import collections import gc import os import random import sys import threading import time from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC from hydrus.core import HydrusData from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions from hydrus.core import HydrusGlobals as HG from hydrus.core import HydrusPaths from hydrus.core import HydrusPubSub from hydrus.core import HydrusThreading from hydrus.core.networking import HydrusNATPunch class HydrusController( object ): def __init__( self, db_dir ): HG.controller = self self._name = 'hydrus' self._last_shutdown_was_bad = False self._i_own_running_file = False self.db_dir = db_dir self.db = None pubsub_valid_callable = self._GetPubsubValidCallable() self._pubsub = HydrusPubSub.HydrusPubSub( self, pubsub_valid_callable ) self._daemons = [] self._daemon_jobs = {} self._caches = {} self._managers = {} self._fast_job_scheduler = None self._slow_job_scheduler = None self._thread_slots = {} self._thread_slots[ 'misc' ] = ( 0, 10 ) self._thread_slot_lock = threading.Lock() self._call_to_threads = [] self._long_running_call_to_threads = [] self._thread_pool_busy_status_text = '' self._thread_pool_busy_status_text_new_check_time = 0 self._call_to_thread_lock = threading.Lock() self._timestamps_lock = threading.Lock() self._timestamps = collections.defaultdict( lambda: 0 ) self._timestamps[ 'boot' ] = HydrusData.GetNow() self._timestamps[ 'last_sleep_check' ] = HydrusData.GetNow() self._sleep_lock = threading.Lock() self._just_woke_from_sleep = False self._system_busy = False self._doing_fast_exit = False def _GetCallToThread( self ): with self._call_to_thread_lock: for call_to_thread in self._call_to_threads: if not call_to_thread.CurrentlyWorking(): return call_to_thread # all the threads in the pool are currently busy calling_from_the_thread_pool = threading.current_thread() in self._call_to_threads if calling_from_the_thread_pool or len( self._call_to_threads ) < 200: call_to_thread = HydrusThreading.THREADCallToThread( self, 'CallToThread' ) self._call_to_threads.append( call_to_thread ) call_to_thread.start() else: call_to_thread = random.choice( self._call_to_threads ) return call_to_thread def _GetCallToThreadLongRunning( self ): with self._call_to_thread_lock: for call_to_thread in self._long_running_call_to_threads: if not call_to_thread.CurrentlyWorking(): return call_to_thread call_to_thread = HydrusThreading.THREADCallToThread( self, 'CallToThreadLongRunning' ) self._long_running_call_to_threads.append( call_to_thread ) call_to_thread.start() return call_to_thread def _GetPubsubValidCallable( self ): return lambda o: True def _GetAppropriateJobScheduler( self, time_delta ): if time_delta <= 1.0: return self._fast_job_scheduler else: return self._slow_job_scheduler def _GetUPnPServices( self ): return [] def _GetWakeDelayPeriod( self ): return 15 def _InitDB( self ): raise NotImplementedError() def _InitTempDir( self ): self.temp_dir = HydrusPaths.GetTempDir() def _MaintainCallToThreads( self ): # we don't really want to hang on to threads that are done as event.wait() has a bit of idle cpu # so, any that are in the pools that aren't doing anything can be killed and sent to garbage with self._call_to_thread_lock: def filter_call_to_threads( t ): if t.CurrentlyWorking(): return True else: t.shutdown() return False self._call_to_threads = list(filter( filter_call_to_threads, self._call_to_threads )) self._long_running_call_to_threads = list(filter( filter_call_to_threads, self._long_running_call_to_threads )) def _PublishShutdownSubtext( self, text ): pass def _Read( self, action, *args, **kwargs ): result = self.db.Read( action, *args, **kwargs ) return result def _ReportShutdownDaemonsStatus( self ): pass def _ShowJustWokeToUser( self ): HydrusData.Print( 'Just woke from sleep.' ) def _ShutdownDaemons( self ): for job in self._daemon_jobs.values(): job.Cancel() self._daemon_jobs = {} for daemon in self._daemons: daemon.shutdown() started = HydrusData.GetNow() while True in ( daemon.is_alive() for daemon in self._daemons ): self._ReportShutdownDaemonsStatus() time.sleep( 0.1 ) if HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( started + 30 ): break self._daemons = [] def _Write( self, action, synchronous, *args, **kwargs ): result = self.db.Write( action, synchronous, *args, **kwargs ) return result def pub( self, topic, *args, **kwargs ): if HG.model_shutdown: self._pubsub.pubimmediate( topic, *args, **kwargs ) else: topic, *args, **kwargs ) def pubimmediate( self, topic, *args, **kwargs ): self._pubsub.pubimmediate( topic, *args, **kwargs ) def sub( self, object, method_name, topic ): self._pubsub.sub( object, method_name, topic ) def AcquireThreadSlot( self, thread_type ): with self._thread_slot_lock: if thread_type not in self._thread_slots: return True # assume no max if no max set ( current_threads, max_threads ) = self._thread_slots[ thread_type ] if current_threads < max_threads: self._thread_slots[ thread_type ] = ( current_threads + 1, max_threads ) return True else: return False def CallLater( self, initial_delay, func, *args, **kwargs ): job_scheduler = self._GetAppropriateJobScheduler( initial_delay ) call = HydrusData.Call( func, *args, **kwargs ) job = HydrusThreading.SingleJob( self, job_scheduler, initial_delay, call ) job_scheduler.AddJob( job ) return job def CallRepeating( self, initial_delay, period, func, *args, **kwargs ) -> HydrusThreading.RepeatingJob: job_scheduler = self._GetAppropriateJobScheduler( period ) call = HydrusData.Call( func, *args, **kwargs ) job = HydrusThreading.RepeatingJob( self, job_scheduler, initial_delay, period, call ) job_scheduler.AddJob( job ) return job def CallToThread( self, callable, *args, **kwargs ): if HG.callto_report_mode: what_to_report = [ callable ] if len( args ) > 0: what_to_report.append( args ) if len( kwargs ) > 0: what_to_report.append( kwargs ) HydrusData.ShowText( tuple( what_to_report ) ) call_to_thread = self._GetCallToThread() call_to_thread.put( callable, *args, **kwargs ) def CallToThreadLongRunning( self, callable, *args, **kwargs ): if HG.callto_report_mode: what_to_report = [ callable ] if len( args ) > 0: what_to_report.append( args ) if len( kwargs ) > 0: what_to_report.append( kwargs ) HydrusData.ShowText( tuple( what_to_report ) ) call_to_thread = self._GetCallToThreadLongRunning() call_to_thread.put( callable, *args, **kwargs ) def CleanRunningFile( self ): if self._i_own_running_file: HydrusData.CleanRunningFile( self.db_dir, self._name ) def ClearCaches( self ): for cache in list(self._caches.values()): cache.Clear() def CurrentlyIdle( self ): return True def CurrentlyPubSubbing( self ): return self._pubsub.WorkToDo() or self._pubsub.DoingWork() def DBCurrentlyDoingJob( self ): if self.db is None: return False else: return self.db.CurrentlyDoingJob() def DebugShowScheduledJobs( self ): summary = self._fast_job_scheduler.GetPrettyJobSummary() HydrusData.ShowText( 'fast scheduler:' ) HydrusData.ShowText( summary ) summary = self._slow_job_scheduler.GetPrettyJobSummary() HydrusData.ShowText( 'slow scheduler:' ) HydrusData.ShowText( summary ) def DoingFastExit( self ) -> bool: return self._doing_fast_exit def GetBootTime( self ): return self.GetTimestamp( 'boot' ) def GetDBDir( self ): return self.db_dir def GetDBStatus( self ): return self.db.GetStatus() def GetCache( self, name ): return self._caches[ name ] def GetJobSchedulerSnapshot( self, scheduler_name ): if scheduler_name == 'fast': scheduler = self._fast_job_scheduler else: scheduler = self._slow_job_scheduler return scheduler.GetJobs() def GetManager( self, name ): return self._managers[ name ] def GetThreadPoolBusyStatus( self ): if HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self._thread_pool_busy_status_text_new_check_time ): with self._call_to_thread_lock: num_threads = sum( ( 1 for t in self._call_to_threads if t.CurrentlyWorking() ) ) if num_threads < 4: self._thread_pool_busy_status_text = '' elif num_threads < 10: self._thread_pool_busy_status_text = 'working' elif num_threads < 20: self._thread_pool_busy_status_text = 'busy' else: self._thread_pool_busy_status_text = 'very busy!' self._thread_pool_busy_status_text_new_check_time = HydrusData.GetNow() + 10 return self._thread_pool_busy_status_text def GetThreadsSnapshot( self ): threads = [] threads.extend( self._daemons ) threads.extend( self._call_to_threads ) threads.extend( self._long_running_call_to_threads ) threads.append( self._slow_job_scheduler ) threads.append( self._fast_job_scheduler ) return threads def GetTimestamp( self, name: str ) -> str: with self._timestamps_lock: return self._timestamps[ name ] def GoodTimeToStartBackgroundWork( self ): return self.CurrentlyIdle() and not ( self.JustWokeFromSleep() or self.SystemBusy() ) def GoodTimeToStartForegroundWork( self ): return not self.JustWokeFromSleep() def JustWokeFromSleep( self ): self.SleepCheck() return self._just_woke_from_sleep def InitModel( self ): try: self._InitTempDir() except: HydrusData.Print( 'Failed to initialise temp folder.' ) self._fast_job_scheduler = HydrusThreading.JobScheduler( self ) self._slow_job_scheduler = HydrusThreading.JobScheduler( self ) self._fast_job_scheduler.start() self._slow_job_scheduler.start() self.db = self._InitDB() def InitView( self ): job = self.CallRepeating( 60.0, 300.0, self.MaintainDB, maintenance_mode = HC.MAINTENANCE_IDLE ) job.WakeOnPubSub( 'wake_idle_workers' ) job.ShouldDelayOnWakeup( True ) self._daemon_jobs[ 'maintain_db' ] = job job = self.CallRepeating( 0.0, 15.0, self.SleepCheck ) self._daemon_jobs[ 'sleep_check' ] = job job = self.CallRepeating( 10.0, 60.0, self.MaintainMemoryFast ) self._daemon_jobs[ 'maintain_memory_fast' ] = job job = self.CallRepeating( 10.0, 300.0, self.MaintainMemorySlow ) self._daemon_jobs[ 'maintain_memory_slow' ] = job upnp_services = self._GetUPnPServices() self.services_upnp_manager = HydrusNATPunch.ServicesUPnPManager( upnp_services ) job = self.CallRepeating( 10.0, 43200.0, self.services_upnp_manager.RefreshUPnP ) self._daemon_jobs[ 'services_upnp' ] = job def IsFirstStart( self ): if self.db is None: return False else: return self.db.IsFirstStart() def LastShutdownWasBad( self ): return self._last_shutdown_was_bad def MaintainDB( self, maintenance_mode = HC.MAINTENANCE_IDLE, stop_time = None ): pass def MaintainMemoryFast( self ): sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() 'memory_maintenance_pulse' ) self._fast_job_scheduler.ClearOutDead() self._slow_job_scheduler.ClearOutDead() def MaintainMemorySlow( self ): gc.collect() HydrusPaths.CleanUpOldTempPaths() self._MaintainCallToThreads() def PrintProfile( self, summary, profile_text = None ): pretty_timestamp = time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S', time.localtime( HG.profile_start_time ) ) profile_log_filename = '{} profile - {}.log'.format( self._name, pretty_timestamp ) profile_log_path = os.path.join( self.db_dir, profile_log_filename ) with open( profile_log_path, 'a', encoding = 'utf-8' ) as f: prefix = time.strftime( '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S: ' ) f.write( prefix + summary ) if profile_text is not None: f.write( os.linesep * 2 ) f.write( profile_text ) def PrintQueryPlan( self, query, plan_lines ): if query in HG.queries_planned: return HG.queries_planned.add( query ) pretty_timestamp = time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S', time.localtime( HG.query_planner_start_time ) ) query_planner_log_filename = '{} query planner - {}.log'.format( self._name, pretty_timestamp ) query_planner_log_path = os.path.join( self.db_dir, query_planner_log_filename ) with open( query_planner_log_path, 'a', encoding = 'utf-8' ) as f: prefix = time.strftime( '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S: ' ) if ' ' in query: first_word = query.split( ' ', 1 )[0] else: first_word = 'unknown' f.write( prefix + first_word ) f.write( os.linesep ) f.write( query ) if len( plan_lines ) > 0: f.write( os.linesep ) f.write( os.linesep.join( ( str( p ) for p in plan_lines ) ) ) f.write( os.linesep * 2 ) def Read( self, action, *args, **kwargs ): return self._Read( action, *args, **kwargs ) def RecordRunningStart( self ): self._last_shutdown_was_bad = HydrusData.LastShutdownWasBad( self.db_dir, self._name ) self._i_own_running_file = True HydrusData.RecordRunningStart( self.db_dir, self._name ) def ReleaseThreadSlot( self, thread_type ): with self._thread_slot_lock: if thread_type not in self._thread_slots: return ( current_threads, max_threads ) = self._thread_slots[ thread_type ] self._thread_slots[ thread_type ] = ( current_threads - 1, max_threads ) def ReportDataUsed( self, num_bytes ): pass def ReportRequestUsed( self ): pass def ResetIdleTimer( self ): self.TouchTimestamp( 'last_user_action' ) def SetDoingFastExit( self, value: bool ): self._doing_fast_exit = value def SetTimestamp( self, name: str, value: int ): with self._timestamps_lock: self._timestamps[ name ] = value def ShouldStopThisWork( self, maintenance_mode, stop_time = None ): if maintenance_mode == HC.MAINTENANCE_IDLE: if not self.CurrentlyIdle(): return True elif maintenance_mode == HC.MAINTENANCE_SHUTDOWN: if not HG.do_idle_shutdown_work: return True if stop_time is not None: if HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( stop_time ): return True return False def ShutdownModel( self ): if self.db is not None: self.db.Shutdown() while not self.db.LoopIsFinished(): self._PublishShutdownSubtext( 'waiting for db to finish up\u2026' ) time.sleep( 0.1 ) if self._fast_job_scheduler is not None: self._fast_job_scheduler.shutdown() self._fast_job_scheduler = None if self._slow_job_scheduler is not None: self._slow_job_scheduler.shutdown() self._slow_job_scheduler = None if hasattr( self, 'temp_dir' ): HydrusPaths.DeletePath( self.temp_dir ) with self._call_to_thread_lock: for call_to_thread in self._call_to_threads: call_to_thread.shutdown() for long_running_call_to_thread in self._long_running_call_to_threads: long_running_call_to_thread.shutdown() HG.model_shutdown = True self._pubsub.Wake() def ShutdownView( self ): HG.view_shutdown = True self._ShutdownDaemons() def ShutdownFromServer( self ): raise Exception( 'This hydrus application cannot be shut down from the server!' ) def SleepCheck( self ): with self._sleep_lock: if HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self.GetTimestamp( 'last_sleep_check' ) + 60 ): # it has been way too long since this method last fired, so we've prob been asleep self._just_woke_from_sleep = True self.ResetIdleTimer() # this will stop the background jobs from kicking in as soon as the grace period is over wake_delay_period = self._GetWakeDelayPeriod() self.SetTimestamp( 'now_awake', HydrusData.GetNow() + wake_delay_period ) # enough time for ethernet to get back online and all that self._ShowJustWokeToUser() elif self._just_woke_from_sleep and HydrusData.TimeHasPassed( self.GetTimestamp( 'now_awake' ) ): self._just_woke_from_sleep = False self.TouchTimestamp( 'last_sleep_check' ) def SimulateWakeFromSleepEvent( self ): with self._sleep_lock: self.SetTimestamp( 'last_sleep_check', HydrusData.GetNow() - 3600 ) self.SleepCheck() def SystemBusy( self ): return self._system_busy def TouchTimestamp( self, name: str ): with self._timestamps_lock: self._timestamps[ name ] = HydrusData.GetNow() def WaitUntilDBEmpty( self ): while True: if HG.model_shutdown: raise HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException( 'Application shutting down!' ) elif self.db.JobsQueueEmpty() and not self.db.CurrentlyDoingJob(): return else: time.sleep( 0.00001 ) def WaitUntilModelFree( self ): self.WaitUntilPubSubsEmpty() self.WaitUntilDBEmpty() def WaitUntilPubSubsEmpty( self ): while True: if HG.model_shutdown: raise HydrusExceptions.ShutdownException( 'Application shutting down!' ) elif not self.CurrentlyPubSubbing(): return else: time.sleep( 0.00001 ) def WakeDaemon( self, name ): if name in self._daemon_jobs: self._daemon_jobs[ name ].Wake() def Write( self, action, *args, **kwargs ): return self._Write( action, False, *args, **kwargs ) def WriteSynchronous( self, action, *args, **kwargs ): return self._Write( action, True, *args, **kwargs )