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@chapter Filtergraph description
A filtergraph is a directed graph of connected filters. It can contain
cycles, and there can be multiple links between a pair of
filters. Each link has one input pad on one side connecting it to one
filter from which it takes its input, and one output pad on the other
side connecting it to the one filter accepting its output.
Each filter in a filtergraph is an instance of a filter class
registered in the application, which defines the features and the
number of input and output pads of the filter.
A filter with no input pads is called a "source", a filter with no
output pads is called a "sink".
@section Filtergraph syntax
A filtergraph can be represented using a textual representation, which
is recognized by the @code{-vf} and @code{-af} options of the ff*
tools, and by the @code{av_parse_graph()} function defined in
A filterchain consists of a sequence of connected filters, each one
connected to the previous one in the sequence. A filterchain is
represented by a list of ","-separated filter descriptions.
A filtergraph consists of a sequence of filterchains. A sequence of
filterchains is represented by a list of ";"-separated filterchain
A filter is represented by a string of the form:
@var{filter_name} is the name of the filter class of which the
described filter is an instance of, and has to be the name of one of
the filter classes registered in the program.
The name of the filter class is optionally followed by a string
@var{arguments} is a string which contains the parameters used to
initialize the filter instance, and are described in the filter
descriptions below.
The list of arguments can be quoted using the character "'" as initial
and ending mark, and the character '\' for escaping the characters
within the quoted text; otherwise the argument string is considered
terminated when the next special character (belonging to the set
"[]=;,") is encountered.
The name and arguments of the filter are optionally preceded and
followed by a list of link labels.
A link label allows to name a link and associate it to a filter output
or input pad. The preceding labels @var{in_link_1}
... @var{in_link_N}, are associated to the filter input pads,
the following labels @var{out_link_1} ... @var{out_link_M}, are
associated to the output pads.
When two link labels with the same name are found in the
filtergraph, a link between the corresponding input and output pad is
If an output pad is not labelled, it is linked by default to the first
unlabelled input pad of the next filter in the filterchain.
For example in the filterchain:
nullsrc, split[L1], [L2]overlay, nullsink
@end example
the split filter instance has two output pads, and the overlay filter
instance two input pads. The first output pad of split is labelled
"L1", the first input pad of overlay is labelled "L2", and the second
output pad of split is linked to the second input pad of overlay,
which are both unlabelled.
In a complete filterchain all the unlabelled filter input and output
pads must be connected. A filtergraph is considered valid if all the
filter input and output pads of all the filterchains are connected.
Follows a BNF description for the filtergraph syntax:
@var{NAME} ::= sequence of alphanumeric characters and '_'
@var{LINKLABEL} ::= "[" @var{NAME} "]"
@var{FILTER_ARGUMENTS} ::= sequence of chars (eventually quoted)
@var{FILTER} ::= [@var{LINKNAMES}] @var{NAME} ["=" @var{ARGUMENTS}] [@var{LINKNAMES}]
@end example
@chapter Audio Filters
@c man begin AUDIO FILTERS
When you configure your FFmpeg build, you can disable any of the
existing filters using --disable-filters.
The configure output will show the audio filters included in your
Below is a description of the currently available audio filters.
@section anull
Pass the audio source unchanged to the output.
@c man end AUDIO FILTERS
@chapter Audio Sources
@c man begin AUDIO SOURCES
Below is a description of the currently available audio sources.
@section anullsrc
Null audio source, never return audio frames. It is mainly useful as a
template and to be employed in analysis / debugging tools.
It accepts as optional parameter a string of the form
@var{sample_rate} specify the sample rate, and defaults to 44100.
@var{channel_layout} specify the channel layout, and can be either an
integer or a string representing a channel layout. The default value
of @var{channel_layout} is 3, which corresponds to CH_LAYOUT_STEREO.
Check the channel_layout_map definition in
@file{libavcodec/audioconvert.c} for the mapping between strings and
channel layout values.
Follow some examples:
# set the sample rate to 48000 Hz and the channel layout to CH_LAYOUT_MONO.
# same as
@end example
@c man end AUDIO SOURCES
@chapter Audio Sinks
@c man begin AUDIO SINKS
Below is a description of the currently available audio sinks.
@section anullsink
Null audio sink, do absolutely nothing with the input audio. It is
mainly useful as a template and to be employed in analysis / debugging
@c man end AUDIO SINKS
@chapter Video Filters
@c man begin VIDEO FILTERS
When you configure your FFmpeg build, you can disable any of the
existing filters using --disable-filters.
The configure output will show the video filters included in your
Below is a description of the currently available video filters.
@section blackframe
Detect frames that are (almost) completely black. Can be useful to
detect chapter transitions or commercials. Output lines consist of
the frame number of the detected frame, the percentage of blackness,
the position in the file if known or -1 and the timestamp in seconds.
In order to display the output lines, you need to set the loglevel at
least to the AV_LOG_INFO value.
The filter accepts the syntax:
@end example
@var{amount} is the percentage of the pixels that have to be below the
threshold, and defaults to 98.
@var{threshold} is the threshold below which a pixel value is
considered black, and defaults to 32.
@section copy
Copy the input source unchanged to the output. Mainly useful for
testing purposes.
@section crop
Crop the input video to @var{out_w}:@var{out_h}:@var{x}:@var{y}.
The parameters are expressions containing the following constants:
@table @option
@item E, PI, PHI
the corresponding mathematical approximated values for e
(euler number), pi (greek PI), PHI (golden ratio)
@item x, y
the computed values for @var{x} and @var{y}. They are evaluated for
each new frame.
@item in_w, in_h
the input width and heigth
@item iw, ih
same as @var{in_w} and @var{in_h}
@item out_w, out_h
the output (cropped) width and heigth
@item ow, oh
same as @var{out_w} and @var{out_h}
@item n
the number of input frame, starting from 0
@item pos
the position in the file of the input frame, NAN if unknown
@item t
timestamp expressed in seconds, NAN if the input timestamp is unknown
@end table
The @var{out_w} and @var{out_h} parameters specify the expressions for
the width and height of the output (cropped) video. They are
evaluated just at the configuration of the filter.
The default value of @var{out_w} is "in_w", and the default value of
@var{out_h} is "in_h".
The expression for @var{out_w} may depend on the value of @var{out_h},
and the expression for @var{out_h} may depend on @var{out_w}, but they
cannot depend on @var{x} and @var{y}, as @var{x} and @var{y} are
evaluated after @var{out_w} and @var{out_h}.
The @var{x} and @var{y} parameters specify the expressions for the
position of the top-left corner of the output (non-cropped) area. They
are evaluated for each frame. If the evaluated value is not valid, it
is approximated to the nearest valid value.
The default value of @var{x} is "(in_w-out_w)/2", and the default
value for @var{y} is "(in_h-out_h)/2", which set the cropped area at
the center of the input image.
The expression for @var{x} may depend on @var{y}, and the expression
for @var{y} may depend on @var{x}.
Follow some examples:
# crop the central input area with size 100x100
# crop the central input area with size 2/3 of the input video
# crop the input video central square
# delimit the rectangle with the top-left corner placed at position
# 100:100 and the right-bottom corner corresponding to the right-bottom
# corner of the input image.
# crop 10 pixels from the left and right borders, and 20 pixels from
# the top and bottom borders
# keep only the bottom right quarter of the input image
# crop height for getting Greek harmony
# trembling effect
"crop=in_w/2:in_h/2:(in_w-out_w)/2+((in_w-out_w)/2)*sin(n/10):(in_h-out_h)/2 +((in_h-out_h)/2)*sin(n/7)"
# erratic camera effect depending on timestamp
"crop=in_w/2:in_h/2:(in_w-out_w)/2+((in_w-out_w)/2)*sin(t*10):(in_h-out_h)/2 +((in_h-out_h)/2)*sin(t*13)"
# set x depending on the value of y
@end example
@section cropdetect
Auto-detect crop size.
Calculate necessary cropping parameters and prints the recommended
parameters through the logging system. The detected dimensions
correspond to the non-black area of the input video.
It accepts the syntax:
@end example
@table @option
@item limit
Threshold, which can be optionally specified from nothing (0) to
everything (255), defaults to 24.
@item round
Value which the width/height should be divisible by, defaults to
16. The offset is automatically adjusted to center the video. Use 2 to
get only even dimensions (needed for 4:2:2 video). 16 is best when
encoding to most video codecs.
@item reset
Counter that determines after how many frames cropdetect will reset
the previously detected largest video area and start over to detect
the current optimal crop area. Defaults to 0.
This can be useful when channel logos distort the video area. 0
indicates never reset and return the largest area encountered during
@end table
@section drawbox
Draw a colored box on the input image.
It accepts the syntax:
@end example
@table @option
@item x, y
Specify the top left corner coordinates of the box. Default to 0.
@item width, height
Specify the width and height of the box, if 0 they are interpreted as
the input width and height. Default to 0.
@item color
Specify the color of the box to write, it can be the name of a color
(case insensitive match) or a 0xRRGGBB[AA] sequence.
@end table
Follow some examples:
# draw a black box around the edge of the input image
# draw a box with color red and an opacity of 50%
@end example
@section fade
Apply fade-in/out effect to input video.
It accepts the parameters:
@var{type} specifies if the effect type, can be either "in" for
fade-in, or "out" for a fade-out effect.
@var{start_frame} specifies the number of the start frame for starting
to apply the fade effect.
@var{nb_frames} specifies the number of frames for which the fade
effect has to last. At the end of the fade-in effect the output video
will have the same intensity as the input video, at the end of the
fade-out transition the output video will be completely black.
A few usage examples follow, usable too as test scenarios.
# fade in first 30 frames of video
# fade out last 45 frames of a 200-frame video
# fade in first 25 frames and fade out last 25 frames of a 1000-frame video
fade=in:0:25, fade=out:975:25
# make first 5 frames black, then fade in from frame 5-24
@end example
@section drawtext
Draw text string or text from specified file on top of video using the
libfreetype library.
To enable compilation of this filter you need to configure FFmpeg with
The filter also recognizes strftime() sequences in the provided text
and expands them accordingly. Check the documentation of strftime().
The filter accepts parameters as a list of @var{key}=@var{value} pairs,
separated by ":".
The description of the accepted parameters follows.
@table @option
@item fontfile
The font file to be used for drawing text. Path must be included.
This parameter is mandatory.
@item text
The text string to be drawn. The text must be a sequence of UTF-8
encoded characters.
This parameter is mandatory if no file is specified with the parameter
@item textfile
A text file containing text to be drawn. The text must be a sequence
of UTF-8 encoded characters.
This parameter is mandatory if no text string is specified with the
parameter @var{text}.
If both text and textfile are specified, an error is thrown.
@item x, y
The offsets where text will be drawn within the video frame.
Relative to the top/left border of the output image.
The default value of @var{x} and @var{y} is 0.
@item fontsize
The font size to be used for drawing text.
The default value of @var{fontsize} is 16.
@item fontcolor
The color to be used for drawing fonts.
Either a string (e.g. "red") or in 0xRRGGBB[AA] format
(e.g. "0xff000033"), possibly followed by an alpha specifier.
The default value of @var{fontcolor} is "black".
@item boxcolor
The color to be used for drawing box around text.
Either a string (e.g. "yellow") or in 0xRRGGBB[AA] format
(e.g. "0xff00ff"), possibly followed by an alpha specifier.
The default value of @var{bgcolor} is "white".
@item box
Used to draw a box around text using background color.
Value should be either 1 (enable) or 0 (disable).
The default value of @var{box} is 0.
@item ft_load_flags
Flags to be used for loading the fonts.
The flags map the corresponding flags supported by libfreetype, and are
a combination of the following values:
@table @var
@item default
@item no_scale
@item no_hinting
@item render
@item no_bitmap
@item vertical_layout
@item force_autohint
@item crop_bitmap
@item pedantic
@item ignore_global_advance_width
@item no_recurse
@item ignore_transform
@item monochrome
@item linear_design
@item no_autohint
@item end table
@end table
Default value is "render".
For more information consult the documentation for the FT_LOAD_*
libfreetype flags.
@item tabsize
The size in number of spaces to use for rendering the tab.
Default value is 4.
@end table
For example the command:
drawtext="fontfile=FreeSerif.ttf: text='Test Text': x=100: y=50: fontsize=24: fontcolor=yellow@@0.2: boxcolor=red@@0.2: box=1"
@end example
will draw 'Test Text' with font FreeSerif of size 24 at position
(100,50), text color is yellow, and draw a red box around text. Both
the text and the box have an opacity of 20%.
Note that the double quotes are not necessary if spaces are not used
within the parameter list.
For more information about libfreetype, check:
@section fifo
Buffer input images and send them when they are requested.
This filter is mainly useful when auto-inserted by the libavfilter
The filter does not take parameters.
@section format
Convert the input video to one of the specified pixel formats.
Libavfilter will try to pick one that is supported for the input to
the next filter.
The filter accepts a list of pixel format names, separated by ":",
for example "yuv420p:monow:rgb24".
Some examples follow:
# convert the input video to the format "yuv420p"
# convert the input video to any of the formats in the list
@end example
@section frei0r
Apply a frei0r effect to the input video.
To enable compilation of this filter you need to install the frei0r
header and configure FFmpeg with --enable-frei0r.
The filter supports the syntax:
@end example
@var{filter_name} is the name to the frei0r effect to load. If the
environment variable @env{FREI0R_PATH} is defined, the frei0r effect
is searched in each one of the directories specified by the colon
separated list in @env{FREIOR_PATH}, otherwise in the standard frei0r
paths, which are in this order: @file{HOME/.frei0r-1/lib/},
@file{/usr/local/lib/frei0r-1/}, @file{/usr/lib/frei0r-1/}.
@var{param1}, @var{param2}, ... , @var{paramN} specify the parameters
for the frei0r effect.
A frei0r effect parameter can be a boolean (whose values are specified
with "y" and "n"), a double, a color (specified by the syntax
@var{R}/@var{G}/@var{B}, @var{R}, @var{G}, and @var{B} being float
numbers from 0.0 to 1.0) or by an @code{av_parse_color()} color
description), a position (specified by the syntax @var{X}/@var{Y},
@var{X} and @var{Y} being float numbers) and a string.
The number and kind of parameters depend on the loaded effect. If an
effect parameter is not specified the default value is set.
Some examples follow:
# apply the distort0r effect, set the first two double parameters
# apply the colordistance effect, takes a color as first parameter
# apply the perspective effect, specify the top left and top right
# image positions
@end example
For more information see:
@section gradfun
Fix the banding artifacts that are sometimes introduced into nearly flat
regions by truncation to 8bit colordepth.
Interpolate the gradients that should go where the bands are, and
dither them.
The filter takes two optional parameters, separated by ':':
@var{strength} is the maximum amount by which the filter will change
any one pixel. Also the threshold for detecting nearly flat
regions. Acceptable values range from .51 to 255, default value is
1.2, out-of-range values will be clipped to the valid range.
@var{radius} is the neighborhood to fit the gradient to. A larger
radius makes for smoother gradients, but also prevents the filter from
modifying the pixels near detailed regions. Acceptable values are
8-32, default value is 16, out-of-range values will be clipped to the
valid range.
# default parameters
# omitting radius
@end example
@section hflip
Flip the input video horizontally.
For example to horizontally flip the video in input with
ffmpeg -i in.avi -vf "hflip" out.avi
@end example
@section hqdn3d
High precision/quality 3d denoise filter. This filter aims to reduce
image noise producing smooth images and making still images really
still. It should enhance compressibility.
It accepts the following optional parameters:
@table @option
@item luma_spatial
a non-negative float number which specifies spatial luma strength,
defaults to 4.0
@item chroma_spatial
a non-negative float number which specifies spatial chroma strength,
defaults to 3.0*@var{luma_spatial}/4.0
@item luma_tmp
a float number which specifies luma temporal strength, defaults to
@item chroma_tmp
a float number which specifies chroma temporal strength, defaults to
@end table
@section noformat
Force libavfilter not to use any of the specified pixel formats for the
input to the next filter.
The filter accepts a list of pixel format names, separated by ":",
for example "yuv420p:monow:rgb24".
Some examples follow:
# force libavfilter to use a format different from "yuv420p" for the
# input to the vflip filter
# convert the input video to any of the formats not contained in the list
@end example
@section null
Pass the video source unchanged to the output.
@section ocv
Apply video transform using libopencv.
To enable this filter install libopencv library and headers and
configure FFmpeg with --enable-libopencv.
The filter takes the parameters: @var{filter_name}@{:=@}@var{filter_params}.
@var{filter_name} is the name of the libopencv filter to apply.
@var{filter_params} specifies the parameters to pass to the libopencv
filter. If not specified the default values are assumed.
Refer to the official libopencv documentation for more precise
Follows the list of supported libopencv filters.
@subsection dilate
Dilate an image by using a specific structuring element.
This filter corresponds to the libopencv function @code{cvDilate}.
It accepts the parameters: @var{struct_el}:@var{nb_iterations}.
@var{struct_el} represents a structuring element, and has the syntax:
@var{cols} and @var{rows} represent the number of colums and rows of
the structuring element, @var{anchor_x} and @var{anchor_y} the anchor
point, and @var{shape} the shape for the structuring element, and
can be one of the values "rect", "cross", "ellipse", "custom".
If the value for @var{shape} is "custom", it must be followed by a
string of the form "=@var{filename}". The file with name
@var{filename} is assumed to represent a binary image, with each
printable character corresponding to a bright pixel. When a custom
@var{shape} is used, @var{cols} and @var{rows} are ignored, the number
or columns and rows of the read file are assumed instead.
The default value for @var{struct_el} is "3x3+0x0/rect".
@var{nb_iterations} specifies the number of times the transform is
applied to the image, and defaults to 1.
Follow some example:
# use the default values
# dilate using a structuring element with a 5x5 cross, iterate two times
# read the shape from the file diamond.shape, iterate two times
# the file diamond.shape may contain a pattern of characters like this:
# *
# ***
# *****
# ***
# *
# the specified cols and rows are ignored (but not the anchor point coordinates)
@end example
@subsection erode
Erode an image by using a specific structuring element.
This filter corresponds to the libopencv function @code{cvErode}.
The filter accepts the parameters: @var{struct_el}:@var{nb_iterations},
with the same meaning and use of those of the dilate filter
@subsection smooth
Smooth the input video.
The filter takes the following parameters:
@var{type} is the type of smooth filter to apply, and can be one of
the following values: "blur", "blur_no_scale", "median", "gaussian",
"bilateral". The default value is "gaussian".
@var{param1}, @var{param2}, @var{param3}, and @var{param4} are
parameters whose meanings depend on smooth type. @var{param1} and
@var{param2} accept integer positive values or 0, @var{param3} and
@var{param4} accept float values.
The default value for @var{param1} is 3, the default value for the
other parameters is 0.
These parameters correspond to the parameters assigned to the
libopencv function @code{cvSmooth}.
@section overlay
Overlay one video on top of another.
It takes two inputs and one output, the first input is the "main"
video on which the second input is overlayed.
It accepts the parameters: @var{x}:@var{y}.
@var{x} is the x coordinate of the overlayed video on the main video,
@var{y} is the y coordinate. The parameters are expressions containing
the following parameters:
@table @option
@item main_w, main_h
main input width and height
@item W, H
same as @var{main_w} and @var{main_h}
@item overlay_w, overlay_h
overlay input width and height
@item w, h
same as @var{overlay_w} and @var{overlay_h}
@end table
Be aware that frames are taken from each input video in timestamp
order, hence, if their initial timestamps differ, it is a a good idea
to pass the two inputs through a @var{setpts=PTS-STARTPTS} filter to
have them begin in the same zero timestamp, as it does the example for
the @var{movie} filter.
Follow some examples:
# draw the overlay at 10 pixels from the bottom right
# corner of the main video.
# insert a transparent PNG logo in the bottom left corner of the input
movie=logo.png [logo];
[in][logo] overlay=10:main_h-overlay_h-10 [out]
# insert 2 different transparent PNG logos (second logo on bottom
# right corner):
movie=logo1.png [logo1];
movie=logo2.png [logo2];
[in][logo1] overlay=10:H-h-10 [in+logo1];
[in+logo1][logo2] overlay=W-w-10:H-h-10 [out]
# add a transparent color layer on top of the main video,
# WxH specifies the size of the main input to the overlay filter
color=red@.3:WxH [over]; [in][over] overlay [out]
@end example
You can chain togheter more overlays but the efficiency of such
approach is yet to be tested.
@section pad
Add paddings to the input image, and places the original input at the
given coordinates @var{x}, @var{y}.
It accepts the following parameters:
Follows the description of the accepted parameters.
@table @option
@item width, height
Specify the size of the output image with the paddings added. If the
value for @var{width} or @var{height} is 0, the corresponding input size
is used for the output.
The default value of @var{width} and @var{height} is 0.
@item x, y
Specify the offsets where to place the input image in the padded area
with respect to the top/left border of the output image.
The default value of @var{x} and @var{y} is 0.
@item color
Specify the color of the padded area, it can be the name of a color
(case insensitive match) or a 0xRRGGBB[AA] sequence.
The default value of @var{color} is "black".
@end table
For example:
# Add paddings with color "violet" to the input video. Output video
# size is 640x480, the top-left corner of the input video is placed at
# row 0, column 40.
@end example
@section pixdesctest
Pixel format descriptor test filter, mainly useful for internal
testing. The output video should be equal to the input video.
For example:
format=monow, pixdesctest
@end example
can be used to test the monowhite pixel format descriptor definition.
@section scale
Scale the input video to @var{width}:@var{height} and/or convert the image format.
For example the command:
./ffmpeg -i in.avi -vf "scale=200:100" out.avi
@end example
will scale the input video to a size of 200x100.
If the input image format is different from the format requested by
the next filter, the scale filter will convert the input to the
requested format.
If the value for @var{width} or @var{height} is 0, the respective input
size is used for the output.
If the value for @var{width} or @var{height} is -1, the scale filter will
use, for the respective output size, a value that maintains the aspect
ratio of the input image.
The default value of @var{width} and @var{height} is 0.
@section setpts
Change the PTS (presentation timestamp) of the input video frames.
Accept in input an expression evaluated through the eval API, which
can contain the following constants:
@table @option
@item PTS
the presentation timestamp in input
@item PI
Greek PI
@item PHI
golden ratio
@item E
Euler number
@item N
the count of the input frame, starting from 0.
the PTS of the first video frame
tell if the current frame is interlaced
@item POS
original position in the file of the frame, or undefined if undefined
for the current frame
previous input PTS
previous output PTS
@end table
Some examples follow:
# start counting PTS from zero
# fast motion
# slow motion
# fixed rate 25 fps
# fixed rate 25 fps with some jitter
setpts='1/(25*TB) * (N + 0.05 * sin(N*2*PI/25))'
@end example
@section settb
Set the timebase to use for the output frames timestamps.
It is mainly useful for testing timebase configuration.
It accepts in input an arithmetic expression representing a rational.
The expression can contain the constants "PI", "E", "PHI", "AVTB" (the
default timebase), and "intb" (the input timebase).
The default value for the input is "intb".
Follow some examples.
# set the timebase to 1/25
# set the timebase to 1/10
#set the timebase to 1001/1000
#set the timebase to 2*intb
#set the default timebase value
@end example
@section slicify
Pass the images of input video on to next video filter as multiple
./ffmpeg -i in.avi -vf "slicify=32" out.avi
@end example
The filter accepts the slice height as parameter. If the parameter is
not specified it will use the default value of 16.
Adding this in the beginning of filter chains should make filtering
faster due to better use of the memory cache.
@section transpose
Transpose rows with columns in the input video and optionally flip it.
It accepts a parameter representing an integer, which can assume the
@table @samp
@item 0
Rotate by 90 degrees counterclockwise and vertically flip (default), that is:
L.R L.l
. . -> . .
l.r R.r
@end example
@item 1
Rotate by 90 degrees clockwise, that is:
L.R l.L
. . -> . .
l.r r.R
@end example
@item 2
Rotate by 90 degrees counterclockwise, that is:
L.R R.r
. . -> . .
l.r L.l
@end example
@item 3
Rotate by 90 degrees clockwise and vertically flip, that is:
L.R r.R
. . -> . .
l.r l.L
@end example
@end table
@section unsharp
Sharpen or blur the input video.
It accepts the following parameters:
Negative values for the amount will blur the input video, while positive
values will sharpen. All parameters are optional and default to the
equivalent of the string '5:5:1.0:0:0:0.0'.
@table @option
@item luma_msize_x
Set the luma matrix horizontal size. It can be an integer between 3
and 13, default value is 5.
@item luma_msize_y
Set the luma matrix vertical size. It can be an integer between 3
and 13, default value is 5.
@item luma_amount
Set the luma effect strength. It can be a float number between -2.0
and 5.0, default value is 1.0.
@item chroma_msize_x
Set the chroma matrix horizontal size. It can be an integer between 3
and 13, default value is 0.
@item chroma_msize_y
Set the chroma matrix vertical size. It can be an integer between 3
and 13, default value is 0.
@item luma_amount
Set the chroma effect strength. It can be a float number between -2.0
and 5.0, default value is 0.0.
@end table
# Strong luma sharpen effect parameters
# Strong blur of both luma and chroma parameters
# Use the default values with @command{ffmpeg}
./ffmpeg -i in.avi -vf "unsharp" out.mp4
@end example
@section vflip
Flip the input video vertically.
./ffmpeg -i in.avi -vf "vflip" out.avi
@end example
@section yadif
Deinterlace the input video ("yadif" means "yet another deinterlacing
It accepts the optional parameters: @var{mode}:@var{parity}.
@var{mode} specifies the interlacing mode to adopt, accepts one of the
following values:
@table @option
@item 0
output 1 frame for each frame
@item 1
output 1 frame for each field
@item 2
like 0 but skips spatial interlacing check
@item 3
like 1 but skips spatial interlacing check
@end table
Default value is 0.
@var{parity} specifies the picture field parity assumed for the input
interlaced video, accepts one of the following values:
@table @option
@item 0
assume bottom field first
@item 1
assume top field first
@item -1
enable automatic detection
@end table
Default value is -1.
If interlacing is unknown or decoder does not export this information,
top field first will be assumed.
@c man end VIDEO FILTERS
@chapter Video Sources
@c man begin VIDEO SOURCES
Below is a description of the currently available video sources.
@section buffer
Buffer video frames, and make them available to the filter chain.
This source is mainly intended for a programmatic use, in particular
through the interface defined in @file{libavfilter/vsrc_buffer.h}.
It accepts the following parameters:
All the parameters need to be explicitely defined.
Follows the list of the accepted parameters.
@table @option
@item width, height
Specify the width and height of the buffered video frames.
@item pix_fmt_string
A string representing the pixel format of the buffered video frames.
It may be a number corresponding to a pixel format, or a pixel format
@item timebase_num, timebase_den
Specify numerator and denomitor of the timebase assumed by the
timestamps of the buffered frames.
@item sample_aspect_ratio.num, sample_aspect_ratio.den
Specify numerator and denominator of the sample aspect ratio assumed
by the video frames.
@end table
For example:
@end example
will instruct the source to accept video frames with size 320x240 and
with format "yuv410p", assuming 1/24 as the timestamps timebase and
square pixels (1:1 sample aspect ratio).
Since the pixel format with name "yuv410p" corresponds to the number 6
(check the enum PixelFormat definition in @file{libavutil/pixfmt.h}),
this example corresponds to:
@end example
@section color
Provide an uniformly colored input.
It accepts the following parameters:
Follows the description of the accepted parameters.
@table @option
@item color
Specify the color of the source. It can be the name of a color (case
insensitive match) or a 0xRRGGBB[AA] sequence, possibly followed by an
alpha specifier. The default value is "black".
@item frame_size
Specify the size of the sourced video, it may be a string of the form
@var{width}x@var{heigth}, or the name of a size abbreviation. The
default value is "320x240".
@item frame_rate
Specify the frame rate of the sourced video, as the number of frames
generated per second. It has to be a string in the format
@var{frame_rate_num}/@var{frame_rate_den}, an integer number, a float
number or a valid video frame rate abbreviation. The default value is
@end table
For example the following graph description will generate a red source
with an opacity of 0.2, with size "qcif" and a frame rate of 10
frames per second, which will be overlayed over the source connected
to the pad with identifier "in".
"color=red@@0.2:qcif:10 [color]; [in][color] overlay [out]"
@end example
@section movie
Read a video stream from a movie container.
It accepts the syntax: @var{movie_name}[:@var{options}] where
@var{movie_name} is the name of the resource to read (not necessarily
a file but also a device or a stream accessed through some protocol),
and @var{options} is an optional sequence of @var{key}=@var{value}
pairs, separated by ":".
The description of the accepted options follows.
@table @option
@item format_name, f
Specifies the format assumed for the movie to read, and can be either
the name of a container or an input device. If not specified the
format is guessed from @var{movie_name} or by probing.
@item seek_point, sp
Specifies the seek point in seconds, the frames will be output
starting from this seek point, the parameter is evaluated with
@code{av_strtod} so the numerical value may be suffixed by an IS
postfix. Default value is "0".
@item stream_index, si
Specifies the index of the video stream to read. If the value is -1,
the best suited video stream will be automatically selected. Default
value is "-1".
@end table
This filter allows to overlay a second video on top of main input of
a filtergraph as shown in this graph:
input -----------> deltapts0 --> overlay --> output
movie --> scale--> deltapts1 -------+
@end example
Some examples follow:
# skip 3.2 seconds from the start of the avi file in.avi, and overlay it
# on top of the input labelled as "in".
movie=in.avi:seek_point=3.2, scale=180:-1, setpts=PTS-STARTPTS [movie];
[in] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, [movie] overlay=16:16 [out]
# read from a video4linux2 device, and overlay it on top of the input
# labelled as "in"
movie=/dev/video0:f=video4linux2, scale=180:-1, setpts=PTS-STARTPTS [movie];
[in] setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, [movie] overlay=16:16 [out]
@end example
@section nullsrc
Null video source, never return images. It is mainly useful as a
template and to be employed in analysis / debugging tools.
It accepts as optional parameter a string of the form
@var{width} and @var{height} specify the size of the configured
source. The default values of @var{width} and @var{height} are
respectively 352 and 288 (corresponding to the CIF size format).
@var{timebase} specifies an arithmetic expression representing a
timebase. The expression can contain the constants "PI", "E", "PHI",
"AVTB" (the default timebase), and defaults to the value "AVTB".
@section frei0r_src
Provide a frei0r source.
To enable compilation of this filter you need to install the frei0r
header and configure FFmpeg with --enable-frei0r.
The source supports the syntax:
@end example
@var{size} is the size of the video to generate, may be a string of the
form @var{width}x@var{height} or a frame size abbreviation.
@var{rate} is the rate of the video to generate, may be a string of
the form @var{num}/@var{den} or a frame rate abbreviation.
@var{src_name} is the name to the frei0r source to load. For more
information regarding frei0r and how to set the parameters read the
section "frei0r" (@pxref{frei0r}) in the description of the video
Some examples follow:
# generate a frei0r partik0l source with size 200x200 and framerate 10
# which is overlayed on the overlay filter main input
frei0r_src=200x200:10:partik0l=1234 [overlay]; [in][overlay] overlay
@end example
@c man end VIDEO SOURCES
@chapter Video Sinks
@c man begin VIDEO SINKS
Below is a description of the currently available video sinks.
@section nullsink
Null video sink, do absolutely nothing with the input video. It is
mainly useful as a template and to be employed in analysis / debugging
@c man end VIDEO SINKS