from . import ClientConstants as CC from . import ClientDefaults from . import ClientDownloading from . import ClientDuplicates from . import ClientImporting from . import HydrusConstants as HC from . import HydrusGlobals as HG from . import HydrusData from . import HydrusPaths from . import HydrusSerialisable from . import HydrusTags import os import threading import wx class ClientOptions( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_CLIENT_OPTIONS SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'Client Options' SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 3 def __init__( self, db_dir = None ): HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase.__init__( self ) if db_dir is None: db_dir = HC.DEFAULT_DB_DIR self._dictionary = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary() self._lock = threading.Lock() self._InitialiseDefaults( db_dir ) def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): with self._lock: serialisable_info = self._dictionary.GetSerialisableTuple() return serialisable_info def _InitialiseDefaults( self, db_dir ): self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ] = {} self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'advanced_mode' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'always_show_hover_windows' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'apply_all_parents_to_all_services' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'apply_all_siblings_to_all_services' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'filter_inbox_and_archive_predicates' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'discord_dnd_fix' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'disable_cv_for_gifs' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'add_parents_on_manage_tags' ] = True self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'replace_siblings_on_manage_tags' ] = True self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'yes_no_on_remove_on_manage_tags' ] = True self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'show_related_tags' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'show_file_lookup_script_tags' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'hide_message_manager_on_gui_iconise' ] = HC.PLATFORM_OSX self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'hide_message_manager_on_gui_deactive' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'load_images_with_pil' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'use_system_ffmpeg' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'maintain_similar_files_duplicate_pairs_during_idle' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'show_namespaces' ] = True self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'verify_regular_https' ] = True self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'reverse_page_shift_drag_behaviour' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'anchor_and_hide_canvas_drags' ] = HC.PLATFORM_WINDOWS self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'thumbnail_fill' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'import_page_progress_display' ] = True self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'process_subs_in_random_order' ] = True self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'ac_select_first_with_count' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'saving_sash_positions_on_exit' ] = True self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'pause_all_new_network_traffic' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'pause_all_file_queues' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'pause_all_watcher_checkers' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'pause_all_gallery_searches' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'notebook_tabs_on_left' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'popup_message_force_min_width' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'always_show_iso_time' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'show_new_on_file_seed_short_summary' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'show_deleted_on_file_seed_short_summary' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'only_save_last_session_during_idle' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'do_human_sort_on_hdd_file_import_paths' ] = True self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'highlight_new_watcher' ] = True self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'highlight_new_query' ] = True self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'delete_files_after_export' ] = False self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ 'file_viewing_statistics_active' ] = True # self._dictionary[ 'colours' ] = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary() self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'default' ] = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary() self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'default' ][ CC.COLOUR_THUMB_BACKGROUND ] = ( 255, 255, 255 ) self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'default' ][ CC.COLOUR_THUMB_BACKGROUND_SELECTED ] = ( 217, 242, 255 ) # light blue self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'default' ][ CC.COLOUR_THUMB_BACKGROUND_REMOTE ] = ( 32, 32, 36 ) # 50% Payne's Gray self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'default' ][ CC.COLOUR_THUMB_BACKGROUND_REMOTE_SELECTED ] = ( 64, 64, 72 ) # Payne's Gray self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'default' ][ CC.COLOUR_THUMB_BORDER ] = ( 223, 227, 230 ) # light grey self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'default' ][ CC.COLOUR_THUMB_BORDER_SELECTED ] = ( 1, 17, 26 ) # dark grey self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'default' ][ CC.COLOUR_THUMB_BORDER_REMOTE ] = ( 248, 208, 204 ) # 25% Vermillion, 75% White self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'default' ][ CC.COLOUR_THUMB_BORDER_REMOTE_SELECTED ] = ( 227, 66, 52 ) # Vermillion, lol self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'default' ][ CC.COLOUR_THUMBGRID_BACKGROUND ] = ( 255, 255, 255 ) self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'default' ][ CC.COLOUR_AUTOCOMPLETE_BACKGROUND ] = ( 235, 248, 255 ) # very light blue self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'default' ][ CC.COLOUR_MEDIA_BACKGROUND ] = ( 255, 255, 255 ) self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'default' ][ CC.COLOUR_MEDIA_TEXT ] = ( 0, 0, 0 ) self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'default' ][ CC.COLOUR_TAGS_BOX ] = ( 255, 255, 255 ) self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'darkmode' ] = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary() self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'darkmode' ][ CC.COLOUR_THUMB_BACKGROUND ] = ( 64, 64, 72 ) # Payne's Gray self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'darkmode' ][ CC.COLOUR_THUMB_BACKGROUND_SELECTED ] = ( 112, 128, 144 ) # Slate Gray self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'darkmode' ][ CC.COLOUR_THUMB_BACKGROUND_REMOTE ] = ( 64, 13, 2 ) # Black Bean self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'darkmode' ][ CC.COLOUR_THUMB_BACKGROUND_REMOTE_SELECTED ] = ( 171, 39, 79 ) # Amaranth Purple self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'darkmode' ][ CC.COLOUR_THUMB_BORDER ] = ( 145, 163, 176 ) # Cadet Grey self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'darkmode' ][ CC.COLOUR_THUMB_BORDER_SELECTED ] = ( 223, 227, 230 ) # light grey self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'darkmode' ][ CC.COLOUR_THUMB_BORDER_REMOTE ] = ( 248, 208, 204 ) # 25% Vermillion, 75% White self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'darkmode' ][ CC.COLOUR_THUMB_BORDER_REMOTE_SELECTED ] = ( 227, 66, 52 ) # Vermillion, lol self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'darkmode' ][ CC.COLOUR_THUMBGRID_BACKGROUND ] = ( 0, 0, 0 ) self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'darkmode' ][ CC.COLOUR_AUTOCOMPLETE_BACKGROUND ] = ( 83, 98, 103 ) # Gunmetal self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'darkmode' ][ CC.COLOUR_MEDIA_BACKGROUND ] = ( 0, 0, 0 ) self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'darkmode' ][ CC.COLOUR_MEDIA_TEXT ] = ( 112, 128, 144 ) # Slate Gray self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ 'darkmode' ][ CC.COLOUR_TAGS_BOX ] = ( 0, 0, 0 ) # self._dictionary[ 'duplicate_action_options' ] = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary() from . import ClientTags self._dictionary[ 'duplicate_action_options' ][ HC.DUPLICATE_BETTER ] = ClientDuplicates.DuplicateActionOptions( [ ( CC.LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY, HC.CONTENT_MERGE_ACTION_MOVE, ClientTags.TagFilter() ) ], [], True, True, sync_urls_action = HC.CONTENT_MERGE_ACTION_COPY ) self._dictionary[ 'duplicate_action_options' ][ HC.DUPLICATE_SAME_QUALITY ] = ClientDuplicates.DuplicateActionOptions( [ ( CC.LOCAL_TAG_SERVICE_KEY, HC.CONTENT_MERGE_ACTION_TWO_WAY_MERGE, ClientTags.TagFilter() ) ], [], False, True, sync_urls_action = HC.CONTENT_MERGE_ACTION_TWO_WAY_MERGE ) self._dictionary[ 'duplicate_action_options' ][ HC.DUPLICATE_ALTERNATE ] = ClientDuplicates.DuplicateActionOptions( [], [], False ) self._dictionary[ 'duplicate_action_options' ][ HC.DUPLICATE_NOT_DUPLICATE ] = ClientDuplicates.DuplicateActionOptions( [], [], False ) # self._dictionary[ 'integers' ] = {} self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'video_buffer_size_mb' ] = 96 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'related_tags_search_1_duration_ms' ] = 250 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'related_tags_search_2_duration_ms' ] = 2000 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'related_tags_search_3_duration_ms' ] = 6000 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'suggested_tags_width' ] = 300 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'similar_files_duplicate_pairs_search_distance' ] = 0 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'default_new_page_goes' ] = CC.NEW_PAGE_GOES_FAR_RIGHT self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'max_page_name_chars' ] = 20 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'page_file_count_display' ] = CC.PAGE_FILE_COUNT_DISPLAY_ALL self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'network_timeout' ] = 10 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'thumbnail_visibility_scroll_percent' ] = 75 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'total_pages_warning' ] = 165 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'last_session_save_period_minutes' ] = 5 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'shutdown_work_period' ] = 86400 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'max_network_jobs' ] = 15 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'max_network_jobs_per_domain' ] = 3 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'max_simultaneous_subscriptions' ] = 1 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'gallery_page_wait_period_pages' ] = 15 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'gallery_page_wait_period_subscriptions' ] = 5 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'watcher_page_wait_period' ] = 5 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'popup_message_character_width' ] = 56 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'video_thumbnail_percentage_in' ] = 35 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'duplicate_comparison_score_higher_filesize' ] = 20 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'duplicate_comparison_score_much_higher_filesize' ] = 10 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'duplicate_comparison_score_higher_resolution' ] = 20 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'duplicate_comparison_score_much_higher_resolution' ] = 5 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'duplicate_comparison_score_more_tags' ] = 8 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'duplicate_comparison_score_older' ] = 5 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'thumbnail_cache_timeout' ] = 86400 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'image_cache_timeout' ] = 600 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'thumbnail_border' ] = 1 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'thumbnail_margin' ] = 2 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'subscription_network_error_delay' ] = 12 * 3600 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'subscription_other_error_delay' ] = 36 * 3600 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'downloader_network_error_delay' ] = 90 * 60 self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'file_viewing_stats_menu_display' ] = CC.FILE_VIEWING_STATS_MENU_DISPLAY_MEDIA_AND_PREVIEW_IN_SUBMENU self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ 'number_of_gui_session_backups' ] = 10 # self._dictionary[ 'keys' ] = {} self._dictionary[ 'keys' ][ 'default_tag_service_search_page' ] = CC.COMBINED_TAG_SERVICE_KEY.hex() self._dictionary[ 'keys' ][ 'default_gug_key' ] = HydrusData.GenerateKey().hex() self._dictionary[ 'key_list' ] = {} self._dictionary[ 'key_list' ][ 'default_neighbouring_txt_tag_service_keys' ] = [] # self._dictionary[ 'noneable_integers' ] = {} self._dictionary[ 'noneable_integers' ][ 'forced_search_limit' ] = None self._dictionary[ 'noneable_integers' ][ 'disk_cache_maintenance_mb' ] = 256 self._dictionary[ 'noneable_integers' ][ 'disk_cache_init_period' ] = 4 self._dictionary[ 'noneable_integers' ][ 'num_recent_tags' ] = 20 self._dictionary[ 'noneable_integers' ][ 'maintenance_vacuum_period_days' ] = 30 self._dictionary[ 'noneable_integers' ][ 'duplicate_background_switch_intensity' ] = 3 self._dictionary[ 'noneable_integers' ][ 'last_review_bandwidth_search_distance' ] = 7 * 86400 # self._dictionary[ 'simple_downloader_formulae' ] = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList() # self._dictionary[ 'noneable_strings' ] = {} self._dictionary[ 'noneable_strings' ][ 'favourite_file_lookup_script' ] = 'gelbooru md5' self._dictionary[ 'noneable_strings' ][ 'suggested_tags_layout' ] = 'notebook' self._dictionary[ 'noneable_strings' ][ 'backup_path' ] = None self._dictionary[ 'noneable_strings' ][ 'temp_path_override' ] = None self._dictionary[ 'noneable_strings' ][ 'web_browser_path' ] = None self._dictionary[ 'noneable_strings' ][ 'last_png_export_dir' ] = None self._dictionary[ 'noneable_strings' ][ 'media_background_bmp_path' ] = None self._dictionary[ 'noneable_strings' ][ 'http_proxy' ] = None self._dictionary[ 'noneable_strings' ][ 'https_proxy' ] = None self._dictionary[ 'strings' ] = {} self._dictionary[ 'strings' ][ 'main_gui_title' ] = 'hydrus client' self._dictionary[ 'strings' ][ 'namespace_connector' ] = ':' self._dictionary[ 'strings' ][ 'export_phrase' ] = '{hash}' self._dictionary[ 'strings' ][ 'current_colourset' ] = 'default' self._dictionary[ 'strings' ][ 'favourite_simple_downloader_formula' ] = 'all files linked by images in page' self._dictionary[ 'strings' ][ 'thumbnail_scroll_rate' ] = '1.0' self._dictionary[ 'strings' ][ 'pause_character' ] = '\u23F8' self._dictionary[ 'strings' ][ 'stop_character' ] = '\u23F9' self._dictionary[ 'strings' ][ 'default_gug_name' ] = 'artstation artist lookup' self._dictionary[ 'string_list' ] = {} self._dictionary[ 'string_list' ][ 'default_media_viewer_custom_shortcuts' ] = [] self._dictionary[ 'string_list' ][ 'favourite_tags' ] = [] # self._dictionary[ 'tag_summary_generators' ] = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary() namespace_info = [] namespace_info.append( ( 'creator', '', ', ' ) ) namespace_info.append( ( 'series', '', ', ' ) ) namespace_info.append( ( 'title', '', ', ' ) ) separator = ' - ' # the cleantags here converts to unicode, which is important! example_tags = HydrusTags.CleanTags( [ 'creator:creator', 'series:series', 'title:title' ] ) from . import ClientGUITags tsg = ClientGUITags.TagSummaryGenerator( namespace_info = namespace_info, separator = separator, example_tags = example_tags ) self._dictionary[ 'tag_summary_generators' ][ 'thumbnail_top' ] = tsg namespace_info = [] namespace_info.append( ( 'volume', 'v', '-' ) ) namespace_info.append( ( 'chapter', 'c', '-' ) ) namespace_info.append( ( 'page', 'p', '-' ) ) separator = '-' example_tags = HydrusTags.CleanTags( [ 'volume:3', 'chapter:10', 'page:330', 'page:331' ] ) tsg = ClientGUITags.TagSummaryGenerator( namespace_info = namespace_info, separator = separator, example_tags = example_tags ) self._dictionary[ 'tag_summary_generators' ][ 'thumbnail_bottom_right' ] = tsg namespace_info = [] namespace_info.append( ( 'creator', '', ', ' ) ) namespace_info.append( ( 'series', '', ', ' ) ) namespace_info.append( ( 'title', '', ', ' ) ) namespace_info.append( ( 'volume', 'v', '-' ) ) namespace_info.append( ( 'chapter', 'c', '-' ) ) namespace_info.append( ( 'page', 'p', '-' ) ) separator = ' - ' example_tags = HydrusTags.CleanTags( [ 'creator:creator', 'series:series', 'title:title', 'volume:1', 'chapter:1', 'page:1' ] ) tsg = ClientGUITags.TagSummaryGenerator( namespace_info = namespace_info, separator = separator, example_tags = example_tags ) self._dictionary[ 'tag_summary_generators' ][ 'media_viewer_top' ] = tsg # client_files_default = os.path.join( db_dir, 'client_files' ) self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_ideal_weights' ] = [ ( HydrusPaths.ConvertAbsPathToPortablePath( client_files_default ), 1.0 ) ] self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_resized_thumbnail_override' ] = None self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_full_size_thumbnail_override' ] = None # self._dictionary[ 'default_file_import_options' ] = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary() exclude_deleted = True do_not_check_known_urls_before_importing = False do_not_check_hashes_before_importing = False allow_decompression_bombs = False min_size = None max_size = None max_gif_size = 32 * 1048576 min_resolution = None max_resolution = None automatic_archive = False associate_source_urls = True present_new_files = True present_already_in_inbox_files = False present_already_in_archive_files = False from . import ClientImportOptions quiet_file_import_options = ClientImportOptions.FileImportOptions() quiet_file_import_options.SetPreImportOptions( exclude_deleted, do_not_check_known_urls_before_importing, do_not_check_hashes_before_importing, allow_decompression_bombs, min_size, max_size, max_gif_size, min_resolution, max_resolution ) quiet_file_import_options.SetPostImportOptions( automatic_archive, associate_source_urls ) quiet_file_import_options.SetPresentationOptions( present_new_files, present_already_in_inbox_files, present_already_in_archive_files ) self._dictionary[ 'default_file_import_options' ][ 'quiet' ] = quiet_file_import_options present_new_files = True present_already_in_inbox_files = True present_already_in_archive_files = True loud_file_import_options = ClientImportOptions.FileImportOptions() loud_file_import_options.SetPreImportOptions( exclude_deleted, do_not_check_known_urls_before_importing, do_not_check_hashes_before_importing, allow_decompression_bombs, min_size, max_size, max_gif_size, min_resolution, max_resolution ) loud_file_import_options.SetPostImportOptions( automatic_archive, associate_source_urls ) loud_file_import_options.SetPresentationOptions( present_new_files, present_already_in_inbox_files, present_already_in_archive_files ) self._dictionary[ 'default_file_import_options' ][ 'loud' ] = loud_file_import_options # self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ] = {} # remember size, remember position, last_size, last_pos, default gravity, default position, maximised, fullscreen self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ 'file_import_status' ] = ( True, True, None, None, ( -1, -1 ), 'topleft', False, False ) self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ 'gallery_import_log' ] = ( True, True, None, None, ( -1, -1 ), 'topleft', False, False ) self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ 'local_import_filename_tagging' ] = ( True, False, None, None, ( -1, -1 ), 'topleft', False, False ) self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ 'main_gui' ] = ( True, True, ( 800, 600 ), ( 20, 20 ), ( -1, -1 ), 'topleft', True, False ) self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ 'manage_options_dialog' ] = ( False, False, None, None, ( -1, -1 ), 'topleft', False, False ) self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ 'manage_subscriptions_dialog' ] = ( True, True, None, None, ( 1, -1 ), 'topleft', False, False ) self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ 'edit_subscription_dialog' ] = ( True, True, None, None, ( 1, -1 ), 'topleft', False, False ) self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ 'manage_tags_dialog' ] = ( False, False, None, None, ( -1, 1 ), 'topleft', False, False ) self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ 'manage_tags_frame' ] = ( False, False, None, None, ( -1, 1 ), 'topleft', False, False ) self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ 'media_viewer' ] = ( True, True, ( 640, 480 ), ( 70, 70 ), ( -1, -1 ), 'topleft', True, True ) self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ 'regular_dialog' ] = ( False, False, None, None, ( -1, -1 ), 'topleft', False, False ) self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ 'review_services' ] = ( False, True, None, None, ( -1, -1 ), 'topleft', False, False ) self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ 'deeply_nested_dialog' ] = ( False, False, None, None, ( -1, -1 ), 'topleft', False, False ) # self._dictionary[ 'media_launch' ] = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary() # integer keys, so got to be cleverer dict for mime in HC.SEARCHABLE_MIMES: self._dictionary[ 'media_launch' ][ mime ] = None # self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ] = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary() # integer keys, so got to be cleverer dict # media_show_action, preview_show_action, ( media_scale_up, media_scale_down, preview_scale_up, preview_scale_down, exact_zooms_only, scale_up_quality, scale_down_quality ) ) image_zoom_info = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, False, CC.ZOOM_LANCZOS4, CC.ZOOM_AREA ) gif_zoom_info = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_MAX_REGULAR, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_MAX_REGULAR, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, True, CC.ZOOM_LANCZOS4, CC.ZOOM_AREA ) flash_zoom_info = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, False, CC.ZOOM_LINEAR, CC.ZOOM_LINEAR ) video_zoom_info = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_100, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_MAX_REGULAR, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_TO_CANVAS, True, CC.ZOOM_LANCZOS4, CC.ZOOM_AREA ) null_zoom_info = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_100, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_100, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_100, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_SCALE_100, False, CC.ZOOM_LINEAR, CC.ZOOM_LINEAR ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.IMAGE_JPEG ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, image_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.IMAGE_PNG ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, image_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.IMAGE_APNG ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, gif_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.IMAGE_GIF ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, gif_zoom_info ) if HC.PLATFORM_WINDOWS: self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.APPLICATION_FLASH ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_BEHIND_EMBED, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_BEHIND_EMBED, flash_zoom_info ) else: self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.APPLICATION_FLASH ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, null_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.APPLICATION_PDF ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, null_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.APPLICATION_ZIP ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, null_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.APPLICATION_7Z ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, null_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.APPLICATION_RAR ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, null_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.APPLICATION_HYDRUS_UPDATE_CONTENT ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW, null_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.APPLICATION_HYDRUS_UPDATE_DEFINITIONS ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW, null_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.VIDEO_AVI ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, video_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.VIDEO_FLV ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, video_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.VIDEO_MOV ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, video_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.VIDEO_MP4 ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, video_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.VIDEO_MPEG ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, video_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.VIDEO_MKV ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, video_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.VIDEO_WEBM ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, video_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.VIDEO_WMV ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_AS_NORMAL, video_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.AUDIO_MP3 ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, null_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.AUDIO_OGG ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, null_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.AUDIO_FLAC ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, null_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ HC.AUDIO_WMA ] = ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON, null_zoom_info ) self._dictionary[ 'media_zooms' ] = [ 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0 ] # self._dictionary[ 'misc' ] = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary() self._dictionary[ 'misc' ][ 'default_thread_watcher_options' ] = ClientDefaults.GetDefaultCheckerOptions( 'thread' ) self._dictionary[ 'misc' ][ 'default_subscription_checker_options' ] = ClientDefaults.GetDefaultCheckerOptions( 'artist subscription' ) # self._dictionary[ 'suggested_tags' ] = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableDictionary() self._dictionary[ 'suggested_tags' ][ 'favourites' ] = {} # from . import ClientMedia self._dictionary[ 'default_sort' ] = ClientMedia.MediaSort( ( 'system', CC.SORT_FILES_BY_FILESIZE ), CC.SORT_ASC ) self._dictionary[ 'fallback_sort' ] = ClientMedia.MediaSort( ( 'system', CC.SORT_FILES_BY_IMPORT_TIME ), CC.SORT_ASC ) def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): loaded_dictionary = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_info ) for ( key, value ) in list(loaded_dictionary.items()): if key in self._dictionary and isinstance( self._dictionary[ key ], dict ) and isinstance( value, dict ): self._dictionary[ key ].update( value ) else: self._dictionary[ key ] = value def _UpdateSerialisableInfo( self, version, old_serialisable_info ): if version == 1: loaded_dictionary = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( old_serialisable_info ) if 'media_view' in loaded_dictionary: mimes = list(loaded_dictionary[ 'media_view' ].keys()) for mime in mimes: if mime in self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ]: ( default_media_show_action, default_preview_show_action, default_zoom_info ) = self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ mime ] ( media_show_action, preview_show_action, zoom_in_to_fit, exact_zooms_only, scale_up_quality, scale_down_quality ) = loaded_dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ mime ] loaded_dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ mime ] = ( media_show_action, preview_show_action, default_zoom_info ) else: # while devving this, I discovered some u'20' stringified keys had snuck in and hung around. let's nuke them here, in case anyone else got similar del loaded_dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ mime ] new_serialisable_info = loaded_dictionary.GetSerialisableTuple() return ( 2, new_serialisable_info ) if version == 2: # as db_dir is now moveable, let's move portable base from base_dir to db_dir def update_portable_path( p ): if p is None: return p p = os.path.normpath( p ) # collapses .. stuff and converts / to \\ for windows only if os.path.isabs( p ): a_p = p else: a_p = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( HC.BASE_DIR, p ) ) if not HC.PLATFORM_WINDOWS and not os.path.exists( a_p ): a_p = a_p.replace( '\\', '/' ) try: db_dir = HG.controller.GetDBDir() p = os.path.relpath( a_p, db_dir ) if p.startswith( '..' ): p = a_p except: p = a_p if HC.PLATFORM_WINDOWS: p = p.replace( '\\', '/' ) # store seps as /, to maintain multiplatform uniformity return p loaded_dictionary = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( old_serialisable_info ) if 'client_files_locations_ideal_weights' in loaded_dictionary: updated_cfliw = [] for ( old_portable_path, weight ) in loaded_dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_ideal_weights' ]: new_portable_path = update_portable_path( old_portable_path ) updated_cfliw.append( ( new_portable_path, weight ) ) loaded_dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_ideal_weights' ] = updated_cfliw if 'client_files_locations_resized_thumbnail_override' in loaded_dictionary: loaded_dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_resized_thumbnail_override' ] = update_portable_path( loaded_dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_resized_thumbnail_override' ] ) if 'client_files_locations_full_size_thumbnail_override' in loaded_dictionary: loaded_dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_full_size_thumbnail_override' ] = update_portable_path( loaded_dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_full_size_thumbnail_override' ] ) new_serialisable_info = loaded_dictionary.GetSerialisableTuple() return ( 3, new_serialisable_info ) def FlipBoolean( self, name ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ name ] = not self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ name ] def GetBoolean( self, name ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ name ] def GetClientFilesLocationsToIdealWeights( self ): with self._lock: paths_to_weights = {} for ( portable_path, weight ) in self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_ideal_weights' ]: abs_path = HydrusPaths.ConvertPortablePathToAbsPath( portable_path ) paths_to_weights[ abs_path ] = weight resized_thumbnail_override = self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_resized_thumbnail_override' ] if resized_thumbnail_override is not None: resized_thumbnail_override = HydrusPaths.ConvertPortablePathToAbsPath( resized_thumbnail_override ) full_size_thumbnail_override = self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_full_size_thumbnail_override' ] if full_size_thumbnail_override is not None: full_size_thumbnail_override = HydrusPaths.ConvertPortablePathToAbsPath( full_size_thumbnail_override ) return ( paths_to_weights, resized_thumbnail_override, full_size_thumbnail_override ) def GetColour( self, colour_type, colourset = None ): with self._lock: if colourset is None: colourset = self._dictionary[ 'strings' ][ 'current_colourset' ] ( r, g, b ) = self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ colourset ][ colour_type ] return wx.Colour( r, g, b ) def GetDefaultFileImportOptions( self, options_type ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'default_file_import_options' ][ options_type ] def GetDefaultWatcherCheckerOptions( self ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'misc' ][ 'default_thread_watcher_options' ] def GetDefaultSort( self ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'default_sort' ] def GetDefaultSubscriptionCheckerOptions( self ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'misc' ][ 'default_subscription_checker_options' ] def GetDuplicateActionOptions( self, duplicate_type ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'duplicate_action_options' ][ duplicate_type ] def GetFallbackSort( self ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'fallback_sort' ] def GetFrameLocation( self, frame_key ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ frame_key ] def GetFrameLocations( self ): with self._lock: return list(self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ].items()) def GetInteger( self, name ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ name ] def GetKey( self, name ): with self._lock: return bytes.fromhex( self._dictionary[ 'keys' ][ name ] ) def GetKeyList( self, name ): with self._lock: return [ bytes.fromhex( hex_key ) for hex_key in self._dictionary[ 'key_list' ][ name ] ] def GetMediaShowAction( self, mime ): with self._lock: ( media_show_action, preview_show_action, zoom_info ) = self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ mime ] if media_show_action not in CC.media_viewer_capabilities[ mime ]: return CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON return media_show_action def GetMediaViewOptions( self, mime ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ mime ] def GetMediaZoomOptions( self, mime ): with self._lock: ( media_show_action, preview_show_action, zoom_info ) = self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ mime ] return zoom_info def GetMediaZooms( self ): with self._lock: return list( self._dictionary[ 'media_zooms' ] ) def GetMediaZoomQuality( self, mime ): with self._lock: ( media_show_action, preview_show_action, ( media_scale_up, media_scale_down, preview_scale_up, preview_scale_down, exact_zooms_only, scale_up_quality, scale_down_quality ) ) = self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ mime ] return ( scale_up_quality, scale_down_quality ) def GetMimeLaunch( self, mime ): with self._lock: if mime not in self._dictionary[ 'media_launch' ]: self._dictionary[ 'media_launch' ][ mime ] = None return self._dictionary[ 'media_launch' ][ mime ] def GetNoneableInteger( self, name ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'noneable_integers' ][ name ] def GetNoneableString( self, name ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'noneable_strings' ][ name ] def GetPreviewShowAction( self, mime ): with self._lock: ( media_show_action, preview_show_action, zoom_info ) = self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ mime ] if preview_show_action not in CC.media_viewer_capabilities[ mime ]: return CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON return preview_show_action def GetSimpleDownloaderFormulae( self ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'simple_downloader_formulae' ] def GetString( self, name ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'strings' ][ name ] def GetStringList( self, name ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'string_list' ][ name ] def GetSuggestedTagsFavourites( self, service_key ): with self._lock: service_key_hex = service_key.hex() stf = self._dictionary[ 'suggested_tags' ][ 'favourites' ] if service_key_hex in stf: return set( stf[ service_key_hex ] ) else: return set() def GetTagSummaryGenerator( self, name ): with self._lock: return self._dictionary[ 'tag_summary_generators' ][ name ] def InvertBoolean( self, name ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ name ] = not self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ name ] def RemoveClientFilesLocation( self, location ): with self._lock: if len( self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_ideal_weights' ] ) < 2: raise Exception( 'Cannot remove any more files locations!' ) portable_location = HydrusPaths.ConvertAbsPathToPortablePath( location ) self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_ideal_weights' ] = [ ( l, w ) for ( l, w ) in self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_ideal_weights' ] if l != portable_location ] def SetBoolean( self, name, value ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'booleans' ][ name ] = value def SetClientFilesLocation( self, location, weight ): with self._lock: portable_location = HydrusPaths.ConvertAbsPathToPortablePath( location ) weight = float( weight ) self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_ideal_weights' ] = [ ( l, w ) for ( l, w ) in self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_ideal_weights' ] if l != portable_location ] self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_ideal_weights' ].append( ( portable_location, weight ) ) def SetColour( self, colour_type, colourset, colour ): with self._lock: if isinstance( colour, wx.Colour ): ( r, g, b, a ) = colour.Get() else: ( r, g, b ) = colour self._dictionary[ 'colours' ][ colourset ][ colour_type ] = ( r, g, b ) def SetDefaultWatcherCheckerOptions( self, checker_options ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'misc' ][ 'default_thread_watcher_options' ] = checker_options def SetDefaultSort( self, media_sort ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'default_sort' ] = media_sort def SetDefaultSubscriptionCheckerOptions( self, checker_options ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'misc' ][ 'default_subscription_checker_options' ] = checker_options def SetDuplicateActionOptions( self, duplicate_type, duplicate_action_options ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'duplicate_action_options' ][ duplicate_type ] = duplicate_action_options def SetFallbackSort( self, media_sort ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'fallback_sort' ] = media_sort def SetDefaultFileImportOptions( self, options_type, file_import_options ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'default_file_import_options' ][ options_type ] = file_import_options def SetFrameLocation( self, frame_key, remember_size, remember_position, last_size, last_position, default_gravity, default_position, maximised, fullscreen ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'frame_locations' ][ frame_key ] = ( remember_size, remember_position, last_size, last_position, default_gravity, default_position, maximised, fullscreen ) def SetFullsizeThumbnailOverride( self, full_size_thumbnail_override ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_full_size_thumbnail_override' ] = full_size_thumbnail_override def SetInteger( self, name, value ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'integers' ][ name ] = value def SetKey( self, name, value ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'keys' ][ name ] = value.hex() def SetKeyList( self, name, value ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'key_list' ][ name ] = [ key.hex() for key in value ] def SetMediaViewOptions( self, mime, value_tuple ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'media_view' ][ mime ] = value_tuple def SetMediaZooms( self, zooms ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'media_zooms' ] = zooms def SetMimeLaunch( self, mime, launch_path ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'media_launch' ][ mime ] = launch_path def SetNoneableInteger( self, name, value ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'noneable_integers' ][ name ] = value def SetNoneableString( self, name, value ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'noneable_strings' ][ name ] = value def SetResizedThumbnailOverride( self, resized_thumbnail_override ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'client_files_locations_resized_thumbnail_override' ] = resized_thumbnail_override def SetSimpleDownloaderFormulae( self, simple_downloader_formulae ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'simple_downloader_formulae' ] = HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList( simple_downloader_formulae ) def SetString( self, name, value ): with self._lock: it_changed = False if value is not None and value != '': if self._dictionary[ 'strings' ][ name ] != value: self._dictionary[ 'strings' ][ name ] = value it_changed = True def SetStringList( self, name, value ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'string_list' ][ name ] = list( value ) def SetSuggestedTagsFavourites( self, service_key, tags ): with self._lock: service_key_hex = service_key.hex() self._dictionary[ 'suggested_tags' ][ 'favourites' ][ service_key_hex ] = list( tags ) def SetTagSummaryGenerator( self, name, tag_summary_generator ): with self._lock: self._dictionary[ 'tag_summary_generators' ][ name ] = tag_summary_generator HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_CLIENT_OPTIONS ] = ClientOptions