import httplib import HydrusConstants as HC import HydrusController import HydrusData import HydrusGlobals import HydrusServer import HydrusSessions import HydrusThreading import ServerDaemons import ServerDB import os import traceback import wx from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet import defer ID_MAINTENANCE_EVENT_TIMER = wx.NewId() MAINTENANCE_PERIOD = 5 * 60 class Controller( HydrusController.HydrusController ): db_class = ServerDB.DB def _AlreadyRunning( self, port ): connection = httplib.HTTPConnection( '', port, timeout = 20 ) try: connection.connect() connection.close() return True except: return False def ActionService( self, service_key, action ): if action != 'stop': ( service_type, options ) = self.Read( 'service_info', service_key ) def TWISTEDDoIt(): def StartService( *args, **kwargs ): try: if 'port' not in options: return port = options[ 'port' ] connection = httplib.HTTPConnection( '', port, timeout = 10 ) try: connection.connect() connection.close() raise Exception( 'Something was already bound to port ' + HydrusData.ToString( port ) ) except: message = options[ 'message' ] if service_type == HC.SERVER_ADMIN: service_object = HydrusServer.HydrusServiceAdmin( service_key, service_type, message ) elif service_type == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY: service_object = HydrusServer.HydrusServiceRepositoryFile( service_key, service_type, message ) elif service_type == HC.TAG_REPOSITORY: service_object = HydrusServer.HydrusServiceRepositoryTag( service_key, service_type, message ) elif service_type == HC.MESSAGE_DEPOT: return self._services[ service_key ] = reactor.listenTCP( port, service_object ) connection = httplib.HTTPConnection( '', port, timeout = 10 ) try: connection.connect() connection.close() except: raise Exception( 'Tried to bind port ' + HydrusData.ToString( port ) + ' but it failed.' ) except Exception as e: print( traceback.format_exc() ) if action == 'start': StartService() else: deferred = defer.maybeDeferred( self._services[ service_key ].stopListening ) if action == 'restart': deferred.addCallback( StartService ) elif action == 'stop': del self._services[ service_key ] reactor.callFromThread( TWISTEDDoIt ) def EventExit( self, event ): wx.CallAfter( self._tbicon.Destroy ) self.ShutdownDB() def GetManager( self, manager_type ): return self._managers[ manager_type ] def JustWokeFromSleep( self ): return False def MaintainDB( self ): pass def OnInit( self ): try: HydrusController.HydrusController.OnInit( self ) self.InitDB() self.Bind( wx.EVT_MENU, self.EventExit, id=wx.ID_EXIT ) self._managers[ 'restricted_services_sessions' ] = HydrusSessions.HydrusSessionManagerServer() self._managers[ 'messaging_sessions' ] = HydrusSessions.HydrusMessagingSessionManagerServer() HydrusGlobals.pubsub.sub( self, 'ActionService', 'action_service' ) self._services = {} # ( service_type, options ) = self.Read( 'service_info', HC.SERVER_ADMIN_KEY ) port = options[ 'port' ] connection = httplib.HTTPConnection( '', port, timeout = 10 ) try: connection.connect() connection.close() message = 'Something was already bound to port ' + HydrusData.ToString( port ) wx.MessageBox( message ) return False except: pass # service_keys = self.Read( 'service_keys' ) for service_key in service_keys: self.ActionService( service_key, 'start' ) self.StartDaemons() if HC.PLATFORM_WINDOWS: self._tbicon = TaskBarIcon() else: stay_open_frame = wx.Frame( None, title = 'Hydrus Server' ) stay_open_frame.SetBackgroundColour( wx.SystemSettings.GetColour( wx.SYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE ) ) stay_open_frame.SetIcon( wx.Icon( HC.STATIC_DIR + os.path.sep + 'hydrus.ico', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO ) ) wx.StaticText( stay_open_frame, label = 'The hydrus server is now running.' + os.linesep * 2 + 'Close this window to stop it.' ) ( x, y ) = stay_open_frame.GetEffectiveMinSize() stay_open_frame.SetInitialSize( ( x, y ) ) stay_open_frame.Show() return True except Exception as e: print( traceback.format_exc() ) return False def StartDaemons( self ): HydrusThreading.DAEMONQueue( 'FlushRequestsMade', ServerDaemons.DAEMONFlushRequestsMade, 'request_made', period = 60 ) HydrusThreading.DAEMONWorker( 'CheckMonthlyData', ServerDaemons.DAEMONCheckMonthlyData, period = 3600 ) HydrusThreading.DAEMONWorker( 'ClearBans', ServerDaemons.DAEMONClearBans, period = 3600 ) HydrusThreading.DAEMONWorker( 'DeleteOrphans', ServerDaemons.DAEMONDeleteOrphans, period = 86400 ) HydrusThreading.DAEMONWorker( 'GenerateUpdates', ServerDaemons.DAEMONGenerateUpdates, period = 1200 ) HydrusThreading.DAEMONWorker( 'CheckDataUsage', ServerDaemons.DAEMONCheckDataUsage, period = 86400 ) HydrusThreading.DAEMONWorker( 'UPnP', ServerDaemons.DAEMONUPnP, ( 'notify_new_options', ), period = 43200 ) class TaskBarIcon( wx.TaskBarIcon ): def __init__( self ): wx.TaskBarIcon.__init__( self ) icon = wx.Icon( HC.STATIC_DIR + os.path.sep + 'hydrus.ico', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO ) self.SetIcon( icon, 'hydrus server' ) self._tbmenu = wx.Menu() self._tbmenu.Append( wx.ID_EXIT, 'exit' ) self.Bind( wx.EVT_TASKBAR_RIGHT_DOWN, lambda event: self.PopupMenu( self._tbmenu ) )