
624 lines
21 KiB

import http.cookies
from . import HydrusConstants as HC
from . import HydrusData
from . import HydrusExceptions
from . import HydrusGlobals as HG
from . import HydrusNetwork
from . import HydrusNetworking
from . import HydrusPaths
from . import HydrusSerialisable
from . import HydrusServerResources
from . import ServerFiles
class HydrusResourceBusyCheck( HydrusServerResources.Resource ):
def __init__( self ):
HydrusServerResources.Resource.__init__( self )
self._server_version_string = HC.service_string_lookup[ HC.SERVER_ADMIN ] + '/' + str( HC.NETWORK_VERSION )
def render_GET( self, request ):
request.setResponseCode( 200 )
request.setHeader( 'Server', self._server_version_string )
if HG.server_busy:
return b'1'
return b'0'
class HydrusResourceHydrusNetwork( HydrusServerResources.HydrusResource ):
def _callbackParseGETArgs( self, request ):
parsed_request_args = HydrusNetwork.ParseHydrusNetworkGETArgs( request.args )
request.parsed_request_args = parsed_request_args
return request
def _callbackParsePOSTArgs( self, request ):
request.content.seek( 0 )
if not request.requestHeaders.hasHeader( 'Content-Type' ):
parsed_request_args = HydrusNetworking.ParsedRequestArguments()
content_types = request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders( 'Content-Type' )
content_type = content_types[0]
mime = HC.mime_enum_lookup[ content_type ]
raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'Did not recognise Content-Type header!' )
total_bytes_read = 0
json_string = request.content.read()
total_bytes_read += len( json_string )
parsed_request_args = HydrusNetwork.ParseNetworkBytesToParsedHydrusArgs( json_string )
( os_file_handle, temp_path ) = HydrusPaths.GetTempPath()
request.temp_file_info = ( os_file_handle, temp_path )
with open( temp_path, 'wb' ) as f:
for block in HydrusPaths.ReadFileLikeAsBlocks( request.content ):
f.write( block )
total_bytes_read += len( block )
decompression_bombs_ok = self._DecompressionBombsOK( request )
parsed_request_args = HydrusServerResources.ParseFileArguments( temp_path, decompression_bombs_ok )
self._reportDataUsed( request, total_bytes_read )
request.parsed_request_args = parsed_request_args
return request
class HydrusResourceAccessKey( HydrusResourceHydrusNetwork ):
def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ):
registration_key = request.parsed_request_args[ 'registration_key' ]
access_key = HG.server_controller.Read( 'access_key', self._service_key, registration_key )
body = HydrusNetwork.DumpHydrusArgsToNetworkBytes( { 'access_key' : access_key } )
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, body = body )
return response_context
class HydrusResourceShutdown( HydrusResourceHydrusNetwork ):
def _threadDoPOSTJob( self, request ):
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200 )
return response_context
class HydrusResourceAccessKeyVerification( HydrusResourceHydrusNetwork ):
def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ):
access_key = self._parseHydrusNetworkAccessKey( request )
verified = HG.server_controller.Read( 'verify_access_key', self._service_key, access_key )
body = HydrusNetwork.DumpHydrusArgsToNetworkBytes( { 'verified' : verified } )
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, body = body )
return response_context
class HydrusResourceSessionKey( HydrusResourceHydrusNetwork ):
def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ):
access_key = self._parseHydrusNetworkAccessKey( request )
( session_key, expires ) = HG.server_controller.server_session_manager.AddSession( self._service_key, access_key )
now = HydrusData.GetNow()
max_age = expires - now
cookies = [ ( 'session_key', session_key.hex(), { 'max_age' : str( max_age ), 'path' : '/' } ) ]
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, cookies = cookies )
return response_context
class HydrusResourceRestricted( HydrusResourceHydrusNetwork ):
def _callbackCheckRestrictions( self, request ):
HydrusResourceHydrusNetwork._callbackCheckRestrictions( self, request )
self._checkSession( request )
self._checkAccount( request )
return request
def _checkAccount( self, request ):
return request
def _checkBandwidth( self, request ):
if not self._service.BandwidthOK():
raise HydrusExceptions.BandwidthException( 'This service has run out of bandwidth. Please try again later.' )
if not HG.server_controller.ServerBandwidthOK():
raise HydrusExceptions.BandwidthException( 'This server has run out of bandwidth. Please try again later.' )
def _checkSession( self, request ):
if not request.requestHeaders.hasHeader( 'Cookie' ):
raise HydrusExceptions.MissingCredentialsException( 'No cookies found!' )
cookie_texts = request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders( 'Cookie' )
cookie_text = cookie_texts[0]
cookies = http.cookies.SimpleCookie( cookie_text )
if 'session_key' not in cookies:
session_key = None
# Morsel, for real, ha ha ha
morsel = cookies[ 'session_key' ]
session_key_hex = morsel.value
session_key = bytes.fromhex( session_key_hex )
raise Exception( 'Problem parsing cookies!' )
account = HG.server_controller.server_session_manager.GetAccount( self._service_key, session_key )
request.hydrus_account = account
return request
def _reportDataUsed( self, request, num_bytes ):
HydrusResourceHydrusNetwork._reportDataUsed( self, request, num_bytes )
account = request.hydrus_account
if account is not None:
account.ReportDataUsed( num_bytes )
def _reportRequestUsed( self, request ):
HydrusResourceHydrusNetwork._reportRequestUsed( self, request )
account = request.hydrus_account
if account is not None:
class HydrusResourceRestrictedAccount( HydrusResourceRestricted ):
def _checkAccount( self, request ):
# you can always fetch your account (e.g. to be notified that you are banned!)
return request
def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ):
account = request.hydrus_account
body = HydrusNetwork.DumpHydrusArgsToNetworkBytes( { 'account' : account } )
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, body = body )
return response_context
class HydrusResourceRestrictedAccountInfo( HydrusResourceRestricted ):
def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ):
subject_identifier = request.parsed_request_args[ 'subject_identifier' ]
if subject_identifier.HasAccountKey():
subject_account_key = subject_identifier.GetData()
raise HydrusExceptions.MissingCredentialsException( 'I was expecting an account key, but did not get one!' )
subject_account = HG.server_controller.Read( 'account', self._service_key, subject_account_key )
account_info = HG.server_controller.Read( 'account_info', self._service_key, request.hydrus_account, subject_account )
body = HydrusNetwork.DumpHydrusArgsToNetworkBytes( { 'account_info' : account_info } )
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, body = body )
return response_context
class HydrusResourceRestrictedAccountModification( HydrusResourceRestricted ):
def _threadDoPOSTJob( self, request ):
action = request.parsed_request_args[ 'action' ]
subject_accounts = request.parsed_request_args[ 'accounts' ]
kwargs = request.parsed_request_args # for things like expires, title, and so on
with HG.dirty_object_lock:
HG.server_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'account_modification', self._service_key, request.hydrus_account, action, subject_accounts, **kwargs )
HG.server_controller.server_session_manager.UpdateAccounts( self._service_key, subject_accounts )
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200 )
return response_context
class HydrusResourceRestrictedAccountTypes( HydrusResourceRestricted ):
def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ):
account_types = HG.server_controller.Read( 'account_types', self._service_key, request.hydrus_account )
body = HydrusNetwork.DumpHydrusArgsToNetworkBytes( { 'account_types' : account_types } )
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, body = body )
return response_context
def _threadDoPOSTJob( self, request ):
account_types = request.parsed_request_args[ 'account_types' ]
deletee_account_type_keys_to_new_account_type_keys = request.parsed_request_args[ 'deletee_account_type_keys_to_new_account_type_keys' ]
HG.server_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'account_types', self._service_key, request.hydrus_account, account_types, deletee_account_type_keys_to_new_account_type_keys )
HG.server_controller.server_session_manager.RefreshAccounts( self._service_key )
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200 )
return response_context
class HydrusResourceRestrictedBackup( HydrusResourceRestricted ):
def _threadDoPOSTJob( self, request ):
# check permission here since this is an asynchronous job
HG.server_controller.Write( 'backup' )
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200 )
return response_context
class HydrusResourceRestrictedIP( HydrusResourceRestricted ):
def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ):
hash = request.parsed_request_args[ 'hash' ]
( ip, timestamp ) = HG.server_controller.Read( 'ip', self._service_key, request.hydrus_account, hash )
body = HydrusNetwork.DumpHydrusArgsToNetworkBytes( { 'ip' : ip, 'timestamp' : timestamp } )
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, body = body )
return response_context
class HydrusResourceRestrictedNumPetitions( HydrusResourceRestricted ):
def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ):
petition_count_info = HG.server_controller.Read( 'num_petitions', self._service_key, request.hydrus_account )
body = HydrusNetwork.DumpHydrusArgsToNetworkBytes( { 'num_petitions' : petition_count_info } )
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, body = body )
return response_context
class HydrusResourceRestrictedPetition( HydrusResourceRestricted ):
def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ):
content_type = request.parsed_request_args[ 'content_type' ]
status = request.parsed_request_args[ 'status' ]
petition = HG.server_controller.Read( 'petition', self._service_key, request.hydrus_account, content_type, status )
body = HydrusNetwork.DumpHydrusArgsToNetworkBytes( { 'petition' : petition } )
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, body = body )
return response_context
class HydrusResourceRestrictedRegistrationKeys( HydrusResourceRestricted ):
def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ):
num = request.parsed_request_args[ 'num' ]
account_type_key = request.parsed_request_args[ 'account_type_key' ]
if 'expires' in request.parsed_request_args:
expires = request.parsed_request_args[ 'expires' ]
expires = None
registration_keys = HG.server_controller.Read( 'registration_keys', self._service_key, request.hydrus_account, num, account_type_key, expires )
body = HydrusNetwork.DumpHydrusArgsToNetworkBytes( { 'registration_keys' : registration_keys } )
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, body = body )
return response_context
class HydrusResourceRestrictedRepositoryFile( HydrusResourceRestricted ):
def _DecompressionBombsOK( self, request ):
return request.hydrus_account.HasPermission( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_ACCOUNTS, HC.PERMISSION_ACTION_CREATE )
def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ):
self._checkBandwidth( request )
# no permission check as any functional account can get files
hash = request.parsed_request_args[ 'hash' ]
( valid, mime ) = HG.server_controller.Read( 'service_has_file', self._service_key, hash )
if not valid:
raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'File not found on this service!' )
path = ServerFiles.GetFilePath( hash )
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = mime, path = path )
return response_context
def _threadDoPOSTJob( self, request ):
file_dict = request.parsed_request_args
if self._service.LogUploaderIPs():
file_dict[ 'ip' ] = request.getClientIP()
HG.server_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'file', self._service, request.hydrus_account, file_dict )
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200 )
return response_context
class HydrusResourceRestrictedRepositoryThumbnail( HydrusResourceRestricted ):
def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ):
self._checkBandwidth( request )
# no permission check as any functional account can get thumbnails
hash = request.parsed_request_args[ 'hash' ]
( valid, mime ) = HG.server_controller.Read( 'service_has_file', self._service_key, hash )
if not valid:
raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'Thumbnail not found on this service!' )
raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'That mime should not have a thumbnail!' )
path = ServerFiles.GetThumbnailPath( hash )
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = HC.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, path = path )
return response_context
class HydrusResourceRestrictedServices( HydrusResourceRestricted ):
def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ):
services = HG.server_controller.Read( 'services_from_account', request.hydrus_account )
body = HydrusNetwork.DumpHydrusArgsToNetworkBytes( { 'services' : services } )
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, body = body )
return response_context
def _threadDoPOSTJob( self, request ):
services = request.parsed_request_args[ 'services' ]
unique_ports = { service.GetPort() for service in services }
if len( unique_ports ) < len( services ):
raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'It looks like some of those services share ports! Please give them unique ports!' )
with HG.dirty_object_lock:
service_keys_to_access_keys = HG.server_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'services', request.hydrus_account, services )
HG.server_controller.SetServices( services )
body = HydrusNetwork.DumpHydrusArgsToNetworkBytes( { 'service_keys_to_access_keys' : service_keys_to_access_keys } )
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, body = body )
return response_context
class HydrusResourceRestrictedUpdate( HydrusResourceRestricted ):
def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ):
self._checkBandwidth( request )
# no permissions check as any functional account can get updates
update_hash = request.parsed_request_args[ 'update_hash' ]
if not self._service.HasUpdateHash( update_hash ):
raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'This update hash does not exist on this service!' )
path = ServerFiles.GetFilePath( update_hash )
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = HC.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, path = path )
return response_context
def _threadDoPOSTJob( self, request ):
client_to_server_update = request.parsed_request_args[ 'client_to_server_update' ]
HG.server_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'update', self._service_key, request.hydrus_account, client_to_server_update )
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200 )
return response_context
class HydrusResourceRestrictedImmediateUpdate( HydrusResourceRestricted ):
def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ):
updates = HG.server_controller.Read( 'immediate_update', self._service_key, request.hydrus_account )
updates = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList( updates )
body = HydrusNetwork.DumpHydrusArgsToNetworkBytes( { 'updates' : updates } )
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, body = body )
return response_context
class HydrusResourceRestrictedMetadataUpdate( HydrusResourceRestricted ):
def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ):
# no permissions check as any functional account can get metadata slices
since = request.parsed_request_args[ 'since' ]
metadata_slice = self._service.GetMetadataSlice( since )
body = HydrusNetwork.DumpHydrusArgsToNetworkBytes( { 'metadata_slice' : metadata_slice } )
response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, body = body )
return response_context