import ClientConstants as CC import ClientDefaults import ClientDownloading import ClientNetworking import ClientNetworkingDomain import HydrusConstants as HC import HydrusGlobals as HG import HydrusData import HydrusExceptions import HydrusSerialisable import os import json import requests import threading import time import urllib VALIDITY_VALID = 0 VALIDITY_UNTESTED = 1 VALIDITY_INVALID = 2 # make this serialisable class LoginCredentials( object ): def __init__( self ): self._credentials = {} # user-facing name (unique) : string self._validity = VALIDITY_UNTESTED def GetCredential( self, name ): return self._credentials[ name ] class NetworkLoginManager( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_NETWORK_LOGIN_MANAGER SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'Login Manager' SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 1 SESSION_TIMEOUT = 60 * 45 def __init__( self ): HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase.__init__( self ) # needs _dirty and setdirty and be on that serialisation check and so on self.engine = None self._lock = threading.Lock() self._domains_to_login_scripts_and_credentials = {} self._hydrus_login_script = LoginScriptHydrus() # as a login script can apply to multiple places, the actual credentials should be a separate object # this makes script import/export privacy a little easier! # these credentials should have validity tracking too # the script failing vs the credentials failing are different things, wew # track recent error at the script level? some sensible way of dealing with 'domain is currently down, so try again later' # maybe this should be at the domain manager's validity level, yeah. # so, we fetch all the logins, ask them for the network contexts so we can set up the dict # variables from old object here self._error_names = set() # should this be handled in the session manager? yeah, prob self._network_contexts_to_session_timeouts = {} def _GetLoginNetworkContext( self, network_context ): nc_domain = network_context.context_data domains = ClientNetworkingDomain.ConvertDomainIntoAllApplicableDomains( nc_domain ) for domain in domains: if domain in self._domains_to_login_scripts_and_credentials: return domain return None def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): return {} def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): self._network_contexts_to_logins = {} def CanLogin( self, network_context ): with self._lock: if network_context.context_type == CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN: login_network_context = self._GetLoginNetworkContext( network_context ) if login_network_context is None: return False ( login_script, credentials ) = self._domains_to_login_scripts_and_credentials[ login_network_context.context_data ] ( result, reason ) = login_script.CanLogin( credentials ) return result elif network_context.context_type == CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_HYDRUS: service_key = network_context.context_data services_manager = self.engine.controller.services_manager if not services_manager.ServiceExists( service_key ): return False service = services_manager.GetService( service_key ) return service.IsFunctional( ignore_account = True ) return False def GenerateLoginProcess( self, network_context ): with self._lock: if network_context.context_type == CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN: login_network_context = self._GetLoginNetworkContext( network_context ) if login_network_context is None: raise HydrusExceptions.DataMissing() ( login_script, credentials ) = self._domains_to_login_scripts_and_credentials[ login_network_context.context_data ] login_process = LoginProcessDomain( self.engine, login_network_context, login_script, credentials ) elif network_context.context_type == CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_HYDRUS: login_process = LoginProcessHydrus( self.engine, network_context, self._hydrus_login_script ) return login_process def NeedsLogin( self, network_context ): with self._lock: if network_context.context_type == CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN: login_network_context = self._GetLoginNetworkContext( network_context ) if login_network_context is None: return False ( login_script, credentials ) = self._domains_to_login_scripts_and_credentials[ login_network_context.context_data ] return login_script.IsLoggedIn( self.engine, login_network_context ) elif network_context.context_type == CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_HYDRUS: return not self._hydrus_login_script.IsLoggedIn( self.engine, network_context ) # these methods are from the old object: def _GetCookiesDict( self, network_context ): session = self.engine.session_manager.GetSession( network_context ) cookies = session.cookies cookies.clear_expired_cookies() domains = cookies.list_domains() for domain in domains: if domain.endswith( network_context.context_data ): return cookies.get_dict( domain ) return {} def _IsLoggedIn( self, network_context, required_cookies ): cookie_dict = self._GetCookiesDict( network_context ) for name in required_cookies: if name not in cookie_dict: return False return True def EnsureLoggedIn( self, name ): with self._lock: if name in self._error_names: raise Exception( name + ' could not establish a session! This ugly error is temporary due to the network engine rewrite. Please restart the client to reattempt this network context.' ) if name == 'hentai foundry': network_context = ClientNetworking.NetworkContext( CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN, '' ) required_cookies = [ 'PHPSESSID', 'YII_CSRF_TOKEN' ] elif name == 'pixiv': network_context = ClientNetworking.NetworkContext( CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN, '' ) required_cookies = [ 'PHPSESSID' ] if self._IsLoggedIn( network_context, required_cookies ): return try: if name == 'hentai foundry': self.LoginHF( network_context ) elif name == 'pixiv': result = self.engine.controller.Read( 'serialisable_simple', 'pixiv_account' ) if result is None: raise HydrusExceptions.DataMissing( 'You need to set up your pixiv credentials in services->manage pixiv account.' ) ( pixiv_id, password ) = result self.LoginPixiv( network_context, pixiv_id, password ) if not self._IsLoggedIn( network_context, required_cookies ): raise Exception( name + ' login did not work correctly!' ) HydrusData.Print( 'Successfully logged into ' + name + '.' ) except: self._error_names.add( name ) raise def LoginHF( self, network_context ): session = self.engine.session_manager.GetSession( network_context ) num_attempts = 0 while True: try: response = session.get( '', timeout = 10 ) break except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout: if num_attempts < 3: num_attempts += 1 time.sleep( 3 ) else: raise HydrusExceptions.ConnectionException( 'Could not connect to HF to log in!' ) time.sleep( 1 ) response = session.get( '' ) time.sleep( 1 ) cookie_dict = self._GetCookiesDict( network_context ) raw_csrf = cookie_dict[ 'YII_CSRF_TOKEN' ] # 19b05b536885ec60b8b37650a32f8deb11c08cd1s%3A40%3A%222917dcfbfbf2eda2c1fbe43f4d4c4ec4b6902b32%22%3B processed_csrf = urllib.unquote( raw_csrf ) # 19b05b536885ec60b8b37650a32f8deb11c08cd1s:40:"2917dcfbfbf2eda2c1fbe43f4d4c4ec4b6902b32"; csrf_token = processed_csrf.split( '"' )[1] # the 2917... bit hentai_foundry_form_info = ClientDefaults.GetDefaultHentaiFoundryInfo() hentai_foundry_form_info[ 'YII_CSRF_TOKEN' ] = csrf_token response = '', data = hentai_foundry_form_info ) time.sleep( 1 ) # This updated login form is cobbled together from the example in PixivUtil2 # it is breddy shid because I'm not using mechanize or similar browser emulation (like requests's sessions) yet # Pixiv 400s if cookies and referrers aren't passed correctly # I am leaving this as a mess with the hope the eventual login engine will replace it def LoginPixiv( self, network_context, pixiv_id, password ): session = self.engine.session_manager.GetSession( network_context ) response = session.get( '' ) soup = ClientDownloading.GetSoup( response.content ) # some whocking 20kb bit of json tucked inside a hidden form input wew lad i = soup.find( 'input', id = 'init-config' ) raw_json = i['value'] j = json.loads( raw_json ) if 'pixivAccount.postKey' not in j: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'When trying to log into Pixiv, I could not find the POST key! This is a problem with hydrus\'s pixiv parsing, not your login! Please contact hydrus dev!' ) post_key = j[ 'pixivAccount.postKey' ] form_fields = {} form_fields[ 'pixiv_id' ] = pixiv_id form_fields[ 'password' ] = password form_fields[ 'captcha' ] = '' form_fields[ 'g_recaptcha_response' ] = '' form_fields[ 'return_to' ] = '' form_fields[ 'lang' ] = 'en' form_fields[ 'post_key' ] = post_key form_fields[ 'source' ] = 'pc' headers = {} headers[ 'referer' ] = "^source=pc&view_type=page&ref=wwwtop_accounts_index" headers[ 'origin' ] = "" '', data = form_fields, headers = headers ) time.sleep( 1 ) def TestPixiv( self, pixiv_id, password ): # this is just an ugly copy, but fuck it for the minute # we'll figure out a proper testing engine later with the login engine and tie the manage gui into it as well session = requests.Session() response = session.get( '' ) soup = ClientDownloading.GetSoup( response.content ) # some whocking 20kb bit of json tucked inside a hidden form input wew lad i = soup.find( 'input', id = 'init-config' ) raw_json = i['value'] j = json.loads( raw_json ) if 'pixivAccount.postKey' not in j: return ( False, 'When trying to log into Pixiv, I could not find the POST key! This is a problem with hydrus\'s pixiv parsing, not your login! Please contact hydrus dev!' ) post_key = j[ 'pixivAccount.postKey' ] form_fields = {} form_fields[ 'pixiv_id' ] = pixiv_id form_fields[ 'password' ] = password form_fields[ 'captcha' ] = '' form_fields[ 'g_recaptcha_response' ] = '' form_fields[ 'return_to' ] = '' form_fields[ 'lang' ] = 'en' form_fields[ 'post_key' ] = post_key form_fields[ 'source' ] = 'pc' headers = {} headers[ 'referer' ] = "^source=pc&view_type=page&ref=wwwtop_accounts_index" headers[ 'origin' ] = "" r = '', data = form_fields, headers = headers ) if not r.ok: HydrusData.ShowText( r.content ) return ( False, 'Login request failed! Info printed to log.' ) cookies = session.cookies cookies.clear_expired_cookies() domains = cookies.list_domains() for domain in domains: if domain.endswith( '' ): d = cookies.get_dict( domain ) if 'PHPSESSID' not in d: HydrusData.ShowText( r.content ) return ( False, 'Pixiv login failed to establish session! Info printed to log.' ) return ( True, '' ) HydrusData.ShowText( r.content ) return ( False, 'Pixiv login failed to establish session! Info printed to log.' ) class LoginProcess( object ): def __init__( self, engine, network_context, login_script ): self.engine = engine self.network_context = network_context self.login_script = login_script self._done = False def _Start( self ): raise NotImplementedError() def IsDone( self ): return self._done def Start( self ): try: self._Start() finally: self._done = True class LoginProcessDomain( LoginProcess ): def __init__( self, engine, network_context, login_script, credentials ): LoginProcess.__init__( self, engine, network_context, login_script ) self.credentials = credentials def _Start( self ): self.login_script.Start( self.engine, self.network_context, self.credentials ) class LoginProcessHydrus( LoginProcess ): def _Start( self ): self.login_script.Start( self.engine, self.network_context ) class LoginScriptHydrus( object ): def _IsLoggedIn( self, session ): cookies = session.cookies cookies.clear_expired_cookies() return 'session_key' in cookies def IsLoggedIn( self, engine, network_context ): session = engine.session_manager.GetSession( network_context ) return self._IsLoggedIn( session ) def Start( self, engine, network_context ): service_key = network_context.context_data service = engine.controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key ) base_url = service.GetBaseURL() url = base_url + 'session_key' access_key = service.GetCredentials().GetAccessKey() network_job = ClientNetworking.NetworkJobHydrus( service_key, 'GET', url ) network_job.SetForLogin( True ) network_job.AddAdditionalHeader( 'Hydrus-Key', access_key.encode( 'hex' ) ) engine.AddJob( network_job ) try: network_job.WaitUntilDone() session = engine.session_manager.GetSession( network_context ) if self._IsLoggedIn( session ): HydrusData.Print( 'Successfully logged into ' + service.GetName() + '.' ) else: service.DelayFutureRequests( 'Could not log in for unknown reason.' ) except Exception as e: e_string = str( e ) service.DelayFutureRequests( e_string ) HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_NETWORK_LOGIN_MANAGER ] = NetworkLoginManager # make this serialisable class LoginScriptDomain( object ): def __init__( self ): self._name = 'gelbooru v2.0 login script' self._login_steps = [] self._validity = VALIDITY_UNTESTED self._error_reason = '' self._expected_cookies_for_login = [] # [ name, stringmatch ] def _IsLoggedIn( self, network_context, session ): # this is more complicated for sadpanda, right? # I may need some way to have an override of some kind that is like 'this login script specifically logs in to one domain, although it applies to others' # need to research sadpanda exact mechanism--is it IP based? # this should also return ( result, reason ) for testing and other purposes cookies = session.cookies cookies.clear_expired_cookies() search_domain = network_context.context_data for ( name, string_match ) in self._expected_cookies_for_login: try: cookie_text = ClientNetworkingDomain.GetCookie( cookies, search_domain, name ) except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing as e: return False try: string_match.Test( cookie_text ) except HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException: return False return True def CanLogin( self, credentials ): if self._validity == VALIDITY_INVALID: return ( False, 'Script is not valid: ' + self._error_reason ) for step in self._login_steps: try: step.TestCredentials( credentials ) except HydrusExceptions.ValidationException as e: return ( False, str( e ) ) return True def GetExpectedCredentialDestinations( self, domain ): # for step in steps, say where each named credential is going # return a dict like: # : username, password # : username, password # This'll be presented on the cred entering form so it can't be missed pass def GetRequiredCredentials( self ): required_creds = [] for step in self._login_steps: required_creds.extend( step.GetRequiredCredentials() ) # [ ( credential_type, name, arg_name, string_match ) ] with an order return required_creds def IsLoggedIn( self, engine, network_context ): session = engine.session_manager.GetSession( network_context ) return self._IsLoggedIn( network_context, session ) def Start( self, engine, domain, network_context, credentials ): # don't mess with the domain--assume that we are given precisely the right domain # this maybe takes some job_key or something so it can present to the user login process status # this will be needed in the dialog where we test this. we need good feedback on how it is going # irl, this could be a 'login popup' message as well, just to inform the user on the progress of any delay temp_variables = {} for step in self._login_steps: try: step.Start( engine, credentials, temp_variables ) except HydrusExceptions.ValidationException as e: self._error_reason = str( e ) self._validity = VALIDITY_INVALID engine.login_manager.SetDirty() except Exception as e: # set error info self._validity = VALIDITY_INVALID # inform login manager that I'm dirty and need to be saved return False # test session logged in status here, erroring gracefully return True LOGIN_PARAMETER_TYPE_PARAMETER = 0 LOGIN_PARAMETER_TYPE_COOKIE = 1 LOGIN_PARAMETER_TYPE_HEADER = 2 # make this serialisable class LoginStep( object ): def __init__( self ): self._name = 'hit home page to establish session' self._method = None # get/post self._domain_string_converter = None self._query = 'login.php' self._statics = [] # arg name | string self._required_credentials = [] # type | user-facing name (unique) | arg name | string match self._required_temps = [] # arg name self._expected_cookies = [] # name | string match self._content_parsing_nodes = [] def _TestCredentials( self, credentials ): for ( credential_type, pretty_name, arg_name, string_match ) in self._required_credentials: if arg_name not in credentials: raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( 'The credential \'' + pretty_name + '\' was missing!' ) arg_value = credentials.GetCredential( arg_name ) try: string_match.Test( arg_name ) except HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException as e: reason = unicode( e ) raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( 'The credential \'' + pretty_name + '\' did not match requirements:' + os.linesep + reason ) def GetRequiredCredentials( self ): return list( self._required_credentials ) def Start( self, engine, domain, credentials, temp_variables ): # e.g. converting '' to '' url_base = self._domain_string_converter.Convert( domain ) arguments = {} arguments.update( self._statics ) self._TestCredentials( credentials ) for ( credential_type, pretty_name, arg_name, string_match ) in self._required_credentials: arguments[ arg_name ] = credentials.GetCredential( arg_name ) for name in self._required_temps: if name not in temp_variables: raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( 'The temporary variable \'' + name + '\' was not found!' ) arguments[ name ] = temp_variables[ name ] if self._method == 'POST': pass # make it into body elif self._method == 'GET': pass # make it into query # construct the url, failing if creds or temps missing # hit the url, failing on connection fault or whatever for parsing_node in self._content_parsing_nodes: try: parsing_node.Vetoes() except HydrusExceptions.VetoException as e: raise HydrusExceptions.ValidationException( unicode( e ) ) # if content type is a temp variable: # get it and add to temp_variables pass def TestCredentials( self, credentials ): self._TestCredentials( credentials )