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2019-02-06 22:41:35 +00:00
<title>client api</title>
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<p class="warning">This is all currently under construction!</p>
<h3>client api</h3>
<p>The hydrus client now supports a very simple API so you can automate certain actions with external programs.</p>
<p>(info here about setting it up under manage/review services)</p>
<p>For now, the client api is http only. By default, the base address you are looking at is:</p>
<a href=""><pre></pre></a>
<h3>Access Management</h3>
<div class="apiborder">
<h3><b>GET /api_version</b></h3>
<p><i>Gets the current API version. I don't expect this to change much, but it might be important later.</i></p>
<li><p>Headers: n/a</p></li>
<li><p>Arguments: n/a</p></li>
<li><p>Response description: The current API version as a simple number.</p></li>
<p>Example response:</p>
<div class="apiborder">
<h3><b>GET /request_new_permissions</b></h3>
<p><i>Register a new external program with the client. This requires the 'add from api request' mini-dialog under </i>services->review services<i> to be open, otherwise it will 403.</i></p>
<li><p>Headers: n/a</p></li>
<li>name : (descriptive name of your access)</li>
<li>basic_permissions : A json-encoded list of numerical permission identifiers you want to request.</li>
<p>The permissions are currently:</p>
<li>0 - Import files</li>
<li>1 - Add tags</li>
<li>2 - Import URLs</li>
<li>3 - Search for files</li>
<p>Example request:</p>
<li><p>Response description: Your access key, 64 characters of hex. This will not be valid until the user approves the request in the client ui.</p></li>
<p>Example response:</p>
<div class="apiborder">
<h3><b>GET /verify_access_key</b></h3>
<p><i>Check your access key is valid.</i></p>
<li>Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key : (Your hexadecimal access key)</li>
<li><p>Arguments: n/a</p></li>
<li><p>Response description: 403 and some error text if the access key is invalid, otherwise some JSON with basic permission info.</p></li>
<p>Example response:</p>
<li><pre>{"basic_permissions": [0, 1, 3], "human_description": "API Permissions (autotagger): add tags to files, import files, search for files: Can search: only autotag this"}</pre></li>
<h3>Adding Files</h3>
<div class="apiborder">
<h3><b>POST add file</b></h3>
<h3>Adding Tags</h3>
<div class="apiborder">
<h3><b>POST add tags</b></h3>
<h3>Adding URLs</h3>
<div class="apiborder">
<h3><b>GET /add_urls/get_url_info</b></h3>
<p><i>Ask the client for information about a URL.</i></p>
<li>Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key : (Your hexadecimal access key)</li>
<li>url : (the url you want to ask about)</li>
<p>Example request (for URL https://8ch.net/tv/res/1846574.html):</p>
<p>Response description: Some JSON describing what the client thinks of the URL.</p>
<p>The url types are currently:</p>
<li>0 - Post URL</li>
<li>2 - File URL</li>
<li>3 - Gallery URL</li>
<li>4 - Watchable URL</li>
<li>5 - Unknown URL (i.e. no matching URL Class)</li>
<p>Example response:</p>
<li><pre>{"url_type": 4, "url_type_string": "watchable url", "match_name": "8chan thread", "can_parse": true}</pre></li>
<div class="apiborder">
<h3><b>POST /add_urls/add_url</b></h3>
<p><i>Tell the client to 'import' a URL. This triggers the exact same routine as drag-and-dropping a text URL onto the main client window.</i></p>
<li>Hydrus-Client-API-Access-Key : (Your hexadecimal access key)</li>
<li>Content-Type : application/json</li>
<p>Arguments (in JSON):</p>
<li>url : (the url you want to add)</li>
<p>Example request body:</p>
<li><p>{"url": "https://8ch.net/tv/res/1846574.html"}</p></li>
<li><p>Response description: "Success!" if successful, otherwise human-readable error text.</p></li>
<h3>Searching Files</h3>
<div class="apiborder">
<h3><b>GET file search</b></h3>
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<h3><b>GET file metadata</b></h3>
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<h3><b>GET file</b></h3>
<div class="apiborder">
<h3><b>GET thumbnail</b></h3>