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2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
import typing
from qtpy import QtWidgets as QW
from hydrus.core import HydrusConstants as HC
from hydrus.core import HydrusData
from hydrus.core import HydrusExceptions
2020-07-29 20:52:44 +00:00
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
from hydrus.client import ClientConstants as CC
from hydrus.client import ClientParsing
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUICommon
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIDialogsQuick
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIFunctions
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUIScrolledPanels
from hydrus.client.gui import ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels
from hydrus.client.gui import QtPorting as QP
2020-07-15 20:52:09 +00:00
from hydrus.client.gui.lists import ClientGUIListBoxes
from hydrus.client.gui.lists import ClientGUIListConstants as CGLC
from hydrus.client.gui.lists import ClientGUIListCtrl
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
class EditStringConverterPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
def __init__( self, parent: QW.QWidget, string_converter: ClientParsing.StringConverter, example_string_override = None ):
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
conversions_panel = ClientGUIListCtrl.BetterListCtrlPanel( self )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-07-15 20:52:09 +00:00
self._conversions = ClientGUIListCtrl.BetterListCtrl( conversions_panel, CGLC.COLUMN_LIST_STRING_CONVERTER_CONVERSIONS.ID, 7, self._ConvertConversionToListCtrlTuples, delete_key_callback = self._DeleteConversion, activation_callback = self._EditConversion )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
conversions_panel.SetListCtrl( self._conversions )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
conversions_panel.AddButton( 'add', self._AddConversion )
conversions_panel.AddButton( 'edit', self._EditConversion, enabled_only_on_selection = True )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
conversions_panel.AddButton( 'move up', self._MoveUp, enabled_check_func = self._CanMoveUp )
conversions_panel.AddButton( 'move down', self._MoveDown, enabled_check_func = self._CanMoveDown )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
self._example_string = QW.QLineEdit( self )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._conversions.AddDatas( [ ( i + 1, conversion_type, data ) for ( i, ( conversion_type, data ) ) in enumerate( string_converter.conversions ) ] )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
if example_string_override is None:
self._example_string.setText( string_converter.example_string )
self._example_string.setText( example_string_override )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._conversions.UpdateDatas() # to refresh, now they are all in the list
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-07-15 20:52:09 +00:00
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
rows = []
rows.append( ( 'example string: ', self._example_string ) )
gridbox = ClientGUICommon.WrapInGrid( self, rows )
vbox = QP.VBoxLayout()
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, conversions_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
self.widget().setLayout( vbox )
self._example_string.textChanged.connect( self.EventUpdate )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
def _AddConversion( self ):
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
conversion_type = ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_APPEND_TEXT
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
data = 'extra text'
string_converter = self._GetValue()
example_string_at_this_point = string_converter.Convert( self._example_string.text() )
example_string_at_this_point = self._example_string.text()
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogEdit( self, 'edit conversion', frame_key = 'deeply_nested_dialog' ) as dlg:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
panel = self._ConversionPanel( dlg, conversion_type, data, example_string_at_this_point )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
number = self._conversions.topLevelItemCount() + 1
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
( conversion_type, data ) = panel.GetValue()
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
enumerated_conversion = ( number, conversion_type, data )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._conversions.AddDatas( ( enumerated_conversion, ) )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._conversions.UpdateDatas() # need to refresh string after the insertion, so the new row can be included in the parsing calcs
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
def _CanMoveDown( self ):
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
selected_data = self._conversions.GetData( only_selected = True )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
if len( selected_data ) == 1:
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
( number, conversion_type, data ) = selected_data[0]
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
if number < self._conversions.topLevelItemCount():
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
return True
return False
def _CanMoveUp( self ):
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
selected_data = self._conversions.GetData( only_selected = True )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
if len( selected_data ) == 1:
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
( number, conversion_type, data ) = selected_data[0]
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
if number > 1:
return True
return False
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
def _ConvertConversionToListCtrlTuples( self, conversion ):
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
( number, conversion_type, data ) = conversion
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
pretty_number = HydrusData.ToHumanInt( number )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
pretty_conversion = ClientParsing.StringConverter.ConversionToString( ( conversion_type, data ) )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
string_converter = self._GetValue()
pretty_result = ClientParsing.MakeParsedTextPretty( string_converter.Convert( self._example_string.text(), number ) )
except HydrusExceptions.StringConvertException as e:
pretty_result = str( e )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
display_tuple = ( pretty_number, pretty_conversion, pretty_result )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
sort_tuple = ( number, number, number )
return ( display_tuple, sort_tuple )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
def _DeleteConversion( self ):
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
if len( self._conversions.GetData( only_selected = True ) ) > 0:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
text = 'Delete all selected?'
result = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.GetYesNo( self, text )
if result == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
# now we need to shuffle up any missing numbers
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
num_rows = self._conversions.topLevelItemCount()
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
i = 1
search_i = i
while i <= num_rows:
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
conversion = self._GetConversion( search_i )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
if search_i != i:
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._conversions.DeleteDatas( ( conversion, ) )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
( search_i, conversion_type, data ) = conversion
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
conversion = ( i, conversion_type, data )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._conversions.AddDatas( ( conversion, ) )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
i += 1
search_i = i
except HydrusExceptions.DataMissing:
search_i += 1
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
def _EditConversion( self ):
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
selected_data = self._conversions.GetData( only_selected = True )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
for enumerated_conversion in selected_data:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
( number, conversion_type, data ) = enumerated_conversion
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
string_converter = self._GetValue()
example_string_at_this_point = string_converter.Convert( self._example_string.text(), number - 1 )
example_string_at_this_point = self._example_string.text()
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogEdit( self, 'edit conversion', frame_key = 'deeply_nested_dialog' ) as dlg:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
panel = self._ConversionPanel( dlg, conversion_type, data, example_string_at_this_point )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._conversions.DeleteDatas( ( enumerated_conversion, ) )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
( conversion_type, data ) = panel.GetValue()
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
enumerated_conversion = ( number, conversion_type, data )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._conversions.AddDatas( ( enumerated_conversion, ) )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
def _GetConversion( self, desired_number ):
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
for conversion in self._conversions.GetData():
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
( number, conversion_type, data ) = conversion
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
if number == desired_number:
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
return conversion
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
raise HydrusExceptions.DataMissing()
def _GetValue( self ):
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
enumerated_conversions = sorted( self._conversions.GetData() )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
conversions = [ ( conversion_type, data ) for ( number, conversion_type, data ) in enumerated_conversions ]
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
example_string = self._example_string.text()
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
string_converter = ClientParsing.StringConverter( conversions, example_string )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
return string_converter
def _MoveDown( self ):
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
selected_conversion = self._conversions.GetData( only_selected = True )[0]
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
( number, conversion_type, data ) = selected_conversion
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
swap_conversion = self._GetConversion( number + 1 )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._SwapConversions( selected_conversion, swap_conversion )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
def _MoveUp( self ):
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
selected_conversion = self._conversions.GetData( only_selected = True )[0]
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
( number, conversion_type, data ) = selected_conversion
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
swap_conversion = self._GetConversion( number - 1 )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._SwapConversions( selected_conversion, swap_conversion )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
def _SwapConversions( self, one, two ):
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
selected_data = self._conversions.GetData( only_selected = True )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
one_selected = one in selected_data
two_selected = two in selected_data
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._conversions.DeleteDatas( ( one, two ) )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
( number_1, conversion_type_1, data_1 ) = one
( number_2, conversion_type_2, data_2 ) = two
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
one = ( number_2, conversion_type_1, data_1 )
two = ( number_1, conversion_type_2, data_2 )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._conversions.AddDatas( ( one, two ) )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
if one_selected:
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._conversions.SelectDatas( ( one, ) )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
if two_selected:
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._conversions.SelectDatas( ( two, ) )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
def EventUpdate( self, text ):
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
def GetValue( self ):
string_converter = self._GetValue()
string_converter.Convert( self._example_string.text() )
except HydrusExceptions.StringConvertException:
raise HydrusExceptions.VetoException( 'Please enter an example text that can be converted!' )
return string_converter
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
class _ConversionPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
def __init__( self, parent, conversion_type, data, example_text ):
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._control_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'string conversion step' )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._conversion_type = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self._control_panel )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._conversion_type.addItem( ClientParsing.conversion_type_str_lookup[ t_type ], t_type )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._data_text = QW.QLineEdit( self._control_panel )
self._data_number = QP.MakeQSpinBox( self._control_panel, min=0, max=65535 )
self._data_encoding = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self._control_panel )
self._data_regex_repl = QW.QLineEdit( self._control_panel )
self._data_date_link = ClientGUICommon.BetterHyperLink( self._control_panel, 'link to date info', 'https://docs.python.org/3/library/datetime.html#strftime-strptime-behavior' )
self._data_timezone_decode = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self._control_panel )
self._data_timezone_encode = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self._control_panel )
self._data_timezone_offset = QP.MakeQSpinBox( self._control_panel, min=-86400, max=86400 )
for e in ( 'hex', 'base64', 'url percent encoding' ):
self._data_encoding.addItem( e, e )
self._data_timezone_decode.addItem( 'UTC', HC.TIMEZONE_GMT )
self._data_timezone_decode.addItem( 'Local', HC.TIMEZONE_LOCAL )
self._data_timezone_decode.addItem( 'Offset', HC.TIMEZONE_OFFSET )
self._data_timezone_encode.addItem( 'UTC', HC.TIMEZONE_GMT )
self._data_timezone_encode.addItem( 'Local', HC.TIMEZONE_LOCAL )
self._example_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'test results' )
self._example_string = QW.QLineEdit( self._example_panel )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
min_width = ClientGUIFunctions.ConvertTextToPixelWidth( self._example_string, 96 )
self._example_string.setMinimumWidth( min_width )
self._example_text = example_text
if isinstance( self._example_text, bytes ):
self._example_string.setText( repr( self._example_text ) )
self._example_string.setText( self._example_text )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._example_conversion = QW.QLineEdit( self._example_panel )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
self._example_string.setReadOnly( True )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._example_conversion.setReadOnly( True )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._conversion_type.SetValue( conversion_type )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
self._data_number.setValue( 1 )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
if conversion_type in ( ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_DECODE, ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_ENCODE ):
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
self._data_encoding.SetValue( data )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
elif conversion_type == ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_REGEX_SUB:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
( pattern, repl ) = data
self._data_text.setText( pattern )
self._data_regex_repl.setText( repl )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
elif conversion_type == ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_DATE_DECODE:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
( phrase, timezone_type, timezone_offset ) = data
self._data_text.setText( phrase )
self._data_timezone_decode.SetValue( timezone_type )
self._data_timezone_offset.setValue( timezone_offset )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
elif conversion_type == ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_DATE_ENCODE:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
( phrase, timezone_type ) = data
self._data_text.setText( phrase )
self._data_timezone_encode.SetValue( timezone_type )
elif data is not None:
if isinstance( data, int ):
self._data_number.setValue( data )
self._data_text.setText( data )
rows = []
# This mess needs to be all replaced with a nice QFormLayout subclass that can do row hide/show
self._data_text_label = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, 'string data: ' )
self._data_number_label = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, 'number data: ' )
self._data_encoding_label = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, 'encoding data: ' )
self._data_regex_repl_label = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, 'regex replacement: ' )
self._data_date_link_label = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, 'date info: ' )
self._data_timezone_decode_label = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, 'date decode timezone: ' )
self._data_timezone_offset_label = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, 'timezone offset: ' )
self._data_timezone_encode_label = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, 'date encode timezone: ' )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
rows.append( ( 'conversion type: ', self._conversion_type ) )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
rows.append( ( self._data_text_label, self._data_text ) )
rows.append( ( self._data_number_label, self._data_number ) )
rows.append( ( self._data_encoding_label, self._data_encoding ) )
rows.append( ( self._data_regex_repl_label, self._data_regex_repl ) )
rows.append( ( self._data_date_link_label, self._data_date_link ) )
rows.append( ( self._data_timezone_decode_label, self._data_timezone_decode ) )
rows.append( ( self._data_timezone_offset_label, self._data_timezone_offset ) )
rows.append( ( self._data_timezone_encode_label, self._data_timezone_encode ) )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._control_gridbox = ClientGUICommon.WrapInGrid( self._control_panel, rows )
self._control_panel.Add( self._control_gridbox, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_BOTH_WAYS )
rows = []
rows.append( ( 'example string: ', self._example_string ) )
rows.append( ( 'converted string: ', self._example_conversion ) )
self._example_gridbox = ClientGUICommon.WrapInGrid( self._example_panel, rows )
self._example_panel.Add( self._example_gridbox, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_BOTH_WAYS )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
vbox = QP.VBoxLayout()
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._control_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._example_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR )
2020-07-22 20:59:16 +00:00
vbox.addStretch( 1 )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
self.widget().setLayout( vbox )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._conversion_type.currentIndexChanged.connect( self._UpdateDataControls )
self._conversion_type.currentIndexChanged.connect( self._UpdateExampleText )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
self._data_text.textEdited.connect( self._UpdateExampleText )
self._data_number.valueChanged.connect( self._UpdateExampleText )
self._data_encoding.currentIndexChanged.connect( self._UpdateExampleText )
self._data_regex_repl.textEdited.connect( self._UpdateExampleText )
self._data_timezone_decode.currentIndexChanged.connect( self._UpdateExampleText )
self._data_timezone_offset.valueChanged.connect( self._UpdateExampleText )
self._data_timezone_encode.currentIndexChanged.connect( self._UpdateExampleText )
self._data_timezone_decode.currentIndexChanged.connect( self._UpdateDataControls )
self._data_timezone_encode.currentIndexChanged.connect( self._UpdateDataControls )
def _UpdateDataControls( self ):
self._data_text_label.setVisible( False )
self._data_number_label.setVisible( False )
self._data_encoding_label.setVisible( False )
self._data_regex_repl_label.setVisible( False )
self._data_date_link_label.setVisible( False )
self._data_timezone_decode_label.setVisible( False )
self._data_timezone_offset_label.setVisible( False )
self._data_timezone_encode_label.setVisible( False )
self._data_text.setVisible( False )
self._data_number.setVisible( False )
self._data_encoding.setVisible( False )
self._data_regex_repl.setVisible( False )
self._data_date_link.setVisible( False )
self._data_timezone_decode.setVisible( False )
self._data_timezone_offset.setVisible( False )
self._data_timezone_encode.setVisible( False )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
conversion_type = self._conversion_type.GetValue()
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
if conversion_type in ( ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_ENCODE, ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_DECODE ):
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
self._data_encoding_label.setVisible( True )
self._data_encoding.setVisible( True )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
self._data_text_label.setVisible( True )
self._data_text.setVisible( True )
data_text_label = 'string data: '
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
if conversion_type == ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_PREPEND_TEXT:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
data_text_label = 'text to prepend: '
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
elif conversion_type == ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_APPEND_TEXT:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
data_text_label = 'text to append: '
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
elif conversion_type in ( ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_DATE_DECODE, ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_DATE_ENCODE ):
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
self._data_date_link_label.setVisible( True )
self._data_date_link.setVisible( True )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
if conversion_type == ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_DATE_DECODE:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
data_text_label = 'date decode phrase: '
self._data_timezone_decode_label.setVisible( True )
self._data_timezone_decode.setVisible( True )
if self._data_timezone_decode.GetValue() == HC.TIMEZONE_OFFSET:
self._data_timezone_offset_label.setVisible( True )
self._data_timezone_offset.setVisible( True )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
elif conversion_type == ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_DATE_ENCODE:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
data_text_label = 'date encode phrase: '
self._data_timezone_encode_label.setVisible( True )
self._data_timezone_encode.setVisible( True )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
elif conversion_type == ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_REGEX_SUB:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
data_text_label = 'regex pattern: '
self._data_regex_repl_label.setVisible( True )
self._data_regex_repl.setVisible( True )
self._data_text_label.setText( data_text_label )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
self._data_number_label.setVisible( True )
self._data_number.setVisible( True )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
if conversion_type == ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_INTEGER_ADDITION:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
self._data_number.setMinimum( -65535 )
self._data_number.setMinimum( 0 )
data_number_label = 'number data: '
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
data_number_label = 'characters to remove: '
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
elif conversion_type == ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_REMOVE_TEXT_FROM_END:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
data_number_label = 'characters to remove: '
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
elif conversion_type == ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_CLIP_TEXT_FROM_BEGINNING:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
data_number_label = 'characters to take: '
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
elif conversion_type == ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_CLIP_TEXT_FROM_END:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
data_number_label = 'characters to take: '
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
elif conversion_type == ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_INTEGER_ADDITION:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
data_number_label = 'number to add: '
self._data_number_label.setText( data_number_label )
def _UpdateExampleText( self ):
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
conversions = [ self.GetValue() ]
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
string_converter = ClientParsing.StringConverter( conversions, self._example_text )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
example_conversion = string_converter.Convert( self._example_text )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._example_conversion.setText( str( example_conversion ) )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._example_conversion.setText( repr( example_conversion ) )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
except Exception as e:
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._example_conversion.setText( str( e ) )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
def GetValue( self ):
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
conversion_type = self._conversion_type.GetValue()
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
if conversion_type in ( ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_ENCODE, ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_DECODE ):
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
data = self._data_encoding.GetValue()
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
elif conversion_type in ( ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_PREPEND_TEXT, ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_APPEND_TEXT ):
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
data = self._data_text.text()
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
data = self._data_number.value()
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
elif conversion_type == ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_REGEX_SUB:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
pattern = self._data_text.text()
repl = self._data_regex_repl.text()
data = ( pattern, repl )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
elif conversion_type == ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_DATE_DECODE:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
phrase = self._data_text.text()
timezone_time = self._data_timezone_decode.GetValue()
timezone_offset = self._data_timezone_offset.value()
data = ( phrase, timezone_time, timezone_offset )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
elif conversion_type == ClientParsing.STRING_CONVERSION_DATE_ENCODE:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
phrase = self._data_text.text()
timezone_time = self._data_timezone_encode.GetValue()
data = ( phrase, timezone_time )
data = None
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
return ( conversion_type, data )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
class EditStringMatchPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
def __init__( self, parent: QW.QWidget, string_match: ClientParsing.StringMatch, test_data = typing.Optional[ ClientParsing.ParsingTestData ] ):
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._match_type = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
self._match_type.addItem( 'any characters', ClientParsing.STRING_MATCH_ANY )
self._match_type.addItem( 'fixed characters', ClientParsing.STRING_MATCH_FIXED )
self._match_type.addItem( 'character set', ClientParsing.STRING_MATCH_FLEXIBLE )
self._match_type.addItem( 'regex', ClientParsing.STRING_MATCH_REGEX )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._match_value_fixed_input = QW.QLineEdit( self )
self._match_value_regex_input = QW.QLineEdit( self )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
self._match_value_flexible_input = ClientGUICommon.BetterChoice( self )
self._match_value_flexible_input.addItem( 'alphabetic characters (a-zA-Z)', ClientParsing.ALPHA )
self._match_value_flexible_input.addItem( 'alphanumeric characters (a-zA-Z0-9)', ClientParsing.ALPHANUMERIC )
self._match_value_flexible_input.addItem( 'numeric characters (0-9)', ClientParsing.NUMERIC )
self._min_chars = ClientGUICommon.NoneableSpinCtrl( self, min = 1, max = 65535, unit = 'characters', none_phrase = 'no limit' )
self._max_chars = ClientGUICommon.NoneableSpinCtrl( self, min = 1, max = 65535, unit = 'characters', none_phrase = 'no limit' )
self._example_string = QW.QLineEdit( self )
self._example_string_matches = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._match_value_fixed_input_label = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, 'fixed text: ' )
self._match_value_regex_input_label = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, 'regex: ' )
self._match_value_flexible_input_label = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, 'character set: ' )
self._min_chars_label = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, 'minimum allowed number of characters: ' )
self._max_chars_label = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, 'maximum allowed number of characters: ' )
self._example_string_label = ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, 'example string: ' )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
self.SetValue( string_match )
rows = []
rows.append( ( 'match type: ', self._match_type ) )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
rows.append( ( self._match_value_fixed_input_label, self._match_value_fixed_input ) )
rows.append( ( self._match_value_regex_input_label, self._match_value_regex_input ) )
rows.append( ( self._match_value_flexible_input_label, self._match_value_flexible_input ) )
rows.append( ( self._min_chars_label, self._min_chars ) )
rows.append( ( self._max_chars_label, self._max_chars ) )
rows.append( ( self._example_string_label, self._example_string ) )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
gridbox = ClientGUICommon.WrapInGrid( self, rows )
vbox = QP.VBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._example_string_matches, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self.widget().setLayout( vbox )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._match_type.currentIndexChanged.connect( self._UpdateControlVisibility )
self._match_value_fixed_input.textChanged.connect( self._UpdateTestResult )
self._match_value_regex_input.textChanged.connect( self._UpdateTestResult )
self._match_value_flexible_input.currentIndexChanged.connect( self._UpdateTestResult )
self._min_chars.valueChanged.connect( self._UpdateTestResult )
self._max_chars.valueChanged.connect( self._UpdateTestResult )
self._example_string.textChanged.connect( self._UpdateTestResult )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
def _GetValue( self ):
match_type = self._match_type.GetValue()
if match_type == ClientParsing.STRING_MATCH_ANY:
match_value = ''
elif match_type == ClientParsing.STRING_MATCH_FLEXIBLE:
match_value = self._match_value_flexible_input.GetValue()
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
elif match_type == ClientParsing.STRING_MATCH_FIXED:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
match_value = self._match_value_fixed_input.text()
elif match_type == ClientParsing.STRING_MATCH_REGEX:
match_value = self._match_value_regex_input.text()
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
if match_type == ClientParsing.STRING_MATCH_FIXED:
min_chars = None
max_chars = None
example_string = match_value
min_chars = self._min_chars.GetValue()
max_chars = self._max_chars.GetValue()
example_string = self._example_string.text()
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
string_match = ClientParsing.StringMatch( match_type = match_type, match_value = match_value, min_chars = min_chars, max_chars = max_chars, example_string = example_string )
return string_match
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
def _UpdateControlVisibility( self ):
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
match_type = self._match_type.GetValue()
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._match_value_fixed_input_label.setVisible( False )
self._match_value_regex_input_label.setVisible( False )
self._match_value_flexible_input_label.setVisible( False )
self._min_chars_label.setVisible( False )
self._max_chars_label.setVisible( False )
self._example_string_label.setVisible( False )
self._match_value_fixed_input.setVisible( False )
self._match_value_regex_input.setVisible( False )
self._match_value_flexible_input.setVisible( False )
self._min_chars.setVisible( False )
self._max_chars.setVisible( False )
self._example_string.setVisible( False )
if match_type == ClientParsing.STRING_MATCH_FIXED:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._match_value_fixed_input_label.setVisible( True )
self._match_value_fixed_input.setVisible( True )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._min_chars_label.setVisible( True )
self._max_chars_label.setVisible( True )
self._example_string_label.setVisible( True )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._min_chars.setVisible( True )
self._max_chars.setVisible( True )
self._example_string.setVisible( True )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
if match_type == ClientParsing.STRING_MATCH_FLEXIBLE:
self._match_value_flexible_input_label.setVisible( True )
self._match_value_flexible_input.setVisible( True )
elif match_type == ClientParsing.STRING_MATCH_REGEX:
self._match_value_regex_input_label.setVisible( True )
self._match_value_regex_input.setVisible( True )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
def _UpdateTestResult( self ):
match_type = self._match_type.GetValue()
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
if match_type == ClientParsing.STRING_MATCH_FIXED:
self._example_string_matches.setText( '' )
string_match = self._GetValue()
string_match.Test( self._example_string.text() )
self._example_string_matches.setText( 'Example matches ok!' )
self._example_string_matches.setObjectName( 'HydrusValid' )
self._example_string_matches.style().polish( self._example_string_matches )
except HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException as e:
reason = str( e )
self._example_string_matches.setText( 'Example does not match - '+reason )
self._example_string_matches.setObjectName( 'HydrusInvalid' )
self._example_string_matches.style().polish( self._example_string_matches )
def GetValue( self ):
string_match = self._GetValue()
2020-05-27 21:27:52 +00:00
string_match.Test( string_match.GetExampleString() )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
except HydrusExceptions.StringMatchException:
raise HydrusExceptions.VetoException( 'Please enter an example text that matches the given rules!' )
return string_match
def SetValue( self, string_match: ClientParsing.StringMatch ):
( match_type, match_value, min_chars, max_chars, example_string ) = string_match.ToTuple()
self._match_type.SetValue( match_type )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._match_value_flexible_input.SetValue( ClientParsing.ALPHA )
if match_type == ClientParsing.STRING_MATCH_FIXED:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._match_value_fixed_input.setText( match_value )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
elif match_type == ClientParsing.STRING_MATCH_FLEXIBLE:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._match_value_flexible_input.SetValue( match_value )
elif match_type == ClientParsing.STRING_MATCH_REGEX:
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
self._match_value_regex_input.setText( match_value )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
self._min_chars.SetValue( min_chars )
self._max_chars.SetValue( max_chars )
self._example_string.setText( example_string )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
class EditStringSplitterPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
def __init__( self, parent, string_splitter: ClientParsing.StringSplitter, example_string: str = '' ):
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._controls_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'splitter values' )
self._separator = QW.QLineEdit( self._controls_panel )
self._max_splits = ClientGUICommon.NoneableSpinCtrl( self._controls_panel, min = 1, max = 65535, unit = 'splits', none_phrase = 'no limit' )
self._example_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'test results' )
self._example_string = QW.QLineEdit( self._example_panel )
self._example_string_splits = QW.QListWidget( self._example_panel )
self._example_string_splits.setSelectionMode( QW.QListWidget.NoSelection )
self._example_string.setText( example_string )
self.SetValue( string_splitter )
rows = []
rows.append( ( 'separator: ', self._separator ) )
rows.append( ( 'max splits: ', self._max_splits ) )
gridbox = ClientGUICommon.WrapInGrid( self._controls_panel, rows )
self._controls_panel.Add( gridbox, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR )
rows = []
rows.append( ( 'example string: ', self._example_string ) )
gridbox = ClientGUICommon.WrapInGrid( self._example_panel, rows )
self._example_panel.Add( gridbox, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR )
self._example_panel.Add( ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, label = 'result:' ), CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self._example_panel.Add( self._example_string_splits, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
vbox = QP.VBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._controls_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
QP.AddToLayout( vbox, self._example_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
self.widget().setLayout( vbox )
self._separator.textChanged.connect( self._UpdateControls )
self._max_splits.valueChanged.connect( self._UpdateControls )
self._example_string.textChanged.connect( self._UpdateControls )
def _GetValue( self ):
separator = self._separator.text()
max_splits = self._max_splits.GetValue()
string_splitter = ClientParsing.StringSplitter( separator = separator, max_splits = max_splits )
return string_splitter
def _UpdateControls( self ):
string_splitter = self._GetValue()
results = string_splitter.Split( self._example_string.text() )
for result in results:
self._example_string_splits.addItem( result )
def GetValue( self ):
string_match = self._GetValue()
return string_match
def SetValue( self, string_splitter: ClientParsing.StringSplitter ):
separator = string_splitter.GetSeparator()
max_splits = string_splitter.GetMaxSplits()
self._separator.setText( separator )
self._max_splits.SetValue( max_splits )
class EditStringProcessorPanel( ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel ):
NO_RESULTS_TEXT = 'no results'
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
def __init__( self, parent, string_processor: ClientParsing.StringProcessor, test_data: ClientParsing.ParsingTestData ):
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
ClientGUIScrolledPanels.EditPanel.__init__( self, parent )
self._controls_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'processing steps' )
self._processing_steps = ClientGUIListBoxes.QueueListBox( self, 8, self._ConvertDataToListBoxString, add_callable = self._Add, edit_callable = self._Edit )
self._example_panel = ClientGUICommon.StaticBox( self, 'test results' )
self._example_string = QW.QLineEdit( self._example_panel )
self._example_results = ClientGUICommon.BetterNotebook( self._example_panel )
( w, h ) = ClientGUIFunctions.ConvertTextToPixels( self._example_panel, ( 64, 24 ) )
self._example_panel.setMinimumSize( w, h )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
if len( test_data.texts ) > 0:
example_string = test_data.texts[0]
example_string = ''
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
self._example_string.setText( example_string )
self._controls_panel.Add( self._processing_steps, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_BOTH_WAYS )
rows = []
rows.append( ( 'example string: ', self._example_string ) )
gridbox = ClientGUICommon.WrapInGrid( self._example_panel, rows )
self._example_panel.Add( gridbox, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_PERPENDICULAR )
self._example_panel.Add( ClientGUICommon.BetterStaticText( self, label = 'result:' ), CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR )
self._example_panel.Add( self._example_results, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
hbox = QP.VBoxLayout()
QP.AddToLayout( hbox, self._controls_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
QP.AddToLayout( hbox, self._example_panel, CC.FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
self.widget().setLayout( hbox )
self._processing_steps.listBoxChanged.connect( self._UpdateControls )
self._example_string.textChanged.connect( self._UpdateControls )
self.SetValue( string_processor )
def _Add( self ):
choice_tuples = [
( 'String Match', ClientParsing.StringMatch, 'An object that filters strings.' ),
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
( 'String Converter', ClientParsing.StringConverter, 'An object that converts strings from one thing to another.' ),
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
( 'String Splitter', ClientParsing.StringSplitter, 'An object that breaks strings into smaller strings.' )
string_processing_step_type = ClientGUIDialogsQuick.SelectFromListButtons( self, 'Which type of processing step?', choice_tuples )
except HydrusExceptions.CancelledException:
raise HydrusExceptions.VetoException()
if string_processing_step_type == ClientParsing.StringMatch:
string_processing_step = ClientParsing.StringMatch( example_string = self._example_string.text() )
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
example_text = self._GetExampleTextForStringProcessingStep( string_processing_step )
string_processing_step = ClientParsing.StringMatch( example_string = example_text )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
string_processing_step = string_processing_step_type()
return self._Edit( string_processing_step )
def _Edit( self, string_processing_step: ClientParsing.StringProcessingStep ):
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
example_text = self._GetExampleTextForStringProcessingStep( string_processing_step )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
with ClientGUITopLevelWindowsPanels.DialogEdit( self, 'edit processing step' ) as dlg:
if isinstance( string_processing_step, ClientParsing.StringMatch ):
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
test_data = ClientParsing.ParsingTestData( {}, ( example_text, ) )
panel = EditStringMatchPanel( dlg, string_processing_step, test_data = test_data )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
elif isinstance( string_processing_step, ClientParsing.StringConverter ):
panel = EditStringConverterPanel( dlg, string_processing_step, example_string_override = example_text )
elif isinstance( string_processing_step, ClientParsing.StringSplitter ):
panel = EditStringSplitterPanel( dlg, string_processing_step, example_string = example_text )
dlg.SetPanel( panel )
if dlg.exec() == QW.QDialog.Accepted:
string_processing_step = panel.GetValue()
return string_processing_step
raise HydrusExceptions.VetoException()
def _ConvertDataToListBoxString( self, string_processing_step: ClientParsing.StringProcessingStep ):
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
return string_processing_step.ToString( with_type = True )
def _GetExampleTextForStringProcessingStep( self, string_processing_step: ClientParsing.StringProcessingStep ):
# ultimately rework this to multiline test_data m8
current_string_processor = self._GetValue()
current_string_processing_steps = current_string_processor.GetProcessingSteps()
if string_processing_step in current_string_processing_steps:
example_text_index = current_string_processing_steps.index( string_processing_step )
example_text_index = len( current_string_processing_steps )
example_text = self._example_string.text()
if 0 < example_text_index < self._example_results.count() + 1:
t = self._example_results.widget( example_text_index - 1 ).item( 0 ).text()
if t != self.NO_RESULTS_TEXT:
example_text = t
return example_text
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
def _GetValue( self ):
processing_steps = self._processing_steps.GetData()
string_processor = ClientParsing.StringProcessor()
string_processor.SetProcessingSteps( processing_steps )
return string_processor
def _UpdateControls( self ):
string_processor = self._GetValue()
processing_steps = string_processor.GetProcessingSteps()
current_selected_index = self._example_results.currentIndex()
example_string = self._example_string.text()
stop_now = False
for i in range( len( processing_steps ) ):
results = string_processor.ProcessStrings( [ example_string ], max_steps_allowed = i + 1 )
except Exception as e:
results = [ 'error: {}'.format( str( e ) ) ]
stop_now = True
results_list = QW.QListWidget( self._example_panel )
results_list.setSelectionMode( QW.QListWidget.NoSelection )
if len( results ) == 0:
results_list.addItem( self.NO_RESULTS_TEXT )
stop_now = True
for result in results:
2020-05-20 21:36:02 +00:00
if not isinstance( result, str ):
result = repr( result )
2020-05-13 19:03:16 +00:00
results_list.addItem( result )
tab_label = '{} ({})'.format( processing_steps[i].ToString( simple = True ), HydrusData.ToHumanInt( len( results ) ) )
self._example_results.addTab( results_list, tab_label )
if stop_now:
if self._example_results.count() > current_selected_index:
self._example_results.setCurrentIndex( current_selected_index )
def GetValue( self ):
string_processor = self._GetValue()
return string_processor
def SetValue( self, string_processor: ClientParsing.StringProcessor ):
processing_steps = string_processor.GetProcessingSteps()
self._processing_steps.AddDatas( processing_steps )