/* * Copyright (c) 2020 * * This file is part of FFmpeg. * * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** * @file * DNN OpenVINO backend implementation. */ #include "dnn_io_proc.h" #include "libavformat/avio.h" #include "libavutil/avassert.h" #include "libavutil/cpu.h" #include "libavutil/opt.h" #include "libavutil/avstring.h" #include "libavutil/detection_bbox.h" #include "../internal.h" #include "safe_queue.h" #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 #include #else #include #endif #include "dnn_backend_common.h" typedef struct OVOptions{ char *device_type; int nireq; uint8_t async; int batch_size; int input_resizable; DNNLayout layout; float scale; float mean; } OVOptions; typedef struct OVContext { const AVClass *class; OVOptions options; } OVContext; typedef struct OVModel{ OVContext ctx; DNNModel *model; #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 ov_core_t *core; ov_model_t *ov_model; ov_compiled_model_t *compiled_model; ov_output_const_port_t* input_port; ov_preprocess_input_info_t* input_info; ov_output_const_port_t** output_ports; ov_preprocess_output_info_t* output_info; ov_preprocess_prepostprocessor_t* preprocess; #else ie_core_t *core; ie_network_t *network; ie_executable_network_t *exe_network; const char *all_input_names; const char *all_output_names; #endif SafeQueue *request_queue; // holds OVRequestItem Queue *task_queue; // holds TaskItem Queue *lltask_queue; // holds LastLevelTaskItem int nb_outputs; } OVModel; // one request for one call to openvino typedef struct OVRequestItem { LastLevelTaskItem **lltasks; uint32_t lltask_count; #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 ov_infer_request_t *infer_request; ov_callback_t callback; #else ie_complete_call_back_t callback; ie_infer_request_t *infer_request; #endif } OVRequestItem; #define APPEND_STRING(generated_string, iterate_string) \ generated_string = generated_string ? av_asprintf("%s %s", generated_string, iterate_string) : \ av_asprintf("%s", iterate_string); #define OFFSET(x) offsetof(OVContext, x) #define FLAGS AV_OPT_FLAG_FILTERING_PARAM static const AVOption dnn_openvino_options[] = { { "device", "device to run model", OFFSET(options.device_type), AV_OPT_TYPE_STRING, { .str = "CPU" }, 0, 0, FLAGS }, DNN_BACKEND_COMMON_OPTIONS { "batch_size", "batch size per request", OFFSET(options.batch_size), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = 1 }, 1, 1000, FLAGS}, { "input_resizable", "can input be resizable or not", OFFSET(options.input_resizable), AV_OPT_TYPE_BOOL, { .i64 = 0 }, 0, 1, FLAGS }, { "layout", "input layout of model", OFFSET(options.layout), AV_OPT_TYPE_INT, { .i64 = DL_NONE}, DL_NONE, DL_NHWC, FLAGS, "layout" }, { "none", "none", 0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = DL_NONE }, 0, 0, FLAGS, "layout"}, { "nchw", "nchw", 0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = DL_NCHW }, 0, 0, FLAGS, "layout"}, { "nhwc", "nhwc", 0, AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, { .i64 = DL_NHWC }, 0, 0, FLAGS, "layout"}, { "scale", "Add scale preprocess operation. Divide each element of input by specified value.", OFFSET(options.scale), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, { .dbl = 0 }, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, FLAGS}, { "mean", "Add mean preprocess operation. Subtract specified value from each element of input.", OFFSET(options.mean), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLOAT, { .dbl = 0 }, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, FLAGS}, { NULL } }; AVFILTER_DEFINE_CLASS(dnn_openvino); #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 static const struct { ov_status_e status; int av_err; const char *desc; } ov2_errors[] = { { OK, 0, "success" }, { GENERAL_ERROR, AVERROR_EXTERNAL, "general error" }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED, AVERROR(ENOSYS), "not implemented" }, { NETWORK_NOT_LOADED, AVERROR_EXTERNAL, "network not loaded" }, { PARAMETER_MISMATCH, AVERROR(EINVAL), "parameter mismatch" }, { NOT_FOUND, AVERROR_EXTERNAL, "not found" }, { OUT_OF_BOUNDS, AVERROR(EOVERFLOW), "out of bounds" }, { UNEXPECTED, AVERROR_EXTERNAL, "unexpected" }, { REQUEST_BUSY, AVERROR(EBUSY), "request busy" }, { RESULT_NOT_READY, AVERROR(EBUSY), "result not ready" }, { NOT_ALLOCATED, AVERROR(ENODATA), "not allocated" }, { INFER_NOT_STARTED, AVERROR_EXTERNAL, "infer not started" }, { NETWORK_NOT_READ, AVERROR_EXTERNAL, "network not read" }, { INFER_CANCELLED, AVERROR(ECANCELED), "infer cancelled" }, { INVALID_C_PARAM, AVERROR(EINVAL), "invalid C parameter" }, { UNKNOWN_C_ERROR, AVERROR_UNKNOWN, "unknown C error" }, { NOT_IMPLEMENT_C_METHOD, AVERROR(ENOSYS), "not implement C method" }, { UNKNOW_EXCEPTION, AVERROR_UNKNOWN, "unknown exception" }, }; static int ov2_map_error(ov_status_e status, const char **desc) { int i; for (i = 0; i < FF_ARRAY_ELEMS(ov2_errors); i++) { if (ov2_errors[i].status == status) { if (desc) *desc = ov2_errors[i].desc; return ov2_errors[i].av_err; } } if (desc) *desc = "unknown error"; return AVERROR_UNKNOWN; } #endif #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 static DNNDataType precision_to_datatype(ov_element_type_e precision) #else static DNNDataType precision_to_datatype(precision_e precision) #endif { switch (precision) { #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 case F32: #else case FP32: #endif return DNN_FLOAT; case U8: return DNN_UINT8; default: av_assert0(!"not supported yet."); return DNN_FLOAT; } } static int get_datatype_size(DNNDataType dt) { switch (dt) { case DNN_FLOAT: return sizeof(float); case DNN_UINT8: return sizeof(uint8_t); default: av_assert0(!"not supported yet."); return 1; } } static int fill_model_input_ov(OVModel *ov_model, OVRequestItem *request) { DNNData input; LastLevelTaskItem *lltask; TaskItem *task; OVContext *ctx = &ov_model->ctx; #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 int64_t* dims; ov_status_e status; ov_tensor_t* tensor = NULL; ov_shape_t input_shape = {0}; ov_element_type_e precision; #else dimensions_t dims; precision_e precision; ie_blob_buffer_t blob_buffer; IEStatusCode status; ie_blob_t *input_blob = NULL; #endif memset(&input, 0, sizeof(input)); lltask = ff_queue_peek_front(ov_model->lltask_queue); av_assert0(lltask); task = lltask->task; #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 if (ov_model->input_port) { ov_output_const_port_free(ov_model->input_port); ov_model->input_port = NULL; } status = ov_model_const_input_by_name(ov_model->ov_model, task->input_name, &ov_model->input_port); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get input port shape.\n"); return ov2_map_error(status, NULL); } status = ov_const_port_get_shape(ov_model->input_port, &input_shape); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get input port shape.\n"); return ov2_map_error(status, NULL); } dims = input_shape.dims; status = ov_port_get_element_type(ov_model->input_port, &precision); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get input port data type.\n"); ov_shape_free(&input_shape); return ov2_map_error(status, NULL); } input.height = dims[1]; input.width = dims[2]; input.channels = dims[3]; input.dt = precision_to_datatype(precision); #else status = ie_infer_request_get_blob(request->infer_request, task->input_name, &input_blob); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get input blob with name %s\n", task->input_name); return DNN_GENERIC_ERROR; } status |= ie_blob_get_dims(input_blob, &dims); status |= ie_blob_get_precision(input_blob, &precision); if (status != OK) { ie_blob_free(&input_blob); av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get input blob dims/precision\n"); return DNN_GENERIC_ERROR; } status = ie_blob_get_buffer(input_blob, &blob_buffer); if (status != OK) { ie_blob_free(&input_blob); av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get input blob buffer\n"); return DNN_GENERIC_ERROR; } input.height = dims.dims[2]; input.width = dims.dims[3]; input.channels = dims.dims[1]; input.data = blob_buffer.buffer; input.dt = precision_to_datatype(precision); #endif // all models in openvino open model zoo use BGR as input, // change to be an option when necessary. input.order = DCO_BGR; // We use preprocess_steps to scale input data, so disable scale and mean here. input.scale = 1; input.mean = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ctx->options.batch_size; ++i) { lltask = ff_queue_pop_front(ov_model->lltask_queue); if (!lltask) { break; } request->lltasks[i] = lltask; request->lltask_count = i + 1; task = lltask->task; #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 if (tensor) ov_tensor_free(tensor); status = ov_tensor_create(precision, input_shape, &tensor); ov_shape_free(&input_shape); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create tensor from host prt.\n"); return ov2_map_error(status, NULL); } status = ov_tensor_data(tensor, &input.data); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get input data.\n"); return ov2_map_error(status, NULL); } status = ov_infer_request_set_input_tensor(request->infer_request, tensor); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to Set an input tensor for the model.\n"); return ov2_map_error(status, NULL); } #endif switch (ov_model->model->func_type) { case DFT_PROCESS_FRAME: if (task->do_ioproc) { if (ov_model->model->frame_pre_proc != NULL) { ov_model->model->frame_pre_proc(task->in_frame, &input, ov_model->model->filter_ctx); } else { ff_proc_from_frame_to_dnn(task->in_frame, &input, ctx); } } break; case DFT_ANALYTICS_DETECT: ff_frame_to_dnn_detect(task->in_frame, &input, ctx); break; case DFT_ANALYTICS_CLASSIFY: ff_frame_to_dnn_classify(task->in_frame, &input, lltask->bbox_index, ctx); break; default: av_assert0(!"should not reach here"); break; } input.data = (uint8_t *)input.data + input.width * input.height * input.channels * get_datatype_size(input.dt); } #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 ov_tensor_free(tensor); #else ie_blob_free(&input_blob); #endif return 0; } static void infer_completion_callback(void *args) { OVRequestItem *request = args; LastLevelTaskItem *lltask = request->lltasks[0]; TaskItem *task = lltask->task; OVModel *ov_model = task->model; SafeQueue *requestq = ov_model->request_queue; DNNData *outputs; OVContext *ctx = &ov_model->ctx; #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 size_t* dims; ov_status_e status; ov_tensor_t *output_tensor; ov_shape_t output_shape = {0}; ov_element_type_e precision; outputs = av_calloc(ov_model->nb_outputs, sizeof(*outputs)); if (!outputs) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to alloc outputs."); return; } for (int i = 0; i < ov_model->nb_outputs; i++) { status = ov_infer_request_get_tensor_by_const_port(request->infer_request, ov_model->output_ports[i], &output_tensor); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get output tensor."); goto end; } status = ov_tensor_data(output_tensor, &outputs[i].data); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get output data."); goto end; } status = ov_tensor_get_shape(output_tensor, &output_shape); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get output port shape.\n"); goto end; } dims = output_shape.dims; status = ov_port_get_element_type(ov_model->output_ports[i], &precision); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get output port data type.\n"); goto end; } outputs[i].dt = precision_to_datatype(precision); outputs[i].channels = output_shape.rank > 2 ? dims[output_shape.rank - 3] : 1; outputs[i].height = output_shape.rank > 1 ? dims[output_shape.rank - 2] : 1; outputs[i].width = output_shape.rank > 0 ? dims[output_shape.rank - 1] : 1; av_assert0(request->lltask_count <= dims[0]); outputs[i].layout = ctx->options.layout; outputs[i].scale = ctx->options.scale; outputs[i].mean = ctx->options.mean; ov_shape_free(&output_shape); ov_tensor_free(output_tensor); output_tensor = NULL; } #else IEStatusCode status; dimensions_t dims; ie_blob_t *output_blob = NULL; ie_blob_buffer_t blob_buffer; precision_e precision; DNNData output; status = ie_infer_request_get_blob(request->infer_request, task->output_names[0], &output_blob); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "output \"%s\" may not correct, all output(s) are: \"%s\"\n", task->output_names[0], ov_model->all_output_names); return; } status = ie_blob_get_buffer(output_blob, &blob_buffer); if (status != OK) { ie_blob_free(&output_blob); av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to access output memory\n"); return; } status |= ie_blob_get_dims(output_blob, &dims); status |= ie_blob_get_precision(output_blob, &precision); if (status != OK) { ie_blob_free(&output_blob); av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get dims or precision of output\n"); return; } output.data = blob_buffer.buffer; output.channels = dims.dims[1]; output.height = dims.dims[2]; output.width = dims.dims[3]; av_assert0(request->lltask_count <= dims.dims[0]); output.dt = precision_to_datatype(precision); output.layout = ctx->options.layout; output.scale = ctx->options.scale; output.mean = ctx->options.mean; outputs = &output; #endif av_assert0(request->lltask_count >= 1); for (int i = 0; i < request->lltask_count; ++i) { task = request->lltasks[i]->task; switch (ov_model->model->func_type) { case DFT_PROCESS_FRAME: if (task->do_ioproc) { if (ov_model->model->frame_post_proc != NULL) { ov_model->model->frame_post_proc(task->out_frame, outputs, ov_model->model->filter_ctx); } else { ff_proc_from_dnn_to_frame(task->out_frame, outputs, ctx); } } else { task->out_frame->width = outputs[0].width; task->out_frame->height = outputs[0].height; } break; case DFT_ANALYTICS_DETECT: if (!ov_model->model->detect_post_proc) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "detect filter needs to provide post proc\n"); goto end; } ov_model->model->detect_post_proc(task->in_frame, outputs, ov_model->nb_outputs, ov_model->model->filter_ctx); break; case DFT_ANALYTICS_CLASSIFY: if (!ov_model->model->classify_post_proc) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "classify filter needs to provide post proc\n"); goto end; } for (int output_i = 0; output_i < ov_model->nb_outputs; output_i++) ov_model->model->classify_post_proc(task->in_frame, outputs, request->lltasks[i]->bbox_index, ov_model->model->filter_ctx); break; default: av_assert0(!"should not reach here"); break; } task->inference_done++; av_freep(&request->lltasks[i]); for (int i = 0; i < ov_model->nb_outputs; i++) outputs[i].data = (uint8_t *)outputs[i].data + outputs[i].width * outputs[i].height * outputs[i].channels * get_datatype_size(outputs[i].dt); } end: #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 av_freep(&outputs); ov_shape_free(&output_shape); if (output_tensor) ov_tensor_free(output_tensor); #else ie_blob_free(&output_blob); #endif request->lltask_count = 0; if (ff_safe_queue_push_back(requestq, request) < 0) { #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 ov_infer_request_free(request->infer_request); #else ie_infer_request_free(&request->infer_request); #endif av_freep(&request); av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to push back request_queue.\n"); return; } } static void dnn_free_model_ov(DNNModel **model) { OVModel *ov_model; if (!model || !*model) return; ov_model = (*model)->model; while (ff_safe_queue_size(ov_model->request_queue) != 0) { OVRequestItem *item = ff_safe_queue_pop_front(ov_model->request_queue); if (item && item->infer_request) { #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 ov_infer_request_free(item->infer_request); #else ie_infer_request_free(&item->infer_request); #endif } av_freep(&item->lltasks); av_freep(&item); } ff_safe_queue_destroy(ov_model->request_queue); while (ff_queue_size(ov_model->lltask_queue) != 0) { LastLevelTaskItem *item = ff_queue_pop_front(ov_model->lltask_queue); av_freep(&item); } ff_queue_destroy(ov_model->lltask_queue); while (ff_queue_size(ov_model->task_queue) != 0) { TaskItem *item = ff_queue_pop_front(ov_model->task_queue); av_frame_free(&item->in_frame); av_frame_free(&item->out_frame); av_freep(&item); } ff_queue_destroy(ov_model->task_queue); #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 if (ov_model->input_port) ov_output_const_port_free(ov_model->input_port); for (int i = 0; i < ov_model->nb_outputs; i++) if (ov_model->output_ports[i]) ov_output_const_port_free(ov_model->output_ports[i]); av_freep(&ov_model->output_ports); if (ov_model->preprocess) ov_preprocess_prepostprocessor_free(ov_model->preprocess); if (ov_model->compiled_model) ov_compiled_model_free(ov_model->compiled_model); if (ov_model->ov_model) ov_model_free(ov_model->ov_model); if (ov_model->core) ov_core_free(ov_model->core); #else if (ov_model->exe_network) ie_exec_network_free(&ov_model->exe_network); if (ov_model->network) ie_network_free(&ov_model->network); if (ov_model->core) ie_core_free(&ov_model->core); av_free(ov_model->all_output_names); av_free(ov_model->all_input_names); #endif av_opt_free(&ov_model->ctx); av_freep(&ov_model); av_freep(model); } static int init_model_ov(OVModel *ov_model, const char *input_name, const char **output_names, int nb_outputs) { int ret = 0; OVContext *ctx = &ov_model->ctx; #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 ov_status_e status; ov_preprocess_input_tensor_info_t* input_tensor_info = NULL; ov_preprocess_output_tensor_info_t* output_tensor_info = NULL; ov_preprocess_input_model_info_t* input_model_info = NULL; ov_model_t *tmp_ov_model; ov_layout_t* NHWC_layout = NULL; ov_layout_t* NCHW_layout = NULL; const char* NHWC_desc = "NHWC"; const char* NCHW_desc = "NCHW"; const char* device = ctx->options.device_type; #else IEStatusCode status; ie_available_devices_t a_dev; ie_config_t config = {NULL, NULL, NULL}; char *all_dev_names = NULL; #endif // We scale pixel by default when do frame processing. if (fabsf(ctx->options.scale) < 1e-6f) ctx->options.scale = ov_model->model->func_type == DFT_PROCESS_FRAME ? 255 : 1; // batch size if (ctx->options.batch_size <= 0) { ctx->options.batch_size = 1; } #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 if (ctx->options.batch_size > 1) { avpriv_report_missing_feature(ctx, "Do not support batch_size > 1 for now," "change batch_size to 1.\n"); ctx->options.batch_size = 1; } status = ov_preprocess_prepostprocessor_create(ov_model->ov_model, &ov_model->preprocess); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create preprocess for ov_model.\n"); ret = ov2_map_error(status, NULL); goto err; } status = ov_preprocess_prepostprocessor_get_input_info_by_name(ov_model->preprocess, input_name, &ov_model->input_info); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get input info from preprocess.\n"); ret = ov2_map_error(status, NULL); goto err; } status = ov_preprocess_input_info_get_tensor_info(ov_model->input_info, &input_tensor_info); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get tensor info from input.\n"); ret = ov2_map_error(status, NULL); goto err; } //set input layout status = ov_layout_create(NHWC_desc, &NHWC_layout); status |= ov_layout_create(NCHW_desc, &NCHW_layout); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create layout for input.\n"); ret = ov2_map_error(status, NULL); goto err; } status = ov_preprocess_input_tensor_info_set_layout(input_tensor_info, NHWC_layout); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to set input tensor layout\n"); ret = ov2_map_error(status, NULL); goto err; } status = ov_preprocess_input_info_get_model_info(ov_model->input_info, &input_model_info); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get input model info\n"); ret = ov2_map_error(status, NULL); goto err; } if (ctx->options.layout == DL_NCHW) status = ov_preprocess_input_model_info_set_layout(input_model_info, NCHW_layout); else if (ctx->options.layout == DL_NHWC) status = ov_preprocess_input_model_info_set_layout(input_model_info, NHWC_layout); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get set input model layout\n"); ret = ov2_map_error(status, NULL); goto err; } status = ov_preprocess_input_tensor_info_set_element_type(input_tensor_info, U8); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to set input element type\n"); ret = ov2_map_error(status, NULL); goto err; } ov_model->nb_outputs = nb_outputs; for (int i = 0; i < nb_outputs; i++) { status = ov_preprocess_prepostprocessor_get_output_info_by_name( ov_model->preprocess, output_names[i], &ov_model->output_info); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get output info from preprocess.\n"); ret = ov2_map_error(status, NULL); goto err; } status |= ov_preprocess_output_info_get_tensor_info(ov_model->output_info, &output_tensor_info); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get tensor info from input/output.\n"); ret = ov2_map_error(status, NULL); goto err; } if (ov_model->model->func_type != DFT_PROCESS_FRAME) status |= ov_preprocess_output_set_element_type(output_tensor_info, F32); else if (fabsf(ctx->options.scale - 1) > 1e-6f || fabsf(ctx->options.mean) > 1e-6f) status |= ov_preprocess_output_set_element_type(output_tensor_info, F32); else status |= ov_preprocess_output_set_element_type(output_tensor_info, U8); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to set output element type\n"); ret = ov2_map_error(status, NULL); goto err; } ov_preprocess_output_tensor_info_free(output_tensor_info); output_tensor_info = NULL; ov_preprocess_output_info_free(ov_model->output_info); ov_model->output_info = NULL; } // set preprocess steps. if (fabsf(ctx->options.scale - 1) > 1e-6f || fabsf(ctx->options.mean) > 1e-6f) { ov_preprocess_preprocess_steps_t* input_process_steps = NULL; status = ov_preprocess_input_info_get_preprocess_steps(ov_model->input_info, &input_process_steps); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get preprocess steps\n"); ret = ov2_map_error(status, NULL); goto err; } status = ov_preprocess_preprocess_steps_convert_element_type(input_process_steps, F32); status |= ov_preprocess_preprocess_steps_mean(input_process_steps, ctx->options.mean); status |= ov_preprocess_preprocess_steps_scale(input_process_steps, ctx->options.scale); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to set preprocess steps\n"); ov_preprocess_preprocess_steps_free(input_process_steps); input_process_steps = NULL; ret = ov2_map_error(status, NULL); goto err; } ov_preprocess_preprocess_steps_free(input_process_steps); input_process_steps = NULL; } ov_preprocess_input_tensor_info_free(input_tensor_info); input_tensor_info = NULL; ov_preprocess_input_info_free(ov_model->input_info); ov_model->input_info = NULL; //update model if(ov_model->ov_model) tmp_ov_model = ov_model->ov_model; status = ov_preprocess_prepostprocessor_build(ov_model->preprocess, &ov_model->ov_model); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to update OV model\n"); ov_model_free(tmp_ov_model); tmp_ov_model = NULL; ret = ov2_map_error(status, NULL); goto err; } ov_model_free(tmp_ov_model); //update output_port if (!ov_model->output_ports) { ov_model->output_ports = av_calloc(nb_outputs, sizeof(*ov_model->output_ports)); if (!ov_model->output_ports) { ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM); goto err; } } else for (int i = 0; i < nb_outputs; i++) { ov_output_const_port_free(ov_model->output_ports[i]); ov_model->output_ports[i] = NULL; } for (int i = 0; i < nb_outputs; i++) { status = ov_model_const_output_by_name(ov_model->ov_model, output_names[i], &ov_model->output_ports[i]); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get output port %s.\n", output_names[i]); goto err; } } //compile network status = ov_core_compile_model(ov_model->core, ov_model->ov_model, device, 0, &ov_model->compiled_model); if (status != OK) { ret = ov2_map_error(status, NULL); goto err; } ov_preprocess_input_model_info_free(input_model_info); input_model_info = NULL; ov_layout_free(NCHW_layout); ov_layout_free(NHWC_layout); #else if (ctx->options.batch_size > 1) { input_shapes_t input_shapes; status = ie_network_get_input_shapes(ov_model->network, &input_shapes); if (status != OK) { ret = DNN_GENERIC_ERROR; goto err; } for (int i = 0; i < input_shapes.shape_num; i++) input_shapes.shapes[i].shape.dims[0] = ctx->options.batch_size; status = ie_network_reshape(ov_model->network, input_shapes); ie_network_input_shapes_free(&input_shapes); if (status != OK) { ret = DNN_GENERIC_ERROR; goto err; } } // The order of dims in the openvino is fixed and it is always NCHW for 4-D data. // while we pass NHWC data from FFmpeg to openvino status = ie_network_set_input_layout(ov_model->network, input_name, NHWC); if (status != OK) { if (status == NOT_FOUND) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Could not find \"%s\" in model, failed to set input layout as NHWC, "\ "all input(s) are: \"%s\"\n", input_name, ov_model->all_input_names); } else{ av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to set layout as NHWC for input %s\n", input_name); } ret = DNN_GENERIC_ERROR; goto err; } status = ie_network_set_output_layout(ov_model->network, output_name, NHWC); if (status != OK) { if (status == NOT_FOUND) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Could not find \"%s\" in model, failed to set output layout as NHWC, "\ "all output(s) are: \"%s\"\n", output_name, ov_model->all_output_names); } else{ av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to set layout as NHWC for output %s\n", output_name); } ret = DNN_GENERIC_ERROR; goto err; } ov_model->nb_outputs = 1; // all models in openvino open model zoo use BGR with range [0.0f, 255.0f] as input, // we don't have a AVPixelFormat to describe it, so we'll use AV_PIX_FMT_BGR24 and // ask openvino to do the conversion internally. // the current supported SR model (frame processing) is generated from tensorflow model, // and its input is Y channel as float with range [0.0f, 1.0f], so do not set for this case. // TODO: we need to get a final clear&general solution with all backends/formats considered. if (ov_model->model->func_type != DFT_PROCESS_FRAME) { status = ie_network_set_input_precision(ov_model->network, input_name, U8); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to set input precision as U8 for %s\n", input_name); ret = DNN_GENERIC_ERROR; goto err; } } status = ie_core_load_network(ov_model->core, ov_model->network, ctx->options.device_type, &config, &ov_model->exe_network); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to load OpenVINO model network\n"); status = ie_core_get_available_devices(ov_model->core, &a_dev); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get available devices\n"); ret = DNN_GENERIC_ERROR; goto err; } for (int i = 0; i < a_dev.num_devices; i++) { APPEND_STRING(all_dev_names, a_dev.devices[i]) } av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR,"device %s may not be supported, all available devices are: \"%s\"\n", ctx->options.device_type, all_dev_names); ret = AVERROR(ENODEV); goto err; } #endif // create infer_requests for async execution if (ctx->options.nireq <= 0) { // the default value is a rough estimation ctx->options.nireq = av_cpu_count() / 2 + 1; } ov_model->request_queue = ff_safe_queue_create(); if (!ov_model->request_queue) { ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM); goto err; } for (int i = 0; i < ctx->options.nireq; i++) { OVRequestItem *item = av_mallocz(sizeof(*item)); if (!item) { ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM); goto err; } #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 item->callback.callback_func = infer_completion_callback; #else item->callback.completeCallBackFunc = infer_completion_callback; #endif item->callback.args = item; if (ff_safe_queue_push_back(ov_model->request_queue, item) < 0) { av_freep(&item); ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM); goto err; } #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 status = ov_compiled_model_create_infer_request(ov_model->compiled_model, &item->infer_request); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to Creates an inference request object.\n"); goto err; } #else status = ie_exec_network_create_infer_request(ov_model->exe_network, &item->infer_request); if (status != OK) { ret = DNN_GENERIC_ERROR; goto err; } #endif item->lltasks = av_malloc_array(ctx->options.batch_size, sizeof(*item->lltasks)); if (!item->lltasks) { ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM); goto err; } item->lltask_count = 0; } ov_model->task_queue = ff_queue_create(); if (!ov_model->task_queue) { ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM); goto err; } ov_model->lltask_queue = ff_queue_create(); if (!ov_model->lltask_queue) { ret = AVERROR(ENOMEM); goto err; } return 0; err: #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 if (output_tensor_info) ov_preprocess_output_tensor_info_free(output_tensor_info); if (ov_model->output_info) ov_preprocess_output_info_free(ov_model->output_info); if (NCHW_layout) ov_layout_free(NCHW_layout); if (NHWC_layout) ov_layout_free(NHWC_layout); if (input_model_info) ov_preprocess_input_model_info_free(input_model_info); #endif dnn_free_model_ov(&ov_model->model); return ret; } static int execute_model_ov(OVRequestItem *request, Queue *inferenceq) { #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 ov_status_e status; #else IEStatusCode status; #endif LastLevelTaskItem *lltask; int ret = 0; TaskItem *task; OVContext *ctx; OVModel *ov_model; if (ff_queue_size(inferenceq) == 0) { #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 ov_infer_request_free(request->infer_request); #else ie_infer_request_free(&request->infer_request); #endif av_freep(&request); return 0; } lltask = ff_queue_peek_front(inferenceq); task = lltask->task; ov_model = task->model; ctx = &ov_model->ctx; ret = fill_model_input_ov(ov_model, request); if (ret != 0) { goto err; } #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 if (task->async) { status = ov_infer_request_set_callback(request->infer_request, &request->callback); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to set completion callback for inference\n"); ret = ov2_map_error(status, NULL); goto err; } status = ov_infer_request_start_async(request->infer_request); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to start async inference\n"); ret = ov2_map_error(status, NULL); goto err; } return 0; } else { status = ov_infer_request_infer(request->infer_request); if (status != OK) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to start synchronous model inference for OV2\n"); ret = ov2_map_error(status, NULL); goto err; } infer_completion_callback(request); return (task->inference_done == task->inference_todo) ? 0 : DNN_GENERIC_ERROR; } #else if (task->async) { status = ie_infer_set_completion_callback(request->infer_request, &request->callback); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to set completion callback for inference\n"); ret = DNN_GENERIC_ERROR; goto err; } status = ie_infer_request_infer_async(request->infer_request); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to start async inference\n"); ret = DNN_GENERIC_ERROR; goto err; } return 0; } else { status = ie_infer_request_infer(request->infer_request); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to start synchronous model inference\n"); ret = DNN_GENERIC_ERROR; goto err; } infer_completion_callback(request); return (task->inference_done == task->inference_todo) ? 0 : DNN_GENERIC_ERROR; } #endif err: if (ff_safe_queue_push_back(ov_model->request_queue, request) < 0) { #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 ov_infer_request_free(request->infer_request); #else ie_infer_request_free(&request->infer_request); #endif av_freep(&request); } return ret; } static int get_input_ov(void *model, DNNData *input, const char *input_name) { OVModel *ov_model = model; OVContext *ctx = &ov_model->ctx; int input_resizable = ctx->options.input_resizable; #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 ov_shape_t input_shape = {0}; ov_element_type_e precision; int64_t* dims; ov_status_e status; status = ov_model_const_input_by_name(ov_model->ov_model, input_name, &ov_model->input_port); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get input port shape.\n"); return ov2_map_error(status, NULL); } status = ov_port_get_element_type(ov_model->input_port, &precision); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get input port data type.\n"); return ov2_map_error(status, NULL); } status = ov_const_port_get_shape(ov_model->input_port, &input_shape); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get input port shape.\n"); return ov2_map_error(status, NULL); } dims = input_shape.dims; if (dims[1] <= 3) { // NCHW input->channels = dims[1]; input->height = input_resizable ? -1 : dims[2]; input->width = input_resizable ? -1 : dims[3]; } else { // NHWC input->height = input_resizable ? -1 : dims[1]; input->width = input_resizable ? -1 : dims[2]; input->channels = dims[3]; } input->dt = precision_to_datatype(precision); ov_shape_free(&input_shape); return 0; #else char *model_input_name = NULL; IEStatusCode status; size_t model_input_count = 0; dimensions_t dims; precision_e precision; status = ie_network_get_inputs_number(ov_model->network, &model_input_count); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get input count\n"); return DNN_GENERIC_ERROR; } for (size_t i = 0; i < model_input_count; i++) { status = ie_network_get_input_name(ov_model->network, i, &model_input_name); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get No.%d input's name\n", (int)i); return DNN_GENERIC_ERROR; } if (strcmp(model_input_name, input_name) == 0) { ie_network_name_free(&model_input_name); status |= ie_network_get_input_dims(ov_model->network, input_name, &dims); status |= ie_network_get_input_precision(ov_model->network, input_name, &precision); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get No.%d input's dims or precision\n", (int)i); return DNN_GENERIC_ERROR; } if (dims[1] <= 3) { // NCHW input->channels = dims[1]; input->height = input_resizable ? -1 : dims[2]; input->width = input_resizable ? -1 : dims[3]; } else { // NHWC input->height = input_resizable ? -1 : dims[1]; input->width = input_resizable ? -1 : dims[2]; input->channels = dims[3]; } input->dt = precision_to_datatype(precision); return 0; } ie_network_name_free(&model_input_name); } av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Could not find \"%s\" in model, all input(s) are: \"%s\"\n", input_name, ov_model->all_input_names); return AVERROR(EINVAL); #endif } static int contain_valid_detection_bbox(AVFrame *frame) { AVFrameSideData *sd; const AVDetectionBBoxHeader *header; const AVDetectionBBox *bbox; sd = av_frame_get_side_data(frame, AV_FRAME_DATA_DETECTION_BBOXES); if (!sd) { // this frame has nothing detected return 0; } if (!sd->size) { return 0; } header = (const AVDetectionBBoxHeader *)sd->data; if (!header->nb_bboxes) { return 0; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < header->nb_bboxes; i++) { bbox = av_get_detection_bbox(header, i); if (bbox->x < 0 || bbox->w < 0 || bbox->x + bbox->w >= frame->width) { return 0; } if (bbox->y < 0 || bbox->h < 0 || bbox->y + bbox->h >= frame->width) { return 0; } if (bbox->classify_count == AV_NUM_DETECTION_BBOX_CLASSIFY) { return 0; } } return 1; } static int extract_lltask_from_task(DNNFunctionType func_type, TaskItem *task, Queue *lltask_queue, DNNExecBaseParams *exec_params) { switch (func_type) { case DFT_PROCESS_FRAME: case DFT_ANALYTICS_DETECT: { LastLevelTaskItem *lltask = av_malloc(sizeof(*lltask)); if (!lltask) { return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } task->inference_todo = 1; task->inference_done = 0; lltask->task = task; if (ff_queue_push_back(lltask_queue, lltask) < 0) { av_freep(&lltask); return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } return 0; } case DFT_ANALYTICS_CLASSIFY: { const AVDetectionBBoxHeader *header; AVFrame *frame = task->in_frame; AVFrameSideData *sd; DNNExecClassificationParams *params = (DNNExecClassificationParams *)exec_params; task->inference_todo = 0; task->inference_done = 0; if (!contain_valid_detection_bbox(frame)) { return 0; } sd = av_frame_get_side_data(frame, AV_FRAME_DATA_DETECTION_BBOXES); header = (const AVDetectionBBoxHeader *)sd->data; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < header->nb_bboxes; i++) { LastLevelTaskItem *lltask; const AVDetectionBBox *bbox = av_get_detection_bbox(header, i); if (params->target) { if (av_strncasecmp(bbox->detect_label, params->target, sizeof(bbox->detect_label)) != 0) { continue; } } lltask = av_malloc(sizeof(*lltask)); if (!lltask) { return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } task->inference_todo++; lltask->task = task; lltask->bbox_index = i; if (ff_queue_push_back(lltask_queue, lltask) < 0) { av_freep(&lltask); return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } } return 0; } default: av_assert0(!"should not reach here"); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } } static int get_output_ov(void *model, const char *input_name, int input_width, int input_height, const char *output_name, int *output_width, int *output_height) { #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 ov_dimension_t dims[4] = {{1, 1}, {1, 1}, {input_height, input_height}, {input_width, input_width}}; ov_status_e status; ov_shape_t input_shape = {0}; ov_partial_shape_t partial_shape; #else IEStatusCode status; input_shapes_t input_shapes; #endif int ret; OVModel *ov_model = model; OVContext *ctx = &ov_model->ctx; TaskItem task; OVRequestItem *request; DNNExecBaseParams exec_params = { .input_name = input_name, .output_names = &output_name, .nb_output = 1, .in_frame = NULL, .out_frame = NULL, }; if (ov_model->model->func_type != DFT_PROCESS_FRAME) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Get output dim only when processing frame.\n"); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 if (ctx->options.input_resizable) { status = ov_partial_shape_create(4, dims, &partial_shape); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create partial shape.\n"); return ov2_map_error(status, NULL); } status = ov_const_port_get_shape(ov_model->input_port, &input_shape); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create shape for model input resize.\n"); return ov2_map_error(status, NULL); } input_shape.dims[2] = input_height; input_shape.dims[3] = input_width; status = ov_shape_to_partial_shape(input_shape, &partial_shape); ov_shape_free(&input_shape); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create partial shape for model input resize.\n"); return ov2_map_error(status, NULL); } status = ov_model_reshape_single_input(ov_model->ov_model, partial_shape); ov_partial_shape_free(&partial_shape); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to reszie model input.\n"); return ov2_map_error(status, NULL); } } if (!ov_model->compiled_model) { #else if (ctx->options.input_resizable) { status = ie_network_get_input_shapes(ov_model->network, &input_shapes); input_shapes.shapes->shape.dims[2] = input_height; input_shapes.shapes->shape.dims[3] = input_width; status |= ie_network_reshape(ov_model->network, input_shapes); ie_network_input_shapes_free(&input_shapes); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to reshape input size for %s\n", input_name); return DNN_GENERIC_ERROR; } } if (!ov_model->exe_network) { #endif ret = init_model_ov(ov_model, input_name, &output_name, 1); if (ret != 0) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed init OpenVINO exectuable network or inference request\n"); return ret; } } ret = ff_dnn_fill_gettingoutput_task(&task, &exec_params, ov_model, input_height, input_width, ctx); if (ret != 0) { goto err; } ret = extract_lltask_from_task(ov_model->model->func_type, &task, ov_model->lltask_queue, NULL); if (ret != 0) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "unable to extract inference from task.\n"); goto err; } request = ff_safe_queue_pop_front(ov_model->request_queue); if (!request) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "unable to get infer request.\n"); ret = AVERROR(EINVAL); goto err; } ret = execute_model_ov(request, ov_model->lltask_queue); *output_width = task.out_frame->width; *output_height = task.out_frame->height; err: av_frame_free(&task.out_frame); av_frame_free(&task.in_frame); return ret; } static DNNModel *dnn_load_model_ov(const char *model_filename, DNNFunctionType func_type, const char *options, AVFilterContext *filter_ctx) { DNNModel *model = NULL; OVModel *ov_model = NULL; OVContext *ctx = NULL; #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 ov_core_t* core = NULL; ov_model_t* ovmodel = NULL; ov_status_e status; #else size_t node_count = 0; char *node_name = NULL; IEStatusCode status; #endif model = av_mallocz(sizeof(DNNModel)); if (!model){ return NULL; } ov_model = av_mallocz(sizeof(OVModel)); if (!ov_model) { av_freep(&model); return NULL; } model->model = ov_model; ov_model->model = model; ov_model->ctx.class = &dnn_openvino_class; ctx = &ov_model->ctx; //parse options av_opt_set_defaults(ctx); if (av_opt_set_from_string(ctx, options, NULL, "=", "&") < 0) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to parse options \"%s\"\n", options); goto err; } #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 status = ov_core_create(&core); if (status != OK) { goto err; } ov_model->core = core; status = ov_core_read_model(core, model_filename, NULL, &ovmodel); if (status != OK) { ov_version_t ver; status = ov_get_openvino_version(&ver); av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to read the network from model file %s,\n" "Please check if the model version matches the runtime OpenVINO Version:\n", model_filename); if (status == OK) { av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_ERROR, "BuildNumber: %s\n", ver.buildNumber); } ov_version_free(&ver); goto err; } ov_model->ov_model = ovmodel; #else ov_model->all_input_names = NULL; ov_model->all_output_names = NULL; status = ie_core_create("", &ov_model->core); if (status != OK) goto err; status = ie_core_read_network(ov_model->core, model_filename, NULL, &ov_model->network); if (status != OK) { ie_version_t ver; ver = ie_c_api_version(); av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to read the network from model file %s,\n" "Please check if the model version matches the runtime OpenVINO %s\n", model_filename, ver.api_version); ie_version_free(&ver); goto err; } //get all the input and output names status = ie_network_get_inputs_number(ov_model->network, &node_count); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get input count\n"); goto err; } for (size_t i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { status = ie_network_get_input_name(ov_model->network, i, &node_name); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get No.%d input's name\n", (int)i); goto err; } APPEND_STRING(ov_model->all_input_names, node_name) ie_network_name_free(&node_name); } status = ie_network_get_outputs_number(ov_model->network, &node_count); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get output count\n"); goto err; } for (size_t i = 0; i < node_count; i++) { status = ie_network_get_output_name(ov_model->network, i, &node_name); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get No.%d output's name\n", (int)i); goto err; } APPEND_STRING(ov_model->all_output_names, node_name) ie_network_name_free(&node_name); } #endif model->get_input = &get_input_ov; model->get_output = &get_output_ov; model->options = options; model->filter_ctx = filter_ctx; model->func_type = func_type; return model; err: dnn_free_model_ov(&model); return NULL; } static int dnn_execute_model_ov(const DNNModel *model, DNNExecBaseParams *exec_params) { OVModel *ov_model = model->model; OVContext *ctx = &ov_model->ctx; OVRequestItem *request; TaskItem *task; int ret; ret = ff_check_exec_params(ctx, DNN_OV, model->func_type, exec_params); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 if (!ov_model->compiled_model) { #else if (!ov_model->exe_network) { #endif ret = init_model_ov(ov_model, exec_params->input_name, exec_params->output_names, exec_params->nb_output); if (ret != 0) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed init OpenVINO exectuable network or inference request\n"); return ret; } } task = av_malloc(sizeof(*task)); if (!task) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "unable to alloc memory for task item.\n"); return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } ret = ff_dnn_fill_task(task, exec_params, ov_model, ctx->options.async, 1); if (ret != 0) { av_freep(&task); return ret; } if (ff_queue_push_back(ov_model->task_queue, task) < 0) { av_freep(&task); av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "unable to push back task_queue.\n"); return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } ret = extract_lltask_from_task(model->func_type, task, ov_model->lltask_queue, exec_params); if (ret != 0) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "unable to extract inference from task.\n"); return ret; } if (ctx->options.async) { while (ff_queue_size(ov_model->lltask_queue) >= ctx->options.batch_size) { request = ff_safe_queue_pop_front(ov_model->request_queue); if (!request) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "unable to get infer request.\n"); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } ret = execute_model_ov(request, ov_model->lltask_queue); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } } return 0; } else { if (model->func_type == DFT_ANALYTICS_CLASSIFY) { // Classification filter has not been completely // tested with the sync mode. So, do not support now. avpriv_report_missing_feature(ctx, "classify for sync execution"); return AVERROR(ENOSYS); } if (ctx->options.batch_size > 1) { avpriv_report_missing_feature(ctx, "batch mode for sync execution"); return AVERROR(ENOSYS); } request = ff_safe_queue_pop_front(ov_model->request_queue); if (!request) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "unable to get infer request.\n"); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } return execute_model_ov(request, ov_model->lltask_queue); } } static DNNAsyncStatusType dnn_get_result_ov(const DNNModel *model, AVFrame **in, AVFrame **out) { OVModel *ov_model = model->model; return ff_dnn_get_result_common(ov_model->task_queue, in, out); } static int dnn_flush_ov(const DNNModel *model) { OVModel *ov_model = model->model; OVContext *ctx = &ov_model->ctx; OVRequestItem *request; #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 ov_status_e status; #else IEStatusCode status; #endif int ret; if (ff_queue_size(ov_model->lltask_queue) == 0) { // no pending task need to flush return 0; } request = ff_safe_queue_pop_front(ov_model->request_queue); if (!request) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "unable to get infer request.\n"); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } ret = fill_model_input_ov(ov_model, request); if (ret != 0) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to fill model input.\n"); return ret; } #if HAVE_OPENVINO2 status = ov_infer_request_infer(request->infer_request); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to start sync inference for OV2\n"); return ov2_map_error(status, NULL); } #else status = ie_infer_set_completion_callback(request->infer_request, &request->callback); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to set completion callback for inference\n"); return DNN_GENERIC_ERROR; } status = ie_infer_request_infer_async(request->infer_request); if (status != OK) { av_log(ctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to start async inference\n"); return DNN_GENERIC_ERROR; } #endif return 0; } const DNNModule ff_dnn_backend_openvino = { .load_model = dnn_load_model_ov, .execute_model = dnn_execute_model_ov, .get_result = dnn_get_result_ov, .flush = dnn_flush_ov, .free_model = dnn_free_model_ov, };