import collections import import json import os import time import traceback from twisted.web.static import File as FileResource from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC from hydrus.core import HydrusData from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG from hydrus.core import HydrusNetworking from hydrus.core import HydrusPaths from hydrus.core import HydrusServerResources from hydrus.core import HydrusTags from hydrus.client import ClientAPI from hydrus.client import ClientConstants as CC from hydrus.client import ClientSearch from hydrus.client.importing import ClientImportFileSeeds from import ClientMedia from hydrus.client.metadata import ClientTags from hydrus.client.networking import ClientNetworkingContexts from hydrus.client.networking import ClientNetworkingDomain local_booru_css = FileResource( os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'local_booru_style.css' ), defaultType = 'text/css' ) LOCAL_BOORU_INT_PARAMS = set() LOCAL_BOORU_BYTE_PARAMS = { 'share_key', 'hash' } LOCAL_BOORU_STRING_PARAMS = set() LOCAL_BOORU_JSON_PARAMS = set() LOCAL_BOORU_JSON_BYTE_LIST_PARAMS = set() CLIENT_API_INT_PARAMS = { 'file_id' } CLIENT_API_BYTE_PARAMS = { 'hash', 'destination_page_key', 'page_key', 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key', 'Hydrus-Client-API-Session-Key' } CLIENT_API_STRING_PARAMS = { 'name', 'url', 'domain' } CLIENT_API_JSON_PARAMS = { 'basic_permissions', 'system_inbox', 'system_archive', 'tags', 'file_ids', 'only_return_identifiers', 'detailed_url_information', 'simple' } CLIENT_API_JSON_BYTE_LIST_PARAMS = { 'hashes' } def ParseLocalBooruGETArgs( requests_args ): args = HydrusNetworking.ParseTwistedRequestGETArgs( requests_args, LOCAL_BOORU_INT_PARAMS, LOCAL_BOORU_BYTE_PARAMS, LOCAL_BOORU_STRING_PARAMS, LOCAL_BOORU_JSON_PARAMS, LOCAL_BOORU_JSON_BYTE_LIST_PARAMS ) return args def ParseClientAPIGETArgs( requests_args ): args = HydrusNetworking.ParseTwistedRequestGETArgs( requests_args, CLIENT_API_INT_PARAMS, CLIENT_API_BYTE_PARAMS, CLIENT_API_STRING_PARAMS, CLIENT_API_JSON_PARAMS, CLIENT_API_JSON_BYTE_LIST_PARAMS ) return args def ParseClientAPIPOSTByteArgs( args ): if not isinstance( args, dict ): raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'The given parameter did not seem to be a JSON Object!' ) parsed_request_args = HydrusNetworking.ParsedRequestArguments( args ) for var_name in CLIENT_API_BYTE_PARAMS: if var_name in parsed_request_args: try: v = bytes.fromhex( parsed_request_args[ var_name ] ) if len( v ) == 0: del parsed_request_args[ var_name ] else: parsed_request_args[ var_name ] = v except: raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'I was expecting to parse \'{}\' as a hex string, but it failed.'.format( var_name ) ) for var_name in CLIENT_API_JSON_BYTE_LIST_PARAMS: if var_name in parsed_request_args: try: v_list = [ bytes.fromhex( hash_hex ) for hash_hex in parsed_request_args[ var_name ] ] v_list = [ v for v in v_list if len( v ) > 0 ] if len( v_list ) == 0: del parsed_request_args[ var_name ] else: parsed_request_args[ var_name ] = v_list except: raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'I was expecting to parse \'{}\' as a list of hex strings, but it failed.'.format( var_name ) ) return parsed_request_args def ParseClientAPIPOSTArgs( request ): 0 ) if not request.requestHeaders.hasHeader( 'Content-Type' ): parsed_request_args = HydrusNetworking.ParsedRequestArguments() total_bytes_read = 0 else: content_types = request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders( 'Content-Type' ) content_type = content_types[0] try: mime = HC.mime_enum_lookup[ content_type ] except: raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'Did not recognise Content-Type header!' ) total_bytes_read = 0 if mime == HC.APPLICATION_JSON: json_bytes = total_bytes_read += len( json_bytes ) json_string = str( json_bytes, 'utf-8' ) args = json.loads( json_string ) parsed_request_args = ParseClientAPIPOSTByteArgs( args ) else: parsed_request_args = HydrusNetworking.ParsedRequestArguments() ( os_file_handle, temp_path ) = HydrusPaths.GetTempPath() request.temp_file_info = ( os_file_handle, temp_path ) with open( temp_path, 'wb' ) as f: for block in HydrusPaths.ReadFileLikeAsBlocks( request.content ): f.write( block ) total_bytes_read += len( block ) return ( parsed_request_args, total_bytes_read ) def ParseClientAPISearchPredicates( request ): default_search_values = {} default_search_values[ 'tags' ] = [] default_search_values[ 'system_inbox' ] = False default_search_values[ 'system_archive' ] = False for ( key, value ) in default_search_values.items(): if key not in request.parsed_request_args: request.parsed_request_args[ key ] = value tags = request.parsed_request_args[ 'tags' ] system_inbox = request.parsed_request_args[ 'system_inbox' ] system_archive = request.parsed_request_args[ 'system_archive' ] negated_tags = [ tag for tag in tags if tag.startswith( '-' ) ] tags = [ tag for tag in tags if not tag.startswith( '-' ) ] negated_tags = HydrusTags.CleanTags( negated_tags ) tags = HydrusTags.CleanTags( tags ) request.client_api_permissions.CheckCanSearchTags( tags ) predicates = [] for tag in negated_tags: predicates.append( ClientSearch.Predicate( predicate_type = ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, value = tag, inclusive = False ) ) for tag in tags: predicates.append( ClientSearch.Predicate( predicate_type = ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, value = tag ) ) if system_inbox: predicates.append( ClientSearch.Predicate( predicate_type = ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_INBOX ) ) elif system_archive: predicates.append( ClientSearch.Predicate( predicate_type = ClientSearch.PREDICATE_TYPE_SYSTEM_ARCHIVE ) ) return predicates class HydrusResourceBooru( HydrusServerResources.HydrusResource ): def _callbackParseGETArgs( self, request ): parsed_request_args = ParseLocalBooruGETArgs( request.args ) request.parsed_request_args = parsed_request_args return request def _callbackParsePOSTArgs( self, request ): return request def _reportDataUsed( self, request, num_bytes ): self._service.ReportDataUsed( num_bytes ) def _reportRequestUsed( self, request ): self._service.ReportRequestUsed() def _checkService( self, request ): HydrusServerResources.HydrusResource._checkService( self, request ) if not self._service.BandwidthOK(): raise HydrusExceptions.BandwidthException( 'This service has run out of bandwidth. Please try again later.' ) class HydrusResourceBooruFile( HydrusResourceBooru ): def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ): share_key = request.parsed_request_args[ 'share_key' ] hash = request.parsed_request_args[ 'hash' ] HG.client_controller.local_booru_manager.CheckFileAuthorised( share_key, hash ) media_result = HG.client_controller.local_booru_manager.GetMediaResult( share_key, hash ) try: mime = media_result.GetMime() path = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, mime ) except HydrusExceptions.FileMissingException: raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'Could not find that file!' ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = mime, path = path ) return response_context class HydrusResourceBooruGallery( HydrusResourceBooru ): def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ): # in future, make this a standard frame with a search key that'll load xml or yaml AJAX stuff # with file info included, so the page can sort and whatever share_key = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'share_key', bytes ) local_booru_manager = HG.client_controller.local_booru_manager local_booru_manager.CheckShareAuthorised( share_key ) ( name, text, timeout, media_results ) = local_booru_manager.GetGalleryInfo( share_key ) body = ''' ''' if name == '': body += ''' hydrus network local booru share''' else: body += ''' ''' + name + '''''' body += ''' ''' ( thumbnail_width, thumbnail_height ) = HC.options[ 'thumbnail_dimensions' ] body += ''' ''' body += ''' ''' body += '''
This share ''' + HydrusData.ConvertTimestampToPrettyExpires( timeout ) + '''.
''' if name != '': body += '''

''' + name + '''

''' if text != '': newline = '''

''' body += '''

''' + text.replace( os.linesep, newline ).replace( '\n', newline ) + '''

''' body+= '''
''' for media_result in media_results: hash = media_result.GetHash() mime = media_result.GetMime() # if mime in flash or pdf or whatever, get other thumbnail body += ''' ''' body += '''
''' response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = HC.TEXT_HTML, body = body ) return response_context class HydrusResourceBooruPage( HydrusResourceBooru ): def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ): share_key = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'share_key', bytes ) hash = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'hash', bytes ) local_booru_manager = HG.client_controller.local_booru_manager local_booru_manager.CheckFileAuthorised( share_key, hash ) ( name, text, timeout, media_result ) = local_booru_manager.GetPageInfo( share_key, hash ) body = ''' ''' if name == '': body += ''' hydrus network local booru share''' else: body += ''' ''' + name + '''''' body += ''' ''' body += ''' ''' body += '''
This share ''' + HydrusData.ConvertTimestampToPrettyExpires( timeout ) + '''.
''' if name != '': body += '''

''' + name + '''

''' if text != '': newline = '''

''' body += '''

''' + text.replace( os.linesep, newline ).replace( '\n', newline ) + '''

''' body+= '''
''' mime = media_result.GetMime() if mime in HC.IMAGES or mime in HC.ANIMATIONS: ( width, height ) = media_result.GetResolution() body += ''' ''' elif mime in HC.VIDEO: ( width, height ) = media_result.GetResolution() body += '''
''' response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = HC.TEXT_HTML, body = body ) return response_context class HydrusResourceBooruThumbnail( HydrusResourceBooru ): def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ): share_key = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'share_key', bytes ) hash = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'hash', bytes ) local_booru_manager = HG.client_controller.local_booru_manager local_booru_manager.CheckFileAuthorised( share_key, hash ) media_result = local_booru_manager.GetMediaResult( share_key, hash ) mime = media_result.GetMime() response_context_mime = HC.IMAGE_PNG if mime in HC.MIMES_WITH_THUMBNAILS: client_files_manager = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager path = client_files_manager.GetThumbnailPath( media_result ) response_context_mime = HC.APPLICATION_UNKNOWN elif mime in HC.AUDIO: path = os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'audio.png' ) elif mime == HC.APPLICATION_PDF: path = os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'pdf.png' ) elif mime == HC.APPLICATION_PSD: path = os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'psd.png' ) else: path = os.path.join( HC.STATIC_DIR, 'hydrus.png' ) if not os.path.exists( path ): raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'Could not find that thumbnail!' ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = response_context_mime, path = path ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPI( HydrusServerResources.HydrusResource ): def _callbackParseGETArgs( self, request ): parsed_request_args = ParseClientAPIGETArgs( request.args ) request.parsed_request_args = parsed_request_args return request def _callbackParsePOSTArgs( self, request ): ( parsed_request_args, total_bytes_read ) = ParseClientAPIPOSTArgs( request ) self._reportDataUsed( request, total_bytes_read ) request.parsed_request_args = parsed_request_args return request def _reportDataUsed( self, request, num_bytes ): self._service.ReportDataUsed( num_bytes ) def _reportRequestUsed( self, request ): self._service.ReportRequestUsed() def _checkService( self, request ): HydrusServerResources.HydrusResource._checkService( self, request ) if not self._service.BandwidthOK(): raise HydrusExceptions.BandwidthException( 'This service has run out of bandwidth. Please try again later.' ) class HydrusResourceClientAPIPermissionsRequest( HydrusResourceClientAPI ): def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ): if not ClientAPI.api_request_dialog_open: raise HydrusExceptions.ConflictException( 'The permission registration dialog is not open. Please open it under "review services" in the hydrus client.' ) name = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'name', str ) basic_permissions = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'basic_permissions', list ) basic_permissions = [ int( value ) for value in basic_permissions ] api_permissions = ClientAPI.APIPermissions( name = name, basic_permissions = basic_permissions ) ClientAPI.last_api_permissions_request = api_permissions access_key = api_permissions.GetAccessKey() body_dict = {} body_dict[ 'access_key' ] = access_key.hex() body = json.dumps( body_dict ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = HC.APPLICATION_JSON, body = body ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIVersion( HydrusResourceClientAPI ): def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ): body_dict = {} body_dict[ 'version' ] = HC.CLIENT_API_VERSION body = json.dumps( body_dict ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = HC.APPLICATION_JSON, body = body ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestricted( HydrusResourceClientAPI ): def _callbackCheckAccountRestrictions( self, request ): HydrusResourceClientAPI._callbackCheckAccountRestrictions( self, request ) self._CheckAPIPermissions( request ) return request def _callbackEstablishAccountFromHeader( self, request ): access_key = self._ParseClientAPIAccessKey( request, 'header' ) if access_key is not None: self._EstablishAPIPermissions( request, access_key ) return request def _callbackEstablishAccountFromArgs( self, request ): if request.client_api_permissions is None: access_key = self._ParseClientAPIAccessKey( request, 'args' ) if access_key is not None: self._EstablishAPIPermissions( request, access_key ) if request.client_api_permissions is None: raise HydrusExceptions.MissingCredentialsException( 'No access key or session key provided!' ) return request def _CheckAPIPermissions( self, request ): raise NotImplementedError() def _EstablishAPIPermissions( self, request, access_key ): try: api_permissions = HG.client_controller.client_api_manager.GetPermissions( access_key ) except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing as e: raise HydrusExceptions.InsufficientCredentialsException( str( e ) ) request.client_api_permissions = api_permissions def _ParseClientAPIKey( self, request, source, name_of_key ): key = None if source == 'header': if request.requestHeaders.hasHeader( name_of_key ): key_texts = request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders( name_of_key ) key_text = key_texts[0] try: key = bytes.fromhex( key_text ) except: raise Exception( 'Problem parsing {}!'.format( name_of_key ) ) elif source == 'args': if name_of_key in request.parsed_request_args: key = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( name_of_key, bytes ) return key def _ParseClientAPIAccessKey( self, request, source ): access_key = self._ParseClientAPIKey( request, source, 'Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key' ) if access_key is None: session_key = self._ParseClientAPIKey( request, source, 'Hydrus-Client-API-Session-Key' ) if session_key is None: return None try: access_key = HG.client_controller.client_api_manager.GetAccessKey( session_key ) except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing as e: raise HydrusExceptions.SessionException( str( e ) ) return access_key class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAccount( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestricted ): def _CheckAPIPermissions( self, request ): pass class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAccountSessionKey( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAccount ): def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ): new_session_key = HG.client_controller.client_api_manager.GenerateSessionKey( request.client_api_permissions.GetAccessKey() ) body_dict = {} body_dict[ 'session_key' ] = new_session_key.hex() body = json.dumps( body_dict ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = HC.APPLICATION_JSON, body = body ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAccountVerify( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAccount ): def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ): api_permissions = request.client_api_permissions basic_permissions = api_permissions.GetBasicPermissions() human_description = api_permissions.ToHumanString() body_dict = {} body_dict[ 'basic_permissions' ] = list( basic_permissions ) # set->list for json body_dict[ 'human_description' ] = human_description body = json.dumps( body_dict ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = HC.APPLICATION_JSON, body = body ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddFiles( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestricted ): def _CheckAPIPermissions( self, request ): request.client_api_permissions.CheckPermission( ClientAPI.CLIENT_API_PERMISSION_ADD_FILES ) class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddFilesAddFile( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddFiles ): def _threadDoPOSTJob( self, request ): if not hasattr( request, 'temp_file_info' ): path = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'path', str ) if not os.path.exists( path ): raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'Path "{}" does not exist!'.format( path ) ) ( os_file_handle, temp_path ) = HydrusPaths.GetTempPath() request.temp_file_info = ( os_file_handle, temp_path ) HydrusPaths.MirrorFile( path, temp_path ) ( os_file_handle, temp_path ) = request.temp_file_info file_import_options = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetDefaultFileImportOptions( 'quiet' ) file_import_job = ClientImportFileSeeds.FileImportJob( temp_path, file_import_options ) try: ( status, hash, note ) = file_import_job.DoWork() except: status = CC.STATUS_ERROR hash = file_import_job.GetHash() note = traceback.format_exc() body_dict = {} body_dict[ 'status' ] = status body_dict[ 'hash' ] = hash.hex() body_dict[ 'note' ] = note body = json.dumps( body_dict ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = HC.APPLICATION_JSON, body = body ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddFilesArchiveFiles( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddFiles ): def _threadDoPOSTJob( self, request ): hashes = set() if 'hash' in request.parsed_request_args: hash = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'hash', bytes ) hashes.add( hash ) if 'hashes' in request.parsed_request_args: more_hashes = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'hashes', list ) hashes.update( more_hashes ) content_update = HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ARCHIVE, hashes ) service_keys_to_content_updates = { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY : [ content_update ] } if len( service_keys_to_content_updates ) > 0: HG.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', service_keys_to_content_updates ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200 ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddFilesDeleteFiles( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddFiles ): def _threadDoPOSTJob( self, request ): hashes = set() if 'hash' in request.parsed_request_args: hash = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'hash', bytes ) hashes.add( hash ) if 'hashes' in request.parsed_request_args: more_hashes = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'hashes', list ) hashes.update( more_hashes ) # expand this to take file service and reason content_update = HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE, hashes ) service_keys_to_content_updates = { CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY : [ content_update ] } if len( service_keys_to_content_updates ) > 0: HG.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', service_keys_to_content_updates ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200 ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddFilesUnarchiveFiles( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddFiles ): def _threadDoPOSTJob( self, request ): hashes = set() if 'hash' in request.parsed_request_args: hash = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'hash', bytes ) hashes.add( hash ) if 'hashes' in request.parsed_request_args: more_hashes = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'hashes', list ) hashes.update( more_hashes ) content_update = HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_INBOX, hashes ) service_keys_to_content_updates = { CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY : [ content_update ] } if len( service_keys_to_content_updates ) > 0: HG.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', service_keys_to_content_updates ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200 ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddFilesUndeleteFiles( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddFiles ): def _threadDoPOSTJob( self, request ): hashes = set() if 'hash' in request.parsed_request_args: hash = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'hash', bytes ) hashes.add( hash ) if 'hashes' in request.parsed_request_args: more_hashes = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'hashes', list ) hashes.update( more_hashes ) # expand this to take file service, if and when we move to multiple trashes or whatever content_update = HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_UNDELETE, hashes ) service_keys_to_content_updates = { CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY : [ content_update ] } if len( service_keys_to_content_updates ) > 0: HG.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', service_keys_to_content_updates ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200 ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddTags( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestricted ): def _CheckAPIPermissions( self, request ): request.client_api_permissions.CheckPermission( ClientAPI.CLIENT_API_PERMISSION_ADD_TAGS ) class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddTagsAddTags( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddTags ): def _threadDoPOSTJob( self, request ): hashes = set() if 'hash' in request.parsed_request_args: hash = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'hash', bytes ) hashes.add( hash ) if 'hashes' in request.parsed_request_args: more_hashes = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'hashes', list ) hashes.update( more_hashes ) if len( hashes ) == 0: raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'There were no hashes given!' ) # service_keys_to_content_updates = collections.defaultdict( list ) if 'service_names_to_tags' in request.parsed_request_args: service_names_to_tags = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'service_names_to_tags', dict ) for ( service_name, tags ) in service_names_to_tags.items(): try: service_key = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServiceKeyFromName( HC.REAL_TAG_SERVICES, service_name ) except: raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'Could not find the service "{}"!'.format( service_name ) ) service = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key ) tags = HydrusTags.CleanTags( tags ) if len( tags ) == 0: continue if service.GetServiceType() == HC.LOCAL_TAG: content_action = HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD else: content_action = HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PEND content_updates = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS, content_action, ( tag, hashes ) ) for tag in tags ] service_keys_to_content_updates[ service_key ].extend( content_updates ) if 'service_names_to_actions_to_tags' in request.parsed_request_args: service_names_to_actions_to_tags = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'service_names_to_actions_to_tags', dict ) for ( service_name, actions_to_tags ) in service_names_to_actions_to_tags.items(): try: service_key = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServiceKeyFromName( HC.REAL_TAG_SERVICES, service_name ) except: raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'Could not find the service "{}"!'.format( service_name ) ) service = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key ) for ( content_action, tags ) in actions_to_tags.items(): tags = list( tags ) if len( tags ) == 0: continue content_action = int( content_action ) actual_tags = [] tags_to_reasons = {} for tag_item in tags: reason = 'Petitioned from API' if isinstance( tag_item, str ): tag = tag_item elif isinstance( tag_item, ) and len( tag_item ) == 2: ( tag, reason ) = tag_item if not ( isinstance( tag, str ) and isinstance( reason, str ) ): continue else: continue actual_tags.append( tag ) tags_to_reasons[ tag ] = reason actual_tags = HydrusTags.CleanTags( actual_tags ) if len( actual_tags ) == 0: continue tags = actual_tags if service.GetServiceType() == HC.LOCAL_TAG: if content_action not in ( HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE ): continue else: if content_action in ( HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE ): continue if content_action == HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION: content_updates = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS, content_action, ( tag, hashes ), reason = tags_to_reasons[ tag ] ) for tag in tags ] else: content_updates = [ HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_MAPPINGS, content_action, ( tag, hashes ) ) for tag in tags ] service_keys_to_content_updates[ service_key ].extend( content_updates ) if len( service_keys_to_content_updates ) > 0: HG.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', service_keys_to_content_updates ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200 ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddTagsGetTagServices( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddTags ): def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ): local_tags = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServices( ( HC.LOCAL_TAG, ) ) tag_repos = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServices( ( HC.TAG_REPOSITORY, ) ) body_dict = {} body_dict[ 'local_tags' ] = [ service.GetName() for service in local_tags ] body_dict[ 'tag_repositories' ] = [ service.GetName() for service in tag_repos ] body = json.dumps( body_dict ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = HC.APPLICATION_JSON, body = body ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddTagsCleanTags( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddTags ): def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ): tags = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'tags', list ) tags = list( HydrusTags.CleanTags( tags ) ) tags = HydrusTags.SortNumericTags( tags ) body_dict = {} body_dict[ 'tags' ] = tags body = json.dumps( body_dict ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = HC.APPLICATION_JSON, body = body ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddURLs( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestricted ): def _CheckAPIPermissions( self, request ): request.client_api_permissions.CheckPermission( ClientAPI.CLIENT_API_PERMISSION_ADD_URLS ) class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddURLsAssociateURL( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddURLs ): def _threadDoPOSTJob( self, request ): urls_to_add = [] if 'url_to_add' in request.parsed_request_args: url = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'url_to_add', str ) urls_to_add.append( url ) if 'urls_to_add' in request.parsed_request_args: urls = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'urls_to_add', list ) for url in urls: if not isinstance( url, str ): continue urls_to_add.append( url ) urls_to_delete = [] if 'url_to_delete' in request.parsed_request_args: url = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'url_to_delete', str ) urls_to_delete.append( url ) if 'urls_to_delete' in request.parsed_request_args: urls = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'urls_to_delete', list ) for url in urls: if not isinstance( url, str ): continue urls_to_delete.append( url ) domain_manager = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager try: urls_to_add = [ domain_manager.NormaliseURL( url ) for url in urls_to_add ] except HydrusExceptions.URLClassException as e: raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( e ) if len( urls_to_add ) == 0 and len( urls_to_delete ) == 0: raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'Did not find any URLs to add or delete!' ) applicable_hashes = [] if 'hash' in request.parsed_request_args: hash = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'hash', bytes ) applicable_hashes.append( hash ) if 'hashes' in request.parsed_request_args: hashes = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'hashes', list ) applicable_hashes.extend( hashes ) if len( applicable_hashes ) == 0: raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'Did not find any hashes to apply the urls to!' ) service_keys_to_content_updates = collections.defaultdict( list ) if len( urls_to_add ) > 0: content_update = HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_URLS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD, ( urls_to_add, applicable_hashes ) ) service_keys_to_content_updates[ CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY ].append( content_update ) if len( urls_to_delete ) > 0: content_update = HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_URLS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE, ( urls_to_delete, applicable_hashes ) ) service_keys_to_content_updates[ CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY ].append( content_update ) HG.client_controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', service_keys_to_content_updates ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200 ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddURLsGetURLFiles( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddURLs ): def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ): url = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'url', str ) if url == '': raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'Given URL was empty!' ) try: normalised_url = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.NormaliseURL( url ) except HydrusExceptions.URLClassException as e: raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( e ) url_statuses = HG.client_controller.Read( 'url_statuses', normalised_url ) json_happy_url_statuses = [] for ( status, hash, note ) in url_statuses: d = {} d[ 'status' ] = status d[ 'hash' ] = hash.hex() d[ 'note' ] = note json_happy_url_statuses.append( d ) body_dict = { 'normalised_url' : normalised_url, 'url_file_statuses' : json_happy_url_statuses } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = HC.APPLICATION_JSON, body = body ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddURLsGetURLInfo( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddURLs ): def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ): url = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'url', str ) if url == '': raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'Given URL was empty!' ) try: normalised_url = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.NormaliseURL( url ) ( url_type, match_name, can_parse ) = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.GetURLParseCapability( normalised_url ) except HydrusExceptions.URLClassException as e: raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( e ) body_dict = { 'normalised_url' : normalised_url, 'url_type' : url_type, 'url_type_string' : HC.url_type_string_lookup[ url_type ], 'match_name' : match_name, 'can_parse' : can_parse } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = HC.APPLICATION_JSON, body = body ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddURLsImportURL( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedAddURLs ): def _threadDoPOSTJob( self, request ): url = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'url', str ) if url == '': raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'Given URL was empty!' ) filterable_tags = set() if 'filterable_tags' in request.parsed_request_args: request.client_api_permissions.CheckPermission( ClientAPI.CLIENT_API_PERMISSION_ADD_TAGS ) filterable_tags = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'filterable_tags', list ) filterable_tags = HydrusTags.CleanTags( filterable_tags ) additional_service_keys_to_tags = ClientTags.ServiceKeysToTags() if 'service_names_to_tags' in request.parsed_request_args or 'service_names_to_additional_tags' in request.parsed_request_args: request.client_api_permissions.CheckPermission( ClientAPI.CLIENT_API_PERMISSION_ADD_TAGS ) if 'service_names_to_tags' in request.parsed_request_args: service_names_to_additional_tags = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'service_names_to_tags', dict ) else: service_names_to_additional_tags = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'service_names_to_additional_tags', dict ) for ( service_name, tags ) in service_names_to_additional_tags.items(): try: service_key = HG.client_controller.services_manager.GetServiceKeyFromName( HC.REAL_TAG_SERVICES, service_name ) except: raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'Could not find the service "{}"!'.format( service_name ) ) tags = HydrusTags.CleanTags( tags ) if len( tags ) == 0: continue additional_service_keys_to_tags[ service_key ] = tags destination_page_name = None if 'destination_page_name' in request.parsed_request_args: destination_page_name = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'destination_page_name', str ) destination_page_key = None if 'destination_page_key' in request.parsed_request_args: destination_page_key = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'destination_page_key', bytes ) show_destination_page = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'show_destination_page', bool, default_value = False ) def do_it(): return HG.client_controller.gui.ImportURLFromAPI( url, filterable_tags, additional_service_keys_to_tags, destination_page_name, destination_page_key, show_destination_page ) try: ( normalised_url, result_text ) = HG.client_controller.CallBlockingToQt( HG.client_controller.gui, do_it ) except HydrusExceptions.URLClassException as e: raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( e ) time.sleep( 0.05 ) # yield and give the ui time to catch up with new URL pubsubs in case this is being spammed body_dict = { 'human_result_text' : result_text, 'normalised_url' : normalised_url } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = HC.APPLICATION_JSON, body = body ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedGetFiles( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestricted ): def _CheckAPIPermissions( self, request ): request.client_api_permissions.CheckPermission( ClientAPI.CLIENT_API_PERMISSION_SEARCH_FILES ) class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedGetFilesSearchFiles( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedGetFiles ): def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ): tag_search_context = ClientSearch.TagSearchContext( service_key = CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ) predicates = ParseClientAPISearchPredicates( request ) file_search_context = ClientSearch.FileSearchContext( file_service_key = CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY, tag_search_context = tag_search_context, predicates = predicates ) # newest first sort_by = ClientMedia.MediaSort( sort_type = ( 'system', CC.SORT_FILES_BY_IMPORT_TIME ), sort_order = CC.SORT_DESC ) hash_ids = HG.client_controller.Read( 'file_query_ids', file_search_context, sort_by = sort_by ) request.client_api_permissions.SetLastSearchResults( hash_ids ) body_dict = { 'file_ids' : list( hash_ids ) } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = HC.APPLICATION_JSON, body = body ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedGetFilesGetFile( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedGetFiles ): def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ): try: if 'file_id' in request.parsed_request_args: file_id = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'file_id', int ) request.client_api_permissions.CheckPermissionToSeeFiles( ( file_id, ) ) ( media_result, ) = HG.client_controller.Read( 'media_results_from_ids', ( file_id, ) ) elif 'hash' in request.parsed_request_args: request.client_api_permissions.CheckCanSeeAllFiles() hash = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'hash', bytes ) media_result = HG.client_controller.Read( 'media_result', hash ) else: raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'Please include a file_id or hash parameter!' ) except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing as e: raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'One or more of those file identifiers was missing!' ) try: hash = media_result.GetHash() mime = media_result.GetMime() path = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, mime ) except HydrusExceptions.FileMissingException: raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'Could not find that file!' ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = mime, path = path ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedGetFilesFileMetadata( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedGetFiles ): def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ): only_return_identifiers = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'only_return_identifiers', bool, default_value = False ) detailed_url_information = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'detailed_url_information', bool, default_value = False ) try: if 'file_ids' in request.parsed_request_args: file_ids = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'file_ids', list ) request.client_api_permissions.CheckPermissionToSeeFiles( file_ids ) if only_return_identifiers: file_ids_to_hashes = HG.client_controller.Read( 'hash_ids_to_hashes', hash_ids = file_ids ) else: media_results = HG.client_controller.Read( 'media_results_from_ids', file_ids ) elif 'hashes' in request.parsed_request_args: request.client_api_permissions.CheckCanSeeAllFiles() hashes = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'hashes', list ) if only_return_identifiers: file_ids_to_hashes = HG.client_controller.Read( 'hash_ids_to_hashes', hashes = hashes ) else: media_results = HG.client_controller.Read( 'media_results', hashes ) else: raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'Please include a file_ids or hashes parameter!' ) except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing as e: raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'One or more of those file identifiers did not exist in the database!' ) body_dict = {} metadata = [] if only_return_identifiers: for ( file_id, hash ) in file_ids_to_hashes.items(): metadata_row = {} metadata_row[ 'file_id' ] = file_id metadata_row[ 'hash' ] = hash.hex() metadata.append( metadata_row ) else: services_manager = HG.client_controller.services_manager service_keys_to_names = {} for media_result in media_results: metadata_row = {} file_info_manager = media_result.GetFileInfoManager() metadata_row[ 'file_id' ] = file_info_manager.hash_id metadata_row[ 'hash' ] = file_info_manager.hash.hex() metadata_row[ 'size' ] = file_info_manager.size metadata_row[ 'mime' ] = HC.mime_mimetype_string_lookup[ file_info_manager.mime ] metadata_row[ 'ext' ] = HC.mime_ext_lookup[ file_info_manager.mime ] metadata_row[ 'width' ] = file_info_manager.width metadata_row[ 'height' ] = file_info_manager.height metadata_row[ 'duration' ] = file_info_manager.duration metadata_row[ 'num_frames' ] = file_info_manager.num_frames metadata_row[ 'num_words' ] = file_info_manager.num_words metadata_row[ 'has_audio' ] = file_info_manager.has_audio locations_manager = media_result.GetLocationsManager() metadata_row[ 'is_inbox' ] = locations_manager.inbox metadata_row[ 'is_local' ] = locations_manager.IsLocal() metadata_row[ 'is_trashed' ] = locations_manager.IsTrashed() known_urls = sorted( locations_manager.GetURLs() ) metadata_row[ 'known_urls' ] = known_urls if detailed_url_information: detailed_known_urls = [] for known_url in known_urls: try: normalised_url = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.NormaliseURL( known_url ) ( url_type, match_name, can_parse ) = HG.client_controller.network_engine.domain_manager.GetURLParseCapability( normalised_url ) except HydrusExceptions.URLClassException as e: continue detailed_dict = { 'normalised_url' : normalised_url, 'url_type' : url_type, 'url_type_string' : HC.url_type_string_lookup[ url_type ], 'match_name' : match_name, 'can_parse' : can_parse } detailed_known_urls.append( detailed_dict ) metadata_row[ 'detailed_known_urls' ] = detailed_known_urls tags_manager = media_result.GetTagsManager() service_names_to_statuses_to_tags = {} service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags = tags_manager.GetServiceKeysToStatusesToTags( ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_STORAGE ) for ( service_key, statuses_to_tags ) in service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags.items(): if service_key not in service_keys_to_names: service_keys_to_names[ service_key ] = services_manager.GetName( service_key ) service_name = service_keys_to_names[ service_key ] service_names_to_statuses_to_tags[ service_name ] = { str( status ) : list( tags ) for ( status, tags ) in statuses_to_tags.items() } metadata_row[ 'service_names_to_statuses_to_tags' ] = service_names_to_statuses_to_tags # service_names_to_statuses_to_tags = {} service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags = tags_manager.GetServiceKeysToStatusesToTags( ClientTags.TAG_DISPLAY_ACTUAL ) for ( service_key, statuses_to_tags ) in service_keys_to_statuses_to_tags.items(): if service_key not in service_keys_to_names: service_keys_to_names[ service_key ] = services_manager.GetName( service_key ) service_name = service_keys_to_names[ service_key ] service_names_to_statuses_to_tags[ service_name ] = { str( status ) : list( tags ) for ( status, tags ) in statuses_to_tags.items() } metadata_row[ 'service_names_to_statuses_to_display_tags' ] = service_names_to_statuses_to_tags # metadata.append( metadata_row ) body_dict[ 'metadata' ] = metadata mime = HC.APPLICATION_JSON body = json.dumps( body_dict ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = mime, body = body ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedGetFilesGetThumbnail( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedGetFiles ): def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ): try: if 'file_id' in request.parsed_request_args: file_id = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'file_id', int ) request.client_api_permissions.CheckPermissionToSeeFiles( ( file_id, ) ) ( media_result, ) = HG.client_controller.Read( 'media_results_from_ids', ( file_id, ) ) elif 'hash' in request.parsed_request_args: request.client_api_permissions.CheckCanSeeAllFiles() hash = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'hash', bytes ) media_result = HG.client_controller.Read( 'media_result', hash ) else: raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'Please include a file_id or hash parameter!' ) except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing as e: raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'One or more of those file identifiers was missing!' ) try: path = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager.GetThumbnailPath( media_result ) except HydrusExceptions.FileMissingException: raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'Could not find that file!' ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = HC.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM, path = path ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedManageCookies( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestricted ): def _CheckAPIPermissions( self, request ): request.client_api_permissions.CheckPermission( ClientAPI.CLIENT_API_PERMISSION_MANAGE_COOKIES ) class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedManageCookiesGetCookies( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedManageCookies ): def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ): domain = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'domain', str ) if '.' not in domain: raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'The value "{}" does not seem to be a domain!'.format( domain ) ) network_context = ClientNetworkingContexts.NetworkContext( CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN, domain ) session = HG.client_controller.network_engine.session_manager.GetSession( network_context ) body_cookies_list = [] for cookie in session.cookies: name = value = cookie.value domain = cookie.domain path = cookie.path expires = cookie.expires body_cookies_list.append( [ name, value, domain, path, expires ] ) body_dict = {} body_dict = { 'cookies' : body_cookies_list } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = HC.APPLICATION_JSON, body = body ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedManageCookiesSetCookies( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedManageCookies ): def _threadDoPOSTJob( self, request ): cookie_rows = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'cookies', list ) domains_cleared = set() domains_set = set() for cookie_row in cookie_rows: if len( cookie_row ) != 5: raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'The cookie "{}" did not come in the format [ name, value, domain, path, expires ]!'.format( cookie_row ) ) ( name, value, domain, path, expires ) = cookie_row ndp_bad = True in ( not isinstance( var, str ) for var in ( name, domain, path ) ) v_bad = value is not None and not isinstance( value, str ) e_bad = expires is not None and not isinstance( expires, int ) if ndp_bad or v_bad or e_bad: raise HydrusExceptions.BadRequestException( 'In the row [ name, value, domain, path, expires ], which I received as "{}", name, domain, and path need to be strings, value needs to be null or a string, and expires needs to be null or an integer!'.format( cookie_row ) ) network_context = ClientNetworkingContexts.NetworkContext( CC.NETWORK_CONTEXT_DOMAIN, domain ) session = HG.client_controller.network_engine.session_manager.GetSession( network_context ) if value is None: domains_cleared.add( domain ) session.cookies.clear( domain, path, name ) else: domains_set.add( domain ) ClientNetworkingDomain.AddCookieToSession( session, name, value, domain, path, expires ) if HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'notify_client_api_cookies' ) and len( domains_cleared ) + len( domains_set ) > 0: domains_cleared = sorted( domains_cleared ) domains_set = sorted( domains_set ) message = 'Cookies sent from API:' if len( domains_cleared ) > 0: message = '{} ({} cleared)'.format( message, ', '.join( domains_cleared ) ) if len( domains_set ) > 0: message = '{} ({} set)'.format( message, ', '.join( domains_set ) ) from hydrus.client import ClientThreading job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey() job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', message ) job_key.Delete( 5 ) 'message', job_key ) HG.client_controller.network_engine.session_manager.SetSessionDirty( network_context ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200 ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedManagePages( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestricted ): def _CheckAPIPermissions( self, request ): request.client_api_permissions.CheckPermission( ClientAPI.CLIENT_API_PERMISSION_MANAGE_PAGES ) class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedManagePagesFocusPage( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedManagePages ): def _threadDoPOSTJob( self, request ): def do_it( page_key ): return HG.client_controller.gui.ShowPage( page_key ) page_key = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'page_key', bytes ) try: HG.client_controller.CallBlockingToQt( HG.client_controller.gui, do_it, page_key ) except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing as e: raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'Could not find that page!' ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200 ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedManagePagesGetPages( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedManagePages ): def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ): def do_it(): return HG.client_controller.gui.GetCurrentSessionPageAPIInfoDict() page_info_dict = HG.client_controller.CallBlockingToQt( HG.client_controller.gui, do_it ) body_dict = { 'pages' : page_info_dict } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = HC.APPLICATION_JSON, body = body ) return response_context class HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedManagePagesGetPageInfo( HydrusResourceClientAPIRestrictedManagePages ): def _threadDoGETJob( self, request ): def do_it( page_key, simple ): return HG.client_controller.gui.GetPageAPIInfoDict( page_key, simple ) page_key = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'page_key', bytes ) simple = request.parsed_request_args.GetValue( 'simple', bool, default_value = True ) page_info_dict = HG.client_controller.CallBlockingToQt( HG.client_controller.gui, do_it, page_key, simple ) if page_info_dict is None: raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'Did not find a page for "{}"!'.format( page_key.hex() ) ) body_dict = { 'page_info' : page_info_dict } body = json.dumps( body_dict ) response_context = HydrusServerResources.ResponseContext( 200, mime = HC.APPLICATION_JSON, body = body ) return response_context