diff --git a/doc/general.texi b/doc/general.texi index 6a2b3ff424..8dabdd7eb1 100644 --- a/doc/general.texi +++ b/doc/general.texi @@ -280,8 +280,10 @@ following image formats are supported: @multitable @columnfractions .4 .1 .1 .4 @item Name @tab Encoding @tab Decoding @tab Comments -@item 4X Video @tab @tab X +@item 4X Movie @tab @tab X @tab Used in certain computer games. +@item 8SVX exponential @tab @tab X +@item 8SVX fibonacci @tab @tab X @item American Laser Games MM @tab @tab X @tab Used in games like Mad Dog McCree. @item AMV @tab @tab X @@ -305,33 +307,36 @@ following image formats are supported: @tab fourcc: VCR2 @item Autodesk RLE @tab @tab X @tab fourcc: AASC -@item AVID DNxHD @tab X @tab X - @tab aka SMPTE VC3 -@item AVS video @tab @tab X +@item AVS (Audio Video Standard) video @tab @tab X @tab Video encoding used by the Creature Shock game. -@item Bethsoft VID @tab @tab X +@item Bethesda VID video @tab @tab X @tab Used in some games from Bethesda Softworks. +@item Brute Force & Ignorance @tab @tab X + @tab Used in the game Flash Traffic: City of Angels. @item C93 video @tab @tab X @tab Codec used in Cyberia game. @item CamStudio @tab @tab X @tab fourcc: CSCD -@item Cin video @tab @tab X - @tab Codec used in Delphine Software games. +@item Chinese AVS video @tab @tab X + @tab AVS1-P2, JiZhun profile +@item Delphine Software International CIN video @tab @tab X + @tab Codec used in Delphine Software International games. @item Cinepak @tab @tab X @item Cirrus Logic AccuPak @tab @tab X @tab fourcc: CLJR -@item Creative YUV @tab @tab X - @tab fourcc: CYUV +@item Creative YUV (CYUV) @tab @tab X @item Dirac @tab E @tab E @tab supported through external libdirac/libschroedinger libraries +@item DNxHD @tab X @tab X + @tab aka SMPTE VC3 @item Duck TrueMotion v1 @tab @tab X @tab fourcc: DUCK @item Duck TrueMotion v2 @tab @tab X @tab fourcc: TM20 -@item DV @tab X @tab X -@item DXA Video @tab @tab X +@item DV (Digital Video) @tab X @tab X +@item Feeble Files/ScummVM DXA @tab @tab X @tab Codec originally used in Feeble Files game. -@item Electronic Arts CMV @tab @tab X +@item Electronic Arts CMV video @tab @tab X @tab Used in NHL 95 game. @item Electronic Arts TGV @tab @tab X @item Electronic Arts TGQ @tab @tab X @@ -357,6 +362,8 @@ following image formats are supported: @item id RoQ @tab X @tab X @tab Used in Quake III, Jedi Knight 2, other computer games. @item Intel Indeo 3 @tab @tab X +@item Interplay C93 @tab @tab X + @tab Used in the game Cyberia from Interplay. @item Interplay Video @tab @tab X @tab Used in Interplay .MVE files. @item JPEG-LS @tab X @tab X @@ -392,6 +399,7 @@ following image formats are supported: @tab fourcc: 8BPS @item QPEG @tab @tab X @tab fourccs: QPEG, Q1.0, Q1.1 +@item QuickTime 8BPS video @tab @tab X @item RealVideo 1.0 @tab X @tab X @item RealVideo 2.0 @tab X @tab X @item RealVideo 3.0 @tab @tab X @@ -446,7 +454,7 @@ following image formats are supported: @multitable @columnfractions .4 .1 .1 .4 @item Name @tab Encoding @tab Decoding @tab Comments -@item 4X IMA ADPCM @tab @tab X +@item 4X Movie ADPCM @tab @tab X @item 8SVX audio @tab @tab X @item AAC @tab E @tab X @tab encoding supported through external library libfaac @@ -455,29 +463,29 @@ following image formats are supported: @tab supported through external library libamrnb @item AMR-WB @tab E @tab E @tab supported through external library libamrwb -@item AMV IMA ADPCM @tab @tab X - @tab Used in AMV files @item Apple lossless audio @tab X @tab X @tab QuickTime fourcc 'alac' @item Apple MACE 3 @tab @tab X @item Apple MACE 6 @tab @tab X -@item ATRAC 3 @tab @tab X -@item CD-ROM XA ADPCM @tab @tab X -@item Cin audio @tab @tab X +@item Atrac 3 @tab @tab X +@item CDROM XA ADPCM @tab @tab X +@item Delphine Software International CIN audio @tab @tab X @tab Codec used in Delphine Software International games. -@item Creative ADPCM @tab @tab X +@item COOK @tab @tab X + @tab All versions except 5.1 are supported. +@item Creative Technology ADPCM @tab @tab X @tab 16 -> 4, 8 -> 4, 8 -> 3, 8 -> 2 -@item CRI ADX ADPCM @tab X @tab X - @tab Used in Sega Dreamcast games. +@item DCA (DTS Coherent Acoustics) @tab @tab X @item DSP Group TrueSpeech @tab @tab X -@item DTS Coherent Audio @tab @tab X -@item Duck DK3 IMA ADPCM @tab @tab X - @tab Used in some Sega Saturn console games. -@item Duck DK4 IMA ADPCM @tab @tab X - @tab Used in some Sega Saturn console games. @item DV audio @tab @tab X @item Electronic Arts ADPCM @tab @tab X @tab Used in various EA titles. +@item Electronic Arts Maxis CDROM XS ADPCM @tab @tab X + @tab Used in Sim City 3000. +@item Electronic Arts R1 ADPCM @tab @tab X +@item Electronic Arts R2 ADPCM @tab @tab X +@item Electronic Arts R3 ADPCM @tab @tab X +@item Electronic Arts XAS ADPCM @tab @tab X @item Enhanced AC-3 @tab @tab X @item FLAC lossless audio @tab IX @tab X @item G.726 ADPCM @tab X @tab X @@ -487,13 +495,24 @@ following image formats are supported: @tab supported through external library libgsm @item id RoQ DPCM @tab X @tab X @tab Used in Quake III, Jedi Knight 2, other computer games. +@item IMA AMV ADPCM @tab @tab X + @tab Used in AMV files +@item IMA Electronic Arts EACS ADPCM @tab @tab X +@item IMA Electronic Arts SEAD ADPCM @tab @tab X +@item IMA Funcom ADPCM @tab @tab X +@item IMA QuickTime ADPCM @tab X @tab X +@item IMA Loki SDL MJPEG ADPCM @tab @tab X +@item IMA WAV ADPCM @tab X @tab X +@item IMA Westwood ADPCM @tab @tab X @item Intel Music Coder @tab @tab X -@item Interplay MVE DPCM @tab @tab X +@item Interplay DPCM @tab @tab X @tab Used in various Interplay computer games. @item ISS IMA ADPCM @tab @tab X @tab Used in FunCom games. -@item MAXIS EA ADPCM @tab @tab X - @tab Used in Sim City 3000. +@item IMA Duck DK3 ADPCM @tab @tab X + @tab Used in some Sega Saturn console games. +@item IMA Duck DK4 ADPCM @tab @tab X + @tab Used in some Sega Saturn console games. @item Microsoft ADPCM @tab X @tab X @item MLP/TrueHD @tab @tab X @tab Used in DVD-Audio and Blu-Ray discs. @@ -506,6 +525,7 @@ following image formats are supported: @item Musepack @tab @tab X @tab SV7 and SV8 are supported. @item Nellymoser ASAO @tab X @tab X +@item Nintendo Gamecube THP ADPCM @tab @tab X @item QCELP / PureVoice @tab @tab X @item Qdesign QDM2 @tab @tab X @tab There are still some distortions. @@ -516,22 +536,25 @@ following image formats are supported: @tab Real 28800 bit/s codec @item RADnet @tab IX @tab IX @tab Real low bitrate AC-3 codec -@item Real COOK @tab @tab X - @tab All versions except 5.1 are supported. +@item SEGA CRI ADX ADPCM @tab X @tab X + @tab Used in Sega Dreamcast games. +@item Shockwave Flash ADPCM @tab X @tab X @item Shorten @tab @tab X @item Sierra Online DPCM @tab @tab X @tab Used in Sierra Online game audio files. @item Smacker audio @tab @tab X @item SMJPEG IMA ADPCM @tab @tab X @tab Used in certain Loki game ports. +@item Sol DPCM @tab @tab X @item Sonic @tab X @tab X @tab experimental codec @item Sonic lossless @tab X @tab X @tab experimental codec +@item Sound Blaster Pro 2-bit ADPCM @tab @tab X +@item Sound Blaster Pro 2.6-bit ADPCM @tab @tab X +@item Sound Blaster Pro 4-bit ADPCM @tab @tab X @item Speex @tab @tab E @tab supported through external library libspeex -@item THP ADPCM @tab @tab X - @tab Used on the Nintendo GameCube. @item True Audio (TTA) @tab @tab X @item Vorbis @tab X @tab X @item WavPack @tab @tab X @@ -542,6 +565,7 @@ following image formats are supported: @item Windows Media Audio 2 @tab X @tab X @item Xan DPCM @tab @tab X @tab Used in Origin's Wing Commander IV AVI files. +@item Yamaha ADPCM @tab X @tab X @end multitable @code{X} means that encoding (resp. decoding) is supported.