
462 lines
14 KiB

* This file is part of FFmpeg.
* FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "pixdesc.h"
#include "bprint.h"
#include "hwcontext.h"
#include "vulkan_functions.h"
#include "hwcontext_vulkan.h"
#include "vulkan_loader.h"
/* GLSL management macros */
#define INDENT(N) INDENT_##N
#define INDENT_0
#define INDENT_1 INDENT_0 " "
#define C(N, S) INDENT(N) #S "\n"
#define GLSLC(N, S) av_bprintf(&shd->src, C(N, S))
#define GLSLA(...) av_bprintf(&shd->src, __VA_ARGS__)
#define GLSLF(N, S, ...) av_bprintf(&shd->src, C(N, S), __VA_ARGS__)
#define GLSLD(D) GLSLC(0, ); \
av_bprint_append_data(&shd->src, D, strlen(D)); \
GLSLC(0, )
/* Helper, pretty much every Vulkan return value needs to be checked */
#define RET(x) \
do { \
if ((err = (x)) < 0) \
goto fail; \
} while (0)
typedef struct FFVkSPIRVShader {
const char *name; /* Name for id/debugging purposes */
AVBPrint src;
int local_size[3]; /* Compute shader workgroup sizes */
VkPipelineShaderStageCreateInfo shader;
} FFVkSPIRVShader;
typedef struct FFVkSPIRVCompiler {
void *priv;
int (*compile_shader)(struct FFVkSPIRVCompiler *ctx, void *avctx,
struct FFVkSPIRVShader *shd, uint8_t **data,
size_t *size, const char *entrypoint, void **opaque);
void (*free_shader)(struct FFVkSPIRVCompiler *ctx, void **opaque);
void (*uninit)(struct FFVkSPIRVCompiler **ctx);
} FFVkSPIRVCompiler;
typedef struct FFVkSampler {
VkSampler sampler[4];
} FFVkSampler;
typedef struct FFVulkanDescriptorSetBinding {
const char *name;
VkDescriptorType type;
const char *mem_layout; /* Storage images (rgba8, etc.) and buffers (std430, etc.) */
const char *mem_quali; /* readonly, writeonly, etc. */
const char *buf_content; /* For buffers */
uint32_t dimensions; /* Needed for e.g. sampler%iD */
uint32_t elems; /* 0 - scalar, 1 or more - vector */
VkShaderStageFlags stages;
FFVkSampler *sampler; /* Sampler to use for all elems */
void *updater; /* Pointer to VkDescriptor*Info */
} FFVulkanDescriptorSetBinding;
typedef struct FFVkBuffer {
VkBuffer buf;
VkDeviceMemory mem;
VkMemoryPropertyFlagBits flags;
size_t size;
} FFVkBuffer;
typedef struct FFVkQueueFamilyCtx {
int queue_family;
int nb_queues;
int cur_queue;
int actual_queues;
} FFVkQueueFamilyCtx;
typedef struct FFVulkanPipeline {
FFVkQueueFamilyCtx *qf;
VkPipelineBindPoint bind_point;
/* Contexts */
VkPipelineLayout pipeline_layout;
VkPipeline pipeline;
/* Shaders */
FFVkSPIRVShader **shaders;
int shaders_num;
/* Push consts */
VkPushConstantRange *push_consts;
int push_consts_num;
/* Descriptors */
VkDescriptorSetLayout *desc_layout;
VkDescriptorPool desc_pool;
VkDescriptorSet *desc_set;
void **desc_staging;
uint64_t *desc_staging;
VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding **desc_binding;
VkDescriptorUpdateTemplate *desc_template;
int *desc_set_initialized;
int desc_layout_num;
int descriptor_sets_num;
int total_descriptor_sets;
int pool_size_desc_num;
/* Temporary, used to store data in between initialization stages */
VkDescriptorUpdateTemplateCreateInfo *desc_template_info;
VkDescriptorPoolSize *pool_size_desc;
} FFVulkanPipeline;
typedef struct FFVkQueueCtx {
VkFence fence;
VkQueue queue;
/* Buffer dependencies */
AVBufferRef **buf_deps;
int nb_buf_deps;
int buf_deps_alloc_size;
/* Frame dependencies */
AVFrame **frame_deps;
int nb_frame_deps;
int frame_deps_alloc_size;
} FFVkQueueCtx;
typedef struct FFVkExecContext {
FFVkQueueFamilyCtx *qf;
VkCommandPool pool;
VkCommandBuffer *bufs;
FFVkQueueCtx *queues;
AVBufferRef ***deps;
int *nb_deps;
int *dep_alloc_size;
FFVulkanPipeline *bound_pl;
VkSemaphore *sem_wait;
int sem_wait_alloc; /* Allocated sem_wait */
int sem_wait_cnt;
uint64_t *sem_wait_val;
int sem_wait_val_alloc;
VkPipelineStageFlagBits *sem_wait_dst;
int sem_wait_dst_alloc; /* Allocated sem_wait_dst */
VkSemaphore *sem_sig;
int sem_sig_alloc; /* Allocated sem_sig */
int sem_sig_cnt;
uint64_t *sem_sig_val;
int sem_sig_val_alloc;
uint64_t **sem_sig_val_dst;
int sem_sig_val_dst_alloc;
} FFVkExecContext;
typedef struct FFVulkanContext {
const AVClass *class; /* Filters and encoders use this */
FFVulkanFunctions vkfn;
FFVulkanExtensions extensions;
VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 props;
VkPhysicalDeviceDriverProperties driver_props;
VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties mprops;
AVBufferRef *device_ref;
AVHWDeviceContext *device;
AVVulkanDeviceContext *hwctx;
AVBufferRef *frames_ref;
AVHWFramesContext *frames;
AVVulkanFramesContext *hwfc;
uint32_t qfs[5];
int nb_qfs;
FFVkSPIRVCompiler *spirv_compiler;
/* Properties */
int output_width;
int output_height;
enum AVPixelFormat output_format;
enum AVPixelFormat input_format;
/* Samplers */
FFVkSampler **samplers;
int samplers_num;
/* Exec contexts */
FFVkExecContext **exec_ctx;
int exec_ctx_num;
/* Pipelines (each can have 1 shader of each type) */
FFVulkanPipeline **pipelines;
int pipelines_num;
void *scratch; /* Scratch memory used only in functions */
unsigned int scratch_size;
} FFVulkanContext;
/* Identity mapping - r = r, b = b, g = g, a = a */
extern const VkComponentMapping ff_comp_identity_map;
* Converts Vulkan return values to strings
const char *ff_vk_ret2str(VkResult res);
* Loads props/mprops/driver_props
void ff_vk_load_props(FFVulkanContext *s);
* Returns 1 if the image is any sort of supported RGB
int ff_vk_mt_is_np_rgb(enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt);
* Gets the glsl format string for a pixel format
const char *ff_vk_shader_rep_fmt(enum AVPixelFormat pixfmt);
* Setup the queue families from the hardware device context.
* Necessary for image creation to work.
void ff_vk_qf_fill(FFVulkanContext *s);
* Allocate device memory.
int ff_vk_alloc_mem(FFVulkanContext *s, VkMemoryRequirements *req,
VkMemoryPropertyFlagBits req_flags, void *alloc_extension,
VkMemoryPropertyFlagBits *mem_flags, VkDeviceMemory *mem);
* Initialize a queue family with a specific number of queues.
* If nb_queues == 0, use however many queues the queue family has.
void ff_vk_qf_init(FFVulkanContext *s, FFVkQueueFamilyCtx *qf,
VkQueueFlagBits dev_family, int nb_queues);
* Rotate through the queues in a queue family.
void ff_vk_qf_rotate(FFVkQueueFamilyCtx *qf);
* Create a Vulkan sampler, will be auto-freed in ff_vk_filter_uninit()
FFVkSampler *ff_vk_init_sampler(FFVulkanContext *s, int unnorm_coords,
VkFilter filt);
* Create an imageview.
* Guaranteed to remain alive until the queue submission has finished executing,
* and will be destroyed after that.
int ff_vk_create_imageview(FFVulkanContext *s, FFVkExecContext *e,
VkImageView *v, VkImage img, VkFormat fmt,
const VkComponentMapping map);
* Define a push constant for a given stage into a pipeline.
* Must be called before the pipeline layout has been initialized.
int ff_vk_add_push_constant(FFVulkanPipeline *pl, int offset, int size,
VkShaderStageFlagBits stage);
* Inits a pipeline. Everything in it will be auto-freed when calling
* ff_vk_filter_uninit().
FFVulkanPipeline *ff_vk_create_pipeline(FFVulkanContext *s, FFVkQueueFamilyCtx *qf);
* Inits a shader for a specific pipeline. Will be auto-freed on uninit.
FFVkSPIRVShader *ff_vk_init_shader(FFVulkanPipeline *pl, const char *name,
VkShaderStageFlags stage);
* Writes the workgroup size for a shader.
void ff_vk_set_compute_shader_sizes(FFVkSPIRVShader *shd, int local_size[3]);
* Adds a descriptor set to the shader and registers them in the pipeline.
int ff_vk_add_descriptor_set(FFVulkanContext *s, FFVulkanPipeline *pl,
FFVkSPIRVShader *shd, FFVulkanDescriptorSetBinding *desc,
int num, int only_print_to_shader);
* Compiles the shader, entrypoint must be set to "main".
int ff_vk_compile_shader(FFVulkanContext *s, FFVkSPIRVShader *shd,
const char *entrypoint);
* Pretty print shader, mainly used by shader compilers.
void ff_vk_print_shader(void *ctx, FFVkSPIRVShader *shd, int prio);
* Initializes the pipeline layout after all shaders and descriptor sets have
* been finished.
int ff_vk_init_pipeline_layout(FFVulkanContext *s, FFVulkanPipeline *pl);
* Initializes a compute pipeline. Will pick the first shader with the
* COMPUTE flag set.
int ff_vk_init_compute_pipeline(FFVulkanContext *s, FFVulkanPipeline *pl);
* Updates a descriptor set via the updaters defined.
* Can be called immediately after pipeline creation, but must be called
* at least once before queue submission.
void ff_vk_update_descriptor_set(FFVulkanContext *s, FFVulkanPipeline *pl,
int set_id);
* Init an execution context for command recording and queue submission.
* WIll be auto-freed on uninit.
int ff_vk_create_exec_ctx(FFVulkanContext *s, FFVkExecContext **ctx,
FFVkQueueFamilyCtx *qf);
* Begin recording to the command buffer. Previous execution must have been
* completed, which ff_vk_submit_exec_queue() will ensure.
int ff_vk_start_exec_recording(FFVulkanContext *s, FFVkExecContext *e);
* Add a command to bind the completed pipeline and its descriptor sets.
* Must be called after ff_vk_start_exec_recording() and before submission.
void ff_vk_bind_pipeline_exec(FFVulkanContext *s, FFVkExecContext *e,
FFVulkanPipeline *pl);
* Updates push constants.
* Must be called after binding a pipeline if any push constants were defined.
void ff_vk_update_push_exec(FFVulkanContext *s, FFVkExecContext *e,
VkShaderStageFlagBits stage, int offset,
size_t size, void *src);
* Gets the command buffer to use for this submission from the exe context.
VkCommandBuffer ff_vk_get_exec_buf(FFVkExecContext *e);
* Adds a generic AVBufferRef as a queue depenency.
int ff_vk_add_dep_exec_ctx(FFVulkanContext *s, FFVkExecContext *e,
AVBufferRef **deps, int nb_deps);
* Discards all queue dependencies
void ff_vk_discard_exec_deps(FFVkExecContext *e);
* Adds a frame as a queue dependency. This also manages semaphore signalling.
* Must be called before submission.
int ff_vk_add_exec_dep(FFVulkanContext *s, FFVkExecContext *e, AVFrame *frame,
VkPipelineStageFlagBits in_wait_dst_flag);
* Submits a command buffer to the queue for execution. Will not block.
int ff_vk_submit_exec_queue(FFVulkanContext *s, FFVkExecContext *e);
* Create a VkBuffer with the specified parameters.
int ff_vk_create_buf(FFVulkanContext *s, FFVkBuffer *buf, size_t size,
void *pNext, void *alloc_pNext,
VkBufferUsageFlags usage, VkMemoryPropertyFlagBits flags);
* Maps the buffer to userspace. Set invalidate to 1 if reading the contents
* is necessary.
int ff_vk_map_buffers(FFVulkanContext *s, FFVkBuffer *buf, uint8_t *mem[],
int nb_buffers, int invalidate);
* Unmaps the buffer from userspace. Set flush to 1 to write and sync.
int ff_vk_unmap_buffers(FFVulkanContext *s, FFVkBuffer *buf, int nb_buffers,
int flush);
* Frees a buffer.
void ff_vk_free_buf(FFVulkanContext *s, FFVkBuffer *buf);
* Creates an image, allocates and binds memory in the given
* idx value of the dst frame. If mem is non-NULL, then no memory will be
* allocated, but instead the given memory will be bound to the image.
int ff_vk_image_create(FFVulkanContext *s, AVVkFrame *dst, int idx,
int width, int height, VkFormat fmt, VkImageTiling tiling,
VkImageUsageFlagBits usage, VkImageCreateFlags flags,
void *create_pnext,
VkDeviceMemory *mem, void *alloc_pnext);
* Frees the main Vulkan context.
void ff_vk_uninit(FFVulkanContext *s);
#endif /* AVUTIL_VULKAN_H */