import ClientData import ClientImporting import ClientThreading import HydrusConstants as HC import HydrusData import HydrusExceptions import HydrusGlobals as HG import HydrusNATPunch import HydrusPaths import HydrusSerialisable import HydrusThreading import ClientConstants as CC import random import time import wx def DAEMONCheckExportFolders( controller ): if not controller.options[ 'pause_export_folders_sync' ]: HG.export_folders_running = True try: export_folder_names = controller.Read( 'serialisable_names', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_EXPORT_FOLDER ) for name in export_folder_names: export_folder = controller.Read( 'serialisable_named', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_EXPORT_FOLDER, name ) if controller.options[ 'pause_export_folders_sync' ] or HydrusThreading.IsThreadShuttingDown(): break export_folder.DoWork() finally: HG.export_folders_running = False def DAEMONCheckImportFolders( controller ): if not controller.options[ 'pause_import_folders_sync' ]: HG.import_folders_running = True try: import_folder_names = controller.Read( 'serialisable_names', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_IMPORT_FOLDER ) for name in import_folder_names: import_folder = controller.Read( 'serialisable_named', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_IMPORT_FOLDER, name ) if controller.options[ 'pause_import_folders_sync' ] or HydrusThreading.IsThreadShuttingDown(): break import_folder.DoWork() finally: HG.import_folders_running = False def DAEMONDownloadFiles( controller ): hashes = controller.Read( 'downloads' ) num_downloads = len( hashes ) if num_downloads > 0: client_files_manager = controller.client_files_manager successful_hashes = set() job_key = ClientThreading.JobKey() job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'initialising downloader' ) 'message', job_key ) for hash in hashes: job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', 'downloading ' + HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( num_downloads - len( successful_hashes ) ) + ' files from repositories' ) ( media_result, ) = controller.Read( 'media_results', ( hash, ) ) service_keys = list( media_result.GetLocationsManager().GetCurrent() ) random.shuffle( service_keys ) for service_key in service_keys: if service_key == CC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_KEY: break elif service_key == CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY: continue try: service = controller.services_manager.GetService( service_key ) except: continue if service.GetServiceType() == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY: file_repository = service if file_repository.IsFunctional(): try: ( os_file_handle, temp_path ) = HydrusPaths.GetTempPath() try: file_repository.Request( HC.GET, 'file', { 'hash' : hash }, temp_path = temp_path ) controller.WaitUntilModelFree() exclude_deleted = False # this is the important part here allow_decompression_bombs = True min_size = None max_size = None max_gif_size = None min_resolution = None max_resolution = None automatic_archive = False file_import_options = ClientImporting.FileImportOptions() file_import_options.SetPreImportOptions( exclude_deleted, allow_decompression_bombs, min_size, max_size, max_gif_size, min_resolution, max_resolution ) file_import_options.SetPostImportOptions( automatic_archive ) file_import_job = ClientImporting.FileImportJob( temp_path, file_import_options ) client_files_manager.ImportFile( file_import_job ) successful_hashes.add( hash ) break finally: HydrusPaths.CleanUpTempPath( os_file_handle, temp_path ) except HydrusExceptions.ServerBusyException: job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', file_repository.GetName() + ' was busy. waiting 30s before trying again' ) time.sleep( 30 ) job_key.Delete() 'notify_new_downloads' ) return except Exception as e: HydrusData.ShowText( 'Error downloading file!' ) HydrusData.ShowException( e ) elif service.GetServiceType() == HC.IPFS: multihashes = HG.client_controller.Read( 'service_filenames', service_key, { hash } ) if len( multihashes ) > 0: multihash = multihashes[0] # this actually calls to a thread that can launch gui 'select from tree' stuff, so let's just break at this point service.ImportFile( multihash ) break if HydrusThreading.IsThreadShuttingDown(): return if len( successful_hashes ) > 0: job_key.SetVariable( 'popup_text_1', HydrusData.ConvertIntToPrettyString( len( successful_hashes ) ) + ' files downloaded' ) job_key.Delete() def DAEMONMaintainTrash( controller ): if HC.options[ 'trash_max_size' ] is not None: max_size = HC.options[ 'trash_max_size' ] * 1048576 service_info = controller.Read( 'service_info', CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY ) while service_info[ HC.SERVICE_INFO_TOTAL_SIZE ] > max_size: if HydrusThreading.IsThreadShuttingDown(): return hashes = controller.Read( 'trash_hashes', limit = 10 ) if len( hashes ) == 0: return content_update = HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE, hashes ) service_keys_to_content_updates = { CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY : [ content_update ] } controller.WaitUntilModelFree() controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', service_keys_to_content_updates ) service_info = controller.Read( 'service_info', CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY ) time.sleep( 2 ) if HC.options[ 'trash_max_age' ] is not None: max_age = HC.options[ 'trash_max_age' ] * 3600 hashes = controller.Read( 'trash_hashes', limit = 10, minimum_age = max_age ) while len( hashes ) > 0: if HydrusThreading.IsThreadShuttingDown(): return content_update = HydrusData.ContentUpdate( HC.CONTENT_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE, hashes ) service_keys_to_content_updates = { CC.TRASH_SERVICE_KEY : [ content_update ] } controller.WaitUntilModelFree() controller.WriteSynchronous( 'content_updates', service_keys_to_content_updates ) hashes = controller.Read( 'trash_hashes', limit = 10, minimum_age = max_age ) time.sleep( 2 ) def DAEMONSaveDirtyObjects( controller ): controller.SaveDirtyObjects() def DAEMONSynchroniseAccounts( controller ): services = controller.services_manager.GetServices( HC.RESTRICTED_SERVICES ) for service in services: if HydrusThreading.IsThreadShuttingDown(): return service.SyncAccount() def DAEMONSynchroniseRepositories( controller ): if not controller.options[ 'pause_repo_sync' ]: services = controller.services_manager.GetServices( HC.REPOSITORIES ) for service in services: if HydrusThreading.IsThreadShuttingDown(): return if controller.options[ 'pause_repo_sync' ]: return service.Sync( only_process_when_idle = True ) if HydrusThreading.IsThreadShuttingDown(): return time.sleep( 3 ) def DAEMONSynchroniseSubscriptions( controller ): subscription_names = list( controller.Read( 'serialisable_names', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION ) ) if controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'process_subs_in_random_order' ): random.shuffle( subscription_names ) else: subscription_names.sort() HG.subscriptions_running = True try: for name in subscription_names: p1 = controller.options[ 'pause_subs_sync' ] p2 = HydrusThreading.IsThreadShuttingDown() if p1 or p2: return subscription = controller.Read( 'serialisable_named', HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_SUBSCRIPTION, name ) subscription.Sync() finally: HG.subscriptions_running = False def DAEMONUPnP( controller ): try: local_ip = HydrusNATPunch.GetLocalIP() current_mappings = HydrusNATPunch.GetUPnPMappings() our_mappings = { ( internal_client, internal_port ) : external_port for ( description, internal_client, internal_port, external_ip_address, external_port, protocol, enabled ) in current_mappings } except: return # This IGD probably doesn't support UPnP, so don't spam the user with errors they can't fix! services = controller.services_manager.GetServices( ( HC.LOCAL_BOORU, ) ) for service in services: internal_port = service.GetPort() if ( local_ip, internal_port ) in our_mappings: current_external_port = our_mappings[ ( local_ip, internal_port ) ] upnp_port = service.GetUPnPPort() if upnp_port is None or current_external_port != upnp_port: HydrusNATPunch.RemoveUPnPMapping( current_external_port, 'TCP' ) for service in services: internal_port = service.GetPort() upnp_port = service.GetUPnPPort() if upnp_port is not None: if ( local_ip, internal_port ) not in our_mappings: service_type = service.GetServiceType() protocol = 'TCP' description = HC.service_string_lookup[ service_type ] + ' at ' + local_ip + ':' + str( internal_port ) duration = 3600 try: HydrusNATPunch.AddUPnPMapping( local_ip, internal_port, upnp_port, protocol, description, duration = duration ) except HydrusExceptions.FirewallException: HydrusData.Print( 'The UPnP Daemon tried to add ' + local_ip + ':' + internal_port + '->external:' + upnp_port + ' but it failed due to router error. Please try it manually to get a full log of what happened.' ) return except: raise