from . import HydrusConstants as HC from . import HydrusData from . import HydrusGlobals as HG from . import ClientConstants as CC from . import ClientData from . import ClientGUICommon from . import ClientGUIMedia from . import ClientGUIMediaControls from . import ClientGUIMPV from . import ClientGUIShortcuts from . import ClientMedia from . import ClientRendering from . import HydrusPaths from qtpy import QtCore as QC from qtpy import QtWidgets as QW from qtpy import QtGui as QG from . import QtPorting as QP import typing def ShouldHaveAnimationBar( media, show_action ): if show_action not in ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_NATIVE, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_MPV ): return False is_animated_image = media.GetMime() in HC.ANIMATIONS is_audio = media.GetMime() in HC.AUDIO is_video = media.GetMime() in HC.VIDEO if show_action == CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_MPV: if ( is_animated_image or is_audio or is_video ) and media.HasDuration(): return True elif show_action == CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_NATIVE: num_frames = media.GetNumFrames() has_some_frames = num_frames is not None and num_frames > 1 if ( is_animated_image or is_video ) and has_some_frames: return True return False class Animation( QW.QWidget ): launchMediaViewer = QC.Signal() def __init__( self, parent, canvas_type ): QW.QWidget.__init__( self, parent ) self._canvas_type = canvas_type self.setMouseTracking( True ) self._media = None self._left_down_event = None self._something_valid_has_been_drawn = False self._playthrough_count = 0 self._num_frames = 1 self._stop_for_slideshow = False self._current_frame_index = 0 self._current_frame_drawn = False self._current_timestamp_ms = None self._next_frame_due_at = HydrusData.GetNowPrecise() self._slow_frame_score = 1.0 self._paused = True self._video_container = None self._canvas_qt_pixmap = None if self._canvas_type == ClientGUICommon.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER: shortcut_set = 'media_viewer_media_window' else: shortcut_set = 'preview_media_window' self._my_shortcut_handler = ClientGUIShortcuts.ShortcutsHandler( self, [ shortcut_set ], catch_mouse = True ) def _ClearCanvasBitmap( self ): if self._canvas_qt_pixmap is not None: self._canvas_qt_pixmap = None def _TryToDrawCanvasBitmap( self ): if self._video_container is None: size = self.size() width = size.width() height = size.height() self._video_container = ClientRendering.RasterContainerVideo( self._media, ( width, height ), init_position = self._current_frame_index ) if not self._video_container.HasFrame( self._current_frame_index ): return my_size = self.size() my_width = my_size.width() my_height = my_size.height() if self._canvas_qt_pixmap is None: self._canvas_qt_pixmap = HG.client_controller.bitmap_manager.GetQtPixmap( my_width, my_height ) painter = QG.QPainter( self._canvas_qt_pixmap ) current_frame = self._video_container.GetFrame( self._current_frame_index ) ( frame_width, frame_height ) = current_frame.GetSize() scale = my_width / frame_width painter.setTransform( QG.QTransform().scale( scale, scale ) ) current_frame_image = current_frame.GetQtImage() painter.drawImage( 0, 0, current_frame_image ) painter.setTransform( QG.QTransform().scale( 1.0, 1.0 ) ) self._current_frame_drawn = True next_frame_time_s = self._video_container.GetDuration( self._current_frame_index ) / 1000.0 next_frame_ideally_due = self._next_frame_due_at + next_frame_time_s if HydrusData.TimeHasPassedPrecise( next_frame_ideally_due ): self._next_frame_due_at = HydrusData.GetNowPrecise() + next_frame_time_s else: self._next_frame_due_at = next_frame_ideally_due self._something_valid_has_been_drawn = True def _DrawABlankFrame( self, painter ): new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options painter.setBackground( QG.QBrush( new_options.GetColour( CC.COLOUR_MEDIA_BACKGROUND ) ) ) painter.eraseRect( painter.viewport() ) self._something_valid_has_been_drawn = True def ClearMedia( self ): self.SetMedia( None ) def CurrentFrame( self ): return self._current_frame_index def GetAnimationBarStatus( self ): if self._video_container is None: buffer_indices = None else: buffer_indices = self._video_container.GetBufferIndices() if self._current_timestamp_ms is None and self._video_container.IsInitialised(): self._current_timestamp_ms = self._video_container.GetTimestampMS( self._current_frame_index ) return ( self._current_frame_index, self._current_timestamp_ms, self._paused, buffer_indices ) def GotoFrame( self, frame_index ): if self._video_container is not None and self._video_container.IsInitialised(): if frame_index != self._current_frame_index: self._current_frame_index = frame_index self._current_timestamp_ms = None self._next_frame_due_at = HydrusData.GetNowPrecise() self._video_container.GetReadyForFrame( self._current_frame_index ) self._current_frame_drawn = False self._paused = True def HasPlayedOnceThrough( self ): return self._playthrough_count > 0 def IsPlaying( self ): return not self._paused def paintEvent( self, event ): if not self._current_frame_drawn: self._TryToDrawCanvasBitmap() painter = QG.QPainter( self ) if self._canvas_qt_pixmap is None: self._DrawABlankFrame( painter ) else: painter.drawPixmap( 0, 0, self._canvas_qt_pixmap ) def Pause( self ): self._paused = True def PausePlay( self ): self._paused = not self._paused def Play( self ): self._paused = False def ProcessApplicationCommand( self, command ): command_processed = True command_type = command.GetCommandType() data = command.GetData() if command_type == CC.APPLICATION_COMMAND_TYPE_SIMPLE: action = data if action == 'pause_media': self.Pause() elif action == 'pause_play_media': self.PausePlay() elif action == 'open_file_in_external_program': if self._media is not None: self.Pause() ClientGUIMedia.OpenExternally( self._media ) elif action == 'close_media_viewer' and self._canvas_type == ClientGUICommon.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER: self.window().close() elif action == 'launch_media_viewer' and self._canvas_type == ClientGUICommon.CANVAS_PREVIEW: self.launchMediaViewer.emit() else: command_processed = False else: command_processed = False return command_processed def resizeEvent( self, event ): size = self.size() my_width = size.width() my_height = size.height() if my_width > 0 and my_height > 0: if self.size() != event.oldSize(): self._ClearCanvasBitmap() self._current_frame_drawn = False self._something_valid_has_been_drawn = False self.update() if self._media is not None: ( media_width, media_height ) = self._media.GetResolution() if self._video_container is not None: ( renderer_width, renderer_height ) = self._video_container.GetSize() we_just_zoomed_in = my_width > renderer_width or my_height > renderer_height we_just_zoomed_out = my_width < renderer_width or my_height < renderer_height if we_just_zoomed_in: if self._video_container.IsScaled(): target_width = min( media_width, my_width ) target_height = min( media_height, my_height ) self._video_container.Stop() self._video_container = ClientRendering.RasterContainerVideo( self._media, ( target_width, target_height ), init_position = self._current_frame_index ) elif we_just_zoomed_out: if my_width < media_width or my_height < media_height: # i.e. new zoom is scaled self._video_container.Stop() self._video_container = ClientRendering.RasterContainerVideo( self._media, ( my_width, my_height ), init_position = self._current_frame_index ) def StopForSlideshow( self, value ): self._stop_for_slideshow = value def SetMedia( self, media, start_paused = False ): if media == self._media: return self._media = media self._left_down_event = None self._ClearCanvasBitmap() self._something_valid_has_been_drawn = False self._playthrough_count = 0 self._stop_for_slideshow = False if self._media is not None: self._num_frames = self._media.GetNumFrames() else: self._num_frames = 1 self._current_frame_index = int( ( self._num_frames - 1 ) * HC.options[ 'animation_start_position' ] ) self._current_frame_drawn = False self._current_timestamp_ms = None self._next_frame_due_at = HydrusData.GetNowPrecise() self._slow_frame_score = 1.0 self._paused = start_paused if self._video_container is not None: self._video_container.Stop() self._video_container = None if self._media is None: HG.client_controller.gui.UnregisterAnimationUpdateWindow( self ) else: HG.client_controller.gui.RegisterAnimationUpdateWindow( self ) self.update() def TIMERAnimationUpdate( self ): if self._media is None: return try: if self.isVisible(): if self._current_frame_drawn: if not self._paused and HydrusData.TimeHasPassedPrecise( self._next_frame_due_at ): num_frames = self._media.GetNumFrames() next_frame_index = ( self._current_frame_index + 1 ) % num_frames if next_frame_index == 0: self._playthrough_count += 1 do_times_to_play_gif_pause = False if self._media.GetMime() == HC.IMAGE_GIF and not HG.client_controller.new_options.GetBoolean( 'always_loop_gifs' ): times_to_play_gif = self._video_container.GetTimesToPlayGIF() # 0 is infinite if times_to_play_gif != 0 and self._playthrough_count >= times_to_play_gif: do_times_to_play_gif_pause = True if self._stop_for_slideshow or do_times_to_play_gif_pause: self._paused = True else: self._current_frame_index = next_frame_index self._current_timestamp_ms = 0 else: self._current_frame_index = next_frame_index if self._current_timestamp_ms is not None and self._video_container is not None and self._video_container.IsInitialised(): duration_ms = self._video_container.GetDuration( self._current_frame_index - 1 ) self._current_timestamp_ms += duration_ms self._current_frame_drawn = False if self._video_container is not None: if not self._current_frame_drawn: if self._video_container.HasFrame( self._current_frame_index ): self.update() except: HG.client_controller.gui.UnregisterAnimationUpdateWindow( self ) raise class AnimationBar( QW.QWidget ): def __init__( self, parent ): QW.QWidget.__init__( self, parent ) self.setCursor( QG.QCursor( QC.Qt.ArrowCursor ) ) self._media_window = None self._duration_ms = 1000 self._num_frames = 1 self._last_drawn_info = None self._has_experienced_mouse_down = False self._currently_in_a_drag = False self._it_was_playing = False self._widget_event_filter = QP.WidgetEventFilter( self ) self._widget_event_filter.EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS( self.EventMouse ) def _DrawBlank( self, painter ): new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options painter.setBackground( QG.QBrush( new_options.GetColour( CC.COLOUR_MEDIA_BACKGROUND ) ) ) painter.eraseRect( painter.viewport() ) def _GetAnimationBarStatus( self ): return self._media_window.GetAnimationBarStatus() def _GetXFromFrameIndex( self, index, width_offset = 0 ): if self._num_frames is None or self._num_frames < 2: return 0 my_width = self.size().width() return int( ( my_width - width_offset ) * index / ( self._num_frames - 1 ) ) def _GetXFromTimestamp( self, timestamp_ms, width_offset = 0 ): my_width = self.size().width() return int( ( my_width - width_offset ) * timestamp_ms / self._duration_ms ) def _Redraw( self, painter ): self._last_drawn_info = self._GetAnimationBarStatus() ( current_frame_index, current_timestamp_ms, paused, buffer_indices ) = self._last_drawn_info my_width = self.size().width() painter.setPen( QC.Qt.NoPen ) background_colour = QP.GetSystemColour( QG.QPalette.Button ) if paused: background_colour = ClientData.GetLighterDarkerColour( background_colour ) painter.setBackground( QG.QBrush( background_colour ) ) painter.eraseRect( painter.viewport() ) # animated_scanbar_height = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'animated_scanbar_height' ) if buffer_indices is not None: ( start_index, rendered_to_index, end_index ) = buffer_indices if ClientRendering.FrameIndexOutOfRange( rendered_to_index, start_index, end_index ): rendered_to_index = start_index start_x = self._GetXFromFrameIndex( start_index ) rendered_to_x = self._GetXFromFrameIndex( rendered_to_index ) end_x = self._GetXFromFrameIndex( end_index ) if start_x != rendered_to_x: rendered_colour = ClientData.GetDifferentLighterDarkerColour( background_colour ) painter.setBrush( QG.QBrush( rendered_colour ) ) if rendered_to_x > start_x: painter.drawRect( start_x, 0, rendered_to_x - start_x, animated_scanbar_height ) else: painter.drawRect( start_x, 0, my_width - start_x, animated_scanbar_height ) painter.drawRect( 0, 0, rendered_to_x, animated_scanbar_height ) if rendered_to_x != end_x: to_be_rendered_colour = ClientData.GetDifferentLighterDarkerColour( background_colour, 1 ) painter.setBrush( QG.QBrush( to_be_rendered_colour ) ) if end_x > rendered_to_x: painter.drawRect( rendered_to_x, 0, end_x - rendered_to_x, animated_scanbar_height ) else: painter.drawRect( rendered_to_x, 0, my_width - rendered_to_x, animated_scanbar_height ) painter.drawRect( 0, 0, end_x, animated_scanbar_height ) painter.setBrush( QG.QBrush( QP.GetSystemColour( QG.QPalette.Shadow ) ) ) animated_scanbar_nub_width = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'animated_scanbar_nub_width' ) num_frames_are_useful = self._num_frames is not None and self._num_frames > 1 nub_x = None if num_frames_are_useful and current_frame_index is not None: nub_x = self._GetXFromFrameIndex( current_frame_index, width_offset = animated_scanbar_nub_width ) elif self._duration_ms is not None and current_timestamp_ms is not None: nub_x = self._GetXFromTimestamp( current_timestamp_ms, width_offset = animated_scanbar_nub_width ) if nub_x is not None: painter.drawRect( nub_x, 0, animated_scanbar_nub_width, animated_scanbar_height ) # painter.setPen( QG.QPen() ) progress_strings = [] if num_frames_are_useful: progress_strings.append( HydrusData.ConvertValueRangeToPrettyString( current_frame_index + 1, self._num_frames ) ) if current_timestamp_ms is not None: progress_strings.append( HydrusData.ConvertValueRangeToScanbarTimestampsMS( current_timestamp_ms, self._duration_ms ) ) s = ' - '.join( progress_strings ) if len( s ) > 0: text_width = painter.fontMetrics().size( QC.Qt.TextSingleLine, s ).width() QP.DrawText( painter, my_width - text_width - 3, 3, s ) def ClearMedia( self ): self._media_window = None HG.client_controller.gui.UnregisterAnimationUpdateWindow( self ) self.update() def EventMouse( self, event ): if self._media_window is not None: if not self._media_window or not QP.isValid( self._media_window ): self.ClearMedia() return CC.CAN_HIDE_MOUSE = False if event.type() == QC.QEvent.MouseButtonPress: self._has_experienced_mouse_down = True self._it_was_playing = self._media_window.IsPlaying() if self._it_was_playing: self._media_window.Pause() # sometimes, this can inherit mouse-down from previous filter or embed button reveal, resulting in undesired scan if not self._has_experienced_mouse_down: return my_width = self.size().width() if event.type() == QC.QEvent.MouseMove and event.buttons() != QC.Qt.NoButton: self._currently_in_a_drag = True a_button_is_down = event.buttons() != QC.Qt.NoButton if a_button_is_down: event_pos = event.pos() animated_scanbar_nub_width = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'animated_scanbar_nub_width' ) compensated_x_position = event_pos.x() - ( animated_scanbar_nub_width / 2 ) proportion = ( compensated_x_position ) / ( my_width - animated_scanbar_nub_width ) if proportion < 0: proportion = 0 if proportion > 1: proportion = 1 self.update() if isinstance( self._media_window, Animation ): current_frame_index = int( proportion * ( self._num_frames - 1 ) + 0.5 ) self._media_window.GotoFrame( current_frame_index ) elif isinstance( self._media_window, ClientGUIMPV.mpvWidget ): time_index_ms = int( proportion * self._duration_ms ) self._media_window.Seek( time_index_ms ) elif event.type() == QC.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease: if self._it_was_playing: self._media_window.Play() self._currently_in_a_drag = False def paintEvent( self, event ): painter = QG.QPainter( self ) if self._media_window is None: self._DrawBlank( painter ) else: self._Redraw( painter ) def SetMediaAndWindow( self, media, media_window ): self._media_window = media_window self._duration_ms = max( media.GetDuration(), 1 ) num_frames = media.GetNumFrames() if num_frames is None: self._num_frames = num_frames else: self._num_frames = max( num_frames, 1 ) self._last_drawn_info = None self._has_experienced_mouse_down = False self._currently_in_a_drag = False self._it_was_playing = False HG.client_controller.gui.RegisterAnimationUpdateWindow( self ) self.update() def TIMERAnimationUpdate( self ): if self.isVisible(): if not self._media_window or not QP.isValid( self._media_window ): self.ClearMedia() return if self._last_drawn_info != self._GetAnimationBarStatus(): self.update() class MediaContainerDragClickReportingFilter( QC.QObject ): def __init__( self, parent ): QC.QObject.__init__( self, parent ) def eventFilter( self, watched, event ): if event.type() == QC.QEvent.MouseButtonPress and event.button() == QC.Qt.LeftButton and event.modifiers() == QC.Qt.NoModifier: self.parent().BeginDrag() elif event.type() == QC.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease and event.button() == QC.Qt.LeftButton and event.modifiers() == QC.Qt.NoModifier: self.parent().EndDrag() return False class MediaContainer( QW.QWidget ): launchMediaViewer = QC.Signal() def __init__( self, parent, canvas_type ): QW.QWidget.__init__( self, parent ) self._canvas_type = canvas_type # If I do not set this, macOS goes 100% CPU endless repaint events! # My guess is it due to the borked layout # it means 'I guarantee to cover my whole viewport with pixels, no need for automatic background clear' self.setAttribute( QC.Qt.WA_OpaquePaintEvent, True ) self.setSizePolicy( QW.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QW.QSizePolicy.Fixed ) self._media = None self._show_action = CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_NATIVE self._start_paused = False self._start_with_embed = False self._media_window = None self._embed_button = EmbedButton( self ) self._embed_button_widget_event_filter = QP.WidgetEventFilter( self._embed_button ) self._embed_button_widget_event_filter.EVT_LEFT_DOWN( self.EventEmbedButton ) self.setMouseTracking( True ) self._drag_click_reporting_filter = MediaContainerDragClickReportingFilter( self.parentWidget() ) self._animation_window = Animation( self, self._canvas_type ) self._animation_bar = AnimationBar( self ) self._volume_control = ClientGUIMediaControls.VolumeControl( self, self._canvas_type, direction = 'up' ) self._static_image_window = StaticImage( self, self._canvas_type ) self._volume_control.adjustSize() self._volume_control.setCursor( QC.Qt.ArrowCursor ) self._animation_window.hide() self._animation_bar.hide() self._volume_control.hide() self._static_image_window.hide() self._embed_button.hide() self.hide() def _DestroyOrHideThisMediaWindow( self, media_window ): if media_window is not None: if isinstance( media_window, ( Animation, StaticImage, ClientGUIMPV.mpvWidget ) ): media_window.ClearMedia() media_window.hide() if isinstance( media_window, ClientGUIMPV.mpvWidget ): HG.client_controller.gui.ReleaseMPVWidget( media_window ) else: media_window.deleteLater() def _HideAnimationBar( self ): self._animation_bar.ClearMedia() self._animation_bar.hide() def _MakeMediaWindow( self ): old_media_window = self._media_window destroy_old_media_window = True if self._show_action == CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_MPV and not ClientGUIMPV.MPV_IS_AVAILABLE: self._show_action = CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON HydrusData.ShowText( 'MPV is not available!' ) if self._show_action == CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_MPV and self._media.GetMime() == HC.IMAGE_GIF and not self._media.HasDuration(): self._show_action = CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_NATIVE if self._show_action in ( CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW_ON_ACTIVATION_OPEN_EXTERNALLY, CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_DO_NOT_SHOW ): raise Exception( 'This media should not be shown in the media viewer!' ) elif self._show_action == CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_OPEN_EXTERNALLY_BUTTON: self._media_window = OpenExternallyPanel( self, self._media ) elif self._show_action == CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_NATIVE: if self._media.IsStaticImage(): if isinstance( self._media_window, StaticImage ): destroy_old_media_window = False self._media_window.hide() else: self._media_window = self._static_image_window self._media_window.SetMedia( self._media ) else: if isinstance( self._media_window, Animation ): destroy_old_media_window = False self._media_window.hide() else: self._media_window = self._animation_window self._media_window.SetMedia( self._media, start_paused = self._start_paused ) elif self._show_action == CC.MEDIA_VIEWER_ACTION_SHOW_WITH_MPV: self._media_window = HG.client_controller.gui.GetMPVWidget( self ) self._media_window.SetCanvasType( self._canvas_type ) self._media_window.SetMedia( self._media, start_paused = self._start_paused ) if ShouldHaveAnimationBar( self._media, self._show_action ): self._animation_bar.SetMediaAndWindow( self._media, self._media_window ) if isinstance( self._media_window, ClientGUIMPV.mpvWidget ) and self._media.HasAudio(): else: self._volume_control.hide() else: self._HideAnimationBar() self._volume_control.hide() # this has to go after setcanvastype on the mpv window so the filters are in the correct order if old_media_window != self._media_window: self._media_window.installEventFilter( self._drag_click_reporting_filter ) launch_media_viewer_classes = ( Animation, ClientGUIMPV.mpvWidget, StaticImage ) if isinstance( self._media_window, launch_media_viewer_classes ): self._media_window.launchMediaViewer.connect( self.launchMediaViewer ) if old_media_window is not None: old_media_window.removeEventFilter( self._drag_click_reporting_filter ) if isinstance( old_media_window, launch_media_viewer_classes ): try: old_media_window.launchMediaViewer.disconnect( self.launchMediaViewer ) except RuntimeError: pass # lmao, weird 'Failed to disconnect signal launchMediaViewer()' error I couldn't figure out, I guess some out-of-order deleteLater gubbins self._media_window if old_media_window is not None and destroy_old_media_window: self._DestroyOrHideThisMediaWindow( old_media_window ) # this forces a flush of the last valid background bmp, so we don't get a flicker of a file from five files ago when we last saw a static image self.repaint() def _SizeAndPositionChildren( self ): if self._media is not None: my_size = self.size() my_width = my_size.width() my_height = my_size.height() if self._media_window is None: self._embed_button.setFixedSize( QC.QSize( my_width, my_height ) ) self._embed_button.move( QC.QPoint( 0, 0 ) ) else: is_open_externally = isinstance( self._media_window, OpenExternallyPanel ) ( media_width, media_height ) = ( my_width, my_height ) if ShouldHaveAnimationBar( self._media, self._show_action ) and not is_open_externally: animated_scanbar_height = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetInteger( 'animated_scanbar_height' ) media_height -= animated_scanbar_height if self._volume_control.isVisibleTo( self ): volume_width = self._volume_control.width() else: volume_width = 0 self._animation_bar.setFixedSize( QC.QSize( my_width - volume_width, animated_scanbar_height ) ) self._animation_bar.move( QC.QPoint( 0, my_height - animated_scanbar_height ) ) if self._volume_control.isVisibleTo( self ): self._volume_control.setFixedSize( QC.QSize( volume_width, animated_scanbar_height ) ) self._volume_control.move( QC.QPoint( self._animation_bar.width(), my_height - animated_scanbar_height ) ) self._media_window.setFixedSize( QC.QSize( media_width, media_height ) ) self._media_window.move( QC.QPoint( 0, 0 ) ) def BeginDrag( self ): self.parentWidget().BeginDrag() def ClearMedia( self ): self._media = None self._HideAnimationBar() self._volume_control.hide() self._DestroyOrHideThisMediaWindow( self._media_window ) self._media_window = None self.hide() def EventEmbedButton( self, event ): self._embed_button.hide() self._MakeMediaWindow() self._SizeAndPositionChildren() def resizeEvent( self, event ): if self._media is not None: self._SizeAndPositionChildren() def GotoPreviousOrNextFrame( self, direction ): if self._media is not None: if ShouldHaveAnimationBar( self._media, self._show_action ): if isinstance( self._media_window, Animation ): current_frame_index = self._media_window.CurrentFrame() num_frames = self._media.GetNumFrames() if direction == 1: if current_frame_index == num_frames - 1: current_frame_index = 0 else: current_frame_index += 1 else: if current_frame_index == 0: current_frame_index = num_frames - 1 else: current_frame_index -= 1 self._media_window.GotoFrame( current_frame_index ) elif isinstance( self._media_window, ClientGUIMPV.mpvWidget ): self._media_window.GotoPreviousOrNextFrame( direction ) def MouseIsNearAnimationBar( self ): if self._media is None: return False else: if ShouldHaveAnimationBar( self._media, self._show_action ): animation_bar_mouse_pos = self._animation_bar.mapFromGlobal( QG.QCursor.pos() ) animation_bar_rect = self._animation_bar.rect() buffer = 100 test_rect = animation_bar_rect.adjusted( -buffer, -buffer, buffer, buffer ) return test_rect.contains( animation_bar_mouse_pos ) return False def paintEvent( self, event ): painter = None # hackery dackery doo to deal with non-redrawing single-pixel border around the real widget # we'll fix this when we fix the larger layout/repaint issue if self._volume_control.isVisible(): painter = QG.QPainter( self ) background_colour = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetColour( CC.COLOUR_MEDIA_BACKGROUND ) painter.setBrush( QG.QBrush( background_colour ) ) painter.setPen( QC.Qt.NoPen ) painter.drawRect( self._volume_control.geometry() ) if self._media_window is not None and self._media_window.isVisible(): return # this only happens when we are transitioning from one media to another. in the brief period when one media type is going to another, we'll get flicker of the last valid bmp # mpv embed fun aggravates this # so instead we do an explicit repaint after the hide and before the new show, to clear our window if painter is None: painter = QG.QPainter( self ) background_colour = HG.client_controller.new_options.GetColour( CC.COLOUR_MEDIA_BACKGROUND ) painter.setBrush( QG.QBrush( background_colour ) ) painter.drawRect( painter.viewport() ) def Pause( self ): if self._media is not None: if isinstance( self._media_window, ( Animation, ClientGUIMPV.mpvWidget ) ): self._media_window.Pause() def PausePlay( self ): if self._media is not None: if isinstance( self._media_window, ( Animation, ClientGUIMPV.mpvWidget ) ): self._media_window.PausePlay() def ReadyToSlideshow( self ): if self._media is None: return False else: if isinstance( self._media_window, ( Animation, ClientGUIMPV.mpvWidget ) ): if not self._media_window.HasPlayedOnceThrough(): return False if isinstance( self._media_window, StaticImage ): if not self._media_window.IsRendered(): return False return True def SetEmbedButton( self ): self._HideAnimationBar() self._volume_control.hide() self._DestroyOrHideThisMediaWindow( self._media_window ) self._media_window = None self._embed_button.SetMedia( self._media ) def SetMedia( self, media: ClientMedia.MediaSingleton, initial_size, initial_position, show_action, start_paused, start_with_embed ): self._media = media self._show_action = show_action self._start_paused = start_paused self._start_with_embed = start_with_embed if self._start_with_embed: self.SetEmbedButton() else: self._embed_button.hide() self._MakeMediaWindow() self.setFixedSize( initial_size ) self.move( initial_position ) self._SizeAndPositionChildren() if self._media_window is not None: def StopForSlideshow( self, value ): if isinstance( self._media_window, ( Animation, ClientGUIMPV.mpvWidget ) ): self._media_window.StopForSlideshow( value ) class EmbedButton( QW.QWidget ): def __init__( self, parent ): QW.QWidget.__init__( self, parent ) self._media = None self._thumbnail_qt_pixmap = None self.setCursor( QG.QCursor( QC.Qt.PointingHandCursor ) ) HG.client_controller.sub( self, 'update', 'notify_new_colourset' ) def _Redraw( self, painter ): my_size = self.size() my_width = my_size.width() my_height = my_size.height() center_x = my_width // 2 center_y = my_height // 2 radius = min( 50, center_x, center_y ) - 5 new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options painter.setBackground( QG.QBrush( new_options.GetColour(CC.COLOUR_MEDIA_BACKGROUND) ) ) painter.eraseRect( painter.viewport() ) if self._thumbnail_qt_pixmap is not None: scale = my_width / self._thumbnail_qt_pixmap.width() painter.setTransform( QG.QTransform().scale( scale, scale ) ) painter.drawPixmap( 0, 0, self._thumbnail_qt_pixmap ) painter.setTransform( QG.QTransform().scale( 1.0, 1.0 ) ) painter.setBrush( QG.QBrush( QP.GetSystemColour( QG.QPalette.Button ) ) ) painter.drawEllipse( QC.QPointF( center_x, center_y ), radius, radius ) painter.setBrush( QG.QBrush( QP.GetSystemColour( QG.QPalette.Window ) ) ) # play symbol is a an equilateral triangle triangle_side = radius * 0.8 half_triangle_side = int( triangle_side // 2 ) cos30 = 0.866 triangle_width = triangle_side * cos30 third_triangle_width = int( triangle_width // 3 ) points = [] points.append( QC.QPoint( center_x - third_triangle_width, center_y - half_triangle_side ) ) points.append( QC.QPoint( center_x + third_triangle_width * 2, center_y ) ) points.append( QC.QPoint( center_x - third_triangle_width, center_y + half_triangle_side ) ) painter.drawPolygon( QG.QPolygon( points ) ) # painter.setPen( QG.QPen( QP.GetSystemColour( QG.QPalette.Shadow ) ) ) painter.setBrush( QG.QBrush( QG.QColor( QC.Qt.transparent ) ) ) painter.drawRect( 0, 0, my_width, my_height ) def ClearMedia( self ): self.SetMedia( None ) def paintEvent( self, event ): painter = QG.QPainter( self ) self._Redraw( painter ) def SetMedia( self, media ): self._media = media if self._media is None: needs_thumb = False else: needs_thumb = self._media.GetLocationsManager().IsLocal() and self._media.GetMime() in HC.MIMES_WITH_THUMBNAILS if needs_thumb: mime = self._media.GetMime() thumbnail_path = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager.GetThumbnailPath( self._media ) self._thumbnail_qt_pixmap = ClientRendering.GenerateHydrusBitmap( thumbnail_path, mime ).GetQtPixmap() self.update() else: self._thumbnail_qt_pixmap = None class OpenExternallyPanel( QW.QWidget ): def __init__( self, parent, media ): QW.QWidget.__init__( self, parent ) self._new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options self._media = media vbox = QP.VBoxLayout() if self._media.GetLocationsManager().IsLocal() and self._media.GetMime() in HC.MIMES_WITH_THUMBNAILS: mime = self._media.GetMime() thumbnail_path = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager.GetThumbnailPath( self._media ) qt_pixmap = ClientRendering.GenerateHydrusBitmap( thumbnail_path, mime ).GetQtPixmap() thumbnail_window = ClientGUICommon.BufferedWindowIcon( self, qt_pixmap ) QP.AddToLayout( vbox, thumbnail_window, CC.FLAGS_CENTER ) m_text = HC.mime_string_lookup[ media.GetMime() ] button = QW.QPushButton( 'open ' + m_text + ' externally', self ) button.setFocusPolicy( QC.Qt.NoFocus ) QP.AddToLayout( vbox, button, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS ) self.setLayout( vbox ) self.setCursor( QG.QCursor( QC.Qt.PointingHandCursor ) ) button.clicked.connect( self.LaunchFile ) def mousePressEvent( self, event ): if not ( event.modifiers() & ( QC.Qt.ShiftModifier | QC.Qt.ControlModifier | QC.Qt.AltModifier) ) and event.button() == QC.Qt.LeftButton: self.LaunchFile() else: event.ignore() def paintEvent( self, event ): # have to manually repaint background because of parent WA_OpaquePaintEvent painter = QG.QPainter( self ) background_colour = self._new_options.GetColour( CC.COLOUR_MEDIA_BACKGROUND ) painter.setBackground( QG.QBrush( background_colour ) ) painter.eraseRect( painter.viewport() ) def LaunchFile( self ): hash = self._media.GetHash() mime = self._media.GetMime() client_files_manager = HG.client_controller.client_files_manager path = client_files_manager.GetFilePath( hash, mime ) launch_path = self._new_options.GetMimeLaunch( mime ) HydrusPaths.LaunchFile( path, launch_path ) class StaticImage( QW.QWidget ): launchMediaViewer = QC.Signal() def __init__( self, parent, canvas_type ): QW.QWidget.__init__( self, parent ) self._canvas_type = canvas_type self.setAttribute( QC.Qt.WA_OpaquePaintEvent, True ) self.setMouseTracking( True ) self._media = None self._first_background_drawn = False self._image_renderer = None self._is_rendered = False self._canvas_qt_pixmap = None if self._canvas_type == ClientGUICommon.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER: shortcut_set = 'media_viewer_media_window' else: shortcut_set = 'preview_media_window' self._my_shortcut_handler = ClientGUIShortcuts.ShortcutsHandler( self, [ shortcut_set ], catch_mouse = True ) def _ClearCanvasBitmap( self ): self._canvas_qt_pixmap = None self._is_rendered = False self._first_background_drawn = False def _DrawBackground( self, painter ): new_options = HG.client_controller.new_options painter.setBackground( QG.QBrush( new_options.GetColour( CC.COLOUR_MEDIA_BACKGROUND ) ) ) painter.eraseRect( painter.viewport() ) self._first_background_drawn = True def _TryToDrawCanvasBitmap( self ): if self._image_renderer is not None and self._image_renderer.IsReady(): my_size = self.size() width = my_size.width() height = my_size.height() self._canvas_qt_pixmap = HG.client_controller.bitmap_manager.GetQtPixmap( width, height ) painter = QG.QPainter( self._canvas_qt_pixmap ) self._DrawBackground( painter ) qt_bitmap = self._image_renderer.GetQtImage( self.size() ) painter.drawImage( 0, 0, qt_bitmap ) self._is_rendered = True def ClearMedia( self ): self._media = None self._image_renderer = None self._ClearCanvasBitmap() self.update() def paintEvent( self, event ): if self._canvas_qt_pixmap is None: self._TryToDrawCanvasBitmap() painter = QG.QPainter( self ) if self._canvas_qt_pixmap is None: self._DrawBackground( painter ) else: painter.drawPixmap( 0, 0, self._canvas_qt_pixmap ) def resizeEvent( self, event ): self._ClearCanvasBitmap() def IsRendered( self ): return self._is_rendered def ProcessApplicationCommand( self, command ): command_processed = True command_type = command.GetCommandType() data = command.GetData() if command_type == CC.APPLICATION_COMMAND_TYPE_SIMPLE: action = data if action == 'open_file_in_external_program': if self._media is not None: ClientGUIMedia.OpenExternally( self._media ) elif action == 'close_media_viewer' and self._canvas_type == ClientGUICommon.CANVAS_MEDIA_VIEWER: self.window().close() elif action == 'launch_media_viewer' and self._canvas_type == ClientGUICommon.CANVAS_PREVIEW: self.launchMediaViewer.emit() else: command_processed = False else: command_processed = False return command_processed def SetMedia( self, media ): self._media = media image_cache = HG.client_controller.GetCache( 'images' ) self._image_renderer = image_cache.GetImageRenderer( self._media ) self._ClearCanvasBitmap() if not self._image_renderer.IsReady(): HG.client_controller.gui.RegisterAnimationUpdateWindow( self ) self.update() def TIMERAnimationUpdate( self ): try: if self._image_renderer is None or self._image_renderer.IsReady(): self.update() HG.client_controller.gui.UnregisterAnimationUpdateWindow( self ) except: HG.client_controller.gui.UnregisterAnimationUpdateWindow( self ) raise