#!/bin/bash pushd "$(dirname "$0")" || exit 1 echo " r::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::r" echo " : :" echo " : :PP. :" echo " : vBBr :" echo " : 7BB: :" echo " : rBB: :" echo " : :DQRE: rBB: :gMBb: :" echo " : :BBBi rBB: 7BBB. :" echo " : KBB: rBB: rBBI :" echo " : qBB: rBB: rQBU :" echo " : qBB: rBB: iBBS :" echo " : qBB: iBB: 7BBj :" echo " : iBBY iBB. 2BB. :" echo " : SBQq iBQ: EBBY :" echo " : :MQBZMBBDRBBP. :" echo " : .YBB7 :" echo " : :BB. :" echo " : 7BBi :" echo " : rBB: :" echo " : :" echo " r::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::r" echo echo " hydrus" echo py_command=python3 if ! type -P $py_command >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "No \"python3\" found, using \"python\"." py_command=python fi if [ -d "venv" ]; then echo "Virtual environment will be reinstalled. Hit Enter to start." read -r echo "Deleting old venv..." rm -rf venv else echo "If you do not know what this is, check the 'running from source' help. Hit Enter to start." read -r fi echo "--------" echo "If your macOS is old, or you are on >=Python 3.11, do the advanced install. Let hydev know what works for you." echo echo "Your Python version is:" $py_command --version echo echo "Do you want the (s)imple or (a)dvanced install? " read -r install_type if [ "$install_type" = "s" ]; then : elif [ "$install_type" = "a" ]; then echo "--------" echo "We are now going to choose which versions of some larger libraries we are going to use. If something doesn't install, or hydrus won't boot, just run this script again and it will delete everything and start over." echo echo "Qt - User Interface" echo "Most people want \"6\"." echo "If you are <= 10.13 (High Sierra), choose \"5\". If you want a specific version, choose \"a\"." echo "Do you want Qt(5), Qt(6), or (a)dvanced? " read -r qt if [ "$qt" = "5" ]; then : elif [ "$qt" = "6" ]; then : elif [ "$qt" = "a" ]; then : else echo "Sorry, did not understand that input!" exit 1 fi if [ "$qt" = "a" ]; then echo echo "If you are <=10.15 (Catalina) or otherwise have trouble with the normal Qt6, try \"o\" on Python <=3.10 or \"m\" on Python >=3.11." echo "Do you want Qt6 (o)lder, Qt6 (m)iddle, Qt6 (t)est, or (w)rite your own? " read -r qt if [ "$qt" = "o" ]; then : elif [ "$qt" = "m" ]; then : elif [ "$qt" = "t" ]; then : elif [ "$qt" = "w" ]; then : else echo "Sorry, did not understand that input!" exit 1 fi fi if [ "$qt" = "w" ]; then echo echo "Enter the exact PySide6 version you want, e.g. '6.6.0': " read -r qt_custom_pyside6 echo "Enter the exact qtpy version you want (probably '2.4.1'): " read -r qt_custom_qtpy fi echo "--------" echo "mpv - audio and video playback" echo echo "mpv is broken on macOS. As a safe default, choose \"n\"." echo "Do you want (o)ld mpv, (n)ew mpv, or (t)est mpv? " read -r mpv if [ "$mpv" = "o" ]; then : elif [ "$mpv" = "n" ]; then : elif [ "$mpv" = "t" ]; then : else echo "Sorry, did not understand that input!" popd || exit 1 exit 1 fi echo "--------" echo "Pillow - Images" echo echo "Most people want \"n\"." echo "If you are Python 3.7 or earlier, choose \"o\"" echo "Do you want (o)ld pillow or (n)ew pillow? " read -r pillow if [ "$pillow" = "o" ]; then : elif [ "$pillow" = "n" ]; then : else echo "Sorry, did not understand that input!" popd || exit 1 exit 1 fi echo "--------" echo "OpenCV - Images" echo echo "Most people want \"n\"." echo "If it doesn't work, fall back to \"o\". Python >=3.11 might need \"t\"." echo "Do you want (o)ld OpenCV, (n)ew OpenCV, or (t)est OpenCV? " read -r opencv if [ "$opencv" = "o" ]; then : elif [ "$opencv" = "n" ]; then : elif [ "$opencv" = "t" ]; then : else echo "Sorry, did not understand that input!" popd || exit 1 exit 1 fi else echo "Sorry, did not understand that input!" popd || exit 1 exit 1 fi echo "--------" echo "Creating new venv..." $py_command -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate if ! source venv/bin/activate; then echo "The venv failed to activate, stopping now!" popd || exit 1 exit 1 fi python -m pip install --upgrade pip python -m pip install --upgrade wheel if [ "$install_type" = "s" ]; then python -m pip install -r requirements.txt elif [ "$install_type" = "a" ]; then if [ "$qt" = "w" ]; then python -m pip install qtpy="$qt_custom_qtpy" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "It looks like we could not find that qtpy version!" popd || exit 1 exit 1 fi python -m pip install PySide6="$qt_custom_pyside6" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "It looks like we could not find that PySide6 version!" popd || exit 1 exit 1 fi fi python -m pip install -r static/requirements/advanced/requirements_core.txt if [ "$qt" = "5" ]; then python -m pip install -r static/requirements/advanced/requirements_qt5.txt elif [ "$qt" = "6" ]; then python -m pip install -r static/requirements/advanced/requirements_qt6.txt elif [ "$qt" = "o" ]; then python -m pip install -r static/requirements/advanced/requirements_qt6_older.txt elif [ "$qt" = "m" ]; then python -m pip install -r static/requirements/advanced/requirements_qt6_middle.txt elif [ "$qt" = "t" ]; then python -m pip install -r static/requirements/advanced/requirements_qt6_test.txt fi if [ "$mpv" = "o" ]; then python -m pip install -r static/requirements/advanced/requirements_mpv_old.txt elif [ "$mpv" = "n" ]; then python -m pip install -r static/requirements/advanced/requirements_mpv_new.txt elif [ "$mpv" = "t" ]; then python -m pip install -r static/requirements/advanced/requirements_mpv_test.txt fi if [ "$pillow" = "o" ]; then python -m pip install -r static/requirements/advanced/requirements_pillow_old.txt elif [ "$pillow" = "n" ]; then python -m pip install -r static/requirements/advanced/requirements_pillow_new.txt fi if [ "$opencv" = "o" ]; then python -m pip install -r static/requirements/advanced/requirements_opencv_old.txt elif [ "$opencv" = "n" ]; then python -m pip install -r static/requirements/advanced/requirements_opencv_new.txt elif [ "$opencv" = "t" ]; then python -m pip install -r static/requirements/advanced/requirements_opencv_test.txt fi fi deactivate echo "--------" echo "Done!" read -r popd || exit