THUMBGRID_BACKGROUND ) )
def _UploadDirectory( self, file_service_key ):
hashes = self._GetSelectedHashes()
if hashes is not None and len( hashes ) > 0:
ipfs_service = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetService( file_service_key )
with ClientGUIDialogs.DialogTextEntry( self, 'Enter a note to describe this directory.' ) as dlg:
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
note = dlg.GetValue()
HG.client_controller.CallToThread( ipfs_service.PinDirectory, hashes, note )
def _UploadFiles( self, file_service_key ):
hashes = self._GetSelectedHashes( not_uploaded_to = file_service_key )
if hashes is not None and len( hashes ) > 0:
HG.client_controller.Write( 'content_updates', { file_service_key : [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PEND, hashes ) ] } )
def AddMediaResults( self, page_key, media_results, append = True ):
if page_key == self._page_key:
HG.client_controller.pub( 'refresh_page_name', self._page_key )
return ClientMedia.ListeningMediaList.AddMediaResults( self, media_results, append = append )
def ClearPageKey( self ):
self._page_key = HydrusData.GenerateKey()
def Collect( self, page_key, collect_by = -1 ):
if page_key == self._page_key:
self._Select( 'none' )
ClientMedia.ListeningMediaList.Collect( self, collect_by )
# no refresh needed since the sort call that always comes after will do it
def FileDumped( self, page_key, hash, status ):
if page_key == self._page_key:
media = self._GetMedia( { hash } )
for m in media: m.Dumped( status )
self._RedrawMedia( media )
def PageHidden( self ):
HG.client_controller.pub( 'preview_changed', self._page_key, None )
def PageShown( self ):
if self._focussed_media is None:
publish_media = None
publish_media = self._focussed_media.GetDisplayMedia()
HG.client_controller.pub( 'preview_changed', self._page_key, publish_media )
def ProcessApplicationCommand( self, command ):
command_processed = True
command_type = command.GetCommandType()
data = command.GetData()
action = data
if action == 'copy_bmp':
elif action == 'copy_file':
elif action == 'copy_path':
elif action == 'copy_sha256_hash':
self._CopyHashesToClipboard( 'sha256' )
elif action == 'export_files':
elif action == 'manage_file_ratings':
elif action == 'manage_file_tags':
elif action == 'manage_file_urls':
elif action == 'manage_file_notes':
elif action == 'archive_file':
elif action == 'delete_file':
elif action == 'inbox_file':
elif action == 'remove_file_from_view':
elif action == 'get_similar_to_exact':
self._GetSimilarTo( HC.HAMMING_EXACT_MATCH )
elif action == 'get_similar_to_very_similar':
elif action == 'get_similar_to_similar':
self._GetSimilarTo( HC.HAMMING_SIMILAR )
elif action == 'get_similar_to_speculative':
elif action == 'open_file_in_external_program':
elif action == 'open_selection_in_new_page':
elif action == 'launch_the_archive_delete_filter':
command_processed = False
command_processed = ClientGUICommon.ApplyContentApplicationCommandToMedia( self, command, self._GetSelectedFlatMedia() )
command_processed = False
return command_processed
def ProcessContentUpdates( self, service_keys_to_content_updates ):
ClientMedia.ListeningMediaList.ProcessContentUpdates( self, service_keys_to_content_updates )
we_were_file_or_tag_affected = False
for ( service_key, content_updates ) in service_keys_to_content_updates.items():
for content_update in content_updates:
hashes = content_update.GetHashes()
if self._HasHashes( hashes ):
affected_media = self._GetMedia( hashes )
self._RedrawMedia( affected_media )
if content_update.GetDataType() in ( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS ):
we_were_file_or_tag_affected = True
if we_were_file_or_tag_affected:
self._PublishSelectionChange( force_reload = True )
if self._focussed_media is not None:
self._HitMedia( self._focussed_media, False, False )
def ProcessServiceUpdates( self, service_keys_to_service_updates ):
ClientMedia.ListeningMediaList.ProcessServiceUpdates( self, service_keys_to_service_updates )
for ( service_key, service_updates ) in service_keys_to_service_updates.items():
for service_update in service_updates:
( action, row ) = service_update.ToTuple()
self._PublishSelectionChange( force_reload = True )
def RemoveMedia( self, page_key, hashes ):
if page_key == self._page_key:
self._RemoveMediaByHashes( hashes )
def SetDuplicateStatusForAll( self, duplicate_type ):
flat_media = ClientMedia.FlattenMedia( self._sorted_media )
media_pairs = list( itertools.combinations( flat_media, 2 ) )
return self._SetDuplicates( duplicate_type, media_pairs = media_pairs )
def SetFocussedMedia( self, page_key, media ):
def Sort( self, page_key, media_sort = None ):
if page_key == self._page_key:
ClientMedia.ListeningMediaList.Sort( self, media_sort )
class MediaPanelLoading( MediaPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, page_key, file_service_key ):
self._current = None
self._max = None
MediaPanel.__init__( self, parent, page_key, file_service_key, [] )
HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'SetNumQueryResults', 'set_num_query_results' )
def _GetPrettyStatus( self ):
s = u'Loading\u2026'
if self._current is not None:
s += u' ' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( self._current )
if self._max is not None:
s += u' of ' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( self._max )
return s
def GetSortedMedia( self ):
return []
def SetNumQueryResults( self, page_key, num_current, num_max ):
if page_key == self._page_key:
self._current = num_current
self._max = num_max
class MediaPanelThumbnails( MediaPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, page_key, file_service_key, media_results ):
self._client_bmp = wx.Bitmap( 20, 20, 24 )
self._clean_canvas_pages = {}
self._dirty_canvas_pages = []
self._num_rows_per_canvas_page = 1
MediaPanel.__init__( self, parent, page_key, file_service_key, media_results )
self._last_client_size = ( 0, 0 )
self._num_columns = 1
self._drag_init_coordinates = None
self._thumbnails_being_faded_in = {}
self._hashes_faded = set()
( thumbnail_span_width, thumbnail_span_height ) = self._GetThumbnailSpanDimensions()
self.SetScrollRate( 0, thumbnail_span_height )
self.Bind( wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.EventLeftDown )
self.Bind( wx.EVT_MOTION, self.EventDrag )
self.Bind( wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.EventShowMenu )
self.Bind( wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.EventMouseFullScreen )
self.Bind( wx.EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN, self.EventMouseFullScreen )
self.Bind( wx.EVT_PAINT, self.EventPaint )
self.Bind( wx.EVT_SIZE, self.EventResize )
self.Bind( wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.EventEraseBackground )
self.Bind( wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.EventKeyDown )
self.Bind( wx.EVT_MENU, self.EventMenu )
HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'MaintainPageCache', 'memory_maintenance_pulse' )
HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'NewFileInfo', 'new_file_info' )
HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'NewThumbnails', 'new_thumbnails' )
HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'ThumbnailsResized', 'thumbnail_resize' )
HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'RefreshAcceleratorTable', 'notify_new_options' )
HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'WaterfallThumbnails', 'waterfall_thumbnails' )
def _CalculateVisiblePageIndices( self ):
y_start = self._GetYStart()
page_indices = set()
page_indices.add( y_start / self._num_rows_per_canvas_page )
if y_start % self._num_rows_per_canvas_page > 0:
page_indices.add( ( y_start / self._num_rows_per_canvas_page ) + 1 )
page_indices = list( page_indices )
return page_indices
def _CreateNewDirtyPage( self ):
( client_width, client_height ) = self.GetClientSize()
( thumbnail_span_width, thumbnail_span_height ) = self._GetThumbnailSpanDimensions()
self._dirty_canvas_pages.append( wx.Bitmap( client_width, self._num_rows_per_canvas_page * thumbnail_span_height, 24 ) )
def _DeleteAllDirtyPages( self ):
for bmp in self._dirty_canvas_pages:
self._dirty_canvas_pages = []
def _DirtyAllPages( self ):
clean_indices = self._clean_canvas_pages.keys()
for clean_index in clean_indices:
self._DirtyPage( clean_index )
def _DirtyPage( self, clean_index ):
bmp = self._clean_canvas_pages[ clean_index ]
del self._clean_canvas_pages[ clean_index ]
thumbnails = [ thumbnail for ( thumbnail_index, thumbnail ) in self._GetThumbnailsFromPageIndex( clean_index ) ]
HG.client_controller.GetCache( 'thumbnail' ).CancelWaterfall( self._page_key, thumbnails )
self._dirty_canvas_pages.append( bmp )
def _DrawCanvasPage( self, page_index, bmp ):
( bmp_width, bmp_height ) = bmp.GetSize()
dc = wx.MemoryDC( bmp )
new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options
dc.SetBackground( wx.Brush( new_options.GetColour( CC.COLOUR_THUMBGRID_BACKGROUND ) ) )
page_thumbnails = self._GetThumbnailsFromPageIndex( page_index )
( thumbnail_span_width, thumbnail_span_height ) = self._GetThumbnailSpanDimensions()
thumbnails_to_render_later = []
thumbnail_cache = HG.client_controller.GetCache( 'thumbnail' )
for ( thumbnail_index, thumbnail ) in page_thumbnails:
hash = thumbnail.GetDisplayMedia().GetHash()
self._StopFading( hash )
if hash in self._hashes_faded and thumbnail_cache.HasThumbnailCached( thumbnail ):
thumbnail_col = thumbnail_index % self._num_columns
thumbnail_row = thumbnail_index / self._num_columns
x = thumbnail_col * thumbnail_span_width + CC.THUMBNAIL_MARGIN
y = ( thumbnail_row - ( page_index * self._num_rows_per_canvas_page ) ) * thumbnail_span_height + CC.THUMBNAIL_MARGIN
dc.DrawBitmap( thumbnail.GetBmp(), x, y )
thumbnails_to_render_later.append( thumbnail )
HG.client_controller.GetCache( 'thumbnail' ).Waterfall( self._page_key, thumbnails_to_render_later )
def _FadeThumbnails( self, thumbnails ):
if len( thumbnails ) == 0:
if not HG.client_controller.gui.IsCurrentPage( self._page_key ):
now_precise = HydrusData.GetNowPrecise()
for thumbnail in thumbnails:
thumbnail_index = self._sorted_media.index( thumbnail )
except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing:
# probably means a collect happened during an ongoing waterfall or whatever
if self._GetPageIndexFromThumbnailIndex( thumbnail_index ) not in self._clean_canvas_pages:
hash = thumbnail.GetDisplayMedia().GetHash()
self._hashes_faded.add( hash )
self._StopFading( hash )
bmp = thumbnail.GetBmp()
image = bmp.ConvertToImage()
try: image.InitAlpha()
except: pass
image = image.AdjustChannels( 1, 1, 1, 0.20 )
alpha_bmp = wx.Bitmap( image, 32 )
self._thumbnails_being_faded_in[ hash ] = ( bmp, alpha_bmp, thumbnail_index, thumbnail, now_precise, 0 )
HG.client_controller.gui.RegisterAnimationUpdateWindow( self )
def _GenerateMediaCollection( self, media_results ):
return ThumbnailMediaCollection( self._file_service_key, media_results )
def _GenerateMediaSingleton( self, media_result ):
return ThumbnailMediaSingleton( self._file_service_key, media_result )
def _GetMediaCoordinates( self, media ):
try: index = self._sorted_media.index( media )
except: return ( -1, -1 )
row = index / self._num_columns
column = index % self._num_columns
( thumbnail_span_width, thumbnail_span_height ) = self._GetThumbnailSpanDimensions()
( x, y ) = ( column * thumbnail_span_width + CC.THUMBNAIL_MARGIN, row * thumbnail_span_height + CC.THUMBNAIL_MARGIN )
return ( x, y )
def _GetPageIndexFromThumbnailIndex( self, thumbnail_index ):
thumbnails_per_page = self._num_columns * self._num_rows_per_canvas_page
page_index = thumbnail_index / thumbnails_per_page
return page_index
def _GetThumbnailSpanDimensions( self ):
return ClientData.AddPaddingToDimensions( HC.options[ 'thumbnail_dimensions' ], ( CC.THUMBNAIL_BORDER + CC.THUMBNAIL_MARGIN ) * 2 )
def _GetThumbnailUnderMouse( self, mouse_event ):
( xUnit, yUnit ) = self.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()
( x_scroll, y_scroll ) = self.GetViewStart()
y_offset = y_scroll * yUnit
x = mouse_event.GetX()
y = mouse_event.GetY() + y_offset
( t_span_x, t_span_y ) = self._GetThumbnailSpanDimensions()
x_mod = x % t_span_x
y_mod = y % t_span_y
if x_mod <= CC.THUMBNAIL_MARGIN or y_mod <= CC.THUMBNAIL_MARGIN or x_mod > t_span_x - CC.THUMBNAIL_MARGIN or y_mod > t_span_y - CC.THUMBNAIL_MARGIN: return None
column_index = ( x / t_span_x )
row_index = ( y / t_span_y )
if column_index >= self._num_columns: return None
thumbnail_index = self._num_columns * row_index + column_index
if thumbnail_index >= len( self._sorted_media ): return None
return self._sorted_media[ thumbnail_index ]
def _GetThumbnailsFromPageIndex( self, page_index ):
num_thumbnails_per_page = self._num_columns * self._num_rows_per_canvas_page
start_index = num_thumbnails_per_page * page_index
if start_index <= len( self._sorted_media ):
end_index = min( len( self._sorted_media ), start_index + num_thumbnails_per_page )
thumbnails = [ ( index, self._sorted_media[ index ] ) for index in range( start_index, end_index ) ]
thumbnails = []
return thumbnails
def _GetYStart( self ):
( my_virtual_width, my_virtual_height ) = self.GetVirtualSize()
( my_width, my_height ) = self.GetClientSize()
( xUnit, yUnit ) = self.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()
max_y = ( my_virtual_height - my_height ) / yUnit
if ( my_virtual_height - my_height ) % yUnit > 0:
max_y += 1
( x, y ) = self.GetViewStart()
y = max( 0, y )
y = min( y, max_y )
return y
def _MoveFocussedThumbnail( self, rows, columns, shift ):
if self._focussed_media is not None:
media_to_use = self._focussed_media
elif self._next_best_media_after_focussed_media_removed is not None:
media_to_use = self._next_best_media_after_focussed_media_removed
if columns == -1: # treat it as if the focussed area is between this and the next
columns = 0
elif len( self._sorted_media ) > 0:
media_to_use = self._sorted_media[ 0 ]
media_to_use = None
if media_to_use is not None:
current_position = self._sorted_media.index( media_to_use )
new_position = current_position + columns + ( self._num_columns * rows )
if new_position < 0:
new_position = 0
elif new_position > len( self._sorted_media ) - 1:
new_position = len( self._sorted_media ) - 1
new_media = self._sorted_media[ new_position ]
self._HitMedia( new_media, False, shift )
self._ScrollToMedia( new_media )
def _RecalculateVirtualSize( self ):
( client_width, client_height ) = self.GetClientSize()
if client_width > 0 and client_height > 0:
( thumbnail_span_width, thumbnail_span_height ) = self._GetThumbnailSpanDimensions()
num_media = len( self._sorted_media )
num_rows = max( 1, num_media / self._num_columns )
if num_media % self._num_columns > 0: num_rows += 1
virtual_width = client_width
virtual_height = max( num_rows * thumbnail_span_height, client_height )
if ( virtual_width, virtual_height ) != self.GetVirtualSize():
self.SetVirtualSize( ( virtual_width, virtual_height ) )
def _RedrawMedia( self, thumbnails ):
visible_thumbnails = [ thumbnail for thumbnail in thumbnails if self._ThumbnailIsVisible( thumbnail ) ]
thumbnail_cache = HG.client_controller.GetCache( 'thumbnail' )
thumbnails_to_render_now = []
thumbnails_to_render_later = []
for thumbnail in visible_thumbnails:
if thumbnail_cache.HasThumbnailCached( thumbnail ):
thumbnails_to_render_now.append( thumbnail )
thumbnails_to_render_later.append( thumbnail )
if len( thumbnails_to_render_now ) > 0:
self._FadeThumbnails( thumbnails_to_render_now )
if len( thumbnails_to_render_later ) > 0:
HG.client_controller.GetCache( 'thumbnail' ).Waterfall( self._page_key, thumbnails_to_render_later )
def _ReinitialisePageCacheIfNeeded( self ):
old_num_rows = self._num_rows_per_canvas_page
old_num_columns = self._num_columns
( old_client_width, old_client_height ) = self._last_client_size
( client_width, client_height ) = self.GetClientSize()
( thumbnail_span_width, thumbnail_span_height ) = self._GetThumbnailSpanDimensions()
num_rows = client_height / thumbnail_span_height
if client_height % thumbnail_span_height > 0:
num_rows += 1
self._num_rows_per_canvas_page = max( 1, num_rows )
self._num_columns = max( 1, client_width / thumbnail_span_width )
client_dimensions_changed = old_client_width != client_width or old_client_height != client_height
thumb_layout_changed = old_num_columns != self._num_columns or old_num_rows != self._num_rows_per_canvas_page
if client_dimensions_changed or thumb_layout_changed:
self._client_bmp = wx.Bitmap( client_width, client_height, 24 )
width_got_bigger = old_client_width < client_width
if thumb_layout_changed or width_got_bigger:
def _RemoveMediaDirectly( self, singleton_media, collected_media ):
if self._focussed_media is not None:
if self._focussed_media in singleton_media or self._focussed_media in collected_media:
self._SetFocussedMedia( None )
MediaPanel._RemoveMediaDirectly( self, singleton_media, collected_media )
self._selected_media.difference_update( singleton_media )
self._selected_media.difference_update( collected_media )
self._shift_focussed_media = None
HG.client_controller.pub( 'refresh_page_name', self._page_key )
def _ScrollEnd( self, shift = False ):
if len( self._sorted_media ) > 0:
end_media = self._sorted_media[ -1 ]
self._HitMedia( end_media, False, shift )
self._ScrollToMedia( end_media )
def _ScrollHome( self, shift = False ):
if len( self._sorted_media ) > 0:
home_media = self._sorted_media[ 0 ]
self._HitMedia( home_media, False, shift )
self._ScrollToMedia( home_media )
def _ScrollToMedia( self, media ):
if media is not None:
( x, y ) = self._GetMediaCoordinates( media )
( start_x, start_y ) = self.GetViewStart()
( x_unit, y_unit ) = self.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()
( width, height ) = self.GetClientSize()
( thumbnail_span_width, thumbnail_span_height ) = self._GetThumbnailSpanDimensions()
new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options
percent_visible = new_options.GetInteger( 'thumbnail_visibility_scroll_percent' ) / float( 100 )
if y < start_y * y_unit:
y_to_scroll_to = y / y_unit
self.Scroll( -1, y_to_scroll_to )
wx.QueueEvent( self.GetEventHandler(), wx.ScrollWinEvent( wx.wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBRELEASE, pos = y_to_scroll_to ) )
elif y > ( start_y * y_unit ) + height - ( thumbnail_span_height * percent_visible ):
y_to_scroll_to = ( y - height ) / y_unit
self.Scroll( -1, y_to_scroll_to + 2 )
wx.QueueEvent( self.GetEventHandler(), wx.ScrollWinEvent( wx.wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_THUMBRELEASE, pos = y_to_scroll_to + 2 ) )
def _StopFading( self, hash ):
if hash in self._thumbnails_being_faded_in:
( bmp, alpha_bmp, thumbnail_index, thumbnail, animation_started, num_frames ) = self._thumbnails_being_faded_in[ hash ]
del self._thumbnails_being_faded_in[ hash ]
def _ThumbnailIsVisible( self, thumbnail ):
index = self._sorted_media.index( thumbnail )
except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing:
return False
if self._GetPageIndexFromThumbnailIndex( index ) in self._clean_canvas_pages:
return True
return False
def _UpdateBackgroundColour( self ):
MediaPanel._UpdateBackgroundColour( self )
def AddMediaResults( self, page_key, media_results, append = True ):
if page_key == self._page_key:
thumbnails = MediaPanel.AddMediaResults( self, page_key, media_results, append = append )
HG.client_controller.GetCache( 'thumbnail' ).Waterfall( self._page_key, thumbnails )
if len( self._selected_media ) == 0:
self._PublishSelectionIncrement( thumbnails )
def EventDrag( self, event ):
we_started_dragging_on_this_panel = self._drag_init_coordinates is not None
if we_started_dragging_on_this_panel and event.LeftIsDown() and event.Dragging():
( old_x, old_y ) = self._drag_init_coordinates
( x, y ) = wx.GetMousePosition()
( delta_x, delta_y ) = ( x - old_x, y - old_y )
if abs( delta_x ) > 5 or abs( delta_y ) > 5:
media = self._GetSelectedFlatMedia( discriminant = CC.DISCRIMINANT_LOCAL )
if len( media ) > 0:
cmd_down = event.CmdDown()
result = ClientDragDrop.DoFileExportDragDrop( self, self._page_key, media, cmd_down )
if result not in ( wx.DragError, wx.DragNone ):
HG.client_controller.pub( 'media_focus_went_to_external_program', self._page_key )
def EventEraseBackground( self, event ):
def EventKeyDown( self, event ):
# accelerator tables can't handle escape key in windows, gg
if event.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_ESCAPE:
self._Select( 'none' )
elif event.GetKeyCode() in ( wx.WXK_PAGEUP, wx.WXK_PAGEDOWN ):
if event.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_PAGEUP:
direction = -1
elif event.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_PAGEDOWN:
direction = 1
shift = event.ShiftDown()
self._MoveFocussedThumbnail( self._num_rows_per_canvas_page * direction, 0, shift )
else: event.Skip()
def EventLeftDown( self, event ):
self._drag_init_coordinates = wx.GetMousePosition()
self._HitMedia( self._GetThumbnailUnderMouse( event ), event.CmdDown(), event.ShiftDown() )
# this specifically does not scroll to media, as for clicking (esp. double-clicking attempts), the scroll can be jarring
def EventMenu( self, event ):
action = ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetAction( event.GetId() )
if action is not None:
( command, data ) = action
if command == 'copy_files': self._CopyFilesToClipboard()
elif command == 'ctrl-space':
if self._focussed_media is not None:
self._HitMedia( self._focussed_media, True, False )
elif command == 'delete_file':
if data is None:
self._Delete( data )
elif command == 'fullscreen': self._FullScreen()
elif command == 'scroll_end': self._ScrollEnd( False )
elif command == 'scroll_home': self._ScrollHome( False )
elif command == 'shift_scroll_end': self._ScrollEnd( True )
elif command == 'shift_scroll_home': self._ScrollHome( True )
elif command == 'select': self._Select( data )
elif command == 'undelete': self._Undelete()
elif command == 'key_up': self._MoveFocussedThumbnail( -1, 0, False )
elif command == 'key_down': self._MoveFocussedThumbnail( 1, 0, False )
elif command == 'key_left': self._MoveFocussedThumbnail( 0, -1, False )
elif command == 'key_right': self._MoveFocussedThumbnail( 0, 1, False )
elif command == 'key_shift_up': self._MoveFocussedThumbnail( -1, 0, True )
elif command == 'key_shift_down': self._MoveFocussedThumbnail( 1, 0, True )
elif command == 'key_shift_left': self._MoveFocussedThumbnail( 0, -1, True )
elif command == 'key_shift_right': self._MoveFocussedThumbnail( 0, 1, True )
else: event.Skip()
def EventMouseFullScreen( self, event ):
t = self._GetThumbnailUnderMouse( event )
if t is not None:
locations_manager = t.GetLocationsManager()
if locations_manager.IsLocal():
self._FullScreen( t )
elif len( locations_manager.GetCurrentRemote() ) > 0:
self._DownloadHashes( t.GetHashes() )
def EventPaint( self, event ):
dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC( self, self._client_bmp )
( client_x, client_y ) = self.GetClientSize()
( thumbnail_span_width, thumbnail_span_height ) = self._GetThumbnailSpanDimensions()
page_height = self._num_rows_per_canvas_page * thumbnail_span_height
page_indices_to_display = self._CalculateVisiblePageIndices()
earliest_page_index_to_display = min( page_indices_to_display )
last_page_index_to_display = max( page_indices_to_display )
page_indices_to_draw = list( page_indices_to_display )
if earliest_page_index_to_display > 0:
page_indices_to_draw.append( earliest_page_index_to_display - 1 )
page_indices_to_draw.append( last_page_index_to_display + 1 )
potential_clean_indices_to_steal = [ page_index for page_index in self._clean_canvas_pages.keys() if page_index not in page_indices_to_draw ]
random.shuffle( potential_clean_indices_to_steal )
( xUnit, yUnit ) = self.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()
y_start = self._GetYStart()
earliest_y = y_start * yUnit
for page_index in page_indices_to_draw:
if page_index not in self._clean_canvas_pages:
if len( self._dirty_canvas_pages ) == 0:
if len( potential_clean_indices_to_steal ) > 0:
index_to_steal = potential_clean_indices_to_steal.pop( 0 )
self._DirtyPage( index_to_steal )
bmp = self._dirty_canvas_pages.pop( 0 )
self._DrawCanvasPage( page_index, bmp )
self._clean_canvas_pages[ page_index ] = bmp
if page_index in page_indices_to_display:
bmp = self._clean_canvas_pages[ page_index ]
page_virtual_y = page_height * page_index
page_client_y = page_virtual_y - earliest_y
dc.DrawBitmap( bmp, 0, page_client_y )
def EventResize( self, event ):
self._last_client_size = self.GetClientSize()
def EventShowMenu( self, event ):
new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options
advanced_mode = new_options.GetBoolean( 'advanced_mode' )
services_manager = HG.client_controller.services_manager
thumbnail = self._GetThumbnailUnderMouse( event )
if thumbnail is not None:
self._HitMedia( thumbnail, event.CmdDown(), event.ShiftDown() )
all_locations_managers = [ media.GetLocationsManager() for media in self._sorted_media ]
selected_locations_managers = [ media.GetLocationsManager() for media in self._selected_media ]
selection_has_local = True in ( locations_manager.IsLocal() for locations_manager in selected_locations_managers )
selection_has_local_file_domain = True in ( CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY in locations_manager.GetCurrent() for locations_manager in selected_locations_managers )
selection_has_trash = True in ( CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY in locations_manager.GetCurrent() for locations_manager in selected_locations_managers )
selection_has_inbox = True in ( media.HasInbox() for media in self._selected_media )
selection_has_archive = True in ( media.HasArchive() for media in self._selected_media )
all_file_domains = HydrusData.MassUnion( locations_manager.GetCurrent() for locations_manager in all_locations_managers )
all_specific_file_domains = all_file_domains.difference( { CC.COMBINED_FILE_SERVICE_KEY, CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY } )
all_local_file_domains = services_manager.Filter( all_specific_file_domains, ( HC.LOCAL_FILE_DOMAIN, ) )
all_file_repos = services_manager.Filter( all_specific_file_domains, ( HC.FILE_REPOSITORY, ) )
has_local = True in ( locations_manager.IsLocal() for locations_manager in all_locations_managers )
has_remote = True in ( locations_manager.IsRemote() for locations_manager in all_locations_managers )
num_inbox = sum( ( media.GetNumFiles() for media in self._sorted_media if media.HasInbox() ) )
num_archive = sum( ( media.GetNumFiles() for media in self._sorted_media if media.HasArchive() ) )
media_has_inbox = num_inbox > 0
media_has_archive = num_archive > 0
menu = wx.Menu()
if self._focussed_media is not None:
# variables
num_selected = self._GetNumSelected()
multiple_selected = num_selected > 1
services_manager = HG.client_controller.services_manager
services = services_manager.GetServices()
service_keys_to_names = { service.GetServiceKey() : service.GetName() for service in services }
tag_repositories = [ service for service in services if service.GetServiceType() == HC.TAG_REPOSITORY ]
file_repositories = [ service for service in services if service.GetServiceType() == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY ]
ipfs_services = [ service for service in services if service.GetServiceType() == HC.IPFS ]
local_ratings_services = [ service for service in services if service.GetServiceType() in ( HC.LOCAL_RATING_LIKE, HC.LOCAL_RATING_NUMERICAL ) ]
local_booru_service = [ service for service in services if service.GetServiceType() == HC.LOCAL_BOORU ][0]
local_booru_is_running = local_booru_service.GetPort() is not None
i_can_post_ratings = len( local_ratings_services ) > 0
focussed_is_local = CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY in self._focussed_media.GetLocationsManager().GetCurrent()
file_service_keys = { repository.GetServiceKey() for repository in file_repositories }
upload_permission_file_service_keys = { repository.GetServiceKey() for repository in file_repositories if repository.HasPermission( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.PERMISSION_ACTION_CREATE ) }
petition_resolve_permission_file_service_keys = { repository.GetServiceKey() for repository in file_repositories if repository.HasPermission( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.PERMISSION_ACTION_OVERRULE ) }
petition_permission_file_service_keys = { repository.GetServiceKey() for repository in file_repositories if repository.HasPermission( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.PERMISSION_ACTION_PETITION ) } - petition_resolve_permission_file_service_keys
user_manage_permission_file_service_keys = { repository.GetServiceKey() for repository in file_repositories if repository.HasPermission( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_ACCOUNTS, HC.PERMISSION_ACTION_OVERRULE ) }
ipfs_service_keys = { service.GetServiceKey() for service in ipfs_services }
focussed_is_ipfs = True in ( service_key in ipfs_service_keys for service_key in self._focussed_media.GetLocationsManager().GetCurrentRemote() )
if multiple_selected:
download_phrase = 'download all possible selected'
rescind_download_phrase = 'cancel downloads for all possible selected'
upload_phrase = 'upload all possible selected to'
rescind_upload_phrase = 'rescind pending selected uploads to'
petition_phrase = 'petition all possible selected for removal from'
rescind_petition_phrase = 'rescind selected petitions for'
remote_delete_phrase = 'delete all possible selected from'
modify_account_phrase = 'modify the accounts that uploaded selected to'
pin_phrase = 'pin all to'
rescind_pin_phrase = 'rescind pin to'
unpin_phrase = 'unpin all from'
rescind_unpin_phrase = 'rescind unpin from'
manage_tags_phrase = 'selected files\' tags'
manage_ratings_phrase = 'selected files\' ratings'
archive_phrase = 'archive selected'
inbox_phrase = 'return selected to inbox'
remove_phrase = 'remove selected from view'
local_delete_phrase = 'delete selected'
trash_delete_phrase = 'delete selected from trash now'
undelete_phrase = 'undelete selected'
dump_phrase = 'dump selected to 4chan'
export_phrase = 'files'
copy_phrase = 'files'
download_phrase = 'download'
rescind_download_phrase = 'cancel download'
upload_phrase = 'upload to'
rescind_upload_phrase = 'rescind pending upload to'
petition_phrase = 'petition for removal from'
rescind_petition_phrase = 'rescind petition for'
remote_delete_phrase = 'delete from'
modify_account_phrase = 'modify the account that uploaded this to'
pin_phrase = 'pin to'
rescind_pin_phrase = 'rescind pin to'
unpin_phrase = 'unpin from'
rescind_unpin_phrase = 'rescind unpin from'
manage_tags_phrase = 'file\'s tags'
manage_ratings_phrase = 'file\'s ratings'
archive_phrase = 'archive'
inbox_phrase = 'return to inbox'
remove_phrase = 'remove from view'
local_delete_phrase = 'delete'
trash_delete_phrase = 'delete from trash now'
undelete_phrase = 'undelete'
dump_phrase = 'dump to 4chan'
export_phrase = 'file'
copy_phrase = 'file'
# info about the files
groups_of_current_remote_service_keys = [ locations_manager.GetCurrentRemote() for locations_manager in selected_locations_managers ]
groups_of_pending_remote_service_keys = [ locations_manager.GetPendingRemote() for locations_manager in selected_locations_managers ]
groups_of_petitioned_remote_service_keys = [ locations_manager.GetPetitionedRemote() for locations_manager in selected_locations_managers ]
groups_of_deleted_remote_service_keys = [ locations_manager.GetDeletedRemote() for locations_manager in selected_locations_managers ]
current_remote_service_keys = HydrusData.MassUnion( groups_of_current_remote_service_keys )
pending_remote_service_keys = HydrusData.MassUnion( groups_of_pending_remote_service_keys )
petitioned_remote_service_keys = HydrusData.MassUnion( groups_of_petitioned_remote_service_keys )
deleted_remote_service_keys = HydrusData.MassUnion( groups_of_deleted_remote_service_keys )
common_current_remote_service_keys = HydrusData.IntelligentMassIntersect( groups_of_current_remote_service_keys )
common_pending_remote_service_keys = HydrusData.IntelligentMassIntersect( groups_of_pending_remote_service_keys )
common_petitioned_remote_service_keys = HydrusData.IntelligentMassIntersect( groups_of_petitioned_remote_service_keys )
common_deleted_remote_service_keys = HydrusData.IntelligentMassIntersect( groups_of_deleted_remote_service_keys )
disparate_current_remote_service_keys = current_remote_service_keys - common_current_remote_service_keys
disparate_pending_remote_service_keys = pending_remote_service_keys - common_pending_remote_service_keys
disparate_petitioned_remote_service_keys = petitioned_remote_service_keys - common_petitioned_remote_service_keys
disparate_deleted_remote_service_keys = deleted_remote_service_keys - common_deleted_remote_service_keys
some_downloading = True in ( locations_manager.IsDownloading() for locations_manager in selected_locations_managers )
pending_file_service_keys = pending_remote_service_keys.intersection( file_service_keys )
petitioned_file_service_keys = petitioned_remote_service_keys.intersection( file_service_keys )
common_current_file_service_keys = common_current_remote_service_keys.intersection( file_service_keys )
common_pending_file_service_keys = common_pending_remote_service_keys.intersection( file_service_keys )
common_petitioned_file_service_keys = common_petitioned_remote_service_keys.intersection( file_service_keys )
common_deleted_file_service_keys = common_deleted_remote_service_keys.intersection( file_service_keys )
disparate_current_file_service_keys = disparate_current_remote_service_keys.intersection( file_service_keys )
disparate_pending_file_service_keys = disparate_pending_remote_service_keys.intersection( file_service_keys )
disparate_petitioned_file_service_keys = disparate_petitioned_remote_service_keys.intersection( file_service_keys )
disparate_deleted_file_service_keys = disparate_deleted_remote_service_keys.intersection( file_service_keys )
pending_ipfs_service_keys = pending_remote_service_keys.intersection( ipfs_service_keys )
petitioned_ipfs_service_keys = petitioned_remote_service_keys.intersection( ipfs_service_keys )
common_current_ipfs_service_keys = common_current_remote_service_keys.intersection( ipfs_service_keys )
common_pending_ipfs_service_keys = common_pending_file_service_keys.intersection( ipfs_service_keys )
common_petitioned_ipfs_service_keys = common_petitioned_remote_service_keys.intersection( ipfs_service_keys )
disparate_current_ipfs_service_keys = disparate_current_remote_service_keys.intersection( ipfs_service_keys )
disparate_pending_ipfs_service_keys = disparate_pending_remote_service_keys.intersection( ipfs_service_keys )
disparate_petitioned_ipfs_service_keys = disparate_petitioned_remote_service_keys.intersection( ipfs_service_keys )
# valid commands for the files
uploadable_file_service_keys = set()
downloadable_file_service_keys = set()
petitionable_file_service_keys = set()
deletable_file_service_keys = set()
modifyable_file_service_keys = set()
pinnable_ipfs_service_keys = set()
unpinnable_ipfs_service_keys = set()
for locations_manager in selected_locations_managers:
# we can upload (set pending) to a repo_id when we have permission, a file is local, not current, not pending, and either ( not deleted or we_can_overrule )
if locations_manager.IsLocal():
uploadable_file_service_keys.update( upload_permission_file_service_keys - locations_manager.GetCurrentRemote() - locations_manager.GetPendingRemote() - ( locations_manager.GetDeletedRemote() - petition_resolve_permission_file_service_keys ) )
# we can download (set pending to local) when we have permission, a file is not local and not already downloading and current
if not locations_manager.IsLocal() and not locations_manager.IsDownloading():
downloadable_file_service_keys.update( ipfs_service_keys.union( file_service_keys ) & locations_manager.GetCurrentRemote() )
# we can petition when we have permission and a file is current and it is not already petitioned
petitionable_file_service_keys.update( ( petition_permission_file_service_keys & locations_manager.GetCurrentRemote() ) - locations_manager.GetPetitionedRemote() )
# we can delete remote when we have permission and a file is current and it is not already petitioned
deletable_file_service_keys.update( ( petition_resolve_permission_file_service_keys & locations_manager.GetCurrentRemote() ) - locations_manager.GetPetitionedRemote() )
# we can modify users when we have permission and the file is current or deleted
modifyable_file_service_keys.update( user_manage_permission_file_service_keys & ( locations_manager.GetCurrentRemote() | locations_manager.GetDeletedRemote() ) )
# we can pin if a file is local, not current, not pending
if locations_manager.IsLocal():
pinnable_ipfs_service_keys.update( ipfs_service_keys - locations_manager.GetCurrentRemote() - locations_manager.GetPendingRemote() )
# we can unpin a file if it is current and not petitioned
unpinnable_ipfs_service_keys.update( ( ipfs_service_keys & locations_manager.GetCurrentRemote() ) - locations_manager.GetPetitionedRemote() )
# do the actual menu
if multiple_selected:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuLabel( menu, HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( num_selected ) + ' files, ' + self._GetPrettyTotalSize( only_selected = True ) )
for line in self._focussed_media.GetPrettyInfoLines():
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuLabel( menu, line )
if len( disparate_current_file_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeyLabelsToMenu( menu, disparate_current_file_service_keys, 'some uploaded to' )
if multiple_selected and len( common_current_file_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeyLabelsToMenu( menu, common_current_file_service_keys, 'selected uploaded to' )
if len( disparate_pending_file_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeyLabelsToMenu( menu, disparate_pending_file_service_keys, 'some pending to' )
if len( common_pending_file_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeyLabelsToMenu( menu, common_pending_file_service_keys, 'pending to' )
if len( disparate_petitioned_file_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeyLabelsToMenu( menu, disparate_petitioned_file_service_keys, 'some petitioned from' )
if len( common_petitioned_file_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeyLabelsToMenu( menu, common_petitioned_file_service_keys, 'petitioned from' )
if len( disparate_deleted_file_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeyLabelsToMenu( menu, disparate_deleted_file_service_keys, 'some deleted from' )
if len( common_deleted_file_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeyLabelsToMenu( menu, common_deleted_file_service_keys, 'deleted from' )
if len( disparate_current_ipfs_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeyLabelsToMenu( menu, disparate_current_ipfs_service_keys, 'some pinned to' )
if multiple_selected and len( common_current_ipfs_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeyLabelsToMenu( menu, common_current_ipfs_service_keys, 'selected pinned to' )
if len( disparate_pending_ipfs_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeyLabelsToMenu( menu, disparate_pending_ipfs_service_keys, 'some to be pinned to' )
if len( common_pending_ipfs_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeyLabelsToMenu( menu, common_pending_ipfs_service_keys, 'to be pinned to' )
if len( disparate_petitioned_ipfs_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeyLabelsToMenu( menu, disparate_petitioned_ipfs_service_keys, 'some to be unpinned from' )
if len( common_petitioned_ipfs_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeyLabelsToMenu( menu, common_petitioned_ipfs_service_keys, unpin_phrase )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
len_interesting_remote_service_keys = 0
len_interesting_remote_service_keys += len( downloadable_file_service_keys )
len_interesting_remote_service_keys += len( uploadable_file_service_keys )
len_interesting_remote_service_keys += len( pending_file_service_keys )
len_interesting_remote_service_keys += len( petitionable_file_service_keys )
len_interesting_remote_service_keys += len( petitioned_file_service_keys )
len_interesting_remote_service_keys += len( deletable_file_service_keys )
len_interesting_remote_service_keys += len( modifyable_file_service_keys )
len_interesting_remote_service_keys += len( pinnable_ipfs_service_keys )
len_interesting_remote_service_keys += len( pending_ipfs_service_keys )
len_interesting_remote_service_keys += len( unpinnable_ipfs_service_keys )
len_interesting_remote_service_keys += len( petitioned_ipfs_service_keys )
if multiple_selected:
len_interesting_remote_service_keys += len( ipfs_service_keys )
if len_interesting_remote_service_keys > 0:
remote_action_menu = wx.Menu()
if len( downloadable_file_service_keys ) > 0:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, remote_action_menu, download_phrase, 'Download all possible selected files.', self._DownloadSelected )
if some_downloading:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, remote_action_menu, rescind_download_phrase, 'Stop downloading any of the selected files.', self._RescindDownloadSelected )
if len( uploadable_file_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeysToMenu( self, remote_action_menu, uploadable_file_service_keys, upload_phrase, 'Upload all selected files to the file repository.', self._UploadFiles )
if len( pending_file_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeysToMenu( self, remote_action_menu, pending_file_service_keys, rescind_upload_phrase, 'Rescind the pending upload to the file repository.', self._RescindUploadFiles )
if len( petitionable_file_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeysToMenu( self, remote_action_menu, petitionable_file_service_keys, petition_phrase, 'Petition these files for deletion from the file repository.', self._PetitionFiles )
if len( petitioned_file_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeysToMenu( self, remote_action_menu, petitioned_file_service_keys, rescind_petition_phrase, 'Rescind the petition to delete these files from the file repository.', self._RescindPetitionFiles )
if len( deletable_file_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeysToMenu( self, remote_action_menu, deletable_file_service_keys, remote_delete_phrase, 'Delete these files from the file repository.', self._Delete )
if len( modifyable_file_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeysToMenu( self, remote_action_menu, modifyable_file_service_keys, modify_account_phrase, 'Modify the account(s) that uploaded these files to the file repository.', self._ModifyUploaders )
if len( pinnable_ipfs_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeysToMenu( self, remote_action_menu, pinnable_ipfs_service_keys, pin_phrase, 'Pin these files to the ipfs service.', self._UploadFiles )
if len( pending_ipfs_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeysToMenu( self, remote_action_menu, pending_ipfs_service_keys, rescind_pin_phrase, 'Rescind the pending pin to the ipfs service.', self._RescindUploadFiles )
if len( unpinnable_ipfs_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeysToMenu( self, remote_action_menu, unpinnable_ipfs_service_keys, unpin_phrase, 'Unpin these files from the ipfs service.', self._PetitionFiles )
if len( petitioned_ipfs_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeysToMenu( self, remote_action_menu, petitioned_ipfs_service_keys, rescind_unpin_phrase, 'Rescind the pending unpin from the ipfs service.', self._RescindPetitionFiles )
if multiple_selected and len( ipfs_service_keys ) > 0:
AddServiceKeysToMenu( self, remote_action_menu, ipfs_service_keys, 'pin new directory to', 'Pin these files as a directory to the ipfs service.', self._UploadDirectory )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, remote_action_menu, 'remote services' )
manage_menu = wx.Menu()
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, manage_menu, manage_tags_phrase, 'Manage tags for the selected files.', self._ManageTags )
if i_can_post_ratings:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, manage_menu, manage_ratings_phrase, 'Manage ratings for the selected files.', self._ManageRatings )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, manage_menu, 'file\'s known urls', 'Manage urls for the focused file.', self._ManageURLs )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, manage_menu, 'file\'s notes', 'Manage notes for the focused file.', self._ManageNotes )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, manage_menu, 'manage' )
if selection_has_local:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, menu, 'archive/delete filter', 'Launch a special media viewer that will quickly archive (left-click) and delete (right-click) the selected media.', self._ArchiveDeleteFilter )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
if selection_has_inbox:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, menu, archive_phrase, 'Archive the selected files.', self._Archive )
if selection_has_archive:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, menu, inbox_phrase, 'Put the selected files back in the inbox.', self._Inbox )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, menu, remove_phrase, 'Remove the selected files from the current view.', self._Remove )
if selection_has_local_file_domain:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, menu, local_delete_phrase, 'Delete the selected files from \'my files\'.', self._Delete, CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY )
if selection_has_trash:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, menu, trash_delete_phrase, 'Delete the selected files from the trash, forcing an immediate physical delete from your hard drive.', self._Delete, CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, menu, undelete_phrase, 'Restore the selected files back to \'my files\'.', self._Undelete )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
if focussed_is_local:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, menu, 'open externally', 'Launch this file with your OS\'s default program for it.', self._OpenExternally )
urls = self._focussed_media.GetLocationsManager().GetURLs()
if len( urls ) > 0:
urls = list( urls )
urls_menu = wx.Menu()
urls_visit_menu = wx.Menu()
urls_copy_menu = wx.Menu()
for url in urls:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, urls_visit_menu, url, 'Open this url in your web browser.', webbrowser.open, url )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, urls_copy_menu, url, 'Copy this url to your clipboard.', HG.client_controller.pub, 'clipboard', 'text', url )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( urls_menu, urls_visit_menu, 'open' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( urls_menu, urls_copy_menu, 'copy' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, urls_menu, 'known urls' )
# share
share_menu = wx.Menu()
if advanced_mode:
if not HC.PLATFORM_LINUX and focussed_is_local:
open_menu = wx.Menu()
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, open_menu, 'in file browser', 'Show this file in your OS\'s file browser.', self._OpenFileLocation )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( share_menu, open_menu, 'open' )
copy_menu = wx.Menu()
if selection_has_local:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, copy_menu, copy_phrase, 'Copy the selected files to the clipboard.', self._CopyFilesToClipboard )
if advanced_mode:
copy_hash_menu = wx.Menu()
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, copy_hash_menu, 'sha256 (hydrus default)', 'Copy the selected file\'s SHA256 hash to the clipboard.', self._CopyHashToClipboard, 'sha256' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, copy_hash_menu, 'md5', 'Copy the selected file\'s MD5 hash to the clipboard.', self._CopyHashToClipboard, 'md5' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, copy_hash_menu, 'sha1', 'Copy the selected file\'s SHA1 hash to the clipboard.', self._CopyHashToClipboard, 'sha1' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, copy_hash_menu, 'sha512', 'Copy the selected file\'s SHA512 hash to the clipboard.', self._CopyHashToClipboard, 'sha512' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( copy_menu, copy_hash_menu, 'hash' )
if multiple_selected:
copy_hash_menu = wx.Menu()
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, copy_hash_menu, 'sha256 (hydrus default)', 'Copy the selected files\' SHA256 hashes to the clipboard.', self._CopyHashesToClipboard, 'sha256' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, copy_hash_menu, 'md5', 'Copy the selected files\' MD5 hashes to the clipboard.', self._CopyHashesToClipboard, 'md5' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, copy_hash_menu, 'sha1', 'Copy the selected files\' SHA1 hashes to the clipboard.', self._CopyHashesToClipboard, 'sha1' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, copy_hash_menu, 'sha512', 'Copy the selected files\' SHA512 hashes to the clipboard.', self._CopyHashesToClipboard, 'sha512' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( copy_menu, copy_hash_menu, 'hashes' )
if advanced_mode:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, copy_menu, 'sha256 hash', 'Copy the selected file\'s SHA256 hash to the clipboard.', self._CopyHashToClipboard, 'sha256' )
if multiple_selected:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, copy_menu, 'sha256 hashes', 'Copy the selected files\' SHA256 hash to the clipboard.', self._CopyHashesToClipboard, 'sha256' )
for ipfs_service_key in self._focussed_media.GetLocationsManager().GetCurrentRemote().intersection( ipfs_service_keys ):
name = service_keys_to_names[ ipfs_service_key ]
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, copy_menu, name + ' multihash', 'Copy the selected file\'s multihash to the clipboard.', self._CopyServiceFilenameToClipboard, ipfs_service_key )
if multiple_selected:
for ipfs_service_key in disparate_current_ipfs_service_keys.union( common_current_ipfs_service_keys ):
name = service_keys_to_names[ ipfs_service_key ]
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, copy_menu, name + ' multihashes', 'Copy the selected files\' multihashes to the clipboard.', self._CopyServiceFilenamesToClipboard, ipfs_service_key )
if focussed_is_local:
if self._focussed_media.GetMime() in HC.IMAGES and self._focussed_media.GetDuration() is None:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, copy_menu, 'image', 'Copy the selected file\'s image data to the clipboard (as a bmp).', self._CopyBMPToClipboard )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, copy_menu, 'path', 'Copy the selected file\'s path to the clipboard.', self._CopyPathToClipboard )
if multiple_selected and selection_has_local:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, copy_menu, 'paths', 'Copy the selected files\' paths to the clipboard.', self._CopyPathsToClipboard )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( share_menu, copy_menu, 'copy' )
export_menu = wx.Menu()
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, export_menu, export_phrase, 'Export the selected files to an external folder.', self._ExportFiles )
if advanced_mode:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, export_menu, 'tags', 'Export the selected files\' tags to an external database.', self._ExportTags )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( share_menu, export_menu, 'export' )
if local_booru_is_running:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, share_menu, 'on local booru', 'Share the selected files on your client\'s local booru.', self._ShareOnLocalBooru )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, share_menu, 'share' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, menu, 'refresh', 'Refresh the current search.', HG.client_controller.pub, 'refresh_query', self._page_key )
if len( self._sorted_media ) > 0:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
select_menu = wx.Menu()
if len( self._selected_media ) < len( self._sorted_media ):
all_label = 'all (' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( len( self._sorted_media ) ) + ')'
if media_has_archive and not media_has_inbox:
all_label += ' (all in archive)'
elif media_has_inbox and not media_has_archive:
all_label += ' (all in inbox)'
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, select_menu, all_label, 'Select everything.', self._Select, 'all' )
if media_has_archive and media_has_inbox:
inbox_label = 'inbox (' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( num_inbox ) + ')'
archive_label = 'archive (' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( num_archive ) + ')'
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, select_menu, inbox_label, 'Select everything in the inbox.', self._Select, 'inbox' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, select_menu, archive_label, 'Select everything that is archived.', self._Select, 'archive' )
if len( all_specific_file_domains ) > 1:
selectable_file_domains = list( all_local_file_domains )
if CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY in all_specific_file_domains:
selectable_file_domains.append( CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY )
selectable_file_domains.extend( all_file_repos )
for service_key in selectable_file_domains:
name = services_manager.GetName( service_key )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, select_menu, name, 'Select everything in ' + name + '.', self._Select, 'file_service', service_key )
if has_local and has_remote:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, select_menu, 'local', 'Select everything in the client.', self._Select, 'local' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, select_menu, 'remote', 'Select everything that is not in the client.', self._Select, 'remote' )
if len( self._selected_media ) > 0:
if len( self._selected_media ) < len( self._sorted_media ):
invert_label = 'invert (' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( len( self._sorted_media ) - len( self._selected_media ) ) + ')'
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, select_menu, invert_label, 'Swap what is and is not selected.', self._Select, 'invert' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, select_menu, 'none (0)', 'Deselect everything.', self._Select, 'none' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, select_menu, 'select' )
if self._focussed_media is not None:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, menu, 'open selection in a new page', 'Copy your current selection into a simple new page.', self._ShowSelectionInNewPage )
if advanced_mode:
duplicates_menu = menu # this is important to make the menu flexible if not multiple selected
focussed_hash = self._focussed_media.GetDisplayMedia().GetHash()
if multiple_selected:
duplicates_menu = wx.Menu()
duplicates_action_submenu = wx.Menu()
label = 'set this file as better than the ' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( num_selected - 1 ) + ' other selected'
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, duplicates_action_submenu, label, 'Set the focused media to be better than the other selected files.', self._SetDuplicatesFocusedBetter )
num_files = self._GetNumSelected()
num_pairs = num_files * ( num_files - 1 ) / 2 # combinations -- n!/2(n-2)!
num_pairs_text = HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( num_pairs ) + ' pairs'
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, duplicates_action_submenu, 'set all selected as same quality', 'Set all the selected files as same quality duplicates.', self._SetDuplicates, HC.DUPLICATE_SAME_QUALITY )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, duplicates_action_submenu, 'set all selected as alternates', 'Set all the selected files as alternates.', self._SetDuplicates, HC.DUPLICATE_ALTERNATE )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, duplicates_action_submenu, 'set all selected as not duplicates', 'Set all the selected files as not duplicates.', self._SetDuplicates, HC.DUPLICATE_NOT_DUPLICATE )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, duplicates_action_submenu, 'make a custom duplicates action', 'Choose which duplicates status to set to this selection and customise non-default merge options.', self._SetDuplicatesCustom )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( duplicates_action_submenu )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, duplicates_action_submenu, 'send the ' + num_pairs_text + ' in this selection to be compared in the duplicates filter', 'Set all the possible pairs in the selection as unknown/potential duplicate pairs.', self._SetDuplicates, HC.DUPLICATE_UNKNOWN )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, duplicates_action_submenu, 'remove the ' + num_pairs_text + ' in this selection from the duplicates system', 'Remove all duplicates relationships from all the pairs in this selection.', self._SetDuplicates, None )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( duplicates_action_submenu )
duplicates_edit_action_submenu = wx.Menu()
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, duplicates_edit_action_submenu, 'for ' + HC.duplicate_type_string_lookup[ duplicate_type ], 'Edit what happens when you set this status.', self._EditDuplicateActionOptions, duplicate_type )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( duplicates_action_submenu, duplicates_edit_action_submenu, 'edit default merge options' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, duplicates_menu, 'duplicates' )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( duplicates_menu, duplicates_action_submenu, 'set duplicate relationships' )
if HG.client_controller.DBCurrentlyDoingJob():
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuLabel( duplicates_menu, 'Could not fetch duplicates (db currently locked)' )
duplicate_types_to_counts = HG.client_controller.Read( 'duplicate_types_to_counts', self._file_service_key, focussed_hash )
if len( duplicate_types_to_counts ) > 0:
duplicates_view_menu = wx.Menu()
if duplicate_type in duplicate_types_to_counts:
count = duplicate_types_to_counts[ duplicate_type ]
label = HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( count ) + ' ' + HC.duplicate_type_string_lookup[ duplicate_type ]
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, duplicates_view_menu, label, 'Show these duplicates in a new page.', self._ShowDuplicatesInNewPage, focussed_hash, duplicate_type )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( duplicates_menu, duplicates_view_menu, 'view this file\'s duplicates' )
if advanced_mode:
if self._focussed_media.HasImages():
ClientGUIMenus.AppendSeparator( menu )
similar_menu = wx.Menu()
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, similar_menu, 'exact match', 'Search the database for files that look precisely like this one.', self._GetSimilarTo, HC.HAMMING_EXACT_MATCH )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, similar_menu, 'very similar', 'Search the database for files that look just like this one.', self._GetSimilarTo, HC.HAMMING_VERY_SIMILAR )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, similar_menu, 'similar', 'Search the database for files that look generally like this one.', self._GetSimilarTo, HC.HAMMING_SIMILAR )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, similar_menu, 'speculative', 'Search the database for files that probably look like this one. This is sometimes useful for symbols with sharp edges or lines.', self._GetSimilarTo, HC.HAMMING_SPECULATIVE )
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenu( menu, similar_menu, 'find similar files' )
if advanced_mode:
ClientGUIMenus.AppendMenuItem( self, menu, 'reparse files and regenerate thumbnails', 'Refresh this file\'s metadata and regenerate its thumbnails.', self._ReparseFile )
HG.client_controller.PopupMenu( self, menu )
def MaintainPageCache( self ):
if not HG.client_controller.GetGUI().IsCurrentPage( self._page_key ):
def NewFileInfo( self, hashes ):
affected_media = self._GetMedia( hashes )
for media in affected_media:
def NewThumbnails( self, hashes ):
affected_thumbnails = self._GetMedia( hashes )
if len( affected_thumbnails ) > 0:
self._RedrawMedia( affected_thumbnails )
def RefreshAcceleratorTable( self ):
if not self:
entries = [
( wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_HOME, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'scroll_home' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_HOME, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'scroll_home' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_END, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'scroll_end' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_END, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'scroll_end' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_DELETE, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'delete_file' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_DELETE, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'delete_file' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_RETURN, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'fullscreen' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'fullscreen' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_UP, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'key_up' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_UP, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'key_up' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_DOWN, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'key_down' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_DOWN, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'key_down' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_LEFT, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'key_left' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_LEFT, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'key_left' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_RIGHT, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'key_right' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_RIGHT, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'key_right' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, wx.WXK_HOME, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'shift_scroll_home' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_HOME, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'shift_scroll_home' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, wx.WXK_END, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'shift_scroll_end' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_END, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'shift_scroll_end' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, wx.WXK_DELETE, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'undelete' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_DELETE, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'undelete' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, wx.WXK_UP, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'key_shift_up' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_UP, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'key_shift_up' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, wx.WXK_DOWN, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'key_shift_down' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_DOWN, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'key_shift_down' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, wx.WXK_LEFT, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'key_shift_left' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_LEFT, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'key_shift_left' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, wx.WXK_RIGHT, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'key_shift_right' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_RIGHT, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'key_shift_right' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord( 'A' ), ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'select', 'all' ) ),
( wx.ACCEL_CTRL, wx.WXK_SPACE, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'ctrl-space' ) )
entries.append( ( wx.ACCEL_NORMAL, wx.WXK_BACK, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'delete_file' ) ) )
entries.append( ( wx.ACCEL_SHIFT, wx.WXK_BACK, ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetPermanentId( 'undelete' ) ) )
self.SetAcceleratorTable( wx.AcceleratorTable( entries ) )
def SetFocussedMedia( self, page_key, media ):
MediaPanel.SetFocussedMedia( self, page_key, media )
if page_key == self._page_key:
if media is None:
self._SetFocussedMedia( None )
my_media = self._GetMedia( media.GetHashes() )[0]
self._HitMedia( my_media, False, False )
self._ScrollToMedia( self._focussed_media )
def Sort( self, page_key, media_sort = None ):
MediaPanel.Sort( self, page_key, media_sort )
def ThumbnailsResized( self ):
( thumbnail_span_width, thumbnail_span_height ) = self._GetThumbnailSpanDimensions()
self.SetScrollRate( 0, thumbnail_span_height )
def TIMERAnimationUpdate( self ):
loop_started = HydrusData.GetNowPrecise()
loop_should_break_time = loop_started + ( FRAME_DURATION / 2 )
( thumbnail_span_width, thumbnail_span_height ) = self._GetThumbnailSpanDimensions()
hashes = list( self._thumbnails_being_faded_in.keys() )
random.shuffle( hashes )
dcs = {}
( xUnit, yUnit ) = self.GetScrollPixelsPerUnit()
y_start = self._GetYStart()
earliest_y = y_start * yUnit
page_height = self._num_rows_per_canvas_page * thumbnail_span_height
for hash in hashes:
( original_bmp, alpha_bmp, thumbnail_index, thumbnail, animation_started, num_frames_rendered ) = self._thumbnails_being_faded_in[ hash ]
num_frames_supposed_to_be_rendered = int( ( loop_started - animation_started ) / FRAME_DURATION )
num_frames_to_render = num_frames_supposed_to_be_rendered - num_frames_rendered
if num_frames_to_render == 0:
delete_entry = False
expected_thumbnail = self._sorted_media[ thumbnail_index ]
expected_thumbnail = None
page_index = self._GetPageIndexFromThumbnailIndex( thumbnail_index )
if expected_thumbnail != thumbnail:
delete_entry = True
elif page_index not in self._clean_canvas_pages:
delete_entry = True
times_to_draw = 1
if num_frames_supposed_to_be_rendered >= NUM_FRAMES_TO_FILL_IN:
bmp_to_use = original_bmp
delete_entry = True
times_to_draw = num_frames_to_render
bmp_to_use = alpha_bmp
num_frames_rendered += times_to_draw
self._thumbnails_being_faded_in[ hash ] = ( original_bmp, alpha_bmp, thumbnail_index, thumbnail, animation_started, num_frames_rendered )
thumbnail_col = thumbnail_index % self._num_columns
thumbnail_row = thumbnail_index / self._num_columns
x = thumbnail_col * thumbnail_span_width + CC.THUMBNAIL_MARGIN
y = ( thumbnail_row - ( page_index * self._num_rows_per_canvas_page ) ) * thumbnail_span_height + CC.THUMBNAIL_MARGIN
if page_index not in dcs:
canvas_bmp = self._clean_canvas_pages[ page_index ]
dc = wx.MemoryDC( canvas_bmp )
dcs[ page_index ] = dc
dc = dcs[ page_index ]
for i in range( times_to_draw ):
dc.DrawBitmap( bmp_to_use, x, y, True )
page_virtual_y = page_height * page_index
page_client_y = page_virtual_y - earliest_y
client_y = page_client_y + y
d = True
self.RefreshRect( wx.Rect( x, client_y, thumbnail_span_width - CC.THUMBNAIL_MARGIN, thumbnail_span_height - CC.THUMBNAIL_MARGIN ) )
if delete_entry:
del self._thumbnails_being_faded_in[ hash ]
if HydrusData.TimeHasPassedPrecise( loop_should_break_time ):
if len( self._thumbnails_being_faded_in ) == 0:
HG.client_controller.gui.UnregisterAnimationUpdateWindow( self )
def WaterfallThumbnails( self, page_key, thumbnails ):
if self._page_key == page_key:
self._FadeThumbnails( thumbnails )
class Selectable( object ):
def __init__( self ): self._selected = False
def Deselect( self ): self._selected = False
def IsSelected( self ): return self._selected
def Select( self ): self._selected = True
class Thumbnail( Selectable ):
def __init__( self, file_service_key ):
Selectable.__init__( self )
self._dump_status = CC.DUMPER_NOT_DUMPED
self._file_service_key = file_service_key
def _ScaleUpThumbnailDimensions( self, thumbnail_dimensions, scale_up_dimensions ):
( thumb_width, thumb_height ) = thumbnail_dimensions
( scale_up_width, scale_up_height ) = scale_up_dimensions
# we want to expand the image so that the smallest dimension fills everything
scale_factor = max( scale_up_width / float( thumb_width ), scale_up_height / float( thumb_height ) )
destination_width = int( round( thumb_width * scale_factor ) )
destination_height = int( round( thumb_height * scale_factor ) )
offset_x = ( scale_up_width - destination_width ) / 2
offset_y = ( scale_up_height - destination_height ) / 2
offset_position = ( offset_x, offset_y )
destination_dimensions = ( destination_width, destination_height )
return ( offset_position, destination_dimensions )
def Dumped( self, dump_status ):
self._dump_status = dump_status
def GetBmp( self ):
inbox = self.HasInbox()
local = self.GetLocationsManager().IsLocal()
thumbnail_hydrus_bmp = HG.client_controller.GetCache( 'thumbnail' ).GetThumbnail( self )
( width, height ) = ClientData.AddPaddingToDimensions( HC.options[ 'thumbnail_dimensions' ], CC.THUMBNAIL_BORDER * 2 )
bmp = wx.Bitmap( width, height, 24 )
dc = wx.MemoryDC( bmp )
new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options
if not local:
if self._selected:
if self._selected:
dc.SetBackground( wx.Brush( new_options.GetColour( colour_type ) ) )
thumbnail_fill = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'thumbnail_fill' )
( thumb_width, thumb_height ) = thumbnail_hydrus_bmp.GetSize()
if thumbnail_fill:
wx_image = thumbnail_hydrus_bmp.GetWxImage()
scale_up_dimensions = HC.options[ 'thumbnail_dimensions' ]
( offset_position, destination_dimensions ) = self._ScaleUpThumbnailDimensions( ( thumb_width, thumb_height ), scale_up_dimensions )
( destination_width, destination_height ) = destination_dimensions
wx_image = wx_image.Scale( destination_width, destination_height, wx.IMAGE_QUALITY_HIGH )
wx_bmp = wx.Bitmap( wx_image )
( x_offset, y_offset ) = offset_position
wx_bmp = thumbnail_hydrus_bmp.GetWxBitmap()
x_offset = ( width - thumb_width ) / 2
y_offset = ( height - thumb_height ) / 2
dc.DrawBitmap( wx_bmp, x_offset, y_offset )
new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options
tm = self.GetTagsManager()
tags = tm.GetCurrent( CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ).union( tm.GetPending( CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ) )
if len( tags ) > 0:
siblings_manager = HG.client_controller.GetManager( 'tag_siblings' )
tags = siblings_manager.CollapseTags( CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY, tags )
upper_tag_summary_generator = new_options.GetTagSummaryGenerator( 'thumbnail_top' )
upper_summary = upper_tag_summary_generator.GenerateSummary( tags )
lower_tag_summary_generator = new_options.GetTagSummaryGenerator( 'thumbnail_bottom_right' )
lower_summary = lower_tag_summary_generator.GenerateSummary( tags )
if len( upper_summary ) > 0 or len( lower_summary ) > 0:
gc = wx.GraphicsContext.Create( dc )
if len( upper_summary ) > 0:
text_colour_with_alpha = upper_tag_summary_generator.GetTextColour()
gc.SetFont( wx.SystemSettings.GetFont( wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT ), text_colour_with_alpha )
background_colour_with_alpha = upper_tag_summary_generator.GetBackgroundColour()
gc.SetBrush( wx.Brush( background_colour_with_alpha ) )
( text_x, text_y ) = gc.GetTextExtent( upper_summary )
top_left_x = int( ( width - text_x ) / 2 )
gc.DrawRectangle( 0, top_left_y - 1, width, text_y + 2 )
gc.DrawText( upper_summary, top_left_x, top_left_y )
if len( lower_summary ) > 0:
text_colour_with_alpha = lower_tag_summary_generator.GetTextColour()
gc.SetFont( wx.SystemSettings.GetFont( wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT ), text_colour_with_alpha )
background_colour_with_alpha = lower_tag_summary_generator.GetBackgroundColour()
gc.SetBrush( wx.Brush( background_colour_with_alpha ) )
( text_x, text_y ) = gc.GetTextExtent( lower_summary )
top_left_x = width - text_x - CC.THUMBNAIL_BORDER
top_left_y = height - text_y - CC.THUMBNAIL_BORDER
gc.DrawRectangle( top_left_x - 1, top_left_y - 1, text_x + 2, text_y + 2 )
gc.DrawText( lower_summary, top_left_x, top_left_y )
del gc
if not local:
if self._selected:
if self._selected:
dc.SetPen( wx.Pen( new_options.GetColour( colour_type ), style = wx.PENSTYLE_SOLID ) )
dc.DrawRectangle( 0, 0, width, height )
locations_manager = self.GetLocationsManager()
icons_to_draw = []
if locations_manager.IsDownloading():
icons_to_draw.append( CC.GlobalBMPs.downloading )
if CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY in locations_manager.GetCurrent():
icons_to_draw.append( CC.GlobalBMPs.trash )
if inbox:
icons_to_draw.append( CC.GlobalBMPs.inbox )
if len( icons_to_draw ) > 0:
icon_x = 0
for icon in icons_to_draw:
dc.DrawBitmap( icon, width + icon_x - 18, 0 )
icon_x -= 18
if self._dump_status == CC.DUMPER_DUMPED_OK: dc.DrawBitmap( CC.GlobalBMPs.dump_ok, width - 18, 18 )
elif self._dump_status == CC.DUMPER_RECOVERABLE_ERROR: dc.DrawBitmap( CC.GlobalBMPs.dump_recoverable, width - 18, 18 )
elif self._dump_status == CC.DUMPER_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR: dc.DrawBitmap( CC.GlobalBMPs.dump_fail, width - 18, 18 )
if self.IsCollection():
dc.DrawBitmap( CC.GlobalBMPs.collection, 1, height - 17 )
num_files_str = str( len( self._hashes ) )
dc.SetFont( wx.SystemSettings.GetFont( wx.SYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT ) )
( text_x, text_y ) = dc.GetTextExtent( num_files_str )
dc.SetBrush( wx.Brush( CC.COLOUR_UNSELECTED ) )
dc.SetTextForeground( CC.COLOUR_SELECTED_DARK )
dc.DrawRectangle( 17, height - text_y - 3, text_x + 2, text_y + 2 )
dc.DrawText( num_files_str, 18, height - text_y - 2 )
# repo icons
services_manager = HG.client_controller.services_manager
repo_icon_x = 0
current = locations_manager.GetCurrentRemote()
pending = locations_manager.GetPendingRemote()
petitioned = locations_manager.GetPetitionedRemote()
current_to_display = current.difference( petitioned )
service_types = [ services_manager.GetService( service_key ).GetServiceType() for service_key in current_to_display ]
if HC.FILE_REPOSITORY in service_types:
dc.DrawBitmap( CC.GlobalBMPs.file_repository, repo_icon_x, 0 )
repo_icon_x += 20
if HC.IPFS in service_types:
dc.DrawBitmap( CC.GlobalBMPs.ipfs, repo_icon_x, 0 )
repo_icon_x += 20
service_types = [ services_manager.GetService( service_key ).GetServiceType() for service_key in pending ]
if HC.FILE_REPOSITORY in service_types:
dc.DrawBitmap( CC.GlobalBMPs.file_repository_pending, repo_icon_x, 0 )
repo_icon_x += 20
if HC.IPFS in service_types:
dc.DrawBitmap( CC.GlobalBMPs.ipfs_pending, repo_icon_x, 0 )
repo_icon_x += 20
service_types = [ services_manager.GetService( service_key ).GetServiceType() for service_key in petitioned ]
if HC.FILE_REPOSITORY in service_types:
dc.DrawBitmap( CC.GlobalBMPs.file_repository_petitioned, repo_icon_x, 0 )
repo_icon_x += 20
if HC.IPFS in service_types:
dc.DrawBitmap( CC.GlobalBMPs.ipfs_petitioned, repo_icon_x, 0 )
repo_icon_x += 20
return bmp
class ThumbnailMediaCollection( Thumbnail, ClientMedia.MediaCollection ):
def __init__( self, file_service_key, media_results ):
ClientMedia.MediaCollection.__init__( self, file_service_key, media_results )
Thumbnail.__init__( self, file_service_key )
class ThumbnailMediaSingleton( Thumbnail, ClientMedia.MediaSingleton ):
def __init__( self, file_service_key, media_result ):
ClientMedia.MediaSingleton.__init__( self, media_result )
Thumbnail.__init__( self, file_service_key )