from . import HydrusConstants as HC #import PyPDF2 import re import time import traceback def GetNumWordsFromString( s ): s = re.sub( '[\s]+', ' ', s ) # turns multiple spaces into single spaces num_words = len( s.split( ' ' ) ) return num_words def GetPDFNumWords( path ): # I discovered a pdf that pulled this into an infinite loop due to malformed header. # This gives bunk data anyway, so let's just cut it out until we have a better solution here all around return None try: pass ''' with open( path, 'rb' ) as f: pdf_object = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader( f, strict = False ) # get.extractText() gives kooky and unreliable results # num_words = sum( [ GetNumWordsFromString( page.extractText() ) for page in pdf_object.pages ] ) # so let's just estimate return pdf_object.numPages * 350 ''' except: num_words = 0 return num_words