
343 lines
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import typing
from qtpy import QtCore as QC
from qtpy import QtWidgets as QW
from qtpy import QtGui as QG
from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC
from hydrus.core import HydrusData
from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG
from hydrus.core import HydrusProfiling
from hydrus.core import HydrusText
from hydrus.core import HydrusTime
from hydrus.client.gui import QtPorting as QP
def AppendMenu( menu, submenu, label ):
label = SanitiseLabel( label )
submenu.setTitle( label )
menu_action = menu.addMenu( submenu )
return menu_action
def AppendMenuIconItem( menu: QW.QMenu, label: str, description: str, icon: QG.QIcon, callable, *args, **kwargs ):
menu_item = QW.QAction( menu )
menu_item.setMenuRole( QW.QAction.ApplicationSpecificRole )
SetMenuTexts( menu_item, label, description )
menu_item.setIcon( icon )
BindMenuItem( menu_item, callable, *args, **kwargs )
return menu_item
def AppendMenuBitmapItem( menu, label, description, bitmap, callable, *args, **kwargs ):
return AppendMenuIconItem(menu, label, description, QG.QIcon( bitmap ), callable, *args, **kwargs)
def AppendMenuCheckItem( menu, label, description, initial_value, callable, *args, **kwargs ):
menu_item = QW.QAction( menu )
menu_item.setMenuRole( QW.QAction.ApplicationSpecificRole )
SetMenuTexts( menu_item, label, description )
menu_item.setCheckable( True )
menu_item.setChecked( initial_value )
menu.addAction( menu_item )
BindMenuItem( menu_item, callable, *args, **kwargs )
return menu_item
def AppendMenuItem( menu, label, description, callable, *args, **kwargs ):
menu_item = QW.QAction( menu )
menu_item.setMenuRole( QW.QAction.ApplicationSpecificRole )
SetMenuTexts( menu_item, label, description )
menu.addAction( menu_item )
BindMenuItem( menu_item, callable, *args, **kwargs )
return menu_item
def AppendMenuLabel( menu, label, description = '', copy_text = '' ):
if description == label:
description = ''
if copy_text == '':
copy_text = label
if description == '':
description = f'copy "{copy_text}" to clipboard'
menu_item = QW.QAction( menu )
menu_item.setMenuRole( QW.QAction.ApplicationSpecificRole )
SetMenuTexts( menu_item, label, description )
menu.addAction( menu_item )
BindMenuItem( menu_item, HG.client_controller.pub, 'clipboard', 'text', copy_text )
return menu_item
def AppendMenuOrItem( menu, submenu_name, menu_tuples, sort_tuples = True ):
if sort_tuples:
menu_tuples = sorted( menu_tuples )
if len( menu_tuples ) == 1:
submenu = menu
item_prefix = '{} '.format( submenu_name )
submenu = GenerateMenu( menu )
AppendMenu( menu, submenu, submenu_name )
item_prefix = ''
for ( label, description, call ) in menu_tuples:
label = '{}{}'.format( item_prefix, label )
AppendMenuItem( submenu, label, description, call )
def AppendSeparator( menu ):
num_items = len( menu.actions() )
if num_items > 0:
last_item = menu.actions()[-1]
# got this once, who knows what happened, so we test for QAction now
# 'PySide2.QtGui.QStandardItem' object has no attribute 'isSeparator'
last_item_is_separator = isinstance( last_item, QW.QAction ) and last_item.isSeparator()
if not last_item_is_separator:
def BindMenuItem( menu_item, callable, *args, **kwargs ):
event_callable = GetEventCallable( callable, *args, **kwargs )
menu_item.triggered.connect( event_callable )
def DestroyMenu( menu ):
if menu is None:
if QP.isValid( menu ):
class StatusBarRedirectFilter( QC.QObject ):
def eventFilter( self, watched, event ):
if event.type() == QC.QEvent.StatusTip:
QW.QApplication.instance().sendEvent( HG.client_controller.gui, event )
return True
except Exception as e:
HydrusData.ShowException( e )
return True
return False
def GenerateMenu( parent: QW.QWidget ) -> QW.QMenu:
menu = QW.QMenu( parent )
menu.setToolTipsVisible( True )
menu.installEventFilter( StatusBarRedirectFilter( menu ) )
return menu
def GetEventCallable( callable, *args, **kwargs ):
def event_callable( checked_state ):
if HG.profile_mode:
summary = 'Profiling menu: ' + repr( callable )
HydrusProfiling.Profile( summary, 'callable( *args, **kwargs )', globals(), locals(), min_duration_ms = HG.menu_profile_min_job_time_ms )
callable( *args, **kwargs )
return event_callable
def SanitiseLabel( label: str ) -> str:
if label == '':
label = '-invalid label-'
return label.replace( '&', '&&' )
def SetMenuItemLabel( menu_item: QW.QAction, label: str ):
label = SanitiseLabel( label )
menu_item.setText( label )
def SetMenuTexts( menu_item: QW.QAction, label: str, description: str ):
label = SanitiseLabel( label )
elided_label = HydrusText.ElideText( label, 128, elide_center = True )
menu_item.setText( elided_label )
menu_item.setStatusTip( description )
if label != elided_label:
menu_item.setToolTip( label )
elif description != label and description != '':
menu_item.setToolTip( description )
menu_item.setWhatsThis( description )
def SetMenuTitle( menu: QW.QMenu, label: str ):
label = SanitiseLabel( label )
menu.setTitle( label )
def SpamItems( menu: QW.QMenu, labels_descriptions_and_calls: typing.Collection[ typing.Tuple[ str, str, typing.Callable ] ], max_allowed: int ):
if len( labels_descriptions_and_calls ) > max_allowed:
num_to_show = max_allowed - 1
num_to_show = max_allowed
for ( label, description, call ) in list( labels_descriptions_and_calls )[:num_to_show]:
AppendMenuItem( menu, label, description, call )
if len( labels_descriptions_and_calls ) > num_to_show:
# maybe one day this becomes a thing that extends the menu to show them all
AppendMenuLabel( menu, '{} more...'.format( len( labels_descriptions_and_calls ) - num_to_show ) )
def SpamLabels( menu: QW.QMenu, labels_and_copy_texts: typing.Collection[ typing.Tuple[ str, str ] ], max_allowed: int ):
if len( labels_and_copy_texts ) > max_allowed:
num_to_show = max_allowed - 1
num_to_show = max_allowed
for ( label, copy_text ) in list( labels_and_copy_texts )[:num_to_show]:
AppendMenuLabel( menu, label, copy_text = copy_text )
if len( labels_and_copy_texts ) > num_to_show:
# maybe one day this becomes a thing that extends the menu to show them all
AppendMenuLabel( menu, '{} more...'.format( len( labels_and_copy_texts ) - num_to_show ) )