#!/bin/bash ## Functions function maitenance { echo -e "${BLUE}Removing stopped containers...${NC}" docker container prune -f echo -e "${BLUE}Pruning unused images...${NC}" docker image prune -f echo -e "${BLUE}Pruning unused volumes...${NC}" docker volume prune -f } function getlatest () { curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/${1}/releases/latest | grep -oP '"tag_name": "\K(.*)(?=")' } ## Pre-/Suf- fix function pa () { php artisan ${1} } ## Pre-/Post- execute function start { echo -e "\n${BLUE}Starting services: ${NC}" svc-handler "start" echo -e "\n${BLUE}Starting containers: ${NC}" dc-handler "start" } function stop { echo -e "\n${BLUE}Stopping containers: ${NC}" dc-handler "stop" echo -e "\n${BLUE}Stopping services: ${NC}" svc-handler "stop" } function status { echo -e "\n${BLUE}Services: ${NC}" svc-handler "status" echo -e "\n${BLUE}Containers: ${NC}" dc-handler "status" } ## Handlers ## Service handler function svc-handler () { for i in "${services[@]}"; do case "$1" in start) if (( $(echo "${servicelist}" | grep -c "$i") > 0 )); then echo -e "${BLUE}Service $i was already running! ${NC}" else if (systemctl start "$i" > /dev/null 2>&1); then echo -e "${GREEN}Started service $i succesfully! ${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}Failed to start service $i! ${NC}" fi fi ;; stop) if (( $(echo "${servicelist}" | grep -c "$i") > 0 )); then if (systemctl stop "$i" > /dev/null 2>&1); then echo -e "${GREEN}Stopped service $i succesfully! ${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}Failed to stop service $i! ${NC}" fi else echo -e "${BLUE}Service $i is already stopped! ${NC}" fi ;; status) if (( $(echo "${servicelist}" | grep -c "$i") > 0 )); then echo -e "${GREEN}Service $i is up and running! ${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}Service $i is stopped! ${NC}" fi ;; esac done } ## Docker handler function dc-handler () { for i in "${containers[@]}"; do if (( "${dockerstatus}" > 0 )); then case "$1" in start) if (( $(echo "${dockercont}" | grep -c "$i") > 0 )); then echo -e "${BLUE}Container $i was already up and running! ${NC}" else if (docker start "$i" > /dev/null 2>&1); then echo -e "${GREEN}Started container $i succesfully! ${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}Failed to start container $i! ${NC}" fi fi ;; stop) if (( $(echo "${dockercont}" | grep -c "$i") > 0 )); then if (docker stop --time=20 "$i" > /dev/null 2>&1); then echo -e "${GREEN}Stopped container $i succesfully! ${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}Failed to stop container $i! ${NC}" fi else echo -e "${BLUE}Container $i was already stopped! ${NC}" fi ;; status) if (( $(echo "${dockercont}" | grep -c "$i") > 0 )); then echo -e "${GREEN}Container $i is up and running! ${NC}" else echo -e "${RED}Container $i is stopped! ${NC}" fi ;; esac elif (systemctl -q is-active docker); then echo -e "${RED}An error has occured, we are sorry!" else echo -e "${RED}Docker is stopped, cannot perform check!" fi done } ## Streamlined functions function update () { case "$1" in panel) cd /var/www/pterodactyl || exit pa "down" curl -L https://github.com/pterodactyl/panel/releases/download/"${panelversion}"/panel.tar.gz | tar --strip-components=1 -xzv curl -L https://github.com/RXCommunity/RedXen-Panel/archive/"${themeversion}".tar.gz | tar --strip-components=1 -xzv chown -R www-data:www-data ./* chmod -R 755 storage/* bootstrap/cache composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader pa "view:clear" pa "cache:clear" pa "config:cache" pa "migrate --force" pa "db:seed --force" pa "p:migration:clean-orphaned-keys -n" pa "up" ;; bot) cd /root/yagpdb || exit git pull https://github.com/jonas747/yagpdb master cd ./yagpdb_docker || exit docker-compose build --force-rm --no-cache --pull docker-compose up -d ;; cloud) docker pull nextcloud docker stop nextcloud docker rm nextcloud docker run -d --name nextcloud -p --link nx-database -v /var/nx/nextcloud-config:/var/www/html -v /var/nx/cloud-data:/var/www/html/data nextcloud ;; dev) cd /var/www/rxdev || exit git pull https://github.com/RXCommunity/Homepage dev ;; home) cd /var/www/rxhome || exit git pull https://github.com/RXCommunity/Homepage master ;; forum) /var/discourse/launcher rebuild forum ;; esac } ## Definitions services=( "pteroq" "nginx" "wings" "php7.2-fpm" "docker" "cachet-monitor" "telegraf" "grafana-server" ) containers=( "forum" "sourcebans" "nx-database" "nextcloud" "yagpdb_docker_app_1" "yagpdb_docker_db_1" "yagpdb_docker_redis_1" "pterodactyl-db" "ptero-redis" "cachet-docker_cachet_1" "cachet-docker_postgres_1" "influxdb" "grafana-storage" ) panelversion=$(getlatest "Pterodactyl/panel") themeversion=$(getlatest "RXCommunity/RedXen-Panel") dockercont=$(docker ps) servicelist=$(systemctl list-units --type=service --state=active | grep -oe ".*\.service") dockerstatus=$(systemctl status | grep -c docker) ## Colors NC='\033[0m' RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' BLUE='\033[0;34m' ## Main run case "$1" in "start") start;; "stop") stop;; "restart") stop; start;; "status") status;; "update") update "$2";; "maitenance") maitenance;; *) echo -e "${RED}That command does not exist!${NC}";; esac