optimization Tips (for libavcodec): =================================== What to optimize: ----------------- If you plan to do non-x86 architecture specific optimizations (SIMD normally), then take a look in the x86/ directory, as most important functions are already optimized for MMX. If you want to do x86 optimizations then you can either try to fine-tune the stuff in the x86 directory or find some other functions in the C source to optimize, but there aren't many left. Understanding these overoptimized functions: -------------------------------------------- As many functions tend to be a bit difficult to understand because of optimizations, it can be hard to optimize them further, or write architecture-specific versions. It is recommended to look at older revisions of the interesting files (web frontends for the various FFmpeg branches are listed at http://ffmpeg.org/download.html). Alternatively, look into the other architecture-specific versions in the x86/, ppc/, alpha/ subdirectories. Even if you don't exactly comprehend the instructions, it could help understanding the functions and how they can be optimized. NOTE: If you still don't understand some function, ask at our mailing list!!! (http://lists.ffmpeg.org/mailman/listinfo/ffmpeg-devel) When is an optimization justified? ---------------------------------- Normally, clean and simple optimizations for widely used codecs are justified even if they only achieve an overall speedup of 0.1%. These speedups accumulate and can make a big difference after awhile. Also, if none of the following factors get worse due to an optimization -- speed, binary code size, source size, source readability -- and at least one factor improves, then an optimization is always a good idea even if the overall gain is less than 0.1%. For obscure codecs that are not often used, the goal is more toward keeping the code clean, small, and readable instead of making it 1% faster. WTF is that function good for ....: ----------------------------------- The primary purpose of this list is to avoid wasting time optimizing functions which are rarely used. put(_no_rnd)_pixels{,_x2,_y2,_xy2} Used in motion compensation (en/decoding). avg_pixels{,_x2,_y2,_xy2} Used in motion compensation of B-frames. These are less important than the put*pixels functions. avg_no_rnd_pixels* unused pix_abs16x16{,_x2,_y2,_xy2} Used in motion estimation (encoding) with SAD. pix_abs8x8{,_x2,_y2,_xy2} Used in motion estimation (encoding) with SAD of MPEG-4 4MV only. These are less important than the pix_abs16x16* functions. put_mspel8_mc* / wmv2_mspel8* Used only in WMV2. it is not recommended that you waste your time with these, as WMV2 is an ugly and relatively useless codec. mpeg4_qpel* / *qpel_mc* Used in MPEG-4 qpel motion compensation (encoding & decoding). The qpel8 functions are used only for 4mv, the avg_* functions are used only for B-frames. Optimizing them should have a significant impact on qpel encoding & decoding. qpel{8,16}_mc??_old_c / *pixels{8,16}_l4 Just used to work around a bug in an old libavcodec encoder version. Don't optimize them. add_bytes/diff_bytes For huffyuv only, optimize if you want a faster ffhuffyuv codec. get_pixels / diff_pixels Used for encoding, easy. clear_blocks easiest to optimize gmc Used for MPEG-4 gmc. Optimizing this should have a significant effect on the gmc decoding speed. gmc1 Used for chroma blocks in MPEG-4 gmc with 1 warp point (there are 4 luma & 2 chroma blocks per macroblock, so only 1/3 of the gmc blocks use this, the other 2/3 use the normal put_pixel* code, but only if there is just 1 warp point). Note: DivX5 gmc always uses just 1 warp point. pix_sum Used for encoding. hadamard8_diff / sse / sad == pix_norm1 / dct_sad / quant_psnr / rd / bit Specific compare functions used in encoding, it depends upon the command line switches which of these are used. Don't waste your time with dct_sad & quant_psnr, they aren't really useful. put_pixels_clamped / add_pixels_clamped Used for en/decoding in the IDCT, easy. Note, some optimized IDCTs have the add/put clamped code included and then put_pixels_clamped / add_pixels_clamped will be unused. idct/fdct idct (encoding & decoding) fdct (encoding) difficult to optimize dct_quantize_trellis Used for encoding with trellis quantization. difficult to optimize dct_quantize Used for encoding. dct_unquantize_mpeg1 Used in MPEG-1 en/decoding. dct_unquantize_mpeg2 Used in MPEG-2 en/decoding. dct_unquantize_h263 Used in MPEG-4/H.263 en/decoding. Alignment: Some instructions on some architectures have strict alignment restrictions, for example most SSE/SSE2 instructions on x86. The minimum guaranteed alignment is written in the .h files, for example: void (*put_pixels_clamped)(const int16_t *block/*align 16*/, uint8_t *pixels/*align 8*/, ptrdiff_t stride); General Tips: ------------- Use asm loops like: __asm__( "1: .... ... "jump_instruction .... Do not use C loops: do{ __asm__( ... }while() For x86, mark registers that are clobbered in your asm. This means both general x86 registers (e.g. eax) as well as XMM registers. This last one is particularly important on Win64, where xmm6-15 are callee-save, and not restoring their contents leads to undefined results. In external asm, you do this by using: cglobal function_name, num_args, num_regs, num_xmm_regs In inline asm, you specify clobbered registers at the end of your asm: __asm__(".." ::: "%eax"). If gcc is not set to support sse (-msse) it will not accept xmm registers in the clobber list. For that we use two macros to declare the clobbers. XMM_CLOBBERS should be used when there are other clobbers, for example: __asm__(".." ::: XMM_CLOBBERS("xmm0",) "eax"); and XMM_CLOBBERS_ONLY should be used when the only clobbers are xmm registers: __asm__(".." :: XMM_CLOBBERS_ONLY("xmm0")); Do not expect a compiler to maintain values in your registers between separate (inline) asm code blocks. It is not required to. For example, this is bad: __asm__("movdqa %0, %%xmm7" : src); /* do something */ __asm__("movdqa %%xmm7, %1" : dst); - first of all, you're assuming that the compiler will not use xmm7 in between the two asm blocks. It probably won't when you test it, but it's a poor assumption that will break at some point for some --cpu compiler flag - secondly, you didn't mark xmm7 as clobbered. If you did, the compiler would have restored the original value of xmm7 after the first asm block, thus rendering the combination of the two blocks of code invalid Code that depends on data in registries being untouched, should be written as a single __asm__() statement. Ideally, a single function contains only one __asm__() block. Use external asm (nasm) or inline asm (__asm__()), do not use intrinsics. The latter requires a good optimizing compiler which gcc is not. When debugging a x86 external asm compilation issue, if lost in the macro expansions, add DBG=1 to your make command-line: the input file will be preprocessed, stripped of the debug/empty lines, then compiled, showing the actual lines causing issues. Inline asm vs. external asm --------------------------- Both inline asm (__asm__("..") in a .c file, handled by a compiler such as gcc) and external asm (.s or .asm files, handled by an assembler such as nasm) are accepted in FFmpeg. Which one to use differs per specific case. - if your code is intended to be inlined in a C function, inline asm is always better, because external asm cannot be inlined - if your code calls external functions, external asm is always better - if your code takes huge and complex structs as function arguments (e.g. MpegEncContext; note that this is not ideal and is discouraged if there are alternatives), then inline asm is always better, because predicting member offsets in complex structs is almost impossible. It's safest to let the compiler take care of that - in many cases, both can be used and it just depends on the preference of the person writing the asm. For new asm, the choice is up to you. For existing asm, you'll likely want to maintain whatever form it is currently in unless there is a good reason to change it. - if, for some reason, you believe that a particular chunk of existing external asm could be improved upon further if written in inline asm (or the other way around), then please make the move from external asm <-> inline asm a separate patch before your patches that actually improve the asm. Links: ====== http://www.aggregate.org/MAGIC/ x86-specific: ------------- http://developer.intel.com/design/pentium4/manuals/248966.htm The IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Volume 2: Instruction Set Reference http://developer.intel.com/design/pentium4/manuals/245471.htm http://www.agner.org/assem/ AMD Athlon Processor x86 Code Optimization Guide: http://www.amd.com/us-en/assets/content_type/white_papers_and_tech_docs/22007.pdf ARM-specific: ------------- ARM Architecture Reference Manual (up to ARMv5TE): http://www.arm.com/community/university/eulaarmarm.html Procedure Call Standard for the ARM Architecture: http://www.arm.com/pdfs/aapcs.pdf Optimization guide for ARM9E (used in Nokia 770 Internet Tablet): http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.ddi0240b/DDI0240A.pdf Optimization guide for ARM11 (used in Nokia N800 Internet Tablet): http://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.ddi0211j/DDI0211J_arm1136_r1p5_trm.pdf Optimization guide for Intel XScale (used in Sharp Zaurus PDA): http://download.intel.com/design/intelxscale/27347302.pdf Intel Wireless MMX 2 Coprocessor: Programmers Reference Manual http://download.intel.com/design/intelxscale/31451001.pdf PowerPC-specific: ----------------- PowerPC32/AltiVec PIM: www.freescale.com/files/32bit/doc/ref_manual/ALTIVECPEM.pdf PowerPC32/AltiVec PEM: www.freescale.com/files/32bit/doc/ref_manual/ALTIVECPIM.pdf CELL/SPU: http://www-01.ibm.com/chips/techlib/techlib.nsf/techdocs/30B3520C93F437AB87257060006FFE5E/$file/Language_Extensions_for_CBEA_2.4.pdf http://www-01.ibm.com/chips/techlib/techlib.nsf/techdocs/9F820A5FFA3ECE8C8725716A0062585F/$file/CBE_Handbook_v1.1_24APR2007_pub.pdf RISC-V-specific: ---------------- The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual, Volume 1, Unprivileged ISA: https://riscv.org/technical/specifications/ GCC asm links: -------------- official doc but quite ugly http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Extended-Asm.html a bit old (note "+" is valid for input-output, even though the next disagrees) http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~clc5q/gcc-inline-asm.pdf