
2669 lines
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2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
import collections
import dircache
import hashlib
import httplib
import HydrusConstants as HC
2013-07-24 20:26:00 +00:00
import HydrusExceptions
2013-07-17 20:56:13 +00:00
import HydrusFileHandling
2013-11-06 18:22:07 +00:00
import HydrusNATPunch
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
import HydrusServer
2013-05-01 17:21:53 +00:00
import itertools
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
import os
import Queue
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
import random
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
import ServerConstants as SC
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
import shutil
import sqlite3
import sys
import threading
import time
import traceback
import yaml
import wx
2014-07-23 21:21:37 +00:00
class FileDB( object ):
2013-05-01 17:21:53 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
def _AddFile( self, c, service_key, account_key, file_dict ):
2013-05-01 17:21:53 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
2013-05-01 17:21:53 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
account_id = self._GetAccountId( c, account_key )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
hash = file_dict[ 'hash' ]
hash_id = self._GetHashId( c, hash )
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
now = HC.GetNow()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
if c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM file_map WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id = ?;', ( service_id, hash_id ) ).fetchone() is None or c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, hash_id, HC.DELETED ) ).fetchone() is None:
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
size = file_dict[ 'size' ]
mime = file_dict[ 'mime' ]
if 'width' in file_dict: width = file_dict[ 'width' ]
else: width = None
if 'height' in file_dict: height = file_dict[ 'height' ]
else: height = None
if 'duration' in file_dict: duration = file_dict[ 'duration' ]
else: duration = None
if 'num_frames' in file_dict: num_frames = file_dict[ 'num_frames' ]
else: num_frames = None
if 'num_words' in file_dict: num_words = file_dict[ 'num_words' ]
else: num_words = None
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
options = self._GetOptions( c, service_key )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
max_storage = options[ 'max_storage' ]
if max_storage is not None:
# this is wrong! no service_id in files_info. need to cross with file_map or w/e
( current_storage, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT SUM( size ) FROM file_map, files_info USING ( hash_id ) WHERE service_id = ?;', ( service_id, ) ).fetchone()
2013-07-24 20:26:00 +00:00
if current_storage + size > max_storage: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'The service is full! It cannot take any more files!' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-08-07 22:25:18 +00:00
source_path = file_dict[ 'path' ]
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
dest_path = SC.GetExpectedPath( 'file', hash )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-08-07 22:25:18 +00:00
if not os.path.exists( dest_path ): shutil.move( source_path, dest_path )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
if 'thumbnail' in file_dict:
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
thumbnail_dest_path = SC.GetExpectedPath( 'thumbnail', hash )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
if not os.path.exists( thumbnail_dest_path ):
thumbnail = file_dict[ 'thumbnail' ]
2013-08-14 20:21:49 +00:00
with open( thumbnail_dest_path, 'wb' ) as f: f.write( thumbnail )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-07-17 20:56:13 +00:00
if c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM files_info WHERE hash_id = ?;', ( hash_id, ) ).fetchone() is None:
c.execute( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO files_info ( hash_id, size, mime, width, height, duration, num_frames, num_words ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( hash_id, size, mime, width, height, duration, num_frames, num_words ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
c.execute( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO file_map ( service_id, hash_id, account_id, timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, hash_id, account_id, now ) )
if options[ 'log_uploader_ips' ]:
ip = file_dict[ 'ip' ]
c.execute( 'INSERT INTO ip_addresses ( service_id, hash_id, ip, timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, hash_id, ip, now ) )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
def _AddFilePetition( self, c, service_id, account_id, hash_ids, reason_id ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
self._ApproveOptimisedFilePetition( c, service_id, account_id, hash_ids )
valid_hash_ids = [ hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM file_map WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ';', ( service_id, ) ) ]
# this clears out any old reasons, if the user wants to overwrite them
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( valid_hash_ids ) + ' AND status = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, HC.PETITIONED ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
now = HC.GetNow()
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.executemany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO file_petitions ( service_id, account_id, hash_id, reason_id, timestamp, status ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', [ ( service_id, account_id, hash_id, reason_id, now, HC.PETITIONED ) for hash_id in valid_hash_ids ] )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
def _ApproveFilePetition( self, c, service_id, account_id, hash_ids, reason_id ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
self._ApproveOptimisedFilePetition( c, service_id, account_id, hash_ids )
valid_hash_ids = [ hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM file_map WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ';', ( service_id, ) ) ]
self._RewardFilePetitioners( c, service_id, valid_hash_ids, 1 )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
self._DeleteFiles( c, service_id, account_id, valid_hash_ids, reason_id )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _ApproveOptimisedFilePetition( self, c, service_id, account_id, hash_ids ):
( biggest_end, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT end FROM update_cache ORDER BY end DESC LIMIT 1;' ).fetchone()
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM file_map WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ' AND timestamp > ?;', ( service_id, account_id, biggest_end ) )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
def _DeleteFiles( self, c, service_id, account_id, hash_ids, reason_id ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
splayed_hash_ids = HC.SplayListForDB( hash_ids )
affected_timestamps = [ timestamp for ( timestamp, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT timestamp FROM file_map WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + splayed_hash_ids + ';', ( service_id, ) ) ]
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM file_map WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + splayed_hash_ids + ';', ( service_id, ) )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + splayed_hash_ids + ' AND status = ?;', ( service_id, HC.PETITIONED ) )
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
now = HC.GetNow()
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.executemany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO file_petitions ( service_id, account_id, hash_id, reason_id, timestamp, status ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( ( service_id, account_id, hash_id, reason_id, now, HC.DELETED ) for hash_id in hash_ids ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
self._RefreshUpdateCache( c, service_id, affected_timestamps )
def _DenyFilePetition( self, c, service_id, hash_ids ):
self._RewardFilePetitioners( c, service_id, hash_ids, -1 )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ' AND status = ?;', ( service_id, HC.PETITIONED ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _GenerateFileUpdate( self, c, service_id, begin, end ):
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
hash_ids = set()
service_data = {}
content_data = HC.GetEmptyDataDict()
files_info = [ ( hash_id, size, mime, timestamp, width, height, duration, num_frames, num_words ) for ( hash_id, size, mime, timestamp, width, height, duration, num_frames, num_words ) in c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id, size, mime, timestamp, width, height, duration, num_frames, num_words FROM file_map, files_info USING ( hash_id ) WHERE service_id = ? AND timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?;', ( service_id, begin, end ) ) ]
hash_ids.update( ( file_info[0] for file_info in files_info ) )
content_data[ HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES ][ HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_ADD ] = files_info
deleted_files_info = [ hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, begin, end, HC.DELETED ) ) ]
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
hash_ids.update( deleted_files_info )
content_data[ HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES ][ HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE ] = deleted_files_info
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
news = c.execute( 'SELECT news, timestamp FROM news WHERE service_id = ? AND timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?;', ( service_id, begin, end ) ).fetchall()
2014-03-05 22:44:02 +00:00
service_data[ HC.SERVICE_UPDATE_BEGIN_END ] = ( begin, end )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
service_data[ HC.SERVICE_UPDATE_NEWS ] = news
hash_ids_to_hashes = self._GetHashIdsToHashes( c, hash_ids )
return HC.ServerToClientUpdate( service_data, content_data, hash_ids_to_hashes )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _GenerateHashIdsEfficiently( self, c, hashes ):
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
if type( hashes ) != list: hashes = list( hashes )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
hashes_not_in_db = set( hashes )
for i in range( 0, len( hashes ), 250 ): # there is a limit on the number of parameterised variables in sqlite, so only do a few at a time
hashes_subset = hashes[ i : i + 250 ]
hashes_not_in_db.difference_update( [ hash for ( hash, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT hash FROM hashes WHERE hash IN (' + ','.join( '?' * len( hashes_subset ) ) + ');', [ sqlite3.Binary( hash ) for hash in hashes_subset ] ) ] )
if len( hashes_not_in_db ) > 0: c.executemany( 'INSERT INTO hashes ( hash ) VALUES( ? );', [ ( sqlite3.Binary( hash ), ) for hash in hashes_not_in_db ] )
def _GetFile( self, hash ):
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
path = SC.GetPath( 'file', hash )
2013-08-14 20:21:49 +00:00
with open( path, 'rb' ) as f: file = f.read()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
return file
def _GetFilePetition( self, c, service_id ):
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
result = c.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT account_id, reason_id FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND status = ? ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1;', ( service_id, HC.PETITIONED ) ).fetchone()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-07-24 20:26:00 +00:00
if result is None: raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'No petitions!' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
( account_id, reason_id ) = result
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
account_key = self._GetAccountKeyFromAccountId( c, account_id )
petitioner_account_identifier = HC.AccountIdentifier( account_key = account_key )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
reason = self._GetReason( c, reason_id )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
hash_ids = [ hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND reason_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, reason_id, HC.PETITIONED ) ) ]
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
hashes = self._GetHashes( c, hash_ids )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
petition_data = hashes
return HC.ServerToClientPetition( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION, petitioner_account_identifier, petition_data, reason )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _GetHash( self, c, hash_id ):
result = c.execute( 'SELECT hash FROM hashes WHERE hash_id = ?;', ( hash_id, ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: raise Exception( 'File hash error in database' )
( hash, ) = result
return hash
def _GetHashes( self, c, hash_ids ): return [ hash for ( hash, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT hash FROM hashes WHERE hash_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ';' ) ]
def _GetHashId( self, c, hash ):
result = c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM hashes WHERE hash = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( hash ), ) ).fetchone()
if result is None:
c.execute( 'INSERT INTO hashes ( hash ) VALUES ( ? );', ( sqlite3.Binary( hash ), ) )
hash_id = c.lastrowid
return hash_id
( hash_id, ) = result
return hash_id
def _GetHashIds( self, c, hashes ):
hash_ids = []
if type( hashes ) == type( set() ): hashes = list( hashes )
for i in range( 0, len( hashes ), 250 ): # there is a limit on the number of parameterised variables in sqlite, so only do a few at a time
hashes_subset = hashes[ i : i + 250 ]
hash_ids.extend( [ hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM hashes WHERE hash IN (' + ','.join( '?' * len( hashes_subset ) ) + ');', [ sqlite3.Binary( hash ) for hash in hashes_subset ] ) ] )
if len( hashes ) > len( hash_ids ):
if len( set( hashes ) ) > len( hash_ids ):
# must be some new hashes the db has not seen before, so let's generate them as appropriate
self._GenerateHashIdsEfficiently( c, hashes )
hash_ids = self._GetHashIds( c, hashes )
return hash_ids
def _GetHashIdsToHashes( self, c, hash_ids ): return { hash_id : hash for ( hash_id, hash ) in c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id, hash FROM hashes WHERE hash_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ';' ) }
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
def _GetIPTimestamp( self, c, service_key, hash ):
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
hash_id = self._GetHashId( c, hash )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
result = c.execute( 'SELECT ip, timestamp FROM ip_addresses WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id = ?;', ( service_id, hash_id ) ).fetchone()
2013-07-24 20:26:00 +00:00
if result is None: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'Did not find ip information for that hash.' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
return result
def _GetThumbnail( self, hash ):
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
path = SC.GetPath( 'thumbnail', hash )
2013-08-14 20:21:49 +00:00
with open( path, 'rb' ) as f: thumbnail = f.read()
return thumbnail
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _RewardFilePetitioners( self, c, service_id, hash_ids, multiplier ):
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
scores = [ ( account_id, count * multiplier ) for ( account_id, count ) in c.execute( 'SELECT account_id, COUNT( * ) FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ' AND status = ? GROUP BY account_id;', ( service_id, HC.PETITIONED ) ) ]
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
self._RewardAccounts( c, service_id, HC.SCORE_PETITION, scores )
2014-07-23 21:21:37 +00:00
class MessageDB( object ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _AddMessage( self, c, contact_key, message ):
try: ( service_id, account_id ) = c.execute( 'SELECT service_id, account_id FROM contacts WHERE contact_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( contact_key ), ) ).fetchone()
2013-07-24 20:26:00 +00:00
except: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'Did not find that contact key for the message depot!' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
message_key = os.urandom( 32 )
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
c.execute( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO messages ( message_key, service_id, account_id, timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( sqlite3.Binary( message_key ), service_id, account_id, HC.GetNow() ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
dest_path = SC.GetExpectedPath( 'message', message_key )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-08-14 20:21:49 +00:00
with open( dest_path, 'wb' ) as f: f.write( message )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _AddStatuses( self, c, contact_key, statuses ):
try: ( service_id, account_id ) = c.execute( 'SELECT service_id, account_id FROM contacts WHERE contact_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( contact_key ), ) ).fetchone()
2013-07-24 20:26:00 +00:00
except: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'Did not find that contact key for the message depot!' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
now = HC.GetNow()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
c.executemany( 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO message_statuses ( status_key, service_id, account_id, status, timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', [ ( sqlite3.Binary( status_key ), service_id, account_id, sqlite3.Binary( status ), now ) for ( status_key, status ) in statuses ] )
def _CreateContact( self, c, service_id, account_id, public_key ):
result = c.execute( 'SELECT public_key FROM contacts WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ?;', ( service_id, account_id ) ).fetchone()
if result is not None:
( existing_public_key, ) = result
2013-07-24 20:26:00 +00:00
if existing_public_key != public_key: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'This account already has a public key!' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
else: return
contact_key = hashlib.sha256( public_key ).digest()
c.execute( 'INSERT INTO contacts ( service_id, account_id, contact_key, public_key ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, account_id, sqlite3.Binary( contact_key ), public_key ) )
def _GetMessage( self, c, service_id, account_id, message_key ):
result = c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM messages WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND message_key = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, sqlite3.Binary( message_key ) ) ).fetchone()
2013-07-24 20:26:00 +00:00
if result is None: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'Could not find that message key on message depot!' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
path = SC.GetPath( 'message', message_key )
2013-08-14 20:21:49 +00:00
with open( path, 'rb' ) as f: message = f.read()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
return message
def _GetMessageInfoSince( self, c, service_id, account_id, timestamp ):
message_keys = [ message_key for ( message_key, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT message_key FROM messages WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND timestamp > ? ORDER BY timestamp ASC;', ( service_id, account_id, timestamp ) ) ]
statuses = [ status for ( status, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT status FROM message_statuses WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND timestamp > ? ORDER BY timestamp ASC;', ( service_id, account_id, timestamp ) ) ]
return ( message_keys, statuses )
def _GetPublicKey( self, c, contact_key ):
( public_key, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT public_key FROM contacts WHERE contact_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( contact_key ), ) ).fetchone()
return public_key
2014-07-23 21:21:37 +00:00
class TagDB( object ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _AddMappings( self, c, service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_ids, overwrite_deleted ):
if overwrite_deleted:
splayed_hash_ids = HC.SplayListForDB( hash_ids )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
affected_timestamps = [ timestamp for ( timestamp, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT timestamp FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + splayed_hash_ids + ' AND status = ?;', ( service_id, tag_id, HC.DELETED ) ) ]
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + splayed_hash_ids + ' AND status = ?;', ( service_id, tag_id, HC.DELETED ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
self._RefreshUpdateCache( c, service_id, affected_timestamps )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
already_deleted = [ hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ' AND status = ?;', ( service_id, tag_id, HC.DELETED ) ) ]
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
hash_ids = set( hash_ids ).difference( already_deleted )
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
now = HC.GetNow()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
c.executemany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO mappings ( service_id, tag_id, hash_id, account_id, timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', [ ( service_id, tag_id, hash_id, account_id, now ) for hash_id in hash_ids ] )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
def _AddMappingPetition( self, c, service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_ids, reason_id ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
self._ApproveMappingPetitionOptimised( c, service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_ids )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
valid_hash_ids = [ hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ';', ( service_id, tag_id ) ) ]
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( valid_hash_ids ) + ' AND STATUS = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, tag_id, HC.PETITIONED ) )
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
now = HC.GetNow()
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.executemany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO mapping_petitions ( service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_id, reason_id, timestamp, status ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', [ ( service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_id, reason_id, now, HC.PETITIONED ) for hash_id in valid_hash_ids ] )
def _AddTagParentPetition( self, c, service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status ):
result = c.execute( 'SELECT 1 WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status = ? );', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.CURRENT ) ).fetchone()
it_already_exists = result is not None
if status == HC.PENDING:
if it_already_exists: return
elif status == HC.PETITIONED:
if not it_already_exists: return
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, status ) )
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
now = HC.GetNow()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tag_parents ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status, timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status, now ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
def _AddTagSiblingPetition( self, c, service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
result = c.execute( 'SELECT 1 WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status = ? );', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.CURRENT ) ).fetchone()
it_already_exists = result is not None
if status == HC.PENDING:
if it_already_exists: return
elif status == HC.PETITIONED:
if not it_already_exists: return
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, status ) )
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
now = HC.GetNow()
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tag_siblings ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status, timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status, now ) )
def _ApproveMappingPetition( self, c, service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_ids, reason_id ):
self._ApproveMappingPetitionOptimised( c, service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_ids )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
valid_hash_ids = [ hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ';', ( service_id, tag_id ) ) ]
self._RewardMappingPetitioners( c, service_id, tag_id, valid_hash_ids, 1 )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
self._DeleteMappings( c, service_id, account_id, tag_id, valid_hash_ids, reason_id )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
def _ApproveMappingPetitionOptimised( self, c, service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_ids ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
( biggest_end, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT end FROM update_cache WHERE service_id = ? ORDER BY end DESC LIMIT 1;', ( service_id, ) ).fetchone()
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ' AND timestamp > ?;', ( service_id, account_id, tag_id, biggest_end ) )
def _ApproveTagParentPetition( self, c, service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status ):
result = c.execute( 'SELECT 1 WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status = ? );', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.CURRENT ) ).fetchone()
it_already_exists = result is not None
if status == HC.PENDING:
if it_already_exists: return
elif status == HC.PETITIONED:
if not it_already_exists: return
self._RewardTagParentPetitioners( c, service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, 1 )
# get affected timestamps here?
affected_timestamps = [ timestamp for ( timestamp, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT timestamp FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.CURRENT ) ) ]
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ?;', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id ) )
if status == HC.PENDING: new_status = HC.CURRENT
elif status == HC.PETITIONED: new_status = HC.DELETED
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
now = HC.GetNow()
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tag_parents ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status, timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, new_status, now ) )
if len( affected_timestamps ) > 0: self._RefreshUpdateCache( c, service_id, affected_timestamps )
def _ApproveTagSiblingPetition( self, c, service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status ):
result = c.execute( 'SELECT 1 WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status = ? );', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.CURRENT ) ).fetchone()
it_already_exists = result is not None
if status == HC.PENDING:
if it_already_exists: return
elif status == HC.PETITIONED:
if not it_already_exists: return
self._RewardTagSiblingPetitioners( c, service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, 1 )
# get affected timestamps here?
affected_timestamps = [ timestamp for ( timestamp, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT timestamp FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.CURRENT ) ) ]
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ?;', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id ) )
if status == HC.PENDING: new_status = HC.CURRENT
elif status == HC.PETITIONED: new_status = HC.DELETED
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
now = HC.GetNow()
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO tag_siblings ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status, timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, new_status, now ) )
if len( affected_timestamps ) > 0: self._RefreshUpdateCache( c, service_id, affected_timestamps )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
def _DeleteMappings( self, c, service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_ids, reason_id ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
splayed_hash_ids = HC.SplayListForDB( hash_ids )
affected_timestamps = [ timestamp for ( timestamp, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT timestamp FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + splayed_hash_ids + ';', ( service_id, tag_id ) ) ]
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + splayed_hash_ids + ';', ( service_id, tag_id ) )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + splayed_hash_ids + ' AND status = ?;', ( service_id, tag_id, HC.PETITIONED ) )
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
c.executemany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO mapping_petitions ( service_id, tag_id, hash_id, account_id, reason_id, timestamp, status ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( ( service_id, tag_id, hash_id, account_id, reason_id, HC.GetNow(), HC.DELETED ) for hash_id in hash_ids ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
self._RefreshUpdateCache( c, service_id, affected_timestamps )
def _DenyMappingPetition( self, c, service_id, tag_id, hash_ids ):
self._RewardMappingPetitioners( c, service_id, tag_id, hash_ids, -1 )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ' AND status = ?;', ( service_id, tag_id, HC.PETITIONED ) )
def _DenyTagParentPetition( self, c, service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, action ):
self._RewardTagParentPetitioners( c, service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, -1 )
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, status ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
def _DenyTagSiblingPetition( self, c, service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, action ):
self._RewardTagSiblingPetitioners( c, service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, -1 )
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, status ) )
def _GenerateTagUpdate( self, c, service_id, begin, end ):
service_data = {}
content_data = HC.GetEmptyDataDict()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
hash_ids = set()
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
# mappings
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
mappings_dict = HC.BuildKeyToListDict( c.execute( 'SELECT tag, hash_id FROM tags, mappings USING ( tag_id ) WHERE service_id = ? AND timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?;', ( service_id, begin, end ) ) )
hash_ids.update( itertools.chain.from_iterable( mappings_dict.values() ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
mappings = mappings_dict.items()
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
deleted_mappings_dict = HC.BuildKeyToListDict( c.execute( 'SELECT tag, hash_id FROM tags, mapping_petitions USING ( tag_id ) WHERE service_id = ? AND timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, begin, end, HC.DELETED ) ) )
hash_ids.update( itertools.chain.from_iterable( deleted_mappings_dict.values() ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
deleted_mappings = deleted_mappings_dict.items()
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
content_data[ HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS ][ HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE ] = deleted_mappings
# tag siblings
tag_sibling_ids = c.execute( 'SELECT old_tag_id, new_tag_id FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND status = ? AND timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?;', ( service_id, HC.CURRENT, begin, end ) ).fetchall()
tag_siblings = [ ( self._GetTag( c, old_tag_id ), self._GetTag( c, new_tag_id ) ) for ( old_tag_id, new_tag_id ) in tag_sibling_ids ]
deleted_tag_sibling_ids = c.execute( 'SELECT old_tag_id, new_tag_id FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND status = ? AND timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?;', ( service_id, HC.DELETED, begin, end ) ).fetchall()
deleted_tag_siblings = [ ( self._GetTag( c, old_tag_id ), self._GetTag( c, new_tag_id ) ) for ( old_tag_id, new_tag_id ) in deleted_tag_sibling_ids ]
content_data[ HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS ][ HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE ] = deleted_tag_siblings
# tag parents
tag_parent_ids = c.execute( 'SELECT old_tag_id, new_tag_id FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND status = ? AND timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?;', ( service_id, HC.CURRENT, begin, end ) ).fetchall()
tag_parents = [ ( self._GetTag( c, old_tag_id ), self._GetTag( c, new_tag_id ) ) for ( old_tag_id, new_tag_id ) in tag_parent_ids ]
deleted_tag_parent_ids = c.execute( 'SELECT old_tag_id, new_tag_id FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND status = ? AND timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?;', ( service_id, HC.DELETED, begin, end ) ).fetchall()
deleted_tag_parents = [ ( self._GetTag( c, old_tag_id ), self._GetTag( c, new_tag_id ) ) for ( old_tag_id, new_tag_id ) in deleted_tag_parent_ids ]
content_data[ HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_PARENTS ][ HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DELETE ] = deleted_tag_parents
# finish off
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
hash_ids_to_hashes = self._GetHashIdsToHashes( c, hash_ids )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
news_rows = c.execute( 'SELECT news, timestamp FROM news WHERE service_id = ? AND timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?;', ( service_id, begin, end ) ).fetchall()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-03-05 22:44:02 +00:00
service_data[ HC.SERVICE_UPDATE_BEGIN_END ] = ( begin, end )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
service_data[ HC.SERVICE_UPDATE_NEWS ] = news_rows
return HC.ServerToClientUpdate( service_data, content_data, hash_ids_to_hashes )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _GenerateTagIdsEfficiently( self, c, tags ):
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
if type( tags ) != list: tags = list( tags )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
tags_not_in_db = set( tags )
for i in range( 0, len( tags ), 250 ): # there is a limit on the number of parameterised variables in sqlite, so only do a few at a time
tags_subset = tags[ i : i + 250 ]
tags_not_in_db.difference_update( [ tag for ( tag, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT tag FROM tags WHERE tag IN (' + ','.join( '?' * len( tags_subset ) ) + ');', [ tag for tag in tags_subset ] ) ] )
if len( tags_not_in_db ) > 0: c.executemany( 'INSERT INTO tags ( tag ) VALUES( ? );', [ ( tag, ) for tag in tags_not_in_db ] )
def _GetTag( self, c, tag_id ):
result = c.execute( 'SELECT tag FROM tags WHERE tag_id = ?;', ( tag_id, ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: raise Exception( 'Tag error in database' )
( tag, ) = result
return tag
def _GetTagId( self, c, tag ):
tag = HC.CleanTag( tag )
2013-07-24 20:26:00 +00:00
if tag == '': raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'Tag of zero length!' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
result = c.execute( 'SELECT tag_id FROM tags WHERE tag = ?;', ( tag, ) ).fetchone()
if result is None:
c.execute( 'INSERT INTO tags ( tag ) VALUES ( ? );', ( tag, ) )
tag_id = c.lastrowid
return tag_id
( tag_id, ) = result
return tag_id
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
def _GetTagPetition( self, c, service_id ):
random.shuffle( petition_types )
for petition_type in petition_types:
if petition_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS:
result = c.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT account_id, tag_id, reason_id, status FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND status = ? ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1;', ( service_id, HC.PETITIONED ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: continue
( account_id, tag_id, reason_id, status ) = result
tag = self._GetTag( c, tag_id )
hash_ids = [ hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND reason_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, tag_id, reason_id, HC.PETITIONED ) ) ]
hashes = self._GetHashes( c, hash_ids )
petition_data = ( tag, hashes )
2013-06-19 20:25:06 +00:00
if petition_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS: result = c.execute( 'SELECT account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND status IN ( ?, ? ) ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1;', ( service_id, HC.PENDING, HC.PETITIONED ) ).fetchone()
elif petition_type == HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_PARENTS: result = c.execute( 'SELECT account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND status IN ( ?, ? ) ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1;', ( service_id, HC.PENDING, HC.PETITIONED ) ).fetchone()
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
if result is None: continue
( account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, status ) = result
old_tag = self._GetTag( c, old_tag_id )
new_tag = self._GetTag( c, new_tag_id )
petition_data = ( old_tag, new_tag )
2013-06-19 20:25:06 +00:00
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
account_key = self._GetAccountKeyFromAccountId( c, account_id )
petitioner_account_identifier = HC.AccountIdentifier( account_key = account_key )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
reason = self._GetReason( c, reason_id )
return HC.ServerToClientPetition( petition_type, action, petitioner_account_identifier, petition_data, reason )
2013-07-24 20:26:00 +00:00
raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'No petitions!' )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _RewardMappingPetitioners( self, c, service_id, tag_id, hash_ids, multiplier ):
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
scores = [ ( account_id, count * multiplier ) for ( account_id, count ) in c.execute( 'SELECT account_id, COUNT( * ) FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ' AND status = ? GROUP BY account_id;', ( service_id, tag_id, HC.PETITIONED ) ) ]
self._RewardAccounts( c, service_id, HC.SCORE_PETITION, scores )
def _RewardTagParentPetitioners( self, c, service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, multiplier ):
hash_ids_with_old_tag = { hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ?;', ( service_id, old_tag_id ) ) }
hash_ids_with_new_tag = { hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ?;', ( service_id, new_tag_id ) ) }
score = len( hash_ids_with_old_tag.intersection( hash_ids_with_new_tag ) )
weighted_score = score * multiplier
account_ids = [ account_id for ( account_id, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT account_id FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status IN ( ?, ? );', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.PENDING, HC.PETITIONED ) ) ]
scores = [ ( account_id, weighted_score ) for account_id in account_ids ]
self._RewardAccounts( c, service_id, HC.SCORE_PETITION, scores )
def _RewardTagSiblingPetitioners( self, c, service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, multiplier ):
hash_ids_with_old_tag = { hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ?;', ( service_id, old_tag_id ) ) }
hash_ids_with_new_tag = { hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ?;', ( service_id, new_tag_id ) ) }
score = len( hash_ids_with_old_tag.intersection( hash_ids_with_new_tag ) )
weighted_score = score * multiplier
account_ids = [ account_id for ( account_id, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT account_id FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND old_tag_id = ? AND new_tag_id = ? AND status IN ( ?, ? );', ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.PENDING, HC.PETITIONED ) ) ]
scores = [ ( account_id, weighted_score ) for account_id in account_ids ]
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
self._RewardAccounts( c, service_id, HC.SCORE_PETITION, scores )
2014-07-23 21:21:37 +00:00
class RatingDB( object ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _GenerateRatingUpdate( self, c, service_id, begin, end ):
ratings_info = c.execute( 'SELECT hash, hash_id, score, count, new_timestamp, current_timestamp FROM aggregate_ratings, hashes USING ( hash_id ) WHERE service_id = ? AND ( new_timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ? OR current_timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ? );', ( service_id, begin, end, begin, end ) ).fetchall()
current_timestamps = { rating_info[5] for rating_info in ratings_info }
hash_ids = [ rating_info[1] for rating_info in ratings_info ]
c.execute( 'UPDATE aggregate_ratings SET current_timestamp = new_timestamp AND new_timestamp = 0 WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ';', ( service_id, ) )
c.executemany( 'UPDATE updates SET dirty = ? WHERE service_id = ? AND ? BETWEEN begin AND end;', [ ( True, service_id, current_timestamp ) for current_timestamp in current_timestamps if current_timestamp != 0 ] )
ratings = [ ( hash, score, count ) for ( hash, hash_id, score, count, new_timestamp, current_timestamp ) in ratings_info ]
news = c.execute( 'SELECT news, timestamp FROM news WHERE service_id = ? AND timestamp BETWEEN ? AND ?;', ( service_id, begin, end ) ).fetchall()
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
return HC.UpdateServerToClientRatings( ratings, news, begin, end )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _UpdateRatings( self, c, service_id, account_id, ratings ):
hashes = [ rating[0] for rating in ratings ]
hashes_to_hash_ids = self._GetHashesToHashIds( c, hashes )
valued_ratings = [ ( hash, rating ) for ( hash, rating ) in ratings if rating is not None ]
null_ratings = [ hash for ( hash, rating ) in ratings if rating is None ]
c.executemany( 'REPLACE INTO ratings ( service_id, account_id, hash_id, rating ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );', [ ( service_id, account_id, hashes_to_hash_ids[ hash ], rating ) for ( hash, rating ) in valued_ratings ] )
c.executemany( 'DELETE FROM ratings WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND hash_id = ?;', [ ( service_id, account_id, hashes_to_hash_ids[ hash ] ) for hash in null_ratings ] )
hash_ids = set( hashes_to_hash_ids.values() )
aggregates = c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id, SUM( rating ), COUNT( * ) FROM ratings WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ' GROUP BY hash_id;' )
missed_aggregate_hash_ids = hash_ids.difference( aggregate[0] for aggregate in aggregates )
aggregates.extend( [ ( hash_id, 0.0, 0 ) for hash_id in missed_aggregate_hash_ids ] )
hash_ids_to_new_timestamps = { hash_id : new_timestamp for ( hash_id, new_timestamp ) in c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id, new_timestamp FROM aggregate_ratings WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( hash_ids ) + ';', ( service_id, ) ) }
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
now = HC.GetNow()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
for ( hash_id, total_score, count ) in aggregates:
score = float( total_score ) / float( count )
if hash_id not in hash_ids_to_new_timestamps or hash_ids_to_new_timestamps[ hash_id ] == 0:
new_timestamp = now + ( count * HC.UPDATE_DURATION / 10 )
new_timestamp = max( now, hash_ids_to_new_timestamps[ hash_id ] - HC.UPDATE_DURATION )
if hash_id not in hash_ids_to_new_timestamps: c.execute( 'INSERT INTO aggregate_ratings ( service_id, hash_id, score, count, new_timestamp, current_timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, hash_id, score, new_timestamp, 0 ) )
elif new_timestamp != hash_ids_to_new_timestamps[ hash_id ]: c.execute( 'UPDATE aggregate_ratings SET new_timestamp = ? WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id = ?;', ( new_timestamp, service_id, hash_id ) )
class ServiceDB( FileDB, MessageDB, TagDB ):
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
def _AccountTypeExists( self, c, service_id, title ): return c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM account_types WHERE service_id = ? AND title = ?;', ( service_id, title ) ).fetchone() is not None
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
def _AddNews( self, c, service_key, news ):
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
now = HC.GetNow()
c.execute( 'INSERT INTO news ( service_id, news, timestamp ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, news, now ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
def _AddMessagingSession( self, c, service_key, session_key, account_key, name, expires ):
2013-11-27 18:27:11 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
2013-11-27 18:27:11 +00:00
2014-09-24 21:50:07 +00:00
account_id = self._GetAccountId( c, account_key )
2013-11-27 18:27:11 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
c.execute( 'INSERT INTO sessions ( service_id, session_key, account_id, identifier, name, expiry ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, sqlite3.Binary( session_key ), account_id, sqlite3.Binary( account_key ), name, expires ) )
2013-11-27 18:27:11 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
def _AddSession( self, c, session_key, service_key, account_key, expires ):
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
2014-09-24 21:50:07 +00:00
account_id = self._GetAccountId( c, account_key )
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
c.execute( 'INSERT INTO sessions ( session_key, service_id, account_id, expiry ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( sqlite3.Binary( session_key ), service_id, account_id, expires ) )
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
def _AddToExpires( self, c, account_ids, timespan ): c.execute( 'UPDATE accounts SET expires = expires + ? WHERE account_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( account_ids ) + ';', ( timespan, ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
def _Ban( self, c, service_id, action, admin_account_id, subject_account_ids, reason_id, expires = None, lifetime = None ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
splayed_subject_account_ids = HC.SplayListForDB( subject_account_ids )
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
now = HC.GetNow()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
if expires is not None: pass
elif lifetime is not None: expires = now + lifetime
else: expires = None
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
c.executemany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO bans ( service_id, account_id, admin_account_id, reason_id, created, expires ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', [ ( service_id, subject_account_id, admin_account_id, reason_id, now, expires ) for subject_account_id in subject_account_ids ] )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id IN ' + splayed_subject_account_ids + ' AND status = ?;', ( service_id, HC.PETITIONED ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id IN ' + splayed_subject_account_ids + ' AND status = ?;', ( service_id, HC.PETITIONED ) )
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id IN ' + splayed_subject_account_ids + ' AND status IN ( ?, ? );', ( service_id, HC.PENDING, HC.PETITIONED ) )
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id IN ' + splayed_subject_account_ids + ' AND status IN ( ?, ? );', ( service_id, HC.PENDING, HC.PETITIONED ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
if action == HC.SUPERBAN:
hash_ids = [ hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT hash_id FROM files_info WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id IN ' + splayed_subject_account_ids + ';', ( service_id, ) ) ]
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
if len( hash_ids ) > 0: self._DeleteLocalFiles( c, admin_account_id, hash_ids, reason_id )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
mappings_dict = HC.BuildKeyToListDict( c.execute( 'SELECT tag_id, hash_id FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id IN ' + splayed_subject_account_ids + ';', ( service_id, ) ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
if len( mappings_dict ) > 0:
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
for ( tag_id, hash_ids ) in mappings_dict.items(): self._DeleteMappings( c, admin_account_id, tag_id, hash_ids, reason_id )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
def _ChangeAccountType( self, c, account_ids, account_type_id ): c.execute( 'UPDATE accounts SET account_type_id = ? WHERE account_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( account_ids ) + ';', ( account_type_id, ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _CheckDataUsage( self, c ):
( version_year, version_month ) = c.execute( 'SELECT year, month FROM version;' ).fetchone()
current_time_struct = time.gmtime()
( current_year, current_month ) = ( current_time_struct.tm_year, current_time_struct.tm_mon )
if version_year != current_year or version_month != current_month:
c.execute( 'UPDATE version SET year = ?, month = ?;', ( current_year, current_month ) )
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
c.execute( 'UPDATE accounts SET used_bytes = ?, used_requests = ?;', ( 0, 0 ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-03-12 22:08:23 +00:00
self.pub_after_commit( 'update_all_session_accounts' )
2013-11-06 18:22:07 +00:00
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _CheckMonthlyData( self, c ):
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_info = self._GetServicesInfo( c )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
running_total = 0
self._services_over_monthly_data = set()
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
for ( service_key, service_type, options ) in service_info:
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
if service_type != HC.SERVER_ADMIN:
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
( total_used_bytes, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT SUM( used_bytes ) FROM accounts WHERE service_id = ?;', ( service_id, ) ).fetchone()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
if total_used_bytes is None: total_used_bytes = 0
running_total += total_used_bytes
if 'max_monthly_data' in options:
max_monthly_data = options[ 'max_monthly_data' ]
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
if max_monthly_data is not None and total_used_bytes > max_monthly_data: self._services_over_monthly_data.add( service_key )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
# have to do this after
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
server_admin_options = self._GetOptions( c, HC.SERVER_ADMIN_KEY )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
self._over_monthly_data = False
if 'max_monthly_data' in server_admin_options:
max_monthly_data = server_admin_options[ 'max_monthly_data' ]
if max_monthly_data is not None and running_total > max_monthly_data: self._over_monthly_data = True
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
def _CleanUpdate( self, c, service_key, begin, end ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_type = self._GetServiceType( c, service_id )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
if service_type == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY: clean_update = self._GenerateFileUpdate( c, service_id, begin, end )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
elif service_type == HC.TAG_REPOSITORY: clean_update = self._GenerateTagUpdate( c, service_id, begin, end )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
path = SC.GetExpectedUpdatePath( service_key, begin )
2013-05-01 17:21:53 +00:00
2013-08-14 20:21:49 +00:00
with open( path, 'wb' ) as f: f.write( yaml.safe_dump( clean_update ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
c.execute( 'UPDATE update_cache SET dirty = ? WHERE service_id = ? AND begin = ?;', ( False, service_id, begin ) )
def _ClearBans( self, c ):
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
now = HC.GetNow()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM bans WHERE expires < ?;', ( now, ) )
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
def _CreateUpdate( self, c, service_key, begin, end ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_type = self._GetServiceType( c, service_id )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
if service_type == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY: update = self._GenerateFileUpdate( c, service_id, begin, end )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
elif service_type == HC.TAG_REPOSITORY: update = self._GenerateTagUpdate( c, service_id, begin, end )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
path = SC.GetExpectedUpdatePath( service_key, begin )
2013-05-01 17:21:53 +00:00
2013-08-14 20:21:49 +00:00
with open( path, 'wb' ) as f: f.write( yaml.safe_dump( update ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
c.execute( 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO update_cache ( service_id, begin, end, dirty ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, begin, end, False ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _DeleteOrphans( self, c ):
# files
deletees = [ hash_id for ( hash_id, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT hash_id FROM files_info EXCEPT SELECT DISTINCT hash_id FROM file_map;' ) ]
if len( deletees ) > 0:
deletee_hashes = set( self._GetHashes( c, deletees ) )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
local_files_hashes = SC.GetAllHashes( 'file' )
thumbnails_hashes = SC.GetAllHashes( 'thumbnail' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
for hash in local_files_hashes & deletee_hashes: os.remove( SC.GetPath( 'file', hash ) )
for hash in thumbnails_hashes & deletee_hashes: os.remove( SC.GetPath( 'thumbnail', hash ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM files_info WHERE hash_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( deletees ) + ';' )
# messages
required_message_keys = { message_key for ( message_key, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT message_key FROM messages;' ) }
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
existing_message_keys = SC.GetAllHashes( 'message' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
deletees = existing_message_keys - required_message_keys
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
for message_key in deletees: os.remove( SC.GetPath( 'message', message_key ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
def _FlushRequestsMade( self, c, all_requests ):
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
requests_dict = HC.BuildKeyToListDict( all_requests )
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
2014-10-22 22:31:58 +00:00
c.executemany( 'UPDATE accounts SET used_bytes = used_bytes + ?, used_requests = used_requests + ? WHERE account_key = ?;', [ ( sum( num_bytes_list ), len( num_bytes_list ), sqlite3.Binary( account_key ) ) for ( account_key, num_bytes_list ) in requests_dict.items() ] )
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
def _GenerateRegistrationKeys( self, c, service_key, num, title, lifetime = None ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
account_type_id = self._GetAccountTypeId( c, service_id, title )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
now = HC.GetNow()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
if lifetime is not None: expires = now + lifetime
else: expires = None
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
keys = [ ( os.urandom( HC.HYDRUS_KEY_LENGTH ), os.urandom( HC.HYDRUS_KEY_LENGTH ), os.urandom( HC.HYDRUS_KEY_LENGTH ) ) for i in range( num ) ]
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
c.executemany( 'INSERT INTO registration_keys ( registration_key, service_id, account_type_id, account_key, access_key, expiry ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', [ ( sqlite3.Binary( hashlib.sha256( registration_key ).digest() ), service_id, account_type_id, sqlite3.Binary( account_key ), sqlite3.Binary( access_key ), expires ) for ( registration_key, account_key, access_key ) in keys ] )
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
return [ registration_key for ( registration_key, account_key, access_key ) in keys ]
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
def _GetAccessKey( self, c, registration_key ):
2014-10-29 21:39:01 +00:00
# we generate a new access_key every time this is requested so that if the registration_key leaks, no one grab the access_key before the legit user does
# the reg_key is deleted when the last-requested access_key is used to create a session, which calls getaccountkeyfromaccesskey
try: ( one, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM registration_keys WHERE registration_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( hashlib.sha256( registration_key ).digest() ), ) ).fetchone()
2013-07-24 20:26:00 +00:00
except: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'The service could not find that registration key in its database.' )
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
2014-10-29 21:39:01 +00:00
new_access_key = os.urandom( HC.HYDRUS_KEY_LENGTH )
c.execute( 'UPDATE registration_keys SET access_key = ? WHERE registration_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( new_access_key ), sqlite3.Binary( hashlib.sha256( registration_key ).digest() ) ) )
return new_access_key
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
def _GetAccount( self, c, account_key ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
( account_id, service_id, account_key, account_type, created, expires, used_bytes, used_requests ) = c.execute( 'SELECT account_id, service_id, account_key, account_type, created, expires, used_bytes, used_requests FROM accounts, account_types USING ( service_id, account_type_id ) WHERE account_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( account_key ), ) ).fetchone()
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
banned_info = c.execute( 'SELECT reason, created, expires FROM bans, reasons USING ( reason_id ) WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ?;', ( service_id, account_id ) ).fetchone()
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
return HC.Account( account_key, account_type, created, expires, used_bytes, used_requests, banned_info = banned_info )
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
def _GetAccountFileInfo( self, c, service_id, account_id ):
( num_deleted_files, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, HC.DELETED ) ).fetchone()
( num_files, num_files_bytes ) = c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ), SUM( size ) FROM file_map, files_info USING ( hash_id ) WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ?;', ( service_id, account_id ) ).fetchone()
if num_files_bytes is None: num_files_bytes = 0
result = c.execute( 'SELECT score FROM account_scores WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND score_type = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, HC.SCORE_PETITION ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: petition_score = 0
else: ( petition_score, ) = result
( num_petitions, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT reason_id ) FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, HC.PETITIONED ) ).fetchone()
account_info = {}
account_info[ 'num_deleted_files' ] = num_deleted_files
account_info[ 'num_files' ] = num_files
account_info[ 'num_files_bytes' ] = num_files_bytes
account_info[ 'petition_score' ] = petition_score
account_info[ 'num_petitions' ] = num_petitions
return account_info
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
def _GetAccountKeyFromAccessKey( self, c, service_key, access_key ):
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
try: ( account_key, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT account_key FROM accounts WHERE hashed_access_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( hashlib.sha256( access_key ).digest() ), ) ).fetchone()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
# we do not delete the registration_key (and hence the raw unhashed access_key)
# until the first attempt to create a session to make sure the user
# has the access_key saved
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
try: ( account_type_id, account_key, expires ) = c.execute( 'SELECT account_type_id, account_key, expiry FROM registration_keys WHERE access_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( access_key ), ) ).fetchone()
except: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'The service could not find that account in its database.' )
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM registration_keys WHERE access_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( access_key ), ) )
now = HC.GetNow()
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
c.execute( 'INSERT INTO accounts ( service_id, account_key, hashed_access_key, account_type_id, created, expires, used_bytes, used_requests ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, sqlite3.Binary( account_key ), sqlite3.Binary( hashlib.sha256( access_key ).digest() ), account_type_id, now, expires, 0, 0 ) )
return account_key
def _GetAccountKeyFromAccountId( self, c, account_id ):
try: ( account_key, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT account_key FROM accounts WHERE account_id = ?;', ( account_id, ) ).fetchone()
except: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'The service could not find that account_id in its database.' )
return account_key
def _GetAccountKeyFromIdentifier( self, c, service_key, account_identifier ):
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
if account_identifier.HasAccountKey():
account_key = account_identifier.GetData()
result = c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM accounts WHERE service_id = ? AND account_key = ?;', ( service_id, sqlite3.Binary( account_key ) ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'The service could not find that hash in its database.')
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
if account_identifier.HasHash():
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
hash = account_identifier.GetData()
hash_id = self._GetHashId( c, hash )
result = c.execute( 'SELECT account_id FROM file_map WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id = ?;', ( service_id, hash_id ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: result = c.execute( 'SELECT account_id FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND hash_id = ? AND status = ?;', ( service_id, hash_id, HC.DELETED ) ).fetchone()
( account_id, ) = result
except: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'The service could not find that hash in its database.' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
elif account_identifier.HasMapping():
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
( hash, tag ) = account_identifier.GetData()
hash_id = self._GetHashId( c, hash )
tag_id = self._GetTagId( c, tag )
( account_id, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT account_id FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND tag_id = ? AND hash_id = ?;', ( service_id, tag_id, hash_id ) ).fetchone()
except: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'The service could not find that mapping in its database.' )
2014-01-01 20:01:00 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
try: ( account_key, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT account_key FROM accounts WHERE account_id = ?;', ( account_id, ) ).fetchone()
2013-07-24 20:26:00 +00:00
except: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'The service could not find that account in its database.' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
return account_key
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _GetAccountIdFromContactKey( self, c, service_id, contact_key ):
( account_id, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT account_id FROM contacts WHERE service_id = ? AND contact_key = ?;', ( service_id, sqlite3.Binary( contact_key ) ) ).fetchone()
2013-07-24 20:26:00 +00:00
except: raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'Could not find that contact key!' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
return account_id
2014-09-24 21:50:07 +00:00
def _GetAccountId( self, c, account_key ):
result = c.execute( 'SELECT account_id FROM accounts WHERE account_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( account_key ), ) ).fetchone()
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
if result is None: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'The service could not find that account key in its database.' )
2014-09-24 21:50:07 +00:00
( account_id, ) = result
return account_id
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
def _GetAccountInfo( self, c, service_key, account_key ):
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
account = self._GetAccount( c, account_key )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
account_id = self._GetAccountId( c, account_key )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_type = self._GetServiceType( c, service_id )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if service_type == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY: account_info = self._GetAccountFileInfo( c, service_id, account_id )
elif service_type == HC.TAG_REPOSITORY: account_info = self._GetAccountMappingInfo( c, service_id, account_id )
else: account_info = {}
account_info[ 'account' ] = account
return account_info
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _GetAccountMappingInfo( self, c, service_id, account_id ):
2013-10-30 22:28:06 +00:00
num_deleted_mappings = len( c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND status = ? LIMIT 5000;', ( service_id, account_id, HC.DELETED ) ).fetchall() )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-30 22:28:06 +00:00
num_mappings = len( c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM mappings WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? LIMIT 5000;', ( service_id, account_id ) ).fetchall() )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
result = c.execute( 'SELECT score FROM account_scores WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND score_type = ?;', ( service_id, account_id, HC.SCORE_PETITION ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: petition_score = 0
else: ( petition_score, ) = result
# crazy query here because two distinct columns
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
( num_petitions, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT tag_id, reason_id FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? AND status = ? );', ( service_id, account_id, HC.PETITIONED ) ).fetchone()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
account_info = {}
account_info[ 'num_deleted_mappings' ] = num_deleted_mappings
account_info[ 'num_mappings' ] = num_mappings
account_info[ 'petition_score' ] = petition_score
account_info[ 'num_petitions' ] = num_petitions
return account_info
def _GetAccountTypeId( self, c, service_id, title ):
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
result = c.execute( 'SELECT account_type_id FROM account_types WHERE service_id = ? AND title = ?;', ( service_id, title ) ).fetchone()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
if result is None: raise HydrusExceptions.NotFoundException( 'Could not find account title ' + HC.u( title ) + ' in db for this service.' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
( account_type_id, ) = result
return account_type_id
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
def _GetAccountTypes( self, c, service_key ):
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
return [ account_type for ( account_type, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT account_type FROM account_types WHERE service_id = ?;', ( service_id, ) ) ]
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
def _GetDirtyUpdates( self, c ):
service_ids_to_tuples = HC.BuildKeyToListDict( [ ( service_id, ( begin, end ) ) for ( service_id, begin, end ) in c.execute( 'SELECT service_id, begin, end FROM update_cache WHERE dirty = ?;', ( True, ) ) ] )
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_keys_to_tuples = {}
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
for ( service_id, tuples ) in service_ids_to_tuples.items():
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_key = self._GetServiceKey( c, service_id )
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_keys_to_tuples[ service_key ] = tuples
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
return service_keys_to_tuples
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2013-11-27 18:27:11 +00:00
def _GetMessagingSessions( self, c ):
now = HC.GetNow()
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM messaging_sessions WHERE ? > expiry;', ( now, ) )
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
existing_session_ids = HC.BuildKeyToListDict( [ ( service_id, ( session_key, account_id, identifier, name, expires ) ) for ( service_id, identifier, name, expires ) in c.execute( 'SELECT service_id, session_key, account_id, identifier, name, expiry FROM messaging_sessions;' ) ] )
2013-11-27 18:27:11 +00:00
existing_sessions = {}
for ( service_id, tuples ) in existing_session_ids.items():
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_key = self._GetServiceKey( c, service_id )
2013-11-27 18:27:11 +00:00
processed_tuples = []
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
for ( account_id, identifier, name, expires ) in tuples:
2013-11-27 18:27:11 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
account_key = self._GetAccountKeyFromAccountId( c, account_id )
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
account = self._GetAccount( c, account_key )
2013-11-27 18:27:11 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
processed_tuples.append( ( account, name, expires ) )
2013-11-27 18:27:11 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
existing_sessions[ service_key ] = processed_tuples
2013-11-27 18:27:11 +00:00
return existing_sessions
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
def _GetNumPetitions( self, c, service_key ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_type = self._GetServiceType( c, service_id )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if service_type == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY:
( num_petitions, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT account_id, reason_id FROM file_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND status = ? );', ( service_id, HC.PETITIONED ) ).fetchone()
elif service_type == HC.TAG_REPOSITORY:
( num_mapping_petitions, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT account_id, tag_id, reason_id FROM mapping_petitions WHERE service_id = ? AND status = ? );', ( service_id, HC.PETITIONED ) ).fetchone()
( num_tag_sibling_petitions, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM tag_siblings WHERE service_id = ? AND status IN ( ?, ? );', ( service_id, HC.PENDING, HC.PETITIONED ) ).fetchone()
( num_tag_parent_petitions, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM tag_parents WHERE service_id = ? AND status IN ( ?, ? );', ( service_id, HC.PENDING, HC.PETITIONED ) ).fetchone()
num_petitions = num_mapping_petitions + num_tag_sibling_petitions + num_tag_parent_petitions
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
return num_petitions
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
def _GetOptions( self, c, service_key ):
2013-05-01 17:21:53 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
2013-05-01 17:21:53 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
( options, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT options FROM services WHERE service_id = ?;', ( service_id, ) ).fetchone()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
return options
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
def _GetPetition( self, c, service_key ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_type = self._GetServiceType( c, service_id )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if service_type == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY: petition = self._GetFilePetition( c, service_id )
elif service_type == HC.TAG_REPOSITORY: petition = self._GetTagPetition( c, service_id )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
return petition
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _GetReason( self, c, reason_id ):
result = c.execute( 'SELECT reason FROM reasons WHERE reason_id = ?;', ( reason_id, ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: raise Exception( 'Reason error in database' )
( reason, ) = result
return reason
def _GetReasonId( self, c, reason ):
result = c.execute( 'SELECT reason_id FROM reasons WHERE reason = ?;', ( reason, ) ).fetchone()
if result is None:
c.execute( 'INSERT INTO reasons ( reason ) VALUES ( ? );', ( reason, ) )
reason_id = c.lastrowid
return reason_id
( reason_id, ) = result
return reason_id
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
def _GetServiceId( self, c, service_key ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
result = c.execute( 'SELECT service_id FROM services WHERE service_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( service_key ), ) ).fetchone()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
if result is None: raise Exception( 'Service id error in database' )
( service_id, ) = result
return service_id
def _GetServiceIds( self, c, limited_types = HC.ALL_SERVICES ): return [ service_id for ( service_id, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT service_id FROM services WHERE type IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( limited_types ) + ';' ) ]
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
def _GetServiceKey( self, c, service_id ):
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
( service_key, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT service_key FROM services WHERE service_id = ?;', ( service_id, ) ).fetchone()
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
return service_key
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
def _GetServiceKeys( self, c, limited_types = HC.ALL_SERVICES ): return [ service_key for ( service_key, ) in c.execute( 'SELECT service_key FROM services WHERE type IN '+ HC.SplayListForDB( limited_types ) + ';' ) ]
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _GetServiceType( self, c, service_id ):
result = c.execute( 'SELECT type FROM services WHERE service_id = ?;', ( service_id, ) ).fetchone()
if result is None: raise Exception( 'Service id error in database' )
( service_type, ) = result
return service_type
2014-09-17 21:28:26 +00:00
def _GetServiceInfo( self, c, service_key ): return c.execute( 'SELECT type, options FROM services WHERE service_key = ?;', ( sqlite3.Binary( service_key ), ) ).fetchone()
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
def _GetServicesInfo( self, c, limited_types = HC.ALL_SERVICES ): return c.execute( 'SELECT service_key, type, options FROM services WHERE type IN '+ HC.SplayListForDB( limited_types ) + ';' ).fetchall()
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
def _GetSessions( self, c ):
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
now = HC.GetNow()
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM sessions WHERE ? > expiry;', ( now, ) )
sessions = []
results = c.execute( 'SELECT session_key, service_id, account_id, expiry FROM sessions;' ).fetchall()
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_ids_to_service_keys = {}
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
account_ids_to_accounts = {}
2014-09-24 21:50:07 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
for ( session_key, service_id, account_id, expires ) in results:
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
if service_id not in service_ids_to_service_keys: service_ids_to_service_keys[ service_id ] = self._GetServiceKey( c, service_id )
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_key = service_ids_to_service_keys[ service_id ]
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
if account_id not in account_ids_to_accounts:
2014-09-24 21:50:07 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
account_key = self._GetAccountKeyFromAccountId( c, account_id )
2014-09-24 21:50:07 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
account = self._GetAccount( c, account_key )
2014-09-24 21:50:07 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
account_ids_to_accounts[ account_id ] = account
2014-09-24 21:50:07 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
account = account_ids_to_accounts[ account_id ]
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
sessions.append( ( session_key, service_key, account, expires ) )
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
return sessions
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
def _GetStats( self, c, service_key ):
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
stats = {}
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
( stats[ 'num_accounts' ], ) = c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM accounts WHERE service_id = ?;', ( service_id, ) ).fetchone()
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
( stats[ 'num_banned' ], ) = c.execute( 'SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM bans WHERE service_id = ?;', ( service_id, ) ).fetchone()
return stats
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _GetUpdateEnds( self, c ):
service_ids = self._GetServiceIds( c, HC.REPOSITORIES )
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
results = {}
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
for service_id in service_ids:
( end, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT end FROM update_cache WHERE service_id = ? ORDER BY end DESC LIMIT 1;', ( service_id, ) ).fetchone()
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_key = self._GetServiceKey( c, service_id )
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
results[ service_key ] = end
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
return results
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
def _InitAdmin( self, c ):
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
if c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM accounts;' ).fetchone() is not None: raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'This server is already initialised!' )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
num = 1
title = 'server admin'
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
( registration_key, ) = self._GenerateRegistrationKeys( c, HC.SERVER_ADMIN_KEY, num, title )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
access_key = self._GetAccessKey( c, registration_key )
return access_key
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
def _ModifyAccount( self, c, service_key, admin_account_key, action, subject_account_keys, kwargs ):
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
admin_account_id = self._GetAccountId( c, admin_account_key )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
subject_account_ids = [ self._GetAccountId( c, subject_account_key ) for subject_account_key in subject_account_keys ]
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if action in ( HC.BAN, HC.SUPERBAN ):
2013-10-30 22:28:06 +00:00
reason = kwargs[ 'reason' ]
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
reason_id = self._GetReasonId( c, reason )
2013-12-04 22:44:16 +00:00
if lifetime in request_args: lifetime = kwargs[ 'lifetime' ]
else: lifetime = None
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2013-12-04 22:44:16 +00:00
self._Ban( c, service_id, action, admin_account_id, subject_account_ids, reason_id, lifetime ) # fold ban and superban together, yo
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2013-10-30 22:28:06 +00:00
admin_account.CheckPermission( HC.GENERAL_ADMIN ) # special case, don't let manage_users people do these:
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2013-10-30 22:28:06 +00:00
title = kwargs[ 'title' ]
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
account_type_id = self._GetAccountTypeId( c, service_id, title )
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
self._ChangeAccountType( c, subject_account_ids, account_type_id )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
elif action == HC.ADD_TO_EXPIRES:
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2013-12-04 22:44:16 +00:00
timespan = kwargs[ 'timespan' ]
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
self._AddToExpires( c, subject_account_ids, timespan )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
elif action == HC.SET_EXPIRES:
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
expires = kwargs[ 'expires' ]
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
self._SetExpires( c, subject_account_ids, expires )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
def _ModifyAccountTypes( self, c, service_key, edit_log ):
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
for ( action, details ) in edit_log:
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
if action == HC.ADD:
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
account_type = details
title = account_type.GetTitle()
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
if self._AccountTypeExists( c, service_id, title ): raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'Already found account type ' + HC.u( title ) + ' in the db for this service, so could not add!' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
c.execute( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO account_types ( service_id, title, account_type ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, title, account_type ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
elif action == HC.DELETE:
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
( title, new_title ) = details
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
account_type_id = self._GetAccountTypeId( c, service_id, title )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
new_account_type_id = self._GetAccountTypeId( c, service_id, new_title )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
c.execute( 'UPDATE accounts SET account_type_id = ? WHERE account_type_id = ?;', ( new_account_type_id, account_type_id ) )
c.execute( 'UPDATE registration_keys SET account_type_id = ? WHERE account_type_id = ?;', ( new_account_type_id, account_type_id ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM account_types WHERE account_type_id = ?;', ( account_type_id, ) )
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
elif action == HC.EDIT:
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
( old_title, account_type ) = details
title = account_type.GetTitle()
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
if old_title != title and self._AccountTypeExists( c, service_id, title ): raise HydrusExceptions.ForbiddenException( 'Already found account type ' + HC.u( title ) + ' in the database, so could not rename ' + HC.u( old_title ) + '!' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
account_type_id = self._GetAccountTypeId( c, service_id, old_title )
c.execute( 'UPDATE account_types SET title = ?, account_type = ? WHERE account_type_id = ?;', ( title, account_type, account_type_id ) )
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
def _ModifyServices( self, c, account_key, edit_log ):
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
account_id = self._GetAccountId( c, account_key )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_keys_to_access_keys = {}
2013-11-27 18:27:11 +00:00
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
now = HC.GetNow()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
for ( action, data ) in edit_log:
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
if action == HC.ADD:
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
( service_key, service_type, options ) = data
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
c.execute( 'INSERT INTO services ( service_key, type, options ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );', ( sqlite3.Binary( service_key ), service_type, options ) )
service_id = c.lastrowid
service_admin_account_type = HC.AccountType( 'service admin', [ HC.GET_DATA, HC.POST_DATA, HC.POST_PETITIONS, HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS, HC.MANAGE_USERS, HC.GENERAL_ADMIN ], ( None, None ) )
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
c.execute( 'INSERT INTO account_types ( service_id, title, account_type ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );', ( service_id, 'service admin', service_admin_account_type ) )
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
[ registration_key ] = self._GenerateRegistrationKeys( c, service_key, 1, 'service admin', None )
2013-11-27 18:27:11 +00:00
access_key = self._GetAccessKey( c, registration_key )
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_keys_to_access_keys[ service_key ] = access_key
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
if service_type in HC.REPOSITORIES:
begin = 0
end = HC.GetNow()
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
self._CreateUpdate( c, service_key, begin, end )
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
2014-09-17 21:28:26 +00:00
self.pub_after_commit( 'action_service', service_key, 'start' )
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
elif action == HC.DELETE:
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_key = data
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
c.execute( 'DELETE FROM services WHERE service_id = ?;', ( service_id, ) )
2014-09-17 21:28:26 +00:00
self.pub_after_commit( 'action_service', service_key, 'stop' )
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
elif action == HC.EDIT:
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
( service_key, service_type, options ) = data
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
c.execute( 'UPDATE services SET options = ? WHERE service_id = ?;', ( options, service_id ) )
2014-09-17 21:28:26 +00:00
self.pub_after_commit( 'action_service', service_key, 'restart' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
return service_keys_to_access_keys
2013-11-27 18:27:11 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
def _ProcessUpdate( self, c, service_key, account_key, update ):
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
account_id = self._GetAccountId( c, account_key )
account = self._GetAccount( c, account_key )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_type = self._GetServiceType( c, service_id )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if service_type == HC.FILE_REPOSITORY:
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ) or account.HasPermission( HC.POST_PETITIONS ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._ApproveFilePetition
elif account.HasPermission( HC.POST_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._AddFilePetition
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
for ( hashes, reason ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION ):
hash_ids = self._GetHashIds( c, hashes )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
reason_id = self._GetReasonId( c, reason )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
petition_method( c, service_id, account_id, hash_ids, reason_id )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
for hashes in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_FILES, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PETITION ):
hash_ids = self._GetHashIds( c, hashes )
self._DenyFilePetition( c, service_id, hash_ids )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
elif service_type == HC.TAG_REPOSITORY:
tags = update.GetTags()
hashes = update.GetHashes()
self._GenerateTagIdsEfficiently( c, tags )
self._GenerateHashIdsEfficiently( c, hashes )
overwrite_deleted = account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS )
for ( tag, hashes ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PENDING ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
tag_id = self._GetTagId( c, tag )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
hash_ids = self._GetHashIds( c, hashes )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
self._AddMappings( c, service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_ids, overwrite_deleted )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ) or account.HasPermission( HC.POST_PETITIONS ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._ApproveMappingPetition
elif account.HasPermission( HC.POST_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._AddMappingPetition
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
for ( tag, hashes, reason ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION ):
tag_id = self._GetTagId( c, tag )
hash_ids = self._GetHashIds( c, hashes )
reason_id = self._GetReasonId( c, reason )
petition_method( c, service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_ids, reason_id )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ):
for ( tag, hashes ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_MAPPINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PETITION ):
tag_id = self._GetTagId( c, tag )
hash_ids = self._GetHashIds( c, hashes )
self._DenyMappingPetition( c, service_id, tag_id, hash_ids )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ) or account.HasPermission( HC.POST_PETITIONS ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._ApproveTagSiblingPetition
elif account.HasPermission( HC.POST_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._AddTagSiblingPetition
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
for ( ( old_tag, new_tag ), reason ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PENDING ):
old_tag_id = self._GetTagId( c, old_tag )
new_tag_id = self._GetTagId( c, new_tag )
reason_id = self._GetReasonId( c, reason )
petition_method( c, service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, HC.PENDING )
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._ApproveTagSiblingPetition
elif account.HasPermission( HC.POST_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._AddTagSiblingPetition
for ( ( old_tag, new_tag ), reason ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION ):
old_tag_id = self._GetTagId( c, old_tag )
new_tag_id = self._GetTagId( c, new_tag )
reason_id = self._GetReasonId( c, reason )
petition_method( c, service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, HC.PETITIONED )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ):
for ( old_tag, new_tag ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PEND ):
old_tag_id = self._GetTagId( c, old_tag )
new_tag_id = self._GetTagId( c, new_tag )
self._DenyTagSiblingPetition( c, service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PEND )
for ( old_tag, new_tag ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_SIBLINGS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PETITION ):
old_tag_id = self._GetTagId( c, old_tag )
new_tag_id = self._GetTagId( c, new_tag )
self._DenyTagSiblingPetition( c, service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PETITION )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ) or account.HasPermission( HC.POST_PETITIONS ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._ApproveTagParentPetition
elif account.HasPermission( HC.POST_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._AddTagParentPetition
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
for ( ( old_tag, new_tag ), reason ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_PARENTS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PENDING ):
old_tag_id = self._GetTagId( c, old_tag )
new_tag_id = self._GetTagId( c, new_tag )
reason_id = self._GetReasonId( c, reason )
petition_method( c, service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, HC.PENDING )
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._ApproveTagParentPetition
elif account.HasPermission( HC.POST_PETITIONS ): petition_method = self._AddTagParentPetition
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
for ( ( old_tag, new_tag ), reason ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_PARENTS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_PETITION ):
old_tag_id = self._GetTagId( c, old_tag )
new_tag_id = self._GetTagId( c, new_tag )
reason_id = self._GetReasonId( c, reason )
petition_method( c, service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, reason_id, HC.PETITIONED )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if account.HasPermission( HC.RESOLVE_PETITIONS ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
for ( old_tag, new_tag ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_PARENTS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PEND ):
old_tag_id = self._GetTagId( c, old_tag )
new_tag_id = self._GetTagId( c, new_tag )
self._DenyTagParentPetition( c, service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PEND )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
for ( old_tag, new_tag ) in update.GetContentDataIterator( HC.CONTENT_DATA_TYPE_TAG_PARENTS, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PETITION ):
old_tag_id = self._GetTagId( c, old_tag )
new_tag_id = self._GetTagId( c, new_tag )
self._DenyTagParentPetition( c, service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, HC.CONTENT_UPDATE_DENY_PETITION )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _RefreshUpdateCache( self, c, service_id, affected_timestamps ): c.executemany( 'UPDATE update_cache SET dirty = ? WHERE service_id = ? AND ? BETWEEN begin AND end;', [ ( True, service_id, timestamp ) for timestamp in affected_timestamps ] )
def _RewardAccounts( self, c, service_id, score_type, scores ):
c.executemany( 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO account_scores ( service_id, account_id, score_type, score ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );', [ ( service_id, account_id, score_type, 0 ) for ( account_id, score ) in scores ] )
c.executemany( 'UPDATE account_scores SET score = score + ? WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ? and score_type = ?;', [ ( score, service_id, account_id, score_type ) for ( account_id, score ) in scores ] )
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
def _SetExpires( self, c, account_ids, expires ): c.execute( 'UPDATE accounts SET expires = ? WHERE account_id IN ' + HC.SplayListForDB( account_ids ) + ';', ( expires, ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _UnbanKey( self, c, service_id, account_id ): c.execute( 'DELETE FROM bans WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ?;', ( account_id, ) )
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
def _VerifyAccessKey( self, c, service_key, access_key ):
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
service_id = self._GetServiceId( c, service_key )
result = c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM accounts WHERE service_id = ? AND hashed_access_key = ?;', ( service_id, sqlite3.Binary( hashlib.sha256( access_key ).digest() ) ) ).fetchone()
if result is None:
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
result = c.execute( 'SELECT 1 FROM registration_keys WHERE service_id = ? AND access_key = ?;', ( service_id, sqlite3.Binary( access_key ) ) ).fetchone()
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
if result is None: return False
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
return True
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
class DB( ServiceDB ):
def __init__( self ):
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
self._local_shutdown = False
self._loop_finished = False
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
self._db_path = HC.DB_DIR + os.path.sep + 'server.db'
self._jobs = Queue.PriorityQueue()
self._pubsubs = []
self._over_monthly_data = False
self._services_over_monthly_data = set()
( db, c ) = self._GetDBCursor()
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
( version, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT version FROM version;' ).fetchone()
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
if version < HC.SOFTWARE_VERSION - 50: raise Exception( 'Your current version of hydrus ' + HC.u( version ) + ' is too old for this version ' + HC.u( HC.SOFTWARE_VERSION ) + ' to update. Please try updating with version ' + HC.u( version + 45 ) + ' or earlier first.' )
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
while version < HC.SOFTWARE_VERSION:
time.sleep( 1 )
try: c.execute( 'BEGIN IMMEDIATE' )
except Exception as e: raise HydrusExceptions.DBAccessException( HC.u( e ) )
self._UpdateDB( c, version )
c.execute( 'COMMIT' )
c.execute( 'ROLLBACK' )
raise Exception( 'Updating the server db to version ' + HC.u( version ) + ' caused this error:' + os.linesep + traceback.format_exc() )
( version, ) = c.execute( 'SELECT version FROM version;' ).fetchone()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_keys = self._GetServiceKeys( c )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
threading.Thread( target = self.MainLoop, name = 'Database Main Loop' ).start()
def _GetDBCursor( self ):
db = sqlite3.connect( self._db_path, timeout=600.0, isolation_level = None, detect_types = sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES )
c = db.cursor()
c.execute( 'PRAGMA cache_size = 10000;' )
c.execute( 'PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;' )
c.execute( 'PRAGMA recursive_triggers = ON;' )
return ( db, c )
def _InitDB( self ):
if not os.path.exists( self._db_path ):
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
for dir in dirs:
if not os.path.exists( dir ): os.mkdir( dir )
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
hex_chars = '0123456789abcdef'
2014-10-08 20:17:55 +00:00
for dir in dirs:
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-10-08 20:17:55 +00:00
for ( one, two ) in itertools.product( hex_chars, hex_chars ):
new_dir = dir + os.path.sep + one + two
if not os.path.exists( new_dir ): os.mkdir( new_dir )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
( db, c ) = self._GetDBCursor()
c.execute( 'BEGIN IMMEDIATE' )
c.execute( 'PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 0;' ) # none
c.execute( 'PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;' )
2013-07-31 21:26:38 +00:00
now = HC.GetNow()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE services ( service_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, service_key BLOB_BYTES, type INTEGER, options TEXT_YAML );' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE accounts( account_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_key BLOB_BYTES, hashed_access_key BLOB_BYTES, account_type_id INTEGER, created INTEGER, expires INTEGER, used_bytes INTEGER, used_requests INTEGER );' )
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accounts_account_key_index ON accounts ( account_key );' )
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accounts_hashed_access_key_index ON accounts ( hashed_access_key );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accounts_service_id_account_id_index ON accounts ( service_id, account_id );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX accounts_service_id_account_type_id_index ON accounts ( service_id, account_type_id );' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE account_scores ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_id INTEGER, score_type INTEGER, score INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY( service_id, account_id, score_type ) );' )
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE account_types ( account_type_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, title TEXT, account_type TEXT_YAML );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX account_types_service_id_account_type_id_index ON account_types ( service_id, account_type_id );' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE bans ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_id INTEGER, admin_account_id INTEGER, reason_id INTEGER, created INTEGER, expires INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY( service_id, account_id ) );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX bans_expires ON bans ( expires );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE contacts ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_id INTEGER, contact_key BLOB, public_key TEXT, PRIMARY KEY( service_id, account_id ) );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX contacts_contact_key_index ON contacts ( contact_key );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE files_info ( hash_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, size INTEGER, mime INTEGER, width INTEGER, height INTEGER, duration INTEGER, num_frames INTEGER, num_words INTEGER );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE file_map ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, hash_id INTEGER, account_id INTEGER, timestamp INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY( service_id, hash_id, account_id ) );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX file_map_service_id_account_id_index ON file_map ( service_id, account_id );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX file_map_service_id_timestamp_index ON file_map ( service_id, timestamp );' )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE file_petitions ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_id INTEGER, hash_id INTEGER, reason_id INTEGER, timestamp INTEGER, status INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY( service_id, account_id, hash_id, status ) );' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX file_petitions_service_id_account_id_reason_id_index ON file_petitions ( service_id, account_id, reason_id );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX file_petitions_service_id_hash_id_index ON file_petitions ( service_id, hash_id );' )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX file_petitions_service_id_status_index ON file_petitions ( service_id, status );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX file_petitions_service_id_timestamp_index ON file_petitions ( service_id, timestamp );' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE hashes ( hash_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, hash BLOB_BYTES );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX hashes_hash_index ON hashes ( hash );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE ip_addresses ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, hash_id INTEGER, ip TEXT, timestamp INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY( service_id, hash_id ) );' )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE mapping_petitions ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_id INTEGER, tag_id INTEGER, hash_id INTEGER, reason_id INTEGER, timestamp INTEGER, status INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY( service_id, account_id, tag_id, hash_id, status ) );' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX mapping_petitions_service_id_account_id_reason_id_tag_id_index ON mapping_petitions ( service_id, account_id, reason_id, tag_id );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX mapping_petitions_service_id_tag_id_hash_id_index ON mapping_petitions ( service_id, tag_id, hash_id );' )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX mapping_petitions_service_id_status_index ON mapping_petitions ( service_id, status );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX mapping_petitions_service_id_timestamp_index ON mapping_petitions ( service_id, timestamp );' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE mappings ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, tag_id INTEGER, hash_id INTEGER, account_id INTEGER, timestamp INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY( service_id, tag_id, hash_id ) );' )
2013-05-29 20:19:54 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX mappings_account_id_index ON mappings ( account_id );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX mappings_timestamp_index ON mappings ( timestamp );' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE messages ( message_key BLOB_BYTES PRIMARY KEY, service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_id INTEGER, timestamp INTEGER );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX messages_service_id_account_id_index ON messages ( service_id, account_id );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX messages_timestamp_index ON messages ( timestamp );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE message_statuses ( status_key BLOB_BYTES PRIMARY KEY, service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_id INTEGER, status BLOB_BYTES, timestamp INTEGER );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX message_statuses_service_id_account_id_index ON message_statuses ( service_id, account_id );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX message_statuses_timestamp_index ON message_statuses ( timestamp );' )
2013-11-27 18:27:11 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE messaging_sessions ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, session_key BLOB_BYTES, account_id INTEGER, identifier BLOB_BYTES, name TEXT, expiry INTEGER );' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE news ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, news TEXT, timestamp INTEGER );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX news_timestamp_index ON news ( timestamp );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE reasons ( reason_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, reason TEXT );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX reasons_reason_index ON reasons ( reason );' )
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE registration_keys ( registration_key BLOB_BYTES PRIMARY KEY, service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_type_id INTEGER, account_key BLOB_BYTES, access_key BLOB_BYTES, expiry INTEGER );' )
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX registration_keys_access_key_index ON registration_keys ( access_key );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE sessions ( session_key BLOB_BYTES, service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_id INTEGER, expiry INTEGER );' )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE tag_parents ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_id INTEGER, old_tag_id INTEGER, new_tag_id INTEGER, timestamp INTEGER, status INTEGER, reason_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id, status ) );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX tag_parents_service_id_old_tag_id_index ON tag_parents ( service_id, old_tag_id, new_tag_id );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX tag_parents_service_id_timestamp_index ON tag_parents ( service_id, timestamp );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX tag_parents_service_id_status_index ON tag_parents ( service_id, status );' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE tag_siblings ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_id INTEGER, old_tag_id INTEGER, new_tag_id INTEGER, timestamp INTEGER, status INTEGER, reason_id INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY ( service_id, account_id, old_tag_id, status ) );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX tag_siblings_service_id_old_tag_id_index ON tag_siblings ( service_id, old_tag_id );' )
2013-05-29 20:19:54 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX tag_siblings_service_id_timestamp_index ON tag_siblings ( service_id, timestamp );' )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX tag_siblings_service_id_status_index ON tag_siblings ( service_id, status );' )
2013-05-29 20:19:54 +00:00
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE tags ( tag_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, tag TEXT );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tags_tag_index ON tags ( tag );' )
2013-05-29 20:19:54 +00:00
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE update_cache ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, begin INTEGER, end INTEGER, dirty INTEGER_BOOLEAN, PRIMARY KEY( service_id, begin ) );' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX update_cache_service_id_end_index ON update_cache ( service_id, end );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX update_cache_service_id_dirty_index ON update_cache ( service_id, dirty );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE version ( version INTEGER, year INTEGER, month INTEGER );' )
current_time_struct = time.gmtime()
( current_year, current_month ) = ( current_time_struct.tm_year, current_time_struct.tm_mon )
c.execute( 'INSERT INTO version ( version, year, month ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );', ( HC.SOFTWARE_VERSION, current_year, current_month ) )
# set up server admin
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_key = HC.SERVER_ADMIN_KEY
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
service_type = HC.SERVER_ADMIN
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
options[ 'port' ] = HC.DEFAULT_SERVER_ADMIN_PORT
c.execute( 'INSERT INTO services ( service_key, type, options ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );', ( sqlite3.Binary( service_key ), service_type, options ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
server_admin_service_id = c.lastrowid
server_admin_account_type = HC.AccountType( 'server admin', [ HC.MANAGE_USERS, HC.GENERAL_ADMIN, HC.EDIT_SERVICES ], ( None, None ) )
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
c.execute( 'INSERT INTO account_types ( service_id, title, account_type ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );', ( server_admin_service_id, 'server admin', server_admin_account_type ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
c.execute( 'COMMIT' )
def _MakeBackup( self, c ):
c.execute( 'COMMIT' )
c.execute( 'VACUUM' )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'ANALYZE' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
c.execute( 'BEGIN IMMEDIATE' )
shutil.copy( self._db_path, self._db_path + '.backup' )
if os.path.exists( self._db_path + '-wal' ): shutil.copy( self._db_path + '-wal', self._db_path + '-wal.backup' )
shutil.rmtree( HC.SERVER_FILES_DIR + '_backup', ignore_errors = True )
shutil.rmtree( HC.SERVER_THUMBNAILS_DIR + '_backup', ignore_errors = True )
shutil.rmtree( HC.SERVER_MESSAGES_DIR + '_backup', ignore_errors = True )
shutil.rmtree( HC.SERVER_UPDATES_DIR + '_backup', ignore_errors = True )
shutil.copytree( HC.SERVER_FILES_DIR, HC.SERVER_FILES_DIR + '_backup' )
shutil.copytree( HC.SERVER_MESSAGES_DIR, HC.SERVER_MESSAGES_DIR + '_backup' )
shutil.copytree( HC.SERVER_UPDATES_DIR, HC.SERVER_UPDATES_DIR + '_backup' )
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
def _UpdateDB( self, c, version ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
if version == 90:
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
for ( service_id, options ) in c.execute( 'SELECT service_id, options FROM services;' ).fetchall():
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
options[ 'upnp' ] = None
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
c.execute( 'UPDATE services SET options = ? WHERE service_id = ?;', ( options, service_id ) )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
if version == 93:
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE messaging_sessions ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, session_key BLOB_BYTES, account_id INTEGER, identifier BLOB_BYTES, name TEXT, expiry INTEGER );' )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
if version == 108:
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
data = c.execute( 'SELECT service_id, begin, end FROM update_cache;' ).fetchall()
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'DROP TABLE update_cache;' )
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE update_cache ( service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, begin INTEGER, end INTEGER, dirty INTEGER_BOOLEAN, PRIMARY KEY( service_id, begin ) );' )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX update_cache_service_id_end_index ON update_cache ( service_id, end );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX update_cache_service_id_dirty_index ON update_cache ( service_id, dirty );' )
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
c.executemany( 'INSERT INTO update_cache ( service_id, begin, end, dirty ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( ( service_id, begin, end, True ) for ( service_id, begin, end ) in data ) )
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
stuff_in_updates_dir = dircache.listdir( HC.SERVER_UPDATES_DIR )
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
for filename in stuff_in_updates_dir:
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
path = HC.SERVER_UPDATES_DIR + os.path.sep + filename
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
if os.path.isdir( path ): shutil.rmtree( path )
else: os.remove( path )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
if version == 128:
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
c.execute( 'COMMIT' )
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
c.execute( 'PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF;' )
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
c.execute( 'BEGIN IMMEDIATE' )
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
old_account_info = c.execute( 'SELECT * FROM accounts;' ).fetchall()
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
c.execute( 'DROP TABLE accounts;' )
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE accounts ( account_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, account_key BLOB_BYTES, access_key BLOB_BYTES );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accounts_account_key_index ON accounts ( account_key );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accounts_access_key_index ON accounts ( access_key );' )
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
for ( account_id, access_key ) in old_account_info:
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
account_key = os.urandom( 32 )
c.execute( 'INSERT INTO accounts ( account_id, account_key, access_key ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ? );', ( account_id, sqlite3.Binary( account_key ), sqlite3.Binary( access_key ) ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
old_r_k_info = c.execute( 'SELECT * FROM registration_keys;' ).fetchall()
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
c.execute( 'DROP TABLE registration_keys;' )
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE registration_keys ( registration_key BLOB_BYTES PRIMARY KEY, service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_type_id INTEGER, account_key BLOB_BYTES, access_key BLOB_BYTES, expiry INTEGER );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX registration_keys_access_key_index ON registration_keys ( access_key );' )
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
for ( registration_key, service_id, account_type_id, access_key, expires ) in old_r_k_info:
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
account_key = os.urandom( 32 )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
c.execute( 'INSERT INTO registration_keys ( registration_key, service_id, account_type_id, account_key, access_key, expiry ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( sqlite3.Binary( registration_key ), service_id, account_type_id, sqlite3.Binary( account_key ), sqlite3.Binary( access_key ), expires ) )
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
c.execute( 'COMMIT' )
c.execute( 'PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;' )
c.execute( 'BEGIN IMMEDIATE' )
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
if version == 131:
accounts_info = c.execute( 'SELECT * FROM accounts;' ).fetchall()
account_map_info = c.execute( 'SELECT * FROM account_map;' ).fetchall()
account_types_info = c.execute( 'SELECT * FROM account_types;' ).fetchall()
account_type_map_info = c.execute( 'SELECT * FROM account_type_map;' ).fetchall()
accounts_dict = { account_id : ( account_key, hashed_access_key ) for ( account_id, account_key, hashed_access_key ) in accounts_info }
account_types_dict = { account_type_id : ( title, account_type ) for ( account_type_id, title, account_type ) in account_types_info }
c.execute( 'DROP TABLE accounts;' )
c.execute( 'DROP TABLE account_map;' )
c.execute( 'DROP TABLE account_types;' )
c.execute( 'DROP TABLE account_type_map;' )
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE accounts( account_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, account_key BLOB_BYTES, hashed_access_key BLOB_BYTES, account_type_id INTEGER, created INTEGER, expires INTEGER, used_bytes INTEGER, used_requests INTEGER );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accounts_account_key_index ON accounts ( account_key );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accounts_hashed_access_key_index ON accounts ( hashed_access_key );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX accounts_service_id_account_id_index ON accounts ( service_id, account_id );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE INDEX accounts_service_id_account_type_id_index ON accounts ( service_id, account_type_id );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE TABLE account_types ( account_type_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, service_id INTEGER REFERENCES services ON DELETE CASCADE, title TEXT, account_type TEXT_YAML );' )
c.execute( 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX account_types_service_id_account_type_id_index ON account_types ( service_id, account_type_id );' )
account_log_text = ''
existing_account_ids = set()
existing_account_type_ids = set()
next_account_id = max( accounts_dict.keys() ) + 1
next_account_type_id = max( account_types_dict.keys() ) + 1
account_tables = [ 'bans', 'contacts', 'file_petitions', 'mapping_petitions', 'mappings', 'messages', 'message_statuses', 'messaging_sessions', 'sessions', 'tag_parents', 'tag_siblings' ]
account_type_tables = [ 'accounts', 'registration_keys' ]
service_dict = { service_id : options[ 'port' ] for ( service_id, options ) in c.execute( 'SELECT service_id, options FROM services;' ) }
# have to do accounts first because account_types may update it!
for ( service_id, account_id, account_type_id, created, expires, used_bytes, used_requests ) in account_map_info:
( account_key, hashed_access_key ) = accounts_dict[ account_id ]
if account_id in existing_account_ids:
account_key = os.urandom( 32 )
access_key = os.urandom( 32 )
account_log_text += 'The account at port ' + str( service_dict[ service_id ] ) + ' now uses access key: ' + access_key.encode( 'hex' ) + os.linesep
hashed_access_key = hashlib.sha256( access_key ).digest()
new_account_id = next_account_id
next_account_id += 1
for table_name in account_tables:
c.execute( 'UPDATE ' + table_name + ' SET account_id = ? WHERE service_id = ? AND account_id = ?;', ( new_account_id, service_id, account_id ) )
c.execute( 'UPDATE bans SET admin_account_id = ? WHERE service_id = ? AND admin_account_id = ?;', ( new_account_id, service_id, account_id ) )
account_id = new_account_id
existing_account_ids.add( account_id )
c.execute( 'INSERT INTO accounts ( account_id, service_id, account_key, hashed_access_key, account_type_id, created, expires, used_bytes, used_requests ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( account_id, service_id, sqlite3.Binary( account_key ), sqlite3.Binary( hashed_access_key ), account_type_id, created, expires, used_bytes, used_requests ) )
if len( account_log_text ) > 0:
with open( HC.BASE_DIR + os.path.sep + 'update to v132 new access keys.txt', 'wb' ) as f: f.write( account_log_text )
for ( service_id, account_type_id ) in account_type_map_info:
( title, account_type ) = account_types_dict[ account_type_id ]
if account_type_id in existing_account_type_ids:
new_account_type_id = next_account_type_id
next_account_type_id += 1
for table_name in account_type_tables:
c.execute( 'UPDATE ' + table_name + ' SET account_type_id = ? WHERE service_id = ? AND account_type_id = ?;', ( new_account_type_id, service_id, account_type_id ) )
account_type_id = new_account_type_id
existing_account_type_ids.add( account_type_id )
c.execute( 'INSERT INTO account_types ( account_type_id, service_id, title, account_type ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? );', ( account_type_id, service_id, title, account_type ) )
2014-10-08 20:17:55 +00:00
if version == 132:
hex_chars = '0123456789abcdef'
for dir in dirs:
for ( one, two ) in itertools.product( hex_chars, hex_chars ):
new_dir = dir + os.path.sep + one + two
if not os.path.exists( new_dir ): os.mkdir( new_dir )
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
c.execute( 'UPDATE version SET version = ?;', ( version + 1, ) )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-03-12 22:08:23 +00:00
def pub_after_commit( self, topic, *args, **kwargs ): self._pubsubs.append( ( topic, args, kwargs ) )
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
def LoopIsFinished( self ): return self._loop_finished
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
def MainLoop( self ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
def ProcessJob( c, job ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
def ProcessRead( action, args, kwargs ):
2013-08-07 22:25:18 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if action == 'access_key': result = self._GetAccessKey( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'account': result = self._GetAccount( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'account_info': result = self._GetAccountInfo( c, *args, **kwargs )
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
elif action == 'account_key_from_access_key': result = self._GetAccountKeyFromAccessKey( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'account_key_from_identifier': result = self._GetAccountKeyFromIdentifier( c, *args, **kwargs )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
elif action == 'account_types': result = self._GetAccountTypes( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'dirty_updates': result = self._GetDirtyUpdates( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'init': result = self._InitAdmin( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'ip': result = self._GetIPTimestamp( c, *args, **kwargs )
2013-11-27 18:27:11 +00:00
elif action == 'messaging_sessions': result = self._GetMessagingSessions( c, *args, **kwargs )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
elif action == 'num_petitions': result = self._GetNumPetitions( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'petition': result = self._GetPetition( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'registration_keys': result = self._GenerateRegistrationKeys( c, *args, **kwargs )
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
elif action == 'service_keys': result = self._GetServiceKeys( c, *args, **kwargs )
2014-09-17 21:28:26 +00:00
elif action == 'service_info': result = self._GetServiceInfo( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'services_info': result = self._GetServicesInfo( c, *args, **kwargs )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
elif action == 'sessions': result = self._GetSessions( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'stats': result = self._GetStats( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'update_ends': result = self._GetUpdateEnds( c, *args, **kwargs )
2014-09-10 22:37:38 +00:00
elif action == 'verify_access_key': result = self._VerifyAccessKey( c, *args, **kwargs )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
else: raise Exception( 'db received an unknown read command: ' + action )
2013-08-07 22:25:18 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
return result
2013-08-07 22:25:18 +00:00
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
def ProcessWrite( action, args, kwargs ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if action == 'account': result = self._ModifyAccount( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'account_types': result = self._ModifyAccountTypes( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'backup': result = self._MakeBackup( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'check_data_usage': result = self._CheckDataUsage( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'check_monthly_data': result = self._CheckMonthlyData( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'clean_update': result = self._CleanUpdate( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'clear_bans': result = self._ClearBans( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'create_update': result = self._CreateUpdate( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'delete_orphans': result = self._DeleteOrphans( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'file': result = self._AddFile( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'flush_requests_made': result = self._FlushRequestsMade( c, *args, **kwargs )
2013-11-27 18:27:11 +00:00
elif action == 'messaging_session': result = self._AddMessagingSession( c, *args, **kwargs )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
elif action == 'news': result = self._AddNews( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'services': result = self._ModifyServices( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'session': result = self._AddSession( c, *args, **kwargs )
elif action == 'update': result = self._ProcessUpdate( c, *args, **kwargs )
else: raise Exception( 'db received an unknown write command: ' + action )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
return result
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
job_type = job.GetType()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
action = job.GetAction()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
args = job.GetArgs()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
kwargs = job.GetKWArgs()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if job_type in ( 'read', 'read_write' ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if job_type == 'read': c.execute( 'BEGIN DEFERRED' )
else: c.execute( 'BEGIN IMMEDIATE' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
result = ProcessRead( action, args, kwargs )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
c.execute( 'COMMIT' )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
for ( topic, args, kwargs ) in self._pubsubs: HC.pubsub.pub( topic, *args, **kwargs )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
job.PutResult( result )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
except Exception as e:
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
c.execute( 'ROLLBACK' )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
( exception_type, value, tb ) = sys.exc_info()
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
new_e = type( e )( os.linesep.join( traceback.format_exception( exception_type, value, tb ) ) )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
job.PutResult( new_e )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if job_type == 'write': c.execute( 'BEGIN IMMEDIATE' )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
result = ProcessWrite( action, args, kwargs )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if job_type == 'write': c.execute( 'COMMIT' )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
for ( topic, args, kwargs ) in self._pubsubs: HC.pubsub.pub( topic, *args, **kwargs )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
job.PutResult( result )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
except Exception as e:
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
if job_type == 'write': c.execute( 'ROLLBACK' )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
( exception_type, value, tb ) = sys.exc_info()
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
new_e = type( e )( os.linesep.join( traceback.format_exception( exception_type, value, tb ) ) )
2013-06-12 22:53:31 +00:00
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
job.PutResult( new_e )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
( db, c ) = self._GetDBCursor()
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
while not ( ( self._local_shutdown or HC.shutdown ) and self._jobs.empty() ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
( priority, job ) = self._jobs.get( timeout = 1 )
self._pubsubs = []
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
ProcessJob( c, job )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
self._jobs.put( ( priority, job ) ) # couldn't lock db; put job back on queue
time.sleep( 5 )
except: pass # no jobs this second; let's see if we should shutdown
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
self._loop_finished = True
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def Read( self, action, priority, *args, **kwargs ):
job_type = 'read'
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
synchronous = True
2014-01-22 21:11:22 +00:00
job = HC.JobDatabase( action, job_type, synchronous, *args, **kwargs )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
self._jobs.put( ( priority + 1, job ) ) # +1 so all writes of equal priority can clear out first
2013-08-28 21:31:52 +00:00
return job.GetResult()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
def Shutdown( self ): self._local_shutdown = True
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def Write( self, action, priority, *args, **kwargs ):
job_type = 'write'
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
synchronous = True
2014-01-22 21:11:22 +00:00
job = HC.JobDatabase( action, job_type, synchronous, *args, **kwargs )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
self._jobs.put( ( priority, job ) )
2013-10-02 22:06:06 +00:00
return job.GetResult()
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
def DAEMONCheckDataUsage(): HC.app.WriteDaemon( 'check_data_usage' )
def DAEMONCheckMonthlyData(): HC.app.WriteDaemon( 'check_monthly_data' )
def DAEMONClearBans(): HC.app.WriteDaemon( 'clear_bans' )
def DAEMONDeleteOrphans(): HC.app.WriteDaemon( 'delete_orphans' )
2014-10-01 22:58:32 +00:00
def DAEMONFlushRequestsMade( all_requests ): HC.app.WriteDaemon( 'flush_requests_made', all_requests )
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
def DAEMONGenerateUpdates():
dirty_updates = HC.app.ReadDaemon( 'dirty_updates' )
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
for ( service_key, tuples ) in dirty_updates.items():
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
for ( begin, end ) in tuples: HC.app.WriteDaemon( 'clean_update', service_key, begin, end )
2014-03-26 21:23:10 +00:00
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
update_ends = HC.app.ReadDaemon( 'update_ends' )
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
for ( service_key, biggest_end ) in update_ends.items():
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
now = HC.GetNow()
next_begin = biggest_end + 1
next_end = biggest_end + HC.UPDATE_DURATION
while next_end < now:
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
HC.app.WriteDaemon( 'create_update', service_key, next_begin, next_end )
2013-10-09 18:13:42 +00:00
biggest_end = next_end
now = HC.GetNow()
next_begin = biggest_end + 1
next_end = biggest_end + HC.UPDATE_DURATION
2013-11-06 18:22:07 +00:00
local_ip = HydrusNATPunch.GetLocalIP()
2014-04-23 20:56:12 +00:00
current_mappings = HydrusNATPunch.GetUPnPMappings()
2013-11-06 18:22:07 +00:00
our_mappings = { ( internal_client, internal_port ) : external_port for ( description, internal_client, internal_port, external_ip_address, external_port, protocol, enabled ) in current_mappings }
2014-09-17 21:28:26 +00:00
services_info = HC.app.ReadDaemon( 'services_info' )
2013-11-06 18:22:07 +00:00
2014-09-17 21:28:26 +00:00
for ( service_key, service_type, options ) in services_info:
2013-11-06 18:22:07 +00:00
internal_port = options[ 'port' ]
upnp = options[ 'upnp' ]
if ( local_ip, internal_port ) in our_mappings:
current_external_port = our_mappings[ ( local_ip, internal_port ) ]
if current_external_port != upnp: HydrusNATPunch.RemoveUPnPMapping( current_external_port, 'TCP' )
2014-09-17 21:28:26 +00:00
for ( service_key, service_type, options ) in services_info:
2013-11-06 18:22:07 +00:00
internal_port = options[ 'port' ]
upnp = options[ 'upnp' ]
2014-08-13 22:18:12 +00:00
if upnp is not None and ( local_ip, internal_port ) not in our_mappings:
2013-11-06 18:22:07 +00:00
2014-07-16 20:50:18 +00:00
external_port = upnp
2013-11-06 18:22:07 +00:00
2014-04-23 20:56:12 +00:00
protocol = 'TCP'
2014-08-27 22:15:22 +00:00
description = HC.service_string_lookup[ service_type ] + ' at ' + local_ip + ':' + str( internal_port )
2014-04-23 20:56:12 +00:00
duration = 3600
HydrusNATPunch.AddUPnPMapping( local_ip, internal_port, external_port, protocol, description, duration = duration )
2013-11-06 18:22:07 +00:00