import base64 import datetime import hashlib import html import random import re import typing import urllib.parse from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC from hydrus.core import HydrusData from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions from hydrus.core import HydrusSerialisable from hydrus.core import HydrusTags from hydrus.core import HydrusText from hydrus.core import HydrusTime from hydrus.client import ClientTime STRING_CONVERSION_REMOVE_TEXT_FROM_BEGINNING = 0 STRING_CONVERSION_REMOVE_TEXT_FROM_END = 1 STRING_CONVERSION_PREPEND_TEXT = 2 STRING_CONVERSION_APPEND_TEXT = 3 STRING_CONVERSION_ENCODE = 4 STRING_CONVERSION_DECODE = 5 STRING_CONVERSION_CLIP_TEXT_FROM_BEGINNING = 6 STRING_CONVERSION_CLIP_TEXT_FROM_END = 7 STRING_CONVERSION_REVERSE = 8 STRING_CONVERSION_REGEX_SUB = 9 STRING_CONVERSION_DATE_DECODE = 10 STRING_CONVERSION_INTEGER_ADDITION = 11 STRING_CONVERSION_DATE_ENCODE = 12 STRING_CONVERSION_HASH_FUNCTION = 13 STRING_CONVERSION_DATEPARSER_DECODE = 14 STRING_CONVERSION_APPEND_RANDOM = 15 conversion_type_str_lookup = {} conversion_type_str_lookup[ STRING_CONVERSION_REMOVE_TEXT_FROM_BEGINNING ] = 'remove text from beginning of string' conversion_type_str_lookup[ STRING_CONVERSION_REMOVE_TEXT_FROM_END ] = 'remove text from end of string' conversion_type_str_lookup[ STRING_CONVERSION_PREPEND_TEXT ] = 'prepend text' conversion_type_str_lookup[ STRING_CONVERSION_APPEND_TEXT ] = 'append text' conversion_type_str_lookup[ STRING_CONVERSION_APPEND_RANDOM ] = 'append random text' conversion_type_str_lookup[ STRING_CONVERSION_ENCODE ] = 'encode' conversion_type_str_lookup[ STRING_CONVERSION_DECODE ] = 'decode' conversion_type_str_lookup[ STRING_CONVERSION_CLIP_TEXT_FROM_BEGINNING ] = 'take the start of the string' conversion_type_str_lookup[ STRING_CONVERSION_CLIP_TEXT_FROM_END ] = 'take the end of the string' conversion_type_str_lookup[ STRING_CONVERSION_REVERSE ] = 'reverse text' conversion_type_str_lookup[ STRING_CONVERSION_REGEX_SUB ] = 'regex substitution' conversion_type_str_lookup[ STRING_CONVERSION_DATE_DECODE ] = 'datestring to timestamp (advanced)' conversion_type_str_lookup[ STRING_CONVERSION_DATEPARSER_DECODE ] = 'datestring to timestamp (easy)' conversion_type_str_lookup[ STRING_CONVERSION_INTEGER_ADDITION ] = 'integer addition' conversion_type_str_lookup[ STRING_CONVERSION_DATE_ENCODE ] = 'timestamp to datestring' conversion_type_str_lookup[ STRING_CONVERSION_HASH_FUNCTION ] = 'get hash of string' class StringProcessingStep( HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableBase ): def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): raise NotImplementedError() def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): raise NotImplementedError() def MakesChanges( self ) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError() def ToString( self, simple = False, with_type = False ) -> str: raise NotImplementedError() class StringConverter( StringProcessingStep ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_STRING_CONVERTER SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'String Converter' SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 1 def __init__( self, conversions = None, example_string = None ): if conversions is None: conversions = [] if example_string is None: example_string = 'example string' StringProcessingStep.__init__( self ) self.conversions = conversions self.example_string = example_string def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): return ( self.conversions, self.example_string ) def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): ( serialisable_conversions, self.example_string ) = serialisable_info self.conversions = [] try: # I initialised this bad one time and broke a dialog on subsequent loads, fugg for ( conversion_type, data ) in serialisable_conversions: if isinstance( data, list ): data = tuple( data ) # convert from list to tuple thing self.conversions.append( ( conversion_type, data ) ) except: pass def Convert( self, s, max_steps_allowed = None ): for ( i, conversion ) in enumerate( self.conversions ): if max_steps_allowed is not None and i >= max_steps_allowed: return s try: ( conversion_type, data ) = conversion if conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_REMOVE_TEXT_FROM_BEGINNING: num_chars = data s = s[ num_chars : ] elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_REMOVE_TEXT_FROM_END: num_chars = data s = s[ : - num_chars ] elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_CLIP_TEXT_FROM_BEGINNING: num_chars = data s = s[ : num_chars ] elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_CLIP_TEXT_FROM_END: num_chars = data s = s[ - num_chars : ] elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_PREPEND_TEXT: text = data s = text + s elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_APPEND_TEXT: text = data s = s + text elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_APPEND_RANDOM: ( population_text, num_chars ) = data s = s + ''.join( random.choices( population_text, k = num_chars ) ) elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_ENCODE: encode_type = data if encode_type == 'url percent encoding': s = urllib.parse.quote( s, safe = '' ) elif encode_type == 'unicode escape characters': s = s.encode( 'unicode-escape' ).decode( 'utf-8' ) elif encode_type == 'html entities': s = html.escape( s ) else: # due to py3, this is now a bit of a pain # _for now_, let's convert to bytes if not already and then spit out a str if isinstance( s, str ): s_bytes = bytes( s, 'utf-8' ) else: s_bytes = s if encode_type == 'hex': s = s_bytes.hex() elif encode_type == 'base64': s_bytes = base64.b64encode( s_bytes ) s = str( s_bytes, 'utf-8' ) elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_DECODE: encode_type = data if encode_type == 'url percent encoding': s = urllib.parse.unquote( s ) elif encode_type == 'unicode escape characters': s = s.encode( 'utf-8' ).decode( 'unicode-escape' ) elif encode_type == 'html entities': s = html.unescape( s ) # the old 'hex' and 'base64' are now deprecated, no-ops elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_REVERSE: s = s[::-1] elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_REGEX_SUB: ( pattern, repl ) = data s = re.sub( pattern, repl, s ) elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_DATE_DECODE: ( phrase, timezone, timezone_offset ) = data dt = datetime.datetime.strptime( s, phrase ) if timezone in ( HC.TIMEZONE_UTC, HC.TIMEZONE_OFFSET ): dt = datetime.datetime( dt.year, dt.month,, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, tzinfo = datetime.timezone.utc ) if timezone == HC.TIMEZONE_OFFSET: dt = dt - datetime.timedelta( seconds = timezone_offset ) timestamp = HydrusTime.DateTimeToTimestamp( dt ) s = str( timestamp ) elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_DATEPARSER_DECODE: timestamp = ClientTime.ParseDate( s ) s = str( timestamp ) elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_DATE_ENCODE: ( phrase, timezone ) = data try: timestamp = int( s ) except: raise Exception( '"{}" was not an integer!'.format( s ) ) dt = HydrusTime.TimestampToDateTime( timestamp, timezone ) s = dt.strftime( phrase ) elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_INTEGER_ADDITION: delta = data s = str( int( s ) + int( delta ) ) elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_HASH_FUNCTION: hash_function = data if hash_function == 'md5': s = hashlib.md5( s.encode( 'utf-8' ) ).hexdigest() elif hash_function == 'sha1': s = hashlib.sha1( s.encode( 'utf-8' ) ).hexdigest() elif hash_function == 'sha256': s = hashlib.sha256( s.encode( 'utf-8' ) ).hexdigest() elif hash_function == 'sha512': s = hashlib.sha512( s.encode( 'utf-8' ) ).hexdigest() else: raise Exception( f'Unknown hash function "{hash_function}"!' ) except Exception as e: raise HydrusExceptions.StringConvertException( 'ERROR: Could not apply "{}" to string "{}": {}'.format( self.ConversionToString( conversion ), s, e ) ) return s def GetConversions( self ): return list( self.conversions ) def GetConversionStrings( self ): return [ self.ConversionToString( conversion ) for conversion in self.conversions ] def MakesChanges( self ): return len( self.conversions ) > 0 def ToString( self, simple = False, with_type = False ) -> str: num_rules = len( self.conversions ) if num_rules == 0: if simple: label = 'no changes' else: label = 'no string conversions' else: if simple: label = '{} changes'.format( HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_rules ) ) else: label = ', '.join( self.GetConversionStrings() ) if with_type: label = 'CONVERT: {}'.format( label ) return label @staticmethod def ConversionToString( conversion ): ( conversion_type, data ) = conversion if conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_REMOVE_TEXT_FROM_BEGINNING: return 'remove the first ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( data ) + ' characters' elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_REMOVE_TEXT_FROM_END: return 'remove the last ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( data ) + ' characters' elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_CLIP_TEXT_FROM_BEGINNING: return 'take the first ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( data ) + ' characters' elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_CLIP_TEXT_FROM_END: return 'take the last ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( data ) + ' characters' elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_PREPEND_TEXT: return 'prepend with "' + data + '"' elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_APPEND_TEXT: return 'append with "' + data + '"' elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_APPEND_RANDOM: ( population_text, num_chars ) = data return f'append with {HydrusData.ToHumanInt( num_chars )} random characters, from "{population_text}"' elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_ENCODE: return 'encode to ' + data elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_DECODE: if data in ( 'hex', 'base64' ): return 'deprecated {} decode, now a no-op, can be deleted'.format( data ) return 'decode from ' + data elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_REVERSE: return conversion_type_str_lookup[ STRING_CONVERSION_REVERSE ] elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_REGEX_SUB: return 'regex substitution: ' + str( data ) elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_DATE_DECODE: return 'datestring to timestamp: ' + repr( data ) elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_DATEPARSER_DECODE: return 'datestring to timestamp: automatic' elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_DATE_ENCODE: return 'timestamp to datestring: ' + repr( data ) elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_INTEGER_ADDITION: return 'integer addition: add ' + str( data ) elif conversion_type == STRING_CONVERSION_HASH_FUNCTION: return 'hash string by ' + str( data ) else: return 'unknown conversion' HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_STRING_CONVERTER ] = StringConverter class StringJoiner( StringProcessingStep ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_STRING_JOINER SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'String Concatenator' SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 2 def __init__( self, joiner: str = '', join_tuple_size: typing.Optional[ int ] = None ): StringProcessingStep.__init__( self ) self._joiner = joiner self._join_tuple_size = join_tuple_size def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): return ( self._joiner, self._join_tuple_size ) def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): ( self._joiner, self._join_tuple_size ) = serialisable_info def _UpdateSerialisableInfo( self, version, old_serialisable_info ): if version == 1: ( joiner, join_tuple_size ) = old_serialisable_info joiner = joiner.replace( '\\', '\\\\' ) new_serialisable_info = ( joiner, self._join_tuple_size ) return ( 2, new_serialisable_info ) def GetJoiner( self ): return self._joiner def GetJoinTupleSize( self ): return self._join_tuple_size def MakesChanges( self ) -> bool: return True def Join( self, texts: typing.Collection[ str ] ) -> typing.List[ str ]: for text in texts: if isinstance( text, bytes ): raise HydrusExceptions.StringJoinerException( 'Got a bytes value in a string joiner!' ) try: # \\n -> \n joiner = self._joiner.encode( 'latin-1', 'backslashreplace' ).decode( 'unicode-escape' ) except Exception as e: raise HydrusExceptions.StringJoinerException( 'Could not escape the joiner string. Wrong number of backslashes?' ) try: joined_texts = [] if self._join_tuple_size is None: joined_texts.append( joiner.join( texts ) ) else: for chunk_of_texts in HydrusData.SplitIteratorIntoChunks( texts, self._join_tuple_size ): if len( chunk_of_texts ) == self._join_tuple_size: joined_texts.append( joiner.join( chunk_of_texts ) ) except Exception as e: raise HydrusExceptions.StringJoinerException( 'Problem when joining text: {}'.format( e ) ) return joined_texts def ToString( self, simple = False, with_type = False ) -> str: if simple: return 'joiner' if self._join_tuple_size is None: result = f'joining all strings using "{self._joiner}"' else: result = f'joining every {self._join_tuple_size} strings using "{self._joiner}"' if with_type: result = 'JOIN: {}'.format( result ) return result HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_STRING_JOINER ] = StringJoiner STRING_MATCH_FIXED = 0 STRING_MATCH_FLEXIBLE = 1 STRING_MATCH_REGEX = 2 STRING_MATCH_ANY = 3 ALPHA = 0 ALPHANUMERIC = 1 NUMERIC = 2 class StringMatch( StringProcessingStep ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_STRING_MATCH SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'String Match' SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 1 def __init__( self, match_type = STRING_MATCH_ANY, match_value = '', min_chars = None, max_chars = None, example_string = 'example string' ): StringProcessingStep.__init__( self ) self._match_type = match_type self._match_value = match_value self._min_chars = min_chars self._max_chars = max_chars self._example_string = example_string def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): return ( self._match_type, self._match_value, self._min_chars, self._max_chars, self._example_string ) def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): ( self._match_type, self._match_value, self._min_chars, self._max_chars, self._example_string ) = serialisable_info def GetExampleString( self ): return self._example_string def MakesChanges( self ) -> bool: if self._min_chars is not None or self._max_chars is not None: return True if self._match_type != STRING_MATCH_ANY: return True return False def Matches( self, text ): try: self.Test( text ) return True except HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException: return False def SetMaxChars( self, max_chars ): self._max_chars = max_chars def SetMinChars( self, min_chars ): self._min_chars = min_chars def Test( self, text ): if isinstance( text, bytes ): raise HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException( 'Got a bytes value in a string match!' ) text_len = len( text ) presentation_text = '"{}"'.format( text ) if self._min_chars is not None and text_len < self._min_chars: raise HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException( presentation_text + ' had fewer than ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( self._min_chars ) + ' characters' ) if self._max_chars is not None and text_len > self._max_chars: raise HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException( presentation_text + ' had more than ' + HydrusData.ToHumanInt( self._max_chars ) + ' characters' ) if self._match_type == STRING_MATCH_FIXED: if text != self._match_value: raise HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException( presentation_text + ' did not exactly match "' + self._match_value + '"' ) elif self._match_type in ( STRING_MATCH_FLEXIBLE, STRING_MATCH_REGEX ): if self._match_type == STRING_MATCH_FLEXIBLE: if self._match_value == ALPHA: r = '^[a-zA-Z]+$' fail_reason = ' had non-alpha characters' elif self._match_value == ALPHANUMERIC: r = '^[a-zA-Z\\d]+$' fail_reason = ' had non-alphanumeric characters' elif self._match_value == NUMERIC: r = '^\\d+$' fail_reason = ' had non-numeric characters' elif self._match_type == STRING_MATCH_REGEX: r = self._match_value fail_reason = ' did not match "' + r + '"' try: text_to_test = ''.join( text.splitlines() ).strip() result = r, text_to_test ) except Exception as e: raise HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException( 'That regex did not work! ' + str( e ) ) if result is None: raise HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException( presentation_text + fail_reason ) elif self._match_type == STRING_MATCH_ANY: pass def ToTuple( self ): return ( self._match_type, self._match_value, self._min_chars, self._max_chars, self._example_string ) def ToString( self, simple = False, with_type = False ) -> str: if simple: return 'filter' result = '' if self._min_chars is None: if self._max_chars is None: result += 'any number of ' else: result += 'at most ' + str( self._max_chars ) + ' ' else: if self._max_chars is None: result += 'at least ' + str( self._min_chars ) + ' ' else: result += 'between ' + str( self._min_chars ) + ' and ' + str( self._max_chars ) + ' ' show_example = True if self._match_type == STRING_MATCH_ANY: result += 'characters' show_example = False elif self._match_type == STRING_MATCH_FIXED: result = self._match_value show_example = False elif self._match_type == STRING_MATCH_FLEXIBLE: if self._match_value == ALPHA: result += 'alphabetical characters' elif self._match_value == ALPHANUMERIC: result += 'alphanumeric characters' elif self._match_value == NUMERIC: result += 'numeric characters' elif self._match_type == STRING_MATCH_REGEX: result += 'characters, matching regex "' + self._match_value + '"' if show_example: result += ', such as "' + self._example_string + '"' if with_type: result = 'MATCH: {}'.format( result ) return result HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_STRING_MATCH ] = StringMatch class StringSlicer( StringProcessingStep ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_STRING_SLICER SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'String Selector/Slicer' SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 1 def __init__( self, index_start: typing.Optional[ int ] = None, index_end: typing.Optional[ int ] = None ): StringProcessingStep.__init__( self ) self._index_start = index_start self._index_end = index_end def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): return ( self._index_start, self._index_end ) def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): ( self._index_start, self._index_end ) = serialisable_info def GetIndexStartEnd( self ) -> typing.Tuple[ typing.Optional[ int ], typing.Optional[ int ] ]: return ( self._index_start, self._index_end ) def MakesChanges( self ) -> bool: return self._index_start is not None or self._index_end is not None def SelectsNothingEver( self ) -> bool: if self._index_end == 0: return True if self._index_start is None or self._index_end is None: return False both_positive = self._index_start >= 0 and self._index_end >= 0 both_negative = self._index_start < 0 and self._index_end < 0 if both_positive or both_negative: if self._index_start >= self._index_end: return True return False def SelectsOne( self ) -> bool: if self.SelectsNothingEver(): return False if self._index_start == -1 and self._index_end is None: return True if self._index_start is None or self._index_end is None: return False both_positive = self._index_start >= 0 and self._index_end >= 0 both_negative = self._index_start < 0 and self._index_end < 0 return ( both_positive or both_negative ) and self._index_start == self._index_end - 1 def Slice( self, texts: typing.Sequence[ str ] ) -> typing.List[ str ]: try: if self._index_start is None and self._index_end is None: return list( texts ) elif self._index_end is None: return texts[ self._index_start : ] elif self._index_start is None: return texts[ : self._index_end ] else: return texts[ self._index_start : self._index_end ] except IndexError as e: return [] def ToString( self, simple = False, with_type = False ) -> str: if simple: return 'selector/slicer' if self.SelectsNothingEver(): result = 'selecting nothing' elif self.SelectsOne(): result = 'selecting the {} string'.format( HydrusData.ConvertIndexToPrettyOrdinalString( self._index_start ) ) elif self._index_start is None and self._index_end is None: result = 'selecting everything' elif self._index_end is None: result = 'selecting the {} string and onwards'.format( HydrusData.ConvertIndexToPrettyOrdinalString( self._index_start ) ) elif self._index_start is None: result = 'selecting up to and including the {} string'.format( HydrusData.ConvertIndexToPrettyOrdinalString( self._index_end - 1 ) ) else: result = 'selecting the {} string up to and including the {} string'.format( HydrusData.ConvertIndexToPrettyOrdinalString( self._index_start ), HydrusData.ConvertIndexToPrettyOrdinalString( self._index_end - 1 ) ) if with_type: if self.SelectsOne(): result = 'SELECT: {}'.format( result ) else: result = 'SLICE: {}'.format( result ) return result HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_STRING_SLICER ] = StringSlicer CONTENT_PARSER_SORT_TYPE_NONE = 0 CONTENT_PARSER_SORT_TYPE_LEXICOGRAPHIC = 1 CONTENT_PARSER_SORT_TYPE_HUMAN_SORT = 2 CONTENT_PARSER_SORT_TYPE_REVERSE = 3 sort_str_enum = { CONTENT_PARSER_SORT_TYPE_NONE : 'no sorting', CONTENT_PARSER_SORT_TYPE_LEXICOGRAPHIC : 'strict lexicographic', CONTENT_PARSER_SORT_TYPE_HUMAN_SORT : 'human sort', CONTENT_PARSER_SORT_TYPE_REVERSE : 'reverse' } class StringSorter( StringProcessingStep ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_STRING_SORTER SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'String Sorter' SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 1 def __init__( self, sort_type: int = CONTENT_PARSER_SORT_TYPE_HUMAN_SORT, asc: bool = False, regex: typing.Optional[ str ] = None ): StringProcessingStep.__init__( self ) self._sort_type = sort_type self._asc = asc self._regex = regex def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): return ( self._sort_type, self._asc, self._regex ) def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): ( self._sort_type, self._asc, self._regex ) = serialisable_info def GetAscending( self ) -> bool: return self._asc def GetRegex( self ) -> typing.Optional[ str ]: return self._regex def GetSortType( self ) -> int: return self._sort_type def MakesChanges( self ) -> bool: return True def Sort( self, texts: typing.Sequence[ str ] ) -> typing.List[ str ]: try: texts = list( texts ) if self._sort_type == CONTENT_PARSER_SORT_TYPE_REVERSE: texts.reverse() else: data_convert = lambda d_s: d_s invalid_data_convert_texts = [] if self._regex is not None: re_job = re.compile( self._regex ) def d( d_s ): m = d_s ) if m is None: return '' else: return data_convert = d invalid_data_convert_texts = [ text for text in texts if data_convert( text ) == '' ] texts = [ text for text in texts if data_convert( text ) != '' ] sort_convert = lambda s: s if self._sort_type == CONTENT_PARSER_SORT_TYPE_HUMAN_SORT: sort_convert = HydrusData.HumanTextSortKey key = lambda k_s: sort_convert( data_convert( k_s ) ) reverse = not self._asc texts.sort( key = key, reverse = reverse ) invalid_data_convert_texts.sort( key = sort_convert, reverse = reverse ) texts.extend( invalid_data_convert_texts ) return texts except Exception as e: raise HydrusExceptions.StringSortException( e ) def ToString( self, simple = False, with_type = False ) -> str: if simple: return 'sorter' result = 'sorting {} ({})'.format( sort_str_enum[ self._sort_type ], 'ascending' if self._asc else 'descending' ) if self._regex is not None: result = '{} (with regex)'.format( result ) if with_type: result = 'SORT: {}'.format( result ) return result HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_STRING_SORTER ] = StringSorter class StringSplitter( StringProcessingStep ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_STRING_SPLITTER SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'String Splitter' SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 2 def __init__( self, separator: str = ',', max_splits: typing.Optional[ int ] = None ): StringProcessingStep.__init__( self ) self._separator = separator self._max_splits = max_splits def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): return ( self._separator, self._max_splits ) def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): ( self._separator, self._max_splits ) = serialisable_info def _UpdateSerialisableInfo( self, version, old_serialisable_info ): if version == 1: ( separator, max_splits ) = old_serialisable_info separator = separator.replace( '\\', '\\\\' ) new_serialisable_info = ( separator, max_splits ) return ( 2, new_serialisable_info ) def GetMaxSplits( self ): return self._max_splits def GetSeparator( self ): return self._separator def MakesChanges( self ) -> bool: return True def Split( self, text: str ) -> typing.List[ str ]: if isinstance( text, bytes ): raise HydrusExceptions.StringSplitterException( 'Got a bytes value in a string splitter!' ) try: separator = self._separator.encode( 'latin-1', 'backslashreplace' ).decode( 'unicode-escape' ) except: raise HydrusExceptions.StringSplitterException( 'Could not escape the splitter string. Wrong number of backslashes?' ) try: if self._max_splits is None: results = text.split( separator ) else: results = text.split( separator, self._max_splits ) except Exception as e: raise HydrusExceptions.StringSplitterException( 'Problem when splitting text: {}'.format( e ) ) return [ result for result in results if result != '' ] def ToString( self, simple = False, with_type = False ) -> str: if simple: return 'splitter' result = 'splitting by "{}"'.format( self._separator ) if self._max_splits is not None: result = '{}, at most {} times'.format( result, HydrusData.ToHumanInt( self._max_splits ) ) if with_type: result = 'SPLIT: {}'.format( result ) return result HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_STRING_SPLITTER ] = StringSplitter class StringTagFilter( StringProcessingStep ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_STRING_TAG_FILTER SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'String Tag Filter' SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 1 def __init__( self, tag_filter = None, example_string = 'blue eyes' ): StringProcessingStep.__init__( self ) if tag_filter is None: tag_filter = HydrusTags.TagFilter() self._tag_filter = tag_filter self._example_string = example_string def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): serialisable_tag_filter = self._tag_filter.GetSerialisableTuple() return ( serialisable_tag_filter, self._example_string ) def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): ( serialisable_tag_filter, self._example_string ) = serialisable_info self._tag_filter = HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_tag_filter ) def ConvertAndFilter( self, tag_texts ): tags = HydrusTags.CleanTags( tag_texts ) tags = self._tag_filter.Filter( tags, apply_unnamespaced_rules_to_namespaced_tags = True ) tags = sorted( tags, key = HydrusTags.ConvertTagToSortable ) return tags def GetExampleString( self ) -> str: return self._example_string def GetTagFilter( self ) -> HydrusTags.TagFilter: return self._tag_filter def MakesChanges( self ) -> bool: # it always scans for valid tags return True def Matches( self, text ): try: self.Test( text ) return True except HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException: return False def Test( self, text ): if isinstance( text, bytes ): raise HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException( 'Got a bytes value in a string match!' ) presentation_text = '"{}"'.format( text ) try: tags = HydrusTags.CleanTags( [ text ] ) if len( tags ) == 0: raise Exception() else: tag = list( tags )[0] except: raise HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException( '{} was not a valid tag!'.format( presentation_text ) ) if not self._tag_filter.TagOK( tag, apply_unnamespaced_rules_to_namespaced_tags = True ): raise HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException( '{} did not pass the tag filter!'.format( presentation_text ) ) def ToString( self, simple = False, with_type = False ) -> str: if simple: return 'tag filter' result = '{}, such as {}'.format( self._tag_filter.ToPermittedString(), self._example_string ) if with_type: result = 'TAG FILTER: {}'.format( result ) return result HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_STRING_TAG_FILTER ] = StringTagFilter class StringProcessor( StringProcessingStep ): SERIALISABLE_TYPE = HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_STRING_PROCESSOR SERIALISABLE_NAME = 'String Processor' SERIALISABLE_VERSION = 1 def __init__( self ): StringProcessingStep.__init__( self ) self._processing_steps = [] def _GetSerialisableInfo( self ): return HydrusSerialisable.SerialisableList( self._processing_steps ).GetSerialisableTuple() def _InitialiseFromSerialisableInfo( self, serialisable_info ): serialisable_processing_steps = serialisable_info self._processing_steps = list( HydrusSerialisable.CreateFromSerialisableTuple( serialisable_processing_steps ) ) def GetProcessingSteps( self ): return list( self._processing_steps ) def GetProcessingStrings( self ): proc_strings = [] for processing_step in self._processing_steps: if isinstance( processing_step, StringConverter ): proc_strings.extend( processing_step.GetConversionStrings() ) else: proc_strings.append( processing_step.ToString() ) return proc_strings def MakesChanges( self ) -> bool: return True in ( step.MakesChanges() for step in self._processing_steps ) def ProcessStrings( self, starting_strings: typing.Iterable[ str ], max_steps_allowed = None, no_slicing = False ) -> typing.List[ str ]: current_strings = list( starting_strings ) for ( i, processing_step ) in enumerate( self._processing_steps ): if max_steps_allowed is not None and i >= max_steps_allowed: break if isinstance( processing_step, StringSorter ): try: next_strings = processing_step.Sort( current_strings ) except HydrusExceptions.StringSortException: next_strings = current_strings elif isinstance( processing_step, StringSlicer ): if no_slicing: next_strings = current_strings else: try: next_strings = processing_step.Slice( current_strings ) except: next_strings = current_strings elif isinstance( processing_step, StringTagFilter ): try: next_strings = processing_step.ConvertAndFilter( current_strings ) except: next_strings = current_strings elif isinstance( processing_step, StringJoiner ): try: next_strings = processing_step.Join( current_strings ) except: next_strings = current_strings else: next_strings = [] for current_string in current_strings: if isinstance( processing_step, StringConverter ): if isinstance( current_string, bytes ): continue try: next_string = processing_step.Convert( current_string ) next_strings.append( next_string ) except HydrusExceptions.StringConvertException: continue elif isinstance( processing_step, StringMatch ): try: if processing_step.Matches( current_string ): next_strings.append( current_string ) except HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException: continue elif isinstance( processing_step, StringSplitter ): if isinstance( current_string, bytes ): continue try: split_strings = processing_step.Split( current_string ) next_strings.extend( split_strings ) except HydrusExceptions.StringSplitterException: continue current_strings = next_strings return current_strings def SetProcessingSteps( self, processing_steps: typing.List[ StringProcessingStep ] ): self._processing_steps = list( processing_steps ) def ToString( self, simple = False, with_type = False ) -> str: if len( self._processing_steps ) == 0: return 'no string processing' else: components = [] if True in ( isinstance( ps, StringConverter ) for ps in self._processing_steps ): components.append( 'conversion' ) if True in ( isinstance( ps, StringJoiner ) for ps in self._processing_steps ): components.append( 'joining' ) if True in ( isinstance( ps, StringMatch ) for ps in self._processing_steps ): components.append( 'filtering' ) if True in ( isinstance( ps, StringSplitter ) for ps in self._processing_steps ): components.append( 'splitting' ) if True in ( isinstance( ps, StringSorter ) for ps in self._processing_steps ): components.append( 'sorting' ) if True in ( isinstance( ps, StringSlicer ) for ps in self._processing_steps ): components.append( 'selecting/slicing' ) return 'some {}'.format( ', '.join( components ) ) HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPES_TO_OBJECT_TYPES[ HydrusSerialisable.SERIALISABLE_TYPE_STRING_PROCESSOR ] = StringProcessor