diff --git a/proguard.pro b/proguard.pro index 7e09a64a7..7f0cfcdcb 100644 --- a/proguard.pro +++ b/proguard.pro @@ -1,6 +1,36 @@ -injars baritone-1.0.0.jar -outjars Obfuscated + +-keepattributes Signature +-keepattributes *Annotation* + +-optimizationpasses 20 +-verbose + +-allowaccessmodification # anything not kept can be changed from public to private and inlined etc +-mergeinterfacesaggressively +-overloadaggressively +-dontusemixedcaseclassnames + +# instead of obfing to a, b, c, obf to baritone.a, baritone.b, baritone.c so as to not conflict with mcp +-flattenpackagehierarchy +-repackageclasses 'baritone' + +#-keep class baritone.behavior.** { *; } +#-keep class baritone.api.** { *; } +#-keep class baritone.* { *; } +#-keep class baritone.pathing.goals.** { *; } + +# setting names are reflected from field names, so keep field names +-keepclassmembers class baritone.Settings { + public ; +} + +# need to keep mixin names +-keep class baritone.launch.** { *; } + +# copy all necessary libraries into tempLibraries to build -libraryjars '/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/lib/rt.jar' -libraryjars 'tempLibraries/1.12.2.jar' @@ -46,29 +76,8 @@ -libraryjars 'tempLibraries/mixin-0.7.8-SNAPSHOT.jar' -libraryjars 'tempLibraries/launchwrapper-1.12.jar' --keepattributes Signature --keepattributes *Annotation* --optimizationpasses 20 --verbose --allowaccessmodification --mergeinterfacesaggressively --overloadaggressively --flattenpackagehierarchy --repackageclasses --dontusemixedcaseclassnames - --overloadaggressively - --repackageclasses 'baritone' - --keep class baritone.behavior.** { *; } --keep class baritone.api.** { *; } --keep class baritone.* { *; } --keep class baritone.pathing.goals.** { *; } - --keep class baritone.launch.** { *; } # Keep - Applications. Keep all application classes, along with their 'main' # methods.