/* * filter layer * Copyright (c) 2007 Bobby Bingham * * This file is part of FFmpeg. * * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* #define DEBUG */ #include "libavutil/pixdesc.h" #include "libavutil/rational.h" #include "libavcore/imgutils.h" #include "avfilter.h" #include "internal.h" unsigned avfilter_version(void) { return LIBAVFILTER_VERSION_INT; } const char *avfilter_configuration(void) { return FFMPEG_CONFIGURATION; } const char *avfilter_license(void) { #define LICENSE_PREFIX "libavfilter license: " return LICENSE_PREFIX FFMPEG_LICENSE + sizeof(LICENSE_PREFIX) - 1; } AVFilterBufferRef *avfilter_ref_buffer(AVFilterBufferRef *ref, int pmask) { AVFilterBufferRef *ret = av_malloc(sizeof(AVFilterBufferRef)); if (!ret) return NULL; *ret = *ref; if (ref->type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) { ret->video = av_malloc(sizeof(AVFilterBufferRefVideoProps)); if (!ret->video) { av_free(ret); return NULL; } *ret->video = *ref->video; } else if (ref->type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { ret->audio = av_malloc(sizeof(AVFilterBufferRefAudioProps)); if (!ret->audio) { av_free(ret); return NULL; } *ret->audio = *ref->audio; } ret->perms &= pmask; ret->buf->refcount ++; return ret; } void avfilter_unref_buffer(AVFilterBufferRef *ref) { if (!(--ref->buf->refcount)) ref->buf->free(ref->buf); av_free(ref->video); av_free(ref->audio); av_free(ref); } void avfilter_insert_pad(unsigned idx, unsigned *count, size_t padidx_off, AVFilterPad **pads, AVFilterLink ***links, AVFilterPad *newpad) { unsigned i; idx = FFMIN(idx, *count); *pads = av_realloc(*pads, sizeof(AVFilterPad) * (*count + 1)); *links = av_realloc(*links, sizeof(AVFilterLink*) * (*count + 1)); memmove(*pads +idx+1, *pads +idx, sizeof(AVFilterPad) * (*count-idx)); memmove(*links+idx+1, *links+idx, sizeof(AVFilterLink*) * (*count-idx)); memcpy(*pads+idx, newpad, sizeof(AVFilterPad)); (*links)[idx] = NULL; (*count)++; for (i = idx+1; i < *count; i++) if (*links[i]) (*(unsigned *)((uint8_t *) *links[i] + padidx_off))++; } int avfilter_link(AVFilterContext *src, unsigned srcpad, AVFilterContext *dst, unsigned dstpad) { AVFilterLink *link; if (src->output_count <= srcpad || dst->input_count <= dstpad || src->outputs[srcpad] || dst->inputs[dstpad]) return -1; src->outputs[srcpad] = dst-> inputs[dstpad] = link = av_mallocz(sizeof(AVFilterLink)); link->src = src; link->dst = dst; link->srcpad = &src->output_pads[srcpad]; link->dstpad = &dst->input_pads[dstpad]; link->type = src->output_pads[srcpad].type; assert(PIX_FMT_NONE == -1 && AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE == -1); link->format = -1; return 0; } int avfilter_insert_filter(AVFilterLink *link, AVFilterContext *filt, unsigned filt_srcpad_idx, unsigned filt_dstpad_idx) { int ret; unsigned dstpad_idx = link->dstpad - link->dst->input_pads; av_log(link->dst, AV_LOG_INFO, "auto-inserting filter '%s' " "between the filter '%s' and the filter '%s'\n", filt->name, link->src->name, link->dst->name); link->dst->inputs[dstpad_idx] = NULL; if ((ret = avfilter_link(filt, filt_dstpad_idx, link->dst, dstpad_idx)) < 0) { /* failed to link output filter to new filter */ link->dst->inputs[dstpad_idx] = link; return ret; } /* re-hookup the link to the new destination filter we inserted */ link->dst = filt; link->dstpad = &filt->input_pads[filt_srcpad_idx]; filt->inputs[filt_srcpad_idx] = link; /* if any information on supported media formats already exists on the * link, we need to preserve that */ if (link->out_formats) avfilter_formats_changeref(&link->out_formats, &filt->outputs[filt_dstpad_idx]->out_formats); return 0; } int avfilter_config_links(AVFilterContext *filter) { int (*config_link)(AVFilterLink *); unsigned i; int ret; for (i = 0; i < filter->input_count; i ++) { AVFilterLink *link = filter->inputs[i]; if (!link) continue; switch (link->init_state) { case AVLINK_INIT: continue; case AVLINK_STARTINIT: av_log(filter, AV_LOG_INFO, "circular filter chain detected\n"); return 0; case AVLINK_UNINIT: link->init_state = AVLINK_STARTINIT; if ((ret = avfilter_config_links(link->src)) < 0) return ret; if (!(config_link = link->srcpad->config_props)) config_link = avfilter_default_config_output_link; if ((ret = config_link(link)) < 0) return ret; if (link->time_base.num == 0 && link->time_base.den == 0) link->time_base = link->src && link->src->input_count ? link->src->inputs[0]->time_base : AV_TIME_BASE_Q; if ((config_link = link->dstpad->config_props)) if ((ret = config_link(link)) < 0) return ret; link->init_state = AVLINK_INIT; } } return 0; } char *ff_get_ref_perms_string(char *buf, size_t buf_size, int perms) { snprintf(buf, buf_size, "%s%s%s%s%s", perms & AV_PERM_READ ? "r" : "", perms & AV_PERM_WRITE ? "w" : "", perms & AV_PERM_PRESERVE ? "p" : "", perms & AV_PERM_REUSE ? "u" : "", perms & AV_PERM_REUSE2 ? "U" : ""); return buf; } void ff_dprintf_ref(void *ctx, AVFilterBufferRef *ref, int end) { av_unused char buf[16]; dprintf(ctx, "ref[%p buf:%p refcount:%d perms:%s data:%p linesize[%d, %d, %d, %d] pts:%"PRId64" pos:%"PRId64, ref, ref->buf, ref->buf->refcount, ff_get_ref_perms_string(buf, sizeof(buf), ref->perms), ref->data[0], ref->linesize[0], ref->linesize[1], ref->linesize[2], ref->linesize[3], ref->pts, ref->pos); if (ref->video) { dprintf(ctx, " a:%d/%d s:%dx%d i:%c", ref->video->pixel_aspect.num, ref->video->pixel_aspect.den, ref->video->w, ref->video->h, !ref->video->interlaced ? 'P' : /* Progressive */ ref->video->top_field_first ? 'T' : 'B'); /* Top / Bottom */ } if (ref->audio) { dprintf(ctx, " cl:%"PRId64"d sn:%d s:%d sr:%d p:%d", ref->audio->channel_layout, ref->audio->samples_nb, ref->audio->size, ref->audio->sample_rate, ref->audio->planar); } dprintf(ctx, "]%s", end ? "\n" : ""); } void ff_dprintf_link(void *ctx, AVFilterLink *link, int end) { dprintf(ctx, "link[%p s:%dx%d fmt:%-16s %-16s->%-16s]%s", link, link->w, link->h, av_pix_fmt_descriptors[link->format].name, link->src ? link->src->filter->name : "", link->dst ? link->dst->filter->name : "", end ? "\n" : ""); } AVFilterBufferRef *avfilter_get_video_buffer(AVFilterLink *link, int perms, int w, int h) { AVFilterBufferRef *ret = NULL; av_unused char buf[16]; FF_DPRINTF_START(NULL, get_video_buffer); ff_dprintf_link(NULL, link, 0); dprintf(NULL, " perms:%s w:%d h:%d\n", ff_get_ref_perms_string(buf, sizeof(buf), perms), w, h); if (link->dstpad->get_video_buffer) ret = link->dstpad->get_video_buffer(link, perms, w, h); if (!ret) ret = avfilter_default_get_video_buffer(link, perms, w, h); if (ret) ret->type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO; FF_DPRINTF_START(NULL, get_video_buffer); ff_dprintf_link(NULL, link, 0); dprintf(NULL, " returning "); ff_dprintf_ref(NULL, ret, 1); return ret; } AVFilterBufferRef * avfilter_get_video_buffer_ref_from_arrays(uint8_t *data[4], int linesize[4], int perms, int w, int h, enum PixelFormat format) { AVFilterBuffer *pic = av_mallocz(sizeof(AVFilterBuffer)); AVFilterBufferRef *picref = av_mallocz(sizeof(AVFilterBufferRef)); if (!pic || !picref) goto fail; picref->buf = pic; picref->buf->free = ff_avfilter_default_free_buffer; if (!(picref->video = av_mallocz(sizeof(AVFilterBufferRefVideoProps)))) goto fail; picref->video->w = w; picref->video->h = h; /* make sure the buffer gets read permission or it's useless for output */ picref->perms = perms | AV_PERM_READ; pic->refcount = 1; picref->type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO; picref->format = format; memcpy(pic->data, data, sizeof(pic->data)); memcpy(pic->linesize, linesize, sizeof(pic->linesize)); memcpy(picref->data, pic->data, sizeof(picref->data)); memcpy(picref->linesize, pic->linesize, sizeof(picref->linesize)); return picref; fail: if (picref && picref->video) av_free(picref->video); av_free(picref); av_free(pic); return NULL; } AVFilterBufferRef *avfilter_get_audio_buffer(AVFilterLink *link, int perms, enum AVSampleFormat sample_fmt, int size, int64_t channel_layout, int planar) { AVFilterBufferRef *ret = NULL; if (link->dstpad->get_audio_buffer) ret = link->dstpad->get_audio_buffer(link, perms, sample_fmt, size, channel_layout, planar); if (!ret) ret = avfilter_default_get_audio_buffer(link, perms, sample_fmt, size, channel_layout, planar); if (ret) ret->type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO; return ret; } int avfilter_request_frame(AVFilterLink *link) { FF_DPRINTF_START(NULL, request_frame); ff_dprintf_link(NULL, link, 1); if (link->srcpad->request_frame) return link->srcpad->request_frame(link); else if (link->src->inputs[0]) return avfilter_request_frame(link->src->inputs[0]); else return -1; } int avfilter_poll_frame(AVFilterLink *link) { int i, min = INT_MAX; if (link->srcpad->poll_frame) return link->srcpad->poll_frame(link); for (i = 0; i < link->src->input_count; i++) { int val; if (!link->src->inputs[i]) return -1; val = avfilter_poll_frame(link->src->inputs[i]); min = FFMIN(min, val); } return min; } /* XXX: should we do the duplicating of the picture ref here, instead of * forcing the source filter to do it? */ void avfilter_start_frame(AVFilterLink *link, AVFilterBufferRef *picref) { void (*start_frame)(AVFilterLink *, AVFilterBufferRef *); AVFilterPad *dst = link->dstpad; FF_DPRINTF_START(NULL, start_frame); ff_dprintf_link(NULL, link, 0); dprintf(NULL, " "); ff_dprintf_ref(NULL, picref, 1); if (!(start_frame = dst->start_frame)) start_frame = avfilter_default_start_frame; /* prepare to copy the picture if it has insufficient permissions */ if ((dst->min_perms & picref->perms) != dst->min_perms || dst->rej_perms & picref->perms) { av_log(link->dst, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "frame copy needed (have perms %x, need %x, reject %x)\n", picref->perms, link->dstpad->min_perms, link->dstpad->rej_perms); link->cur_buf = avfilter_get_video_buffer(link, dst->min_perms, link->w, link->h); link->src_buf = picref; avfilter_copy_buffer_ref_props(link->cur_buf, link->src_buf); } else link->cur_buf = picref; start_frame(link, link->cur_buf); } void avfilter_end_frame(AVFilterLink *link) { void (*end_frame)(AVFilterLink *); if (!(end_frame = link->dstpad->end_frame)) end_frame = avfilter_default_end_frame; end_frame(link); /* unreference the source picture if we're feeding the destination filter * a copied version dues to permission issues */ if (link->src_buf) { avfilter_unref_buffer(link->src_buf); link->src_buf = NULL; } } void avfilter_draw_slice(AVFilterLink *link, int y, int h, int slice_dir) { uint8_t *src[4], *dst[4]; int i, j, vsub; void (*draw_slice)(AVFilterLink *, int, int, int); FF_DPRINTF_START(NULL, draw_slice); ff_dprintf_link(NULL, link, 0); dprintf(NULL, " y:%d h:%d dir:%d\n", y, h, slice_dir); /* copy the slice if needed for permission reasons */ if (link->src_buf) { vsub = av_pix_fmt_descriptors[link->format].log2_chroma_h; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (link->src_buf->data[i]) { src[i] = link->src_buf-> data[i] + (y >> (i==0 ? 0 : vsub)) * link->src_buf-> linesize[i]; dst[i] = link->cur_buf->data[i] + (y >> (i==0 ? 0 : vsub)) * link->cur_buf->linesize[i]; } else src[i] = dst[i] = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int planew = av_image_get_linesize(link->format, link->cur_buf->video->w, i); if (!src[i]) continue; for (j = 0; j < h >> (i==0 ? 0 : vsub); j++) { memcpy(dst[i], src[i], planew); src[i] += link->src_buf->linesize[i]; dst[i] += link->cur_buf->linesize[i]; } } } if (!(draw_slice = link->dstpad->draw_slice)) draw_slice = avfilter_default_draw_slice; draw_slice(link, y, h, slice_dir); } void avfilter_filter_samples(AVFilterLink *link, AVFilterBufferRef *samplesref) { void (*filter_samples)(AVFilterLink *, AVFilterBufferRef *); AVFilterPad *dst = link->dstpad; if (!(filter_samples = dst->filter_samples)) filter_samples = avfilter_default_filter_samples; /* prepare to copy the samples if the buffer has insufficient permissions */ if ((dst->min_perms & samplesref->perms) != dst->min_perms || dst->rej_perms & samplesref->perms) { av_log(link->dst, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Copying audio data in avfilter (have perms %x, need %x, reject %x)\n", samplesref->perms, link->dstpad->min_perms, link->dstpad->rej_perms); link->cur_buf = avfilter_default_get_audio_buffer(link, dst->min_perms, samplesref->format, samplesref->audio->size, samplesref->audio->channel_layout, samplesref->audio->planar); link->cur_buf->pts = samplesref->pts; link->cur_buf->audio->sample_rate = samplesref->audio->sample_rate; /* Copy actual data into new samples buffer */ memcpy(link->cur_buf->data[0], samplesref->data[0], samplesref->audio->size); avfilter_unref_buffer(samplesref); } else link->cur_buf = samplesref; filter_samples(link, link->cur_buf); } #define MAX_REGISTERED_AVFILTERS_NB 64 static AVFilter *registered_avfilters[MAX_REGISTERED_AVFILTERS_NB + 1]; static int next_registered_avfilter_idx = 0; AVFilter *avfilter_get_by_name(const char *name) { int i; for (i = 0; registered_avfilters[i]; i++) if (!strcmp(registered_avfilters[i]->name, name)) return registered_avfilters[i]; return NULL; } int avfilter_register(AVFilter *filter) { if (next_registered_avfilter_idx == MAX_REGISTERED_AVFILTERS_NB) return -1; registered_avfilters[next_registered_avfilter_idx++] = filter; return 0; } AVFilter **av_filter_next(AVFilter **filter) { return filter ? ++filter : ®istered_avfilters[0]; } void avfilter_uninit(void) { memset(registered_avfilters, 0, sizeof(registered_avfilters)); next_registered_avfilter_idx = 0; } static int pad_count(const AVFilterPad *pads) { int count; for(count = 0; pads->name; count ++) pads ++; return count; } static const char *filter_name(void *p) { AVFilterContext *filter = p; return filter->filter->name; } static const AVClass avfilter_class = { "AVFilter", filter_name, NULL, LIBAVUTIL_VERSION_INT, }; int avfilter_open(AVFilterContext **filter_ctx, AVFilter *filter, const char *inst_name) { AVFilterContext *ret; *filter_ctx = NULL; if (!filter) return AVERROR(EINVAL); ret = av_mallocz(sizeof(AVFilterContext)); ret->av_class = &avfilter_class; ret->filter = filter; ret->name = inst_name ? av_strdup(inst_name) : NULL; ret->priv = av_mallocz(filter->priv_size); ret->input_count = pad_count(filter->inputs); if (ret->input_count) { ret->input_pads = av_malloc(sizeof(AVFilterPad) * ret->input_count); memcpy(ret->input_pads, filter->inputs, sizeof(AVFilterPad) * ret->input_count); ret->inputs = av_mallocz(sizeof(AVFilterLink*) * ret->input_count); } ret->output_count = pad_count(filter->outputs); if (ret->output_count) { ret->output_pads = av_malloc(sizeof(AVFilterPad) * ret->output_count); memcpy(ret->output_pads, filter->outputs, sizeof(AVFilterPad) * ret->output_count); ret->outputs = av_mallocz(sizeof(AVFilterLink*) * ret->output_count); } *filter_ctx = ret; return 0; } void avfilter_free(AVFilterContext *filter) { int i; AVFilterLink *link; if (filter->filter->uninit) filter->filter->uninit(filter); for (i = 0; i < filter->input_count; i++) { if ((link = filter->inputs[i])) { if (link->src) link->src->outputs[link->srcpad - link->src->output_pads] = NULL; avfilter_formats_unref(&link->in_formats); avfilter_formats_unref(&link->out_formats); } av_freep(&link); } for (i = 0; i < filter->output_count; i++) { if ((link = filter->outputs[i])) { if (link->dst) link->dst->inputs[link->dstpad - link->dst->input_pads] = NULL; avfilter_formats_unref(&link->in_formats); avfilter_formats_unref(&link->out_formats); } av_freep(&link); } av_freep(&filter->name); av_freep(&filter->input_pads); av_freep(&filter->output_pads); av_freep(&filter->inputs); av_freep(&filter->outputs); av_freep(&filter->priv); av_free(filter); } int avfilter_init_filter(AVFilterContext *filter, const char *args, void *opaque) { int ret=0; if (filter->filter->init) ret = filter->filter->init(filter, args, opaque); return ret; }