OD: Originating domain (where the controllable DNS "tree" starts) Public OD: redxen.eu Local OD: redxen.localhost Machine format (): .. Familiar format (): .. SRV records: .routinginfo.OD ( / ).routinginfo.OD .( / ).routinginfo.OD Machine identifier: .OD Familar identifier: .OD SRV records are based on a per-service or/and per-host base. rDNS: points to familiar identifier Familiar names are going to be canonical names to machine formats and the machine formats SHOULD have no overlapping. The familiar format .OD may contain all the records for the children of that tree. Examples for records: jh4128da.nbg1-dc3.hetzner.redxen.eu IN A # Here the ID is provided by hetzner for the specific machine. # This ID doesn't change over the lifetime of the machine. arisu.nurnberg.hetzner.redxen.eu IN CNAME "jh4128da.nbg1.hetzner.redxen.eu" IN PTR "arisu.nurnberg.hetzner.redxen.eu" mumble.routinginfo.redxen.eu IN SRV 64738 "arisu.nurnberg.hetzner.redxen.eu" # Querying the mumble service across all servers