import json import zlib LZ4_OK = False try: import lz4 import lz4.block LZ4_OK = True except: # ImportError wasn't enough here as Linux went up the shoot with a __version__ doesn't exist bs print( 'Could not import lz4--nbd.' ) SERIALISABLE_TYPE_BASE = 0 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_BASE_NAMED = 1 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_SHORTCUTS = 2 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION = 3 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_PERIODIC = 4 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_GALLERY_IDENTIFIER = 5 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_TAG_IMPORT_OPTIONS = 6 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_FILE_IMPORT_OPTIONS = 7 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_FILE_SEED_CACHE = 8 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_HDD_IMPORT = 9 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_SERVER_TO_CLIENT_CONTENT_UPDATE_PACKAGE = 10 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_SERVER_TO_CLIENT_SERVICE_UPDATE_PACKAGE = 11 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_MANAGEMENT_CONTROLLER = 12 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_GUI_SESSION = 13 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_PREDICATE = 14 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_FILE_SEARCH_CONTEXT = 15 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_EXPORT_FOLDER = 16 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_WATCHER_IMPORT = 17 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_SIMPLE_DOWNLOADER_IMPORT = 18 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_IMPORT_FOLDER = 19 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_MULTIPLE_GALLERY_IMPORT = 20 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_DICTIONARY = 21 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_CLIENT_OPTIONS = 22 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_CONTENT = 23 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_PETITION = 24 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER = 25 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_LIST = 26 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_PARSE_FORMULA_HTML = 27 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_URLS_IMPORT = 28 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_PARSE_NODE_CONTENT_LINK = 29 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_CONTENT_PARSER = 30 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_PARSE_FORMULA_JSON = 31 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_PARSE_ROOT_FILE_LOOKUP = 32 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_BYTES_DICT = 33 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_CONTENT_UPDATE = 34 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_CREDENTIALS = 35 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_DEFINITIONS_UPDATE = 36 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_METADATA = 37 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_BANDWIDTH_RULES = 38 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_BANDWIDTH_TRACKER = 39 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_CLIENT_TO_SERVER_UPDATE = 40 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_SHORTCUT = 41 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_APPLICATION_COMMAND = 42 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_DUPLICATE_ACTION_OPTIONS = 43 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_TAG_FILTER = 44 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_NETWORK_BANDWIDTH_MANAGER = 45 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_NETWORK_SESSION_MANAGER = 46 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_NETWORK_CONTEXT = 47 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_NETWORK_LOGIN_MANAGER = 48 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_MEDIA_SORT = 49 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_URL_MATCH = 50 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_STRING_MATCH = 51 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_CHECKER_OPTIONS = 52 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_NETWORK_DOMAIN_MANAGER = 53 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION_QUERY = 54 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_STRING_CONVERTER = 55 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_FILENAME_TAGGING_OPTIONS = 56 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_FILE_SEED = 57 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_PAGE_PARSER = 58 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_PARSE_FORMULA_COMPOUND = 59 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_PARSE_FORMULA_CONTEXT_VARIABLE = 60 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_TAG_SUMMARY_GENERATOR = 61 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_PARSE_RULE_HTML = 62 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_SIMPLE_DOWNLOADER_PARSE_FORMULA = 63 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_MULTIPLE_WATCHER_IMPORT = 64 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_SERVICE_TAG_IMPORT_OPTIONS = 65 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_GALLERY_SEED = 66 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_GALLERY_SEED_LOG = 67 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_GALLERY_IMPORT = 68 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_GALLERY_URL_GENERATOR = 69 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_NESTED_GALLERY_URL_GENERATOR = 70 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_DOMAIN_METADATA_PACKAGE = 71 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_LOGIN_CREDENTIAL_DEFINITION = 72 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_LOGIN_SCRIPT_DOMAIN = 73 SERIALISABLE_TYPE_LOGIN_STEP = 74 SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES = {} def CreateFromNetworkString( network_string ): try: obj_string = zlib.decompress( network_string ) except zlib.error: if LZ4_OK: obj_string = lz4.block.decompress( network_string ) else: raise return CreateFromString( obj_string ) def CreateFromString( obj_string ): obj_tuple = json.loads( obj_string ) return CreateFromSerialisableTuple( obj_tuple ) def CreateFromSerialisableTuple( obj_tuple ): if len( obj_tuple ) == 3: ( serialisable_type, version, serialisable_info ) = obj_tuple obj = SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ serialisable_type ]() else: ( serialisable_type, name, version, serialisable_info ) = obj_tuple obj = SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ serialisable_type ]( name ) obj.InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( version, serialisable_info ) return obj def GetNonDupeName( original_name, disallowed_names ): i = 1 non_dupe_name = original_name while non_dupe_name in disallowed_names: non_dupe_name = original_name + ' (' + str( i ) + ')' i += 1 return non_dupe_name def SetNonDupeName( obj, disallowed_names ): non_dupe_name = GetNonDupeName( obj.GetName(), disallowed_names ) obj.SetName( non_dupe_name ) class SerialisableBase( object ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = SERIALISABLE_TYPE_BASE SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'Base Serialisable Object' SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 1 def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): raise NotImplementedError() def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): raise NotImplementedError() def _UpdateSerialisableInfo( self, version, old_serialisable_info ): return old_serialisable_info def DumpToNetworkString( self ): obj_string = self.DumpToString() return zlib.compress( obj_string, 9 ) def DumpToString( self ): obj_tuple = self.GetSerialisableTuple() return json.dumps( obj_tuple ) def Duplicate( self ): return CreateFromString( self.DumpToString() ) def GetSerialisableTuple( self ): return ( self.SERIALISABLE_TYPE, self.SERIALISABLE_VERSION, self._GetSerialisableInfo() ) def InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, version, serialisable_info ): while version < self.SERIALISABLE_VERSION: ( version, serialisable_info ) = self._UpdateSerialisableInfo( version, serialisable_info ) self._InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( serialisable_info ) class SerialisableBaseNamed( SerialisableBase ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = SERIALISABLE_TYPE_BASE_NAMED SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'Named Base Serialisable Object' def __init__( self, name ): SerialisableBase.__init__( self ) self._name = name def GetSerialisableTuple( self ): return ( self.SERIALISABLE_TYPE, self._name, self.SERIALISABLE_VERSION, self._GetSerialisableInfo() ) def GetName( self ): return self._name def SetName( self, name ): self._name = name def SetNonDupeName( self, disallowed_names ): self._name = GetNonDupeName( self._name, disallowed_names ) class SerialisableDictionary( SerialisableBase, dict ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = SERIALISABLE_TYPE_DICTIONARY SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'Serialisable Dictionary' SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 1 def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ): dict.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs ) SerialisableBase.__init__( self ) def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): simple_key_simple_value_pairs = [] simple_key_serialisable_value_pairs = [] serialisable_key_simple_value_pairs = [] serialisable_key_serialisable_value_pairs = [] for ( key, value ) in self.items(): if isinstance( key, SerialisableBase ): serialisable_key = key.GetSerialisableTuple() if isinstance( value, SerialisableBase ): serialisable_value = value.GetSerialisableTuple() serialisable_key_serialisable_value_pairs.append( ( serialisable_key, serialisable_value ) ) else: serialisable_value = value serialisable_key_simple_value_pairs.append( ( serialisable_key, serialisable_value ) ) else: serialisable_key = key if isinstance( value, SerialisableBase ): serialisable_value = value.GetSerialisableTuple() simple_key_serialisable_value_pairs.append( ( serialisable_key, serialisable_value ) ) else: serialisable_value = value simple_key_simple_value_pairs.append( ( serialisable_key, serialisable_value ) ) return ( simple_key_simple_value_pairs, simple_key_serialisable_value_pairs, serialisable_key_simple_value_pairs, serialisable_key_serialisable_value_pairs ) def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): ( simple_key_simple_value_pairs, simple_key_serialisable_value_pairs, serialisable_key_simple_value_pairs, serialisable_key_serialisable_value_pairs ) = serialisable_info for ( key, value ) in simple_key_simple_value_pairs: self[ key ] = value for ( key, serialisable_value ) in simple_key_serialisable_value_pairs: value = CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_value ) self[ key ] = value for ( serialisable_key, value ) in serialisable_key_simple_value_pairs: key = CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_key ) self[ key ] = value for ( serialisable_key, serialisable_value ) in serialisable_key_serialisable_value_pairs: key = CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_key ) value = CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_value ) self[ key ] = value SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ SERIALISABLE_TYPE_DICTIONARY ] = SerialisableDictionary class SerialisableBytesDictionary( SerialisableBase, dict ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = SERIALISABLE_TYPE_BYTES_DICT SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'Serialisable Dictionary With Bytestring Key/Value Support' SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 1 def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ): dict.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs ) SerialisableBase.__init__( self ) def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): pairs = [] for ( key, value ) in self.items(): if isinstance( key, int ): encoded_key = key else: encoded_key = key.encode( 'hex' ) if isinstance( value, ( list, tuple, set ) ): encoded_value = [ item.encode( 'hex' ) for item in value ] elif value is None: encoded_value = value else: encoded_value = value.encode( 'hex' ) pairs.append( ( encoded_key, encoded_value ) ) return pairs def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): for ( encoded_key, encoded_value ) in serialisable_info: if isinstance( encoded_key, int ): key = encoded_key else: key = encoded_key.decode( 'hex' ) if isinstance( encoded_value, ( list, tuple, set ) ): value = [ encoded_item.decode( 'hex' ) for encoded_item in encoded_value ] elif encoded_value is None: value = encoded_value else: value = encoded_value.decode( 'hex' ) self[ key ] = value SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ SERIALISABLE_TYPE_BYTES_DICT ] = SerialisableBytesDictionary class SerialisableList( SerialisableBase, list ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = SERIALISABLE_TYPE_LIST SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'Serialisable List' SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 1 def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ): list.__init__( self, *args, **kwargs ) SerialisableBase.__init__( self ) def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): return [ obj.GetSerialisableTuple() for obj in self ] def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): for obj_tuple in serialisable_info: self.append( CreateFromSerialisableTuple( obj_tuple ) ) SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ SERIALISABLE_TYPE_LIST ] = SerialisableList