
106 lines
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import struct
import typing
from PIL import Image as PILImage
from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions, HydrusImageHandling
from psd_tools import PSDImage
from psd_tools.constants import Resource
def PSDHasICCProfile(path: str):
if not PSD_TOOLS_OK:
raise HydrusExceptions.UnsupportedFileException( 'psd_tools unavailable' )
psd = PSDImage.open(path)
return Resource.ICC_PROFILE in psd.image_resources
def MergedPILImageFromPSD(path: str) -> PILImage:
if not PSD_TOOLS_OK:
raise HydrusExceptions.UnsupportedFileException( 'psd_tools unavailable' )
psd = PSDImage.open(path)
pil_image = psd.topil(apply_icc = False)
no_alpha = psd._record.layer_and_mask_information.layer_info is not None and psd._record.layer_and_mask_information.layer_info.layer_count > 0
if HydrusImageHandling.PILImageHasTransparency(pil_image) and no_alpha:
# merged image from psd-tools has transparency when it shouldn't
# see https://github.com/psd-tools/psd-tools/issues/369
# and https://github.com/psd-tools/psd-tools/pull/370
# I think it's fine to convert to RGB in all cases since eventually
# that has to happen for the thumbnail anyway.
pil_image = pil_image.convert("RGB")
if Resource.ICC_PROFILE in psd.image_resources:
icc = psd.image_resources.get_data(Resource.ICC_PROFILE)
pil_image.info['icc_profile'] = icc
return pil_image
def GenerateThumbnailBytesFromPSDPath(path: str, target_resolution: typing.Tuple[int, int], clip_rect = None) -> bytes:
pil_image = MergedPILImageFromPSD(path)
if clip_rect is not None:
pil_image = HydrusImageHandling.ClipPILImage( pil_image, clip_rect )
thumbnail_pil_image = pil_image.resize( target_resolution, PILImage.LANCZOS )
thumbnail_bytes = HydrusImageHandling.GenerateThumbnailBytesPIL( thumbnail_pil_image )
return thumbnail_bytes
def GetPSDResolution(path: str):
if not PSD_TOOLS_OK:
return GetPSDResolutionFallback(path)
psd = PSDImage.open(path)
resolution = (psd.width, psd.height)
return resolution
def GetPSDResolutionFallback(path: str):
with open( path, 'rb' ) as f:
f.seek( 14 )
height_bytes = f.read( 4 )
width_bytes = f.read( 4 )
height: int = struct.unpack( '>L', height_bytes )[0]
width: int = struct.unpack( '>L', width_bytes )[0]
return ( width, height )