import ClientConstants as CC import ClientParsing import ClientThreading import collections import HydrusConstants as HC import HydrusGlobals as HG import HydrusData import HydrusExceptions import HydrusSerialisable import os import threading import time import urlparse def ConvertDomainIntoAllApplicableDomains( domain ): domains = [] while domain.count( '.' ) > 0: # let's discard so we don't end up tracking it separately to's not much point! startswith_www = domain.count( '.' ) > 1 and domain.startswith( 'www' ) if not startswith_www: domains.append( domain ) domain = '.'.join( domain.split( '.' )[1:] ) # i.e. strip off the leftmost subdomain -> return domains def ConvertURLIntoDomain( url ): parser_result = urlparse.urlparse( url ) domain = HydrusData.ToByteString( parser_result.netloc ) return domain VALID_DENIED = 0 VALID_APPROVED = 1 VALID_UNKNOWN = 2 valid_str_lookup = {} valid_str_lookup[ VALID_DENIED ] = 'denied' valid_str_lookup[ VALID_APPROVED ] = 'approved' valid_str_lookup[ VALID_UNKNOWN ] = 'unknown' class NetworkDomainManager( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_NETWORK_DOMAIN_MANAGER SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 1 def __init__( self ): HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase.__init__( self ) self.engine = None self._url_matches = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList() self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts = collections.defaultdict( dict ) self._domains_to_url_matches = collections.defaultdict( list ) self._dirty = False self._lock = threading.Lock() self._RecalcCache() def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): serialisable_url_matches = self._url_matches.GetSerialisableTuple() serialisable_network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts = [ ( network_context.GetSerialisableTuple(), custom_header_dict.items() ) for ( network_context, custom_header_dict ) in self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts.items() ] return ( serialisable_url_matches, serialisable_network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts ) def _GetURLMatch( self, url ): domain = ConvertURLIntoDomain( url ) if domain in self._domains_to_url_matches: url_matches = self._domains_to_url_matches[ domain ] # it would be nice to somehow sort these based on descending complexity # maybe by length of example url # in this way, url matches can have overlapping desmaign # e.g. 'post url' vs 'post url, manga subpage' for url_match in url_matches: ( result_bool, result_reason ) = url_match.Test( url ) if result_bool: return url_match return None def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): ( serialisable_url_matches, serialisable_network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts ) = serialisable_info self._url_matches = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_url_matches ) self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts = collections.defaultdict( dict ) for ( serialisable_network_context, custom_header_dict_items ) in serialisable_network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts: network_context = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_network_context ) custom_header_dict = dict( custom_header_dict_items ) self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts[ network_context ] = custom_header_dict def _RecalcCache( self ): self._domains_to_url_matches = collections.defaultdict( list ) for url_match in self._url_matches: domain = url_match.GetDomain() self._domains_to_url_matches[ domain ].append( url_match ) def _SetDirty( self ): self._dirty = True def CanValidateInPopup( self, network_contexts ): # we can always do this for headers return True def GenerateValidationPopupProcess( self, network_contexts ): with self._lock: header_tuples = [] for network_context in network_contexts: if network_context in self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts: custom_header_dict = self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts[ network_context ] for ( key, ( value, approved, reason ) ) in custom_header_dict.items(): if approved == VALID_UNKNOWN: header_tuples.append( ( network_context, key, value, reason ) ) process = DomainValidationPopupProcess( self, header_tuples ) return process def GetDownloader( self, url ): with self._lock: # this might be better as getdownloaderkey, but we'll see how it shakes out # might also be worth being a getifhasdownloader # match the url to a url_match, then lookup that in a 'this downloader can handle this url_match type' dict that we'll manage pass def GetHeaders( self, network_contexts ): with self._lock: headers = {} for network_context in network_contexts: if network_context in self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts: custom_header_dict = self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts[ network_context ] for ( key, ( value, approved, reason ) ) in custom_header_dict.items(): if approved == VALID_APPROVED: headers[ key ] = value return headers def GetNetworkContextsToCustomHeaderDicts( self ): with self._lock: return dict( self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts ) def IsDirty( self ): with self._lock: return self._dirty def IsValid( self, network_contexts ): # for now, let's say that denied headers are simply not added, not that they invalidate a query for network_context in network_contexts: if network_context in self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts: custom_header_dict = self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts[ network_context ] for ( value, approved, reason ) in custom_header_dict.values(): if approved == VALID_UNKNOWN: return False return True def NormaliseURL( self, url ): # call this before an entry into a seed cache or the db # use it in the dialog to review mass db-level changes with self._lock: url_match = self._GetURLMatch( url ) if url_match is None: return url normalised_url = url_match.Normalise( url ) return normalised_url def SetClean( self ): with self._lock: self._dirty = False def SetHeaderValidation( self, network_context, key, approved ): with self._lock: if network_context in self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts: custom_header_dict = self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts[ network_context ] if key in custom_header_dict: ( value, old_approved, reason ) = custom_header_dict[ key ] custom_header_dict[ key ] = ( value, approved, reason ) self._SetDirty() def SetNetworkContextsToCustomHeaderDicts( self, network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts ): with self._lock: self._network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts = network_contexts_to_custom_header_dicts self._SetDirty() HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_NETWORK_DOMAIN_MANAGER ] = NetworkDomainManager class DomainValidationPopupProcess( object ): def __init__( self, domain_manager, header_tuples ): self._domain_manager = domain_manager self._header_tuples = header_tuples self._is_done = False def IsDone( self ): return self._is_done def Start( self ): try: results = [] for ( network_context, key, value, reason ) in self._header_tuples: job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey() # generate question question = 'For the network context ' + network_context.ToUnicode() + ', can the client set this header?' question += os.linesep * 2 question += key + ': ' + value question += os.linesep * 2 question += reason job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_yes_no_question', question ) 'message', job_key ) result = job_key.GetIfHasVariable( 'popup_yes_no_answer' ) while result is None: if HG.view_shutdown: return time.sleep( 0.25 ) result = job_key.GetIfHasVariable( 'popup_yes_no_answer' ) if result: approved = VALID_APPROVED else: approved = VALID_DENIED self._domain_manager.SetHeaderValidation( network_context, key, approved ) finally: self._is_done = True class URLMatch( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBaseNamed ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_URL_MATCH SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 1 def __init__( self, name, preferred_scheme = 'https', netloc = '', subdomain_is_important = False, path_components = None, parameters = None, example_url = '' ): if path_components is None: path_components = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList() path_components.append( ClientParsing.StringMatch( match_type = ClientParsing.STRING_MATCH_FIXED, match_value = 'post', example_string = 'post' ) ) path_components.append( ClientParsing.StringMatch( match_type = ClientParsing.STRING_MATCH_FIXED, match_value = 'page.php', example_string = 'page.php' ) ) if parameters is None: parameters = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary() parameters[ 's' ] = ClientParsing.StringMatch( match_type = ClientParsing.STRING_MATCH_FIXED, match_value = 'view', example_string = 'view' ) parameters[ 'id' ] = ClientParsing.StringMatch( match_type = ClientParsing.STRING_MATCH_FLEXIBLE, match_value = ClientParsing.NUMERIC, example_string = '123456' ) # an edit dialog panel for this that has example url and testing of current values # a parent panel or something that lists all current urls in the db that match and how they will be clipped, is this ok? kind of thing. HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBaseNamed.__init__( self, name ) self._preferred_scheme = preferred_scheme self._netloc = netloc self._subdomain_is_important = subdomain_is_important self._path_components = path_components self._parameters = parameters self._example_url = example_url def _ClipNetLoc( self, netloc ): if self._subdomain_is_important: # for domains like, where removing the subdomain may break the url, we leave it alone pass else: # for domains like, where multiple subdomains serve the same content as the larger site # if the main site doesn't deliver the same content as the subdomain, then subdomain_is_important netloc = self._netloc return netloc def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): serialisable_path_components = self._path_components.GetSerialisableTuple() serialisable_parameters = self._parameters.GetSerialisableTuple() return ( self._preferred_scheme, self._netloc, self._subdomain_is_important, serialisable_path_components, serialisable_parameters, self._example_url ) def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): ( self._preferred_scheme, self._netloc, self._subdomain_is_important, serialisable_path_components, serialisable_parameters, self._example_url ) = serialisable_info self._path_components = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_path_components ) self._parameters = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_parameters ) def _ClipPath( self, path ): # /post/show/1326143/akunim-anthro-armband-armwear-clothed-clothing-fem while path.startswith( '/' ): path = path[ 1 : ] # post/show/1326143/akunim-anthro-armband-armwear-clothed-clothing-fem path_components = path.split( '/' ) path = '/'.join( path_components[ : len( self._path_components ) ] ) # post/show/1326143 if len( path ) > 0: path = '/' + path # /post/show/1326143 return path def _ClipQuery( self, query ): valid_parameters = [] for ( key, value ) in urlparse.parse_qsl( query ): if key in self._parameters: valid_parameters.append( ( key, value ) ) valid_parameters.sort() query = '&'.join( ( key + '=' + value for ( key, value ) in valid_parameters ) ) return query def GetDomain( self ): return ConvertURLIntoDomain( self._example_url ) def Normalise( self, url ): p = urlparse.urlparse( url ) scheme = self._preferred_scheme netloc = self._ClipNetLoc( p.netloc ) path = self._ClipPath( p.path ) params = '' query = self._ClipQuery( p.query ) fragment = '' r = urlparse.ParseResult( scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment ) return r.geturl() def Test( self, url ): # split the url into parts according to urlparse p = urlparse.urlparse( url ) # test p.netloc with netloc, taking subdomain_is_important into account url_path = p.path while url_path.startswith( '/' ): url_path = url_path[ 1 : ] url_path_components = p.path.split( '/' ) if len( url_path_components ) < len( self._path_components ): return ( False, p.path + ' did not have ' + str( len( self._path_components ) ) + ' components' ) for ( url_path_component, expected_path_component ) in zip( url_path_components, self._path_components ): ( bool_result, reason ) = expected_path_component.Test( url_path_component ) if not bool_result: return ( bool_result, reason ) url_parameters_list = urlparse.parse_qsl( p.query ) if len( url_parameters_list ) < len( self._parameters ): return ( False, p.query + ' did not have ' + str( len( self._parameters ) ) + ' value pairs' ) for ( key, url_value ) in url_parameters_list: if key not in self._parameters: return ( False, key + ' not found in ' + p.query ) expected_value = self._parameters[ key ] ( bool_result, reason ) = expected_value.Test( url_value ) if not bool_result: return ( bool_result, reason ) return ( True, 'good' ) HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_URLS_IMPORT ] = URLMatch