import ClientCaches import ClientConstants as CC import ClientData import ClientGUICommon import ClientGUIListBoxes import ClientSearch import collections import HydrusConstants as HC import HydrusExceptions import HydrusGlobals import HydrusTags import itertools import wx ID_TIMER_DROPDOWN_HIDE = wx.NewId() ID_TIMER_AC_LAG = wx.NewId() # much of this is based on the excellent TexCtrlAutoComplete class by Edward Flick, Michele Petrazzo and Will Sadkin, just with plenty of simplification and integration into hydrus class AutoCompleteDropdown( wx.Panel ): def __init__( self, parent ): wx.Panel.__init__( self, parent ) self._intercept_key_events = True self._last_search_text = '' self._next_updatelist_is_probably_fast = False tlp = self.GetTopLevelParent() # There's a big bug in wx where FRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT Frames don't get passed their mouse events if their parent is a Dialog jej # I think it is something to do with the initialisation order; if the frame is init'ed before the ShowModal call, but whatever. # This turned out to be ugly when I added the manage tags frame, so I've set it to if the tlp has a parent, which basically means "not the main gui" if tlp.GetParent() is not None or HC.options[ 'always_embed_autocompletes' ]: self._float_mode = False else: self._float_mode = True self._text_ctrl = wx.TextCtrl( self, style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER ) self._text_ctrl.SetBackgroundColour( wx.Colour( *HC.options[ 'gui_colours' ][ 'autocomplete_background' ] ) ) self._last_attempted_dropdown_width = 0 self._last_attempted_dropdown_position = ( None, None ) if self._float_mode: self._text_ctrl.Bind( wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.EventSetFocus ) self._text_ctrl.Bind( wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.EventKillFocus ) self._text_ctrl.Bind( wx.EVT_TEXT, self.EventText ) self._text_ctrl.Bind( wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.EventKeyDown ) self._text_ctrl.Bind( wx.EVT_MOUSEWHEEL, self.EventMouseWheel ) vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) vbox.AddF( self._text_ctrl, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) #self._dropdown_window = wx.PopupWindow( self, flags = wx.BORDER_RAISED ) #self._dropdown_window = wx.PopupTransientWindow( self, style = wx.BORDER_RAISED ) #self._dropdown_window = wx.Window( self, style = wx.BORDER_RAISED ) #self._dropdown_window = wx.Panel( self ) if self._float_mode: self._dropdown_window = wx.Frame( self, style = wx.FRAME_TOOL_WINDOW | wx.FRAME_NO_TASKBAR | wx.FRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT | wx.BORDER_RAISED ) self._dropdown_window.SetBackgroundColour( wx.SystemSettings.GetColour( wx.SYS_COLOUR_FRAMEBK ) ) self._dropdown_window.SetSize( ( 0, 0 ) ) self._dropdown_window.SetPosition( self._text_ctrl.ClientToScreenXY( 0, 0 ) ) self._dropdown_window.Show() self._dropdown_window.Bind( wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.EventCloseDropdown ) self._dropdown_hidden = True self._list_height = 250 else: self._dropdown_window = wx.Panel( self ) self._list_height = 125 self._dropdown_list = self._InitDropDownList() if not self._float_mode: vbox.AddF( self._dropdown_window, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) self.SetSizer( vbox ) self._cache_text = '' self._cached_results = [] self._initial_matches_fetched = False if self._float_mode: self.Bind( wx.EVT_MOVE, self.EventMove ) self.Bind( wx.EVT_SIZE, self.EventMove ) self.Bind( wx.EVT_TIMER, self.TIMEREventDropdownHide, id = ID_TIMER_DROPDOWN_HIDE ) self._move_hide_timer = wx.Timer( self, id = ID_TIMER_DROPDOWN_HIDE ) self._move_hide_timer.Start( 1, wx.TIMER_ONE_SHOT ) tlp.Bind( wx.EVT_MOVE, self.EventMove ) parent = self while True: try: parent = parent.GetParent() if isinstance( parent, wx.ScrolledWindow ): parent.Bind( wx.EVT_SCROLLWIN, self.EventMove ) except: break self.Bind( wx.EVT_TIMER, self.TIMEREventLag, id = ID_TIMER_AC_LAG ) self._lag_timer = wx.Timer( self, id = ID_TIMER_AC_LAG ) wx.CallAfter( self._UpdateList ) def _BroadcastChoices( self, predicates ): raise NotImplementedError() def _BroadcastCurrentText( self ): text = self._text_ctrl.GetValue() self._BroadcastChoices( { text } ) def _GenerateMatches( self ): raise NotImplementedError() def _HideDropdown( self ): if not self._dropdown_hidden: self._dropdown_window.SetSize( ( 0, 0 ) ) self._dropdown_hidden = True def _InitDropDownList( self ): raise NotImplementedError() def _ShouldShow( self ): tlp_active = self.GetTopLevelParent().IsActive() or self._dropdown_window.IsActive() if HC.PLATFORM_LINUX: tlp = self.GetTopLevelParent() if isinstance( tlp, wx.Dialog ): visible = True else: # notebook on linux doesn't 'hide' things apparently, so isshownonscreen, which recursively tests parents' hide status, doesn't work! gui = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetGUI() current_page = gui.GetCurrentPage() visible = ClientGUICommon.IsWXAncestor( self, current_page ) else: visible = self._text_ctrl.IsShownOnScreen() focus_window = wx.Window.FindFocus() focus_remains_on_self_or_children = focus_window == self._dropdown_window or focus_window in self._dropdown_window.GetChildren() or focus_window == self._text_ctrl return tlp_active and visible and focus_remains_on_self_or_children def _ShouldTakeResponsibilityForEnter( self ): raise NotImplementedError() def _ShowDropdown( self ): ( text_width, text_height ) = self._text_ctrl.GetSize() desired_dropdown_position = self._text_ctrl.ClientToScreenXY( -2, text_height - 2 ) if self._last_attempted_dropdown_position != desired_dropdown_position: self._dropdown_window.SetPosition( desired_dropdown_position ) self._last_attempted_dropdown_position = desired_dropdown_position # show_and_fit_needed = False if self._dropdown_hidden: show_and_fit_needed = True else: if text_width != self._last_attempted_dropdown_width: show_and_fit_needed = True if show_and_fit_needed: self._dropdown_window.Fit() self._dropdown_window.SetSize( ( text_width, -1 ) ) self._dropdown_window.Layout() self._dropdown_hidden = False self._last_attempted_dropdown_width = text_width def _TakeResponsibilityForEnter( self ): raise NotImplementedError() def _UpdateList( self ): pass def BroadcastChoices( self, predicates ): self._BroadcastChoices( predicates ) def EventCloseDropdown( self, event ): HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetGUI().Close() def EventKeyDown( self, event ): HydrusGlobals.client_controller.ResetIdleTimer() if event.KeyCode in ( wx.WXK_INSERT, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_INSERT ): if self._intercept_key_events: self._intercept_key_events = False ( r, g, b ) = HC.options[ 'gui_colours' ][ 'autocomplete_background' ] if r != g or r != b or g != b: colour = wx.Colour( g, b, r ) elif r > 127: colour = wx.Colour( g, b, r / 2 ) else: colour = wx.Colour( g, b, r * 2 ) else: self._intercept_key_events = True colour = wx.Colour( *HC.options[ 'gui_colours' ][ 'autocomplete_background' ] ) self._text_ctrl.SetBackgroundColour( colour ) self._text_ctrl.Refresh() elif event.KeyCode == wx.WXK_SPACE and event.RawControlDown(): # this is control, not command on os x, for which command+space does some os stuff self._UpdateList() self._lag_timer.Stop() elif self._intercept_key_events: if event.KeyCode in ( ord( 'A' ), ord( 'a' ) ) and event.CmdDown(): event.Skip() elif event.KeyCode in ( wx.WXK_RETURN, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER ) and self._ShouldTakeResponsibilityForEnter(): self._TakeResponsibilityForEnter() elif event.KeyCode == wx.WXK_ESCAPE: self.GetTopLevelParent().SetFocus() elif event.KeyCode in ( wx.WXK_UP, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_UP, wx.WXK_DOWN, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_DOWN ) and self._text_ctrl.GetValue() == '' and len( self._dropdown_list ) == 0: if event.KeyCode in ( wx.WXK_UP, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_UP ): id = ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetTemporaryId( 'select_up' ) elif event.KeyCode in ( wx.WXK_DOWN, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_DOWN ): id = ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetTemporaryId( 'select_down' ) new_event = wx.CommandEvent( commandType = wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, winid = id ) self._text_ctrl.ProcessEvent( new_event ) elif event.KeyCode in ( wx.WXK_PAGEDOWN, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_PAGEDOWN, wx.WXK_PAGEUP, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_PAGEUP ) and self._text_ctrl.GetValue() == '' and len( self._dropdown_list ) == 0: if event.KeyCode in ( wx.WXK_PAGEUP, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_PAGEUP ): id = ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetTemporaryId( 'canvas_show_previous' ) elif event.KeyCode in ( wx.WXK_PAGEDOWN, wx.WXK_NUMPAD_PAGEDOWN ): id = ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetTemporaryId( 'canvas_show_next' ) new_event = wx.CommandEvent( commandType = wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, winid = id ) self._text_ctrl.ProcessEvent( new_event ) else: self._dropdown_list.ProcessEvent( event ) else: event.Skip() def EventKillFocus( self, event ): self._move_hide_timer.Start( 1, wx.TIMER_ONE_SHOT ) event.Skip() def EventMouseWheel( self, event ): if self._text_ctrl.GetValue() == '' and len( self._dropdown_list ) == 0: if event.GetWheelRotation() > 0: id = ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetTemporaryId( 'select_up' ) else: id = ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetTemporaryId( 'select_down' ) new_event = wx.CommandEvent( commandType = wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, winid = id ) self.ProcessEvent( new_event ) else: if event.CmdDown(): key_event = wx.KeyEvent( wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN.typeId ) if event.GetWheelRotation() > 0: key_event.m_keyCode = wx.WXK_UP else: key_event.m_keyCode = wx.WXK_DOWN self._dropdown_list.ProcessEvent( key_event ) else: # for some reason, the scrolledwindow list doesn't process scroll events properly when in a popupwindow # so let's just tell it to scroll manually ( start_x, start_y ) = self._dropdown_list.GetViewStart() if event.GetWheelRotation() > 0: self._dropdown_list.Scroll( -1, start_y - 3 ) else: self._dropdown_list.Scroll( -1, start_y + 3 ) if event.GetWheelRotation() > 0: command_type = wx.wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEUP else: command_type = wx.wxEVT_SCROLLWIN_LINEDOWN wx.PostEvent( self, wx.ScrollWinEvent( command_type ) ) def EventMove( self, event ): try: self._HideDropdown() self._move_hide_timer.Start( 250, wx.TIMER_ONE_SHOT ) except wx.PyDeadObjectError: pass event.Skip() def EventSetFocus( self, event ): self._move_hide_timer.Start( 1, wx.TIMER_ONE_SHOT ) event.Skip() def EventText( self, event ): num_chars = len( self._text_ctrl.GetValue() ) if num_chars == 0: self._UpdateList() elif HC.options[ 'fetch_ac_results_automatically' ]: ( char_limit, long_wait, short_wait ) = HC.options[ 'ac_timings' ] self._next_updatelist_is_probably_fast = self._next_updatelist_is_probably_fast and num_chars > len( self._last_search_text ) if self._next_updatelist_is_probably_fast: self._UpdateList() elif num_chars < char_limit: self._lag_timer.Start( long_wait, wx.TIMER_ONE_SHOT ) else: self._lag_timer.Start( short_wait, wx.TIMER_ONE_SHOT ) def RefreshList( self ): self._cache_text = '' self._current_namespace = '' self._UpdateList() def TIMEREventDropdownHide( self, event ): try: should_show = self._ShouldShow() if should_show: self._ShowDropdown() else: self._HideDropdown() self._move_hide_timer.Start( 250, wx.TIMER_ONE_SHOT ) except wx.PyDeadObjectError: self._move_hide_timer.Stop() except: self._move_hide_timer.Stop() raise def TIMEREventLag( self, event ): try: self._UpdateList() except wx.PyDeadObjectError: self._lag_timer.Stop() except: self._lag_timer.Stop() raise class AutoCompleteDropdownTags( AutoCompleteDropdown ): def __init__( self, parent, file_service_key, tag_service_key ): self._file_service_key = file_service_key self._tag_service_key = tag_service_key AutoCompleteDropdown.__init__( self, parent ) self._current_namespace = '' self._current_matches = [] file_service = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetServicesManager().GetService( self._file_service_key ) tag_service = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetServicesManager().GetService( self._tag_service_key ) self._file_repo_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self._dropdown_window, file_service.GetName(), self.FileButtonHit ) self._file_repo_button.SetMinSize( ( 20, -1 ) ) self._tag_repo_button = ClientGUICommon.BetterButton( self._dropdown_window, tag_service.GetName(), self.TagButtonHit ) self._tag_repo_button.SetMinSize( ( 20, -1 ) ) self.Bind( wx.EVT_MENU, self.EventMenu ) def _ChangeFileService( self, file_service_key ): if file_service_key == CC.COMBINED_FILE_SERVICE_KEY and self._tag_service_key == CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY: self._ChangeTagService( CC.LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ) self._file_service_key = file_service_key file_service = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetServicesManager().GetService( self._file_service_key ) name = file_service.GetName() self._file_repo_button.SetLabelText( name ) wx.CallAfter( self.RefreshList ) def _ChangeTagService( self, tag_service_key ): if tag_service_key == CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY and self._file_service_key == CC.COMBINED_FILE_SERVICE_KEY: self._ChangeFileService( CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY ) self._tag_service_key = tag_service_key self._dropdown_list.SetTagService( self._tag_service_key ) tag_service = tag_service = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetServicesManager().GetService( self._tag_service_key ) name = tag_service.GetName() self._tag_repo_button.SetLabelText( name ) self._cache_text = '' self._current_namespace = '' wx.CallAfter( self.RefreshList ) def _UpdateList( self ): self._last_search_text = self._text_ctrl.GetValue() matches = self._GenerateMatches() self._initial_matches_fetched = True self._dropdown_list.SetPredicates( matches ) self._current_matches = matches num_chars = len( self._text_ctrl.GetValue() ) if num_chars == 0: self._lag_timer.Start( 5 * 60 * 1000, wx.TIMER_ONE_SHOT ) def EventMenu( self, event ): action = ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetAction( event.GetId() ) if action is not None: ( command, data ) = action if command == 'change_file_service': self._ChangeFileService( data ) elif command == 'change_tag_service': self._ChangeTagService( data ) else: event.Skip() return # this is about select_up and select_down def FileButtonHit( self ): services_manager = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetServicesManager() services = [] services.append( services_manager.GetService( CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY ) ) services.append( services_manager.GetService( CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY ) ) services.append( services_manager.GetService( CC.COMBINED_LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY ) ) services.extend( services_manager.GetServices( ( HC.FILE_REPOSITORY, ) ) ) services.append( services_manager.GetService( CC.COMBINED_FILE_SERVICE_KEY ) ) menu = wx.Menu() for service in services: menu.Append( ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetTemporaryId( 'change_file_service', service.GetServiceKey() ), service.GetName() ) HydrusGlobals.client_controller.PopupMenu( self._file_repo_button, menu ) def SetFileService( self, file_service_key ): self._ChangeFileService( file_service_key ) def SetTagService( self, tag_service_key ): self._ChangeTagService( tag_service_key ) def TagButtonHit( self ): services_manager = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetServicesManager() services = [] services.append( services_manager.GetService( CC.LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ) ) services.extend( services_manager.GetServices( ( HC.TAG_REPOSITORY, ) ) ) services.append( services_manager.GetService( CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY ) ) menu = wx.Menu() for service in services: menu.Append( ClientCaches.MENU_EVENT_ID_TO_ACTION_CACHE.GetTemporaryId( 'change_tag_service', service.GetServiceKey() ), service.GetName() ) HydrusGlobals.client_controller.PopupMenu( self._tag_repo_button, menu ) class AutoCompleteDropdownTagsRead( AutoCompleteDropdownTags ): def __init__( self, parent, page_key, file_search_context, media_callable = None, synchronised = True, include_unusual_predicate_types = True ): file_service_key = file_search_context.GetFileServiceKey() tag_service_key = file_search_context.GetTagServiceKey() AutoCompleteDropdownTags.__init__( self, parent, file_service_key, tag_service_key ) self._media_callable = media_callable self._page_key = page_key self._file_search_context = file_search_context self._include_current_tags = ClientGUICommon.OnOffButton( self._dropdown_window, self._page_key, 'notify_include_current', on_label = 'include current tags', off_label = 'exclude current tags', start_on = file_search_context.IncludeCurrentTags() ) self._include_current_tags.SetToolTipString( 'select whether to include current tags in the search' ) self._include_pending_tags = ClientGUICommon.OnOffButton( self._dropdown_window, self._page_key, 'notify_include_pending', on_label = 'include pending tags', off_label = 'exclude pending tags', start_on = file_search_context.IncludePendingTags() ) self._include_pending_tags.SetToolTipString( 'select whether to include pending tags in the search' ) self._synchronised = ClientGUICommon.OnOffButton( self._dropdown_window, self._page_key, 'notify_search_immediately', on_label = 'searching immediately', off_label = 'waiting -- tag counts may be inaccurate', start_on = synchronised ) self._synchronised.SetToolTipString( 'select whether to renew the search as soon as a new predicate is entered' ) self._include_unusual_predicate_types = include_unusual_predicate_types button_hbox_1 = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL ) button_hbox_1.AddF( self._include_current_tags, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) button_hbox_1.AddF( self._include_pending_tags, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) button_hbox_2 = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL ) button_hbox_2.AddF( self._file_repo_button, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) button_hbox_2.AddF( self._tag_repo_button, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) vbox.AddF( button_hbox_1, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR ) vbox.AddF( self._synchronised, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR ) vbox.AddF( button_hbox_2, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR ) vbox.AddF( self._dropdown_list, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) self._dropdown_window.SetSizer( vbox ) HydrusGlobals.client_controller.sub( self, 'SetSynchronisedWait', 'synchronised_wait_switch' ) HydrusGlobals.client_controller.sub( self, 'IncludeCurrent', 'notify_include_current' ) HydrusGlobals.client_controller.sub( self, 'IncludePending', 'notify_include_pending' ) def _BroadcastChoices( self, predicates ): if self._text_ctrl.GetValue() != '': self._text_ctrl.SetValue( '' ) 'enter_predicates', self._page_key, predicates ) def _BroadcastCurrentText( self ): ( inclusive, search_text, entry_predicate ) = self._ParseSearchText() try: HydrusTags.CheckTagNotEmpty( search_text ) except HydrusExceptions.SizeException: return self._BroadcastChoices( { entry_predicate } ) def _ChangeFileService( self, file_service_key ): AutoCompleteDropdownTags._ChangeFileService( self, file_service_key ) self._file_search_context.SetFileServiceKey( file_service_key ) 'change_file_service', self._page_key, file_service_key ) 'refresh_query', self._page_key ) def _ChangeTagService( self, tag_service_key ): AutoCompleteDropdownTags._ChangeTagService( self, tag_service_key ) self._file_search_context.SetTagServiceKey( tag_service_key ) 'change_tag_service', self._page_key, tag_service_key ) 'refresh_query', self._page_key ) def _InitDropDownList( self ): return ClientGUIListBoxes.ListBoxTagsAutocompleteDropdownRead( self._dropdown_window, self._tag_service_key, self.BroadcastChoices, min_height = self._list_height ) def _ParseSearchText( self ): raw_entry = self._text_ctrl.GetValue() if raw_entry.startswith( '-' ): inclusive = False tag = raw_entry[1:] else: inclusive = True tag = raw_entry tag = HydrusTags.CleanTag( tag ) search_text = ClientSearch.ConvertTagToSearchable( tag ) siblings_manager = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetManager( 'tag_siblings' ) sibling = siblings_manager.GetSibling( self._tag_service_key, tag ) if sibling is None: entry_predicate = ClientSearch.Predicate( HC.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, tag, inclusive ) else: entry_predicate = ClientSearch.Predicate( HC.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, sibling, inclusive ) return ( inclusive, search_text, entry_predicate ) def _GenerateMatches( self ): self._next_updatelist_is_probably_fast = False num_autocomplete_chars = HC.options[ 'num_autocomplete_chars' ] ( inclusive, search_text, entry_predicate ) = self._ParseSearchText() if search_text in ( '', ':' ): input_just_changed = self._cache_text != '' db_not_going_to_hang_if_we_hit_it = not HydrusGlobals.client_controller.DBCurrentlyDoingJob() if input_just_changed or db_not_going_to_hang_if_we_hit_it or not self._initial_matches_fetched: self._cache_text = '' self._current_namespace = '' if self._file_service_key == CC.COMBINED_FILE_SERVICE_KEY: search_service_key = self._tag_service_key else: search_service_key = self._file_service_key self._cached_results = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.Read( 'file_system_predicates', search_service_key ) matches = self._cached_results else: must_do_a_search = False if '*' in search_text: must_do_a_search = True ( namespace, half_complete_subtag ) = HydrusTags.SplitTag( search_text ) if namespace != '': if namespace != self._current_namespace: self._current_namespace = namespace # do a new search, no matter what half_complete tag is if half_complete_subtag != '': must_do_a_search = True else: if self._cache_text == self._current_namespace + ':' and half_complete_subtag != '': must_do_a_search = True else: self._current_namespace = namespace siblings_manager = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetManager( 'tag_siblings' ) if half_complete_subtag == '': self._cache_text = self._current_namespace + ':' matches = [] # a query like 'namespace:' else: fetch_from_db = True if self._media_callable is not None: media = self._media_callable() can_fetch_from_media = media is not None and len( media ) > 0 if can_fetch_from_media and self._synchronised.IsOn(): fetch_from_db = False if fetch_from_db: include_current = self._file_search_context.IncludeCurrentTags() include_pending = self._file_search_context.IncludePendingTags() if len( half_complete_subtag ) < num_autocomplete_chars and '*' not in search_text: predicates = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.Read( 'autocomplete_predicates', file_service_key = self._file_service_key, tag_service_key = self._tag_service_key, search_text = search_text, exact_match = True, inclusive = inclusive, include_current = include_current, include_pending = include_pending, add_namespaceless = True, collapse_siblings = True ) else: if must_do_a_search or self._cache_text == '' or not search_text.startswith( self._cache_text ): self._cache_text = search_text self._cached_results = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.Read( 'autocomplete_predicates', file_service_key = self._file_service_key, tag_service_key = self._tag_service_key, search_text = search_text, inclusive = inclusive, include_current = include_current, include_pending = include_pending, add_namespaceless = True, collapse_siblings = True ) predicates = self._cached_results self._next_updatelist_is_probably_fast = True else: # it is possible that media will change between calls to this, so don't cache it # it's also quick as hell, so who cares tags_managers = [] for m in media: if m.IsCollection(): tags_managers.extend( m.GetSingletonsTagsManagers() ) else: tags_managers.append( m.GetTagsManager() ) tags_to_do = set() current_tags_to_count = collections.Counter() pending_tags_to_count = collections.Counter() if self._file_search_context.IncludeCurrentTags(): lists_of_current_tags = [ list( tags_manager.GetCurrent( self._tag_service_key ) ) for tags_manager in tags_managers ] current_tags_flat_iterable = itertools.chain.from_iterable( lists_of_current_tags ) current_tags_flat = ClientSearch.FilterTagsBySearchEntry( self._tag_service_key, search_text, current_tags_flat_iterable ) current_tags_to_count.update( current_tags_flat ) tags_to_do.update( current_tags_to_count.keys() ) if self._file_search_context.IncludePendingTags(): lists_of_pending_tags = [ list( tags_manager.GetPending( self._tag_service_key ) ) for tags_manager in tags_managers ] pending_tags_flat_iterable = itertools.chain.from_iterable( lists_of_pending_tags ) pending_tags_flat = ClientSearch.FilterTagsBySearchEntry( self._tag_service_key, search_text, pending_tags_flat_iterable ) pending_tags_to_count.update( pending_tags_flat ) tags_to_do.update( pending_tags_to_count.keys() ) predicates = [ ClientSearch.Predicate( HC.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, tag, inclusive, current_tags_to_count[ tag ], pending_tags_to_count[ tag ] ) for tag in tags_to_do ] if self._tag_service_key != CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY: predicates = siblings_manager.CollapsePredicates( self._tag_service_key, predicates ) if self._current_namespace == '': predicates = ClientData.MergePredicates( predicates, add_namespaceless = True ) self._next_updatelist_is_probably_fast = True matches = ClientSearch.FilterPredicatesBySearchEntry( self._tag_service_key, search_text, predicates ) matches = ClientSearch.SortPredicates( matches ) if self._include_unusual_predicate_types: if self._current_namespace != '': if '*' not in self._current_namespace and half_complete_subtag == '': matches.insert( 0, ClientSearch.Predicate( HC.PREDICATE_TYPE_NAMESPACE, self._current_namespace, inclusive ) ) if half_complete_subtag != '': if '*' in self._current_namespace or ( '*' in half_complete_subtag and half_complete_subtag != '*' ): matches.insert( 0, ClientSearch.Predicate( HC.PREDICATE_TYPE_WILDCARD, search_text, inclusive ) ) elif '*' in search_text: matches.insert( 0, ClientSearch.Predicate( HC.PREDICATE_TYPE_WILDCARD, search_text, inclusive ) ) for match in matches: if match.GetInclusive() != inclusive: match.SetInclusive( inclusive ) try: index = matches.index( entry_predicate ) predicate = matches[ index ] del matches[ index ] matches.insert( 0, predicate ) except: pass return matches def _ShouldTakeResponsibilityForEnter( self ): # when the user has quickly typed something in and the results are not yet in return self._text_ctrl.GetValue() != '' and self._last_search_text == '' def _TakeResponsibilityForEnter( self ): self._BroadcastCurrentText() def GetFileSearchContext( self ): return self._file_search_context def IncludeCurrent( self, page_key, value ): if page_key == self._page_key: self._file_search_context.SetIncludeCurrentTags( value ) wx.CallAfter( self.RefreshList ) 'refresh_query', self._page_key ) def IncludePending( self, page_key, value ): if page_key == self._page_key: self._file_search_context.SetIncludePendingTags( value ) wx.CallAfter( self.RefreshList ) 'refresh_query', self._page_key ) def SetSynchronisedWait( self, page_key ): if page_key == self._page_key: self._synchronised.EventButton( None ) class AutoCompleteDropdownTagsWrite( AutoCompleteDropdownTags ): def __init__( self, parent, chosen_tag_callable, expand_parents, file_service_key, tag_service_key, null_entry_callable = None ): self._chosen_tag_callable = chosen_tag_callable self._expand_parents = expand_parents self._null_entry_callable = null_entry_callable if tag_service_key != CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY and HC.options[ 'show_all_tags_in_autocomplete' ]: file_service_key = CC.COMBINED_FILE_SERVICE_KEY AutoCompleteDropdownTags.__init__( self, parent, file_service_key, tag_service_key ) vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL ) hbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.HORIZONTAL ) hbox.AddF( self._file_repo_button, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) hbox.AddF( self._tag_repo_button, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) vbox.AddF( hbox, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR ) vbox.AddF( self._dropdown_list, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) self._dropdown_window.SetSizer( vbox ) def _BroadcastChoices( self, predicates ): if self._text_ctrl.GetValue() != '': self._text_ctrl.SetValue( '' ) tags = { predicate.GetValue() for predicate in predicates } if len( tags ) > 0: self._chosen_tag_callable( tags ) def _ParseSearchText( self ): raw_entry = self._text_ctrl.GetValue() tag = HydrusTags.CleanTag( raw_entry ) search_text = ClientSearch.ConvertTagToSearchable( tag ) entry_predicate = ClientSearch.Predicate( HC.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, tag ) siblings_manager = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetManager( 'tag_siblings' ) sibling = siblings_manager.GetSibling( self._tag_service_key, tag ) if sibling is not None: sibling_predicate = ClientSearch.Predicate( HC.PREDICATE_TYPE_TAG, sibling ) else: sibling_predicate = None return ( search_text, entry_predicate, sibling_predicate ) def _BroadcastCurrentText( self ): ( search_text, entry_predicate, sibling_predicate ) = self._ParseSearchText() try: HydrusTags.CheckTagNotEmpty( search_text ) except HydrusExceptions.SizeException: return self._BroadcastChoices( { entry_predicate } ) def _GenerateMatches( self ): self._next_updatelist_is_probably_fast = False num_autocomplete_chars = HC.options[ 'num_autocomplete_chars' ] ( search_text, entry_predicate, sibling_predicate ) = self._ParseSearchText() if search_text in ( '', ':' ): self._cache_text = '' self._current_namespace = '' matches = [] else: must_do_a_search = False ( namespace, half_complete_subtag ) = HydrusTags.SplitTag( search_text ) if namespace != '': if half_complete_subtag != '' and namespace != self._current_namespace: self._current_namespace = namespace # do a new search, no matter what half_complete tag is must_do_a_search = True else: self._current_namespace = namespace if len( half_complete_subtag ) < num_autocomplete_chars and '*' not in search_text: predicates = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.Read( 'autocomplete_predicates', file_service_key = self._file_service_key, tag_service_key = self._tag_service_key, search_text = search_text, exact_match = True, add_namespaceless = False, collapse_siblings = False ) else: if must_do_a_search or self._cache_text == '' or not half_complete_subtag.startswith( self._cache_text ): self._cache_text = half_complete_subtag self._cached_results = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.Read( 'autocomplete_predicates', file_service_key = self._file_service_key, tag_service_key = self._tag_service_key, search_text = search_text, add_namespaceless = False, collapse_siblings = False ) predicates = self._cached_results self._next_updatelist_is_probably_fast = True matches = ClientSearch.FilterPredicatesBySearchEntry( self._tag_service_key, half_complete_subtag, predicates ) matches = ClientSearch.SortPredicates( matches ) self._PutAtTopOfMatches( matches, entry_predicate ) if sibling_predicate is not None: self._PutAtTopOfMatches( matches, sibling_predicate ) if self._expand_parents: parents_manager = HydrusGlobals.client_controller.GetManager( 'tag_parents' ) matches = parents_manager.ExpandPredicates( self._tag_service_key, matches ) return matches def _InitDropDownList( self ): return ClientGUIListBoxes.ListBoxTagsAutocompleteDropdownWrite( self._dropdown_window, self._tag_service_key, self.BroadcastChoices, min_height = self._list_height ) def _PutAtTopOfMatches( self, matches, predicate ): try: index = matches.index( predicate ) predicate = matches[ index ] matches.remove( predicate ) except ValueError: pass matches.insert( 0, predicate ) def _ShouldTakeResponsibilityForEnter( self ): # when the user has quickly typed something in and the results are not yet in p1 = self._text_ctrl.GetValue() != '' and self._last_search_text == '' # when the text ctrl is empty and we want to push a None to the parent dialog p2 = self._text_ctrl.GetValue() == '' return p1 or p2 def _TakeResponsibilityForEnter( self ): if self._text_ctrl.GetValue() == '': if self._null_entry_callable is not None: self._null_entry_callable() else: self._BroadcastCurrentText()