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2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
import HydrusConstants as HC
import ClientConstants as CC
import ClientGUICommon
import ClientGUIDialogs
import ClientGUIManagement
import ClientGUIMedia
import ClientGUIMessages
import ClientGUICanvas
import os
import time
import traceback
import wx
# Sizer Flags
FLAGS_NONE = wx.SizerFlags( 0 )
FLAGS_SMALL_INDENT = wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 )
FLAGS_EXPAND_PERPENDICULAR = wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 ).Expand()
FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS = wx.SizerFlags( 2 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 ).Expand()
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
FLAGS_EXPAND_SIZER_BOTH_WAYS = wx.SizerFlags( 2 ).Expand()
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
FLAGS_BUTTON_SIZERS = wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Align( wx.ALIGN_RIGHT )
FLAGS_LONE_BUTTON = wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 ).Align( wx.ALIGN_RIGHT )
FLAGS_MIXED = wx.SizerFlags( 0 ).Border( wx.ALL, 2 ).Align( wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL )
class PageBase():
def __init__( self ):
self._page_key = os.urandom( 32 )
self._pretty_status = ''
self._options = wx.GetApp().Read( 'options' )
HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'SetPrettyStatus', 'new_page_status' )
def GetPrettyStatus( self ): return self._pretty_status
def GetSashPositions( self ):
x = self._options[ 'hpos' ]
y = self._options[ 'vpos' ]
return ( x, y )
def PageHidden( self ): HC.pubsub.pub( 'page_hidden', self._page_key )
def PageShown( self ): HC.pubsub.pub( 'page_shown', self._page_key )
def SetPrettyStatus( self, page_key, status ):
if page_key == self._page_key:
self._pretty_status = status
HC.pubsub.pub( 'refresh_status' )
def RefreshQuery( self ): HC.pubsub.pub( 'refresh_query', self._page_key )
def SetMediaFocus( self ): pass
def SetSearchFocus( self ): HC.pubsub.pub( 'set_search_focus', self._page_key )
def SetSynchronisedWait( self ): HC.pubsub.pub( 'synchronised_wait_switch', self._page_key )
def ShowHideSplit( self ): pass
def TryToClose( self ): pass
class PageLog( PageBase, wx.Panel ):
def __init__( self, parent ):
wx.Panel.__init__( self, parent )
PageBase.__init__( self )
log = wx.GetApp().GetLog()
self._log_list_ctrl = ClientGUICommon.SaneListCtrl( self, 480, [ ( 'type', 60 ), ( 'source', 180 ), ( 'message', -1 ), ( 'time', 120 ) ] )
for ( type, source, message, time ) in log: self._AddEntry( type, source, message, time )
vbox = wx.BoxSizer( wx.VERTICAL )
vbox.AddF( self._log_list_ctrl, FLAGS_EXPAND_BOTH_WAYS )
self.SetSizer( vbox )
HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'AddError', 'log_error' )
HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'AddMessage', 'log_message' )
def _AddEntry( self, type, source, message, time ): self._log_list_ctrl.Append( ( CC.log_string_lookup[ type ], source, message, HC.ConvertTimestampToPrettyTime( time ) ), ( CC.log_string_lookup[ type ], source, message, time ) )
def AddError( self, source, message ):
# assuming we want to show errors right now
self._AddEntry( CC.LOG_ERROR, source, message, time.time() )
def AddMessage( self, source, message ):
# assuming we want to show messages right now
self._AddEntry( CC.LOG_MESSAGE, source, message, time.time() )
class PageMessages( PageBase, wx.SplitterWindow ):
def __init__( self, parent, identity ):
wx.SplitterWindow.__init__( self, parent )
PageBase.__init__( self )
self.SetMinimumPaneSize( 120 )
self.SetSashGravity( 0.0 )
self._identity = identity
self._search_preview_split = wx.SplitterWindow( self, style=wx.SP_NOBORDER )
self._search_preview_split.SetMinimumPaneSize( 180 )
self._search_preview_split.SetSashGravity( 0.5 )
self._search_preview_split.Bind( wx.EVT_SPLITTER_DCLICK, self.EventPreviewUnsplit )
2013-04-10 18:10:37 +00:00
self._preview_panel = ClientGUICanvas.CanvasPanel( self._search_preview_split, self._page_key, HC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
self.SplitVertically( self._search_preview_split, self._messages_panel, self._options[ 'hpos' ] )
wx.CallAfter( self._search_preview_split.SplitHorizontally, self._management_panel, self._preview_panel, self._options[ 'vpos' ] )
def _InitManagementPanel( self ): self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelMessages( self._search_preview_split, self._page_key, self._identity )
def _InitMessagesPanel( self ): self._messages_panel = ClientGUIMessages.ConversationSplitter( self, self._page_key, self._identity )
def EventPreviewUnsplit( self, event ): self._search_preview_split.Unsplit( self._preview_panel )
def GetSashPositions( self ):
if self.IsSplit(): x = self.GetSashPosition()
else: x = self._options[ 'hpos' ]
if self._search_preview_split.IsSplit(): y = -1 * self._preview_panel.GetSize()[1]
else: y = self._options[ 'vpos' ]
return ( x, y )
def ShowHideSplit( self ):
if self._search_preview_split.IsSplit(): self._search_preview_split.Unsplit( self._preview_panel )
else: self._search_preview_split.SplitHorizontally( self._management_panel, self._preview_panel, self._options[ 'vpos' ] )
def TryToClose( self ): self._management_panel.TryToClose()
class PageWithMedia( PageBase, wx.SplitterWindow ):
2013-04-10 18:10:37 +00:00
def __init__( self, parent, file_service_identifier = HC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER ):
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
wx.SplitterWindow.__init__( self, parent )
PageBase.__init__( self )
self._file_service_identifier = file_service_identifier
self.SetMinimumPaneSize( 120 )
self.SetSashGravity( 0.0 )
self.Bind( wx.EVT_SPLITTER_DCLICK, self.EventUnsplit )
self._search_preview_split = wx.SplitterWindow( self, style=wx.SP_NOBORDER )
self._search_preview_split.SetMinimumPaneSize( 180 )
self._search_preview_split.SetSashGravity( 0.5 )
self._search_preview_split.Bind( wx.EVT_SPLITTER_DCLICK, self.EventPreviewUnsplit )
self._preview_panel = ClientGUICanvas.CanvasPanel( self._search_preview_split, self._page_key, self._file_service_identifier )
self.SplitVertically( self._search_preview_split, self._media_panel, self._options[ 'hpos' ] )
wx.CallAfter( self._search_preview_split.SplitHorizontally, self._management_panel, self._preview_panel, self._options[ 'vpos' ] )
HC.pubsub.sub( self, 'SwapMediaPanel', 'swap_media_panel' )
def EventPreviewUnsplit( self, event ): self._search_preview_split.Unsplit( self._preview_panel )
def EventUnsplit( self, event ): self.Unsplit( self._search_preview_split )
# used by autocomplete
def GetMedia( self ): return self._media_panel.GetSortedMedia()
def GetSashPositions( self ):
if self.IsSplit(): x = self.GetSashPosition()
else: x = self._options[ 'hpos' ]
if self._search_preview_split.IsSplit(): y = -1 * self._preview_panel.GetSize()[1]
else: y = self._options[ 'vpos' ]
return ( x, y )
def ShowHideSplit( self ):
if self.IsSplit():
self.Unsplit( self._search_preview_split )
self.SplitVertically( self._search_preview_split, self._media_panel, self._options[ 'hpos' ] )
self._search_preview_split.SplitHorizontally( self._management_panel, self._preview_panel, self._options[ 'vpos' ] )
def SetMediaFocus( self ): self._media_panel.SetFocus()
def SwapMediaPanel( self, page_key, new_panel ):
if page_key == self._page_key:
self._preview_panel.SetMedia( None )
self.ReplaceWindow( self._media_panel, new_panel )
self._media_panel = new_panel
def TryToClose( self ): self._management_panel.TryToClose()
class PageImport( PageWithMedia ):
def _InitMediaPanel( self ): self._media_panel = ClientGUIMedia.MediaPanelThumbnails( self, self._page_key, self._file_service_identifier, [], CC.FileQueryResult( self._file_service_identifier, [], [] ) )
class PageImportBooru( PageImport ):
def __init__( self, parent, booru ):
self._booru = booru
PageImport.__init__( self, parent )
def _InitManagementPanel( self ): self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelImportWithQueueAdvancedBooru( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key, self._booru )
class PageImportDeviantArt( PageImport ):
def __init__( self, parent ):
PageImport.__init__( self, parent )
def _InitManagementPanel( self ): self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelImportWithQueueAdvancedDeviantArt( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key )
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
class PageImportGiphy( PageImport ):
def __init__( self, parent ):
PageImport.__init__( self, parent )
def _InitManagementPanel( self ): self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelImportWithQueueAdvancedGiphy( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
class PageImportHDD( PageImport ):
def __init__( self, parent, paths, **kwargs ):
self._paths = paths
self._kwargs = kwargs
PageImport.__init__( self, parent )
def _InitManagementPanel( self ): self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelImportHDD( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key, self._paths, **self._kwargs )
class PageImportHentaiFoundryArtist( PageImport ):
def __init__( self, parent ):
PageImport.__init__( self, parent )
def _InitManagementPanel( self ): self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelImportWithQueueAdvancedHentaiFoundryArtist( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key )
class PageImportHentaiFoundryTags( PageImport ):
def __init__( self, parent ):
PageImport.__init__( self, parent )
def _InitManagementPanel( self ): self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelImportWithQueueAdvancedHentaiFoundryTags( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key )
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
class PageImportPixivArtist( PageImport ):
def __init__( self, parent ):
PageImport.__init__( self, parent )
def _InitManagementPanel( self ): self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelImportWithQueueAdvancedPixivArtist( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key )
2013-04-17 21:48:18 +00:00
class PageImportPixivTag( PageImport ):
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
def __init__( self, parent ):
PageImport.__init__( self, parent )
2013-04-17 21:48:18 +00:00
def _InitManagementPanel( self ): self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelImportWithQueueAdvancedPixivTag( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key )
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
class PageImportThreadWatcher( PageImport ):
def _InitManagementPanel( self ): self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelImportThreadWatcher( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key )
2013-03-15 02:38:12 +00:00
class PageImportTumblr( PageImport ):
def _InitManagementPanel( self ): self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelImportWithQueueAdvancedTumblr( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
class PageImportURL( PageImport ):
def _InitManagementPanel( self ): self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelImportWithQueueURL( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key )
class PagePetitions( PageWithMedia ):
def _InitManagementPanel( self ): self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelPetitions( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key, self._file_service_identifier )
def _InitMediaPanel( self ): self._media_panel = ClientGUIMedia.MediaPanelNoQuery( self, self._page_key, self._file_service_identifier )
class PageQuery( PageWithMedia ):
2013-03-27 20:02:51 +00:00
def __init__( self, parent, file_service_identifier, initial_media_results = [], initial_predicates = [] ):
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2013-03-27 20:02:51 +00:00
self._initial_media_results = initial_media_results
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self._initial_predicates = initial_predicates
PageWithMedia.__init__( self, parent, file_service_identifier )
def _InitManagementPanel( self ): self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelQuery( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key, self._file_service_identifier, initial_predicates = self._initial_predicates )
2013-03-27 20:02:51 +00:00
def _InitMediaPanel( self ):
if len( self._initial_media_results ) == 0: self._media_panel = ClientGUIMedia.MediaPanelNoQuery( self, self._page_key, self._file_service_identifier )
else: self._media_panel = ClientGUIMedia.MediaPanelThumbnails( self, self._page_key, self._file_service_identifier, self._initial_predicates, self._initial_media_results )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
class PageThreadDumper( PageWithMedia ):
def __init__( self, parent, imageboard, hashes ):
self._imageboard = imageboard
search_context = CC.FileSearchContext()
self._unsorted_file_query_result = wx.GetApp().Read( 'media_results', search_context, hashes )
hashes_to_media_results = { media_result.GetHash() : media_result for media_result in self._unsorted_file_query_result }
self._media_results = [ hashes_to_media_results[ hash ] for hash in hashes ]
self._media_results = filter( self._imageboard.IsOkToPost, self._media_results )
2013-04-10 18:10:37 +00:00
PageWithMedia.__init__( self, parent, HC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00
def _InitManagementPanel( self ): self._management_panel = ClientGUIManagement.ManagementPanelDumper( self._search_preview_split, self, self._page_key, self._imageboard, self._media_results )
2013-04-10 18:10:37 +00:00
def _InitMediaPanel( self ): self._media_panel = ClientGUIMedia.MediaPanelThumbnails( self, self._page_key, HC.LOCAL_FILE_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER, [], self._media_results )
2013-02-19 00:11:43 +00:00