diff --git a/Changelog b/Changelog
index 3d145e4962..c0a9fb136e 100644
--- a/Changelog
+++ b/Changelog
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ version <next>
 - H.264 PAFF decoding
 - Nellymoser ASAO decoder
 - Beam Software SIFF demuxer and decoder
+- libvorbis Vorbis decoding removed in favor of native decoder
 version 0.4.9-pre1:
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 524a818ba9..53299d730a 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ show_help(){
   echo "                           native demuxer exists [default=no]"
   echo "  --enable-libogg          enable Ogg muxing via libogg [default=no]"
   echo "  --enable-libtheora       enable Theora encoding via libtheora [default=no]"
-  echo "  --enable-libvorbis       enable Vorbis en/decoding via libvorbis,"
-  echo "                           native implementations exist [default=no]"
+  echo "  --enable-libvorbis       enable Vorbis encoding via libvorbis,"
+  echo "                           native implementation exists [default=no]"
   echo "  --enable-libx264         enable H.264 encoding via x264 [default=no]"
   echo "  --enable-libxvid         enable Xvid encoding via xvidcore,"
   echo "                           native MPEG-4/Xvid encoder exists [default=no]"
@@ -782,7 +782,6 @@ libgsm_ms_decoder_deps="libgsm"
@@ -1568,7 +1567,7 @@ enabled libmp3lame && require LAME lame/lame.h lame_init -lmp3lame -lm
 enabled libnut     && require libnut libnut.h nut_demuxer_init -lnut
 enabled libogg     && require libogg ogg/ogg.h ogg_sync_init -logg
 enabled libtheora  && require libtheora theora/theora.h theora_info_init -ltheora -logg
-enabled libvorbis  && require libvorbis vorbis/vorbisenc.h vorbis_info_init -lvorbis -lvorbisenc -logg
+enabled libvorbis  && require libvorbis vorbis/vorbisenc.h vorbis_info_init -lvorbisenc -logg
 enabled libx264    && require x264 x264.h x264_encoder_open -lx264
 enabled libxvid    && require Xvid xvid.h xvid_global -lxvidcore
 enabled mlib       && require mediaLib mlib_types.h mlib_VectorSub_S16_U8_Mod -lmlib
 enabled libdc1394 && append pkg_requires "libraw1394"
 enabled libogg    && append pkg_requires "ogg >= 1.1"
 enabled libtheora && append pkg_requires "theora"
-enabled libvorbis && append pkg_requires "vorbis vorbisenc"
+enabled libvorbis && append pkg_requires "vorbisenc"
 echo "install prefix            $PREFIX"
 echo "source path               $source_path"
diff --git a/libavcodec/allcodecs.c b/libavcodec/allcodecs.c
index d0effbaab7..7813cf3914 100644
--- a/libavcodec/allcodecs.c
+++ b/libavcodec/allcodecs.c
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ void avcodec_register_all(void)
     REGISTER_ENCDEC  (LIBGSM_MS, libgsm_ms);
     REGISTER_ENCODER (LIBX264, libx264);
diff --git a/libavcodec/libvorbis.c b/libavcodec/libvorbis.c
index 5c78d2004b..3fb507dadf 100644
--- a/libavcodec/libvorbis.c
+++ b/libavcodec/libvorbis.c
@@ -218,160 +218,3 @@ AVCodec libvorbis_encoder = {
     .capabilities= CODEC_CAP_DELAY,
 } ;
-static int oggvorbis_decode_init(AVCodecContext *avccontext) {
-    OggVorbisContext *context = avccontext->priv_data ;
-    uint8_t *p= avccontext->extradata;
-    int i, hsizes[3];
-    unsigned char *headers[3], *extradata = avccontext->extradata;
-    vorbis_info_init(&context->vi) ;
-    vorbis_comment_init(&context->vc) ;
-    if(! avccontext->extradata_size || ! p) {
-        av_log(avccontext, AV_LOG_ERROR, "vorbis extradata absent\n");
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if(p[0] == 0 && p[1] == 30) {
-        for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){
-            hsizes[i] = bytestream_get_be16(&p);
-            headers[i] = p;
-            p += hsizes[i];
-        }
-    } else if(*p == 2) {
-        unsigned int offset = 1;
-        p++;
-        for(i=0; i<2; i++) {
-            hsizes[i] = 0;
-            while((*p == 0xFF) && (offset < avccontext->extradata_size)) {
-                hsizes[i] += 0xFF;
-                offset++;
-                p++;
-            }
-            if(offset >= avccontext->extradata_size - 1) {
-                av_log(avccontext, AV_LOG_ERROR,
-                       "vorbis header sizes damaged\n");
-                return -1;
-            }
-            hsizes[i] += *p;
-            offset++;
-            p++;
-        }
-        hsizes[2] = avccontext->extradata_size - hsizes[0]-hsizes[1]-offset;
-#if 0
-        av_log(avccontext, AV_LOG_DEBUG,
-               "vorbis header sizes: %d, %d, %d, / extradata_len is %d \n",
-               hsizes[0], hsizes[1], hsizes[2], avccontext->extradata_size);
-        headers[0] = extradata + offset;
-        headers[1] = extradata + offset + hsizes[0];
-        headers[2] = extradata + offset + hsizes[0] + hsizes[1];
-    } else {
-        av_log(avccontext, AV_LOG_ERROR,
-               "vorbis initial header len is wrong: %d\n", *p);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    for(i=0; i<3; i++){
-        context->op.b_o_s= i==0;
-        context->op.bytes = hsizes[i];
-        context->op.packet = headers[i];
-        if(vorbis_synthesis_headerin(&context->vi, &context->vc, &context->op)<0){
-            av_log(avccontext, AV_LOG_ERROR, "%d. vorbis header damaged\n", i+1);
-            return -1;
-        }
-    }
-    avccontext->channels = context->vi.channels;
-    avccontext->sample_rate = context->vi.rate;
-    avccontext->time_base= (AVRational){1, avccontext->sample_rate};
-    vorbis_synthesis_init(&context->vd, &context->vi);
-    vorbis_block_init(&context->vd, &context->vb);
-    return 0 ;
-static inline int conv(int samples, float **pcm, char *buf, int channels) {
-    int i, j;
-    ogg_int16_t *ptr, *data = (ogg_int16_t*)buf ;
-    float *mono ;
-    for(i = 0 ; i < channels ; i++){
-        ptr = &data[i];
-        mono = pcm[i] ;
-        for(j = 0 ; j < samples ; j++) {
-            *ptr = av_clip_int16(mono[j] * 32767.f);
-            ptr += channels;
-        }
-    }
-    return 0 ;
-static int oggvorbis_decode_frame(AVCodecContext *avccontext,
-                        void *data, int *data_size,
-                        uint8_t *buf, int buf_size)
-    OggVorbisContext *context = avccontext->priv_data ;
-    float **pcm ;
-    ogg_packet *op= &context->op;
-    int samples, total_samples, total_bytes;
-    if(!buf_size){
-    //FIXME flush
-        return 0;
-    }
-    op->packet = buf;
-    op->bytes  = buf_size;
-//    av_log(avccontext, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "%d %d %d %"PRId64" %"PRId64" %d %d\n", op->bytes, op->b_o_s, op->e_o_s, op->granulepos, op->packetno, buf_size, context->vi.rate);
-/*    for(i=0; i<op->bytes; i++)
-      av_log(avccontext, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "%02X ", op->packet[i]);
-    av_log(avccontext, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "\n");*/
-    if(vorbis_synthesis(&context->vb, op) == 0)
-        vorbis_synthesis_blockin(&context->vd, &context->vb) ;
-    total_samples = 0 ;
-    total_bytes = 0 ;
-    while((samples = vorbis_synthesis_pcmout(&context->vd, &pcm)) > 0) {
-        conv(samples, pcm, (char*)data + total_bytes, context->vi.channels) ;
-        total_bytes += samples * 2 * context->vi.channels ;
-        total_samples += samples ;
-        vorbis_synthesis_read(&context->vd, samples) ;
-    }
-    *data_size = total_bytes ;
-    return buf_size ;
-static int oggvorbis_decode_close(AVCodecContext *avccontext) {
-    OggVorbisContext *context = avccontext->priv_data ;
-    vorbis_info_clear(&context->vi) ;
-    vorbis_comment_clear(&context->vc) ;
-    return 0 ;
-AVCodec libvorbis_decoder = {
-    "libvorbis",
-    sizeof(OggVorbisContext),
-    oggvorbis_decode_init,
-    NULL,
-    oggvorbis_decode_close,
-    oggvorbis_decode_frame,
-    .capabilities= CODEC_CAP_DELAY,
-} ;