/* * Opus decoder/demuxer common functions * Copyright (c) 2012 Andrew D'Addesio * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Mozilla Corporation * * This file is part of FFmpeg. * * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef AVCODEC_OPUS_H #define AVCODEC_OPUS_H #include #include "libavutil/audio_fifo.h" #include "libavutil/float_dsp.h" #include "libavutil/frame.h" #include "libswresample/swresample.h" #include "avcodec.h" #include "get_bits.h" #define MAX_FRAME_SIZE 1275 #define MAX_FRAMES 48 #define MAX_PACKET_DUR 5760 #define CELT_SHORT_BLOCKSIZE 120 #define CELT_OVERLAP CELT_SHORT_BLOCKSIZE #define CELT_MAX_LOG_BLOCKS 3 #define CELT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE (CELT_SHORT_BLOCKSIZE * (1 << CELT_MAX_LOG_BLOCKS)) #define CELT_MAX_BANDS 21 #define CELT_VECTORS 11 #define CELT_ALLOC_STEPS 6 #define CELT_FINE_OFFSET 21 #define CELT_MAX_FINE_BITS 8 #define CELT_NORM_SCALE 16384 #define CELT_QTHETA_OFFSET 4 #define CELT_QTHETA_OFFSET_TWOPHASE 16 #define CELT_DEEMPH_COEFF 0.85000610f #define CELT_POSTFILTER_MINPERIOD 15 #define CELT_ENERGY_SILENCE (-28.0f) #define SILK_HISTORY 322 #define SILK_MAX_LPC 16 #define ROUND_MULL(a,b,s) (((MUL64(a, b) >> (s - 1)) + 1) >> 1) #define ROUND_MUL16(a,b) ((MUL16(a, b) + 16384) >> 15) #define opus_ilog(i) (av_log2(i) + !!(i)) enum OpusMode { OPUS_MODE_SILK, OPUS_MODE_HYBRID, OPUS_MODE_CELT }; enum OpusBandwidth { OPUS_BANDWIDTH_NARROWBAND, OPUS_BANDWIDTH_MEDIUMBAND, OPUS_BANDWIDTH_WIDEBAND, OPUS_BANDWIDTH_SUPERWIDEBAND, OPUS_BANDWIDTH_FULLBAND }; typedef struct RawBitsContext { const uint8_t *position; unsigned int bytes; unsigned int cachelen; unsigned int cacheval; } RawBitsContext; typedef struct OpusRangeCoder { GetBitContext gb; RawBitsContext rb; unsigned int range; unsigned int value; unsigned int total_read_bits; } OpusRangeCoder; typedef struct SilkContext SilkContext; typedef struct CeltContext CeltContext; typedef struct OpusPacket { int packet_size; /** packet size */ int data_size; /** size of the useful data -- packet size - padding */ int code; /** packet code: specifies the frame layout */ int stereo; /** whether this packet is mono or stereo */ int vbr; /** vbr flag */ int config; /** configuration: tells the audio mode, ** bandwidth, and frame duration */ int frame_count; /** frame count */ int frame_offset[MAX_FRAMES]; /** frame offsets */ int frame_size[MAX_FRAMES]; /** frame sizes */ int frame_duration; /** frame duration, in samples @ 48kHz */ enum OpusMode mode; /** mode */ enum OpusBandwidth bandwidth; /** bandwidth */ } OpusPacket; typedef struct OpusStreamContext { AVCodecContext *avctx; int output_channels; OpusRangeCoder rc; OpusRangeCoder redundancy_rc; SilkContext *silk; CeltContext *celt; AVFloatDSPContext *fdsp; float silk_buf[2][960]; float *silk_output[2]; DECLARE_ALIGNED(32, float, celt_buf)[2][960]; float *celt_output[2]; float redundancy_buf[2][960]; float *redundancy_output[2]; /* data buffers for the final output data */ float *out[2]; int out_size; float *out_dummy; int out_dummy_allocated_size; SwrContext *swr; AVAudioFifo *celt_delay; int silk_samplerate; /* number of samples we still want to get from the resampler */ int delayed_samples; OpusPacket packet; int redundancy_idx; } OpusStreamContext; // a mapping between an opus stream and an output channel typedef struct ChannelMap { int stream_idx; int channel_idx; // when a single decoded channel is mapped to multiple output channels, we // write to the first output directly and copy from it to the others // this field is set to 1 for those copied output channels int copy; // this is the index of the output channel to copy from int copy_idx; // this channel is silent int silence; } ChannelMap; typedef struct OpusContext { OpusStreamContext *streams; int nb_streams; int nb_stereo_streams; AVFloatDSPContext fdsp; int16_t gain_i; float gain; ChannelMap *channel_maps; } OpusContext; static av_always_inline void opus_rc_normalize(OpusRangeCoder *rc) { while (rc->range <= 1<<23) { rc->value = ((rc->value << 8) | (get_bits(&rc->gb, 8) ^ 0xFF)) & ((1u << 31) - 1); rc->range <<= 8; rc->total_read_bits += 8; } } static av_always_inline void opus_rc_update(OpusRangeCoder *rc, unsigned int scale, unsigned int low, unsigned int high, unsigned int total) { rc->value -= scale * (total - high); rc->range = low ? scale * (high - low) : rc->range - scale * (total - high); opus_rc_normalize(rc); } static av_always_inline unsigned int opus_rc_getsymbol(OpusRangeCoder *rc, const uint16_t *cdf) { unsigned int k, scale, total, symbol, low, high; total = *cdf++; scale = rc->range / total; symbol = rc->value / scale + 1; symbol = total - FFMIN(symbol, total); for (k = 0; cdf[k] <= symbol; k++); high = cdf[k]; low = k ? cdf[k-1] : 0; opus_rc_update(rc, scale, low, high, total); return k; } static av_always_inline unsigned int opus_rc_p2model(OpusRangeCoder *rc, unsigned int bits) { unsigned int k, scale; scale = rc->range >> bits; // in this case, scale = symbol if (rc->value >= scale) { rc->value -= scale; rc->range -= scale; k = 0; } else { rc->range = scale; k = 1; } opus_rc_normalize(rc); return k; } /** * CELT: estimate bits of entropy that have thus far been consumed for the * current CELT frame, to integer and fractional (1/8th bit) precision */ static av_always_inline unsigned int opus_rc_tell(const OpusRangeCoder *rc) { return rc->total_read_bits - av_log2(rc->range) - 1; } static av_always_inline unsigned int opus_rc_tell_frac(const OpusRangeCoder *rc) { unsigned int i, total_bits, rcbuffer, range; total_bits = rc->total_read_bits << 3; rcbuffer = av_log2(rc->range) + 1; range = rc->range >> (rcbuffer-16); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int bit; range = range * range >> 15; bit = range >> 16; rcbuffer = rcbuffer << 1 | bit; range >>= bit; } return total_bits - rcbuffer; } /** * CELT: read 1-25 raw bits at the end of the frame, backwards byte-wise */ static av_always_inline unsigned int opus_getrawbits(OpusRangeCoder *rc, unsigned int count) { unsigned int value = 0; while (rc->rb.bytes && rc->rb.cachelen < count) { rc->rb.cacheval |= *--rc->rb.position << rc->rb.cachelen; rc->rb.cachelen += 8; rc->rb.bytes--; } value = rc->rb.cacheval & ((1<rb.cacheval >>= count; rc->rb.cachelen -= count; rc->total_read_bits += count; return value; } /** * CELT: read a uniform distribution */ static av_always_inline unsigned int opus_rc_unimodel(OpusRangeCoder *rc, unsigned int size) { unsigned int bits, k, scale, total; bits = opus_ilog(size - 1); total = (bits > 8) ? ((size - 1) >> (bits - 8)) + 1 : size; scale = rc->range / total; k = rc->value / scale + 1; k = total - FFMIN(k, total); opus_rc_update(rc, scale, k, k + 1, total); if (bits > 8) { k = k << (bits - 8) | opus_getrawbits(rc, bits - 8); return FFMIN(k, size - 1); } else return k; } static av_always_inline int opus_rc_laplace(OpusRangeCoder *rc, unsigned int symbol, int decay) { /* extends the range coder to model a Laplace distribution */ int value = 0; unsigned int scale, low = 0, center; scale = rc->range >> 15; center = rc->value / scale + 1; center = (1 << 15) - FFMIN(center, 1 << 15); if (center >= symbol) { value++; low = symbol; symbol = 1 + ((32768 - 32 - symbol) * (16384-decay) >> 15); while (symbol > 1 && center >= low + 2 * symbol) { value++; symbol *= 2; low += symbol; symbol = (((symbol - 2) * decay) >> 15) + 1; } if (symbol <= 1) { int distance = (center - low) >> 1; value += distance; low += 2 * distance; } if (center < low + symbol) value *= -1; else low += symbol; } opus_rc_update(rc, scale, low, FFMIN(low + symbol, 32768), 32768); return value; } static av_always_inline unsigned int opus_rc_stepmodel(OpusRangeCoder *rc, int k0) { /* Use a probability of 3 up to itheta=8192 and then use 1 after */ unsigned int k, scale, symbol, total = (k0+1)*3 + k0; scale = rc->range / total; symbol = rc->value / scale + 1; symbol = total - FFMIN(symbol, total); k = (symbol < (k0+1)*3) ? symbol/3 : symbol - (k0+1)*2; opus_rc_update(rc, scale, (k <= k0) ? 3*(k+0) : (k-1-k0) + 3*(k0+1), (k <= k0) ? 3*(k+1) : (k-0-k0) + 3*(k0+1), total); return k; } static av_always_inline unsigned int opus_rc_trimodel(OpusRangeCoder *rc, int qn) { unsigned int k, scale, symbol, total, low, center; total = ((qn>>1) + 1) * ((qn>>1) + 1); scale = rc->range / total; center = rc->value / scale + 1; center = total - FFMIN(center, total); if (center < total >> 1) { k = (ff_sqrt(8 * center + 1) - 1) >> 1; low = k * (k + 1) >> 1; symbol = k + 1; } else { k = (2*(qn + 1) - ff_sqrt(8*(total - center - 1) + 1)) >> 1; low = total - ((qn + 1 - k) * (qn + 2 - k) >> 1); symbol = qn + 1 - k; } opus_rc_update(rc, scale, low, low + symbol, total); return k; } int ff_opus_parse_packet(OpusPacket *pkt, const uint8_t *buf, int buf_size, int self_delimited); int ff_opus_parse_extradata(AVCodecContext *avctx, OpusContext *s); int ff_silk_init(AVCodecContext *avctx, SilkContext **ps, int output_channels); void ff_silk_free(SilkContext **ps); void ff_silk_flush(SilkContext *s); /** * Decode the LP layer of one Opus frame (which may correspond to several SILK * frames). */ int ff_silk_decode_superframe(SilkContext *s, OpusRangeCoder *rc, float *output[2], enum OpusBandwidth bandwidth, int coded_channels, int duration_ms); int ff_celt_init(AVCodecContext *avctx, CeltContext **s, int output_channels); void ff_celt_free(CeltContext **s); void ff_celt_flush(CeltContext *s); int ff_celt_decode_frame(CeltContext *s, OpusRangeCoder *rc, float **output, int coded_channels, int frame_size, int startband, int endband); extern const float ff_celt_window2[120]; #endif /* AVCODEC_OPUS_H */